effective communication handout


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Effective Communication

Special Education ServicesAimee Gilman







Communication: A Two-way Experience

►Types of communication

� Verbal

►In person-classroom visits, meetings, conferences, phone




Verbal Communication

►Classroom Visit, Parent/Teacher Conference,

and the IEP/MFE Meeting

� Tone of voice

►Active v passive voice

� Use of proper terms

►“Buzz Words” (FAPE, meaningful participation, specific and measurable, measurable progress, data)

Verbal Communication

� Do not raise your voice

� Avoid interruptions and “talking over”other team members

� If you feel they aren’t listening- or are interrupting you, speak up

� Stroking- let people know when they are doing a good job

� Never threaten to sue

Verbal Communication

� If you wish to speak directly with teacher/staff (outside the IEP/MFE meeting) arrange a time to that is mutually convenient to both of you.

� Be prepared with your list of questions

� Don’t “overstay your welcome”

� Schedule another time if you have additional concerns.

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Verbal Communication at IEP/MFE Meeting

►How do you control the agenda

► “Before we move on, I want to talk about ___________.”

►Refocus team on child’s needs; “Let’s go back for a minute to the present levels”

►Asking questions; “I want to ask Mrs. X, the speech therapist, about …”

►“I need some time to review this”

Parent-Teacher/Therapist Communication

� Never be aggressive or accusatory

� Don’t expect long, expansive communications

� Don’t show up uninvited

� Keep unscheduled communications brief

� Include positives

It’s O.K. to ask a question, in fact ask several…

►Ask Questions

� When you don’t understand

� When you disagree

� To assure you are heard

� Reasonableness of parent expectations as to nature and amount of communication

Non-Verbal Communication at the IEP/MFE Meeting

� Attitude►Approach all meetings with a positive attitude (even if you need to fake it)

� Appearance of Preparation►Your documents are easily accessible

►You have your “resource books” on the table and accessible

� Body Language►Facial Expressions

►Body Language

� Leaning toward speaker

� Arms not crossed

� Nodding or making eye contact with speaker

� Physical Appearance►Appropriately Dressed

Written Communication

►When you MUST use it

� Evaluation requests

� IEP meeting requests

� In response to a letter you received regarding your child’s substantive program

� If concerns are not being addressed

Written Communication with SD Staff

►Letters to teacher are first line

►If things are not going well, Director of Spec Ed is your next contact

►Use cc: judiciously-don’t blanket SD with your letters

►Pick your battles-if its really important or concerning you should consider sending a letter

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Evaluation Requests

► Include your Parental Consent-so there is no question as to the date of the request

►Describe what you believe to be the Scope of the Evaluation

►Note times you are available to participate in determining the scope of the evaluation


IEP Team Meeting Request

► Be clear on what you want to be the scope of the meeting� progress, change services, update on student needs

► Be clear on your availability

► Request you receive in advance any documents prepared by staff which will be presented at the meeting

► Identify any person not on the IEP team that you would like to attend-including your advocate or friend.


A Few Extras

► If you don’t agree with the meeting summary prepared by SD-draft your version-without accusatory language-send it to SD with a letter stating you want it attached to the SD’s meeting summary for the record.

► If you receive a letter from the SD which appears to be taking a hard line, don’t respond in the same way-send a well crafted letter which makes you the “bigger person”

►Only put in writing what you want a hearing officer or a judge or the prosecutor to see – writings are forever

Consider bringing a friend to communicate for you

►If they are more articulate – but be sure they are appropriate and are well versed on the matters at hand.

►If they make you feel more empowered

BEWAREThe “Over Zealous” Parent

or Advocate

► The SD doesn’t have to put up with disrespectful, rude, inconsiderate or threatening behavior (neither do parents and guardians) done in the name of advocacy.This type of behavior is self defeating and will almost always have an adverse effect on the process.

► There is more value to a cooperative meeting then one where everyone leaves upset.

Beth’s Basic Reminders

►Keep copies of all documents received-note with the date received

►Put it all in a notebook in chronological order for easy reference

►If you provide SD with a copy of private evaluation or therapy notes-be sure to note that on your original

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Communication Basics


� Ask questions if you don’t understand

� Keep emotions under control

� “Keep your distance”

� Be respectful-treat them the way you would like to be treated and maybe it will catch on!

Communication Basics