ericsson node b commissioning and integration

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  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


    ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration 

    Node B Commissioning and Integration

    1  Preparation

    1.1  Laptop with the below software installed

    1.2  Cable and accessories

    1.3  Node B Scripts and License

    1.4  Test Phone

    2  Node B Commissioning Process Summary

    3  Node B Commissioning

    3.1  Format DUW

    3.2  Transfer the Basic software package to NodeB

    3.3  Restart Node B with basic software

    3.4  Run Cabinet Equipment Wizard

    3.5  Run OAM Wizard

    3.6  Run Site Equipment Configuration

    3.7  Run Iub Transport script

    3.8  Activating Integration Unlock

    3.9  Run HS/EUL script

    3.10  Changing the RUW power to 60 Watts

    3.11  Installation of the License Key File

    3.12  Creation of Configuration Version.

    1.  PreparationThis section mentions the software and test tools required to do the RBS integration.

    1.1.  Laptop with the below software installed 1. Tera Term Version 4.61

    2. Filezilla Client) or any other FTP client3. FileZilla Serer Version !.".31(FTP Serer)4. #$S %lement &ana'er P. *aa1.6.!+14,re-614-/in0o/s-i6-s6. #$S 6!!! $asic Sot/are P.1.6

    1.2.  Cable and accessories 1.  Serial to #*4 cale

    2.  S$ to Serial 50aptor3.  57 cale

    1.3.  Node B Scripts and License  Total o inte'ration scripts are se0 0rin' the #$S inte'ration.1+Cainet.8ml2+95&.8ml3+Site+%:ipment.8ml4+;'ration nloc? is man0atory. @ithot the license> =le orinte'ration nloc? the+

  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


    5ny phone /hich is capale o the 0isplayin' the cell inormation (e'A T%&SB Phones/ith 7etmon)

    2.  7o0e $ Commissionin' Process Smmary

    2.1.  Format !"

    2.2.  #nstall Basic pac$a%e P&.1.'2.3.  (estart the Node B in the basic software2.4.  ()n Cabinet *+)ipment "i,ard2.-.  ()n /0 "i,ard2.'.  ()n Site *+)ipment wi,ard2.&.  ()n #) Script2..  /ctiate inte%ration )nloc$ 2..  ()n 5S*! Script2.16.  Chan%in% the (!" power to '6 "atts2.11.  #nstallin% the license $e7 8le

    2.12.  Creatin% a Con8%)ration 9ersion.3.  7o0e $ Commissionin'

    This section explains in detail the steps mentioned in the previous section.

    3.1.  Format !" Connect the serial cale to the !"T # port of $%& and run Tera Term software."a'e sure that (ou see the command prompt )

    Pt the 7o0e $ in $ac?p mo0eB y issin' the ollo/in' comman0.reloa0

  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


    &e can chec' the directories within the *odeB ( issuingols

    Since the +c2 is not automaticall( mounted, we will have to manuall( mount the drive ( issuing thefollowing command.mount-c2vols

  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


    7o/ /e /ill procee0 /ith the ormattin' o the har0 0ries >c2 an0 >0. Thecomman0s to 0othe ormat is 'ien elo/.ormath0 >c2  ormath0 >0

    9nce the ormat is 0oneB reloa0 the #$S. 5ter this is 0oneB /e a'ain moe to theac? p mo0e to start the con='ration. This is 0one y issin' a reloa0 D comman0

     The ne8t step is to procee0 /ith settin' the ;P a00ress in the no0e$. The comman0isse0 isicon=' le! 16".24.1.1 netmas? 2.2.!.!

    Set the ;P a00ress in yor laptop to 16".24.1.2.&a?e sre that yo set the Eealt 'ate/ay ;P a00ress in the laptop /ithot /hichthe inte'ration scripts /ill ail.

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    3.2.  Transfer the Basic software pac$a%e to NodeB.9pen an FTP client sch as Filezilla an0 connect to the #$S ;P a00ress 16".24.1.1thro'h &T $ port o E@

    &a?e sre yo select the root 0irectory >G at the #$S si0e.

     Transer >c2 an0 >0 0irectories to the #$S as sho/n elo/.

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    9nce the transer is complete0 ma?e sre the size o >c2 is 12"& an0 >0 is 3"&. This

    can e 0one y issin' the ols comman0

    3.3.  (estart Node B with basic software

    7o/ /e hae to restart the #$S /ith the asic sot/are. The comman0 to e isse0isreloa0. @ait till the #$S restart is complete0

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    @e lo'in to the #$S sin' the element mana'er sot/are. The local maintenance ;Pa00ress o the #$S 62!1 is al/ays 16".24.1.1.

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    Chec$in% the Fin%er print This section sho/s a series o screenshots on ho/ to chec? the =n'er print o the#$S. The =n'er print is se0 to 'enerate the license ?ey =le or the #$S.

    3.4.  ()n Cabinet *+)ipment "i,ard

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     The #$S is con='re0 /ith the cainet type /hen /e rn the Cainet e:ipment/izar0. 5lso some asic sector an0 ;P 0e=nitions are 0one in the Cainet e:ipmentcon='ration. The script to e rn is 1+Cainet.8ml.From the tools menB select Cainet %:ipment con='ration. @e can choose the/izar0 or the scripts option. Since cainet e:ipment con='ration is :ite simpleB/e /ill e rnnin' the /izar0 manally. Please ollo/ the screenshots elo/.

    Clic? 7e8t

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    Since /e are rnnin' the /izar0 manally clic? 7e8t. The #$S /ill procee0 /ith arestart an0 it is a normal ehaior. @ait or the restart to complete.

    9nce the restart is complete0B yo /ill see a screen as mentione0 elo/. Clic? 7e8t

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    ;n the ne8t screen yo /ill select the #$S cainet typeB ?ey in the cainetinormation an0 select the #a0io $il0in' loc?s or the sectors. @e /ill e sin' thera0io il0in' loc? #$$12+15. ;n this e8ample /e /ill e con='rin' t/o sectors.Clic? ne8t once 0one.

    ;n the ne8t pa'e yo /ill see the po/er spply an0 the attery con='ration. Hey inthe nmer o PSGs an0 the attery ac?p in 5mpere

  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


     The ne8t pa'e sho/s the ocal maintenance ;P a00ress an0 the snet mas?. The0ealt ;P a00ress or the #$S is 16".24.1.1 an0 netmas? is 2.2.!.!. Clic? ne8tonce 0one.

    Please con=rm the parameters an0 select the option to restart the #$S ater cainete:ipment con='ration.

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    9sere in the Teraterm that the #$S is startin' p in the ;nitial CV

    3.-.  ()n /0 "i,ard7o/ that the Cainet e:ipment con='ration is complete0B /e /ill rn the2+95&+Script.8ml thro'h the 95& 5ccess Con='ration @izar0. This /ill con='re95& ;P a00ressB the 95& V57B the 95& Iate/ay B 95& Snet mas?B the ; ;Pa00ress(ser Plane> Control Plane ;P)B the ; V57B the ; Iate/ay an0 the ;

    snet mas?. ;n a00ition to this /e /ill also 0e=ne the serer ;P a00resses speci=c toSin'tel.

  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


     To rn the 95& /izar0B rom the tools men select 95& access con='ration.

     Jo /ill see the screen elo/.

    Since /e /ill e sin' the 2+95&+Script.8ml select se Con='ration =le an0 ro/sethe =le rom the ol0er /here the 95& =le is store0.

  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


    nce the current configuration is loaded, clic' next.

      The ollo/in' screens sho/ the parameters that hae een 0e=ne0 thro'hor scripts.This screen shows the !ocal "aintenance /0 address and the sunet mas'.

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  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


     The ne8t screen sho/s the ne8t

  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


      The ne8t screen sho/s the 7TP serers or the time settin' in the#$S.

      The ne8t screen sho/s the 7et/or? Synchronization aailale. @e haecon='re0 t/o ;P Sync #eGs in the #$S. Thereore /e /ill see 2 entries here.

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  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


    3.'.  ()n Site *+)ipment Con8%)ration The ne8t step is to rn the Site %:ipment con='ration. @e /ill e rnnin'3+Site+%:ipment+script.8ml. The site e:ipment con='ration 0e=nes the site nameB nmer o carriers>sectorB0e=nes the e8ternal e:ipment sch as 5SCB an0 the ee0er cale settin's.To invo'e the Site equipment configuration, go to Tools Site 5quipment configuration.

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    Select the Site e:ipment =le 3+Site+%:ipment.8ml an0Clic? ne8t

     This screen sho/s the Site name an0 the lo'ical name.

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     The ne8t screen sho/s the S5 an0 the PS con='ration. S5 is crrently se0only or the 61!2 sites.

     The ne8t screen sho/s the Sector Eata ino incl0in' the latit0e an0 lon'it0e.

     The ne8t screen sho/s the Carrier con='ration on per sector asis.

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    The next screen shows the #SC configuration.

    The next screen defined the and at which the R%7s will operate.

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      The next screen shows the #ntenna feeder configuration.

    The following screen shows the parameter numhscoderesources and numeulresources. Set the parameters

    according to the requirement.

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    Confirm the parameters in the next screen ( clic'ing 6inish.

    nce the Site 5quipment configuration is done, (ou will see the following screen.

    3.&.  ()n #)b Transport script *ow we will proceed to run the 8-/ This will define the /u lin' towards the R*C

    From the tools men select #n Comman0 =le

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    From the screen elo/ select the ; script y clic?in' $ro/se.

    &a?e sre yo select K

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    9nce complete0 yo /ill see the ollo/in' messa'es.

    3..  /ctiatin% #nte%ration !nloc$ @e assme that 0rin' #$S inte'rationB /e 0o not hae the icense Hey =le. ;n theeent o not hain' the HFB /e can actiate a eatre calle0 K;nte'ration nloc?L. This eatre is conceptally similar to the K%mer'ency nloc?L eatre. 5ll the #$Ssot/are an0 har0/are licenses /ill e aailale or a ma8imm perio0 o 0ays. The a0anta'e o the eatre is that /e nee0 to toch the %mer'ency nloc? eatrethis reserin' it or emer'ency prpose0 an0 at the same time hae the samenctionality.  The comman0 to actiate inte'ration nloc? (to e 0one at Teraterm) is

      M license i actiate

  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


      The comman0 to chec? the stats o ;nte'ration nloc? (to e 0one at Teraterm) is

    M license i stats  0lease see the screenshots elow for details.

    3..  ()n 5S:*!L script This script is re:ire0 or the % eatres to /or? properly. ;t is an .mo script an0to rn it 'o to Tools N #n Comman0 =le

      Browse for the 9S+5%! script.

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    Clic? on K

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    &ost o Sin'tel #$S sites re:ire that the each carrier spports 3! @atts. Since /ehae con='re0 2 carriers per #@B /e /ill hae to set the total po/er o #@ to 6!@atts. Ths each carrier /ill hae a po/er o 3! @atts.  @e /ill hae to set the po/er or all the #@Gs in the #$S.

    From the &9& ie/ in the %lement &ana'e0B ro/se to the ollo/in'path

    &ana'e0%lement -O %:ipment-O#sSrac?-O#sSlot-O58Pl';nnitO#rEeiceIrop-OTpaEeiceSet-OTpaEeice

    ;n the &9 properties /in0o/ setma;Total)tp)tPower < '6Clic? on 5pply to con=rm the settin's.

    3.11.  #nstallation of the License =e7 File  5ter otainin' the icense Hey FileB /e /ill e procee0 /ith HFinstallation.

      9pen the FTP serer sot/are in yor laptop(sch as Filezilla Serer)

      Clic' on the %sers icon

      Select the ol0er /here the license ?ey =le is installe0.

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  • 8/17/2019 ERICSSON Node B Commissioning and Integration


    9nce all the 0etails are ?eye0 in cloc? on K%8ecteL.

    3.12.  Creation of Con8%)ration 9ersion.  $eore procee0in' /ith the creation o CV ma?e sre that there are noalarms in the #$S.

     To create the C, go to Software view in the 5lement "anager.

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    Go to the CV tab.

     Clic' on Create C. ;ou will see the following window.

    9nce the CV name an0 the operator comments are ?eye0 in clic? Create.

    &a?e sre that the create0 CV is isile in the CV list. ; it is not clic? reresh. Set theCV to startale an0 restart the #$S /ith the CV.

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