engelska språket och...

Engelska språket och litteraturen - 1 Innehållsförteckning 1 Engelska språket och litteraturen ................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Presentation ............................................................................................................................ 2 1.2 Examensstruktur...................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Kursbeskrivningar .................................................................................................................... 4

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  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Innehållsförteckning 1 Engelska språket och litteraturen ................................................................................................... 2

    1.1 Presentation ............................................................................................................................ 2

    1.2 Examensstruktur...................................................................................................................... 3

    1.3 Kursbeskrivningar .................................................................................................................... 4

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    1 Engelska språket och litteraturen

    1.1 Presentation Akademiska studier i engelska språket och litteraturen har en betydligt vidare målsättning än skolans språkundervisning. Förmåga att uttrycka sig väl på det främmande språket är ett grundläggande krav. Även om färdighet i språket också ingår som ett moment i utbildningen på universitetsnivå, utgör det endast en del av den. De andra huvudmomenten är språkvetenskap, litteraturkännedom och kulturkunskap.

    Inom momentet språkvetenskap tillägnar sig den studerande en grundläggande begreppsapparat för beskrivning av språk och förklaring av språkliga företeelser. Den språkvetenskapliga delen av studierna omfattar allmän språkvetenskap, fonetik, grammatik, analys av olika slags texter och samtal i sina sammanhang, sociolingvistik, språkhistoria samt olika aspekter av språkinlärning och språkundervisning.

    Med litteraturkännedom avses insikter i det engelska språkets litteratur, förmåga till kritisk bedömning av de lästa verken, samt kunskap om de engelskspråkiga ländernas litteraturhistoria. Det djupare studiet av litteratur utvecklar grundläggande insikter i litteraturvetenskapens och -kritikens metoder och terminologi.

    Med kulturkunskap avses kunskap om värderingar, levnadssätt, media samt politiska och sociala institutioner i de engelskspråkiga länderna, i synnerhet Storbritannien och USA. De nyaste rönen inom såväl språk- som litteraturvetenskapen betonar att förståelsen för ett språk hör ihop med dess sociokulturella kontexter. Kulturen är alltså av central betydelse för språkstuderande och bör aldrig betraktas endast som språkets ”bakgrund”.

    Alla studerande antas först till den allmänna linjen, men kan från och med första höstterminen söka till de mer yrkesinriktade linjerna, linjen för ämneslärare och linjen för språk och ekonomi. På kandidatnivån är studierna i engelska desamma på alla tre linjer, med undantag av att studerande på allmänna linjen har möjlighet att ta extra kurser i engelska istället för ett andra biämne.

    På magisternivån erbjuds studerandena på allmänna linjen möjligheten att välja enbart engelska kurser i sin magisterexamen istället för att läsa ett biämne. Detta alternativ rekommenderas speciellt varmt för sådana studerande som planerar fortsätta med forskarstudier. På lärarlinjen ingår två obligatoriska specialkurser som är riktade till blivande lärare på alla nivåer. Linjen för språk och ekonomi är specialiserad på fackspråk och andra kunskaper som behövs i affärsvärlden. Utöver de för alla och enligt linje obligatoriska kurserna, erbjuds också årligen ett antal valbara kurser av vilka en del undervisas medan andra kan utgöra läskurser.

    Studerande på allmänna linjen och linjen för språk och ekonomi kan också välja att avlägga de kurser som ämnet kräver för ämneslärarlinjen och kan senare välja att avlägga de pedagogiska lärarstudier som krävs för att uppnå full ämneslärarbehörighet.

    Utöver HF:s gemensamma allmänna studier bör den som studerar engelska som huvudämne eller biämne observera att kursen Allmän språkvetenskap (kurskod 100008.0) är obligatorisk. Av studerande på allmänna och lärarlinjen krävs även kursen Latin I (907910.0) på magisternivån.

    Rätten att studera engelska som biämne erhålls via urvalsprov.

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    1.2 Examensstruktur Kandidatexamen Allmän linje

    Kandidatexamen i humanistiska vetenskaper 180 sp

    allmän linje

    Huvudämne Biämne 1 Biämne 2 Valbara

    grundstudier 25 sp grundstudier 25 sp grundstudier studier

    ämnesstudier 45 sp ämnesstudier 35 sp 0-25 sp 5-30 sp

    Språkstudier 10 sp Andra studier 10 sp

    Vetenskapligt skrivande, kommunikationsprocesser och Vetenskapsfilosofi, studieorientering

    finska/svenska och allmän språkvetenskap


    Kandidatexamen i humanistiska vetenskaper 180 sp


    Huvudämne Biämne 1 Biämne 2 Valbara

    grundstudier 25 sp grundstudier 25 sp pedagogik studier

    ämnesstudier 45 sp ämnesstudier 35 sp grundstudier 25 sp 5 sp

    Språkstudier 10 sp Andra studier 10 sp

    Vetenskapligt skrivande, kommunikationsprocesser och Vetenskapsfilosofi, studieorientering

    finska/svenska och allmän språkvetenskap

    Linjen för språk och ekonomi

    Kandidatexamen i humanistiska vetenskaper 180 sp

    linjen för språk och ekonomi

    Huvudämne Biämne 1 Biämne 2 Valbara

    grundstudier 25 sp grundstudier 25 sp företagsekonomi studier

    ämnesstudier 45 sp grundstudier 30 sp 35 sp

    Språkstudier 10 sp Andra studier 10 sp

    Vetenskapligt skrivande, kommunikationsprocesser och Vetenskapsfilosofi, studieorientering

    finska/svenska och allmän språkvetenskap

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Magisterexamen Allmän linje

    Filosofie magisterexamen 120 sp

    allmän linje

    Huvudämne Biämne Valbara Latin

    fördjupade studier 40 sp grundstudier studier 5 sp

    Pro gradu-avhandling 40 sp 0-25 sp 10-35 sp


    Filosofie magisterexamen 120 sp


    Huvudämne Biämne Latin

    fördjupade studier 40 sp pedagogik 5 sp

    Pro gradu-avhandling 40 sp ämnesstudier 35 sp

    Linjen för språk och ekonomi

    Filosofie magisterexamen 120 sp

    linjen för språk och ekonomi

    Huvudämne Biämne Valbara fördjupade studier 40 sp ämnesstudier studier

    Pro gradu-avhandling 40 sp 30 - 35 sp 5 - 10 sp

    1.3 Kursbeskrivningar

    104003.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Proficiency I: Academic English and Advanced Language Skills (5 sp)

    Proficiency I: Academic English and Advanced Language Skills

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    (1) To introduce students to the conventions of Academic English

    (2) to train them in the skills necessary for producing Academic English,

    written and spoken

    (3) to develop students' university-level language skills in English

    (4) to raise their language awareness and sensitivity to English usage

    (5) to raise their awareness and develop their skills of English in professional



    The course is composed of the following components:

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    1. an introduction to the central features of Academic English (Academic

    Writing; period 1)

    2. practice in English pronunciation and intonation: productive and receptive

    skills (Pronunciation & Intonation; periods 1-2)

    3. an introduction to English phonology and phonetics (Phonology; period 2)

    4. practice in presentation and audience skills (Academic Speaking; period 2)

    5. central issues in English grammar and English-Swedish contrastive features

    (Grammar; period 3)

    6. practice in English for professional purposes (English for Professional

    Purposes; period 4)

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - Apply the basic conventions of Academic English both in speech and in


    - Identify and explain the basic features of English phonology using relevant


    - Recognize the main characteristics of pronunciation and intonation in

    English in order to improve my pronunciation and intonation of English

    - Identify and explain the basic terms and concepts of English grammar and

    English-Swedish contrastive features

    - Apply basic knowledge to use the conventions of Professional English both

    in speech and writing

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills (written)

    - The ability to communicate in different languages

    - Performative ability

    - Skills in educating, training, and mentoring

    - Time management skills

    Undervisningsformer Seminars and tutorials.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    - adequate preparation for and active participation in classes (all components)

    - continuous assessment (all components)

    - tests in English pronunciation and intonation (periods 1-2)

    - exam (2 hours) in English phonology and phonetics (period 2)

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - exam (2 hours) in English grammar and English-Swedish contrastive features

    (period 3)

    - tests in written discourse skills (period 4)

    - individual consultation as required

    - completion of a course evaluation form

    The final grade is based on the exam in phonology (30%), the exam in

    grammar (60%) and participation in the other components (10%).

    Målgrupp Obligatory for first-year students of English Language and Literature

    Beskrivning av andra


    The course Allmän språkvetenskap to be completed prior to the course or

    during the same year.

    Hur sker utvärdering nu? Kursen kommer att utvärderas läsåret 2013-2014.

    Litteratur Bieber, Douglas, Susan Conrad & Geoffrey Leech . Longman Student

    Grammar of Spoken and Written English.

    Annat kursmaterial Course materials may include:

    - a text compendium or book of English phonology and phonetics

    - a text compendium of English pronunciation and intonation

    - a text book and a work book of English grammar

    - a monolingual dictionary and thesaurus

    - web-based materials

    - tapes and other audiovisual materials

    - handouts and manuals

    - standard reference works

    A reading list will be published each year.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 1, Period 2, Period 3, Period 4

    Arbetsformer Hemuppgifter (demonstreras av deltagare)

    Tentamensrätt uppnås Obligatoriska uppgifter avklarade inom resp. delmoment.

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    104005.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Tools for the Study of English (5 sp)

    Tools for the Study of English

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    - To acquaint students with the concepts, terms, debates and methodologies

    current in a university department of English Language and Literature;

    - To develop the academic skills necessary for the study of English language

    and literature.

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -



    - An overview of techniques and approaches needed for the study of English

    literature at university level, including terminology and the main schools of

    literary theory;

    - An overview of different types of variety and varieties in the English

    language and of the basic concepts, terms and frameworks for describing and

    understanding variety in language;

    - An application of the methods to practical examples.

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - Define and use literary technical terms including those of the schools of

    literary theory introduced during the course and of formal aspects of poetry

    - Express a personal response to works of literature of various sorts (prose

    fiction, poetry, drama) in an appropriate register of academic English

    - Explain basic concepts, terms and frameworks for describing and

    understanding variety in language clearly in English and identify

    corresponding terms in other languages

    - Apply the terms and concepts to variety and varieties in English

    - Use the resources of the university's libraries, both physical and electronic, to

    gather and select material related to literary and linguistic terminology and its


    - Communicate orally in an appropriate register of academic English

    Allmänfärdigheter - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to communicate in different languages

    - Presentation skills

    - Argumentation skills

    - The ability to work in groups

    - IT skills

    - Time management skills

    Undervisningsformer Lectures and tutorials.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements

    - A take-home exam to cover all components of the course;

    - presentations in class;

    - an oral examination in doubtful cases;

    - adequate preparation and active participation in tutorials;

    - completion of a course evaluation form.

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Målgrupp Obligatory for first-year students of English Language and Literature

    Beskrivning av andra


    Studierätt i ämnet Engelska språket och litteraturen.

    Hur sker utvärdering nu? Kursen kommer att utvärderas till fakulteten läsåret 2013-2014

    Litteratur Norton. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol II. 8th edition.

    Klarer. Introduction to Literary Studies.

    Bernard Spolsky. Sociolinguistics. 1998. Oxford University Press.

    Annat kursmaterial Course materials may include:

    - Books and articles on literary criticism, theory and terminology;

    - literary texts;

    - books and articles on sociolinguistics and varieties of English;

    - recordings and other materials that illustrate variety in English.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 1

    Arbetsformer Hemuppgifter (demonstreras av deltagare), Litteratur (engelska),

    Hemtentamen (4.00h), Aktivt deltagande, Förberedelser (118.00h),

    Gruppundervisning (14.00h), Presentation, Tutorials (14.00h)

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.07.2014

    104010.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Contemporary Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society I (5 sp)

    Contemporary Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society I

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    - To acquaint students with the diversity of English language, literature and

    society since 1945

    - to introduce them to the necessary conceptual and historical frameworks for

    understanding the relevant issues

    - to develop the academic skills necessary for the successful completion of the



    - A general historical overview of post-war English-speaking linguistic,

    literary and cultural contexts, taking Britain as a point of reference

    - relevant terminology

    - a number of central themes that contribute to an understanding of

    contemporary English

    - contexts, including gender issues, multicultural Englishes, and the

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    dissolution of the Empire

    - an examination of English-language cultures in the world, from the

    perspectives of language, literature and society.

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - Give examples and simple descriptions of the diversity of the English

    language in present-day Britain and identify the main varieties of English in


    - Outline the main trends in British, Irish and Commonwealth literature

    produced between 1945 and 1980, and describe some of the debates and

    contexts surrounding it.

    - Outline the main topics and themes in British and British-related history and

    society from 1945 to the present, and their relations to the main literary and

    linguistic trends of the period.

    - Produce coherent, well-formed written and oral work, demonstrating

    understanding of a selection of the relevant topics in an appropriate academic

    English register.

    - Use appropriate primary and secondary sources.

    - Take notes from lectures and other presentations in class.

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    (- Negotiating skills)

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    (- The ability to manage projects) ~ time management

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in different languages

    - Presentation skills

    - Skills in educating, training, and mentoring

    Undervisningsformer Lectures and tutorials.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    - Language: Two written assignments and a class exam

    - Literature: A final exam

    - Society: A final exam

    For all components:

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - Adequate preparation and active participation, including presentation of

    tasks, in the tutorials

    - Completion of the course evaluation form

    The final course grade is based on the average of the grades for the three

    component parts (language, literature, society). Active participation in class

    will also be taken into account.

    Målgrupp Obligatory for first-year students of English Language and Literature

    Förkunskaper (kurser) 104005.0 Tools for the Study of English (5 sp)

    Litteratur Norton. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol II. 8th edition.

    Murdoch, Iris. Under the Net . Vintage Classics.

    Annat kursmaterial Course materials may include:

    - Recordings and other materials that illustrate varieties of English

    - books and articles on sociolinguistics and varieties of English

    - books and articles on literary history and literary criticism

    - books and articles on Britain since 1945

    - articles from newspapers and magazines

    - literary texts

    - video and web-based material

    - standard reference works.

    A reading list will be published each year.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 2

    Arbetsformer Kurstentamen, Hemuppgifter (inlämnas), Hemuppgifter (demonstreras av

    deltagare), Muntlig tentamen, Förberedelser, Gruppundervisning, Presentation,


    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.07.2014

    104011.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Contemporary Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society II (5 sp)

    Contemporary Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society II

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    - To acquaint students with the diversity of English language, literature and

    society since 1945;

    - to introduce them to the necessary conceptual and historical frameworks for

    understanding the relevant issues;

    - to develop the academic skills necessary for the successful completion of the


  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -



    - A general historical overview of post-war English-speaking linguistic,

    literary and cultural contexts, taking Britain as a point of reference;

    - relevant terminology;

    - a number of central themes that contribute to an understanding of

    contemporary English; contexts, including gender issues, multicultural

    Englishes, and the dissolution of the Empire;

    - an examination of English-language cultures in the world, from the

    perspectives of language, literature and society.

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - Give examples and simple descriptions of the diversity of American English

    and identify the main features of American English

    - Outline the main trends in English-language literature produced worldwide

    since 1980 and describe some of the debates and contexts surrounding it orally

    and in writing.

    - Outline the main topics and themes in British and British-related history and

    society from 1945 to the present, and their relations to the main literary and

    linguistic trends of the period

    - Produce coherent, well-formed written and oral work, demonstrating

    understanding of a selection of the relevant topics in an appropriate academic

    English register

    - Use appropriate sources

    - Take notes from lectures and other presentations in class

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    (- Negotiating skills)

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    - Time management

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in different languages

    - Presentation skills

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - Skills in educating, training, and mentoring

    Undervisningsformer Lectures and tutorials.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    - Language: one written assignment (report, ca 1000 words, 2-3 pages) and an


    - Literature: one class presentation and one essay (ca 3000 words)

    - Society: one class presentation and one essay (ca 2000 words)

    For all components:

    - Adequate preparation and active participation, including presentation of

    tasks, in the tutorials

    - Completion of the course evaluation form

    The final course grade is based on the average of the grades for the three

    component parts (language, literature, society). Active participation in class

    will also be taken into account.

    Målgrupp Obligatory for first-year students of English language and literature

    Förkunskaper (kurser) 104005.0 Tools for the Study of English (5 sp), 104010.0 Contemporary

    Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society I (5 sp)

    Litteratur Norton. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol II. 8th edition.

    Carey, Peter. The True History of the Kelly Gang . Faber & Faber.

    Annat kursmaterial Course materials may include:

    - Recordings and other materials that illustrate varieties of English;

    - books and articles on sociolinguistics and varieties of English;

    - books and articles on literary history and literary criticism;

    - books and articles on Britain since 1945;

    - articles from newspapers and magazines;

    - literary texts;

    - video and web-based material;

    - standard reference works.

    A reading list will be published each year.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 3

    Arbetsformer Kurstentamen, Uppsatser, Hemuppgifter (inlämnas), Hemuppgifter

    (demonstreras av deltagare), Muntlig tentamen, Förberedelser,

    Gruppundervisning, Presentation, Tutorials

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    104012.0 (2013-2014 Contemporary Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society III (5 sp)

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    version 1) Contemporary Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society III

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    - To acquaint students with the diversity of varieties of English worldwide

    - to acquaint students with the main elements of American literature and

    society since 1945, seen in historical context

    - to introduce them to the necessary conceptual and historical frameworks for

    understanding the relevant issues

    - to develop the academic skills necessary for the successful completion of the



    - An overview of literary, social and cultural contexts, taking the USA as a

    point of reference

    - relevant terminology

    - an examination of contemporary varieties of English worldwide.

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - Give examples and simple descriptions of the diversity of English outside

    Britain and the United States, and identify the main features of these 'new'

    varieties of English.

    - Outline the main trends since 1945 in the literature of the United States of

    America and describe some of the debates and contexts surrounding it orally

    and in writing.

    - Outline the main topics and themes in US and US-related history and society

    from 1945 to the present, and their relations to the main literary and linguistic

    trends of the period.

    - Produce coherent, well-formed written and oral work, demonstrating

    understanding of a selection of the relevant topics in an appropriate academic

    English register.

    - Use appropriate sources.

    -Take notes from lectures and other presentations in class.

    Allmänfärdigheter Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    (- Negotiating skills)

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    - Time management

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in different languages

    - Performative ability ~ presentation skills

    - Skills in educating, training, and mentoring

    Undervisningsformer Lectures and tutorials.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    - Language: One class presentation and one essay (ca 2000 words)

    - Literature and society: One essay (3000 words) and one final exam (4 hours)

    For all components:

    - Adequate preparation and active participation, including presentation of

    tasks, in the tutorials

    - Completion of the course evaluation form

    The final course grade is based on the average of the grades for the three

    component parts (language, literature, society). Active participation in class

    will also be taken into account.

    Målgrupp Obligatory for first-year students of English Language and Literature

    Förkunskaper (kurser) 104005.0 Tools for the Study of English (5 sp), 104010.0 Contemporary

    Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society I (5 sp), 104011.0 Contemporary

    Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society II (5 sp)

    Litteratur Norton. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol II. 8th edition.

    Annat kursmaterial Course materials may include:

    - Recordings and other materials that illustrate varieties of English

    - books and articles on sociolinguistics and varieties of English

    - books and articles on literary history and literary criticism

    - books and articles on the USA

    - articles from newspapers and magazines

    - literary texts

    - video and web-based material

    - standard reference works.

    A reading list will be published each year.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 4

    Arbetsformer Kurstentamen, Uppsatser, Hemuppgifter (demonstreras av deltagare), Muntlig

    tentamen, Förberedelser, Gruppundervisning, Presentation, Tutorials

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    104150.1 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Being British (5 sp)

    Being British

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    (1) To gain an insight into the nature and diversity of British identities since

    1945, and their implications, from a variety of internal and external


    (2) To develop a critical awareness of relevant social, cultural and political


    and concepts;

    (3) To complement and extend the work done in the Contemporary Englishes



    osurvey of the relevant social and historical background;

    oexamination of a range of regional, cultural and ethnic identities in Britain

    and their relations with one another and with the centre;

    ocritical evaluation of ideas / stereotypes of Britishness.

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    okey features of British society and identity and their implications in the

    period 1945 to the present, from a variety of perspectives.

    odiscuss relevant social, cultural and political issues.

    oguidance evaluate the main theoretical perspectives on notions of Britain and


    omy understanding of the topic using appropriate terminology in speech and


    oa written assignment, in academic English, using relevant sources and

    conforming to established scholarly conventions.

    Allmänfärdigheter - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    - The ability to relate particular details to general patterns and trends

    Undervisningsformer Seminars.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements

    o One essay (10 pages; approximately 3000 words);

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    o One 20-minute presentation;

    o An oral examination in doubtful cases;

    o Adequate preparation for and active participation in class;

    o Completion of a course evaluation form.

    Målgrupp BA students in English Language and Literature in yrs 1 and 2

    Beskrivning av andra


    Contemporary Englishes I and II

    Annat kursmaterial These may include:

    o books and scholarly articles on topics in cultural and social history;

    o extracts and articles from newspapers and magazines;

    o literary texts;

    o recordings, video and web-based material;

    o standard reference works.

    A reading list will be published.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 4

    Arbetsformer Övningar med handledning (uppgifter lämnas inte in) (14.00h), Litteratur

    (engelska) (97.00h), Uppsats/Essä (20.00h), Gruppundervisning (14.00h),

    Presentation (5.00h)

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    104154.1 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    20th Century Novel (5 sp)

    20th Century Novel

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    - To broaden students' knowledge of some major pieces of prose fiction

    written in English during the twentieth century

    - To introduce students to major theories of the novel and its history as a form

    - To develop students' skills in researching and writing an academic essay in



    - selection and reading of three to five novels from a list supplied by the


    - independent work researching and writing a paper on these novels answering

    a question supplied by the teacher, to include the reading of a range of

    secondary works on the novels in question and on the theory of the novel more


  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - Accurately summarise the contents of between three and five novels

    - Identify themes, symbols and formal features in these novels

    - Describe differences of critical opinion concerning these novels

    - Relate my reading of these novels to a broader perspective on twentieth-

    century literature and culture

    - Write an academic essay in English comparing two or three of these novels

    and displaying a critical perspective on them

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    Undervisningsformer Self-study course.

    Examinationsformer Completion of all reading directed

    Completion of an exam covering all the novels read

    Completion of a 12-page (5000-word) essay

    Målgrupp BA-level students majoring in English Language and Literature

    Annat kursmaterial Novels read to be selected from a long list (c.50 novels) to be provided by the


    Material on the history and theory of the novel as directed

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 1, Period 2

    Arbetsformer Uppgörande av seminarieuppsats (40.00h), Litteratur (engelska) (56.00h),

    Förberedelser (50.00h), Gruppundervisning (4.00h)

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.07.2014

    104157.1 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    English words I: Word formation (5 sp)

    English words I: Word formation

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    (1)acquaint students with the main processes of word formation in English;

    (2)introduce them to the concepts and terms necessary for understanding the

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    structure of English vocabulary;

    (3)develop their analytical skills in studying English vocabulary;

    (4)develop the academic skills necessary for the satisfactory completion of the

    course work.


    ointroduction to the main processes of word formation in English

    ointroduction to basic concepts and terms in morphology

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to

    - identify and explain the main processes of word formation in English

    - identify and explain the main concepts and terms necessary for

    understanding the structure of English vocabulary

    - apply basic analytical tools to the study of English word formation

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in English

    - Time management skills

    Undervisningsformer Self-study course (with guidance).

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    1. three of the online exercises or other specified tasks to be agreed on at the

    preparatory meeting (first week of period 3)

    2. a take-home (to-the-library) exam (6 hours) during the reading week

    between periods 3 and 4

    3. completion of a course evaluation form

    Though this is a reading course, group work is encouraged

    Målgrupp An option for first- year or third-year students of English Language and


    Förkunskaper (kurser) 104005.0 Tools for the Study of English (5 sp)

    Beskrivning av andra


    Successful completion of year 1 autumn term's obligatory courses in English

    Languge and Literature and general phonetics and linguistics.

    Litteratur Stockwell, Robert and Donka Minkova. English Words: History and

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Structure. Cambridge University Press. Chapters 1 and 4-8, the associated

    online materials, and Chapter 12 of the online workbook

    Annat kursmaterial oreadings and exercises at


    oreference works

    omaterials may include

    1.and articles on English word formation, history of English and


    2.of English texts

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 3

    Tentamensrätt uppnås 3 of the online exercises or other specified tasks

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    Hjälpmedel vid tentamen All the resources in the library, including online resources

    104157.2 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    English words II: History (5 sp)

    English words II: History

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    (1)acquaint students with the main sources of English vocabulary

    (2)introduce them to the basic types of semantic changes

    (3)further develop their analytical skills in studying English vocabulary

    (4)develop the academic skills necessary for the satisfactory completion of the

    course work.


    ooverview of the main sources of English vocabulary

    ointroduction to the basic types of semantic changes

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - Identify and explain the main sources of English vocabulary

    - Identify and explain the basic types of semantic changes

    - Apply basic analytical tools to the study of English vocabulary

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in English

    Undervisningsformer Self-study course (with guidance).

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    1. three of the online exercises or other specified tasks to be agreed on at the

    preparatory meeting (first week of period 3)

    2. a take-home (to-the-library) exam (6 hours) during the reading week

    between periods 3 and 4

    3. completion of a course evaluation form

    Though this is a reading course, group work is encouraged

    Målgrupp Optional for first-year or third-year students of English Language and


    Förkunskaper (kurser) 104157.1 English words I: Word formation (5 sp), 104005.0 Tools for the

    Study of English (5 sp), 104010.0 Contemporary Englishes: Language,

    Literature, and Society I (5 sp)

    Beskrivning av andra


    Successful completion of Year 1 autumn term's obligatory courses in English

    Language and Literature, and English Words I.

    Litteratur Stockwell, Robert and Donka Minkova. English Words: History and

    Structure. Cambridge University Press. Chapters 2-3 and 9-10, the associated

    online materials, and chapter 11 of the online workbook

    Annat kursmaterial oreadings and exercises at


    oreference works

    omaterials may include

    1.and articles on English word formation, history of English and


    2.of English texts

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 4

    Tentamensrätt uppnås 3 of the online exercises or other specified tasks

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    Hjälpmedel vid tentamen All the resources in the library, including online resources

    104160.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Applied Linguistics (5 sp)

    Applied Linguistics

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Målsättningar och innehåll Aims

    - to acquaint students with a selection of key issues and concepts in applied

    linguistics relevant for foreign language learning and future foreign language


    - to acquaint students with a selection of the main approaches in

    psycholinguistics relevant for foreign language learning and future foreign

    language teachers

    - to introduce students to concepts and terms necessary for the understanding

    of the fields

    - to deepen students' knowledge of a topic of their own choice within the

    framework of the course

    - to help students reflect over issues in the fields and demonstrate their

    understanding of them

    - to develop the academic skills necessary for the understanding of the fields

    - to deepen students' knowledge of a topic of their own choice within the

    framework of the course

    - to help students reflect over issues in the fields and demonstrate their

    understanding of them

    - to develop the academic skills necessary for the satisfactory completion of

    the course work


    - An introduction to a selection of main issues in applied linguistics and

    psycholinguistic processes of foreign language learning, basic concepts and

    terms in the field;

    - the students will be encouraged to develop an interest of their own within the

    framework if the course, e.g. focusing on vocabulary learning, memory

    functions, lexical errors

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - Outline a selection of approaches to the study of applied linguistics, relevant

    to foreign language learning

    - To describe a selection of psycholinguistic processes relevant to foreign

    language learning

    - With guidance define and elaborate on an area of interest of my own

    - In speech and writing present and discuss my understanding of selected

    topics using appropriate terminology

    - Complete the assignments in academic English, using relevant sources and

    conforming to established scholarly conventions

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - The ability to manage projects

    - The ability to communicate in English

    - Performative ability

    - Skills in educating, training, and mentoring

    Undervisningsformer Seminars and study circle.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    - Full attendance in all seminar meetings and study circle meetings

    - a series of assignments compiled in a study journal

    - a 15-minute group multimedia presentation

    - weekly readings and tasks for preparation and post processing

    - adequate preparation for and active participation in classes and study circle


    - a 30-minute quiz on key concepts and terminology

    - completion of a course evaluation form

    Målgrupp Option for BA students of English Language and Literature, especially the

    teacher's line.

    Beskrivning av andra


    Successful completion of year 1 autumn term's obligatory courses in English

    Languge and Literature and general phonetics and linguistics.

    Hur sker utvärdering nu? - Idividuell diskussion och gruppdiskussion med protokoll, skriftlig


    Annat kursmaterial Course literature may include books and articles on applied linguistics, second

    language acquisition, psycholinguistics, and relevant linguistic frameworks,

    supplementary course materials, recordings, video and web-based materials,

    corpus data, other material, and standard reference workds.

    A reading list will be issued.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 3

    Tentamensrätt uppnås Aktivt deltagande i alla delar.

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    104200.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    English Linguistics I (5 sp)

    English Linguistics I

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    - to introduce students to English linguistics and hence deepen their

    understanding of linguistic issues discussed during Year 1

    - to extend their knowledge of the descriptive grammar of English

    - to familiarize students with a variety of ways of describing and explaining

    grammatical phenomena

    - to introduce and develop conceptual and analytical tools and skills necessary

    for the study of language

    - to develop academic skills necessary for the satisfactory completion of the

    course work


    - an introduction to English linguistics

    - a survey of English grammar

    - a discussion of different grammar models

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - describe and explain the main grammatical phenomena of English

    - apply basic conceptual and analytical tools to the study of English grammar

    - use data to formulate responses to well-defined linguistic problems

    - communicate in academic English about the English language, with peers

    and supervisors, in speech and writing

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    - The ability to manage projects

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in English

    - Performative ability

    Undervisningsformer Lectures and seminars.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    - Adequate preparation (readings and tasks) for and active participation in

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -



    - one two-hour written examination

    - one 10-minute small group presentation and preparation of a 3-5 page


    - completion of a course evaluation form.

    Målgrupp Obligatory for second year students of English Language and Literature

    Beskrivning av andra


    All obligatory basic studies courses in English

    Litteratur Huddleston, Rodney & Geoffrey K Pullum. A Student´s Introduction to

    English Grammar. 2005. Cambridge UP.

    Annat kursmaterial Course materials may include:

    - one descriptive grammar book

    - books and articles on English grammar (descriptive)

    - books and articles on English linguistics

    - supplementary course materials

    - corpus data and other materials

    - standard reference works

    A reading list will be published each year.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 1, Period 2

    Arbetsformer Kurstentamen (2.00h), Hemuppgifter (demonstreras av deltagare) (15.00h),

    Litteratur (engelska) (57.00h), Tentamensförberedelser (32.00h), Aktivt

    deltagande, Gruppundervisning (26.00h), Presentation (18.00h)

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.07.2014

    104201.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    English Linguistics II (5 sp)

    English Linguistics II

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    - to deepen students' understanding of the issues discussed in English

    Linguistics I

    - to acquaint them with central topics in semantics, pragmatics, and the study

    of texts and discourses

    - to develop the necessary conceptual and analytical tools and skills

    - to extend their knowledge of the functions of lexical and grammatical

    phenomena in a range of textual, situational and socio-cultural contexts

    - to familiarize students with a variety of ways of describing and explaining

    language phenomena

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - to develop their academic skills necessary for the satisfactory completion of

    the course work


    - an introduction to semantics, pragmatics, and the study of texts and


    - discussions of various ways of approaching and modelling language use

    - discussions of lexical and/or grammatical phenomena from a number of

    discourse-pragmatic perspectives, introducing different frameworks of study

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - describe and explain the linguistic phenomena discussed in class

    - analyse a particular linguistic phenomenon, with guidance, using corpora or

    data of my own and applying the necessary conceptual and analytical tools

    - demonstrate some degree of critical reading of the linguistic literature

    - communicate in academic English about ways of thinking about the English

    language, with peers and supervisors, in speech and writing, expressing myself

    in critical terms

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    - The ability to manage projects

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in English

    - Performative ability

    Undervisningsformer Seminars.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    1. one 15-minute presentation

    2. one 10-page essay (4,000 words) (OR one two-hour written examination)

    3. adequate preparation (readings and tasks) for and active participation in


    4. completion of a course evaluation form

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Målgrupp Obligatory for second year students of English Language and Literature

    Beskrivning av andra


    First-year courses in English Language and Literature (25 sp) and English

    Linguistics I

    Annat kursmaterial Course materials may include:

    - books and articles on English linguistics, especially semantics, pragmatics,

    text linguistics and discourse studies

    - books and articles on the study of the use of various language phenomena

    - supplementary course materials

    - corpus data and other materials

    - standard reference works

    A reading list will be published each year.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 3, Period 4

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    104205.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Proficiency II: Styles, Registers, and Genres (5 sp)

    Proficiency II: Styles, Registers, and Genres

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    (1)familiarize students with key styles, registers and genres in Present-Day


    (2)develop their skills in producing texts appropriate to a range of discourse


    (3)develop their stylistic sensitivity and to raise their awareness of the

    relationships between different registers and genres


    analysis and discussion of various genres of writing and speech

    - extensive practice in producing texts of a variety of types

    - practice in speaking for a range of purposes

    - short written tasks and grammatical exercises

    - vocabulary extension

    - preparation for the Threshold Exam

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    oand be able to characterize the main features of a range of written and spoken

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    registers and genres in English

    othe main features of a range of text types

    othis knowledge in writing and speaking appropriately in relation to a variety

    of discourse purposes, including academic ones, and in the Threshold


    oactive use of a wide range of formal non-technical English

    Allmänfärdigheter - Critical thinking

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    Undervisningsformer Seminars.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    - a maximum of 3 written assignments (4-5 pages)

    - oral presentation/discussion/debate

    - weekly homework tasks

    - continuous assessment of coursework

    - adequate preparation for and active participation in classes

    - the Threshold Exam

    - completion of a course evaluation form

    Målgrupp Obligatory for second year students of English Language and Literature

    Beskrivning av andra


    All obligatory Basic studies courses in English Language and Literature (25


    Annat kursmaterial Course materials may include:

    - books and articles on relevant topics

    - written texts

    - web-based materials

    - video tapes adn audio materials

    - handouts/compendia

    - a monolingual dictionary and thesaurus

    - standard reference works

    A reading list will be published each year.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 1, Period 2

    Arbetsformer Kurstentamen (4.00h), Hemuppgifter (inlämnas) (29.00h), Hemuppgifter

    (demonstreras av deltagare) (34.00h), Litteratur (engelska) (45.00h),

    Tentamensförberedelser (5.00h), Gruppundervisning (28.00h), Presentation


    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.07.2014

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    104210.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Historical Survey I: Language, Literature, Society (5 sp)

    Historical Survey I: Language, Literature, Society

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    oacquaint the students with the background to and main lines of development

    of the English language, literature, and society during the medieval period

    odevelop the conceptual and historical frameworks needed to understand the

    relevant issues;

    odevelop the academic skills necessary for the satisfactory completion of the

    course work.


    ooverview of the history of the English language during its earliest period

    osurvey of the variety of writing in the period, with reference to a selection of

    representative texts

    odiscussion of significant developments in intellectual, social and economic


    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    othe linguistic background of English and its relationship to other languages

    othe main changes in and influences on English before 1100

    oand comment on English texts from this period with the help of dictionaries,

    grammars and notes, using relevant terminology

    othe main influences on English literature in the period 500-1485.

    oand comment on examples of literary texts produced in the period

    oand characterize the main topics and themes in British history and society of

    the period 500-1485, and their relations to literary and linguistic trends

    o, evaluate and use appropriate sources for the study of these topics, and cite

    them correctly

    ocoherent, well-formed written and oral work demonstrating a critical

    understanding and analysis of a selection of the topics covered in each course

    in an appropriate academic English register using terminology relevant to the

    field of study

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    (- Negotiating skills)

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    - Time management

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in English

    - Performative ability ~ presentation skills

    - Skills in educating, training, and mentoring

    - The ability to relate particular details to general patterns and trends

    Undervisningsformer Lectures and tutorials.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    Language: Presentation and exam (4h)

    Literature: Exam

    Society: Exam

    For all components:

    - Adequate preparation and active participation, including presentation of

    tasks, in the tutorials

    - Completion of the course evaluation form

    The final course grade is based on the average of the grades for the three

    component parts (language, literature, society). Active participation in class

    will also be taken into account.

    Målgrupp Obligatory for 2nd year students of English Language and Literature

    Förkunskaper (kurser) 104003.0 Proficiency I: Academic English and Advanced Language Skills (5

    sp), 104005.0 Tools for the Study of English (5 sp), 104010.0 Contemporary

    Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society I (5 sp), 104011.0 Contemporary

    Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society II (5 sp), 104012.0

    Contemporary Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society III (5 sp)

    Beskrivning av andra


    Successful completion of all obligatory 1st year courses in English Language

    and Literature

    Hur sker utvärdering nu? Kursen kommer att utvärderas till fakulteten läsåret 2013-2014

    Annat kursmaterial Course material may include:

    - books and articles on language history;

    - books and articles on literary history and criticism;

    - books and articles on historical topics;

    - supplementary course materials

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - literary and non-literary texts;

    - recordings, video and web-based material;

    - corpus data

    - standard reference works.

    A reading list will be issued.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 1

    Arbetsformer Föreläsningar, Förberedelser, Tutorials, Tentamen

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.07.2014

    104211.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Historical Survey II: Language, Literature, Society (5 sp)

    Historical Survey II: Language, Literature, Society

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    oacquaint the students with the background to and main lines of development

    of the English language in the period 1100-1500, and of literature, and society

    in the early modern period

    oextend the conceptual and historical frameworks needed to understand the

    relevant issues;

    odevelop the academic skills necessary for the satisfactory completion of the

    course work.


    ooverview of the history of the English language during the late Middle Ages

    osurvey of the variety of writing in the early modern period, with reference to

    a selection of representative texts

    odiscussion of significant developments in intellectual, social and economic

    history in the early modern period

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    othe linguistic background of English and its relationship to other languages

    othe main changes in and influences on English between 1100 and 1500

    oand comment on English texts from this period with the help of dictionaries,

    grammars and notes, using relevant terminology

    othe main influences on English literature in the period c.1485-1660

    oand comment on examples of literary texts produced in the period

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    oand characterize the main topics and themes in British history and society of

    the period c.1485-1660, and their relations to literary and linguistic trends

    o, evaluate and use appropriate sources for the study of these topics, and cite

    them correctly

    ocoherent, well-formed written and oral work demonstrating a critical

    understanding and analysis of a selection of the topics covered in each course

    in an appropriate academic English register using terminology relevant to the

    field of study

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    (- Negotiating skills)

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    - Time management

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in English

    - Performative ability ~ presentation skills

    - Skills in educating, training, and mentoring

    - The ability to relate particular details to general patterns and trends

    Undervisningsformer Lectures and tutorials.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    Language: Interpretation paper

    Literature: 3000-word essay

    Society: 2000-word essay

    For all components:

    - Adequate preparation and active participation, including presentation of

    tasks, in the tutorials

    - Completion of the course evaluation form

    The final course grade is based on the average of the grades for the three

    component parts (language, literature, society). Active participation in class

    will also be taken into account.

    Målgrupp Obligatory for 2nd year students of English Language and Literature.

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Förkunskaper (kurser) 104003.0 Proficiency I: Academic English and Advanced Language Skills (5

    sp), 104005.0 Tools for the Study of English (5 sp), 104210.0 Historical

    Survey I: Language, Literature, Society (5 sp), 104010.0 Contemporary

    Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society I (5 sp), 104011.0 Contemporary

    Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society II (5 sp), 104012.0

    Contemporary Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society III (5 sp)

    Beskrivning av andra


    Successful completion of Historical Survey I

    Annat kursmaterial Course material may include:

    - books and articles on language history;

    - books and articles on literary history and criticism;

    - books and articles on historical topics;

    - supplementary course materials

    - literary and non-literary texts;

    - recordings, video and web-based material;

    - corpus data

    - standard reference works.

    A reading list will be issued.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 2

    Arbetsformer Föreläsningar, Uppsats/Essä, Förberedelser, Tutorials, Tentamen

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.07.2014

    104212.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Historical Survey III: Language, Literature, Society (5 sp)

    Historical Survey III: Language, Literature, Society

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    oacquaint the students with the background to and main lines of development

    of the English language in the period 1500-1700, of literature 1660-1830, and

    society 1660-1830.

    oextend the conceptual and historical frameworks needed to understand the

    relevant issues;

    odevelop the academic skills necessary for the satisfactory completion of the

    course work.


    ooverview of the history of the English language in the period 1500-1700

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    osurvey of the variety of writing in the period 1660-1830, with reference to a

    selection of representative texts

    odiscussion of significant developments in intellectual, social and economic

    history in the period 1660-1830

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    othe linguistic background of English and its relationship to other languages

    othe main changes in and influences on English between 1500 and 1700

    oand comment on English texts from this period with the help of dictionaries,

    grammars and notes, using relevant terminology

    othe relevant conceptual and analytical tools to the study of English texts from

    this period

    othe main influences on English literature in the period c. 1660-1830

    oand comment on examples of literary texts produced in the period

    oand characterize the main topics and themes in British history and society of

    the period c.1660-1830, and their relations to literary and linguistic trends

    o, evaluate and use appropriate sources for the study of these topics, and cite

    them correctly

    ocoherent, well-formed written and oral work demonstrating a critical

    understanding and analysis of a selection of the topics covered in each course

    in an appropriate academic English register using terminology relevant to the

    field of study

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    (- Negotiating skills)

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    - Time management

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in different languages

    - Presentation skills

    - Skills in educating, training, and mentoring

    - The ability to relate particular details to general patterns and trends

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Undervisningsformer Lectures and tutorials.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    Language: Exam

    Literature: 3000-word essay

    Society: Exam

    For all components:

    - Adequate preparation and active participation, including presentation of

    tasks, in the tutorials

    - Completion of the course evaluation form

    The final course grade is based on the average of the grades for the three

    component parts (language, literature, society). Active participation in class

    will also be taken into account.

    Målgrupp Obligatory for 2nd year students of English Language and Literature.

    Förkunskaper (kurser) 104003.0 Proficiency I: Academic English and Advanced Language Skills (5

    sp), 104005.0 Tools for the Study of English (5 sp), 104210.0 Historical

    Survey I: Language, Literature, Society (5 sp), 104211.0 Historical Survey II:

    Language, Literature, Society (5 sp), 104010.0 Contemporary Englishes:

    Language, Literature, and Society I (5 sp), 104011.0 Contemporary Englishes:

    Language, Literature, and Society II (5 sp), 104012.0 Contemporary

    Englishes: Language, Literature, and Society III (5 sp)

    Beskrivning av andra


    Successful completion of Historical Survey II

    Hur sker utvärdering nu? Kursen kommer att utvärderas till fakulteten läsåret 2013-2014

    Annat kursmaterial Course material may include:

    - books and articles on language history;

    - books and articles on literary history and criticism;

    - books and articles on historical topics;

    - supplementary course materials

    - literary and non-literary texts;

    - recordings, video and web-based material;

    - corpus data

    - standard reference works.

    A reading list will be issued.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 3

    Arbetsformer Föreläsningar, Förberedelser, Tutorials, Tentamen

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    104213.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Historical Survey IV: Language, Literature, Society (5 sp)

    Historical Survey IV: Language, Literature, Society

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    oacquaint the students with the background to and main lines of development

    of the English language in the period 1700-1945, of literature 1830-1945, and

    society 1830-1945.

    oextend the conceptual and historical frameworks needed to understand the

    relevant issues;

    odevelop the academic skills necessary for the satisfactory completion of the

    course work.


    ooverview of the history of the English language in the period since 1700

    osurvey of the variety of writing in the period 1830-1945, with reference to a

    selection of representative texts

    odiscussion of significant developments in intellectual, social and economic

    history in the period 1830-1945

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    othe linguistic background of English and its relationship to other languages

    othe main changes in and influences on English between 1700-1945

    oand comment on English texts from this period with the help of dictionaries,

    grammars and notes, using relevant terminology

    othe relevant conceptual and analytical tools to the study of English texts from

    this period

    oa particular historical linguistic phenomenon, with guidance, using data from


    othe main influences on English literature in the period c.1830-1945

    oand comment on examples of literary texts produced in the period

    oand characterize the main topics and themes in British history and society of

    the period c.1830-1945, and their relations to literary and linguistic trends

    o, evaluate and use appropriate sources for the study of these topics, and cite

    them correctly

    ocoherent, well-formed written and oral work demonstrating a critical

    understanding and analysis of a selection of the topics covered in each course

    in an appropriate academic English register using terminology relevant to the

    field of study

    Allmänfärdigheter Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to solve problems

    - Social skills and the ability to work in groups

    (- Negotiating skills)

    - The ability to organize and coordinate

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    - The ability to sift out essential information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    (- The ability to manage projects)

    - IT skills

    - The ability to communicate in English

    - Performative ability ~ presentation skills

    - Skills in educating, training, and mentoring

    - The ability to relate particular details to general patterns and trends

    Undervisningsformer Lectures and tutorials.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    Language: A presentation and a 2000-word essay

    Literature: Exam

    Society: 2000-word essay

    For all components:

    - Adequate preparation and active participation, including presentation of

    tasks, in the tutorials

    - Completion of the course evaluation form

    The final course grade is based on the average of the grades for the three

    component parts (language, literature, society). Active participation in class

    will also be taken into account.

    Målgrupp Obligatory for 2nd year students of English Language and Literature

    Förkunskaper (kurser) 104205.0 Proficiency II: Styles, Registers, and Genres (5 sp), 104003.0

    Proficiency I: Academic English and Advanced Language Skills (5 sp),

    104005.0 Tools for the Study of English (5 sp), 104210.0 Historical Survey I:

    Language, Literature, Society (5 sp), 104211.0 Historical Survey II: Language,

    Literature, Society (5 sp), 104212.0 Historical Survey III: Language,

    Literature, Society (5 sp), 104010.0 Contemporary Englishes: Language,

    Literature, and Society I (5 sp), 104011.0 Contemporary Englishes: Language,

    Literature, and Society II (5 sp), 104012.0 Contemporary Englishes:

    Language, Literature, and Society III (5 sp)

    Beskrivning av andra


    Successful completion of Historical Survey III

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Annat kursmaterial Course material may include:

    - books and articles on language history;

    - books and articles on literary history and criticism;

    - books and articles on historical topics;

    - supplementary course materials

    - literary and non-literary texts;

    - recordings, video and web-based material;

    - corpus data

    - standard reference works.

    A reading list will be issued.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 4

    Arbetsformer Föreläsningar, Uppsats/Essä, Förberedelser, Tutorials, Tentamen

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    104214.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Literature Specialisation I (5 sp)

    Literature Specialisation I

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    - to deepen students' understanding of English literature

    - to familiarise them with a particular field of English literature, its

    main authors, contexts and the critical approaches used in relation to it

    - to extend their knowledge of ways of talking about and thinking about


    - to develop the academic skills necessary for the satisfactory

    completion of the course work


    - a survey of a particular field of English literature, which may change

    year to year

    - an introduction to the main concepts and theoretical approaches in the

    given field of literary study

    - an overview of the main topics in the given field of literary studies

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - describe and analyse the literary field discussed in class

    - compare ways of thinking about English literature

    - select scholarship and criticism and analyse particular literary works, authors

    and genres autonomously and with guidance, reading works of literature

    according to my own judgment and incorporating my assessment of the views

    of others

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - demonstrate a critical attitude towards the secondary works available

    on the subject, presentations in class and written assignments

    - communicate in academic English about literary issues and English

    literature, with peers and teachers in speech and writing, evaluating

    views of the subject and expressing myself in critical terms

    Allmänfärdigheter - individual, critical and analytical thinking

    - the acquisition of basic theoretical tools for the study of literature

    - classroom interaction, presentational and writing abilities

    Undervisningsformer Seminars

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    - One 10-minute presentation

    - One 12-15-page essay (5,000-6,000 words)

    - Adequate preparation (readings and tasks) for and active participation in


    - Completion of the course evaluation form

    Målgrupp An option for BA level students of English Language and Literature

    Beskrivning av andra


    Successful completion of all 1st year courses in English Language and


    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 4

    Arbetsformer Hemuppgifter (demonstreras av deltagare) (26.00h), Litteratur (engelska)

    (40.00h), Uppsats/Essä (60.00h), Gruppundervisning (14.00h), Presentation


    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    104420.1 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Extra-curricular Activities (5 sp)

    Extra-curricular Activities

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    (1)broaden students' intellectual and cultural horizons;

    (2)encourage students to engage with a wide variety of cultural activities

    within the domain of English studies;

    (3)reinforce interconnections between academic study and the cultural life of

    the society.


    oat 15 approved activities over three years; 5 of these must be guest lectures

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Lärandemål At the end of the course, I can expect to be able to:

    - reflect critically on my cultural experiences, evaluating them and comparing

    them to one another

    - write about my cultural experiences in accurate semi-formal English

    - appreciate and be able to produce written genres of English such as the

    review, memoir and travelogue

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    Undervisningsformer Self-study

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    o written report (between 1 and 3 pages) on each activity chosen, to be

    accepted and stamped by the co-ordinator;

    obrief oral report, if required by the co-ordinator;

    oof a portfolio of 15 accepted reports

    Målgrupp An option for BA-level students of English Language and Literature

    Beskrivning av andra



    Annat kursmaterial Suitable activities include:





    ocultural activities of demonstrable merit approved by the co-ordinator.

    A list of guest lectures and other suitable events will be published each term;

    students may also seek approval for activities not included on the list.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 1, Period 2, Period 3, Period 4

    Arbetsformer Rapport/Slutrapport (30.00h), Aktivt deltagande (120.00h)

    104421.2 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    Shakespeare I (5 sp)

    Shakespeare I

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    - To develop students' understanding of the career, plays, context and

    reputation of Shakespeare

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    - To develop students' skills in researching and writing an academic essay in


    - To develop students' skills in the appreciation of drama


    An overview of the genres of comedy and tragedy and of the Shakespearean


    Detailed discussion of the texts of two plays by Shakespeare

    Discussion of personal responses to these plays

    Viewing of screen adaptations of these plays

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - describe in detail the contents of two Shakespeare plays, one comedy and

    one tragedy

    - evaluate critical opinions about these plays

    - summarize, describe and account for some of the main features of

    Shakespeare studies including Elizabethan and Jacobean drama, the physical

    and social environment of the Shakespearean stage and the significance of

    Shakespeare in world literature

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - The ability to manage projects

    - Argumentation skills

    - Performative skills

    Undervisningsformer Seminars.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    -attendance at classes

    -and well-prepared contributions to class discussion

    -of all homework tasks as directed

    -of a 2-page written assignment

    -of an essay c.4000 words / 10 pages in length

    Målgrupp Optional, BA-level students majoring in English Language and Literature

    Litteratur Richard Proudfoot, Ann Thompson and David Scott Kastan (eds.). The Arden

    Shakespeare complete works. 2011. London : Methuen Drama.

    Annat kursmaterial Introductory and critical material on Shakespeare as directed

    Screen adaptations of the two plays

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 3

    Arbetsformer Uppgörande av seminarieuppsats (40.00h), Litteratur (engelska) (56.00h),

    Förberedelser (40.00h), Gruppundervisning (14.00h)

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    104422.1 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    The British Empire (5 sp)

    The British Empire

    Målsättningar och innehåll - to explore the development of the British Empire from its beginnings to its

    eventual decline and decolonization, and its implications, from a variety of


    - to attempt to understand the diversity of motives behind Britain's overseas

    expansion, its impact on those involved (colonized and colonizers, as well as

    on the British themselves) and its legacy in the modern world.

    - to develop a critical awareness of relevant social, cultural and political issues

    and concepts;

    - to build on work covered in the Modernity modules.

    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    (1) outline the main phases and manifestations of British colonial activity

    within the

    larger context of British history and describe some of their consequences for



    (2) critically discuss these developments and their relevant social, political and

    cultural dimensions from a range of perspectives;

    (3) evaluate some of the main theoretical approaches to the British Empire;

    (4) demonstrate my understanding of the topic using appropriate concepts and


    in speech and writing;

    (5) complete a written assignment, in academic English, using relevant sources


    conforming to established scholarly conventions.

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    Allmänfärdigheter - Critical thinking

    - Knowledge of how to retrieve information

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - Argumentation skills

    - The ability to relate particular details to general patterns and trends

    Undervisningsformer Lectures and seminars.

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    - One essay (10 pages; approximately 3,000 words)

    In addition, when taught:

    - One 20-minute presentation

    - Weekly readings and tasks for preparation

    - Adequate preparation for and active participation in classes

    - Completion of a course evaluation form

    Målgrupp 3rd year BA students + MA students of English language and literature

    Beskrivning av andra


    All obligatory courses in Basic studies and in the second year Intermediate

    studies in English

    Annat kursmaterial Course material may include:

    - books and scholarly articles on topics in cultural and social history;

    - extracts and articles from newspapers and magazines;

    - literary texts;

    - recordings, video and web-based material;

    - standard reference works.

    A reading list will be issued.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 3

    Arbetsformer Hemuppgifter (demonstreras av deltagare) (14.00h), Litteratur (engelska)

    (82.00h), Uppsats/Essä (30.00h), Gruppundervisning (14.00h), Presentation


    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.12.2014

    104500.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    American Literature (5 sp)

    American Literature

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives

    1) To deepen students' understanding of the main lines of development of

    American literature;

    2) To extend the necessary conceptual and historical frameworks for

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    understanding the relevant issues

    3) To develop the academic skills necessary for the satisfactory completion of

    the course


    - Study of a major trend, specific theme, time period, author, or group of

    authors within American Literature;

    - A selection of literary texts supporting the study of the chosen trend, theme


    - Discussion of significant developments in intellectual, social and economic


    Lärandemål At the end of the course I should be able to:

    - Describe and discuss the main features and trends within American literature

    dealt with during the course.

    - Structure, research and write a lengthy academic literary essay in English

    using both primary and secondary sources

    Allmänfärdigheter - Analytical and systematic thinking

    - Critical thinking

    - The ability to write and edit texts

    - The ability to grasp wholes

    Undervisningsformer Reading course (with, where necessary, additional meetings to be

    arranged with the teacher)

    Examinationsformer Course requirements:

    - One 10-15 page essay or several shorter ones

    - Completion of a course evaluation form

    Målgrupp An option for MA level students of English Language and Literature

    Beskrivning av andra


    All obligatory courses in Basic and Intermediate studies in English Language

    and Literature

    Annat kursmaterial Course materials include:

    - Selected readings on American literature, literary history and criticism, and

    historical topics

    - Supplementary course material

    - Literary and non-literary texts

    - Recordings, video and web-based material

    - Standard reference works

    A reading list will be issued each year.

    Anordnande enhet ENGELSKA

    Tidpunkt 2013-2014 Period 2

    Arbetsformer Hemuppgifter (demonstreras av deltagare) (14.00h), Litteratur (engelska)

  • Engelska språket och litteraturen -


    (94.00h), Uppsats/Essä (18.00h), Aktivt deltagande, Gruppundervisning

    (14.00h), Presentation (10.00h)

    Tentamensrätt upphör 31.07.2014

    104501.0 (2013-2014

    version 1)

    English Linguistics III (5 sp)

    English Linguistics III

    Målsättningar och innehåll Objectives