educational affairs - ametsoc

educational affairs Ph.D. Recipients and Dissertation Titles: September 1976-August 1977 1 Alaska, University of, Fairbanks Cole, Henry P., Jr.—A formation of steady-state positive and negative ion chemistry of the daytime D-region in- corporating enhanced water vapor and descending sub- micro dust Prentki, Richard Thomas—Phosphorus cycling in tundra ponds Alberta, University of, Edmonton, Canada Lam, H.-L.—Generation mechanisms for the transient ultra low frequency oscillations (1-16 mHz) of the earth's magnetic field in the morning sector Arizona, University of, Tucson Eakle, Thomas William—The effects of controlled burn- ing on a southwestern ponderosa pine understory: A factor analysis Fischer, John North—Simulation of hydrologic processes for surface mined lands Hansen, Mark Z.—The design and application of a polar nephelometer for aerosol studies (Completed Sep- tember 1977) Hekman, Louis Harry—Simulation and evaluation of water yield response to vegetation management on a forested watershed in Arizona King, Michael D.—Determination of the complex refrac- tive index of atmospheric aerosols by the diffuse-direct technique: A statistical procedure (Completed De- cember 1977) Spinhirne, James D.—Monitoring of tropospheric aero- sol optical properties by laser radar (Completed December 1977) British Columbia, University of, Vancouver, Canada Buckley, Joseph Roy—Currents, winds and tides in Howe Sound Stronach, James Alexander—Observational and model- ling studies of the Fraser River plume i Only degrees in the atmospheric sciences, physical and dynamical oceanography, hydrology, and closely related fields are included. Some degrees granted during the period cov- ered by this list appeared on last year's list because they were reported during last year's survey. These have not been re- peated here (see April 1977 BULLETIN, pp. 334-338). 0003-0007 / 78 /0422-0415$05.00 © 1978 American Meteorological Society California, University of, Los Angeles Chen, Chin Kung—Topics in planetary plasmaspheres Chu, Jan-Hwa—Vorticity in maritime cumulus clouds and its effects on the large-scale budget of vorticity in the tropics Esbensen, Steven K.—Thermodynamic effects of clouds in the tradewinds planetary boundary layer Lee, Tan-Na—Numerical calculations of the wind-driven circulation in a barotropic ocean Randall, David A.—The interaction of the planetary boundary layer with large-scale circulations Schlamp, Richard J.—A numerical investigation of the efficiency with which simple columnar ice crystals col- lide with supercooled water drops Schlesinger, Michael E.—A numerical simulation of the general circulation of atmospheric ozone Yao, Mao-Sung—Thermally and topographically forced general circulation regimes of a 2-level quasi- geostrophic atmosphere California, University of, San Diego 2 Gordon, Raymond Lee—Internal wave climate near the coast of northwest Africa during JOINT 1 Holloway, Greg—Statistical hydromechanics: Applica- tions in mesoscale ocean circulation Johnson, Charles L.—The separation of wave-induced and intrusive oceanic fine structure Mortensen, Arne C.—Optimized system for high resolu- tion measurements of oceanic temperature and velocity Stock, Gerard G.—Modeling of tides and tidal dissipa- tion in the Gulf of California Worcester, Peter F.—Reciprocal acoustic transmission in a mid-ocean environment Chicago, University of, Chicago, III. Chase, Robert P.—Transport dynamics and kinematic behavior of aquatic particulates Jameson, Arthur R.—A dual-wavelength radar study of a hailstorm Lesht, Barry M.—Field study of the bottom friction boundary layer on the inner continental shelf Colorado State University, Ft. Collins Albrecht, Bruce A.—A time-dependent model of the trade-wind boundary layer Frank, William M.—The structure, dynamics and ener- getics of tropical cyclones 2 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. 422 Vol. 59, No. 4, April 1978 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 11/01/21 09:36 AM UTC

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educational affairs

Ph.D. Recipients and Dissertat ion T i t les :

September 1976-August 1977 1

Alaska, University of, Fairbanks

Cole, Henry P., J r .—A formation of steady-state positive and negative ion chemistry of the daytime D-region in-corporating enhanced water vapor and descending sub-micro dust

Prentki, Richard Thomas—Phosphorus cycling in tundra ponds

Alber ta , University of , Edmonton, Canada

Lam, H.-L.—Generation mechanisms for the transient ultra low frequency oscillations (1-16 mHz) of the earth's magnetic field in the morning sector

Ar izona, University of, Tucson

Eakle, Thomas Wil l iam—The effects of controlled burn-ing on a southwestern ponderosa pine understory: A factor analysis

Fischer, John North—Simulation of hydrologic processes for surface mined lands

Hansen, Mark Z.—The design and application of a polar nephelometer for aerosol studies (Completed Sep-tember 1977)

Hekman, Louis Harry—Simulation and evaluation of water yield response to vegetation management on a forested watershed in Arizona

King, Michael D.—Determination of the complex refrac-tive index of atmospheric aerosols by the diffuse-direct technique: A statistical procedure (Completed De-cember 1977)

Spinhirne, James D.—Monitoring of tropospheric aero-sol optical properties by laser radar (Completed December 1977)

Brit ish Columbia, University of , Vancouver, Canada

Buckley, Joseph Roy—Currents, winds and tides in Howe Sound

Stronach, James Alexander—Observational and model-ling studies of the Fraser River plume

i Only degrees in the atmospheric sciences, physical and dynamical oceanography, hydrology, and closely related fields are included. Some degrees granted during the period cov-ered by this list appeared on last year's list because they were reported during last year's survey. These have not been re-peated here (see April 1977 BULLETIN, pp. 334-338).

0003-0007 / 78 /0422-0415$05.00 © 1978 American Meteorological Society

Cal i fo rn ia , University of , Los Angeles

Chen, Chin Kung—Topics in planetary plasmaspheres Chu, Jan-Hwa—Vorticity in maritime cumulus clouds

and its effects on the large-scale budget of vorticity in the tropics

Esbensen, Steven K.—Thermodynamic effects of clouds in the tradewinds planetary boundary layer

Lee, Tan-Na—Numerical calculations of the wind-driven circulation in a barotropic ocean

Randall, David A.—The interaction of the planetary boundary layer with large-scale circulations

Schlamp, Richard J .—A numerical investigation of the efficiency with which simple columnar ice crystals col-lide with supercooled water drops

Schlesinger, Michael E.—A numerical simulation of the general circulation of atmospheric ozone

Yao, Mao-Sung—Thermally and topographically forced general circulation regimes of a 2-level quasi-geostrophic atmosphere

Cal i fo rn ia , University of , San Diego 2

Gordon, Raymond Lee—Internal wave climate near the coast of northwest Africa during J O I N T 1

Holloway, Greg—Statistical hydromechanics: Applica-tions in mesoscale ocean circulation

Johnson, Charles L . — T h e separation of wave-induced and intrusive oceanic fine structure

Mortensen, Arne C.—Optimized system for high resolu-tion measurements of oceanic temperature and velocity

Stock, Gerard G.—Modeling of tides and tidal dissipa-tion in the Gulf of California

Worcester, Peter F.—Reciprocal acoustic transmission in a mid-ocean environment

Chicago, University of , Chicago, III.

Chase, Robert P.—Transport dynamics and kinematic behavior of aquatic particulates

Jameson, Arthur R.—A dual-wavelength radar study of a hailstorm

Lesht, Barry M.—Field study of the bottom friction boundary layer on the inner continental shelf

Colorado State University, Ft. Col l ins

Albrecht, Bruce A.—A time-dependent model of the trade-wind boundary layer

Frank, William M . — T h e structure, dynamics and ener-getics of tropical cyclones

2 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif.

422 Vol. 59, No. 4, April 1978

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Bulletin American Meteorological Society 423

Katen, Paul C.—Transport of pollutants in the surface layer

McGuirk, James P.—Fluctuations in the atmosphere's energy cycle

Mulvey, Gerald J.—Physical mechanisms of extra area effects from weather modification

Rhea, John Owen—Orographic precipitation model for hydrometeorological use

Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa.

Embury, Janon Fredrick—Selective paints for solar absorbers

Friant, Stephen Lee—Direct head-gas for the isolation of volatile trace organics in aqueous in environmental samples

McGuire, Michael John—The optimization of water treatment unit processes for the removal of trace organics

Pina, Jose Fermin—Techniques for obtaining regional radiation budgets from satellite radiometer observa-tions

Pina, Madeline Victoria—Lidar acquisition of atmo-spheric temperature profiles by Raman rotational back-scatter

Florida State University, Tallahassee

Carr, Frederick H.—Numerical simulation of mid-tropospheric cyclone

Lee, Tay-How—Temperature wave propagation in a non-gray radiating fluid

Ross, Robert S.—The contribution of synoptic scale in-teraction of upper and lower troposphere to the main-tenance of the summer cloud cluster maximum over the eastern Caribbean Sea

Wang, Pi-Huan—Convective instability in a radiating fluid layer

Wroblewski, Joseph—A model of the spatial structure and productivity of phytoplankton populations dur-ing variable upwelling off the coast of Oregon

Georgia Institute of Technology, At lanta

Mani, K. Kurian—A model for turbulent diffusion in the atmosphere

Mikhail, Amir Samaan—Atmospheric boundary layer similarity theory for applications on wind energy fields

Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Boyd, John P.—Planetary waves and the semiannual wind oscillation in the tropical stratosphere

Harrison, Don Edmunds—On mesoscale-mean field in-teraction

Houghton, John C.—Robust estimation of the frequency of extreme events in a flood frequency context

Kong, Dennis T . Y.—A photochemical study of the Mar-tian atmosphere

Moen, Terje—Development of mathematical models for preliminary screening in water resources design

Stevens, Duane E.—Atmospheric waves forced by cumu-lus convection in the tropics

Hawaii, University of, Manoa

Niemeyer, Gary C.—Numerical methods for the simula-tion of hydrodynamic and ecological processes, with application to Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii

Illinois, University of, Urbana-Champaign

Fritts, D. C.—The gravity wave-critical level interaction Gidel, L. T.—Warm and cold atmospheric frontogenesis Hearn, A. L.—An incoherent scatter investigation of the

properties of internal gravity waves in the ionospheric F region

Hill, R. J.—Small-scale fluctuations in D-region ioniza-tion due to hydrodynamic turbulence

Miller, K. L.—Midlatitude sporadic-E layers

Iowa State University, Ames

Aspiazu, Celestino—Application of Landsat-1 data to crop area and yield estimates, forest identification, and soil classification in Iowa

Fattahi, B.—Laboratory simulation of a tornado-like vor-tex boundary layer interaction

Hailezghi-Tesfamariam—The flow of a large scale gen-eral vortex near a solid boundary normal to the axis of the vortex

Sivakumar, M. V. K.—Soil-plant-water relations, growth and nutrient uptake patterns of field-grown soybeans under moisture stress

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

Butman, Bradford—On the dynamics of shallow water currents in Massachusetts Bay and on the New En-gland continental shelf (Received June 1975)

Emery, Barbara A.—Seasonal wind variations in the mid-latitude neutral thermosphere

Flagg, Charles N.—The kinematics and dynamics of the New England continental shelf and shelf/slope front

Fung, Inez Y.-S.—The organization of spiral rainbands in a hurricane

Roads, John O.—Numerical experiments on the sensitiv-ity of an atmospheric hydrologic cycle to the equilib-rium temperature

Robock, Alan D.—Climate predictability and simulation with a global climate model

Ruddick, Barry R.—Observations of interaction between the internal wavefield and low frequency flows in the North Atlantic

Salstein, David A.—Predictability of an atmosphere with large-scale moisture patterns

McGil l University, Montreal, Que., Canada

Beland, Michel—Numerical study of the nonlinear Rossby wave critical level development in a barotropic zonal flow

Benoit, Robert—A comprehensive parameterization of the atmospheric boundary layer for general circulation models

Lambert, Steven—A study of planetary wave errors in a spectral numerical weather prediction model

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424 Vol. 59, No. 4, April 1978

Miami, University of, Miami, Fla.

Gannon, Patrick—On the influence of surface thermal properties and clouds on the south Florida sea breeze

Hallock, Zachariah—Wind-forced equatorial waves in the Atlantic Ocean

Price, James F.—Observations and simulation of storm-driven mixed-layer deepening

Wortham, Sylvia J.—A stochastic model of a stratified fluid

Michigan, University of, Ann Arbor

Grayson, Thomas—Analysis of cool season lake-related mesoscale phenomena using numerical variational analysis

Harding, Duane—Microphysical response of cloud drop-lets in a fluctuating updraft

Levine, Joel—The evolution of stratospheric ozone

Missouri, University of, Rolla

Stoddard, Larry Eugene—Measurements of the mobilities of small aqueous ions in argon saturated with water vapor using an expansion cloud chamber

Thurman, Robert Ellis, I I—The mobility spectra of positive ion hydrates in a mixture of argon and water vapor

Wegrzyn, James Edward—An investigation into the scavenging and coagulation of fine particles

Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Cali f .

Camp, Norman Thomas—The role of strong atmospheric forcing events in the modification of the upper ocean thermal structure during the cooling season

Tupaz, Jesus Bonifacio—A numerical study of barotropic instability of a zonally varying easterly jet

Nebraska, University of, Lincoln

Seeley, Mark—The development and applications of biological time-scale models for field corn hybrids in Nebraska (Received December 1977)

Nevada, University of, Reno

Christensen, L. S.—Bounce, coalescence and splash of water drops

Kalathil, J . A.—A comparative study of convective models

Presley, J . D.—Free convective plumes in the atmosphere Rogers, C. F.—A new device for studies of cloud con-

densation nuclei active at low supersaturations

New Mexico Tech, Socorro

Standler, Ronald B.—The effect of corona discharge on electric fields beneath thunderstorms

Szymanski, Edwin W.—Lightning studies with 10 cm radar

New York, State University of, Albany

Chang, Samuel—Ice multiplication by freezing drops DiMego, Geoffrey—A diagnostic study of the transforma-

tion of Tropical Storm Agnes into an extratropical cyclone

Feng, Grace—Numerically simulated cloud interactions and feedback processes in the trade wind zones

Lee, Teresa—Substorm-associated long-period hydromag-netic waves

Prasad, Jarajapu S.—The heat conduction at the plasma-pause and the response of the neutral atmosphere dur-ing the times of 6300 A (O I) emissions

Watkins, David—The properties of a vortex-stabilized discharge in the current range of 3 to 300 amperes and an estimation of the ability of electrical discharges to power tornadoes

North Carolina State University, Raleigh

Bliven, Francis Laurence, Jr.—Sediment transport phe-nomena generated by a combined wave and steady flow condition

Fan, Kuang-Lung—A mathematical model of continental shelf circidations and property distribution

Ohio State University, Columbus

Apinis, John Janis—Passive microwave mapping of ice thickness

Bringi, Viswanathan Naganathan—Electromagnetic scat-tering from nonspherical hydrometeors with applica-tions in radar meteorology

Chang, Yoon Samuel—Line intensities and half widths of the H 2 0 v2 band near 2000 cm-1 obtained by using a least squares fit method

Duncan, Donald Dean—Theoretical study of the turbulence-induced scintillation of a dirty laser beam

Jenson, Richard—Numerical solution of weakly sepa-rated flows at high Reynolds number

Larson, Grahame Jeffrey—Meltwater storage in a tem-perate glacier

Lin, Chun Liang—Measurement and analysis of the v2

band of D2O16

Rivir, Richard B.—The effect of turbulence on laser beam quality

Scott, James Nicholas—A far field analysis of the propa-gation of sound waves from various point sources through a linear shear layer

Whitbeck, Michael Ray—Spectra and reactions of alkyl-peroxy

Oklahoma, University of, Norman

Chang, Len-Fu Walter—A numerical simulation of the diurnal variation of the low-level jet

Chaplin, Wallace Herman—Radiation budgets of the troposphere over the East China Sea during the air-mass transformation experiment (AMTEX) 1974

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Bulletin American Meteorological Society 425

Crawford, Kenneth Clarence—The design of a multi-variate mesoscale field experiment

Heymsfield, Gerald M.—A study of some kinematic and dynamic aspects of a severe tornadic storm

Ramanathan, Nagaswamy R.—A study of thermal insta-bility in an atmosphere with zonal flow and rotation

Soliz, Peter—A diagnostic analysis of kinetic energy bal-ances of a developing cyclone over the East China Sea during A M T E X 1975

Oregon State University, Corvallis

Amstutz, David—Stereophotogrammetric reconnaissance of ocean wave/sea ice interaction

Marmorino, George—Temperature finestructure and microstructure observations in the coastal upwelling region off Oregon during the summer of 1974

Simpson, James—Small scale temperature structure of the upper ocean

Sobey, Edwin—The response of Oregon shelf waters to wind fluctuations: Differences and the transition be-tween winter and summer

Trump, Clifford—Effects of mesoscale atmospheric con-vective cells on waters of the East China Sea

Pennsylvania State University, University Park

Chang, Simon—The mutual response of the tropical cyclone and the ocean as revealed by an interacting atmospheric and oceanic model

Heck, Werner J .—The effect of clear air turbulence on atmospheric mixing

Hoke, James E.—A comparison of three methods for computing isentropic trajectories

Mamane, Yaacov—A quantitative method for the detec-tion of individual submicron sulfate particles

Seaman, Nelson—The development of a mesoscale semi-implicit numerical model

Sobel, Joseph P.—Nested grids in numerical weather prediction and on application to a mesoscale jet streak

Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.

Mitchell, David L.—A theoretical investigation of moist atmospheric convective modes as a function of Ray-leigh number, Prandtl number and eddy anisotropy

Pant, Govind B.—Available potential energy and kinetic energy processes during the life cycle of an extratrop-ical cyclone

Snow, John T.—An investigation of multiple vortex phenomena in tornado-like flows

Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick

Guimard, Susana Isabel—The statistical behaviour of turbulent energy dissipation

Hwang, Bao-Chuan—Investigation of the diffusion in turbulent shear flow (Received September 1976)

St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo.

Bonesteele, Raymond—A numerical study of updraft-downdraft interactions during the mature stage of a rotating supercell thunderstorm based upon Doppler radar data

Fishman, Jack—A numerical investigation of the mete-orological and photochemical processes which influ-ence tropospheric ozone and other trace constituents

Raymond, William H.—A numerical investigation of the boundary layer of an atmospheric mesoscale vortex

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Ryerson, Charles C.—Models for calculating daily changes in soil frost depth in the midwestern United States

Texas A & M University, College Station

Fuelberg, Henry E.—Atmospheric energetics in regions of intense convective activity

Hebenstreit, Gerald T.—Reflection and refraction of solitary waves—A numerical investigation

Morrison, John Miller—Water mass properties used as flow indicators within the eastern Caribbean Sea dur-ing the winter of 1972 and fall of 1973

Sieland, Thomas E.—Real-time computer techniques in the detection and analysis of severe storms from digital radar data

Zak, Joseph A.—Forecasting thunderstorms over a 2- to 8-h period by statistical methods

Texas, University of, Austin

Cuellar-Chavez, Raul—An application of a regional methodology to estimate point and non-point pollu-tion loads discharged into a stream (Received May 1976)

Dawes, Robert Leo—A degenerate evolution equation for fluid flow in multi-porous media

Delaney, Bernard Tod—Aircraft vortex effects on ground level pollutant concentration and tracking of vortex movement in the airport environment

Jahangirians, Mayis Tivani—Aerosol beam studies of the formation of potassium iodide and potassium oxide aerosol particles by chemical reaction in core diffusion flames (Received May 1976)

Michelis, Carl-Heinz Paul—A study of Van Der Waals broadening for lines of astrophysical interest (Re-ceived May 1976)

Shih, Shin-Min—Diffusion in a temperature gradient Wilson, Dennis Eugene—An investigation of the peri-

staltic pumping phenomena with wind energy applica-tions

Woodman, Jerry Hayes—Jupiter: Observations of spatial variations of methane and ammonia interpreted as a cloud deck with elevated haze

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426 Vol. 59, No. 4, April 1978

Toronto, University of, Toronto, Ont., Canada

Gillespie, James R.—Numerical modelling of the evolu-tion of drop size distributions in rain

Stewart, Ronald E.—Experimental investigation of the aerodynamics of freely falling disks

Utah State University, Logan

Baldazo, Nolasco Gonzales—A study of the radiation quality under plant canopies in the wave range 0.4 to 2.5 microns (Received in 1974)

Malek, Esmaiel—Vertical mesoscale water vapor flux in an irrigated valley

Utah, University of, Salt Lake City

Feddes, Robert G.—Cloud composition determination by satellite sensing using the Nimbus VI high resolution infrared sounder

Lee, Hsi-Nan—Finite element solution to equations for turbulent motion and diffusion in planetary boundary layer

Virginia, University of, Charlottesville

Saltzberg, Edward—Implementing cost-effective water pollution control by means of effluent charges: An ex-ample applied to electroplating job shops discharging to urban sewer systems

Ulanski, Stanley L.—Surface kinematic clues to convec-tive rainfall processes

Wisniewski, Joseph—Silver concentrations in rainwater from seeded and non-seeded south Florida cumuli

Virginia, University of, Gloucester Point

Bryan, Burton B.—The ecology of the marine Cladocera of lower Chesapeake Bay

Diaz, Robert J.—Effects of thermal shock on larvae of the oyster Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin)

Hershner, Carl H.—Effects of oil pollution on salt marsh communities

Washington, University of, Seattle

Anderson, James J.—Identification of tracing of water masses with an application near the Galapagos Island

Blank, Richard G.—Correlation of Cenozoic deep sea sediments of the equatonal Pacific Ocean

Doraiswamy, Paul C.—The radiation budget and evapo-transpiration of a Douglas Fir stand

Lutjeharms, Johann R. E.—Meso-scale dynamics in the southern ocean: A statistical analysis of historical data

Macauley, Michael C.—Quantitative acoustic assessment of zooplankton standing stock

McLean, Stephen R.—Mechanics of the turbulent boun-dary layer over sand waves in the Columbia River

Pfister, Leonhard—Possible barotropic instability in the upper stratosphere

Walters, Roy A.—A numerical model of thermal strati-fication primary production, and nutrient cycles in deep, temperate lakes

Waterloo, University of, Waterloo, Ont., Canada

Crawford, Timothy L.—Numerical modeling of complex two and three dimensional flow and diffusion prob-lems in the natural air environment

Wil l iam and Mary, College of, Gloucester Point, Va.

Lake, James Lister—The effects of petroleum on the salt marsh ecosystem

Wisconsin, University of, Madison

Dittberner, Gerald—A physically based climate model of hemispheric mean surface temperature with predictive capability

Dobosy, Ronald—Dispersion of atmospheric pollutants in flow over the shoreline of a large body of water

Duwe, Marian Pearl—The diurnal variation in radon flux from the soil due to atmospheric pressure change and turbulence (Received June 1976)

Hall, Leonard—A climatonomic study of the North American interior plains

Kang, See Whan—Nonlinear dynamics of long standing waves

Limaye, Sanjay—Venus stratospheric circulation: A diag-nostic study (Received October 1977)

Nicholson, Sharon—A climatic chronology for Africa: Synthesis of geological, historical and meteorological information and data

Nof, Doron—On geostrophic adjustment in sea straits and wide estuaries: Theory and laboratory experi-ments

Rutllant, Jose—On the extreme aridity of coastal and Atacama deserts in northern Chile

Stamm, Alfred—Comparison of lake breeze data with the Neumann-Mahrer non-hydrostatic numerical model

Wylie, Donald—Tropical observations of mixed layer changes caused by cumulus downdrafts taken in the GATE program

Wisconsin, University of, Milwaukee

Bridgeman, Howard Allen—The depletion of direct beam visible radiation by aerosols in urban and rural air at Milwaukee

Wyoming, University of, Laramie

Sassen, Kenneth—An evaluation of polarization diversity lidar for cloud physics research

Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

Brink, Kenneth H.—A laboratory study of the baromet-ric response problem

Brotak, Edward A.—A synoptic study of the meteorolog-ical conditions associated with major wildland fires •

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