effects of various on data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data

Effect of various data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data. By Maria Latif- 12371 FozanMosadeq -11426 Muhammad Ismail - Muhammad Zubair Agha -11591 ZainabMorawala - 11516 A research report Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration To Iqra University Research Center (IURC) At the Iqra University,

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The effects of various data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data has an important role. Quality of data and reliability of data are two most important things and this helps in using the data for Other purpose. There are two variables in this independent and dependent variable. Independent variable are effects of various and dependent variable are data collection techniques, quality and reliability of data. Close ended questionnaire will be conducted to find the effects on data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data.


Iqra University Research Centre1

Effects of various data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data24

Effect of various data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data.


Maria Latif- 12371FozanMosadeq -11426Muhammad Ismail - Muhammad Zubair Agha -11591ZainabMorawala - 11516

A research reportSubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsFor the degree of Bachelor of Business AdministrationTo Iqra University Research Center (IURC)At the Iqra University,Main campus, Karachi

Karachi, PakistanJuly, 2012ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe would like to thank The Almighty Allah for giving us the ability to complete this report. We would also like to acknowledge the support and cooperation of our supervisor Dr. M.I Subhani. We would also like to thank all of our respondents who took out time from their busy schedules to help us out. We would further like to express our gratitude to the technical and academic staff of Iqra University Research Centre (IURC) who has helped us in every step of our research.

ABSTRACTThe research is conducted to study the effects of various data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data. We can say that Research studies have defined the target, and the results are within the limits set in accordance with current guidelines and data. Management, framework and guidelines which provide researchers with information and helps in organized research process, and also different kinds of conclusions can be predicted on basis of data collected.







1.1 Overview1.2 Problem statement...1.3 Hypotheses..........1.4 Outline of the study1.5 Definitions..1




3.1 Methods of Data Collection.3.2 Sampling Technique.3.3 Sample Size..3.4 Instrument of Data Collection..3.5 Research Model Development..3.6 Statistical Technique.9



4.1 Findings and Interpretation of the results4.2 Hypotheses Assessment Summary..11


5.1 Conclusion.5.2 Discussion..5.3 Implications...5.4 Future Research.16




1. 4.1 Group Statistics. 13

2. 4.2 Independent Sample Test14

3. 4.3 Hypothesis Assessment Summary.15


1. 3.1 Research Model Developed.9


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONIn this researchthe effect of various data collection techniques that are based on personal survey has been studied. The study has brought a great standing on data collection.The study has conductedby the personal survey for collecting of data.

1.1 Overview The effects of various data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data has an important role. Quality of data and reliability of data are two most important things and this helps in using the data for other purpose. There are two variables in this independent and dependent variable. Independent variables are effects of various and dependent variables are data collection techniques, quality and reliability of data. Close ended questionnaire will be conducted to find the effects on data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data.

1.2 Problem StatementTo study the effect on various data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data.

1.3 HypothesesH: There is an affect of various on data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data.

1.4 Outline of the studyThe main objective of this research will be to know various kinds of effects on the techniques that we use for data collection for the research like questionnaires and other forms of data base that we need in research.

1.5 DefinitionsData Collection Techniques:The techniques through which data can be collected such as personal survey, interviews, observations are known data collections techniques

Quality of Data:The accuracy with which the data is collected and analyzed

Reliability of Data:Reliability of data can be seen by its source, the more the data is collected with accuracy the reliable it become

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEWThe author assessed inters rater trustworthiness (IRR) of chart abstractors just a randomized trial associated with cardiovascular care in primary care. the author report her conclusions, and outline issues and offer recommendations related for you to determining sample size, frequency of confirmation, and minimum thresholds for 2 measures of IRR: your statistic as well as percent agreement.Any 5% sampling associated with charts for quality control using IRR examination yielded as well as agreement levels that met or exceeded our quality thresholds. Using 3 time points over the chart audit phase provides for early quality control as well as ongoing quality checking. the results can be utilized as a guide and benchmark for other medical information review studies in primary care. (Clare Liddy, 2011)

Medical organizations are faced with increasingly disparate facts collection and reportingrequirements from lots of public and exclusive organizations. The currentarray associated with unresolved data collection issues, including numerous variations in procedures acrossthe various quality reporting and functionality measurement systems, results in duplications ofeffort, greater expense, and shed opportunities. Ultimately, the charge will be unequal monitoring of quality in medical. (AHRQ, 2007)

The excellent inter-reliability of a lot of the data items within the PCNASR, such as demographics, stroke subtype, past health background, and discharge medications supports usage of the registry info for construction of performance measures accustomed to monitor care along with guide QI projects. However, the poor reliability observed for some variables, particularly the records of event times will more than likely hinder the registry's power to accurately monitor health care. Our findings illustrate specific areas, such as documentation of swing onset time, wherever changes to info definitions, enhanced abstractor coaching, and the advancement of concurrent, real-time data collection systems ought to be strongly considered as a way to improve the quality of the data used to help track and check acute stroke health care. (Mathew J Reeves,2008)

Various philosophical as well as theoretical orientations to qualitative questions point out to us all that concerns associated with excellent as well as credibility intersect together with target audience as well as supposed research requirements. This overview looks at options for increasing the product quality as well as credibility associated with qualitative research by means of dealing with several specific however linked questions considerations: demanding methods as well as strategies to gathering as well as considering qualitative files, such as awareness of validity, stability, as well as triangulation; the particular credibility, skills, as well as observed standing of the particular qualitative researcher; and also the philosophical thinking associated with assessment people with regards to this sort of paradigm-based inclinations since objectivity vs subjectivity, real truth vs viewpoint, as well as generalizations vs extrapolations. (M Q Patton 1999)Person observation will involve the researcher's involvement in several activities over a long time frame in which allow him/her to look at the cultural users inside their day-to-day lifestyles and engage in their particular activities in order to aid a greater idea of these behaviors as well as activities. Accomplishing this associated with completing this type of area perform will involve attaining accessibility in to the group, picking out gatekeepers as well as key informants, engaged in as many distinct activities while tend to be permitted through the group users, making clear a person's conclusions by way of associate investigations, conventional selection interviews, as well as casual discussions, as well as retaining arranged, set up area notes in order to aid the progress of the story in which explains numerous cultural factors on the audience. Person observation is needed as being a mainstay within area perform in several exercises, as well as, as such, has proved to be an excellent tool for creating scientific tests offering appropriate manifestation of the traditions. (Barbara B. Kawulich, 2005)

Job interviews as well as emphasis groups remain the medical health care. most typical methods of information collection within qualitative research, as well as are increasingly being in combination with growing consistency within tooth research, specifically to get into parts certainly not amendable in order to quantitative methods and/or wherever interesting depth, information as well as comprehension of specific phenomena are essential. Your types of tooth scientific studies who have utilized these kind of methods in addition be an aid to prove the range connected with research contexts in order to which appointment as well as emphasis collection research will make a useful info. Your continued career of those methods can certainly additionally strengthen many regions of dentally similar perform.(P. Gill,1 K. Stewart,2 E. Treasure3 and B. Chadwick4, 2008)

Micro-costing studies accumulate precise files upon methods utilised and the worth of the people methods. Such studies are helpful intended for calculating the expense of brand new technologies as well as brand new community-based surgery, intended for producing quotations inside studies that include non-market goods, and also intended for learning within-procedure cost variance.(Kevin D. Frick, PhD, 2009)

The writer noted that quantitative research could be the process of accumulating, analyzing, interpreting, and writing the final results of a review, while qualitative research could be the approach to facts collection, analysis, and report writing differing in the traditional, quantitative techniques. This paper comes with a further distinction between quantitative and qualitative research methods. This paper also presents a listing of the different research ways to conduct research inside quantitative, qualitative, as well as mixed methods studies. (Creswell (2002)Top of FormBottom of FormOn this paper, the author call up into question this widely-held assumption of a single, more or less unified paradigm associated with qualitative research whose methodologies share a number of epistemological and ontological characteristics, and explore the implications of the position for judgments about the products research studies. (Gary Rolfe, 2006)A percentage of the developments made throughout the previous 25 years in the factual medicine of unwavering quality issues are audited. The effect of factual systems on dependability is examined, and a few territories where work is wanted are proposed.( J. F. Lawlessa, 2012)

The goal of many examines of significant databases is to draw causal inferences concerning the effects associated with actions, remedies, or surgery. Examples include the effects of assorted options accessible to a physician for treating a selected patient, the family member efficacies of assorted health proper care providers, and also the consequences associated with implementing a new national medical policy. A complication of making use of large databases to realize such aspires is which their data happen to be observational as an alternative to experimental. That is, the data for most large info sets will not be in line with the results associated with carefully executed randomized medical trials, but instead represent info collected over the observation associated with systems as they operate within normal practice with no interventions put in place by randomized work rules. Such info are relatively inexpensive to get, however, and quite often do represent the selection of health-related practice much better than the options of randomized experiments. Consequently, it makes sense to estimate the effects of remedies from like large info sets, even if only to guide design a new randomized test or highlight the generalizability associated with results by existing randomized experiments. However, standard strategies of analysis making use of available record software (such because linear or perhaps logistic regression) can be deceptive with regard to these objectives because they provide absolutely no warnings in relation to their propriety. Propensity ranking methods tend to be more reliable methods for dealing with such objectives as the assumptions needed to make their particular answers appropriate tend to be more assessable in addition to transparent for the investigator. (Rubin, Donald B. PhD, 1997)

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHOD3.1 Method of data collectionQuantitative method of data collection is used for this research. Data is collected through questionnaires. Data collection is done by meeting the research students who have done or currently doing their thesis.3.2 Sampling techniqueThe data is collected by the students of research who have or who are doing their thesis in the Iqrauniversity. Unrestricted non probability sampling technique is used in the research. 3.3 Sample SizeThe respondents for the research were the student of thesis . 60 student were selectedon a random basis, as sample size for the research.3.4 Instrument of Data CollectionQuestionnaires were the source of collecting data. Close ended categorical questions were used as the instrument of data collection. 3.5 Research Model Developed

Data collection techniques, quality and reliability of datadata.Effects of various Figure 3.1

3.6 Statistical Technique3.2 Independent sample t test is used as statistical technique in this research. The technique used is to compare the means of two groups of a given variable.

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS4.1 Finding and Interpretation of the resultsModel Summary

ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the Estimate


a. Predictors: (Constant), Personal_Survey_Method, Interview, Observational_Technique

This research is comparison of 5 variables. Three of which are independent and two are dependent.We have used regression in this research. In model summary it has been found that three independent variables explain 2.7% of the dependent variable. This is very weak explanation.

ANOVAbModelSum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig.




a. Predictors: (Constant), Personal_Survey_Method, Interview, Observational_Technique

b. Dependent Variable: Quality

The ANOVA Table shows that the model is insignificant. As F3.84 and the p value (sig) is less than 0.05


ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized Coefficients

BStd. ErrorBetatSig.





a. Dependent Variable: Reliability

The Coefficient table shows that there is a positive effect of interview on Reliability of data. The result indicates that using of Interview increases the Reliability of data because both these variables have direct relationship as Beta is positive. Interview method has sig value of 0.003 and its t value is 3.054 which show that it is significant. For observational technique we have sig value 0.795 and t value 0.261. For Personal survey sig value is 0.396 and t value is 0.856. This indicates that both of these variables are insignificant.

4.2 HYPOTHESES ASSESSMENT SUMMARYFor the research a complete hypotheses summary table has been created in order to fully assess the sex hypotheses created for this study. All these hypotheses are based upon variables that connected with Quality and Reliability of data which in turn affect the organizational database.

HYPOTHESESCoefficientSig.ValueEmpirical Conclusion

H1: There is an effect of personal survey on quality of data.0.4840.088Accepted

H2: There is an effect of interview method on quality of data.0.2520.363Rejected

H3: There is an effect of observational technique on quality of data.0.0160.970Rejected

H4: There is an effect of observational technique on reliability of data.0.0450.795Rejected

H5: There is an effect of Interview technique on reliability of data.0.3480.003Accepted

H6: There is an effect of Personal survey technique on reliability of data.0.0990.396Rejected


5.1 CONCLUSION:After our research on data collection techniques for reliability of data, three variables were chosen to find out which is the most reliable and from that we got to know that Only personal survey has a direct relation with quality of data and remaining have indirect relation As more and more personal surveys will be conducted the data quality will be more reliable and hence our research can be proven quality of data was a dependent variable and rest were independent variables in this statistical data.

5.2 Discussion:The research is about what techniques to be used for an effective data collection which is proved by this research that personal survey is the most reliable way to collect data. Researchers purpose for the data collection is to find out about something by using different techniques those techniques to be used which gives a reliable data.5.3 Implication:By this research it will be helpful to collect a reliable data when the quality of data is collected then it will be easy for researchers to take a better decision on the result that what needs to be done further.5.4 Future Research:Having a past experience on this research it can easily looked in the future that personal survey techniques proved to be the best which gives the reliable and quality of data. So in future it can help to have a good quality data available.

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Variable View


RegressionModel Summary

ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the Estimate


a. Predictors: (Constant), Personal_Survey_Method, Interview, Observational_Technique


ModelSum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig.




a. Predictors: (Constant), Personal_Survey_Method, Interview, Observational_Technique

b. Dependent Variable: Quality


ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized Coefficients

BStd. ErrorBetatSig.





a. Dependent Variable: Quality


Model Summary

ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the Estimate


a. Predictors: (Constant), Personal_Survey_Method, Interview, Observational_Technique


ModelSum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig.




a. Predictors: (Constant), Personal_Survey_Method, Interview, Observational_Technique

b. Dependent Variable: Reliability


ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized Coefficients

BStd. ErrorBetatSig.





a. Dependent Variable: Reliability