effects of ipomoea carnea aqueous fraction gorniak

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  • 8/4/2019 Effects of Ipomoea Carnea Aqueous Fraction Gorniak


    Effects of Ipomoea carnea aqueous fraction intake by dams during

    pregnancy on the physical and neurobehavioral development

    of rat offspring

    A. Schwarz, S.L. Gorniak, M.M. Bernardi, M.L.Z. Dagli, H.S. Spinosa*

    Department of Pathology, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva, 87,

    CEP 05508-900 Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Received 1 October 2002; received in revised form 24 December 2002; accepted 15 May 2003


    The effects of daily prenatal exposure to 0.0, 0.7, 3.0 and 15.0 mg/kg of the aqueous extract (AQE) of Ipomoea carnea dried leaves on

    gestational days 521 were studied in rat pups and adult offspring. The physical and reflex developmental parameters, open-field, plus-maze,

    social interaction, forced swimming, catalepsy and stereotyped behaviors, as well as striatal, cortical and hypothalamic monoamine levels (at

    140 days of age) were measured. Maternal and offspring body weights were unaffected by exposure to the different doses of the AQE. High

    postnatal mortality, smaller size at Day 1 of life, reversible hyperflexion of the carpal joints and delay in the opening of both ears and in

    negative geotaxis were observed in the offspring exposed to the higher dose of AQE. At 60 and 90 days of age, open-field locomotion

    frequency was quite different between 0.0 and animals treated with 0.7 and 3.0 mg/kg AQE. No changes were observed in the plus-maze,

    social interaction, forced swimming, catalepsy, stereotyped behavior and central nervous system monoamines concentrations. Dams treated

    with the higher AQE dose showed severe cytoplasmic vacuolation in liver, kidney, pancreas and thyroid tissues, in contrast to the mild

    vacuolation observed in the other experimental groups. No alterations were observed in the histopathological study of the offspring of all

    experimental groups at 140 days of age. During adulthood, behavior was not modified in offspring exposed to the higher dose of AQE as well

    as no changes occurred in central nervous system neurotransmitters. The present data show that the offspring development alterations were

    not severe enough to produce behavioral and central monoamine level changes.

    D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Animal behavior; Ipomoea carnea; Perinate; Neurotransmitter

    1. Introduction

    Ipomoea carnea, a tropical plant of the Convolvulaceae

    family, is a shrubby, quickly growing toxic plant, widely

    distributed throughout Brazil [48]. During periods ofdrought, animals graze on this plant which grows even in

    the presence of adverse climatic conditions [30].

    After prolonged periods of plant intake, the animals

    exhibit a variety of clinical signs like depression, general

    weakness, loss of body weight, staggering gait, muscle

    tremors, ataxia, posterior paresis, and paralysis [10,11,

    26,49]. These toxic effects are attributed to the polyhy-

    droxylated alkaloids swainsonine, calystegines B1, B2, C1

    and 2a-2b-dihydroxynortropane detected in I. carnea [3],chemical toxins present mainly in the leaves of the plant.

    Swainsonine, an indolizidine alkaloid, is a potent inhib-

    itor of lysosomal a-mannosidase and Golgi a-mannosidase-

    II, resulting in lysosomal accumulation of incompletelyprocessed oligosaccharides and alteration of the synthesis,

    processing and transport of glycoproteins [9,46]. Calyste-

    gines, nortropanic alkaloids, inhibit the activity of glucosi-

    dases, galactosidases and xylosidases, lysosomal enzymes,

    which act on oligosaccharide metabolism [2].

    The lysosomal storage disorder induced in animals graz-

    ing on I. carnea [11,47,49] is very similar to the rare human

    genetic mannosidosis [13], characterized by cytoplasmic

    vacuolization of nervous and peripheral cells as a conse-

    quence of the inhibition or absence of this enzyme [46].

    It has long been known that I. carnea intake for a

    prolonged period of time induces neurobehavioral effects

    0892-0362/$ see front matterD 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    * Corresponding author. Tel.: +55-11-3091-7656; fax: +55-11-3091-


    E-mail address: [email protected] (H.S. Spinosa).


    Neurotoxicology and Teratology 25 (2003) 615 626

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    in goats, cattle and sheep [4749]. However, there are no

    reports about its effects on offspring if grazed by animals

    during the gestation period. It is also known that swainso-

    nine and calystegines are weakly basic compounds. Thus,

    how can they cross the brain barrier and cause neurologic

    effects? And how can they cross the placental barrier too?

    Perhaps these alkaloids can interact with barrier functionand sites, thus being able to enter the brain and contact the

    fetus. Hydrophilic compounds can cross these barriers at

    high concentrations and accumulate in subcellular compart-

    ments with a low pH [2].

    Swainsonine may be actively accumulated in liver and

    kidney because of the extensive sugar scavenging systems

    of metabolism and conservation present in these organs [6].

    The same does not occur in the brain or placenta, which

    require high swainsonine doses to develop lesions, and

    whose clearance rates are somewhat slower than in others

    organs [45]. The concentrations of swainsonine in nervous

    system and placenta may be lower because the brain andplacental barrier is relatively rich in lipids and swainsonine

    is less lipid soluble. In addition, cell damage is a conse-

    quence of both time of exposure to swainsonine and

    quantity of the compound. Thus, this damage is determined

    by the duration of exposure [35].

    The literature extensively reports that swainsonine

    causes, in addition to increased embryo mortality during

    early exposure, delayed placentation and deformities of the

    carpal joints of newborn lambs [2830], a fact that, in

    view of the inhibition of lysosomal a-D-mannosidase bythe toxin, may be equivalent to the mannosidosis found in

    Angus cattle and humans [30]. Later exposure causes

    reductions in uterine and placental vascularity, hydrops

    amnii, hydrops allantois and disruption of fetal fluid

    balance [8].

    It is known that exposure of dams to xenobiotics

    during the gestation or lactation periods can impair the

    physical and neural development of the offspring. This

    developmental neurotoxicity can occur in different man-

    ners because it involves alterations in dam and offspring

    behavior, neurohistology, neurochemistry and gross dys-

    morphology of the offspring central nervous system [31].

    The main objective of the present investigation was to

    study the possible toxic effects of I. carnea aqueous

    extract (AQE) on rats exposed to it during the organo-genesis and fetal development periods of gestation. Phys-

    ical and reflex development, neurobehavioral aspects and

    central nervous system monoamine levels of the offspring

    were determined.

    2. Material and methods

    2.1. Plant

    I. carnea was planted in a 1,500 m2 field of the Centro de

    Pesquisa em Toxicologia Veterina

    ria, Pirassununga, Sao

    Paulo state, Brazil. When the plants were mature, the leaves

    were taken (AprilJune 2001) for extraction.

    2.2. Preparation of the aqueous fraction extract (AQE)

    First the fresh leaves were triturated with ethyl alcohol

    (97 Gay Lussac) in a blender and then macerated for 72 h inethyl alcohol (97 Gay Lussac) and filtered using a Buchnerfunnel. Next, the filtrate was evaporated under reduced

    pressure and the product obtained was reserved. The recov-

    ered ethyl alcohol was again returned to the leaf residue for

    a 24-h maceration period, a new filtration and evaporation

    were performed under reduced pressure, and the product

    was again reserved. This procedure was repeated two more

    times and the four products obtained were pooled, forming

    the final extract. The final extract was diluted in distilled

    water and filtered through filter paper. The filtered portion,

    ethanolic fraction, was treated with butanolic alcohol and

    separated with a decantation funnel. This procedure origi-nated the AQE that was stored at 20 C.

    A previous study showed that this AQE contains swain-

    sonine and calystegines A3, B1, B2, B3 and C1 [24]. Dr. Dale

    Gardner, Utah State University (USDA-ARS Poisonous

    Plants Research Laboratory, USA), using high-performance

    liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, later showed

    quantitatively that the AQE used in this study (samples were

    sent off) contained 0.09% swainsonine, 0.11% calystegine

    B2, 0.14% calystegine B1, and 0.06% calystegine C1 (per-

    sonal communication).

    2.3. Animals

    Wistar rats from the Department of Pathology (Faculdade

    de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao

    Paulo), weighing 180 200 g and aged approximately 90

    days, were used. The animals were housed in polypropylene

    cages (50 40 20 cm). The animals employed for the

    evaluation of stereotyped behavior were housed in wire

    cages (50 30 17 cm) 8 days before the test. The animals

    were kept under controlled temperature (2224 C) on a12:12 light/dark schedule (lights on at 6:00 a.m.), with free

    access to food and water. The animals used in this study

    were maintained in accordance with The Guide for the Care

    and Use of Laboratory Animal, National Research Council,USA (1996).

    2.4. Procedures

    2.4.1. Treatment, reproductive parameters and maternal


    Sexually naive female rats (n = 58) were mated with

    males previously tested as fertile (2 females and 1 male

    per cage). Pregnancy was determined by the presence of

    spermatozoa in vaginal smears on the following morning,

    designated as gestation day 1 (GD1). Pregnant rats were

    removed and kept in separate cages. On GD5, the dams

    A. Schwarz et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 25 (2003) 615626616

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    were divided into five groups. Four experimental groups

    (n = 12) were treated orally by gavage once a day from GD5

    to GD21 with 0.0, 0.7, 3.0 or 15.0 mg/kg AQE. One no

    gavage control group (n = 10) was used (this group was

    employed to study the possible effects caused by the stress

    of the gavage procedure).

    The pregnant rats were weighed at GD2, GD4, GD6,GD8, GD10, GD12, GD14, GD16, GD18, GD20 and

    GD21. Food and water consumption during pregnancy,

    length of gestation, litter size, anogenital distance of the

    pups, sex ratio and postnatal death at PN1 were also


    2.4.2. Offspring studies

    All the pregnant rats were allowed to give birth and

    nurture their offspring normally. No cross-fostering proce-

    dure was used. Parturition day was defined as PN0. On PN1,

    all the litters were examined externally and sexed. Litters

    were organized into groups of eight pups each, four malesand four females, and the remaining pups were discarded.

    One male and one female pup of each litter were marked

    daily with colored felt tip pens. The same male and female

    pups of each litter were used for all the physical and

    developmental evaluations. They were weighed individually

    every day until weaning (PN21) and then on PN30, PN60,

    PN75 and PN90. The following parameters were observed:

    coat appearance (beginning on PN2), pinna detachment

    (beginning on PN2), eruption of incisor teeth (beginning

    on PN3), adult gait (when the pups walk without propping

    their ventral portion on the floor, beginning on PN10), ears

    open (determined by visualization of the open auditory

    meatus, beginning on PN10), eye opening (determined by

    the visualization of a longitudinal eyelid fissure, beginning

    on PN10), testis descent (considered as the scrotum purse

    touching the testis, beginning on PN16), vaginal opening

    (when the vaginal hole is visualized, beginning on PN30),

    day of appearance of the surface righting reflex (first day

    when the normal ventral position is assumed successfully

    within a period of time not exceeding 15 s after the pup is

    placed on its back, beginning on PN5), day of appearance of

    negative geotaxis (first day when a 180 turn is assumedwithin a period of time not exceeding 30 s, after the pup is

    placed face down on a 45 inclined platform, beginning on

    PN6) and palmar grasp reflex (pup grasps a paper clip withforepaws if stroked; pups are born with this reflex that

    usually disappears between PN8 and PN10). Pups were

    observed daily between 8:00 and 11:00 a.m., separated from

    the mothers at the time of observation (no more than 3 min),

    and immediately returned to their home cages. Mean day of

    appearance for each of the above parameters was calculated.

    All data were analyzed considering the litter as the smallest


    On PN21, the offspring were weaned and the littermates

    separated and housed together by sex. The same male and

    female pups chosen from each litter for the observation of

    all developmental parameters cited above were used for the

    open field observation at PN21, PN30, PN60 and PN90 as

    well as for the plus-maze analysis at PN90. After these

    procedures, they were reserved for the histopathology study.

    Thus, in summary, one male and one female animal from

    each litter (20 animals per group) were used for these tests.

    Due to the high mortality rate of the 15.0 mg/kg group (six

    litters survived), only 12 animals (1 male and 1 female pupfrom each litter) were employed. For the same reason, the

    animals of the 15.0 mg/kg group were not examined for

    stereotyped behavior or catalepsy and were not submitted to

    the forced swimming and social interaction tests.

    For the stereotyped behavior test, another 12 animals per

    group (6 males and 6 females), not handled before at any

    experimental situation, were employed. Not necessarily one

    male and one female per litter was employed. At least one

    animal (a male or a female) from each litter was used.

    For the catalepsy and forced swimming tests, another 10

    animals per group (5 males and 5 females), not handled

    before at any experimental situation, were used in each test.Only one animal (a male or a female) from each litter was


    For the social interaction test, another 12 animals per

    group (6 males and 6 females), not handled before at any

    experimental situation, were employed. Pairs of animals

    (strangers to each other) of the same sex and from the same

    group but from different litters were organized for this


    For the determination of monoamine levels, another 10

    animals per group (5 males and 5 females), not handled

    before at any experimental situation, were employed. Only

    one animal (a male or a female) from each litter was used. In

    the 15.0 mg/kg group, at least two animals (one male and

    one female) per litter were used for this evaluation because

    of the low number of surviving litters (only six).

    2.4.3. Open-field studies

    The open-field behaviors of male and female offspring

    were measured at weaning (PN21) and at PN30, PN60 and

    PN90; the same animals (1 male and 1 female pup from

    each litter employed for evaluation of physical develop-

    ment) were used on these different days. The device was

    similar to that described by Broadhurst [7], i.e., a round

    arena 40 cm in diameter for pups and 96 cm in diameter for

    adults surrounded by a 25 cm high enclosure painted whiteand subdivided into 25 parts painted black. During the

    experiments, a 40-W white bulb located 72 cm above the

    floor provided continuous illumination of the arena.

    For the observations, each animal was individually

    placed in the center of the arena and the following param-

    eters were measured over a period of 5 min: locomotion

    frequency (number of floor units entered with both feet),

    rearing frequency (number of times the animal stood on its

    hind legs), immobility time (total number of seconds with

    no movement) and defecation (number of fecal pellets).

    Hand-operated counters and stopwatches were employed to

    score these behaviors. To minimize possible influences of

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    circadian changes on open-field behaviors, control and

    experimental animals were alternated. The device was

    washed with a 5% alcohol/water solution before placing

    the animals on it in order to obviate possible biasing effects

    due to odor clues left by previous rats.

    2.4.4. Plus-maze studiesThe plus-maze behaviors of male and female offspring

    were measured at PN90, after the open-field test, using the

    same animals. Thus, the animals were removed from the

    open field and immediately placed in the center of the plus-

    maze and observed for 5 min.

    The device consisted of two opposite open arms (50 cm

    long 10 cm wide) and two opposite closed arms (50 cm

    long 10 cm wide 40 cm high) arranged at 90 angles.The floor of the maze was made of wood, painted gray and

    located 50 cm above the floor. The center of the maze was

    open and the walls of the closed arms started 2 cm from the

    center of the maze.For the observations, each animal was individually

    placed in the center of the maze with the head facing one

    of the open arms, and the following parameters were

    measured over a period of 5 min: number of entries into

    the open arms, number of entries into the closed arms, time

    spent in the open arms, time spent in the closed arms and

    time spent in the center of the plus-maze. Hand-operated

    counters and stopwatches were employed to score these

    behaviors. To minimize the influence of possible circadian

    changes on plus-maze behaviors, control and experimental

    animals were alternated. The device was washed with a 5%

    alcohol/water solution before placing the animals on it to

    obviate possible biasing effects due to odor clues left by

    previous rats.

    2.4.5. Stereotyped behavior

    Due to the high mortality rate of the 15.0 mg/kg group, a

    sufficient number of pups was not available for the stereo-

    typed behavior test. Thus, other pups from control and

    experimental groups not previously used in any test were


    The stereotyped behavior of male and female offspring

    was measured at PN95. After being initially housed socially

    four to a cage at PN21, the animals were housed individ-

    ually in wire cages through 8 days for habituation to theirnew home, avoiding interference of exploratory behavior in

    the new cage. After the isolation period of eight days, the

    animals received 0.6 mg/kg apomorphine hydrochloride

    (Sigma) subcutaneously. Stereotypy was quantified every

    10 min (with an observation time not exceeding 10 s per

    animal) for 2 h after apomorphine treatment by the scoring

    system proposed by Setler et al. [42]. Briefly, scores ranging

    from 0 (asleep or stationary) to 6 (continuous licking and

    gnawing of cage grids) were recorded for animal behavior

    using stopwatches to measure the duration of the behaviors.

    Time effect curves were constructed using the scores

    obtained during a total of 2 h after apomorphine treatment.

    2.4.6. Catalepsy

    Due to the high mortality rate of the 15.0 mg/kg group, a

    sufficient number of pups was not available for the catalepsy

    behavior test. Thus, other pups from control and experimen-

    tal groups not previously used in any test were employed.

    Catalepsy was measured at PN90 in male and female

    offspring 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 and 180 minafter intraperitoneal administration of haloperidol (1 mg/

    kgJanssen Farmaceutica) on the basis of the duration of

    animal immobility (total number of seconds of lack of

    movement). The maximal test period allowed per animal

    was 20 min. Rats were tested individually for permanence in

    the upright position, with their forepaws flattened on a

    horizontal bar placed 10 cm above the bench. Each rat

    was tested three times for catalepsy at each time interval and

    the sum of three immobility episodes at each time was used

    to construct the timeeffect curves. Stopwatches were used

    to score this behavior.

    2.4.7. Social interaction

    Due to the high mortality rate of the 15.0 mg/kg group, a

    sufficient number of pups was not available for the social

    interaction behavior test. Thus, other pups from control and

    experimental groups not previously used in any test were


    The social interaction behaviors of male and female

    offspring were measured by direct observation of pairs of

    rats strangers to one each other, of the same experimental

    group, but from different litters, in the open-field at PN95.

    Rats initially housed socially four to a cage since PN21, as

    explained above, were, before this test, housed individually

    in propylene cages for 5 days. This procedure is needed to

    increase the motivation for social investigation. Then, each

    rat was allowed to spend 10 min alone in the arena for

    habituation. One day later, the rats of a same pair, strangers

    to each other (they never stayed together, in any circum-

    stance), were placed together in the device for 10 min for

    familiarization and the test was performed 24 h later.

    Stopwatches were used to measure the following behaviors:

    total time spent smelling and following each other, and in

    genital investigation and licking over a period of 10 min.

    Aggressive and passive behaviors were extremely rare in

    this test and were not quantified.

    2.4.8. Forced swimming test

    Due to the high mortality rate of the 15.0 mg/kg group, a

    sufficient number of pups was not available for the forced

    swimming behavior test. Thus, other pups from control and

    experimental groups not previously used in any test were


    The test was performed as previously described [3739].

    At PN95, rats were plunged individually into a vertical glass

    cylinder (height 40 cm; diameter 22 cm) containing 25 cm of

    water at 20 C. After 15 min in the cylinder, animals wereremoved and allowed to dry for 30 min in a heated enclosure

    (28 C) before being placed in their individual cages again.

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    One day later, rats were plunged in the cylinder again, and

    latency to start floating, as well as total immobility time, in

    seconds, was quantified during the following 5 min.

    2.4.9. Determination of monoamine levels

    At PN140, male and female rats from control and exper-

    imental groups, not used for any behavior test, were decap-itated. Brains were dissected on dry ice and prepared as

    described elsewhere [15]. Briefly, the striatum, cortex and

    hypothalamus were weighed and stored at 80 C untilneurochemical analysis were carried out. Following sample

    collections, perchloric acid was added to the tissues, which

    were then homogenized by sonication for immediate deter-

    mination of monoamine levels. Dopamine (DA) and its

    metabolites [3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and

    homovanillic acid (HVA)], serotonin (5HT) and its metabo-

    lite [5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5HIAA)] and norepineph-

    rine (NOR) and its metabolite [vanilmandelic acid (VMA)]

    were measured by HPLC (Shimadzu, model 6A) using a C-1column (Shimpak-ODS), an eletrochemical detector (Shi-

    madzu, model 6A), a sample injector (15 and 20 ml valve)and an integrator (Shimadzu, model 6A Chromatopac). Each

    sample was run for 18 min. The detection limit was 2 pg for

    DA, DOPAC, NOR, 5HT and 5HIAA, and 20 pg for HVA.

    2.4.10. Histopathology

    On the day of weaning, the dams (10 per group) were

    anesthetized with ethyl ether and parts of the liver, pancreas,

    thyroid, kidney and brain were collected and maintained in

    10% formalin for later histopathological study. The same

    procedure was used for the experimental and control off-

    spring groups (10 per group) at PN 140. The animals used

    here were the same as those used before in the open field

    and plus-maze behavior tests.

    2.5. Statistical analysis

    Results are expressed as litter means S.E.M. as the

    maternal unit to avoid litter effects. Bartletts test was used

    to determine data homogeneity. ANOVA followed by the

    Dunnett test was used to analyze the parametric data of

    the dams, the perinatal death, testis descent, vaginal open

    and neurotransmitters levels of male and female offspring.

    The nonparametric data were analyzed by the Kruskal

    Wallis test followed by the Dunn test for multiple com-

    parisons. For all the others parameters analysed, a two-way ANOVA was employed. The t test was used as a post

    hoc test when no interactions were observed between

    factors. In the case of a significant interaction, one-way

    ANOVA was applied. In all cases, results were considered

    significant for P< .05.

    3. Results

    3.1. Reproductive parameters and maternal data

    No group differences in water ingestion, food consump-tion or weight gain during gestation (Table 1) and lacta-

    tion (data not shown) were observed between control and

    experimental dams, suggesting the absence of deleterious

    effects promoted by the gavage procedure. A lower weight

    gain was observed only in the dams exposed to the higher

    dose of the AQE during the first week (Days 0 7) of

    gestation [F(4,41) = 2.882, P=.0342; Dunnetts Q = 2.769]

    when compared with the no gavage control dams. On the

    other hand, the histopathologic study showed a dose-

    dependent frequency of cytoplasmic vacuoles in liver,

    kidney, pancreas and thyroid tissues of experimental

    dams. In fact, rare cytoplasmic vacuoles were observed

    in the 0.7 mg/kg treated rats, while moderate to extensive

    cell vacuole appearance was observed in animals treated

    with the 3.0 and 15.0 mg/kg doses, respectively (Fig. 1).

    Analysis of brain tissue did not reveal any alteration in

    either the experimental or control groups. Also, no

    histopathological lesions were detected in the offspring

    of the control and experimental groups observed during


    Table 1

    Effects of I. carnea AQE on water ingestion, food intake and weight gain of rats exposed to different doses during the gestation period (Day 5 to 21)

    Day No gavage AQE (mg/kg)

    (n =10)0.0 (n = 12) 0.7 (n = 12) 3.0 (n = 12) 15.0 (n =12)

    Water ingestion (ml/day) 5 40.1 5.2 45.6 3.6 40.1 1.5 38.5 1.3 42.3 3.8

    12 47.2 3.0 49.0 3.1 47.3 2.0 54.2 4.0 48.5 3.9

    20 53.6 4.8 48.4 2.5 57.6 4.5 52.9 3.1 53.7 4.1

    Food intake (g/day) 5 19.4 1.1 22.2 0.8 22.6 0.9 20.2 1.1 20.8 0.9

    12 26.6 0.9 25.3 0.6 24.3 0.7 22.8 1.1 25.3 1.1

    20 26.0 1.8 25.3 0.9 29.5 1.7 26.2 1.1 23.6 1.9

    Weight gain (g/interval) 0 7 21.5 2.3 16.8 1.5 21.7 3.9 15.4 1.5 10.7 1.9 *

    7 14 25.5 1.7 24.5 2.4 20.7 2.0 18.6 1.8 18.8 2.9

    14 21 57.1 5.2 63.4 4.9 69.1 6.0 67.8 4.6 59.0 9.7

    0 21 98.7 4.1 100.9 5.8 103.3 10.8 97.1 4.6 81.6 8.4

    Data are presented as means S.E.M.

    * P< .05 compared to 0.0 mg/kg group.

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    3.2. Offspring studies

    Table 2 shows the effects of AQE on the offspring of rats

    exposed to different doses during the gestation period.

    Pregnancy duration, total number of pups per litter (born

    dead or alive) and weight gain (measured from PN1 to PN21

    and on PN30, PN60, PN75 and PN90) (data not shown) were

    not different between the control and experimental groups

    (data not shown). The postnatal deaths were observed at

    PN1. Statistical analysis showed significant differences in

    death rate only between 0.0 mg/kg group and group treated

    with the 15.0 mg/kg AQE dose [F(4,45) = 21.154, P< .0001;

    Dunnetts Q = 7.455]. Whenever possible, neurobehavioral

    and reflexologic features were assessed in litters with four

    female and four male pups. No differences were observed

    between the 0.0 mg/kg AQE and no gavage control group in

    any of the tests performed, again showing the absence of

    deleterious effects promoted by the gavage procedure.

    The two-way ANOVA applied showed offspring bodysize, ear opening day and appearance day of negative

    geotaxis altered results. Treatment and sex interfered in

    the results of body size [treatment: F(4,90) = 6.61, P=.001;

    sex: F(1,90) = 5.69, P=.0192; interaction: F(4,90) = 0.15,

    P=.9624] but no interaction was observed between both

    factors. Only the treatment interfered in the ear opening

    results [treatment: F(4,90) = 5.60, P=.0011; sex: F(1,90) =

    0.08, P=.7838; interaction: F(4,90)= 0.16, P=.9568], as in

    the appearance day of negative geotaxis results [treatment:

    F(4,90) = 5.23, P=.0008; sex: F(1,90) = 0.01, P=.9039; in-

    teraction: F(4,90)= 0.34, P=.8471]. Since no interaction was

    observed between factors on these parameters, the t test was

    applied between data as post hoc test. Thus, a smaller body

    size on offspring of dams treated with 15.0 mg/kg/day of

    AQE, as well as a decrease in body size in female offspring

    of both experimental and control groups in relation to male

    offspring was observed. Delay of ear opening as well as a

    delay in the appearance day of negative geotaxis on off-

    spring of dams treated with 15.0 mg/kg/day of AQE was

    observed when compared to the 0.0 mg/kg and the no

    gavage control groups (the gavage procedure did not pro-

    voke alterations in offspring development).

    During pup development a few days after birth, alteration

    of the thoracic limbs was observed in some pups exposed to

    the higher AQE dose, which, however disappeared between

    10 and 12 days of age as the pups grew. This reversible

    deformity of carpal joints appeared in all pups of six litters

    (60%) from dams exposed to the higher AQE dose (P

  • 8/4/2019 Effects of Ipomoea Carnea Aqueous Fraction Gorniak


    tion frequency of male 15.0 mg/kg group and female 3.0

    mg/kg group when compared to the 0.0 mg/kg male and

    female groups, and reduced locomotion frequency of males

    when compared to female rats.

    In the same way, the two-way ANOVA applied between

    immobility time data in each day of male and female

    offspring exposed or not to the AQE showed that on

    PN21 the immobility time was affected only by sex and

    that interaction by both factors occurred [treatment:

    F(4,90) = 1.38, P=.2476; sex: F(1,90) = 6.51, P=.0124; in-

    teraction: F(4,90) = 3.02, P=.0217]. Since interaction was

    observed between factors on immobility time at PN21, an

    ordinary ANOVA was applied between data. Thus, reduc-

    tion in immobility time was observed in male [F(4,42) = 4.222, P=.0058] and in less extend in female [F(4,

    42) = 2.139, P=.0298] offspring exposed to 15.0 mg/kg/day

    when compared to the 0.0 mg/kg group.

    3.2.2. Additional neurobehavioral studies

    Fig. 3 show the results of social interaction, forced

    swimming test, stereotyped behavior, catatonia and elevated

    plus-maze. No alterations were observed in any of these

    tests. As pointed out previously, certain behavioral tests

    were not performed with the litters exposed to the 15 mg/kg

    dose because of the small number of pups consequent to the

    high postnatal death rate.

    3.2.3. Monoamine levels

    Neurotransmitter and metabolite levels were determined

    at 140 days of age. The data showed differences in

    neurotransmitter levels and metabolite/neurotransmitter ra-

    tios between the 0.0 mg/kg and no gavage control groups

    as well as between the 0.0 mg/kg group and the experi-

    mental groups. The statistical differences are presented in

    Table 3. Effects of gavage. The 0.0 mg/kg group showed

    decreased striatal [F(4,45) = 9.557, P< .0001; Dunnetts:

    Q = 4.469] DOPAC levels, increased striatal [F(4,45) =

    6.841, P=.0002; Dunnetts: Q = 4.112] VMA levels and

    increased cortical [F(4,45) = 7.585, P< .0001; Dunnetts:Q = 4.063] 5HT levels when compared to the no gavage

    control group. Effects of treatment. With respect to the effects of

    treatment, changes were observed in experimental groups

    compared to the 0.0 mg/kg group.

    The 0.7 and 3.0 mg/kg groups showed increased striatal

    [ F(4,45) = 9.557, P< .0001; Dunnetts: Q (0.7 mg/

    kg)= 4.414, Q (3.0 mg/kg) = 5.267] DOPAC levels, de-

    creased striatal VMA levels [F(4,45)= 6.841, P=.0002;

    Dunnetts: Q (0.7 mg/kg) = 3.885, Q (3.0 mg/kg) = 3.869]

    and decreased cortical [F(4,45) = 7.585, P< .0001; Dun-

    Table 2

    Effects of I. carnea AQE on the offspring of rats exposed to different doses during the gestation period (day 5 to 21)

    Parameters Sex No gavage AQE (mg/kg)

    (n = 10)0.0 (n = 10) 0.7 (n = 10) 3.0 (n = 10) 15.0 (n = 6)

    Postnatal death 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 5.2 0.9***

    Size (cm) on M 6.0 0.1 5.9 0.1 6.0 0.08 5.9 0.04 5.5 0.2 *

    Postnatal day 1 F 5.9 0.1 5.7 0.1 5.7 0.1 5.8 0.1 5.3 0.1 **Weight (g) on M 5.75 0.2 5.9 0.2 5.9 0.1 5.9 0.2 5.5 0.1

    Postnatal day 1 F 5.5 0.1 5.6 0.1 5.6 0.1 5.6 0.1 5.1 0.2

    Ear opening M 14.0 0.3 13.6 0.2 14.0 0.2 13.6 0.2 15.0 0.6 *

    Appearance day F 13.6 0.2 13.7 0.2 14.0 0.2 13.6 0.2 15.0 0.6 **

    Coat appearance M 5.6 0.5 5.6 0.4 5.8 0.5 5.5 0.5 5.3 0.7

    Day F 5.5 0.5 5.5 0.6 5.8 0.5 5.5 0.5 5.3 0.7

    Pinna detachment M 3.6 0.2 3.7 0.3 3.7 0.2 3.5 0.2 3.3 0.4

    Day appearance F 3.7 0.3 3.8 0.1 3.6 0.2 3.5 0.2 3.5 0.6

    Tooth eruption M 10.5 0.5 10.5 0.5 10.8 0.2 10.4 0.4 9.7 0.9

    Appearance day F 10.8 0.5 10.4 0.5 10.4 0.3 10.1 0.3 9.8 0.9

    Adult gait M 13.9 0.3 14.1 0.3 13.8 0.3 13.7 0.4 14.7 0.3

    Appearance day F 13.9 0.2 13.9 0.4 14.0 0.3 13.8 0.4 14.5 0.2

    Eye opening M 14.9 0.2 14.8 0.3 15.3 0.2 14.7 0.2 15.2 0.5

    Appearance day F 14.8 0.3 14.7 0.3 14.5 0.3 14.8 0.2 15.0 0.5

    Palmar grasp M 9.0 0.4 9.4 0.3 9.0 0.4 8.8 0.4 10.0 0.6Reflex disappearance day F 8.9 0.4 9.1 0.3 9.0 0.4 8.9 0.3 9.8 0.5

    Surface right reflex M 5.1 0.1 5.2 0.1 5.1 0.1 5.1 0.1 5.3 0.2

    Appearance day F 5.1 0.1 5.1 0.1 5.1 0.1 5.1 0.1 5.3 0.2

    Testis descent day 21.8 0.3 21.6 0.4 21.9 0.4 21.5 0.5 21.8 0.8

    Vaginal opening day 37.8 0.6 37.7 0.5 37.4 0.7 36.2 0.7 38.3 0.4

    Negative geotaxis M 6.9 0.2 6.9 0.2 6.9 0.2 6.8 0.4 7.7 0.3

    Appearance day F 7.2 0.3 6.7 0.2 6.8 0.2 6.6 0.2 7.8 0.3 *

    Data are presented as means S.E.M.

    * P< .05.

    ** P< .01.

    *** P< .001 compared to 0.0 mg/kg group.

    A. Schwarz et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 25 (2003) 615626 621

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    Fig. 2. Effects of the I. carnea AQE on locomotion and rearing frequencies, immobility time and defecation of rats exposed to different doses during the

    gestation period (day 5 to 21). Data are presented as means S.E.M.; n = 10 rats per group; P>.05, two-way ANOVA and ordinary ANOVA test.

    Fig. 3. Effects of I. carnea AQE on behaviors of adult rats exposed to different doses during the gestation period (Days 6 to 21). Data are presented as

    means S.E.M. or as median; n = 10 rats per group; P>.05, two-way ANOVA and ordinary ANOVA or Kruskal Wallis test.

    A. Schwarz et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 25 (2003) 615626622

  • 8/4/2019 Effects of Ipomoea Carnea Aqueous Fraction Gorniak


    netts: Q (0.7 mg/kg) = 2.753, Q (3.0 mg/kg) = 5.155] 5HT

    levels when compared to the 0.0 mg/kg group.

    No alterations were observed at the central monoamine

    activity systems, determined by the relation between me-

    tabolite and neurotransmitter.

    4. Discussion

    Our results indicate that exposure to the I. carnea AQE

    during gestation induced maternal toxicity, as shown by

    cytoplasmic vacuolation in dam cells. Offspring exposed tothe higher dose showed some physical and developmental

    alterations during early life but a few behavioral alterations

    during adulthood. In addition, alterations in the levels of

    neurotransmitters and their metabolites did not occur.

    It is well known that stress during the critical period of

    organogenesis promotes changes in maternal behavior and

    in postnatal offspring development [4]. So, the no gavage

    control group was employed in this study to evaluate the

    possible noxious effects of stress induced by the gavage


    Administration of different doses of I. carnea AQE did

    not alter food or water intake of dams. But histopathological

    data showed the occurrence of cell vacuolation, reflecting

    maternal toxicity of the extract. In addition, a high postnatal

    death rate was observed after treatment of the dams with the

    high AQE concentration.

    Pup body size and weight at birth are important variables

    that may alter the physical and neurobehavioral develop-

    ment of the animals [12,32]. In the present study, offspring

    exposed to the higher dose of I. carnea aqueous fraction

    (15.0 mg/kg/day) showed high perinatal mortality and

    smaller body size at birth. Deformity of carpal joints was

    also observed in offspring exposed to the higher dose

    during gestation, although this condition gradually disap-peared, supporting a possible reversibility of lesions. This

    reversible deformity was also observed in sheep offspring

    exposed to locoweeds (plants with swainsonine) during

    gestation [2830].

    Swainsonine inhibits a-mannosidase II and lysosomal a-mannosidase, while calystegines inhibit a- and b-glucosi-dases and a-galactosidase; both prevent oligosaccharidematuration and complexation and glycoprotein formation

    [11,25]. Cytoplasmic vacuolation is a classical effect of

    intoxication with polyhydroxylated alkaloids like swainso-

    nine and calystegines, the main toxic agents of I. carnea

    [11]. Thus, accumulation of oligosaccharides in cytoplasmic

    Table 3

    Effects ofI. carnea AQE on central neurotransmitters (ng/g) and metabolite/neurotransmitter ratio of adult rats exposed to different doses during the gestation

    period (Days 5 to 21)

    Region No gavage AQE (mg/kg)

    (n =10)0.0 (n = 10) 0.7 (n = 10) 3.0 (n = 10) 15.0 (n =10)

    DOPAC Cortex 36.3 8.5 21.0 4.3 30.1 4.6 41.6 9.0 32.1 11.0

    Striatum 1935.9 181.1 871.2 177.5aa 1922.8 152.4bb 2125.9 115.3bb 1339.8 202.6Hypothalamus 111.3 24.8 77.5 9.3 133.8 23.4 127.9 35.2 108.8 29.8

    DA Cortex 58.5 18.9 29.8 3.5 38.9 2.8 25.1 5.7 33.6 5.0

    Striatum 5464.2 897.0 5341.0 1060.6 4962.2 1008.4 4539.7 892.0 5985.3 1072.1

    Hypothalamus 220.4 20.3 206.6 8.9 183.8 15.8 167.1 16.1 243.8 24.2

    DOPAC/DA Cortex 0.31 0.06 0.26 0.03 0.23 0.01 0.28 0.04 0.25 0.03

    Striatum 0.22 0.04 0.19 0.02 0.20 0.01 0.17 0.01 0.18 0.02

    Hypothalamus 0.33 0.05 0.31 0.02 0.28 0.01 0.30 0.02 0.29 0.01

    VMA Cortex 38.5 11.8 80.0 29.2 60.4 21.1 79.8 36.6 25.6 16.4

    Striatum 97.5 11.8 330.8 54.9aa 110.4 19.8bb 111.3 17.7bb 270.2 73.2

    Hypothalamus 71.9 17.1 125.4 23.3 134.7 30.6 121.9 45.0 63.0 16.0

    NE Cortex 59.2 5.4 61.1 3.4 56.3 6.1 73.1 7.2 55.5 6.0

    Striatum 89.9 33.5 133.6 42.5 62.3 22.0 46.3 16.2 122.7 42.6

    Hypothalamus 207.6 9.8 209.2 14.6 214.6 14.3 215.9 16.1 226.2 16.0

    VMA/NE Cortex 0.06 0.02 0.08 0.30 0.05 0.02 0.09 0.05 0.09 0.03

    Striatum 2.28 0.02 2.31 0.04 2.33 0.06 2.30 0.03 2.32 0.04Hypothalamus 0.13 0.01 0.15 0.03 0.17 0.04 0.14 0.02 0.13 0.02

    5HIIA Cortex 232.6 13.9 179.1 9.4 228.0 22.6 258.7 39.4 199.8 35.0

    Striatum 410.2 30.5 332.7 32.8 376.8 24.6 417.2 70.5 375.0 35.8

    Hypothalamus 414.6 47.6 324.7 28.0 431.3 40.4 322.4 46.3 337.5 50.8

    5HT Cortex 349.7 25.4 581.7 43.5aa 424.5 50.1b 287.3 36.6bb 447.9 42.1

    Striatum 243.8 63.2 305.2 21.6 154.3 38.8 164.6 48.6 285.8 59.1

    Hypothalamus 599.2 47.0 566.0 60.7 414.3 54.2 462.6 62.4 541.4 71.8

    5HIAA/5HT Cortex 0.20 0.01 0.50 0.03 0.40 0.03 0.30 0.02 0.50 0.04

    Striatum 1.31 0.2 1.27 0.10 1.25 0.08 1.28 0.15 1.30 0.18

    Hypothalamus 1.58 0.01 1.62 0.02 1.60 0.03 1.62 0.01 1.59 0.02

    Data are presented as means S.E.M. 0.01.a,bP< .05; aa,bbP< .01; where a = statistical significance by manipulation (0.0 mg/kg group in relation to no gavage control group) and b = statistical significance

    by treatment (in relation to the 0.0 mg/kg group).

    A. Schwarz et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 25 (2003) 615626 623

  • 8/4/2019 Effects of Ipomoea Carnea Aqueous Fraction Gorniak


    vacuoles is observed and adequate cell growth is disrupted,

    explaining, at least in part, the smaller body size at birth, the

    higher postnatal death rate and the reversible deformity of

    carpal joints of the offspring exposed to the higher dose of

    the extract during gestation. The lesion reversibility can be

    explained by the fact that swainsonine and calystegines are

    weakly basic compounds that cannot cross the placental barrier (lipid rich), and, once in the body, are rapidly

    cleared. Thus, no toxin remains in the poisoned animal

    and cellular repair begins soon after the end of exposure


    Delay in ear opening was detected in the offspring

    exposed to the higher dose of the plant aqueous fraction

    during gestation. In this case, again we may speculate about

    the importance of glycosidases for cell growth and devel-

    opment. Male and female litter weight and weight gain were

    similar for the experimental and control groups throughout

    the experimental period.

    Prenatal exposure to the higher dose of the I. carneaAQE caused a delayed day appearance of negative geotaxis

    in the 15.0 mg/kg female pups group when compared to

    the other experimental and control female groups. Com-

    pared to 15.0 mg/kg male pups, this difference did not

    occur, suggesting that male pups exposure to testosterone

    that occurs prenatally, triggering the masculinization of

    male fetuses [22] and the existence of different sex

    steroid-binding sites in many of the male and female brain

    areas [5], can explain this difference only in the females


    Some significant alterations were observed in locomotion

    frequency in the open-field, suggesting that exposure to I.

    carnea alkaloids during the gestation period interfered with

    the serotonergic and mesolimbic dopaminergic systems,

    which are strongly related to the neuromotor system and

    to locomotor activity, respectively [1,20,21,23,27].

    The plus-maze [17] and the social interaction behavior

    [19] were initially proposed as models for testing anxiolytic

    drugs. It is also known that anxiogenic agents can be

    indirectly mediated by the activation of the hypothalam-

    ic pituitary adrenal axis, which modulates the action of

    corticotrophic, corticosterone and adreno-corticotrophic hor-

    mones [18]. The AQE of I. carnea did not alter the

    parameters observed in the plus-maze and in the social

    interaction of experimental offspring compared to control,suggesting that the alkaloids of the plant may not increase

    anxiogenic behavior. To determine if I. carnea alkaloids

    definitely modulate the HPA axis it will be necessary to

    measure the levels of the hormones cited above and of other

    related ones, and to determine the levels of a broad range of

    neurotransmitters [18].

    The forced swimming test shows an immobility behavior

    (depression) as a result of the severe stress to which the

    animals are exposed [3739]. In the present study, no

    interference with the parameters of the forced swimming

    test was observed in the experimental animals compared to

    the 0.0 mg/kg group.

    Stereotyped behavior is related to progressive activation

    of nigrostriatal dopaminergic receptors [14]. Catalepsy can

    be induced by administration of dopaminergic receptor

    blockers [36], indicating the participation of central dopa-

    minergic systems in motor manifestations [16,40]. Data

    show no changes in catatonia and stereotyped behavior.

    The adverse effects observed during the postnatal perioddid not promote significant neurobehavioral changes in the

    animals when they reached adult age. Also, no changes were

    observed in the central monoamines activity systems.

    It is well known that maternal stress affects physiological

    and behavioral functions in the offspring, and that in the

    immature brain many neurotransmitters act as developmen-

    tal signals or regulators, resulting in permanent changes in

    the densities of several neurotransmitter receptors once the

    brain has matured [34]. In addition, some studies have

    revealed that prenatal stress reduces dopamine neurotrans-

    mission in the ventral striatum [50], and that changes in

    catecholamine and especially brain noradrenaline levelshave been associated with behavioral deficits caused by

    stress exposure [33,43]. On this basis, the no gavage control

    group was employed to evaluate the stress effects from the

    gavage procedure. Since the alterations observed did not

    affect the monoamine activity systems, we can speculate

    about alternative pathways developed by the CNS of these

    animals, promoting a normal life. Several studies have

    demonstrated that during ontogeny, when the central ner-

    vous system is incompletely developed, paradoxical and

    enduring effects of exposure to agonists and antagonists

    occur. Rat pups with serotonin depletion following methyl-

    enedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) exposure, for exam-

    ple, show no changes in weight gain or locomotor activity

    [51]. In this case, the target system is still developing and

    the property of central nervous system plasticity may persist

    through this period. In addition, metabolic central nervous

    system enzymes and the bloodbrain barrier are maturing

    postnatally, ensuring very different pharmacokinetic profiles

    during development [41].

    The administration of different doses of I. carnea AQE

    had some effects on the levels of neurotransmitters and their

    metabolites, but did not alter these activity systems. No

    alterations were detected during adult age in rats exposed

    during pregnancy to the different AQE doses. Probably, a

    compensatory mechanism may be developed by the centralnervous system to permit animal survival in their environ-

    ment. It is well known, as cited above, that the central

    nervous system presents plasticity and the ability to find

    alternative pathways for survival when some physiological

    functions are compromised. In addition, comparative anal-

    ysis of male and female neurotransmitter and metabolite

    levels revealed the persistence of sexual dimorphism (data

    not shown).

    In summary, the present data show that the deleterious

    effects observed in the offspring exposed to the higher dose

    of AQE during gestation did not alter the neurobehavior and

    the monoamine activity systems analyzed during adulthood.

    A. Schwarz et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 25 (2003) 615626624

  • 8/4/2019 Effects of Ipomoea Carnea Aqueous Fraction Gorniak


    Perhaps there was little transfer of the toxic agents of the

    plant to the fetus and the fetotoxic effects were maternally

    mediated. An alternative hypothesis is that, in rats, the main

    effects of swainsonine and calystegines occur outside the

    central nervous system. In any case, a single study cannot

    completely rule out the effects of I. carnea on the central

    nervous system as a whole.


    This research was supported by grants from Fundacao

    de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)

    and is part of the Masters thesis presented by Aline

    Schwarz to the Faculdade de Ciencias Farmaceuticas da

    Universidade de Sao Paulo. Special thanks are to Prof. Dr.

    Jorge Camilo Florio for HPLC technical assistance and Dr.

    Mitsue Haraguichi for the leaves extraction technical



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