english for palestine -...

اد اعد و مـــــــــــراجعة أ. ش ـــدي ػىاد اصشي أ. صفيح انحــــــم يسثي . أ تدليك أ.شيش ػطــــــــا شت اشراف أ. غاي ا . أض الفرا رياEnrichment Material ثرائيةدة الما ا 2016 - 2017 8 Second Term ينثااسي ا انفصم انذسEnglish for Palestine State of Palestine Ministry of Education and Higher Education Directorate of Education – East Khanyounis يونس مديرية شرق خان

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اعداد و مـــــــــــراجعة

ادي ػىادـــش.أ

أ. صفيح انًصشي

أ. َثيــــــم يسًح


ػطــــــــا ششيشأ.

حتت اشراف رياض الفرا أ. حيي األغا.أ

Enrichment Material المادة االثرائية

2016 - 2017

8 Second Term

انفصم انذساسي انثاَي

English for Palestine

State of Palestine

Ministry of Education and Higher Education

Directorate of Education – East Khanyounis

مديرية شرق خان يونس



Listen and complete the paragraph: -1

My name is …………… I am ………….. years old. I am ………… cm tall .

I have got………… brown hair. I like wearing long …………. and

…………… head.

Meaning Word

assistant يساػذ

centimeters وحذج لياط )سى(

crazy about يىنغ ب

dollar دوالس ػًهح أيشيكيح

grade يشحهح

just تانضثظ

smart أَيك

size حجى

coat يؼطف

comfortably يشيح

during خالل

gloves لفاصاخ

hard hat لثؼح سًيكح

safety تأياٌ

thick سًيك

uniform صي سسًي

Canada كُذا

Kuwait انكىيد

Mexico يكسيك


: What would you like to say in the following situations

1) When you see a nice shirt in a shop window, you ask the assistant about the price


2) When you want to offer polite help


3) When you want to give someone some thing


Complete the following dialogue:

Hadeel : Hello, …………………….?

Asma : …………., fine thanks.

Hadeel : …………………………….?

Asma : I often wear light clothes is summer.

Hadeel : Where do you usually go in summer?

Asma : We usually go to …………………….?

Hadeel : Goodbye, …………………….

Asma : …………………, Hadeel.

Complete the following mini dialogue:

1) Sami :………………………………………………………..?

Majed : I usually wear T. shirt ,short and trainers in summer .

2) Soha : …………………………………………………….?

Rola : They have to get size 32 .

questions:nswer the ead following passage then aR

: nswer the questions A –A

1- Why does Bill need a lot of different clothes?


2- Which is longer in Canada winter or summer?




I am Bill from Canada During our terrible ,long dark winter ,we have to wear sweater

and thick jackets and trouser when we want to go outdoors .But summer is completely

much more beautiful and warm .We can dress it'sdifferent .For three short months .

in thin T. shirt and jeans or shorts comfortably


Get from the -C : Put (T) OR ( F) -B

passage :

1-In Canada, the summer is as long as winter. ( )

2- Summer in Canada is only three month. ( )

3-Bill likes winter season . ( )

-The meaning of awful =…………… put clothes on =…………while =……………..

summer clothes ….......... ……… season ………………. :Find from the text

- adverb …………… adjective …………… pronoun …………. Infinitive ………

refer to …………………… ) it's( pronounThe underlined

much more comfortably can dress mean weThe underlined words


Fill in the gap :

1- Mahmoud has visited Amman six times ……………….the last year.

2- The police all wear the same …………………… .

3- All the players are very ………….to be in Palestinian national football team.

4- This jacket looks very ……………. ,but the other jacket looks even better .

5- Have you got the same sort of shirt as this, but in larger ……………, please .

6- New shoes often hurt your feet and are…………….for the first day or two.

Odd one out :

1- trainers Boots jeans shoes

2- gloves Coat shorts umbrella

3- light Heavy delicious thick

4- fast Well good Hard

5- proudly comfortable smartly Nicely

Opposite Word


in door






Country Summer clothes Winter clothes


Proud –during – uniform –smart - uncomfortable –size - comfortable

Gloves –shirt –short –jacket –Canada –Kuwait-Gaza –scarf- thick hat – dress –

America –skirt – T. shirt - sweater


Choose the correct answer:

1- The blue coat isn’t as …………………as the white one.

( expensive –more expensive –most expensive )

2- Workers in companies do things more …………than they did before.

( careful –carefully –care ) .

3- Dinosares were the …..animals. ( frightening –more frightening –most frightening ) .

4- Policemen do their job …………. ( well-will –good ) .

5- How …………is this car ? ( many –much –a lot of ) .

6- Husam is the …………………. in the family. ( fat –fatter –fattest )

Correct the mistake :

1. In summer it is hot in any other season. (………………………….)

2. Sometimes the weather is bad in summer than in the winter. (………………………….)

3. Ameer is not as better at English as Maha. (………………………….)

(………………………….) .as I can now goodas could cook I -4

Re write the sentences use not as …..as

1-Sara works hard leena works hard too.


2- Ali is better than the other players.


3-Maha is not more carefully she is today.


Comparison of adverb

Adjective tell us more about noun .*

*We use comparative form of adj to

compare things .

Superlative Comparative

The+adj+est Adj+er+than Short


The +adj+est The adj+est Long


Remember there is some irregular

good better than the best

bad worse than the worst

to say that two as adj as*we use

things are the same.

to say that not as adj aswe use *

two things are different .

Adverb usually tell us more about verb*

*Adverb often come from adj

regular adj proud \proudly

adj ended (y) tidy \tidily

adj ended (able) terrible \terribly

irregular adv (hard-fast-late-early)

*we use comparative forms of adv to

compare action

Most like ( more and most)*

*Some short adv like( hard- fast- early-late)

They have comparative forms like

er \ est adj

*We can compare action like

)not( as ….as with adv

the worst-worse-badlyare adb

the best–better than –well are oodg

Comparison of adjective


4-Bill does not get up earlier in summer than in winter.


Compare between these cars:

1- The smart looks ……………..of all.

2- The classical goes ……………than the smart.

3- The lion is ………………..as the classical .

4- The smart is ………………the classical .

:Complete these sentences putting the adjectives in the right order

A) She is wearing a ___________ ________ __________ blouse. (beautiful /long/ blue)

B) My mum likes ______ _______ skirts. (short / nice )

C) I never wear ______ ________ _________scarves. (flowery/ pink/ big)

Complete the tables :

Adverb Adjective






arrange : -Re

1- wears- Soha- her- uniform- proudly.


2- Salwa –long –jacket –red –nice –wearing –is


3- safe –better –sorry –than


4- can –We –ourselves-as –protect –as- well


How good does it look?

How expensive is it?

How fast does it go ?

The classic The lion The smart

Superlative Comparative Adjective






Use one word instead of the following words :

1- (…………………………….) special clothes for work or school.

2- (…………………………….) people use this coins in different part of the world.

3- (…………………………….) A place where can I buy vegetables or fruit.

4- ( ……………………………) Inside it a lot of books just for sell .


1- english is spoken in america england and other countries


2- huda dosent go to school early


: questions se Answer the

1- When do we wear warm clothes?................................................................................

2- Where do people buy bread? …………………………………………………………

3- Does your father wear a uniform at work? ……………………………………………..

Write a short paragraph about your favuorite seasons. Attempt the following


*How many seasons are there in a year?

*What are they?

* What is your favorite season?

* Why do you like it?

* What sort of clothes do you wear in this season?





:lost childRead the following notes and write a public announcement about a

Ali Sameer Name

8 Age

Blue T. shirt, dark blue

jeans, white trainers

Description: clothes

120 c.m tall, dark brown


Description: appearance

We are looking for a child who was lost in the shopping center. His name is…………………


…………………………………………………………………………….." If you see Ali

please, bring him to the shopping center"


Nationality country American America

Brazilian Brazil

Chinese China

Indian India

Italian Itali

Japanese Japan

Kuwaiti Kuwait

Russian Russia

Meaning in Arabic Word

can ػهثح صفيح

carton ػهثح كشذىٌ

each كم

Ground meat نحى يفشوو

jar تشطًاٌ

list لائًح

liter نرش

regular ػادج

Tomato paste صهصح طًاطى

tub وػاء

climate جى

export يصذس

Import يسرىسد

probably ستًا

produce يُرج

quality جىدج

quantity كًيح

spaghetti سثاجيري

Wheat لًح



: What would you say in the following situation

1-You want your friend to lend you his camera


2-Your sister is not studying hard for final exam


3-You're going to bed at 11 o'clock you say to your father


4-You ask the teacher about the meaning of the word


Complete the following dialogue:

Noha : can you go with me to the beach ?

Soha : sorry I can't I will visit my uncle .

Noha : ……………………………………?

Soha : he lives in Rafah .

Noha : who will you go with ?

Soha : ……………………………………

Noha : …………………………………….?

Soha ; we will stay for a week .

:Read following passage then answer the questions

Answer the following questions:

1- How is the climate in Kuwait?


2- Which country produce the most wheat?


3- What does Palestine export?


4- Is spaghetti made from wheat?


Brazil grows a lot of high-quality coffee but not tea we do not import tea from

Japan theirs is green not black when you next go shopping look at some

packets of tea you will probably read that the tea is from India.

Canada and Russia grow a lot of wheat and export some but the use grows and

exports huge quantities perhaps you had some bread for breakfast this morning

or spaghetti last night well the wheat was probably American.

In china olives are not part of the culture so farmers there do not grow them

Kuwait is a desert country and the climate is bad for olive trees there are not

many olives from there however Palestine climate is just right we produce and

export a lot of olives and olive oil and the quality is excellent.


Put (T) or (F):

1- Canada produces a lot of wheat but not as much as America does. ( )

2- Palestine produces more olive oil than all the Arab countries nearest it. ( )

3- Palestine doesn't have good climate for olive tree. ( )

Get from the passage:

Match the country in (A) to the what its produce in (B)


Hasn’t get a good climate for olive trees America

Produce a lot of wheat but not as much as America does Palestine

Grows a lot of high quality coffee Kuwait

Produce the most wheat Canada

His climate is just right to produce olive trees Brazil

Fill in the gap:

1- Palestine produces the highest …………………..of olive oil in the world .

2- The USA and Canada produce a lot of ………………….

3- Our rice …………………..comes from Australia .

4- Almost all countries buy and ………………..things from other countries .

5- Could you buy a large ………………..of ice cream ,please ?

What – quality – probably – tub – import – export

The opposite of tiny ……………

very bad ……………

little ……………

export ………………

whole ………………

low ,………..

good ----------

The underlined word refers to

Line 2 there is green


What the underlined word means 1- Olives are not part of the culture


Kuwait is a desert country

The meaning of may be -------------

weather -------------

plant -------------

good ---------------

amount ------------

how good --------------


Match "A" with "B"

"A" "B"

1 tub land with sea all around it

2 ice fully grown and ready to eat.

3 import sell to another country

4 export buy from another country.

5 ripe frozen water.

6 island a small container for holding food

7 corn Flying fast and high in the sky

8 soaring Something that people grow and use for food

:rd pairs from list them complete the sentences Form wo

paste - olive - oil - tomato - ground - legs - lemon - meat - chicken

- juice - cream

1- You can get different sort of ---------- like chocolate and leman

2- Some people think the -------------- are the best part of the bird

3- We produce a lot of ---------------- in Palestine and we use it to cook all sorts of dishes

4- People add --------------- when they cook meat dishes for example

Odd one out :

1- bag juice tray box

2- jam milk ice-cream orange

3- Gaza Canada Brazil America

4- rice tea juice coffee

Countable noun and Un countable noun

.with singular countable noun an-aWe use

countable nouns and with -Un in affirmative statements with someWe use

plural countable noun.

countable noun and with plural -in negative statement with un anyWe use

countable noun.

countable noun and -with un so questionN /esYin open anyWe usually use

plural countable noun

When we ask about quantity

with un countable How muchy with countable noun and How manWe use

We can use many and much in negative statements.


Choose the correct answer

1- There isn’t------- juice in the fridge

2- How ------- pencils do you have

3- I really like ------- juice

4- Coffee is made ------- coffee beans

5- I need ---------- orange now

Correct the underlined words

……………………. /brothers or sisters someHave you got -1

………………………. apple every day theI have -2

? ……………………….oranges are there muchHow -3

……………………… made from wheat areBread -4

………………………. ?teaa Do you like to drink -5

……………………… of orange juice cartonI bought three -6

Do as show between bracket

1- Could you turn on……………. light. please? (use an article)

2-There is some ground meat in the tray…………………………… …………….. (use any)

3-There are three cartons of milk on the table………………………. (make a question)

4-The are some books on the shelf……………………………………(change into negative)

the \some \an \Use a A – Yesterday. I met ---------------- girl . ---------------- girl is called Heba

B – There is --------------------- orange juice in the fridge

C- He holds ------------------ umbrella because it's raining

D- ------------- sun rise in the east

E- Al-Mokaber is --------------- mountain in Palestine

F- I had ------------- egg and -------------- bread for breakfast.

:Punctuate i d prefer the orange please


arrange: -Re

much- How- you- need- oil- do ?


Write a short story paragraph about Palestine using this table:

Import Export Produce

Machines olive oil olive, olive oil

Tea flower citrus

rice, wheat citrus flower

Start like this: Palestine has a good climate. It produces ………………………………


It exports ………………………………………………………………..

………………………. Palestine imports……………………………….



A-*Think of planning a class picnic with your friends.

B- * Work with partners ask and answer these questions.

1-When could it be ?

2-Where could you go ?

3-What are you going eat and drink ?

4-What would you do on the picnic ?

C-*Write your report about what you are going to do

.What an amazing picnic day Start your report like this ..












Listening Today Gaza isn’t free ,and it can't reach out to the world . It is the most crowded place in the world. The

1948 catastrophe also forced a million of Palestinian refugees into this very small area .However , this is

only one point of history , and Gaza remains as it always was a sea port at the crossroads of three

continents . One day , it will again be free and open to the world and again be a great city of trade and

travel .

Meaning in Arabic Word

Backpack حميثح ظهش

Beard رلٍ

Centre يشكض

Curly يجؼذ

Glasses َظاساخ

Moustache شاسب

Side تجاَة

Straight يسرميى

Wife صوجح

Area يُطمح

Construct يثُي

Crop يحصىل

Deep ػًيك

Hotel فُذق

Human being انثشش

Back home in Palestine.

A – Put (T) or (F):

1 – Gaza is the least crowded place in the world. ( )

2 – In 1999 Palestinians were forced to leave their land. ( )

3 – Gaza is a great city of trade and travel. ( )

B - Choose the correct answer :

1 – The number of Palestinians refugees in 1948 was ………….

(1 million – 7 million – 10 million)

2 – Gaza is at the crossroads of …………….. continents.

(four – two – three)



1- Complete the conversation.

Beard – Dad moustache photo who look Al-Aqsa

Nadia: Look. My family emailed me a …….. from Jerusalem.

Tina: Oh, let me have a ………

Nadia: They have visited ……………… mosque.

Tina: ………is the one near Dome of the Rock?

Nadia: The one with a moustache or the …….?

Tina: With the …….

Nadia: That's my ………………

2-Match A with B


1- Jericho is the green city which That’s Hazem.

2- It is thru that Fuad is a farmer He's the one behind the garden.

3- The brother with glasses and a beard. Stands between Jerusalem and Amman.

4- Who's the boy with a backpack? Yes, he has a farm near Jericho.

5- Where's your brother, Rami? Looks quite young.


Read the following passage then answer the questions.

Read and mark the sentences true ( ✔ ) or false.(✘)

1- The Dead Sea is the lowest Place on earth. ( )

2- Jericho is a small city, which stands the Red Sea. ( )

3- Jericho is very cold in winter months. ( )

4- The Dead Sea is a famous salt lake that is 400 metres below sea level. ( )

Jericho is a small city which stands in a deep valley between Jerusalem and Amman,

near the Dead Sea. This is a famous salt lake that is 400 metres below sea level and

is the lowest place on Earth. Jericho is most popular with tourists in the warm winter

months. There are hotels for these visitors and a lot of the people who live there work

important in this area. With large quantities of water and a warm climate, this part of

Palestine is an excellent place to grow bananas and various other fruit and vegetable,

crops – including, of course, dates from all the palms. With its water and warm

climate, human beings first started visiting the area 12,000 years ago. There were

many people who chose to remain, and they became some of the world’s first

farmers. These were also the people that 500 years later constructed the first city in

the world. Later, it had a high tower and stone walls which were almost four meters

high. Tourists love seeing those walls today. They are a window on our most ancient



Answer the following questions:

1- What crops grow well in the area?


2-When is the best time to visit Jericho?


3- Is Jericho cold in winter?


4- Why is Jericho an excellent place to grow various crops?

… ………………………………………………………………………….

5-What is the oldest city in the world?


Get from the text:

1- The opposite of: cold x……….. low x ………… modern x……….

2- The meaning of: like………… well known………….. different……..

3-The underlined pronoun ( this ) refers to :……………………..

4-The best title for this passage is : ………………………………………………………

Vocabulary and structure

Finish the following sentences with one of the words in the list.

curly backpacks area glasses construct hotels various crops moustache

1- The council plans to ……..two new schools.

2- He's shaved off his ……….

3- He has long dark ……….. hair.

4- Are there many ………….that grow well round here?

5- What are you putting in these two …………..?

6- I wear ………… when I read.

7- A valley is an ………………….. between two mountains.

8- Tourists usually stay in ……………………..

9- Palestine exports …………………crops like olives, strawberry and flowers.

Choose the correct answer:

1-The boy ( with – near – next to ) short grey hair is Hazem.

2-They are at a beautiful place (with – near - over ) Jericho.

3-Jake was the one ( whose – who – which) went swimming in the Dead Sea.

4-My brother is the one ( with – in - of) black jacket.

5-Who is the boy ( next to – of - with) a backpack.

6-Dates are one of many crops( whose – who – which) grow well in this area.

7-There are a lot of people ( whose – which – who) work in tourism in Jericho.

8- The teacher (which – who – what) teaches us Arabic is really wonderful.


9- I still remember the stories (where – that - when) I read when I was young.

Complete the table:

Noun thing Noun person








Change from nouns to pronouns when you can:

1- I'm looking for Fareeda and Mahmoud. Farida's in a blue dress ………..

2-My friend Ali is abroad. Ali is studying medicine. ………..

3- I have two brothers. My brothers are good. ……………

4- My teacher is a good teacher. I really respect my teacher………..

5- Tina is in grade 8 and her friends love Tina ……………

6- This is my book. I know it's my book from the writing inside. ………

Do as shown between brackets:

1-farmer – driver – teacher – dancing . ( odd one out.)

2-Aunt Rania is the one ……… a red jacket . ( complete)

3- city – a small – valley – is – a deep – Jericho – stands – which – in .( rearrange)


4-my brother ahmed has emailed my a family photo ( punctuate)


5-Her friends like the party (who – which – where) she made yesterday.( choose)

6-Loai is clever boy. Loai always gets high marks. ( join with who)


7- Rafah is a beautiful city who stands in the north of Palestine.( correct)


8-Look at that person in glasses.( correct)



Answer these questions to form a paragraph.

1- What is your favorite city?

2- Where does it stand?

3- Why do you like it?

4- What famous crops do farmers grow?

5- What are the most famous places in it?






Noun person Noun activity









Mean Word all right حسىب

Bride عروس

congratulations تهىئت

DVD اسطىاوتDvd

Follow يتبع

Full ممتلئ-شبعبن

groom عريس

guest ضيف

As مثل

celebrate يحتفل

custom عبدة

dough عجيىت

hold يحمل

husband زوج

guest ضيف

purpose غرض

ring خبتم

spirit روح

stick يلصق

Scotland اسكتلىدا

Spain اسببويب

The Philippines الفلبيه

A Palestinian wedding



Match A with B.


1- Would you like another cake? I'd prefer tea.

2- Who'd like to watch our cousin's wedding DVD? Congratulations!

3- What about drinking coffee? Yes, please. I'd love another one.

4- Ali's wedding will be in March. Thanks, but I'd prefer to play a video


What would you say in the following situations:

1. When you congratulate someone.


2. When you offer a cup of tea to someone.


3. When you accept the offer you say.


4. When you want something else.


Read the following passage then answer the questions.

Read and mark the sentences true ( ✔ ) or false.( ✘ )

1-Wedding customs are the same in all cultures. ( )

2-In Philippines, the bride and her assistants must all wear the same dresses( )

3-The wedding is a happy event. ( )

4-Agroom in Scotland gives his bride some money.( )

Answer these questions : 1-Why does the Palestinian bride stick some bread dough?


Everyone loves a wedding, but people celebrate weddings in a thousand different ways.

Here are some of the most interesting customs before the wedding: In the Philippines, the

bride and her assistants must all wear the same dresses to stop bad spirits from finding the

bride and carrying her away.

At the wedding: A groom in Spain gives his bride her wedding ring and then a little money

: In At the wedding party. will work hard for everything they need hein order to show that

Scotland, people only eat half of the cake at the wedding. They keep the other to eat when

the first child arrives..

After the wedding: to show that she and her husband will stay together all their

lives.Round the world, wedding customs are very different, but they are all for the same

purpose: to put a man and a woman on the road to a happy future together as husband and



2- Why does the groom give his bride her wedding ring and a little money?


3-What is the purpose of the wedding customs all over the world?


4-Why do people in Scotland only eat half of the cake at the wedding?


Find from the passage: The meaning of: 1-various=…………..2-kid=………….

3-only=…..………….. 4- 1000=……….

The opposite of: 1- hate x………………2- different x …………

3- takes x……...………4- bad x ……….…..

The underlined pronoun ( he ) refers to : …………………………….

The best title for this passage is : ………………………………………

Vocabulary and structure

Finish the following sentences with one of the words in the list.

guests husband celebrate congratulations Groom stick full

1-That's our cousin on the horse. He's the ………….

2-We invited 200 ……………, and they've all come!

3-I can't eat anything. I'm really……………

4-Mrs. Nabil lives with her ………. in Rafah.

5-Muslims ……………. Eid al-Fitr at the end of Ramadan.

6-…….…………..! You have succeeded in the exam.

7- We can …………… the broken pieces together again.

Choose the correct answer: 1-………….. you like a cup of milk? ( what – who - would)

2-I………. prefer a cup of coffee. ( had – did – would )

3- I sleep early …….……..get up early.( so – in order to - of )

4- Would you like to …………the DVD?( watch – watching - watched)

Complete the table:

Singular Plural Singular Plural

country ……………. ……………. men

wife ………….. half ………..

box …………… …………….. knives

…………… children story ………….

day …………… century …………….

Do as shown between brackets:. 1-She want to go to the party, so she bought a new dress. (Use: in order to)


2-They want to hide the bride from bad spirits, so they all wear the same dresses. (Use: in order to)



3-The women are singing, and the mans are dancing…………..(correct )

4-Would you like to have a cup of tea? (Accept )


5-In Palestine, the bride sticks some ………..…….. to the front door of her new home.(complete)

6- I'd prefer played computer games………………(correct)

7- century – country – way – library .( odd one out )

Writing. Punctuate the following:.

1- would you like another cake yes please


2- in scotland people only eat half of the cake at the wedding



1-Should – in order to – get – study – you – hard – marks – high.


2- watch – The DVD – wants – to – she.




-Listen and circle

check counselor date of birth given name

personal details student wrong zero

Speaking Complete the conversation.

given name - personal details - may I help you - grade 8 - 13years - my son

Mr. Osama: Good morning. Kamal Nasser Prep. School.

Parent : Good morning. I'm Ahmed Hassan calling from Ramallah.

Mr. Osama: And how........................................................?

Parent : I want to ask if you have a place for......................in your school.

Mr. Osama: First, I need to write down some...............................What's your son’s...............................?

Parent : Khaled.

Mr. Osama: What grade is he?

Parent : he’s..........................................

Mr. Osama: And what age is he?

Parent : ................................................

Mr. Osama: Ok. I'll talk to the School Principal, and then call you tomorrow.

Meaning in Arabic Word

Check يفحص

Counselor يششذ

Personal details ذفاصيم شخصيح

Date of birth ذاسيخ انًيالد

Given name االسى

Student طانة

Wrong خطا

Zero صفش

Ancestors أجذاد

Begin يثذا

Discuss يُالش

Long ago يُز صيٍ

Once يشج

Son اتٍ

Text message سسانح َصيح

Finding out about names .


Reading Read the following passage then answer the questions.

Read and mark the sentences true ( ✔ ) or false.( ✘ )

1- ( ) Lucy means sadness.

2- ( ) Parents choose names which have special meaning

3- ( ) Japanese parents call their son Tetsuo to be a man of iron.

Answer the following questions :

1-Why do parents choose special names to their children?


Get from the text:

1- The plural of child : ………..…………….

2- The meaning of mother and father : ………………..…………….

3-The opposite of : take ×…...........................ugly × ………….….…

dark × ..………..…….....…sad ×……………..…..…….

The underlined pronoun ( they ) refers to : ………………………………………..

The best title for this passage is : ………………………………………………………

Vocabulary and structure

Finish the following sentences with one of the words in the list.

check - counselor - date of birth - given name -personal details - student - wrong – zero

Mrs. Mona is our school _______________who helps us with our problems.

I'm a __________ in grade eight.

You should __________ your answers carefully.

My family name is El Khatib, and my _______________ is Lubna.

Your answer is __________ . Try again.

My name and my age are some of my __________.

My __________ is 28th

February , 2000.

My phone number is two-six-six, and then it’s nine-__________ -three-seven-five.

Parents often choose names which have special meaning . They hope their children will be like

their names . If Japanese parents call their son Tetsuo , they want him to be a man of iron .

When the Arab family choose the name Omar , they want their son to be like the great leader

Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab . Parents often give their daughters the names of beautiful things

like Yasmeen. It means a beautiful flower . Parents hope their daughter will bring light into

other people's lives and make them happy .


Finish the following sentences with one of the words in the list.

ancestors - begin - discuss – Dr. - long ago - once - on the line – sons- text messages

1. We use mobiles to send photos or __________

2. Please, answer the phone and see who is __________

3. When I have a problem, I __________ it with my mother.

4. The Canaanites were our earliest __________ .

5. __________ Ahmed works in the Islamic University.

6. The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids very__________

7. I 've only been to Jerusalem __________

8. Now we are ready, so we can __________ our game.

9. Al Hassan and Al Hussain are the __________ of Fatima Al Zahra.

Report the following sentences :

Some of our computer details are wrong.

Marah says …………………………………………………………………

I need to check your personal details.

Reem says ………………………………………………………………...

I’m sorry to call Yasmeen in the evening.

Marwa says ………………………………………………………………….

We have started our task.

The boys say…………………………………………….

I am a student in grade 8.

Mariam says ………………………………………………………………….

Report the following questions.

What does my name mean?

Lubna asks ……………………………………………………….

‘Where were my family from?

Malak wants to know ……………………………………………………….

‘When did people start using family names?’

Lamis wants to know ……………………………………………………….

When will you have time to meet me, Yasmeen?

Nuha asks Yasmeen ……………………………………………………….

Ahmed asks, ‘How did our ancestors get their family names?’

Ahmed asks how ……………………………………………………….…

‘Where does she live?’

I want to know……………………………………………………….……

Underline the correct answer.

Khalid says ( he – she – I ) ready to help me.

The children say ( they – we – he ) have finished their match.

Alaa' says she ( need – needs – is needing ) our help.

The teacher wants to know ( where do I live – where I live – where do you live).


Reem asks ( what's the time – what the time is – what was the time).

Ali wants to know what (his name means – does his name mean – his name mean).


Rearrange the following sentences.

1. A school – counselor – who – students – their – is – a person – helps – with – problems.


2. Malak – could – I – please – speak – to?


Look at the personal details and complete the paragraph.

family name given name Age grade Phone home address

Qdeeh Ahmed 13 8th

2066666 Salah Al-Dine st

My name is …………………............. I'm ………………….Years old, and I'm in …………………………..

at school . I live in…………….

in ……………. Street . My phone number is ………………



Ahmad is a good student. He is in grade eight. He lives in Jerusalem. Yesterday, his history

teacher gave him homework to write a project about Al-Andalus .He worked on it at home.

He looked up in his encyclopedia to find information about it.

Listen to the passage then answer the questions:

(A) Choose :

1- Ahmad is in grade ………….. . ( 8 – 9 – 7 )

2- He wrote a project about ……( Jerusalem – Al-Andalus – Ramallah )

3- He worked on it at ……… ( school – library – home )

(B) Put true or false :

1- Ahmad looked up in his dictionary .( )

2- Geography teacher gave him homework ( )

Meaning in Arabic


House work أػًال يُضنيح

Hurry up يسشع

Look up يثحث في انمايىط

Muslim يسهى

Pick up يمطف

Put down يضغ

Take over يسرىني

Turn off يغهك

Work on يىاصم

Architecture هُذسح يؼًاسيح

Disease أيشاض

Medical طثي

Operation ػًهيح

Rich غُي

Spain اسببويب

The Philippines الفلبيه

When Islam came to Spain



Match A with B.


1. What's wrong? You did not

play with us today.

( ) because tomorrow, we have visitors, and I

have to help mum.

2. You can do it tomorrow. ( ) I have to do my homework.

3. But, why? ( ) No, I want to hurry up and finish it today.


Read the following passage then answer the questions.

Read and mark the sentences true ( ✔ ) or false.( ✘ )

1- ( ) East and west never met.

2- ( ) East and west sometimes fought.

3- ( ) Al-Zahrawi worked out many new medical operations.

4- ( ) Spain is in Africa.

5- ( ) Islamic Spain begins in 711 AD.

Answer these questions :

1- What did Muslims call Spain?


2. What good things did Muslims make in Spain?


3. Have you ever visited Spain?


People often say East is East and West is West, and the two can never meet.

However, the history of Spain tells us something different. Here, East and West met

for almost 800 years. They sometimes fought, but there was real contact between

cultures. When the Muslims arrived in 711, they took the country over very quickly.

They came with new ideas, and they completely changed the land that they called Al-

Andalus. With new crops and better ways of farming, Al- Andalus soon grew rich.

The Muslims needed a capital, and they set it up in Cordoba. Here, they built

beautiful mosques and palaces, and the city became as important as Baghdad. Al-

Andalus became a centre of the Islamic World and the centre of civilization in

Europe. Its science, medicine, architecture, arts and crafts became famous. Here, Al-

Khatib found out how people pass diseases on. Here, Al-Zahrawi worked out many

new medical operations. Students in both East and West studied the work of people

like these for centuries, and we still remember them today. Spain is now a busy,

modern country. But walk the narrow streets of old Cordoba and visit Granada’s

amazing Alhambra Palace and gardens, and you will find a different Spain. Here,

ancient Al-Andalus still lives.


Read and find from the passage :

Word Meaning Word Opposite

various …………….. east ……………….

wonderful ……………. new ……………….

hundred years ……………. a lot ……………….

The underlined pronoun ( They ) refers to : …………………………….

The best title for this passage is : ………………………………………

Vocabulary and structure

Match A with B

The word B- The opposite

nothing Beautiful

similar Remember

forget Busy

ugly Different

wide Everything

quiet Narrow

Finish the following sentences with one of the words in the list.

Housework - hurry up - look up – Muslim - pick up - put down

takeover - turn off - work on – Islam – Islamic

1. Moslems could _________________ Spain in 711.

2. Please, _________________ the TV when you leave the room..

3. The teacher asked us to stop writing and ____________ our pens.

4. Please, _________________ the phone and answer.

5. When I finish my homework , I help mum with the ___________

6. I should_________________ my project about Jerusalem soon.

7. My religion is _________________

8. The _________________ civilization is very great.

9. We are late for school. We should _________________.

10. The one who follows the Islamic religion is ________________.

11. I need to _________________ some information on the internet.

Finish the following sentences with one of the words in the list :

conquest-medical-diseases -housework -worked out – operation

1- Ibn Al-Khatib ……..….. how diseases pass from person to person.

2- I do a lot of ………………..……… with my mother.

3- Smoking causes dangerous …………………

4- The Islamic ………………… of Spain began in 711 AD.

5- My brother works in a ………….. center in Gaza .

6-The doctor says that my brother needs an ……………………….


Do as shown between brackets. 1. I looked up it on the internet. (Correct the mistake)


2. I couldn’t work …… the answer. It's very difficult (Use a preposition)

3. I get up at six o’clock. (Make a question).


Choose the correct answer.

1- If you don't hurry (in – for – up), you'll miss the bus.

2- I looked (for – up- after) my keys everywhere, but I didn't find them.

3- When I leave my room, I usually turn (in – out- off) the lights.

4- Would you please pass (on – in – at) this message to all the class?

5-I usually put (on – away – off ) the dishes after I wash them.


Choose to complete the paragraph :

Before Islam arrived, farming in Spain was at a very low level. (1) ____________ (For example,

/However,) the new culture soon brought new ways of doing things. The Muslims knew a lot about

farming, (2) ____________ (so / or) of course they introduced their ideas to their new country. (3)

____________ (But / Because) Muslim farmers came from dry climates, they knew how to use water well.

(4)____________ (Although / For example,) they built channels (5) ____________ (in order to / and)

carry river water to large areas of dry land. (6) ____________ (Therefore, / However,) they were soon

growing crops in large quantities – (7) ____________ (and / but) becoming rich. These farmers also

knew about crops that grew well in hot climates,(8) ____________ (and so / or) they introduced a lot of

new ones, including lemons, oranges, dates and rice.

Re arrange the following sentences. 1- need/dates/up/I/to/some/look


2- don’t/I/jobs/these/like/doing


3- can’t/out/answer/the/I/work


The End