ecosystems & communities

Ecosystems & Communities Chapter 4 Dr. Donna Howell Biology I Blacksburg

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Ecosystems & Communities. Dr. Donna Howell Biology I Blacksburg High School. Chapter 4. Ecosystems. Two factors shape an ecosystem: Biotic factors – biological influences Plants, other animals, etc. Abiotic factors – nonliving influences - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Ecosystems & Communities

Chapter 4

Dr. Donna HowellBiology IBlacksburg High School

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EcosystemsTwo factors shape an ecosystem:

Biotic factors – biological influences

Plants, other animals, etc.Abiotic factors – nonliving influences

Climate, rainfall, wind, sunlight, etc.

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HabitatTogether, the biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem determine the survival and growth of organisms and make up their habitat.

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NicheA niche is the place an organism occupies in an ecosystem. A bullfrog’s niche would be what it eats, when it reproduces, and where it lives.

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Community Interactions

There are three main types of community interactions:


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CompetitionCompetition occurs when organisms have to use the same resources, such as food.

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PredationPredation is when one organism captures and feeds on another. Lion and antelope

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SymbiosesAny relationship where two organisms live closely together is called a symbiosis.There are 3 main types:


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MutualismMutualism is a type of symbiosis where both species benefit.Example: bees and flowers

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CommensalismCommensalism is a symbiosis where one member benefits, and the other is not harmed nor does it benefit.Example: barnacles on a whale

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ParasitismParasitism is a symbiosis where one organism harms the other one.Example: mosquito sucking on human blood

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Ecological Succession

Ecosystems are constantly changing over time.The series of predictable changes that occurs over time is called ecological succession.

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Primary Succession

Primary succession occurs where no soil exists. Example: years after a volcanic eruption covers ground with lava.

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Primary Succession

The first species to populate an area after such an event is called the pioneer species.

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Secondary Succession

Secondary succession happens after a disturbance, such as a wildfire.The community interactions restore the ecosystem to its original condition.

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BiomesA biome is a complex of terrestrial communities that covers a large area.

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Tropical Rain Forest

Hot and wet year-round.Large trees with canopies.Huge variety of wildlife.Ex: Costa Rica

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Tropical Dry Forest

Warm year-round, alternating wet and dry seasons.Deciduous trees with canopyTigers, monkeysEx: Mexico

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Tropical SavannaWarm; seasonal rainfalls; frequent lightning firesTall grassesLions, cheetahEx: Africa

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DesertHot year-round; little rainfallCactiScorpions, roadrunnersMiddle East

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Temperate Grassland

Hot summers; cold winters; seasonal rainfallGrassesBison, Prairie chickensEx: central North America

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Temperate Woodland

Hot dry summers; cool moist wintersEvergreen shrubsCoyotes, deerEx: West coast of North America

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Temperate ForestWarm summers; cold winters; year-round rainfallDeciduous treesBears, bobcatsEx: Eastern US

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Boreal ForestLong cold winters, short mild summersConifersLynxes & mooseEx: Washington State, US

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Northwestern Coniferous Forest

Mild temperatures, lots of precipitationRedwoods and hemlocksElk, owlsEx: Pacific coast of US

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Tundra Permafrost; long, cold wintersMosses, lichensCaribou, Arctic foxEx: Northern North America

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Aquatic Ecosystems

In addition to land biomes, we also have aquatic biomes.Freshwater, estuaries, ocean, etc

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Aquatic Ecosystems

The base of aquatic food chains are tiny free-floating creatures called plankton and zooplankton.

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