equipment used for laying acp and pccp

EQUIPMENT USED FOR LAYING ACP  Clip Spreader Motor Grader  Oil Distributor Paver (paver fnisher, asphalt fnisher, paving machine)  Paving Plant / asphalt plant oad eclaimers

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Clip Spreader Motor Grader 

 Oil Distributor Paver (paver fnisher, asphaltfnisher, paving machine)


Paving Plant / asphalt plant oad eclaimers

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Concrete plant, also !no"n as a #atch plant and a Mi$er Curb Machine


ead%&mi$ truc! (cement mi$er) Slip 'orm paver 

manual straigth edge vibrating screed Po"erloat 

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ibrator% Steel Drum compactor Pneumatic tired roller

Padded Drum Compactor Pull *%pe&Sheeps'oot 

Combination Compactors

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#ulldo+er heel loader 

Dump *ruc! ater tan! truc! 


Concrete screed Concrete vibrator

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Concrete cutter (hand&held cut&o- sa", a big "al!&behind sa")

#ar cutter 

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Chip spreader

-  A chip spreader lays down the aggregate on top of a bituminous binder which is then rolled by a


Road Grader

-  A grader is a machine with a long blade used to create a flat surface. Graders are commonlyused in the construction and maintenance of dirt roads and gravel roads. In the construction of

paved roads they are used to prepare the base course to create a wide flat surface for the asphalt

to be placed on.

- Capacities range from a blade width of 2.50 to .!0 m and engines from "!#!! $%&'25#

500 hp(.

Asphalt distributor

- Asphalt distributors are used to apply prime or tac$ coats on a surface in preparation for paving.

)hey are available in either truc$ mounted or trailer models and are considered the most

important piece of e*uipment on any asphalt surface treatment pro+ect. It consists of an insulated

tan$ with a heating system, a spray bar and uni*ue control system.

- Application of a prime or tac$ coat by the distributor is an eact science that re*uires

sophisticated e*uipment to ensure it produces a uniform spray

Asphalt paver

-  A paver &paver finisher, asphalt finisher, paving machine( is a machine used to lay asphalt on

roadways. It is normally fed by a dump truc$ which brings hot asphalt.

Paving Plant / asphalt plant

-  An asphalt plant is used for the manufacture of asphalt, macadam and other forms of coated road

stone, sometimes $nown as blac$top.

Road Reclaimers

- oad reclaimers pulveri/e the asphalt layer and mi it with the underlying base to stabili/e

deteriorated roadways. )he reclaimers can add asphalt emulsions or other binding agents during

pulveri/ation or during a separate mi pass.

Concrete batch plant

- A concrete plant, also $nown as a batch plant, is a plant that combines various ingredients to form

concrete. ome of these inputs include sand, water, aggregate &roc$s, gravel, etc.(, fly ash,potash, and cement. )here are two types of concrete plants1 ready mi plants and central mi

plants. A concrete plant can have a variety of parts and accessories, including but not limited to1

miers &either tilt-up or hori/ontal or in some cases both(, cement batchers, aggregate batchers,

conveyors, radial stac$ers, aggregate bins, cement bins, heaters, chillers, cement silos, batch

plant controls, and dust collectors &to minimi/e environmental pollution(.

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- )he center of concrete batching plant is the mier. )here are three types of mier, tilt, pan, and

twin shaft mier. )he twin shaft mier can ensure even miture of concrete and large output, while

the tilt mier offers a consistent mi with much less maintenance labor and cost.

Curb Machine

-  A curb machine ta$es concrete and creates a continuous curb and gutter.

 Transit mixer

-  A cement mier is a machine that homogeneously combines cement, aggregate &such as sand or

gravel(, and water to form concrete. A typical concrete mier uses a revolving drum to mi the


Slip form paver

Manual straight edge

Vibrationg screed

Poer !loat

Vibrator" compactor

- ibratory roller compactor is used to compact soil, gravel, concrete, or asphalt in the construction

of roads and foundations. It is widely used to compress the surface being rolled to ensure a

smooth, even surface. ibratory rollers are widely used for compacting asphalt pavements

because they achieve the re*uired densities faster.

Pneumatic tired roller

- 3neumatic tire compactors are used on small to medium si/e compaction +obs, primarily on

bladed, granular base materials. 3neumatics are not suited for high production, thic$ liftemban$ment compaction pro+ects.

- 4ne advantage that pneumatic compactors have is that there is little bridging effect between the

tires. )herefore, they see$ out soft spots which may eist in the fill. or this reason, they are

sometimes referred to as 6proof7 rollers.

- Another advantage is that pneumatic rollers can be used on both soil and asphalt so a road

building contractor can save by having one compactor for both stages of construction # base and


3added 8rum Compactor

- 3added drum compactors are usually applied to compact soil, gravel, concrete, or asphalt in the

construction of roads and foundations. )he pads are involuted to wal$ out of the lift without fluffing

the soil and tapered to help clean themselves.

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3ull )ype-heepsfoot

- 3ulled behind a machine, a sheepsfoot roller has almost hoof li$e structures protruding from a

roller to offer pinpoint pressure as in a herd of sheep was wal$ing across the field.

Combination Compactors

- Combination compactors are used for the compaction of asphalt base and sub-base courses for

medium and large road construction and road maintenance. ome compact rollers also use a

vibratory system on the front drum for density re*uirements and four pneumatic tires in the rear to

provide impermeability and smoothness of the material. Compacted material manipulated by the

four pneumatic tires helps in improving surface teture and reduce water intrusion.


%  A bulldozer  is a crawler  &continuous trac$ed tractor ( e*uipped with a substantial metal plate

&$nown as a blade( used to push large *uantities of soil, sand, rubble, or other such material

during construction or conversion wor$ and typically e*uipped at the rear with a claw-li$e

device &$nown as a ripper ( to loosen densely compacted materials.

&heel loader

- A loader  &bucket loader , front loader , front-end loader , payloader , scoop,shovel, skip

loader , or wheel loader ( is a heavy e*uipment machine used inconstruction and sidewal$

maintenance to move aside or load materials such asasphalt, demolition

debris, dirt, snow, feed, gravel, logs, raw minerals, recycled material, roc$, sand, woodchips, 

etc. into or onto another type of machinery &such as a dump truc$, conveyor belt, feed-

hopper, or railroad car (.


-  A dump truck &or, 9:, dumper; tipper truc$( is a truc$ used for transporting loose material

&such as sand, gravel, or dirt( for construction. A typical dump truc$ is e*uipped with an

open-bo bed, which is hinged at the rear and e*uipped with hydraulic pistons to lift the front,

allowing the material in the bed to be deposited &<dumped<( on the ground behind the truc$ at

the site of delivery.

&ater tan( truc(

- %ater truc$s are also in the construction industry which uses them for compaction and dustcontrol.

Concrete screeder

- Screed is a flat board, or a purpose-made aluminium tool, used to smooth concrete after it

has been placed on a surface. Also used to assist in leveling the application of plaster.

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Concrete vibrator

- Concrete vibrators consolidate freshly poured concrete so that trapped air and ecess water

are released and the concrete settles firmly in place in the formwor$. Improper consolidation

of concrete can cause product defects, compromise the concrete strength, and producesurface blemishes such as bug holes and honeycombing. An internal concrete vibrator is a

steel cylinder about the si/e of the handle of a baseball bat, with a hose or electrical cord

attached to one end. )he vibrator head is immersed in the wet concrete.

Concrete cutter

-  A concrete saw &often $nown as a consaw or road saw( is a power tool used for

cutting concrete,masonry, bric$, asphalt, tile, and other solid materials. It can be a small

hand-held cut-off saw, a big wal$-behind saw or other styles, and it may be powered by

gasoline, hydraulic or pneumatic pressure, or electric motors. )he saw blades used on

concrete saws are often diamond saw bladesto cut concrete, asphalt, stone, etc. Abrasivecut-off wheels can also be used on cut-off saws to cut stone and steel. )he

significant friction generated in cutting hard substances li$e concrete usually re*uires the

blades to be cooled to prolong their life and reduce dust.

#ar cutter

-  A bar cutter is a device typically used for cutting bars of metal. )here are many different

types of bar cutters, each one with its own variance in material and si/e capacities, along

with cut cleanness. )he most common type of bar cutter is an abrasive saw, but other

cutters, such as manual cutters and lasers, are commonly employed for certain applications.

=ach type of bar cutter has its own advantages and disadvantages and can only cut certaintypes of metal.