employee’s job satisfaction

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  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    A Report


    Employees job satisfaction(A related survey on Grameen & Brac GOs employee

    in Ban!lades"#


    %ate of ubmission' uly )* +,,-

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    Employee Job satisfaction

    (A related survey on Grameen & Brac NGOs employee in Bangladesh

    ubmitted /o' !ebe"a #ultana $i%a

    LecturerFaculty of Business

    ASA University Bangladesh

    Submitted by:

    Batch: 3rd

    Section: 3(G)

    Name !

    "d# $afor Ullah %&''%*+

    "d# A,u Ba-er Siddi.ue %&''%*%

    "d#AlAmin %&''%*/

    "d# 0anvir Alam %&''%/%


    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    $etter of ransmittal



    July ') **+0o

    !eba"a sultana $i%a


    Faculty of Business

    ASA University Bangladesh

    #ub,ect- #ubmission of case study

    !ear "adam1

    0his is our 2leasure to 2resent the e2ort entitled .Employee Job satisfaction (A related survey on

    Grameen & Brac NGOs employee in Bangladesh/0t is our great concession to su,mit the term

    2a2er# 4e have a22lied our -no5ledge 6 0echni.ue to 2re2are this 2a2er# 4e sincerely ho2e1 this

    2a2er 5ill fulfill all the re.uirements suggested ,y you under the course BUS7#if you acce2t the

    re2ort then 5e 5ill ,e grateful to you

    4e ho2e that our effort is of some concrete 5orth to you# f you have further any .uery regarding the2a2er1 5e are gladly remaining stand,y 5herever you as- for it#

    1ours truly)

    "d# $afor Ullah ###88888888

    "d# A,u Ba-ar Siddi.ue 888888888

    "d# Al Amin 888888888

    "d# 0anvir Alam 888888888


    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction



    At first 5e ta-e the o22ortunity to com2lete our re2ort ,y the survey .uestioner# 6d0!ashidul alam)

    9uman resource !ivision and Assistant ice 2resedent and #houbrana "anamhead of 9 from Brac

    and Grameen NG;# 4e also confirm that 5e ta-e successful 2art in the re.uired activity to carrying

    out and com2leting this re2ort1 and the su,mission of 2a2er 5or- on ' July) **+#through the

    em2loyee satisfaction#

    4e also e

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    /AB1E O2 3O/E/

    7articular 7age No

    0itle ?age iSecond 0itle ?age ii

    Letter of 0ransmittal iii

    Ac-no5ledgement iv

    0a,le of @ontinent v

    ' (8ntroduction 9:

    '#' ntroduction 3

    '# Sco2e of the e2ort 7

    '#3 ?ur2ose of the e2ort 7

    '#7 "ethodology *

    '#* Limitation *

    2hapter ;o Organi%ation profile ation 'C

    #/ Branchases of Be 2hapter hree 7roblems and 7rospects *9 7urpose of the !eport

    '0? 6ethodology of the report

    '0: $imitation of the !eport

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

    3"apter One' $ntroduction

    $/RO%.3/$O (About ob satisfaction#565

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    $o, satisfaction descri,es ho5 content an individualis 5ith his or her o,# 0he ha22ier 2eo2le are

    5ithin their o,1 the more satisfied they are said to ,e# $o, satisfaction is not the same as motivation1although it is clearly lin-ed# $o, design aims to enhance o, satisfaction and 2erformance methods

    include o, rotation1 o, enlargement and o, enrichment# ;ther influences on satisfaction include the

    management style and culture1 em2loyee involvement1 em2o5erment and autonomous 5or- grou2s#

    $o, satisfaction is a very im2ortant attri,ute 5hich is fre.uently measured ,y organi>ations# 0he most

    common 5ay of measurement is the use of rating scales 5here em2loyees re2ort their reactions to

    their o,s# uestions relate to rate of 2ay1 5or- res2onsi,ilities1 variety of tas-s1 2romotional

    o22ortunities the 5or- itself and co5or-ers# Some .uestioners as- yes or no .uestions 5hile others

    as- to rate satisfaction on '* scale (5here ' re2resents Hnot at all satisfiedH and * re2resents


  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    0here is a large sco2e for doing the re2ort the em2loyee $o, satisfaction 5ith t5o reno5ned

    organi>ations in Bangladesh# 0his re2ort 2rovides 2ractical -no5ledge to the students a,out

    organi>ations inside and outside environment# 0he students have a great o22ortunity to ac.uire

    -no5ledge a,out the organi>ation# After studying this re2ort you 5ill a,le to -no5 a,out the o,

    satisfaction1 sati factional factor1 reacts ,y the em2loyee1 decrease dissatisfaction1 5ell ,ring

    2erformance and another some im2ortant things#


    he ma,or ob,ectives of the present study are-

    '# 0o Ino5 a,out the NG; ;rgani>ation in Bangladesh#

    # 0o introduce 5ith organi>ational environment

    3# 0o -no5 a,out o, and its satisfaction as 5ell as dissatisfaction7# Factors of satisfaction

    *# Factors of dissatisfactions

    C# Solvent of dissatisfaction

    /# Em2loyees thin-ing regarding his 5or-

    ?ractical education as a student

    +# @om2aring a,ility create

    '%# 4or- fairness that affection of 5or- and so many#

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

    OBE3/$0E O2 /8E RE7OR/56)


  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    0his 2a2er has ,een 2re2ared relying on 2rimary and secondary information# ?rimary information has

    ,een o,tained through a sam2le survey conducted on Brac and Geameen Ban- em2loyee# ntervie5

    5as conducted 5ith the concerned 2ersonnel of the res2ective organi>ations 5ith the hel2 of a semi

    structured intervie5 schedule# Sources of 2ertinent secondary information included the nternet

    annual o, satisfaction ournals1 ne5s2a2ers and 5e,sites#

    0he main constrain of the study is inade.uate access information1 5hich has ham2ered thesco2e of the analysis re.uired for the study#

    4e had only ' days 5hich is not enough to -no5 as much information as this re2ort re.uired#

    0o collect information 5e faced difficult ,ecause of the e

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    0' Grameen Ban"

    0 Brac ban"

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

    Chapter Two: Organizational


    Grameen ban"+65

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    argue that the develo2mental NG; is the 2urveyor of a ne5 economic sovereignty that is re2resented

    ,y cor2orate ca2ital interests and local institutional interests (NG;s)1 and is an architect of

    neoli,eralism 5ithin a modernist develo2mental discourse of 2oor 5omens em2o5erment through the

    mar-et# Focusing on the microcredit 2olicies of the %%C No,el ?eace ?ri>e 5inner1 the Grameen

    Ban- of Bangladesh1 and three other leading nongovernmental organi>ations in the country1 analy>e

    the centrality of gender in the eation and neoli,eralism in Bangladesh#' ee this relationshi2 ,et5een rural 5omen and

    NG;s ,y 2lacing it 5ithin the economy of shame1 a conce2t eens to act in

    accordance 5ith the mar-et 2rinci2les of disci2line1 efficiency and com2etitiveness (;ng1 %%C: 7)#

    Neoli,eralism is a,out the su,ection of targeted 2o2ulations to certain rules that inform and regulate

    ,ehavior# n many 2ostcolonial countries 5ith 5ea- sovereignties1 the notion of citi>enshi2 as a set of

    entitlements that are ,ound u2 5ith a nationstate that guarantees those rights1 is lac-ing# n its 2lace1

    5e see the articulation of 2ostcolonial governance authori>ed ,y NG;s 5hose clients are su,ected to

    act in accordance 5ith the values of disci2line1 efficiency and com2etitiveness# By 2ostcolonial

    governance refer to the su,ection of targeted 2o2ulations ,y nonstate actors such as NG;s to ne5

    technologies of mar-etoriented disci2linary mechanisms# t also refers to governance ,y NG;s that

    have ,egun to act li-e a state 5ith 5hat ;ng has termed as graduated sovereignties1 and they see- to

    im2lement a social engineering 2rogram (2o2ulation control1 9JA!S management1 2rimary

    education1 voter education1 etc#) that 5as formerly in the domain of the state#

    Grameen Ban" at a glance-

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    Grameen Ban- (GB)

    0y2e Body @or2orate (Ban- ;rdinance)

    ndustry Finance

    Founded '+&3

    9ead.uarters !ha-a1Bangladesh

    Area served Bangladesh

    Iey 2eo2le "uhammad Kunus1 founder

    ?roducts Financial Services


    evenue C133*1*CC137 0a-a(+#3 million US!) (%%C)M'

    ;2erating income *1+*+1C/*1%'3 0a-a(&C#+ million US!) (%%C)M'

    Net income '13+&1'**1%3% 0a-a(%#3 million US!) (%%C)M'

    0otal assets *+13&31C'1/& 0a-a(%%C)M

    Em2loyees 71/%3 (;ct %%/)M3

    4e,site 555#grameeninfo#org

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    BA@1 ,ased in Bangladesh1 is currently ("ay %'%) the 5orldDs largest nongovernmental

    develo2ment organi>ation# Esta,lished ,ySir Fa>le 9asan A,ed in '+/ soon after the inde2endence

    of Bangladesh1 BA@ is currently 2resent in all C7 districts of Bangladesh1 5ith over / million micro

    finance grou2 mem,ers1 3/1*%% nonformal 2rimary schools and more than /%1%%% health volunteers#

    BA@ is the largest NG; ,y num,er of staff em2loying over '%1%%% 2eo2le1 the maority of 5hom

    are 5omen# BA@ o2erates various 2rograms such as those in microfinance and education in over

    nine countries across Asia and Africa1 reaching more than ''% million 2eo2le# 0he organi>ation is &%O

    selffunded through a num,er of commercial enter2rises that include a dairy and food 2roect and a

    chain of retail handicraft stores called PAarong# BA@ maintains offices in '7 countries throughout

    the 5orld1 including BA@ USA and BA@ UI# BA@ is a fe5 years into their initiative to o2eratein ten African countries in the neens in control of their o5n destinies# ;ver the years1 BA@ has organi>ed

    the isolated 2oor and learned to understand their needs ,y 2iloting1 refining and scaling u2 2ractical

    5ays to increase their access to resources1 su22ort their entre2reneurshi2 and em2o5er them to

    ,ecome active agents of change# 4omen and girls have ,een the central analytical lens of BA@s

    anti2overty a22roach BA@ recogni>es ,oth their vulnera,ilities and thirst for change# BA@

    al5ays strives to find 2ractical and scala,le a22roaches to eradicate 2overty 5herever it is#

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

    Brac ban"+6+

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    Brac Ban" at a Glance-

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"


    '*%20' Job satisfaction

    >0 Cistory Job satisfaction

    >0> 6odel Job satisfaction

    >0?6easuring Job satisfaction

    >0:he Effect of Job satisfaction on Employee performance

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

    3"apter /"ree' 1ecture


    Job satisfaction)65

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    $o, satisfaction has ,een defined as a 2leasura,le emotional state resulting from the a22raisal of oneso, an affective reaction to ones o, and an attitude to5ards ones o, 4eiss (%%) has argued thato, satisfaction is an attitude ,ut 2oints out that researchers should clearly distinguish the o,ects of

    cognitive evaluation 5hich are affect (emotion)1 ,eliefs and ,ehaviors# 0his definition suggests that 5eform attitudes to5ards our o,s ,y ta-ing into account our feelings1 our ,eliefs1 and our ,ehaviors

    ;ne of the ,iggest 2reludes to the study of o, satisfaction 5as the 9a5thorne studies# 0hese studies('+7'+33)1 2rimarily credited to Elton "ayoof the 9arvard Business School1 sought to find theeffects of various conditions (most nota,ly illumination) on 5or-ers 2roductivity# 0hese studiesultimately sho5ed that novel changes in 5or- conditions tem2orarily increase 2roductivity (called the

    9a5thorne Effect)# t 5as later found that this increase resulted1 not from the ne5 conditions1 ,ut fromthe -no5ledge of ,eing o,served# 0his finding 2rovided strong evidence that 2eo2le 5or- for 2ur2osesother than 2ay1 5hich 2aved the 5ay for researchers to investigate other factors in o, satisfaction#

    Scientific management(a-a 0aylorism) also had a significant im2act on the study of o, satisfaction#Frederic- 4inslo5 0aylors '+'' ,oo-1 ?rinci2les of Scientific "anagement1 argued that there 5as asingle ,est 5ay to 2erform any given 5or- tas-# 0his ,oo- contri,uted to a change in industrial2roduction 2hiloso2hies1 causing a shift from s-illed la,or and 2iece5or-to5ards the more modern

    a22roach of assem,ly linesand hourly 5ages#0he initial use of scientific management ,y industriesgreatly increased 2roductivity ,ecause 5or-ers 5ere forced to 5or- at a faster 2ace# 9o5ever1 5or-ers,ecame e

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    0here are many methods for measuring o, satisfaction# By far1 the most common method forcollecting data regarding o, satisfaction is the Li-ert scale (named after ensis Li-ert)# ;ther lesscommon methods of for gauging o, satisfaction include: KesJNo .uestions1 0rueJFalse .uestions12oint systems1 chec-lists1 and forced choice ans5ers# 0his data is ty2ically collected using anEnter2rise Feed,ac- "anagement(EF") system#

    0he $o, !escri2tive nde< ($!)1 created ,y Smith1 Iendall1 6 9ulin ('+C+)1 is a s2ecific.uestionnaire of o, satisfaction that has ,een 5idely used# t measures ones satisfaction in five

    facets: 2ay1 2romotions and 2romotion o22ortunities1 co5or-ers1 su2ervision1 and the 5or- itself# 0hescale is sim2le1 2artici2ants ans5er either yes1 no1 or cant decide (indicated ,y PR) in res2onse to5hether given statements accurately descri,e ones o,#

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

    6odels of ,ob satisfaction

    6easuring Job satisfaction)6;

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    0he$o, in

    General nde< is an overall measurement of o, satisfaction# t is an im2rovement to the $o,!escri2tive nde< ,ecause the $! focuses too much on individual facets and not enough on 5or-satisfaction in general#

    ;ther o, satisfaction .uestionnaires include: the "innesota Satisfaction uestionnaire("S)1 the

    $o, Satisfaction Survey ($SS)1 and the Faces Scale# 0he "S measures o, satisfaction in % facetsand has a long form 5ith '%% .uestions (five items from each facet) and a short form 5ith % .uestions(one item from each facet)# 0he $SS is a 3C item .uestionnaire that measures nine facets of o,satisfaction# Finally1 the Faces Scale of o, satisfaction1 one of the first scales used 5idely1 measuredoverall o, satisfaction 5ith ust one item 5hich 2artici2ants res2ond to ,y choosing a face#

    Satisfaction and 2roductivitySatisfied 5or-ers arent necessarily more 2roductive4or-er 2roductivity is higher in organi>ations 5ith more satisfied 5or-s#

    Satisfaction and A,senteeismSatisfied em2loyee has fe5er avoida,le a,sences

    Satisfaction and 0urnoverSatisfied em2loyees are less li-ely to .uit

    ;rgani>ation ta-es actions to retain high 2erformance and to 5eed out lo5er


    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

    he Effect of Job satisfaction on Employee performance)6

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    ?0' Duestioner 5evelopment

    ?0 @indings the 5ata

    ?0> Analysis the data

    ?0? 7roblem statement

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

    7roblem statement;6;

    Chapter Four: Finding &


  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    n the area of finding the 2ro,lem of those organi>ation# 4hich the reason ,y that em2loyee may

    dissatisfaction# By the survey the conce2t ,uildu2 a,out the dissatisfaction and the 2ro,lem1 those

    to2ically may88##

    Lac- of $o, security that the im2ortant thing

    Better 5or-ing environment nsufficient 2ay 2ac-age

    Lac- of freedom and res2ect


    ?erformance evaluation

    nade.uate communication

    4or- diversity

    Shifting ole

    ?referring area ,ased 5or- and some other factor#

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction




    $o, satisfaction occurs ,ased on some factors# Brac one of the largest and 2o2ular NG; inBangladesh1 5ith the com2ares of Grameen Ban- the Grameen em2loyee are more satisfy1 then the

    Brac ,an-# 0his satisfaction is ,ased on some factors1 those factors Grameen has develo2ed mush# So

    their total as 5ell as individual satisfaction is occurring higher than the Brac ,an-# ,ut those higher

    ran- doesnt mean that their em2loyee are much satisfy1 it is ust the com2arison result# So the ' st6

    last can measure# But the rating is not satisfactory at all# 0heir score 5as most of the time ,ello5 3# So

    the services have to ,etter to the em2loyee#

    AA .niversity Ban!lades"

    Chapter Five: Conclusion &




  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction


    Both of t5o organi>ations has to increase their em2loyee service1 5ithout em2loyee satisfaction 5or-

    doesnt done 2erfectly# So the main thing is to ensure em2loyee satisfaction1 to ensure it any -ind of

    ste2s can ta-e# 0heir em2loyee satisfaction is not enough 5e thin- ,y the survey# So ,oth of t5o have

    to ,e im2rove# 4e also recommend some factor1 5hich have to ,e develo2ed and increase efficiency#

    4ell ,ring communication ationality ,uildu2

    Shifting duty fi

  • 8/10/2019 Employees Job Satisfaction
