ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the italian weather service...

Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome (Italy) SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

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Page 1: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at

the Italian Weather Service

Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome (Italy)

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 2: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome


Current NWP system at CNMCA


CNMCA Hybrid ENKF setup

Impact studies on the CNMCA NWP system

Conclusions and developments

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 3: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome


Domain size 385 x 257

Grid spacing 0.25 Deg (28 km)

Number of layers 40

Time step and scheme 150 sec, split semi-implicit

Forecast range 72 hrs

Initial time of model run 00/12 UTC


L.B.C. update frequency 3 hrs

Initial state CNMCA 3D-PSAS

Initialization Digital Filter

External analysis None

Status Operational

Hardware IBM Power4

N° of processors used 32 (Model), 90 (Analysis)

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 4: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome


SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Domain size 465 x 385

Grid spacing 0.0625 (7 km)

Number of layers 35

Time step and scheme 40 s,3 time-lev split-expl

Forecast range 60 hrs

Initial time of model run 00 UTC

Lateral bound. condit. IFS

L.B.C. update frequency

3 hrs

Initial state EURO-HRM 3D-PSAS

Initialization Digital Filter

External analysis T,u,v, PseudoRH, SP

Special features Filtered topography

Status Operational

Hardware IBM P690 (ECMWF)

N° of processors 120

Page 5: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome


Intermittent (6-h) data assimilation cycle



2. A-synoptic: AMSUA rad, AMDAR-AIREP, AMV, Wind Profilers, QUIKSCAT-ERS2 scatt. winds

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 6: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome


xxPxxxyRxy bb


T HHJ 11



3D-PSAS objective analysis in (T,u,v,Pseudo RH,

Surf. Press.; Bonavita and Torrisi, 2005)

Parallel (MPI) minimization algorithm of the c.g.d. type of the cost function:

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 7: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

CNMCA NWP System Multivariate (T,u,v – Surf.

Press.,u,v) correlation functions in spherical geometry

Thermal wind - geostrophic constraint on analysis increments

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 8: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome


Known limitation of 3D-Var approach:Stationary forecast error covariances

Possible solution: Ensemble Kalman Filter (Evensen, 1994)

1. Limited computational cost w.r.t. Extended KF;2. Algorithmic simplicity w.r.t. 4DVar: does not require

development of a linear and adjoint model;3. It does not require linearized evolution of forecast error

covariances4. It may provide good initial perturbations for ensemble

forecasting SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 9: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome


… but

Limited ensemble size may lead to small ensemble spread

The analysis increments can only occur within the subspace spanned by Pb => O(Nensemble), i.e. very low dimensional w.r.t. model and observations degrees of freedom

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 10: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome


Possible remedies:

Hybrid EnKF (Hamill & Snyder, 2000; Etherton & Bishop, 2004):

Covariance spatial localization (Houtekamer & Mitchell, 2001)

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005


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Page 11: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

CNMCA Hybrid ENKF setup

24 Perturbed Obs. Members + reference member (unperturbed observations)

Analysis step at half model resolution (0.5°)

Ensemble used to correct only correlation part of covariance product

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005







staticf corrcorrVARP

Page 12: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

HEnKF data assimilation cycle

Member j 3DVAR / ENKF

using members i≠j

18 UTC Observations

Member j PerturbedObservations

6h Forecast

12 UTCB. C.

Member j 3DVAR / ENKFusing members i≠j

00 UTCObservations

Member j PerturbedObservations

6h Forecast

18 UTCB. C.

The reference run uses all members to compute the backgrounderror correlations and unperturbed observations.

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 13: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

CNMCA Hybrid ENKF setup

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Effect of flow-dependent background error covariances

Page 14: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

CNMCA Hybrid ENKF setup

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 15: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

CNMCA Hybrid ENKF setup

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 16: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

CNMCA Hybrid ENKF setup

Covariance spatial localization:

1. Horizontal decorrelation length Lc= 600 Km

2. Vertical decorrelation parameter Kp = 1

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

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Page 17: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

CNMCA Hybrid ENKF setup

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Effect of flow-dependent background error covariances (u-wind component 500 hPa)

Page 18: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

CNMCA Hybrid ENKF setup

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Effect of horizontal covariance localization (Temperature 500 hPa)

Page 19: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

CNMCA Hybrid ENKF setup

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Effect of horizontal covariance localization (v-wind component,500 hPa)

Page 20: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

CNMCA Hybrid ENKF setup

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Effect of vertical covariance localization

Page 21: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

Impact studies: Verification methodology

Comparison of forecasts produced from the analyzed fields with SYNOP and RAOB observations.

Page 22: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

Impact studies

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 23: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

Impact studies

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 24: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

Impact studies

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 25: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

Impact studies

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 26: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

Current CNMCA HEnKF forecast skill is overall comparable to pure 3DVAR assimilation.

HEnKF have been set up based on recent literature and heuristic assumptions.

Conclusions and future plans

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 27: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

Conclusions and future plans

Careful tuning of HEnKF parameter: , Lc, Kp

Use of ensemble covariances, not just correlations

System is intrinsically suitable for parallelization but still expensive in terms of billing units: Nensx(analysis and t+6h forecasts) ! further reduction of analysis resolution, but tradeoff with realistic covariance structures

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 28: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

Conclusions and future plans

Explore the possibility of using ensemble members for short range EPS

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005

Page 29: Ensemble data assimilation in an operational context: the experience at the Italian Weather Service Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi CNMCA-UGM, Rome

Thank you!

SREPS Workshop, Bologna 7-8 April 2005