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  • 8/2/2019 Englrza Examen AN2 Sem2


    1. The definition of success differs from person to person and field to field. One could take economicsuccess as a touchstone to label a person successful in life, ignoring his of her other failures, like

    divorce, health, inefficiency, etc. Others may look at a capacity for overcoming challenges, irrespective

    of what someone earns and the nature of their private life. So who is a successful person and who is a

    failure? Do school and college grades and examination results provide a way of predicting or ensuring

    future success? If that is true, then we should encourage as many young people as possible to go touniversity and work hard to gain formal qualifications. But is it true? Arent some college drop-outs like

    Bill Gates and Richard Branson hugely successful icons of success? And should we automatically

    consider the millions of young people who have not had the opportunity to gain academic certificates to

    be failures in life?2. Advertising has grown to be an industry worth many billions of dollars across the world. Almost all

    public space has some advertisements in sight and all forms of media, from newspapers to the internet,

    are also filled with adverts. Whilst this helps companies sell their produces, and helps consumers to

    learn what is on offer, many believe that this huge amount of advertising can be harmful. It may make

    people want too much, or things that they cannot have, or it might make them feel inadequate when

    they don't have something. Research shows that children can be particularly open to these kinds of risk.

    3. Almost every country has at least one state-owned broadcasting network alongside privately ownedcommercial rivals. Broadcasting was often begun by government initiative, with commercial radio and

    television following rather later, and almost everywhere the original networks remain in public

    ownership, funded by a license fee or by direct subsidy, while private broadcasters make money by

    selling advertising. Given the huge amount of privatisation of state-owned industries over the past

    twenty years, it seems surprising that broadcasting has stood apart from this trend. Is there something

    special about it that makes state ownership peculiarly beneficial, or should publicly owned broadcasters

    be sold off?4. Religion has always been one of the most influential forces in the world. It has been seen as a force for

    peace and harmony, but it has also served as a cause, if not a genuine reason, for some of the greatestwars. Today, with the growth of Muslim fundamentalism, the Western world views religious extremismas the great threat. The events of September 11 2001 proved that such concerns were justified; however,

    the war on terror led by the West caused resentment among those for whom Islam was a peacefulsource of spiritual stability. So what is religion today? Is it harmful or good? If it can be a source ofconflict, can it serve as an instrument of resolution as well?

    5. Although the U.K. has perhaps the best-known monarchy in the world, it is far from unique. WithinEurope, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain also function as constitutional

    monarchies, as do Japan and Thailand within Asia. Hereditary rulers in Africa and the Middle East (e.g.

    Morocco, Lesotho, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia) still retain a great deal of real power. Are these Heads of

    State anachronisms who should be swept away in the spirit of true democracy, or do they have much to

    commend them at a time when the leaders of many new republics still struggle to find popular


    6. A surrogate mother is a woman who carries and gives birth to a baby for another couple who are unableto have children in the normal way. This could be because the woman is unable to actually give birth, inwhich case the surrogate would carry the fertilised egg for the couple, or because the woman is not

    actually fertile, in which case the males sperm could be used to fertilise the surrogates egg by a

    surgical procedure. In the US, and in some other European countries it is legal for the surrogate to be

    paid for her role, in addition to expenses occurred. In the UK such payment is illegal, and indeed

    surrogacy itself is officially discouraged, by reports such as the Warnock report of 1984.7. Nowadays television plays a significant role not only in social and political life, acting as a tool for

    spreading information and forming peoples mentality, but also in the everyday life of individuals as a

    source of entertainment. It affects our minds and plays a role in shaping social changes. It is argued that

    this may be harmful as television shows more and more sex and violence, sacrifices the quality of the

    programs for the sake of commercial benefit and takes away the biggest part of our free time. On the

  • 8/2/2019 Englrza Examen AN2 Sem2


    other hand it is impossible to imagine the life of modern society without television, especially keeping

    in mind the crucial importance of spreading information around the globe.

    8.In the wake of the shocking events of 11 September 2001, terrorism and the war onterror became the number one issue for the US government. But terrorism has a far

    longer, more global history. Political, religious and national/ethnic groups haveresorted to violence to pursue their objectives whether full recognition of their equalcitizenship (in Apartheid South Africa), a separate national state of their own (Israelisin the 1940s, Palestinians from the 1970s onwards), or the establishment of areligious/ideological state (Iranian terrorism against the Shah). In some cases formerterrorists have made the transition to peaceful politics for example Nelson Mandelain South Africa and Gerry Adams in Northern Ireland. Is it possible to justify the use ofterrorist tactics if they result in the deaths of innocent civilians in bombings andshootings? This is an issue that calls into question the value we put on our ideals,beliefs and human life itself.

    9. Gun laws vary widely from country to country, so this topic focuses upon arguments for tightening gunlaws in principle. Particular debates might centre upon different categories of guns (for example

    automatic weapons, handguns or shotguns), licensing requirements for ownership, the right to carry

    concealed weapons, or requirements that manufacturers increase the safety features on their weapons.

    The USA is exceptional in protecting the right to own firearms in the Second Amendment to its

    Constitution, and gun control has been a major issue in American politics over the last few years, partly

    due to a series of tragic massacres involving children.10. In this topic Hollywood is used loosely to stand for the cultural products of the USA, so popular in the

    rest of the world; principally films, television programmes, music and global broadcasters such as CNN,

    Disney and MTV. The success of Hollywood is undoubted; in 1998 the 39 most successful movies were

    all American, and in Europe the domestic film industries struggle to hold even 30% of their national

    market share. The issue of Americas cultural influence is perhaps felt most profoundly in France,where President Jacques Chirac said in 1999 that France refused to consider cultural products like

    ordinary goods, subject solely to the law of the market. This attitude is reflected in large subsidies

    (over $500 million) to French creative industries and in laws which limit the amount of foreign material

    on television and in cinemas. Such cultural protectionism has become a major issue in WTO

    negotiations, it has also driven a number of states (e.g. Qatar, Russia, China, France) to sponsor

    international broadcasting operations to give a non-American media perspective.11. Nationalisms notoriety has risen in the last decade, as ethnic strife in the Balkans, parts of Africa and

    elsewhere is described in terms of rival nationalities. As a force, however, nationalism dates back to thebeginning of humankind. The current academic view is that national identities are purely a socialconstruction, reinforced through social norms and institutions. That has not stopped billions of peoplefrom proclaiming their nationalist sentiment, building states based upon national identity and taking up

    arms against those who would deny them it. Passing judgement on nationalism requires that oneexamine what people have been empowered to do through nationalist sentiment.

    12.It has long been accepted that natural resources are limited. Despite the efforts ofscientists to find more efficient ways of using what is already available, it has becomeclear that no amount of technology will completely solve the problem of limitedresources. Attention has therefore turned to the question of population growth it isfar easier to preserve the environment if our natural resources are shared amongfewer people. Environmental degradation will accelerate if the increase in the globalhuman population is not slowed down. Over the years, there has been a great deal ofdebate about whether large-scale contraception is the solution to the population

    explosion in the developing world. Debates about birth control can exist on two levels;on one level, there can be debate about whether the problem is serious enough to

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    merit some form of action. On the second level, the debate can discuss whethercontraception is an appropriate solution. In debate formats where there is somedefinitional leeway, any debate on solving the developing worlds population crisiscan be steered towards this topic, by using the definition to propose a policysupporting greater contraceptive use.

    13. In November 2002 The Observer reported that the British government was considering the use ofsurgically implanted electronic tags in convicted paedophiles, which could be used after release at the

    end of their sentence to track their whereabouts using satellite technology. The tags could also monitor

    heart rate and blood pressure, giving indication of the possibility of a potential attack. Tracker, the

    company which runs Britains largest stolen vehicle monitoring network, has been approached about

    paedophile monitoring, and Compaq has been asked to develop software for it - Compaq already

    provides similar technology to Nasa for remote monitoring of astronauts bodily functions.14. In the UK, Physical Education (PE) is compulsory in state schools until the age of 16 that is, that

    sports are compulsory for as long as education is compulsory. Every year, more and more parents

    complain to their childrens schools about PE; they believe that their children shouldnt have to

    participate in physical activity if they dont want to. Proponents of PE, however, believe that it is acrucial element of all-round schoolingand our societys well-being.

    15. Positive discrimination is the selection of a candidate for a position on the grounds of race, sex orcolour rather than merit alone. There are many ways this can be implemented. Some US police forces

    score all applicants and select between candidates of equal ability based on race. In the 1997 UK

    election Tony Blair created all-women shortlists in winnable seats. Some universities have quotas for

    candidates from ethnic minorities. The proposition can run the case in a number of ways. They could

    argue for legislation calling for the use of positive discrimination in the public sector or universities.

    Alternatively, for more of a challenge, they could argue that it is in the private sectors own interest to

    introduce positive discrimination.16. Teenage pregnancy is seen as a major social problem in many countries. As many of these unmarried

    mothers are 16 or younger and in full-time education, this raises the question about whether they shouldcontinue in school or be made to leave. If they should remain in education, should schools and

    education authorities have to pay for special facilities to support them, including crches to provide

    childcare while they are in class, etc.?17. The extent to which the media are legally free to investigate and publish details of public figures

    private lives varies from country to country. For example, France is much stricter on protecting personal

    privacy than Britain is. The debate has recently been given additional importance by the development of

    Human Rights law within Europe , as privacy is classed as a right under the European Convention of

    Human Rights, as well as by political scandals in France, Italy, Belgium, etc., which have highlighted

    the need to scrutinise public figures behaviour closely. The arguments below apply mostly to

    politicians and other public officials, for example judges and civil servants, but are also partially

    applicable to celebrities such as film and pop stars, footballers, etc.

  • 8/2/2019 Englrza Examen AN2 Sem2


    Definiia de succes difer de la persoan la persoan i un domeniu la altul. Una ar puteaavea succesul economic ca o piatr de ncercare pentru a eticheta o persoana de succes nvia, ignornd lui de alte eecuri ei, cum ar fi divorul, sntate, ineficiena, etc Alii pot uita-te la o capacitate pentru depirea provocrilor actuale, indiferent de ceea ce ctig cinevai naturade viaa lor privat.Deci, care este o persoan de succes i care este un eec? Nu

    rezultatele colare i colegiu clasele i examinare ofer o modalitate de a prevedea sau de aasigura succesul viitor? n cazul n care acest lucru este adevrat, atunci noi ar trebui sncurajeze ct mai muli oameni tineri ce este posibil pentru a merge la universitate i muncidin greu pentru a obine calificare.Dar este adevrat? Nu sunt unele colegiu drop-outprecum Bill Gates sau Richard Branson, icoane un succes enorm de succes? i ar trebui savem n vedere n mod automat milioane de tineri care nu au avut posibilitatea de a obinecertificate academice a fi eecuri n via?De publicitate a ajuns sa fie o industrie in valoare de multe miliarde de dolari n ntreagalume.Aproape tot spatiul public are unele reclame la vedere i toate formele de mass-media,de la ziare la internet, sunt, de asemenea, umplute cu anunuri.n timp ce acest lucru ajut

    companiile s i vnd lor produce, i ajut consumatorii s nvee ceea ce este pe oferta,muli cred c aceast sum uria de publicitate pot fi duntoare. Se poate face oameniidoresc prea mult, sau lucruri pe care ei nu pot avea, sau ar putea face sa se simtainsuficiente atunci cnd nu au ceva. Cercetrile arat c copiii pot fi deosebit de expus laaceste tipuri de risc.Aproape fiecare ar are cel puin o reea de radiodifuziune de stat alturi de rivali nproprietate privat comerciale. Audiovizualului a fost de multe ori nceput de iniiativaguvernului, cu radio comerciale i de televiziune n urma destul de trziu, i aproape pestetot n cadrul reelelor original rmn n proprietate public, finanat printr-o tax de licensau de subvenie direct, n timp ce posturile private a face bani prin vanzarea de

    publicitate.Avnd n vedere cantitatea imens de privatizare a industriilor de stat n ultimiidouzeci de ani, se pare surprinztor faptul c a stat de radiodifuziune n afar de aceasttendin. Exista ceva special despre el c face proprietatea statului deosebit de benefice,sau ar trebui s radiodifuzorii din sectorul public s fie vndute n afara?Religia a fost ntotdeauna una dintre forele cele mai influente din lume.Acesta a fost vzutca o for de pace i armonie, dar are, de asemenea, a servit drept o cauz, dac nu unmotiv real, pentru unele dintre cele mai mari rzboaie.Astzi, cu o cretere afundamentalismului musulman, lumea occidental opiniile extremismului religios ca mareameninare. Evenimentele din 11 septembrie 2001 a dovedit c astfel de preocupri au fostjustificate, ns, rzboiul mpotriva terorii condus de ctre Occident a provocat multeresentimente printre cei pentru care Islamul a fost o surs de stabilitate panicspirituale. Deci, ce este religia azi? Este duntoare sau bun?n cazul n care aceasta poatefi o surs de conflict, poate servi ca un instrument de rezoluie, precum?

    Desi Marea Britanie are probabil cel mai cunoscut monarhie din lume, este departe de a fiunic. n Europa, Danemarca, Suedia, Norvegia, Olanda, Belgia i Spania, de asemenea,funcioneaz ca monarhii constituionale, la fel ca Japonia i Thailanda n Asia.conductoriereditar n Africa i Orientul Mijlociu (de exemplu, Maroc, Lesotho, Kuweit, Arabia Saudit),pstreaz nc o mare putere real.Sunt aceste anacronisme efii de stat care ar trebui sfie mturat n spiritul democraiei adevrate, sau nu au de mult s-i recomande la un momentn care liderii de republici multe noi se lupt nc pentru a gsi legitimitii populare?

  • 8/2/2019 Englrza Examen AN2 Sem2


    O mam surogat este o femeie care poarta i d natere unui copil pentru un alt cuplu, caresunt n imposibilitatea de a avea copii n mod normal. Acest lucru ar putea fi, deoarecefemeia nu este n msur s dea de fapt natere, caz n care surogat ar transporta ovululfertilizat pentru cuplu, sau pentru c femeia nu este de fapt fertil, n care caz, sperma arputea fi folosit pentru a fertiliza ovulul surogat de printr-o procedura chirurgicala. In SUA, i n

    alte ri europene este legal pentru surogat care urmeaz s fie pltit pentru rolul ei, n plusfa de cheltuielile au avut loc.n astfel de plat din Marea Britanie este ilegal, i ntr-adevrsurogatului n sine este descurajat oficial, prin rapoarte cum ar fi raportul Warnock din 1984.

    In zilele noastre de televiziune joac un rol important nu numai n viaa social i politic,acionnd ca un instrument pentru diseminarea de informaii i formarea de mentalitateaoamenilor, dar i n viaa de zi cu zi a indivizilor ca o surs de divertisment. Aceastaafecteaz minile noastre i joac un rol n modelarea schimbrile sociale.Este susinut cacest lucru poate fi duntoare ca emisiunile de televiziune sex mai mult i violen, sacrificiicalitatea programelor de dragul de beneficii comerciale i ia departe cea mai mare parte dintimpul nostru liber. Pe de alt parte, este imposibil s ne imaginm viaa societii moderne,fr televizor, mai ales tinand cont de importana crucial de rspndire a informaiilor de peglob.9.n urma evenimentelor ocante din 11 septembrie 2001, a terorismului i a "rzboiuluimpotriva terorii" a devenit numrul unu problema pentru guvernul SUA.Dar terorismul are omult mai mare, istorie mai mult la nivel mondial. Politice, religioase i naionale / grupurietnice au recurs la violen vederea realizrii obiectivelor lor- dac recunoaterea deplin aceteniei lor egale (apartheid n Africa de Sud), un stat naional separat de propria lor(israelieni n 1940, palestinienii din anii 1970 ncoace) , sau stabilirea unui religios / ideologicde stat (terorismul iranian mpotriva Shah).n unele cazuri, fostul teroriti au fcut tranziia lapolitica panic - de exemplu, Nelson Mandela n Africa de Sud i Gerry Adams n Irlanda deNord. Este posibil pentru a justifica utilizarea de tactici teroriste n cazul n care duce lamoartea a civililor nevinovai n atentatele cu bomb i mpucturi? Aceasta este oproblem care pune sub semnul ntrebrii valoarea am pus pe pagina noastr de idealurile,credinele i viaa uman nsi.

    Legile Gun variaza larg de la o ar la alta, astfel nct acest subiect se concentreaza asupraargumente pentru nsprirea legilor pistol, n principiu. dezbateri speciale ar putea centru pediferite categorii de arme (de exemplu arme automate, pistoale sau puti), cerinele de

    acordare a licenelor pentru dreptul de proprietate, dreptul de a purta arme ascunse, saucerinele c productorii cretere elementele de siguran privind armele lor. Statele Uniteale Americii este excepional n protejarea dreptului la propria arme de foc n al doileaamendament la Constituie, i controlul armelor de foc a fost o problem major n politicaamerican a lungul ultimilor ani, parial din cauza unei serii de masacre tragicecare impliccopii.n acest subiect "Hollywood" este utilizat vag s stea pentru produsele culturale ale SUA, attde populare n restul lumii, n principal filme, programe de televiziune, muzic i radiodifuzoriiglobale, cum ar fi CNN, Disney i MTV. Succesul de la Hollywood este de necontestat, nanul 1998 cele 39 de filme cele mai de succes au fost toate americane, iar n Europa pe

    piaa intern lupta film industriilor de a organiza chiar 30% din cota lor de pianaional.Problema de influen cultural a Americii este, probabil, simte cel mai profund n

  • 8/2/2019 Englrza Examen AN2 Sem2


    Frana, unde preedintele Jacques Chirac a declarat n 1999 c Frana a refuzat "s ia nconsiderare produsele culturale ca mrfuri obinuite, sub rezerva exclusiv la legea pieei."Aceasta atitudine se reflect n subvenii mari (peste 500 milioane dolari), pentru aindustriilor creative francez i n legile care limiteaz cantitatea de material strin lateleviziune i n cinematografe.Astfel de protecionism culturale a devenit o problem major

    n cadrul negocierilor OMC, aceasta a condus, de asemenea, un numr de state (deexemplu, Qatar, Rusia, China, Frana), s sponsorizeze operaiuni internaionale deradiodifuziune pentru a da un non-american perspectiva mass-media.

    11 .Naionalismul notorietate a crescut n ultimul deceniu, dup cum conflicte etnice dinBalcani, pri din Africa i n alt parte este descris n termeni de naionaliti rivale.Ca ofor, cu toate acestea, naionalismul dateaz de la nceputul omenirii.Vizualizareacurent academic este faptul c identitatea naional sunt doar o construcie social,consolidat prin normele sociale i instituii.C nu a oprit miliarde de oameni de laproclamarea lor sentiment naionalist, construirea state pe baza identitii naionalei a firidicat armele mpotriva celor care le-ar nega aceasta.Trece hotrrea pe naionalismcere ca o examineze ceea ce oamenii au fost mputernicit s fac prin sentimentulnaionalist.

    12. Ea a fost mult timp acceptat faptul c resursele naturale sunt limitate. n ciudaeforturilor oamenilor de tiin pentru a gsi modaliti mai eficiente de utilizare a ceea ceeste deja disponibil, a devenit clar c nici o sum de tehnologie va rezolva completproblema resurselor limitate. Atentia sa transformat, prin urmare, la ntrebarea decretere a populaiei - este mult mai uor la protejarea mediului nconjurtor n cazul ncare resursele noastre naturale sunt mprite ntre mai puini oameni. Degradareamediului se va accelera n cazul n care creterea populaiei umane la nivel mondial nueste incetinita. De-a lungul anilor, a existat o mare dezbatere despre contracepie dac lascar larg este soluia la explozia populaiei n curs de dezvoltare. Dezbateri desprecontrolul naterilor poate exista pe doua niveluri; pe un singur nivel, nu poate fi dezbateredespre dac problema este suficient de grav pentru a merita o anumit form deaciune.La al doilea nivel, dezbaterea poate discuta dac contracepie este o soluieadecvat. Formate n dezbatere n cazul n care exist o marj de manevr definiii, oricedezbatere privind rezolvarea crizei din lume n curs de dezvoltare populaia poate fiorientat spre acest subiect, prin intermediul definiiei de a propune o politic de sprijiniremai mare utilizare contraceptive.

    13.n noiembrie 2002 The Observer semnalat faptul c guvernul britanic a fost avnd nvedere utilizarea de etichete electronice implantat chirurgical n pedofili condamnat, carear putea fi utilizat dup lansarea la sfritul sentinei lor pentru a urmri locul lor folosindtehnologia prin satelit. Tag-uri ar putea monitoriza, de asemenea, ritmul cardiac itensiunii arteriale, care indicaie de posibilitatea unui atac potenial.Tracker, companiacare ruleaza cel mai mare reea furate din Marea Britanie de monitorizare a vehiculului, afost abordat cu privire la monitorizarea pedofil, i Compaq a fost solicitat pentru adezvolta software pentru el - Compaq ofer deja tehnologie similar cu NASA pentru

    monitorizarea la distan a funciilorastronautilor "corporale.

  • 8/2/2019 Englrza Examen AN2 Sem2


    14. n Marea Britanie, Educaie Fizic (PE) este obligatorie n colile de stat pn lavrsta de 16 ani - care este, care sunt obligatorii pentru sport, atta timp ct nvmntuleste obligatoriu.n fiecare an, mai muli prini se plng n colile copiilor lor cu privire laPE, ei cred c copiii lor nu ar trebui s participe la activitatea fizic n cazul n care nudorii s.Susintorii PE, cu toate acestea, cred c este un element crucial de colarizare

    toate rotund - ia societii noastre de bine.

    15. Discriminarea pozitiva este alegerea unui candidat pentru o poziie pe motive deras, sex sau culoare, mai degrab dect singur merit.Exist multe modaliti de acestlucru poate fi pus n aplicare. Unor fore de poliie din SUA nscrie toi solicitanii iselectai dintre candidaii din capacitatea egal pe criterii de ras. n alegerile din 1997 dinMarea Britanie Tony Blair a creat toate femeile-in listele de locuri posibil dectigat.Unele universiti au cotele pentru candidaii care aparin minoritiloretnice. Propunerea poate rula cazul ntr-un numr de moduri. Ei ar putea argumentapentru legislaia de asteptare pentru utilizarea de discriminare pozitiv n sectorul publicsau universitilor. Alternativ, pentru mai mult de o provocare, ei ar putea argumenta ceste n interesul sectorului privat propriu de a introduce o discriminare pozitiv.

    16. Teenage sarcinii este vzut ca o problem social major n multe ri. Ca multedintre aceste mame necstoritesunt 16 sau mai tineri i n educaie full-time, aceastaridic ntrebarea dac acestea ar trebui s continue n coal sau s fie fcute splece. Dac ei ar trebui s rmn n domeniul educaiei, ar trebui s coli i autoritiledin domeniul educaiei trebuie s plteasc pentru facilitile speciale de a le sprijini,inclusiv creele de a oferi ngrijire n timp ce acestea sunt n clasa, etc?

    17. Msura n care mass-media sunt libere legal s investigheze i s publicedetalii din viaa figuri publice private variaz de la ar la ar. De exemplu,Frana este mult mai stricte privind protecia vieii private dect Marea Britanieeste. Dezbaterea a fost recent dat fiind importana suplimentare prindezvoltarea de legislaia privind drepturile omului n Europa, ca intimitateaeste clasificat ca fiind un drept n temeiul Conveniei Europene a DrepturilorOmului, precum i de scandaluri politice n Frana, Italia, Belgia, etc, care auevideniat necesitatea de a controla comportamentul persoanelor publice"strns.Argumentele de mai jos se aplic cea mai mare parte a politicienilor ialtor funcionari publici, de exemplu, judectorii i funcionarii publici, dar sunt,de asemenea, parial aplicabile celebriti, cum ar fi vedete de film i pop,fotbaliti, etc