elvish vocabulary

Elvish Vocabulary A Abelas (ah-BEY-lahs): Sorrow. Also used as an apology. Adahl (ah-DAHL): tree. Adahlen (AH-dah-len): forest. Alas (AH-lahs): earth, dirt. An (AHN): place or location. Annar (AN-ahr): year. Ar (AHR): personal pronoun: I, me. Aravel (AHR-ah-vehl): long journey. Arla (AHR-lah): home. Arlathvhen (ahr-LATH-vehn): Meeting of the Dalish clans, every ten years. [5] Asha (AH-sha): woman. Assan (ah-SAHN): arrow. Atisha (ah-TEE-shah): peace, peaceful. B Bel (BELL): many. Bora (BOHR-ah): to throw, project, loose. Bor'assan (BOHR-ah-sahn): bow. D Da (DAH): small, diminutive prefix. Dar (DAHR): to be. Da'len (dah-LEN): little child.

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Elvish - Human dictionary


Page 1: Elvish Vocabulary

Elvish Vocabulary


Abelas (ah-BEY-lahs): Sorrow. Also used as an apology.

Adahl (ah-DAHL): tree.

Adahlen (AH-dah-len): forest.

Alas (AH-lahs): earth, dirt.

An (AHN): place or location.

Annar (AN-ahr): year.

Ar (AHR): personal pronoun: I, me.

Aravel (AHR-ah-vehl): long journey.

Arla (AHR-lah): home.

Arlathvhen (ahr-LATH-vehn): Meeting of the Dalish clans, every ten years. [5]

Asha (AH-sha): woman.

Assan (ah-SAHN): arrow.

Atisha (ah-TEE-shah): peace, peaceful.


Bel (BELL): many.

Bora (BOHR-ah): to throw, project, loose.

Bor'assan (BOHR-ah-sahn): bow.


Da (DAH): small, diminutive prefix.

Dar (DAHR): to be.

Da'len (dah-LEN): little child.

Dareth (dah-RETH): be safe.

Din (DEEN): not, or isn't; also used to indicate someone who has died: someone who is not.

Page 2: Elvish Vocabulary

Dirth (DEHRTH): tell, speak.

Dorf (DOHRF): grey.

Durgen (DUHR-jen): stone.

Durgen’len (dur-JEN-len): Children of the stone. The original Elvish term for the dwarves.


El (EHL): our.

Elgar (EHL-gahr): spirit.

Eluvian (ehl-LOO-vee-ehn): mirror.

Elvarel (EHL-vah-rehl): longer, more effort.

Elvhen (EHL-vehn): "Our People". Elven name for their own race.

Elvhenan (EHL-vehn-ahn): Place of our people. The name of the elven civilization before the arrival of humans in Thedas[6]. Also could be translated as: "Our hearts".

Emma (EM-mah): my, i am.

-en (EHN): suffix indicating plural.

Ena (eh-NAH): appear; emerge.

Enasal (EHN-ah-sahl): repeat

Enansal (en-AHN-sahl): gift or blessing.

Era (EH-rah): story, tale, dream.


Falon (fah-LOHN): friend.

Felas (FAY-lahs): slow.

Fen (FEHN): wolf.[7]


Halam (hah-LAHM): the end, finished.

Page 3: Elvish Vocabulary

Hahren (hah-REHN): Elder. Used as a term of respect by the Dalish, but more specifically for the leader of an alienage by the City Elves.

Halamshiral (hah-LAHM-sheer-AHL): The end of the journey. Also the name of the capital of the second elven homeland in the Dales[8].

Hamin (hah-MEEN): rest, relax. Deconstructing: "mi": blade; "in": inside. 'Sheath your knife'?

Harel (hah-REHL): dreaded, frightening, causing fear.

Him (HEEM): becomes.


In (EEN): with or inside; dwell.

Inan (ee-NAHN): eyes. Literally: "inside place" or "dwelling place" - i.e. windows to the soul.

Ir (EER): very, more.

Isala (ee-SAH-lah): in need of.


Lath (LAHTH): love.

Len (LEHN): child.

Lethallin; Lethallan (leth-ah-LEEN; leth-ah-LAHN): Casual reference used for someone with whom one is familiar. Lethallin is used for males, while lethallan is used for females[9]. Akin to "cousin" or "clansman" since "lin" is the word for blood. See talk page for more information.

Lin (LEEN): blood.


Ma (MAH): you.

Mahvir (mah-VEER): tomorrow.

Mamae (mah-MAY): Mother[10].

Mana (MAH-nah): distant past; long amount of time.

Melana (meh-LAH-nah): time.

Melava (meh-LAH-vah): time, past tense.

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Mi (MEE): blade.


Na (NAH): your.

Nan (NAHN): revenge; vengeance.

Nehn (NEN): joy.

Numin (NOO-min): cry, tears.

Nuvenin (noo-VAY-nin): want, need.


Reth (REHTH): safety.

Revas (RAY-vahs): freedom.


Sa (SAH): one.

Sahlin (sah-LEEN): now, in this moment.

Samahl (sah-MAHL): laugh, laughter.

Sa'vunin (sah-VOO-neen): a single day.

Serannas (SEHR-ah-nahs): grateful, appreciative.

Seth (SEHTH): thin, tenuous.

Setheneran (SEH-thehn-ERR-ahn): Land of waking dreams. A place where the Veil is thin[11]. Literally: "Tenuous waking dream place"

Shem (SHEHM): quick, fast.

Shemlen (SHEHM-lehn): Literally "quick children". The original name of the elves for the human race. It continues to see use as a slang term amongst the City Elves ("Shems") even though its meaning has largely been lost.

Shiral (shee-RAHL): journey.

Somniari (sahm-nee-AR-ee): dreamer, a mage that can shape and control the Fade.[12]

Souveri (soo-VEH-ree): weary, tired.

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Su (soo): happen.

Sulahn (soo-LAHN): sing.

Suledin (soo-leh-DEEN): endure.

Sulevin (soo-leh-VEEN): certain.


Tan (TAHN): three.

Then (THEN): awake, alert.

Tu (tooh): to make, to cause.


U (ooh): alone.

Uth (OOTH): long, forever, never ending, eternal.

Uthenera (ooth-en-ERR-ah): Waking sleep. Uthenera was the name of the ancient practice of immortal elves who would "sleep" once they tired of life. Literally: "Eternal waking dream".


Vallas (VALL-ahs): writing.

Vallaslin (vahl-ahs-LEEN): Blood writing. The art of tattooing adopted by some elves to more prominently (and some might say belligerently) display their worship of the traditional elven pantheon[13].

Ven (VEHN): to go.

Vhen (VEHN): "people of" or "belonging to the elves, the clans, elven society".

Vhenadahl (vehn-AH-dahl): The tree of the people[14].

Vhen'alas (vehn-AHL-ahs): The land itself, as in "the ground". Literally: "our earth".

Vhenan (VEY-nahn): heart.

Vir (VEER): way or path. [15]

Vunin (VOO-nihn): day.

Page 6: Elvish Vocabulary

Constructing Elvish: Examples of Phrases


da'assan (dah-ah-SAHN): little arrow

da'mi (dah-MEE): little blade

da'vhenan (dah-VEY-nahn): little heart

emm'asha (ehm-AH-shah): my girl

emma lath (EHM-mah lath): my love

emma sa'lath (EHM-mah sah-lath): my one love

emma vhenan (EHM-ma VEY-nahn): my heart

ma'arlath (MAR-lath): I love you

ma emma lath (ma EHM-mah lath): you are my love

vhenan'ara (VEY-nahn-AHR-ah): heart's desire


elvhen'alas (el-VEHN-ALL-us): dirt elves

len'alas lath'din (len-ALL-us LATH-deen): dirty child no one loves

seth'lin (seth-LEEN): thin blood


Ar'din nuvenin na'din. (ahr-DEEN noo-VHEY-nihn nah-deen): I don't want to kill you.

Ar tu na'din. (ahr too nah-DEEN): I will kill you.

Ar tu na'lin emma mi. (ahr too nah-LEEN EHM-ma mee): I will see your blood on my blade.

Emma shem'nan. (EHM-mah shem-NAHN): My revenge is swift.

Halam sahlin. (hah-LAHM sah-LEEN): This ends now.

Ma emma harel. (mah EHM-mah hah-REHL): You should fear me.

Ma halam. (mah hah-LAHM): You are finished.