energy conversion under conjugate conduction, magneto

Energy conversion under conjugate conduction, magneto- convection, diffusion and nonlinear radiation over a non- linearly stretching sheet with slip and multiple convective boundary conditions Uddin, MJ, Beg, A and Uddin, MN Title Energy conversion under conjugate conduction, magneto- convection, diffusion and nonlinear radiation over a non- linearly stretching sheet with slip and multiple convective boundary conditions Authors Uddin, MJ, Beg, A and Uddin, MN Type Article URL This version is available at: Published Date 2016 USIR is a digital collection of the research output of the University of Salford. Where copyright permits, full text material held in the repository is made freely available online and can be read, downloaded and copied for non- commercial private study or research purposes. Please check the manuscript for any further copyright restrictions.

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Page 1: Energy conversion under conjugate conduction, magneto THE INT...Energy conversion under conduction, convection, diffusion and radiation

E n e r gy conve r sion u n d e r conjug a t e co n d uc tion, m a g n e to-

convec tion, diffusion a n d no nline a r r a di a tion ove r a no n-

line a rly s t r e t c hin g s h e e t wi th slip a n d m ul tiple convec tive

bo u n d a ry co n di tionsU d din, MJ, Beg, A a n d U d din, M N

h t t p://dx.doi.o rg/1 0.10 1 6/j.e n e r gy.201 6.0 5.0 6 3

Tit l e E n e r gy conve r sion u n d e r conjug a t e con d u c tion, m a g n e to-convec tion, diffusion a n d no nline a r r a di a tion ove r a no n-line a rly s t r e t c hing s h e e t wit h slip a n d m ul tiple convec tive bo u n d a ry con ditions

Aut h or s U d din, MJ, Beg, A a n d U d din, M N

Typ e Article

U RL This ve r sion is available a t : h t t p://usir.s alfor d. p rin t/39 0 9 3/

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Ms. Ref. No.: EGY-D-15-00842R3


Energy conversion under conjugate conduction, magneto-convection, diffusion

and nonlinear radiation over a non-linearly stretching sheet with slip and

multiple convective boundary conditions

Md. Jashim Uddin*

American International University-Bangladesh, Banani, Dhaka 1213, BANGLADESH.

O. Anwar Bég 4Spray Research Group, Petroleum and Gas Engineering Division, Room G77, Newton Building,

School of Computing, Science and Engineering (CSE), University of Salford, M54WT, UK,

Email: [email protected]; [email protected].

Md. Nazir Uddin

Department of Mathematical Sciences, Ball State University, 2000 W University Avenue Muncie,

INDIANA, IN 47306 , USA.


Energy conversion under conduction, convection, diffusion and radiation has been studied for

MHD free convection heat transfer of a steady laminar boundary-layer flow past a moving

permeable non-linearly extrusion stretching sheet. The nonlinear Rosseland thermal radiation flux

model, velocity slip, thermal and mass convective boundary conditions are considered to obtain a

model with fundamental applications to real world energy systems. The Navier slip, thermal and

mass convective boundary conditions are taken into account. Similarity differential equations

with corresponding boundary conditions for the flow problem, are derived, using a scaling group

of transformation. The transformed model is shown to be controlled by magnetic field,

conduction-convection, convection-diffusion, suction/injection, radiation-conduction,

temperature ratio, Prandtl number, Lewis number, buoyancy ratio and velocity slip parameters.

The transformed non-dimensional boundary value problem comprises a system of nonlinear

ordinary differential equations and physically realistic boundary conditions, and is solved

numerically using the efficient Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg fourth fifth order numerical method,

available in Maple17 symbolic software. Validation of results is achieved with previous

simulations available in the published literature. The obtained results are displayed both in

graphical and tabular form to exhibit the effect of the controlling parameters on the dimensionless

velocity, temperature and concentration distributions. The current study has applications in high

temperature materials processing utilizing magnetohydrodynamics, improved performance of

MHD energy generator wall flows and also magnetic-microscale fluid devices.

Keywords: Slip; Magneto-convective Free convection; Group analysis; Thermal and mass

convective boundary conditions; Nonlinear radiation.

* Corresponding author- Email: [email protected]

Page 4: Energy conversion under conjugate conduction, magneto THE INT...Energy conversion under conduction, convection, diffusion and radiation



a velocity slip parameter (-)

B x local magnetic field strength (T)

0B magnitude of magnetic field strength (T)

C concentration (kgmol/m3)

wC wall concentration (kgmol/m3)

C ambient concentration (kgmol/m3)

pc specific heat at constant pressure (J/kg K)

D diffusion coefficient (m2/s)

f(η) dimensionless stream function (-)

fw suction/injection parameter (-)

g acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)

fh heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)

mh mass transfer coefficient (m/s)

k thermal conductivity (m2/s)

1k Rosseland mean absorption coefficient (1/m)

L characteristic length (m)

m power law index of wall temperature and concentration (-)

M magnetic field parameter (-)

N radiation-conduction parameter (-)

1N (x) local velocity slip factor (s/m)

1 0N constant velocity slip factor (s/m)

Nc convection-conduction parameter (-)

Nd convection-diffusion parameter (-)

xNu local Nusselt number (-)

Pr Prandtl number (-)

p pressure (N/m2)

Page 5: Energy conversion under conjugate conduction, magneto THE INT...Energy conversion under conduction, convection, diffusion and radiation


mq wall mass flux (kg/s m2)

wq wall heat flux (W/m2)

rq component of radiative heat flux in y - direction (W/m2)

Le Lewis number (-)

Ra Rayleigh number (-)

xSh local Sherwood number (-)

T fluid temperature (K)

wT wall temperature (K)

rT temperature ratio parameter (-)

T ambient temperature (K)

u, v velocity components along the x - and y - axes (m/s)

wu sheet velocity (m/s)

wv transpiration velocity (m/s)

x, y Cartesian coordinates along and normal to the sheet (m)


thermal diffusivity (m2/s)

T volumetric thermal expansion coefficient (1/K)

C volumetric mass expansion coefficient (m3/kgmol)

similarity variable (-)

)( dimensionless temperature (-)

viscosity of the fluid (Ns/m2)

kinematic viscosity of the fluid (m2/s)

fluid density (kg/m3)

0 constant electric conductivity (S/m)

1 Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W/m2-K4)

)( dimensionless concentration (-)

stream function (-)

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1. Introduction

The investigation of transport problems of viscous fluids associated with energy conversion

passing a moving/stationary linearly/non-linearly extrusion surface is a relevant problem in many

industrial processes including manufacture, drawing of plastics and rubber sheets, glass fiber and

paper production, metal and polymer extrusion processes, cooling of metallic sheets and crystal

growth, all of which utilize excessive energy input. It is necessary to cool the extrusion stretching

sheet when the manufacturing process at high temperature. These flows need viscous fluids to

make a good effect to control excessive temperature in the sheet. In addition, the fluids have been

processed using a variety of supplementary effects (i.e. magnetic force, thermal/mass buoyancy

and mass diffusion) for the problem, and effectively such systems constitute a conjugate energy

conversion system which for optimization, requires both experimental and theoretical analysis.

The rate of cooling/heating can be instrumental in determining the constitution of manufactured

materials, in which a moving surface emerges from a slit and consequently, a boundary layer

flow adjacent to the sheet is generated in the direction of the movement of the surface. Sakiadis

[1] first investigated the boundary flow past a continuous solid surface, motivated by chemical

processing applications. Thereafter Crane [2] studied the steady two- dimensional boundary layer

flow of a viscous, incompressible fluid induced by a stretching sheet. As pointed out by Wang

[3], there have been numerous analytical and numerical studies communicated on

stretching/shrinking sheet flows. In this context we quote Pantokratoras [4], Van Gorder et al.

[5], Hayat et al. [6] and Noghrehabadi et al. [7]. These studies have explored a wide range of

thermophysical effects in stretching sheet transport phenomena. Yao et al. [8] reported on heat

transfer of a viscous fluid flow past a stretching/shrinking sheet with a convective boundary

condition. Bachok et al. [9] examined stagnation point flow toward a stretching/shrinking sheet

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with a convective surface boundary condition. Some recent studies related to energy conversion

are the paper of Elshafei [10] who studied natural convection heat transfer from a heat sink with

hollow/perforated circular pin fins. Sertkaya et al. [11] presented pin-finned surfaces in natural

convection. Bouaziz and Aziz [12] studied convective–radiative fin with temperature dependent

thermal conductivity using double optimal linearization. Jang et al. [13] studied 3-D turbulent

flow of venting flue gas using thermoelectric generator modules and plate fin heat sink. Torabi et

al. [14] studied longitudinal fins of rectangular, trapezoidal and concave parabolic profiles with

multiple nonlinearities.

Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) has also grown into a significant area in many branches of

engineering, not least in sustainable alternative energy generation. MHD involves the study of the

influence of a magnetic field on the viscous flow of electrically-conducting fluids. It arises in

magnetic materials processing, purification of crude oil, magnetohydrodynamic electrical power

generation, manipulation of electro-conductive polymers, smart braking systems, external

aerodynamic flow control for spacecraft and is also critical to TOKAMAK energy systems. In

modern electromagnetic materials processing, MHD transport phenomena are exploited

frequently in flows from continuously moving, stretching/shrinking, heated/cooled surfaces in a

quiescent/moving free stream (Bataller [15]). MHD achieves excellent modification and control

of magnetic fluids, which can be synthesized for specific applications including aerospace alloys

(Beg et al. [16]). The manufactured materials are affected by the rate of stretching/shrinking, wall

heat/mass transfer rates as well as by magnetic field strength (Chen [17]). Other uses of MHD

include spacecraft landing gear systems (Holt [18]), deep space nuclear powered engines (Rashidi

et al. [19]), magnetoplasma dynamic thrusters (Makinde and Bég [20]) and magnetic materials

processing (Beg et al. [21]).

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Thermal radiation heat transfer is important when the difference between the surface temperature

and the free stream temperature is large and when the operating temperature is significantly high.

Radiation plays an important role in controlling heat/mass as well as momentum transfer. It

therefore exerts a substantial influence on the final constitution of materials during

manufacturing, which can markedly impact on time to delivery by manufacturers. High

temperature plasmas, cooling of nuclear reactors and glass production are some important

applications of radiative heat transfer from a surface to conductive fluids. The effect of radiation

on convective heat/mass transfer flow of both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids from either

linearly or nonlinearly stretching/shrinking sheets has received extensive attention. Important

studies in this regard include Chen [22], Noor et al. [23], Cortel [24], Misra and Sinha [25] and

Hakeem et al. [26]. Previous investigators applied a linear Rosseland diffusion approximation for

radiation which has limited accuracy when the temperature difference between the sheet and

surrounding is very large. Very recently, Pantokratoras and Fang [27], Uddin et al. [28] and also

Cortell [29] used the nonlinear Rosseland diffusion approximation to study radiative heat

transfer. These studies showed that the nonlinear Rosseland flux model is valid for both small

and large differences between surface temperature and ambient fluid temperature.

All of the previous investigators used uniform/variable concentration, uniform/variable mass flux

or mass slip boundary conditions. They ignore mass convective boundary conditions. The idea of

using mass convective boundary condition has been recently explored by Uddin et al. [30, 31].

Drying mechanism (naturally/artificially) in which heat and mass transfer occurs simultaneously

is used in many agricultural and industrial sectors, e.g. food, wood, ceramic, pharmaceutical, and

paper (Silva et al. [32]). The mass convective boundary condition is found to be most appropriate

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to conduct an analysis of transport phenomena related to drying wet products artificially using

hot air (Datta [33], Silva et al. [34]). The inclusion of this boundary condition makes the present

study practically applicable. In the present article, we adopt this model and examine analytically

and numerically the effect of thermal and mass convective boundary conditions on MHD free

convective slip flow from a nonlinearly radiating stretching sheet. We develop similarity

transformations via a one- parameter scaling group of transformations. The dimensionless

conservation equations are derived as ordinary similarity differential equations for free

convection flow of viscous incompressible fluid past a moving stretching sheet with thermal

convective, mass convective and hydrodynamic slip boundary condition. The well-posed

boundary value problem is solved using numerical quadrature provided in the symbolic code

Maple 17. The effects of the emerging thermophysical and thermo-diffusive parameters on the

flow, heat and mass transfer characteristics are explored graphically. Detailed interpretations of

the solutions are documented.

2. Problem formulation

The two dimensional steady laminar free convective heat and mass transfer flow of a viscous,

incompressible and electrically-conducting Newtonian fluid from a permeable moving nonlinear

radiating stretching sheet is considered. The flow configuration and the coordinate system are

presented in Fig.1. The sheet is orientated along the x - axis. A magnetic field with variable

strength ( / )B x L is applied parallel to the y axis i.e. transverse to the sheet plane. The magnetic

Reynolds number is small enough to neglect induced magnetic field effects. It is also assumed

that the external electric field is zero and the electric field due to polarization of charges is

negligible. The pressure gradient, viscous and electrical dissipation are neglected. Applied

magnetic field is also sufficiently weak to neglect Hall currents. The left surface of the sheet is

heated by convection from a hot fluid at temperature fT which provides a variable heat transfer

coefficient, fh x/L . T denotes the ambient fluid temperature. It is assumed that

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f wT ( T T ) . It is further assumed that the concentration at the left surface of the sheet is

f wC ( C C ) which provides a variable mass transfer coefficient h x/Lm . wC is the wall

concentration and C is the ambient concentration. Thermophysical properties are assumed to be

invariant except the density in the buoyancy terms. The field variables are the velocity

components ( u , v ), temperature, T, and concentration, C. Under these approximations, the mass,

momentum, energy and species diffusion conservation equations in dimensional form are:

u v+ =0,

x y


22 3 1 3 10 3 3

T C2

x/Lσ Bu u uu v u gβ T-T x/L +gβ C-C x/L ,

x y y ρ

m m




p p

T T k Tu v ,

x y ρc y


ρc yr




C C Cu v D .

x y y


The physical wall and far field boundary conditions imposed are (Ghiaasiaan [35]):

w slip w f f


Tu=u (x/L)+u (x/L), v=v x/L , -k =h x/L T -T(x/L,0) ,


CD =h x/L C -C(x/L,0) at y=0,


u 0,T T , C C as y .






xu (x)=


is sheet velocity, L is the characteristic length, 1slip

u(x) N x/L



linear slip velocity, 1N is velocity slip factor, ρ is density of the fluid, is the kinematic

viscosity, k is the thermal conductivity, 0σ is the fluid electric conductivity, B x/L is applied

magnetic field, g denotes acceleration due to gravity, Tβ designates volumetric coefficient of

thermal expansion, Cβ is the volumetric coefficient of concentration expansion, pc is the specific

heat at constant pressure, D is the mass (species) diffusivity, wv x/L is mass transfer velocity,

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rq is radiative heat flux, is thermal diffusivity. The fluid is a gray, absorbing-emitting

radiation but non-scattering medium (Cortell [29]). It is also assumed that the boundary layer is

optically thick and the Rosseland approximation for radiation is valid. Thus for an optically thick

boundary layer (i.e. intensive absorption) the radiative heat flux is defined as 4



4 Tq

3k y


where 1 (= 5.67 × 10−8 W/m2K4) is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and

1k (1/m) is the

Rosseland mean absorption coefficient (Sparrow and Cess [36]).

2.1 Non-dimensionalization of Model

We introduce the following dimensionless variables in Eqns. (1)-(5):

1/4 1/2 1/4


0f f

T-T C-Cx y u L v Lx= , y= Ra , u= PrRa , v= Pr Ra , θ= , ,


ΔTΔT=T -T , ΔC=C - C ,Ra .

Tg L


Introducing a dimensionless stream function defined as:

ψ ψu and v .

y x


The continuity Eqn. (1) is satisfied identically and Eqns. (2)-(4) yield:


T 0


3-1/32 22 300

3 1/2


β ΔTx β ΔCg x Lσ Bψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ CPr Pr Pr θ ,y x y x y y Ra y Ra β ΔT







ψ θ ψ ψ θ θ 4 θθ ln(ΔT) 1 T 1 ,

y x y x x y y 3N y yr




ψ ψ 1ln(ΔC) .

y x y x x y y


The boundary conditions (5) now take the form:

1/4 1/4


1/4 21/3 w1



Ra Ra


v LRa N (x)ψ ψ ψ θ Lx , , h x 1 θ ,

y L y x y k

Lh x 1 at 0,

y D

ψ0, θ 0, 0 as y .




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Here 3

1 1N=k k /4σ T

the conduction-radiation parameter pPr=μc /k is the Prandtl number,

Le / D is the Lewis number, Ra is the Rayleigh number. It is further assumed

that m m

0 0ΔT= ΔT x ,ΔC= ΔC x ,

0 0ΔT , ΔC are constant reference temperature and

concentration, m is the power law index of wall temperature and concentration (i.e. the flow is

non-isothermal and non-isosolutal).

2.2 Search for Similarity using Symmetry Analysis

Following Uddin et al. [37], we select the following one-parameter continuous group of


* * * * * *3 5 61 2 4f f

* * * 2* 27 8 9 10w w f f 1 1

εα εα εαεα εα εαΓ:x =xe , y =ye , ψ =ψe , θ =θe , = e , h =h e ,

εα εα εα εαv =v e , h =h e , N =N e , B =B e .


Here ε is the parameter of the group and iα (i=1,2,...,10) are arbitrary real numbers. We seek the

values of iα such that the form of the Eqns. (8)-(11) is invariant under the transformation group.

This transforms the variables from 2

f w 1x, y, ψ, θ, , h , h ,v , N , Bm to

* * * * * * * * 2*

f w


1, , , , , , x y ψ θ h h , v , N ,Bm . Substituting Eqn. (12) into Eqns. (8)-(11), equating

powers of e and hence solving the resulting equations, we arrive at:

4 5 0, , ,1 2 3 2 10 2 6 7 8 2 9 2α =3α , α =2α ,α =-2α α =α =α = α α α (13)

With these values of α , the set of transformations Γ then reduces to :

* * ** * *2 2 2 2f f

* * * *2 22 2 2 2w w m m 1 1 1 1

3ε α ε α 2εα -ε αΓ:x =x e , y =e y, ψ =ψe , θ =θ, = , h =h e ,

ε α -ε α ε α -ε 2αv =v e , h =h e , N =N e , B =B e .


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We now seek the absolute invariants under this group of transformations. To determine the

absolute invariant, we expand transformations (14) as a Taylor series retaining the terms up to the

first degree and neglecting higher powers of . This yields the following characteristic equations:


wf m 1


f w 1

d vdh dh dNdx dy dψ dθ d dB= = = = = = .

3x y 2ψ 0 0 -h -v -h N -2Bm


2.3 Similarity Transformations

Solving (15), we have the following similarity transformations (absolute invariants)

1/3 2/3 1/3 1/3

f f m m0 0

1/3 1/3 2 2 -2/3,w w 1 1 0

0 0

η=yx , x f η , θ=θ η , = η , h =h x , h =h x ,

v =v x N =N x , B = B x .


Here 2

f w 1 00 0 0 0

h , v ,h , N ,Bm are constant heat transfer coefficient, constant transpiration (wall

lateral mass flux) velocity, constant mass transfer coefficient, constant velocity slip factor,

constant transverse magnetic field. f η , θ η , η are the dimensionless stream function,

temperature and concentration respectively.

2.4 Similarity Differential Equations

Using Eqn. (16), Eqns. (8) - (11) reduce to the following coupled, nonlinear similarity equations:

21f + 2f f f -Mf θ+Nr =0,

3Pr (17)



'4 2θ + 1 T 1 f θ mf θ =0,

3N 3


1 2''+ f ' m f =0,

Le 3


- -f 0 =fw, f 0 =1+a f''(0), θ 0 = -Nc 1 θ 0 , ' 0 = -Nd 1 0 ,

f θ 0.


Here 2 2

0M=σL B / Ra (magnetic field parameter), C T0 0Nr= /C T (buoyancy ratio),



fNc=Lh /Ra k, (convection-conduction parameter), 0

1/4Nd Lh /DRam (convection-diffusion

parameter), 1/4

w0fw 3Lv /2Ra a= - (suction/injection i.e. wall transpiration parameter), fw >0 for

suction, fw <0 for injection and fw =0 for solid sheet), 0


1a N Ra /L (velocity slip),

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TT =


(temperature ratio). We note that when Nc=Nd , M=Nr=a=0, Pr 1, the boundary

value problem retracts to the simpler model investigated by Hsiao (Hsiao [38]).

3. Physical Quantities

In sheet materials processing and near wall MHD energy generator flows, important design

quantities are the skin friction fxC , the local Nusselt number xNu and the local Sherwood number

xSh can be found from the following definitions:

w w m

fx x x2

w f f

x q x qC , Nu , Sh ,

u k T -T D C -C


where w , wq , mq are the wall shear stress, the wall heat and the wall mass fluxes, respectively,

and are defined as

31w w m

1y=0 y=0 y=0

16 T C, q k 1 T , q D .

y 3k k y y



Using Eqns. (6), (16), (22), we have from Eqn. (21)

3-1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

x fx x x r x x

'4Re Pr C =-f''(0), Re Pr Nu 1 1 T -1 '(0), Re Pr Sh '(0),



where x



is the local Rayleigh number.

4. Numerical Solution by Maple 17

With the application of a scaling group of transformations for the governing boundary layer

equations and associated boundary conditions, the two independent variables are reduced by one.

Consequently the governing equations reduce to a system of dimensionless nonlinear ordinary

differential equations and associated boundary conditions. The nonlinear two-point boundary

value problem is solved using MAPLE17 which uses the Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg fourth-fifth

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order numerical algorithm (RKF45). This approach has been extensively implemented in a

diverse array of nonlinear multi-physical flow problems in chemical and materials engineering

sciences including entropy minimization in magnetic materials processing [39], viscoelastic

petroleum flows [40], annular magnetohydrodynamics [41], nano-structural mechanics [42],

nanofluid convection flows [43, 44] and thermo-capillary convection [45]. The robustness and

stability of this numerical method is therefore well established. A Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg fourth-

fifth order numerical algorithm (RKF45) is employed, available in the symbolic computer

software Maple 17. The RFK45 algorithm is adaptive since it adjusts the quantity and location of

grid points during iteration and thereby constrains the local error within acceptable specified

bounds. In the current problem, the asymptotic boundary conditions given in Eqn. (20) are

replaced by a finite value 12. The choice of infinity must be selected judiciously to ensure that all

numerical solutions approached to the asymptotic values correctly. The selection of sufficiently

large value for infinity is imperative for maintaining desired accuracy in boundary layer flows,

and is a common pitfall encountered in numerous studies. The stepping formulae used to solve

Eqns. (17)-(19) under conditions (20) via fifth-fourth order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg algorithms are

given below [46]:






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Here 𝑦 denotes fourth-order Runge-Kutta phase and 𝑧 is the fifth-order Runge-Kutta phase. An

estimate of the error is achieved by subtracting the two values obtained. If the error exceeds a

specified threshold, the results can be re-calculated using a smaller step size. The approach to

estimating the new step size is shown below:


5. Presentation of Results

In order to assess the accuracy of the numerical method, we have compared the local skin friction

coefficient i.e. f 0 , with the previously published data of Cortell [29], for selected values of

suction/injection parameter fw and Nc with M = a = 0. The comparison is shown in Table

1, and is found to be in excellent agreement. This degree of closeness vouches for the high

accuracy of the present computational scheme. The computational solutions are depicted in Figs.

2-14 for the influence of selected parameters on the flow, heat and mass transfer characteristics.

In the graphs presented the following default data is employed for the governing thermophysical

parameters: pPr c / k = 6.8 (high viscosity fluids e.g. polymers, for which momentum

diffusivity exceeds thermal diffusivity), Le / D = 5 (Lewis number defines the ratio of

Page 17: Energy conversion under conjugate conduction, magneto THE INT...Energy conversion under conduction, convection, diffusion and radiation


thermal diffusivity to mass (nanoparticle species) diffusivity. It is used to characterize fluid flows

where there is simultaneous heat and mass transfer by convection. For Le> 1, thermal diffusion

rate exceeds species diffusion rate), C T0 0Nr C / T = 0.1 (thermal buoyancy force

exceeds greatly the species buoyancy force), m =1 (non-isothermal, non-iso-solutal case),



1a=N Ra /L = 1 (strong velocity slip), 2 2

0M L B / Ra =M = 0.5 (weak magnetic field),



fNc = Lh /Ra k, = 0.5 (conduction exceeds convection heat transfer), 0


fNd=Lh /DRa = 0.5

(diffusion exceeds convection), 3

1 1N=k k / 4 T

= 10 (thermal conduction exceeds thermal

radiation). fr



=2 (high temperature ratio). This data is realistic for materials processing

systems and also certain MHD energy generator channel flows in the wall vicinity.

Fig.2 shows a sample computation for the evolution of the dimensionless velocity, temperature

and concentration. This clearly establishes the nature of the velocity, temperature and

concentration behavior from the wall, transverse to the sheet into the boundary layer. The

montonic decay of all flow characteristics from the sheet surface is evident. Velocity is observed

to be greater than temperature and this in turn exceeds concentration. This indicates physically

that the momentum boundary layer thickness exceeds thermal boundary layer thickness, which in

turn is greater than concentration boundary layer thickness. The stable and asymptotically smooth

nature of the profiles in the free stream, also confirms that with all thermophysical parameters

invoked (i.e. radiation, mass, momentum, thermal slip, and wall injection) the correct behavior is

computed for all the variables. Flow reversal is not induced (negative values do not arise for

velocity), and no temperature or concentration overshoots are observed. Fig. 2 corresponds to

very weak thermal radiation present ( 3

1 1N=k k /4σ T

i.e. conduction-radiation parameter = 10 i.e.

conduction>>radiation, in fig. 2) and more details of stronger radiative flux are elucidated in due


Figs. 3–5, show the effects of radiation-conduction (N) and suction/injection (fw) parameters on

the dimensionless velocity, temperature and concentration distributions. The dimensionless

velocity (fig. 3) and temperature (fig. 4) magnitudes evidently are both strongly reduced with

increasing N. 3

1 1N=k k / 4 T

and embodies the relative contribution of thermal conduction heat

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transfer to radiative heat transfer. This parameter, also known as the Rosseland-Boltzmann

number (Bég et al. [45]) arises in the augmented thermal diffusion term, { }3 /41 (T 1)

3Nr q qé ù+ -ê úë û


the normalized energy conservation equation (18). Clearly this parameter is a reciprocal. As N

increases the contribution of thermal radiation decreases and thermal conduction increases. As N

thermal radiative flux contribution will vanish. As N 0, thermal conduction contribution

will vanish. Effectively as N increases, the ratio (4/3 N) will be reduced. The temperature in the

boundary layer will therefore be decreased (lower radiative flux) and thermal boundary layer

thickness will also be reduced. Via coupling of the energy field with the momentum conservation

equation (17), an increase in N will decelerate the boundary layer flow leading to a thickening of

momentum (hydrodynamic) boundary layer thickness. Similar trends of velocity and temperature

profiles have been observed by Pal et al. [48]. The general trends for radiative effects computed

are also corroborated in actual materials processing operations, as described by Viskanata [49].

Fig 5 demonstrates that the concentration magnitude increases as N increases for both

permeable fw 0 and impermeable fw 0 plates. Species diffusion is thereby clearly

accentuated with a reduction in radiative heat flux, and this also leads to a thickening in the

species (concentration) boundary layer thickness. In figs. 3-5, an increase in injection ( fw <0)

consistently enhances velocity, temperature and species concentration. The lateral mass flux of

fluid into the boundary layer regime is enhanced with injection (blowing). This boosts

momentum and also aids in thermal and species diffusion, leading to thinner velocity boundary

layers and thicker thermal and concentration boundary layers. The reverse effect is induced with

suction ( fw >0) which causes the momentum boundary layer to adhere more strongly to the sheet

surface, inhibits momentum development and simultaneously impedes heat and mass (species)

diffusion. Evidently both radiation heat flux and wall transpiration exert a profound influence on

the flow characteristics and both effects are extremely potent in materials processing operations.

Asymptotically smooth distributions are achieved into the free stream, in all these figures,

showing that an adequately large infinity boundary condition has been specified in the Maple

routine dsolve.

Figs. 6–8, display the effects of velocity slip parameter on the dimensionless velocity,

temperature and concentration distributions in the presence of suction/injection parameter

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fw 0 and in the absence of suction/injection parameter fw 0 respectively. It is observed

that the velocity distributions decrease with increase in “a” for both cases fw 0 and fw 0

whilst temperature and concentration increase. Greater velocity slip at the wall therefore inhibits

momentum diffusion in the boundary layer, in particular close to the sheet. Further into the

boundary layer, the effect is progressively decreased. Since both thermal and species diffusion

are exacerbated with greater wall velocity slip at the sheet, this will manifest in thicker species

and thermal boundary layers. The dominant effect of wall velocity slip is generally confined to

the near-wall zone and in practical materials sheet processing; the hydrodynamic slip effect is

expected to be most dominant near the sheet surface. This can of course be exploited to achieve

some modification of for example polymer sheet properties in that region, whereas the influence

throughout the sheet, transverse to the wall, will be minimal. It is also interesting to note that

while all three velocity, temperature and concentration distributions exhibit monotonic decays

from the sheet surface to the free stream, the rate of descent of the concentration profiles is much

sharper than for velocity and temperature profiles. The species diffusion field is evidently much

more sensitive to an increase in transverse coordinate value () than the momentum and thermal

fields. Modification of sheet properties in terms of species distribution therefore requires a faster

and more pronounced action than the velocity and thermal characteristics of sheets.

Fig. 9, shows the effects of the convection-diffusion parameter (0


fNd=Lh /DRa ) on the

dimensionless concentration distributions in the presence of suction/injection parameter

fw 0 and in the absence of suction/injection parameter fw 0 . The parameter Nd also

represents the mass Biot number. The dimensionless concentration distributions are elevated by

increasing mass Biot number for both cases fw 0 and fw 0 . The mass Biot number Nd, is

the ratio of the internal solutal resistance of a solid to the boundary layer thermal resistance. The

parameter Nd features in the boundary conditions (20) relating to the species gradient at the sheet

i.e. (0) =-Nd [1-(0)]. When Nd 0 (i.e. without mass Biot number) the left side of the plate

with high concentrated fluid is totally insulated, the internal solutal resistance of the plate is

extremely high and no convective heat transfer to the cold fluid on the right side of the plate

takes place. Fig. 8 also confirms the positive influence of injection on momentum, heat and

thermal diffusion and the counteracting influence of suction (fw>0) on these characteristics.

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Strong retardation of the flow accompanies increasing wall suction, whereas significant

acceleration is associated with increasing injection. Thermal and concentration boundary layer

thicknesses are also enhanced with injection whereas they are reduced with suction.

Figs. 10-12, show the effects of magnetic field parameter ( 2 2

0M L B / Ra ) and wall

transpiration parameter (fw) on the dimensionless velocity, temperature and concentration

distributions. Magnetic field arises only in the Lorentzian body force term, -Mf/, in the

momentum boundary layer equation (17). This is a linear force generated by the application of a

transverse magnetic field to the sheet flow regime, and acts perpendicular to the direction of the

magnetic field, B0, i.e. along the negative x -axis (fig. 1). The Lorentz magnetohydrodynamic

force is a drag force therefore resisting momentum development and impeding the boundary layer

flow. In the absence of the magnetic field, M = 0 (electrically non-conducting fluid) and

magnetohydrodynamic drag vanishes. The dimensionless velocity is therefore a maximum for

this scenario (fig. 10). With increasing M, there is a strong deceleration in the flow and

momentum boundary layer thickness is enhanced. Conversely the dimensionless temperatures in

the boundary layer are enhanced with increasing M (fig. 11) and this is attributable to the

dissipation in the supplementary work expended in dragging the fluid against the action of the

magnetic field. This extra work is dissipated as thermal energy which heats the boundary layer,

elevates temperatures and enhances thermal boundary layer thickness. A similar but less dramatic

effect is observed for the concentration field, (fig. 12) where species concentration is also found

to be elevated with increasing magnetic field, also leading to a thicknening of the concentration

boundary layer. The magnetohydrodynamic effect therefore aids thermal and species diffusion

whereas it opposes momentum development. The magnetic field effect is therefore a powerful

mechanism for modifying flow characteristics during sheet materials processing. We further note

that fig. 9 presents solutions for the weakly non-isothermal and non-iso-solutal case, m = 0.5,

whereas other graphs presented correspond to a stronger non- isothermal and non-iso-solutal case

(m=1). Figs. 10-12 also verify the earlier observations in so far as wall transpiration is concerned,

namely that the flow is accelerated and temperatures and concentration values are increased with

wall injection (fw<0), whereas they are stifled with wall suction (fw>0).

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Figs. 13-14, show the effects of temperature ratio (Tr) and wall mass flux parameter (fw) on the

dimensionless velocity and temperature distributions. It is observed that the velocity (fig. 13) as

well as temperature (fig. 14) distributions increases with an increase in temperature ratio

parameter. Momentum boundary layer thickness is reduced and thermal boundary layer thickness

is enhanced with increasing Tr values. The enhancement is however more dramatic, as

anticipated, for the temperature field, since Tr arises solely in the augmented thermal diffusion

term, { }3 /


41 (T 1)

3Nq qé ù+ -ê úë û

in the energy equation (18). Via coupling of the energy and

momentum equation (17), the velocity field is indirectly influenced with the temperature ratio

parameter and experiences a lesser modification as a result. Figs. 13, 14 also again demonstrate

the assistive effect of wall transpiration on heat, mass and momentum characteristics and the

opposing effect of suction. Smooth convergence of the velocity and temperature fields in the free

stream is again achieved (as in all other plots), testifying to the selection of an appropriately large

infinity boundary condition in the numerical computations performed with Maple 17 dsolve


6. Conclusions

A theoretical and computational study has been presented for steady two-dimensional laminar

free convective radiative magnetohydrodynamic heat, mass and momentum transfer in viscous

flow from a non-isothermal and non-isosolutal continuously moving sheet. Similarity differential

equations with corresponding and boundary conditions for the transport equations have been

obtained via a robust scaling group transformation procedure. The nonlinear ordinary differential

boundary value problem is shown to be controlled by an extensive range of parameters, including

magnetic body force parameter (M), conduction-convection parameter (Nc), convection-diffusion

parameter (Nd), non-isothermal/non-iso-solutal power-law index (m), lateral mass flux

(transpiration) parameter (fw), radiation-conduction parameter (N), temperature ratio (Tr), Prandtl

number (Pr), Lewis number (Le), buoyancy ratio (Nr) and velocity slip (a). Numerical solutions

have been obtained using dsolve command in Maple 17 symbolic software, for selected values of

certain parameters The numerical methodology has been benchmarked for the non-magnetic case,

in the absence of wall velocity slip with the previously published data of Cortell [24], for selected

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values of suction/injection parameter ( fw ) demonstrating excellent correlation. The present

computations have shown that:

(i) Increasing magnetic field enhances temperatures and concentrations whereas it depresses

velocity magnitudes (although flow reversal is not induced).

(ii) Increasing velocity slip at the wall reduces flow velocity whereas it enhances temperature and


(iii) Increasing radiation-conduction parameter (corresponding to a reduction in thermal radiative

flux contribution) generates flow deceleration and a decrease in temperatures, whereas it elevates

concentration magnitudes.

(iv) Increasing wall suction ( fw >0) retards the boundary layer flow and depresses temperatures

and concentration values, whereas increasing injection (blowing at the sheet) manifests in the

opposite effect.

(v) Increasing convection-diffusion parameter (Nd) enhances concentration magnitudes.

(vi) Increasing temperature ratio (Tr) slightly accelerates the flow but strongly enhances

temperatures through the boundary layer.

The present simulations have been confined to Newtonian viscous fluids. Future investigations

will study velocity slip effects for a range of rheological materials e.g. viscoelastic liquids (Bég et

al. [46]), micropolar biopolymers (Bég et al. [47]) and power-law shear thinning/thickening

nanofluids (Uddin et al. [37]), and will be communicated imminently.


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Figure 1: Flow configuration and coordinate system.

Fig.2 Sample graph of velocity, temperature and concentration.

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Fig. 3. Effect of N and fw on the velocity distributions.

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Fig. 4. Effect of N and fw on the temperature distributions.

Fig. 5. Effect of N and fw on the concentration distributions.

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Fig. 6. Effect of a and fw on the velocity distributions.

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Fig. 7. Effect of a and fw on the temperature distributions.

Fig.8. Effect of a and fw on the concentration distributions.

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Fig. 9. Effect of Nd and fw on the concentration distributions.

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Fig. 10. Effect of M and fw on the temperature distributions.

Fig. 11. Effect of M and fw on the temperature distributions.

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Fig. 12. Effect of M and fw on the concentration distributions.

Fig. 13. Effect of rT and fw on the velocity distributions.

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Fig. 14. Effect of

rT and fw on the temperature distributions.

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Table 1

Comparison of values of f 0 for several suction/injection parameter fw .

fw f 0

Cortell [24] Present results

-0.75 0.984417 0.984439

-0.50 0.873627 0.873643

0 0.677647 0.677648

-0.50 0.518869 0.518869

-0.75 0.453521 0.453523

Table 2

Values of f 0 ,-θ (0) and (0) when Pr = 6.8,Le=5,m = 1, Nr = fw = 0.1.

M a Nc Nd N Tr - f 0 (0) (0)

0 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 2 0.20026 0.09123 0.09647

0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 2 0.93573 0.08993 0.09623

1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 2 0.88003 0.08899 0.09609

0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 10 2 0.27768 0.09040 0.09621

0.1 1 0.1 0.1 10 2 0.22889 0.09603 0.08992

0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 10 2 0.17693 0.09647 0.32727

0.1 0.1 1 0.1 10 2 0.06352 0.47308 0.09652

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 10 2 0.33178 0.09089 0.42137

0.1 0.1 0.1 1 10 2 0.33178 0.09089 0.42137

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 50 2 0.34145 0.09148 0.09639

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 2 0.34225 0.09155 0.09639

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 2.5 0.33394 0.09077 0.09640

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 3 0.33276 0.09064 0.09640