end of the middle ages week 8

DO NOW (5) Which statement best described the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe during the Middle Ages? A) The Church encouraged individuals to question authority. B) Church leaders were limited solely to spiritual activities. C) The Church gained influence as the world became more secular. D) The Church provided a sense of stability, unity, and order. Short Answer (2-3 Sentences) How did the Black Death affect medieval Europe?

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DO NOW (5) Which statement best described the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe during the Middle Ages?◦ A) The Church encouraged individuals to question authority.◦ B) Church leaders were limited solely to spiritual activities.◦ C) The Church gained influence as the world became more secular.◦ D) The Church provided a sense of stability, unity, and order.

Short Answer (2-3 Sentences)

How did the Black Death affect medieval Europe?

The End of the Middle Ages (1200s-1400s)

Engage: I Didn’t Vote For The King


Objective I can explain how the Great Schism and the Hundred Years war contributed to the end of medieval Europe and describe changes in technology and life at the end of the Middle Ages.

Explore: History Short (10) Get out your History Shorts: A Nation is Born and the Hundred Years War

Read the articles and answer the Multiple Choice


So What Ends the Middle Ages? We know the Church provides stability, unity, and order.

However the Church is becoming worldly and corrupt.

Natural events like the Plague weaken the Church’s power.

People begin to see national identities and look less at the Church as their power.

But it takes more than one event to end the Middle Ages.


End of the Middle Ages Create this page in your notebook

(80 Seconds)

(70 seconds a slide)

The Hundred Years War


The Great Famine


End of Feudalism

Impacts on Europe

The Great Schism


End of Feudalism The rise of guilds, towns, and education improves life.

End of Feudalism Kings build their own standing armies.

The Great Famine (1313-1322)

Floods destroyed food, famine kills millions.Church cannot stop famine.

The Great Schism (1378-1417)

Papal Crisis between Avignon and Rome.1378: TWO Popes.1409: THREE Popes

Great Schism 1417: Papacy restored to ONE Pope, but his power is greatly weakened.

The Hundred Years War


England claims rule of France, huge war begins in France.

The Hundred Years War


Joan of Arc rallies the French, France retakes most of its land.

Impacts on Europe Power shifts from Pope to King.

People focus on nation rather than religion.

Impacts on Europe Gunpowder, compass, and the cannon during Hundred Years War.

Impacts on Europe New sources of knowledge, wealth, and power reshape Europe; people question King and Pope.

SKI (30) S- What do you SEE?–all the important things you see (words, title, images…)

K –What do you KNOW?—branch off and write everything you can remember about what you see.

I – what can you INFER— draw arrows from what you know and see to an answer choice (Multiple Choice)

This is good for multiple choice.


Know- 3 THINGS


What does this image say about the end of the Middle Ages?


Know- 3 THINGS


What does this image say about warfare in the Middle Ages?What improvements will happen in the future?


Know- 3 THINGS


What does this imagesay about warfareand the end of the Middle Ages?

How may these armies have gotten their equipment?

Interactive Europe Map http://www.worldology.com/Europe/dark_ages_lg.htm

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

Role Soldier Farmer Craftsman Woman

Audience Family Farmers Clients Women

Format Letter Speech Advertisement Speech

Topic The year is 1453 and after traveling Europe for several years you have returned home to use what you have learned to improve your life and your community’s life. Your home is years behind other places in Europe. What has changed around them that will allow them to improve their life? What have you learned that has changed your life? What can be made, sold, changed, or done to improve the life of your home?

Strong View Inform Persuade Persuade Inform

R.A.F.T.S (20- 16 Alone, 4 Together)

Without using your notes describe events that lead to the end of the Middle Ages.