ecatalog staff-parent donations

PTA County Fair Silent Auction 2012 Staff, Parent, Alumni, Community and School Donation eCatalog 1 February 25, 2012 Loca1on: SAS High School Library Beginning: 11:00 am

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eCatalog Staff-Parent donations


Page 1: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

PTA County Fair Silent Auction 2012 Staff, Parent, Alumni, Community and School

Donation eCatalog  


February  25,  2012    

Loca1on:    SAS  High  School  Library  

Beginning:    11:00  am  

Page 2: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Table of Contents…………………………………………………...… 2 Bidding Registration & Auction/Bidding Start Times.......………….... 3 Close Bidding – Staggered Closing Times & Procedures..……………4 Posting of Winners, Payment & Pickup of winnings…………....…… 5 Auction Items by Grade Level Lot # series Pages Staff Donations………………………......600 ....................... 6 – 35 Parent Donations ………….……………..700 ..................... 36 – 69 Alumni & Community …………………..800 .......................70 – 77 School Donations .……………………....900 ………………78 – 85 Acknowledgement…………………………………………....... 86  

Table of Contents  


Page 3: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Auc&on  Start  Time    Doors  to  the  Auc&on  and  bidding  will  be  opened  at  11:00  am.  


Bidder  Registra&on    This  year,  par1cipants  will  fill  out  a  Bidders  registra1on  card  (sample  below)  with  your  Name  and  contact  informa1on.        Bidder  Registra1on  opens  at  10:30  am.    You  can  either  register  as  you  enter  the  auc1on  prior  to  bidding  or  you  may  Pre-­‐register  beginning  at  10:30  am.                    You  will  be  given  the  sec1on  which  contains  your  Unique  3  digit  Bid  Number.    This  card  also  contains  a  blank  area  for  you  to  use  to  write  down  item  numbers  you  have  bid  on,  if  you  wish  to  keep  track  of  your  bidding.    The  other  2  sec1ons  will  be  retained  and  filed  by  your  unique  Bid  Number  and  Bidders  Name.    When  bidding  you  only  need  enter  your  Unique  3  digit  bid  number  on  the  bid  sheet  along  with  your  bid  amount.    Should  you  prefer  to  use  your  first  and  last  name,  in  lieu  of  your  bid  number  you  may  do  so.    This  process  will  make  bidding  quick  and  easy  and  allows  anonymity  during  the  bid  process  for  those  who  prefer  it.  


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Closing  the  Bidding    A  Staggered  Closing  process  will  be  used  this  year.        Doing  so  will  enable  bidders  to  move  from  sec1on  to  sec1on  checking  in  on  their  bids  in  different  sec1ons  and  categories.      This  allows  bidders  to  get    last  minute  bids  in  on  more  than  one  item,  rather  than  having  to  choose  just  one  favorite  and  risk  losing  other  items  you  are  interested  in.      Addi1onally,  it  is  a  more  efficient  and  fair  way  to  close  a  large  auc1on  and  allows  the  Auc1on  Team  to  start  pos1ng  winners    at  an  earlier  1me.  Winners  will    being  being  posted  before  all  the  sec1ons  and  categories  are  at  the  auc1on  are  closed  for  bidding.    

Bid  Closing  Sec&on  Times  and  Order    

2:45  -­‐  ECC  (Preschool  &  Pre-­‐Kindergarten)  Classroom  Crea1on’s    (Lots:  002  -­‐040)    2:50  –  Kindergarten  Classroom  Crea1on’s  -­‐  (Lots:  1  &  51-­‐65)  2:55  –  Grade  1  Classroom  Crea1on’s    -­‐  (Lot  100  series)  3:00  –  Grade  2  Classroom  Crea1on’s  -­‐    (Lot  200  series)  3:05  –  Grade  3  Classroom  Crea1on’s    -­‐  (Lot  300  series)                                                      3:10  –  Grade  4  Classroom  Crea1on’s  –  (Lot  400  series)                                                                              3:15  –  Grade  5  Classroom  Crea1on’s    -­‐  (Lot  500  series)    3:25  -­‐  Parent  Dona1ons  –  (Lot  700  series)              3:35  -­‐  Staff  Dona1ons  –  (Lot  600  series)  3:40  –  Alumni  /  Community  Dona1ons  (Lot  800  series)  &  School  Dona1ons  (Lot  900  series)    Winner  Lists  will  start  to  be  posted  as  soon  as  each  sec&on  is  documented.      We  are  an1cipa1ng  having  the  winners  of  the    first  two  sec1ons  closed  (ECC  &  Kindergarten),  posted  as  early  as  3:15pm  or  earlier  and  the  next  two  sec1ons  (Kindergarten  &  Grade  1)  posted  by  3:20  or  earlier,  and  so  on.    This  will  allow  winners  to  begin  paying  for  and  picking  up  their  items  before  the  County  Fair  Closes.  


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 Winning  Item(s)  and/or  services  Payment  and  Pickup  Procedures  &  Policy:    Beginning  at  approximately  3:  15pm  Winners  will  start  to  be  posted  at  the  entrance  to  the  HS  library.    Winners  can  pay  by  cash  or  check  and  pick  up  their  winnings  at  the  auc1on  loca1on  when  the  Winner  Sheet  with  the  winners  Bid  #,    Name    &  winning  Bid  amount  is  posted.    *  Note:    Ager  making  payment,  owners  of  the  items  will  be  escorted  to  pick  up  their  winnings  or  have  them  brought  to  them  near  the  cashier  area.    Winners  are  not  to  retrieve  items  themselves  from  the  auc1on  area  without  an  escort.    This  is  to  verify  the  correct,  paid  for  items  are  given  to  the    proper  winner.    Auc1on  Cashiers  will  begin  closing  at  4:030  pm  on  day  of  auc1on.    

If  you  do  not  pay  for  and  pick  up  your  winnings  on  Auc&on  Day.    

Payment  by  cash  or  check  and  pick  up  of  winnings  must  be  done  by  12:00  (noon),  Monday,  March  12,  2012,  at  the  SAS  PTA  Office.    Otherwise  the  item  or  service  will  be  awarded  to  the  previous  bidder.    Hours  for  payment  and  pick  up:    Mon.,  Tue.,  Thur.  &  Fri.    8:00  am  –  2:30  pm.  Wednesday  9:30  am  –  2:30  pm.    For  further  inquiries  about  payment  and  picking  up  of  items,  please  contact  Sheila  Carr:    9272  7707.   5  

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Lot #601 Staff Donation

Dinner for Two with Dr. & Mrs. Mutsch at Morton's The Steakhouse

Enjoy  an  exclusive  evening  dining  with  Dr.  Brent  Mutsch  &  Mrs.  Mutsch  as  they  host  you  at  Morton's  The  Steakhouse.    This  will  be  scheduled  on  a  mutually  convenient  evening  with  the  winning  bidder.    

Donated by Dr. & Mrs. Mutsch, Superintendent of Schools 6  

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Lot #602 Staff Donation

Parent Coaching - 8 Sessions

Winner received 8 one hour private parent coaching session for 1 parent or a couple.

All sessions to be used within a period of 10 weeks from the first session.

In person sessions at Balanced Living (776 Bukit Timah Road) on Thursday mornings (time to be decided) or via Skype at a mutually agreed upon time.

This is a $1,440.00 value.

Donated by Paula Huggins


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Lot #603 Staff Donation

Brass or Woodwind Music Lesson Winner  can  invite  up  to  2  friends  using  the  same  type  of  instrument  to  join  them  for  a  one  hour  music  tutoring  session/lesson  on  either  a  brass  or  woodwind  instrument.      Par=cipants  must  own  or  rent  their  own  instrument.    

Donated by Tracy Craig 8  

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Lot #604 Staff Donation

Rock Climbing: Have fun, challenge yourself or get in shape. Your  group  will  climb  with  instructors,  in  safety  for  2-­‐3  hours  at  a  climbing  gym.  Number  of  Par1cipants:  Up  to  6  kids  plus  up  to  4  Adults.    Minimum  Age:  9  years  old.  Must  have  basic  fitness  level  to  enjoy  this  ac1vity.    

Donated by Chris Emerson & Jim Ryan 9  

Your  group  will  climb  with  instructors,  in  safety  for  2-­‐3  hours  at  a  climbing  gym.  Number  of  Par1cipants:  Up  to  6  kids  plus  up  to  4  Adults.    Minimum  Age:  9  years  old.  Must  have  basic  fitness  level  to  enjoy  this  ac1vity.    

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Lot #605 Staff Donation

Loads of Fun Basket

Donated by Pre-K Teachers 10  

This  basket  is  filled  with  fun  items  including  Legos,  Baking  items,  Plan1ng  items,  Art  and  Puzzles.    

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Lot #606 Staff Donation

"Lets go to Lunch and the Movies" Winner  can  invite  one  friend  and  join  Ms.  Schwarz  for  an  agernoon  movie  and  lunch  date.      Winner's  choice  of  movie  (with  parental  approval).    Lunch  loca1on  is  picked  by  winner  from  a  selec1on  of  restaurants  put  forward  by  Ms.  Schwarz.    Date  will  be  mutually  agreed  upon.    

Donated by Robyn Schwarz, Kindergarten



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Lot #607 Staff Donation

Science Party!!!!!! For Up To 6

Winner  can  invite  up  to  5  friends  to  accompany  you  in  the  PS  science  Lab  to  have  fun  with  some  amazing  experiments  for  1.5  hours.    PIZZA  and  a  mysterious  scien1fic  cocktail  will  be  served.    This  offer  is  for  grade  1  &  2  students  only.    Available  on  a  school  days  from  3:15-­‐4:45pm;  on  a  mutually  agreed  upon  date.    

Donated by Wendy Liddel, PS Science Teacher



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Lot #608 Staff Donation

Movie and McDonald’s Lunch

This  offer  is  for  Ms.  Pathmarajah  present  or  past  students.      Winner  may  bring  1  friend  when  they  join  her  for  a  McDonald's  Lunch  and  agernoon  Movie.        Movie  of  winners  choice  (with  parental  approval).    

Donated by Sudesh Pathmarajah, Kindergarten 13  


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Lot #609 Staff Donation

Subway Lunch with Ms. Jo (Grade 2 Counselor)

Winner  will  join  Miss  Jo  with  up  to  2  of  your  friends  for  a  lunch  at  subway!        School  days.  Approx.  45  min.  -­‐  1  hr.    

Donated by Jo McIlroy


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Lot #610 Staff Donation

Personalized Children's Tour of the Asian Civilization Museum

Winner  can  invite  9  friends  (maximum  10  children)  on  this  marvelous  tour.    Best  for  ages  6-­‐10  yrs.    This  is  perfect  for  a  small  birthday  party  or  a  class  ou1ng  or  ac1vity  to  share  with  visi1ng  families.    Admission  fees  included.  Tour  takes  approx.  1  hour  but  can  be  extended  if  necessary.  Offer  valid  un1l  25  Feb  2013.    Date  and  1me  to  be  mutually  agreed  upon/scheduled.    

Donated by Virginia Sheridan 15  

Open  your  children's  eyes  to  the  wonders  of  the  Asian  Civiliza1on  Museum  through  this  customized,  pint-­‐sized  tour  by  SAS  Staff  member  Virginia  Sheridan.    Whatever  the  children's  interests  -­‐  animals,  magic,  jewels,  heroes,  adventure,  Ms.  Sheridan  will  point  out  the  connec1ons  in  the  ACM's  collec1ons  and  make  it  fun  and  interac1ve.    Ms.  Sheridan  is  a  trained  guide  at  the  museum  with  specific  experiences  working  with  children  so  they  are  in  good  hands.    

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Lot #611 Staff Donation

Personalized Adult Tour of the Asian Civilization Museum

Winner  can  invite  9  friends  (maximum  10  adults)  on  this  marvelous  tour.          This  is  perfect    ac1vity  to  share  with  visi1ng  families,  coworkers,  friends,  etc.        Admission  fees  included.  Tour  takes  approx.  1  hour  but  can  be  extended  if  necessary.  Offer  valid  un1l  25  Feb  2013.    Date  and  1me  to  be  mutually  agreed  upon/scheduled.    

Donated by Virginia Sheridan


Open  your  eyes  and  mind  to  the  wonders  of  the  Asian  Civiliza1on  Museum  through  this  customized,    tour  by  SAS  Staff  member  Virginia  Sheridan.      Whatever  the  groups  interests  Ms.  Sheridan  will  point  out  the  connec1ons  in  the  ACM's  collec1ons  and  make  it  educa1onal  and  enjoyable  for  everyone.    Ms.  Sheridan  is  a  trained  guide  at  the  museum  so  you  are  all  in  good  hands.  .    

Page 17: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #612 Staff Donation

3 Hours of Essay Coaching / Editing Services

Does your HS student need help starting his/her college essays? Could he/she use the feedback of a professional writer/editor and teacher? This is good for anything from brainstorming ideas to final editing. I have 20 years of editing/writing/journalism experience and also teach the yearbook journalism course (and serve as the Islander adviser) at SAS. Offer valid until March 30, 3013. Advanced notice/booking is required (at least three weeks before assignment is due). Value of 450.00.

Donated by Virginia Sheridan 17  

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Lot #613 Staff Donation

Mother-Daughter Pie Cooking Class For Up To 5 People.

Come  learn  how  to  make  a  painless  pie  crust.    You  choose  to  make  and  apple  or  cherry  pie.    You  will  leave  with  a  pie  for  mom  and  a  mini  pocket  for  daughter(s).    All  food  items  included.    Available  Monday  or  Tuesday  ager  school,  3-­‐4:30pm.    

Donated by Amy Ferguson, Middle School 18  

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Lot #614 Staff Donation

Subway Lunch for boy, with Anne Carrol, 2nd Grade Teacher

Winner  will  enjoy  a  one-­‐on-­‐one    lunch  date,  or  can  bring  along  1  friend,  during  the  2nd  grade  lunch/recess  period.        Includes:    Sub  Sandwich,  Chips,  drink  and  even  a  cookie  treat.    This  is  for  Grade  2  current  or  previous  students.      Lunches  must  scheduled  and  taken  before  Spring  Break  2012.    

Donated by Anne Carroll


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Lot #615 Staff Donation

Subway Lunch for Girl, with Anne Carrol, 2nd Grade Teacher

Winner  will  enjoy  a  one-­‐on-­‐one    lunch  date,  or  can  bring  along  1  friend,  during  the  2nd  grade  lunch/recess  period.        Includes:    Sub  Sandwich,  Chips,  drink  and  even  a  cookie  treat.    This  is  for  Grade  2  current  or  previous  students.      Lunches  must  scheduled  and  taken  before  Spring  Break  2012.    

Donated by Anne Carroll


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Lot #616 Staff Donation

Lunch with Ms. Farris and Mr. Williams! For 10!

Do  you  love  Ms.  Farris?    Do  you  love  Mr.  Williams?          Well,  you  and  9  of  your  friends  can  go  to  lunch  with  them.    They  will  treat  you  and  your  friends  to  a  delicious  Subway  lunch  in  the  High  School.    You  can  invite  any  of  your  friends  from  Second  Grade.      

12:00  -­‐  1:30pm    Donated by

Sarah Farris & Mr. Williams 21  

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Lot #617 Staff Donation

Movie with Mrs. Hanagan

The  highest  bidder  will  asend  an  age  appropriate  movie  with  Mrs.  Hanagan  with  a  friend  of  their  choosing.      This  prize  will  also  include  popcorn  and  a  drink  as  approved  by  the  student's  parent.        The  movie  will  be  viewed  at  a  mutually  agreeable  1me.      

Donated by Mrs. Hanagan, 3rd Grade



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Lot #618 Staff Donation

4 Private Musical Instrument Lessons for Children or Adults

Winner  will  received  4  private  30-­‐minute  music  lessons  on  the  band  instrument  of  their  choice  with  Mrs.  Davison.    All  levels  of  students.    Adults  too!    Lesson  will  be  in  the  MS  Band  Room  S215,  ager  school  on  days  school  is  in  session.  Specific  1mes  to  be  arranged  by  winner  &  Mrs.  D.    

Donated by Rebecca Watters Davidson 23  

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Lot #619 Staff Donation

Mother-Daughter Chinese Cooking Class for up to 8

Invite  your  daughter's  friends  and  their  moms  to  a  Chinese  cooking  class  one  agernoon  in  the  MS  cooking  classroom  -­‐  and  enjoy  the  feast!    Date/1me  to  be  mutually  agreed  upon.    

Donated by Vivian Lin


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Lot #620 Staff Donation

Nature Walk through Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Invite  up  to  9  of  your  friends  to  join  you  on  a  2(+)  hour  guided  tour  through  the  Sungei  Buloh  Wetland  Reserve.    The  walk  will  focus  on  the  natural  history  of  mangrove  ecosystems.    Date/1me  to  be  mutually  agreed  upon.    

Donated by Steve Early 25  

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Lot #621 Staff Donation

Beauty Treatments with Cecilia Westberry

Winner  receives  a  Voucher  for  Facial,  Foot  Massage,  Manicure  and  Pedicure  (or  equivalent  treatments)  at  Cecilia's  in  Holland  Close.        $300.00  Limit.    Valid  un1l  May  31,  2012.    

Donated by Geri Johnson 26  

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Lot #622 Staff Donation

Mixed Case of Six Award-Winning Red Wines

These  wonderful  wines  from  Marlborough  NZ,  come  with  tas1ng  notes  

and  food  pairing  sugges1ons.    

 $280.00  Value.    Donated by

Mr. & Mrs. Cuthbert, The Odd Bottle Wine Company 27  

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Lot #623 Staff Donation

Mixed Case of Six Award-Winning White Wines

These  wonderful  wines  from  Marlborough  NZ,  come  with  tas1ng  notes  

and  food  airing  sugges1ons.    

 $240.00  Value.    

Donated by Mr. & Mrs. Cuthbert, The Odd Bottle Wine Company 28  

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Lot #624 Staff Donation

Planning & Preparing an Efficient & Effective System for the Management of Academic Responsibilities

Includes:    *Physical  Organiza1on  (Locker,  Backpack,  Folder,  Papers  &  Supplies)  *  Steps  for  Making  a  Daily  

Plan  for  Assignments,  Tests  and  Projects,  *Developing  Self-­‐Advocacy  

by  U1lizing  Data  and  Communica1on  with  Teachers.  Donated by

John Koncki 29  

Winner  will  receive  two  1  hour  sessions  of  Planning  and  Preparing  an  Efficient  and  Effec1ve  System  for  the  Management  of  Academic  Responsibili1es.  

200.00  Value.    

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Lot #625 Staff Donation

Guitar Lesson For Up To 3 People.

Ages  9-­‐85.    Lesson  can  occur  at  school  or  in  your  home  and  will  be  held  on  a  mutually  agreed  date  and  1me.    If  the  lesson  is  outside  of  the  school,  the  loca1on  must  be  within  walking  distance  from  a  MRT  Sta1on.    

Donated by Mr. Ben Robertaccio, 6th Grade Counselor 30  

Winner  can  invite  up  to  2  others  to  join  him/her  for  a  one  hour  Guitar  Lesson  covering  any  musical  style  and  ability  (beginning  to  advanced  level).    It  is  best  if  the  student  has  their  own  guitar  (if  needed  Mr.  Robertaccio  will  supply  extra  guitar).      

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Lot #626 Staff Donation

Beginner Contemporary Dance Workshop, Up To 15 Adults.

Beginner  Contemporary  Dance  Class  for  up  to  15  adults.    Class  is  approx.  1.5  hours.    Available  Dates  are  Friday,  April  13th  or  

Friday,  April  20th,  2012,  Preferred  class  1me  from  

3:30-­‐5:00pm.  Retail  Value  $900.00.     Donated by

Tracy van der Linden and Heather Rodocker 31  

This  class  will  focus  on  movement  through  space.    The  class  will  consist  of  a  full  warm  up,  basic  contemporary  dance  skills,  basic  condi1oning,  short  dance  sequence  and  a  full  cool  down  and  stretch.    This  will  be  team  taught  by  the  HS  and  MS  Dance  Directors  to  give  you  an  idea  of  what  the  dance  students  at  SAS  experience.    Please  let  instructors  know  of  any  injuries.    We  can  work  around  injuries  and  please  wear  comfortable  clothing  you  can  move  in  and  roll  on  the  floor  in.    

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Lot #627 Staff Donation

Perceptual Motor Fun Activity Party with Mrs. Bava

Great  way  to  celebrate  birthdays!  The  fun  is  45  minutes  on  a  Monday  or  Thursday  week-­‐day  ager  school,  3:30pm  -­‐  4:15pm  in  April  or  May  months.    

Donated by Rose Bava 32  

Up  to  15  Children  ages  5-­‐7  will  par1cipate  in  a  fun  session  of  ac1ve  physical  play  in  the  Perceptual  Motor  Classroom.    The  session  includes  obstacle  course  trails,  exploratory  play  using  gymnas1c  equipment  and  as  we  as  non  compe11ve  games.  

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Lot #628 Staff Donation

Pizza With Your Pals

Winner  and  3  friends  can  enjoy  a  Pizza  Lunch  with  two  2nd  Grade  teachers.    Maximum  4  students.        Children  must  be  available  to  eat  lunch  between  12:00  noon  and  12:40pm  (designated  2nd  grade  lunch  1me).    

Donated by Mrs. Peggy Moineau & Mrs. Laura Terrile,

2nd Grade Teachers 33  

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Lot #629 Staff Donation

Manicure Outing Winning  bidder's  child  gets  to  invite  one  other  friend  to  join  Ms.  Murphy  for  a  manicure.    A  mutually  agreed  upon  date  and  1me  will  be  selected.    Total  par1cipants:  2  kids.    

Donated by Ms. Vanessa Murphy, PS Resource Teacher 34  

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Lot #630 Staff Donation

Photo Shoot Bring  out  your  inner  model!    Capture  a  memorable  moment!    Get  a  head  start  on  your  holiday  gree1ng  card!    Successful  bidder  receives  a  photo  shoot  session  at  any  loca1on  in  Singapore.    

Donated by Louise Donaghey & Atikah Scott 35  

Op1ons  included:  Family  portraits,  candid  shots  and/or  friends  at  play.    You  will  receive  a  disc  with  all  high  quality  photos  from  the  session.    Up  to  5  people.    Dura1on  1-­‐2  hours.    

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Lot #701 Parent Donation

3 Hand Painted Chinese Ceramic Tiles These  hand  painted  ceramics  are  taking  shape  as  a  leader  in  decora1ve  pain1ng.    Ceramic  pain1ngs  are  quickly  over  shadowing  abstract  and  modern  pain1ngs  as  essen1al  decora1ng  elements  throughout  much  of  Southeast  Asia  including  Hong  Kong  &  Singapore.    These  Tiles  are  from  the  Mother  Earth  store  in  Shanghai  China.      Large  1le  is  approx.  14”  x  14"  and  the  2  small  1les  are  approx.  8"x  8".    

Donated by Rin Huei Yen 36  

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Lot #702 Parent Donation

Home Menu Magic At Your Service! Karla  will  help  you  make  a  4  week  cycle  menu  for  your  family.  This  printed  menu  will  help  to  amp  up  your  family's  healthy  food  intake,  save  you  1me  making  that  daily  evening  meal  decision  and  reduce  the  extra  cost  &  1me  of  last  minute,  one  meal  grocery  shopping.    

Donated by Karla  Rippchen,  Registered  Die11an  and  member  of  the  USA  and  Overseas  Academy  of  Nutri1onal  and  Diete1cs.   37  

Your  favorite  recipes  &  meals  will  be  incorporated  throughout  the  cycle  menu.    

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Lot #703 &

Lot #704

Parent Donation Magic Show

by the “Great Zufelti” Enhance  your  next  special  event  with  a  magical  performance  by  the  "Great  Zufel1."    The  magic  show  will  be  customized  to  fit  the  audience  and  is  a  great  addi1on  to  any  birthday  party,  church  social,  family  gathering,  team  building,  and  many  other  events.    Appropriate  for  children  and  adults  age  4  to  100,  audiences  small  and  large    from  1  to  100  asendees.  

Donated by Brian Zufelt


Available  weekday  evenings  and  Saturday's.  No  Sundays.    Shows  are  30-­‐40  Minutes.  

 A  minimum  value  of  $300.00  ea.    

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Lot #705 Parent Donation

3 Personal Pilates Sessions

Voucher  for  3  private,  one-­‐on-­‐one,  1  Hour  Pilates  Session  for  1  person  and  a  Postural  Analysis  iden=fying  muscular  strengths  and  weaknesses.      This  is  a  $300.00  value.  

Donated by Vesna Thomas, Certified Stott Pilates Instructor


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Lot #706 Parent Donation

Personal Training & Wellness Consultation Package

1  hour  Personal  Training  Session  and  1  hour  Wellness  Consulta1on  for  1  person.      Minimum  age  18.  

Donated by FitMoms / FitFamilies


Wellness  consulta1on  includes  body  composi1on  analysis,  nutri1onal  guidance  and  energy  makeover.    FitMoms  /  FitFamilies  specializes  in  health  and  fitness  wellness  for  the  whole  family.  

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Lot #707 Parent Donation

$200.00 Monetary Donation  

Donated by Fany Barki


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Lot #708 Parent Donation

Personal Color Consultation

A  one  and  a  half  hour  personal  assessment,  for  1.        This  is  a  $250.00  value.     Use  prior  to  June  9,  2012.      

Donated by Carol  Shaw,    Style  Masers   42  

A  personal  assessment  of  the  unique  color  combina1on  of  your  skin,  eyes  and  hair  using  Defini1ve  Color  Profiling  System.    Ager  assessment,  you  will  receive  a  set  of  color  and  clothing  1ps  that  will  make  you  look  more  radiant,  healthy,  younger  and  slimmer.    In  addi1on  to  the  color  consulta1on,  you  will  receive  your  color  profile  and  personalized  palese  of  50+  colors  (lips1ck,  blush,  textures,  prints,  guidance  on  hairstyles  and  accessories,  advise  on  Make-­‐up  and  more.  

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Lot #709 Parent Donation

US Tax Consultation One  hour  tax  consulta1on  on  issues  related  to  the  filing  of  a  US  1040,  TD  90.22-­‐1  (FBAR)  for  foreign  account  repor1ng,  expatria1on,  voluntary  disclosure,  or  other  issues  related  to  a  personal  tax  maser.    This  1me  will  not  include  the  prepara1on  of  your  actual  return,  but  the  1me  can  be  used  to  review  a  self-­‐prepared  return.      

Valued  at  $400.00.  

Donated by American Expat Tax Services, Amanda St. Claire 43  

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Lot #710 Parent Donation

3 Personal Pilates Sessions

Learn  to  make  a  mini  scrapbook  album.  All  materials  provided,  just  bring  6-­‐8,  3"x5"  photos  or  smaller.    Choose  &  create  your  own  design  &  have  fun  decora1ng  your  album  with  a  variety  of  embellishments.  Children  under  age  8  must  be  accompanied  by  an  adult.    Loca1on:  Impressions  Art  Studio,  Cluney  Court,  off  Bukit  Timah  Rd.  

Donated by Impression Art Studio


This  fun  and  crea1ve  workshop  is  for  up  to  6  people  age  8  and  up.    See  Lot  Descrip1on  Sheet  for  further  informa1on.  



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Lot #711 Parent Donation

Asian Cooking Class for 6

Farina  Kingsley,  culinary  instructor  and  writer  will  conduct  a  hands-­‐on  cooking  class  for  up  to  6  people,  age  16  and  above,  in  the  winners  home.    We  will  prepare  a  4-­‐course  Asian  

inspired  meal  and  dine  together  ager  the  class.  Class  needs  to  be  conducted  prior  to  June  1,  2012.    It  is  preferred  to  have  the  class  on  a  weekday  from  10:00am  -­‐  1:00pm.    Value  


Donated by Farina’s Asian Pantry


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Lot #712 Parent Donation

3 nights at Monastery Hideaway in Santa Barbara, California, USA

Contemporary  villa  also  known  as  “The  Monastery”  is  overlooking  beau1ful  Santa  Barbara,  California  and  Pacific  Ocean.    Sleeps  8  in  4  bedrooms.    Panoramic  Ocean  views  set  on  10  acres.    Beaches  within  10  minutes  drive;  wine  country  within  45  minutes.    Fully  equipped.    Expires  25  February  2013.    Subject  to  availability  and  certain  major  holidays.      Value:  $  3750.00  SGD.  ($3000.00  USD.)  For  details,  See  

Donated by Michael & Hiroko Bekins 46  

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Lot #713 Parent Donation

Banana Republic Men’s Shirt

New,    Size  L,    slim  fit,  Long  sleeve    buson  down  in  a  blue  print.    Purchase  Price  was  $100.00.  

Donated by Deanna Kim


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Lot #714 Parent Donation

uMist Baby, Hydrating Ultrasonic Humidifier

NEW    Purchase  Price  was  $60.00.  

Donated by Deanna Kim


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Lot #715 Parent Donation

Comprehensive Financial Plan for US Citizens Using  a  sophis1cated  financial  planning  sogware  

system,  a  financial  plan  will  be  created  by  a  holder  of  the  Cer1fied  Financial  Planner  (CFP)  designa1on  in  the  United  States.    The  plan  will  encompass  budge1ng,  saving,  financial  goal  planning  (i.e.  college,  re1rement,  car,  new  

home,  etc.),  taxes,  investments,  insurance,  long  term  care,  disability  and  estate  planning.    Once  a  plan  is  designed,  the  agreed  upon  changes  will  be  implemented  and  monitored  for  a  year.    

Excludes  services  that  may  be  provided  by  other  professionals  such  as  accountants  and  lawyers.    

Value  of  this  service  $  4000.00.  

Donated by Chartwell Associates Pte Ltd


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Lot #716 Parent Donation

Piano Lessons

Donated by Miho Aikawa


3  private,  45  minute  Piano  Lessons  from  Miho  Aikawa,  Cer1fied  Japanese  Instructor    

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Lot #717 Parent Donation

"Circus, Under the Big Top"

This  beau1fully  done  Circus  Elephant  painted  poster  was  created  by  

Brownie  Troop  49,  for  the  2011  Girl  Scout  Father  Daughter  Dance  "Circus,  Under  the  Big  Top”.

Donated by Girl Scout Brownie Troop 49


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Lot #718 Parent Donation

Custom Cake, Cupcakes or Cookies Winners  choice  of  scrump1ous  Cake,  

Cupcakes  or  Cookies  which  will  be  decorated  in  theme/style  of  

winner's  choice  for  20  -­‐  25  people.    

Donated by Renne Chipman


At  least  2-­‐3  weeks  advance  prepara1on  

1me  is  required.    Expires  26  February,  2013.  

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Lot #719 &

Lot #720

Parent Donation

1 Week of UFIT Group Bootcamp Sessions

Up  to  6  sessions.    

Donated by Darren Blakeley of UFIT 53  

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Lot #721 Parent Donation

Wellness Package

Dr.  Steven  Tucker  will  perform  A  Physical  Exam,  Laboratory  Tes1ng,  

Fuel  Efficiency  Tes1ng  (for  op1mizing  heart  rate  in  exercise  or  for  weight  loss)  and  Body  

Composi1on.    Value  $  1200.00.      

Donated by Dr. Steven Tucker


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Lot #722 Parent Donation

Graphic Artwork & Design for Children’s Party -­‐  (1)  5  g.  x  5  g.  PVC  Poster,    -­‐  Electronic  Invita1ons  and  -­‐  Electronic  "Thank  You"  

notes.      All  designed  with  the  child's  photo  and  the  party  theme.    

Donated by Yasmin Schleider 55  

Invita1ons  and  Thank  You  notes  are  emailed  in  a  file  to  the  winner  for  their  distribu1on  to  recipients.    All  of  the  above  to  be  delivered  with  at  least  4  weeks  no1ce.    

 $200.00  value.  

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Lot #723 Parent Donation

Graphic Artwork & Design for Occasion or Event

-­‐  (1)  5  g.  x  5  g.  PVC  Poster,    -­‐  Electronic  Invita1ons  and  -­‐  Electronic  "Thank  You"  

notes.        All  designed  featuring  the  theme  of  the  occasion  or  event  and  the  details  of  the  occasion  or  event.  They  may  all  be  personalized  with  a  photo.    

Donated by Yasmin Schleider


Invita1ons  and  Thank  You  notes  are  emailed  in  a  file  to  the  winner  for  their  distribu1on  to  recipients.    All  of  the  above  to  be  delivered  with  at  least  4  weeks  no1ce.    

 $200.00  value.  

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Lot #724 Parent Donation

Indian Cooking Class For 2

Learn  the  basics  of  cooking  Indian  food.    Discover  the  use  of  essen1al  spices  in  an  Indian  kitchen.    You  will  learn  to  cook  one  main  course  dish  and  a  rice  dish.    Class  takes  between  1-­‐2  

hours.    Time  and  date  for  the  lesson  upon  mutual  agreement.    Donated by

Suman Masciarelli 57  

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Lot #725 Parent Donation

3 Coaching Sessions with Imagine Now

Coaching  has  been  demonstrated  to  have  a  very  powerful  results  when  1)  you  have  a  strong  desire  to  develop  your  poten1al;  2)  there's  a  gap  between  

where  you  are  now  and  where  you  want  to  be;  and  3)  you're  ready  and  willing  to  take  ac1on  to  achieve  the  

results  you  want.    $  540.00  value.    

Donated by Imagine Now


With  coach,  Ralitsa  Peeva,  you  will  have  an  Integrated  life,  which  works  well  because  you  designed  it;  have  a  lot  more  sustainable  energy,  no  more  

star1ng  and  stopping;  and  take  beser  and  smarter  ac1ons  because  you  set  the  

goals  you  really  want.  

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Lot #726 Parent Donation

Blue & White Ceramic Stool

Winner  takes  home  this  beau1ful  Chinese  hand  painted  blue  &  white  ceramic  stool  

valued  at  $250.00  12"  Diameter  x  17.5"h    

(30cm  x  44cm)  

Donated by Taylor B


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Lot #727 Parent Donation

3 Group Sessions of Phyzique Bootcamp, Suspension Training Bootcamp or Body

Weight Bootcamp. The  winner  of  this  

offer  has  an  op1on  to  come  to  3  sessions  of  one  of  these  types  of  


Donated by Abraham  Nikhil  (Nik),  Body  Engineer,  Phyzique  Pte  Ltd  


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Lot #728 Parent Donation

Greek Delicacy Basket and Dining Voucher from Blu Kouzina

A  $100.00  Dining  Voucher  is  accompanied  by  a  wonderful  Greek  Delicacy  Basket  is  filled  

with  wonderful  ingredients  and  and  wine.    Total  value  is  more  than  $400.00.    

Donated by Effie & Dennis Tsakiris, owners

of Blu Kouzina Pte Ltd 61  

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Lot #729 Parent Donation

3 Executive Coaching Sessions Winner  received  3  one-­‐hour  Execu1ve  Coaching  sessions  with  Susan  Sadler  a  

creden1aled  coach  working  with  primarily  business  people  but  several  parents  have  purchased  coaching  sessions  for  their  

spouse  or  college  age  children.      Date  and  1me  will  be  mutually  agreed  upon/scheduled.    Offer  expires  25  February  

2013.    Value  of  $900.00.    

Donated by Susan Sadler, ACC, Sadler

Communications Pte Lt 62  

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Lot #730 Parent Donation

Yoga Tuesdays – 5 Group Sessions for Two This  adult  class  is  suitable  for  beginners  and  intermediate  students.    Includes  is  a  short  introduc1on  medita1on  and  some  breathing  techniques.      

 On  Tuesdays  from  10:00  –  11:00  am  at  4  Cairnhill  Rise,  

"The  Cairnhill".      A  $300.00  Value  

Donated by Sujata Cowlagi 63  

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Lot #731 Parent Donation

Yoga For Children 5 Group Sessions for Two

Age  5  and  above,  this  children's    class  includes  yoga  study  based  

on  games  and  play.    Wednesday  from  5:30  –  6:30  pm  at  4  Cairnhill  Rise,  "The  Cairnhill”  

A  $300.00  Value.    

Donated by Sujata Cowlagi 64  

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Lot #732 Parent Donation

Yoga Thursdays – 5 Group Sessions for Two

This  adult  class  is  suitable  for  beginners  and  intermediate  students.    Expect  some  

inversions  and  introduc1on  to  some  advanced  postures.    

   Thursdays  from  10:00  –  11:00  

am  at  4  Cairnhill  Rise,  "The  Cairnhill.      

A  $300.00  Value.      

Donated by Sujata Cowlagi 65  

Page 66: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #733 Parent Donation

Prenatal Yoga - 5 Group Sessions for Two

 This  class  is  suitable  for  pregnancy  any1me  ager  the  12th  week  and  works  for  all  levels.    

Saturday  from  10:00  –  11:00  am  at  4  Cairnhill  Rise,  "The  Cairnhill.    

A  $300.00  Value  

Donated by Sujata Cowlagi


Page 67: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #734 Parent Donation

Create Your Own Private Yoga Class for Children and/or Adults

You  and  up  to  11  of  your  friends  (maximum  class  size  12)  can  have  three  

3,    1  hour  Yoga  sessions  all  to  yourselves.    This  class  can  be  for  adults  and/or  children.    Class  needs  a  minimum  

of  5  par1cipants  .    Classes  will  be  schedule  on  mutually  agreeable  dates,  1mes  and  loca1on.    Excluding:  Tuesday  10:00  –  11:00  am,    Wednesday    5:30  –  6:30  pm,  Thursday  10:00  –  11:00  am,  and  Saturday  10:00  –  11:00  am  due  to  

exis1ng  classes.      This  package  is  valued  at  $  360.00.     Donated by

Sujata Cowlagi 67  

Page 68: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #735 Parent Donation

Private Yoga Lesson For One

1  Private  session  for  an  adult  or  child.    This  session  will  

target  special  needs  of  the  individual.    Session  will  be  scheduled  on  a  mutually  agreed  date,  1me  and  


Donated by Sujata Cowlagi 68  

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Lot #736 &

Lot 737

Parent Donation $50.00 Voucher Plus Gym Set

From “By Brasil Sports” Store $50.00  store  

voucher  plus  1  Gym  Pouch/Sac  with  a  

Gym  Set  of  Capri  Cos  Largo  and  Alcinha  Top.    Ideal  for  Gym,  Yoga,  Dance,  Bikini  

or  daily  wear.    

Donated by By Brasil Sports 69  

Page 70: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #801 Community Donation

Large Beanbag Chair This  Orange  and  Blue  Large  Beanbag  chair  would  be  the  perfect  comfort  spot  

for  any  living  room,  bedroom  or  play  room.  Long  Zipper  allows  the  cover  to  be  removed  for  easy  cleaning  leaving  

beans  in  a  separate  inside  lining.  

Donated by Jerry Lim


Page 71: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #802 Alumni Donation Chinese Calligraphy of “LOVE”

"Love  is  pa1ent,  love  is  kind.    It  does  not  envy,  it  does  not  boast,  it  is  not  proud.    It  is  not  rude,  it  is  not  self-­‐

seeking,  it  is  not  easily  angered,  it  keeps  no  

record  of  wrongs.    Love  does  not  delight  in  evil  but  rejoices  with  the  

truth.    It  always  protects,  always  trusts,  always  hopes,  always  perseveres.    Love  never  

fails."        Dimensions:  34"w  x  40"h  (86cm  x  102cm)  

Donated by Carol Lee Chu, Freelance Chinese Calligrapher 71  

This  piece  of  Original  Chinese  Calligraphy  painted  solely  for  this  event  is  the  full  transla1on  of  "Love"  from  Bible  New  Testament  (NIV)  1  Corinthians  13:48  as  translated  on  the  engraved  plaque  under  the  beau1ful  Calligraphy  .  Retail  value  $3500.00.  

Page 72: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #803 Community Donation

“Warm Autumn”

This  3  in  1  Abstract  Paining  was  painted  by  an  anonymous  local  


Dimensions:    61"H  x  21"W  (153cm  x  53cm)    

 Valued  @  $1380.  

Donated by Framing Angie


Page 73: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #804 Community Donation

Organic Delights with Velveteen Box

Pharmaplus  Organic  Delight  in  Black  Velvet  worth  $175.    

Contains  a  collec1on  of  delicious  organic  and  natural  goodies  put  together  in  a  luxurious  black  velvety  box  with  gold  ribbon.    

Items  in  this  box  include  a  bosle  of  organic  wine,  organic  clover  honey,  organic  pasta  and  sauce,  organic  olive  oil  and  organic  

snacks.   Donated by

Phamaplus 73  

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Lot #805 Community Donation

Croyez Studio - 1 Month Unlimited Plate Group Classes plus more.

1  Month  Unlimited  Power  Plate  Group  Classes  at  Croyez  Studio,  no  

expira1on  date  on  voucher.        

Plus  1  "bring  a  friend  for  1  free  session  voucher".    The  "bring  a  friend"  voucher  is  valid  un1l  31  

March  2012.        

This  packages  is    valued  at  $450.00.    

Donated by Croyez  Studio 74  

Page 75: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #806 Community Donation

Dinner for six at Bar.B.Q Tonight Restaurant This  Dinner  voucher  is  good  for  up  to  6  people  

in  the  amount  of  $180.00.      

 Loca1on:  Main  

Serangoon  Rd.,  Adjacent  to  Anguillia  Mosque.  Voucher  expires  30th  

June  2012.    

Donated by Bar.B.Q  Tonight,  

Singapore   75  

Page 76: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #807 Community Donation

Tupperware Basket

Assorted  Tupperware  Hamper.        A  value  of  $400.00. Donated by

The Hussey Group Pte Ltd, Singapore 76  

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Lot #808 Community Donation

“Butterfly Freedom I”

"Buserfly  Freedom"  is  the  first  piece  of  a  series  of  three  

abstract  pain1ngs  inspired  by  the  music  and  lyrics  of  the  song  "Buserfly  Fly  Away".    Chelsea's  pain1ngs  are  created  using  her  wheelchair  and  are  a  unique  expression  using  the  vehicle  to  


Donated by Chelsea Fairclough 77  

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Lot #901 School Donation

Exclusive Naming Rights to SAS Street Name

Successful  bidder  is  given  the  Naming  Rights  to  the  SAS  Street  Sign  in  front  

of  the  Middle  and  High  School  Adjacent  to  the  Central  

Administra1on  Building  for  the  2012-­‐2013  school  year.    Winner  will  receive  the  street  sign  as  a  keepsake  

ager  the  year  ends.    

Donated by Dr. Mutsch, Superintendent of Schools



Page 79: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #902 School Donation

SAS IS Reserved Covered Parking Spot Prime  parking  spot  reserved  specially  for  you  in  the  Intermediate  School  covered  car  park  throughout  the  

2012-­‐2013  school  year.    

Donated by Dr. Mutsch, Superintendent of Schools


Page 80: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #903 School Donation

SAS HS Reserved Parking Spot Prime  parking  spot  reserved  specially  for  you  in  the  High  School  Basement  car  park  throughout  the  2012-­‐2013  

school  year.    

Donated by Dr. Mutsch, Superintendent of Schools


Page 81: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #904 School Donation

Party With The IS Principals Students  can  plan  a  party  for  up  to  22  children.    The  Party  will  

take  place  in  the  Lunch  Bunch  room,  and  the  games/game  tables  will  be  available.    Up  to  $300.00  in  food  and  drinks  provided.  

 Parents  will  be  responsible  for  invita=ons,  decora=ons,  set-­‐up  and  take  down,  and  coordina=ng  food,  drinks,  date  and  =me  with  IS  


Available  =mes/dates:  ARer  5pm  on  weekdays,  before  5pm  on  Saturday,  no  Sundays,  not  during  school  holidays  and  must  occur  during  the  2011/2012  school  year.    Dura=on  of  party:  2  hours.    

Donated by Marian Graham & Marc L'Heureux, IS Principals


Page 82: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #905 School Donation

Silly/Wacky - You Choose Day for your IS Class

Winner  gets  to  choose  what  type  of  silly  or  wacky  day  there  IS  class  gets  to  have.  i.e.  hair,  socks,  backwards  dress,  etc.      

 The  type  of  silly/wacky  day  and  

scheduling  of  the  day  is  subject  to  IS  Principals'  approval.    

Donated by Marian Graham & Marc L'Heureux, IS Principals


Page 83: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #906 School Donation

Crazy Hair Day For Your IS Class

Win  a  day  of  wacky  Hair  for  your  IS  class!    Scheduling  subject  to  IS  Principals'  


Crazy  Hair  can  not  be  worn  on  a  day  the  class  is  in  the  swimming  pool.    

Donated by Marian Graham & Marc L'Heureux, IS Principals


Page 84: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #907 School Donation

Alternate Dress Day For Your IS Class

Win  a  day  of  Alternate  Dress  for  your  IS  Class.  

     Scheduling  subject  to  IS  Principals'  approval.    

Donated by Marian Graham & Marc L'Heureux, IS Principals


Page 85: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Lot #908 School Donation

Class Lunch With The PS Principals Win  the  opportunity  for  your  child's    Primary  Grade  class  to  be  

treated  to  a  special  lunch  (of  your  child's  choice)  with  the  primary  principals.    This  will  occur  on  a  day  at  school.    This  will  be  a  formal  sit  down  lunch  in  the  Faculty  Lounge  for  your  child's  en=re  class    

(22  students)  and  their  teacher  and  teaching  assistant.    

The  class  will  also  be  treated  to  one  episode  of  "Leave  it  to  Beaver"  (the  Principals  favorite  TV  show  as  kids).    

   Lunch  will  take  place  during  school  lunch=me  (approx.  45  

minutes).    An  opportunity  like  this  is  Priceless  and  will  create  a  special  memory  for  your  child.    

Donated by David Hoss & Ken Schunk, PS Principals


Page 86: eCatalog Staff-Parent donations

Thank you for viewing the this eCatalog.

We hope you have enjoyed seeing the County Fair Silent Auction Items and

Services donations from SAS Staff, Parents, Alumni, Community and School.

Many have graciously contributed their time, money and items to this event. If you recognize a name under

“Donated by” please take a moment to stop and thank them for all their time and effort and generosity. Without them, you would not have these items and services to see

or bid on. 86