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Educator Learning Journeys Tracy Immel [email protected] Global Director Teacher Professional Development Programs & Certification

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Educator Learning Journeys

Tracy Immel [email protected] Global Director Teacher Professional Development Programs & Certification

A Partnership Approach to Education Reform

Set Vision and Define Priorities •Envisioning Workshop

Build Capacity in Project Team •Certificate in ICT in Education for Policy Implementers

Infrastructure & implementation •MCS Education Offerings

Build Capacity of School Leaders • Innovative Schools Program

Build Capacity of Teachers • Innovative Teacher Program

• Educator Learning Journeys

Measure Outcomes • Innovative Teaching & Learning Research

• OECD • EUN • ISTE • IEA • MIT • And others…

UNESCO: Competency Framework for Teachers

An Approach to Scale the UNESCO ICT- CfT

• Built on foundation laid by Partners in Learning • Access to personalized & varied professional

development • Aligned to international standards • Validated by education experts

• Made available through consultative process w/ countries via experts in education innovation & reform

• Design based on desired student outcomes and how teachers can be best supported to help achieve them


Educator Learning Journey

Guiding Principals

• Innovative teachers who use ICT to enrich lessons often result in attainment of 21st Century skills (ITL research)

• Educator Leaders want to quantitatively measure impact of professional development programs and ICT investments – Competency based, not time based – Provide business analytics for better ROI on investments

• Based on global set of standards to enable effectiveness measures across geographies

• Implemented via public, private partnership with shared resource investment the focus needs to be on systemic education reform

Technology Literacy Exam Outline

The policy goal of this level: Prepare a workforce that is capable of taking up new technologies to improve economic productivity. Related educational policy goals include increasing school enrollments and improving basic literacy skills, including technology literacy.

• Technology Literacy Policy & Vision

• Basic Knowledge Curriculum & Assessment

• Integrate Technology Pedagogy

• Basic Tools ICT

• Standard Classroom Organization & Administration

• Digital Literacy Teacher

Professional Development

Exam Specification

Training Specification

• Scoping statement • Task components • Task difficulty,

frequency, and importance

• Obstacles • Best practices • Most common

mistakes • Critical mistakes • Task results

Educator Learning Journeys

Assess Learning


Learning Content

• Tech Literacy Strand of CFT

Certificates of


Microsoft Technology

Literacy Certification for Teachers

• 40 questions • User can retake 2-

3 times without repeating questions

• Technology neutral

• 6 courses • About 69 individual

learning topics • 40 hours • Training uses

Microsoft tools to support learning

• Aligned to UNESCO ICT-CFT

• Summative Assessment

• 6 Completion Certificates

• Technology nuetral

Hosted Learning System

• Leverage certification knowledge and learning from ICDL and Microsoft Learning

• 1 exam • Target: $7-10 USD

per teacher • Technology neutral

Basic Digital Literacy Skills

Beta June 2011

Beta April-December 2011

Microsoft Technology Literacy Curriculum Outline

Policy and Vision: Why Does the UNESCO ICT-CFT Promote Technology Literacy? Curriculum and Assessment: Selecting ICT Resources to Support Curriculum Outcomes Pedagogy: How Do Technology and Pedagogy Mix? Basic Tools: Using Basic ICT Tools to Support Teaching and Learning Standard Classroom: Organise and Manage the Use of ICT in Your Classroom Digital Literacy: Technology Literacy and Your Professional Development

• 6 courses • 40 hours E-Learning Content • 69 Topics

Report Against ICT-CFT Standards Report

Sample Learning Topic

Next Steps

• April-June – Self-assessment live (March) – 6 courses uploaded into hosted learning environment (April/May) – Cohorts of in-service teachers to enter system as beta testers – Continue to garner feedback – Review validation results of self-assessment

• June/July – Priority 1 updates to system and self-assessment

• July-September – Priority 1 updates to learning content – Localization Guide delivered – Faculty Guide delivered (to present content in blended model)

Technology Literacy Curriculum Outline 1/2 Course 1: Policy and Vision: Demonstrate Awareness of the Technology Literacy Goals Promoted by the CFT Framework

Unit 1: How Digital Literacy Relates to Social and Economic Goals

Exam Objective 1.1: Identify the policy goals supported by the CFT framework

Unit 2: 21st Century Teaching and Learning

Exam Objective 1.2: Identify CFT framework purpose and approaches

Unit 3: How Will My Students Benefit from Digital Literacy?

Exam Objective 1.3: identify the target student outcomes that result from implementing a CFT-supported learning experience

Course 2: Curriculum and Assessment: Demonstrate Basic Knowledge of How ICT Resources Can Support Curriculum Outcomes

Unit 1: Bringing Teaching and Learning to Life

Exam Objective 2.1: Given a curriculum goal, identify appropriate ICT resources and skills required to use ICT resources.

Unit 2: Evaluating ICT Instructional Resources

Exam Objective 2.2: Given a scenario, evaluate and select an ICT instructional resource

Unit 3: Evaluating ICT Assessment Resources

Exam Objective 2.3: Given a scenario, evaluate and select an ICT assessment resource

Unit 4: Making it Easy to Manage Student Data

Exam Objective 2.4: Select an appropriate computer-based tool to monitor and share student performance data

Course 3: Pedagogy: Integrate Technology and Pedagogy

Unit 1: Exploiting Digital Possibilities to Improve Didactic Teaching

Exam Objective 3.1: Integrate ICT into didactic knowledge acquisition and learning theory models.

Unit 2: Planning Better Learning Activities Based on Didactic Teaching

Exam Objective 3.2: Create learning activities that use ICT resources to support specific educational outcomes.

Unit 3: Incorporating ICT Resources for Just-in-Time Learning

Exam Objective 3.3: Apply ICT resources to "just in time" and "spontaneous" learning interactions.

Unit 4: How Technology Can Help You Deliver Your Message

Exam Objective 3.4: Design presentations that appropriately incorporate ICT resources.

Technology Literacy Curriculum Outline 2/2 Course 4: Use Basic Tools to Support Learning Activities Unit 1: Hardware to Support Teaching and Learning Exam Objective 4.1: Given a specific learning activity, identify the required hardware and devices to support the activity Unit 2: The Internet to Support Learning Activities Exam Objective 4.2: Use the Internet and browsers to support learning activities Unit 3: Search Engines and Learning Activities Exam Objective 4.3: Use a search engine/strategy to perform a keyword search. Unit 4: E-mail and Learning Activities Exam Objective 4.4: Create and use a Web-based e-mail account Unit 5: Software Applications for Better Learning Exam Objective 4.5: Given a scenario, select the most appropriate type of software application. Unit 6: Using Software for Managing and Sharing Student Data Exam Objective 4.6: Use software to manage student and classroom data Unit 7: Add Value to Teaching and Learning with Collaboration Technology Exam Objective 4.7: Use common communication and collaboration technologies to support learning activities Course 5: Organize and Manage a Standard Classroom Unit 1: Learning Activities for a Computer Laboratory Environment Exam Objective 5.1: Integrate learning activities into a computer laboratory environment Unit 2: Managing ICT Resources in a Classroom Environment Exam Objective 5.2: Manage the use of ICT resources with individuals, small groups, and whole groups in varied environments Unit 3: Managing Logistics and Social Interactions Around ICT Resources Exam Objective 5.3: Identify the appropriate and inappropriate social arrangements to use with various ICT resources Course 6: Use Digital Literacy Tools to Enhance Professional Performance Unit 1: Use ICT to Work Smart Exam Objective 6.1: Use ICT resources to enhance teacher productivity Unit 2: Supporting Teacher Professional Development Exam Objective 6.2: Use ICT resources to support teacher professional learning Unit 3: Internet Safety Exam Objective 6.3: Manage safety issues in digital environments