ebl robot tournaments -...

8 Editor: Mark Horton • Journalists: Barry Rigal, Ron Tacchi, David Bird, John Carruthers, Ram Soffer, Marc Smith, Murat Molva, Riva Şalhon • Lay-out Editor & Photographer: Francesca Canali EUROPEAN BRIDGE LEAGUE www.eurobridge.org europeanbridge ebl_pics ebl SATURDAY, 29 JUNE 2019 ISSUE NO 15 10.00: Open Pairs Final Jean-Paul Meyer Pairs 13.30: Jean-Paul Meyer Pairs Open Pairs Final 16.20: Jean-Paul Meyer Pairs Open Pairs Final STARTING TIMES Saturday, 28 th Today at 19:30 Prize-Giving Ceremony of: Open Pairs J.P. Meyer Open Pairs I J.P. Meyer Open Pairs II Masterpoints Race - Overall Masterpoints Race - Side Events Closing Ceremony PRIZE GIVING MASTERPOINTS RACE STANDINGS The European Bridge League launched its own daily game for players of all abilities, sanctioning a game on the Funbridge platform, where one can play against “intelligent” robots at any hour of the day or night, on mobile phones, laptops, Ipads, Macs, PCs. To support this initiative, a new structure of Master Point Awards – known as e-points – has been developed. To play in these fun, enjoyable Robot Tournaments, just go to https://www.funbridge.com/ and download their application. EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS Give your Brain a Daily Workout - with the daily EBL Funbridge event These are the current standings in the EMP Race of all tournaments combined.The complete file is available online. Rank player MxT MxP OpT WoT SeT WoP SeP Tot 1 Tatiana DIKHNOVA 100 68 50 218 2 Justyna ZMUDA 45 38 50 35 168 2 Mikhail KRASNOSSELSKI 100 68 168 4 Thomas PASKE 8 150 158 5 Alexander HYDES 150 150 5 Catherine D'OVIDIO 100 50 150 5 David MOSSOP 150 150 5 Edward JONES 150 150 5 Jason HACKETT 150 150 5 Justin HACKETT 150 150 11 Berend VAN DEN BOS 120 120 11 Danny MOLENAAR 120 120 11 Joris VAN LANKVELD 120 120 11 Tim VERBEEK 120 120 15 Simonetta PAOLUZI 10 50 5 45 110 16 Christina Lund MADSEN 100 2 102 17 Tatiana PONOMAREVA 45 6 50 101

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Editor: Mark Horton • Journalists: Barry Rigal, Ron Tacchi, David Bird, John Carruthers, Ram Soffer, Marc Smith, Murat Molva, Riva Şalhon • Lay-out Editor & Photographer: Francesca Canali

EUROPEAN BRIDGE LEAGUEwww.eurobr idge.org

europeanbr idge ebl_pics ebl


10.00: Open Pairs Final Jean-Paul Meyer Pairs13.30: Jean-Paul Meyer Pairs Open Pairs Final16.20: Jean-Paul Meyer Pairs Open Pairs Final

STARTING TIMESSaturday, 28th Today at 19:30

Prize-Giving Ceremony of:Open PairsJ.P. Meyer Open Pairs IJ.P. Meyer Open Pairs IIMasterpoints Race - OverallMasterpoints Race - Side EventsClosing Ceremony



The European Bridge League launched its own daily game for players of all abilities, sanctioning a game on the Funbridge platform, where one can play against “intelligent” robots at any hour of the day or night, on mobile phones, laptops, Ipads, Macs, PCs.

To support this initiative, a new structure of Master Point Awards – known as e-points – has been developed.To play in these fun, enjoyable Robot Tournaments, just go to https://www.funbridge.com/ and download their application.

EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTSGive your Brain a Daily Workout - with the daily EBL Funbridge event

These are the current standings in the EMP Race of all tournaments combined.The complete file is available online.

Rank player MxT MxP OpT WoT SeT WoP SeP Tot1 Tatiana DIKHNOVA 100 68 50 2182 Justyna ZMUDA 45 38 50 35 1682 Mikhail KRASNOSSELSKI 100 68 1684 Thomas PASKE 8 150 1585 Alexander HYDES 150 1505 Catherine D'OVIDIO 100 50 1505 David MOSSOP 150 1505 Edward JONES 150 1505 Jason HACKETT 150 1505 Justin HACKETT 150 15011 Berend VAN DEN BOS 120 12011 Danny MOLENAAR 120 12011 Joris VAN LANKVELD 120 12011 Tim VERBEEK 120 12015 Simonetta PAOLUZI 10 50 5 45 11016 Christina Lund MADSEN 100 2 10217 Tatiana PONOMAREVA 45 6 50 101

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Page 3: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate

9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


I came to watch one of the pairs who had been doing well after one set. When I said I hoped I wouldn’t jinx them, I was told it was too late!

Indeed Ben Green/Ankush Khandelwal were currently scoring at 30% after seven deals. The rest of their set while I was watching was far better, though they still had only clawed back to 44% at the end of the set. As you will see the battle between eight-card major fits and no-trump was the theme of the day. The issue of which would be the better or higher scoring contract was continually the question to be decided.

The first deal I witnessed made me feel like I wasn’t going to help the Englishmen much:

Board 24. Dealer West. None Vul. [ 7 6 3 ] K 4 { J 6 5 } Q 9 8 6 3 [ K J 8 [ Q 10 4 2 ] 9 3 ] A Q 8 7 2 { A Q 9 7 { K 3 } A K 7 2 } J 5 [ A 9 5 ] J 10 6 5 { 10 8 4 2 } 10 4

West North East SouthUzum Green Kizilok Khandelwal

1NT Pass 2} Pass2{ Pass 3[ Pass3NT All Pass

What these days is becoming the standard Smolen auction (Stayman followed by a jump in a major shows 5-4 with four in the bid suit) led to everyone’s favourite contract.

North had the classic pairs' problem here with no clear-cut answer. He had no safe lead and his club holding rated to cost a trick more often than it sets up winners for his side. Green led a low club with a fatalistic air and it duly proved to let through the 12th trick when declarer hopped up with the jack. Uzum set up the spades, took the heart finesse of the ]Q and squeezed South in the red suits. That was a 27% result for N/S. A spade lead ought to hold declarer to

11 tricks, a double-dummy low heart might do even better, though declarer can come to 460 by putting in the queen.

On the next deal a fingerfehler by Khandalwal proved especially painful because he had set his side up for all the matchpoints.

Board 25. Dealer North. E/W Vul. [ K 8 4 ] 8 5 2 { J 10 5 } A K 10 5 [ 5 2 [ A J 9 6 ] J 10 9 4 ] A 7 6 { 8 7 4 { A Q 2 } J 9 3 2 } 8 7 4 [ Q 10 7 3 ] K Q 3 { K 9 6 3 } Q 6

West North East South H Eide Green L. Eide Khandelwal

— 1} Dble Rdble1] Pass Pass DbleAll Pass

Green led a trump, and when Khandelwal shifted to }Q, he gave some thought to overtaking and returning a trump. Eventually he ducked, won the next club cheaply, and was worried about his partner being endplayed if he played a second trump. So he shifted to the {J, which went to the queen and king. Khandelwal played a low spade, to Green’s king and dummy’s ace. When declarer exited from dummy with [J, Khandelwal accidentally followed low. That let declarer ruff a spade in hand and the fourth club in dummy with ]A to escape for down one and an average instead of for -500 and an 88% result for N/S. (At several tables East overcalled 1NT and now the doubling started one level higher.)

The next deal might have been passed out at the local club. Instead Harald Eide with a 3-5-3-2 passed vulnerable in first chair, and heard his partner open 1} in third seat. Green overcalled 3{, Eide tried 3] and bought it there…dummy putting down a good eight count for him – but still, an eight count. Down one was


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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


slightly better for N/S, despite the fact that 3{ was making their way.

Green/Khandelwal then had an efficient relay sequence against their English counterparts, Andrew Robson and Alex Allfrey, to a decent slam, with these cards:

Board 27. Dealer South. None Vul. [ 8 ] A 9 7 5 { A K Q } A 9 6 5 3 [ Q J 9 [ 10 4 3 2 ] K 8 3 ] J 10 4 2 { J 10 7 4 2 { 9 5 3 } J 2 } K 10 [ A K 7 6 5 ] Q 6 { 8 6 } Q 8 7 4

Their sequence was:


Green as responder relayed three times to find a hand with one minor or balanced, then clubs and a minimum, then 5=2=2=4. He then took a two-step sequence to use keycard for clubs and settled for the small slam. After the ]J lead to the queen king and ace, he cashed }A, then the three top diamonds. Note that it is now right to play [A and ruff a spade, before playing the second trump up, in case clubs are 3-1 onside. If they are, you still have the entries to exploit the 4-3 spades, but you don’t want to see a low heart come back after West wins the }K and East shows out. The slam was bid at approximately two thirds of the tables, but still earned N/S a 70% board.

Robson had a chance to get all the MPs back, and more, on the next deal:

Board 28. Dealer West. N/S Vul. [ J 5 4 ] 5 4 2 { A Q 6 2 } A 4 3 [ Q 10 9 6 3 2 [ A K 8 7 ] A J 8 ] 10 9 { 10 9 { K J 8 7 4 } 10 5 } Q J [ — ] K Q 7 6 3 { 5 3 } K 9 8 7 6 2

West North East SouthRobson Green Allfrey Khandelwal

2{ Pass 2] Pass2[ Pass 4[ All Pass

Green knew dummy would be putting down a good hand with short hearts. With both minor suits under control was it wrong to lead a trump? (In retrospect I think it is wrong. Setting up a heart before declarer establishes the minor in dummy – you don’t know which, but you know there will be one -- may be critical). After the trump lead, Robson won in hand to play a diamond up. Green took his ace, cashed off the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate the {Q. With trumps known to be 3-0, it looked logical to play for diamond length on his right; so he led a diamond to the king - unlucky! One down was a 70% result for N/S, while conceding 420 would have been a 10% score.

Green/Khandelwal continued their good run on the next deal:

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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


Board 29. Dealer North. All Vul. [ K 8 5 3 ] 9 6 4 { K Q 7 } Q 10 6 [ 10 [ Q 7 6 2 ] K J 5 3 ] A Q 7 { 10 9 6 5 3 { 8 4 2 } 7 4 3 } 9 5 2 [ A J 9 4 ] 10 8 2 { A J } A K J 8

West North East SouthFailla Green De Michelis Khandelwal

— Pass Pass 1}Pass 1{ Pass 1NTPass 3NT

1{ was a Montreal Relay (no five-card major) with 1NT showing 17-19. Green took the sensible pairs decision to blast out 3NT, leaving Failla to guess which red suit to lead. He tried a diamond. Declarer won in hand and finessed in spades for 11 tricks. The lead swung a cool 85% of the board – 93% for +660 instead of 8% for +600.

Green/Khandelwal went to the well once too often on the next deal, playing no-trump instead of a heart partscore or game when Khandelwal, having opened 1[ with a 5=4=2=2 pattern in an 18-count and hearing a 1NT response, opted to rebid 2NT and thereby missed the 4-4 fit. 2NT might have been in serious trouble but even though Green struggled to +150 it only got him a 26% result.

For the last round of the stanza Ozbey and Torun came to the table. They played a marginal slam

(little worse than a trump finesse) in game and were unlucky to find the finesse onside. That got them a 43% result. On the last deal we saw the theme recur of whether to play the major or no-trump.

Board 32. Dealer West. E/W Vul. [ 10 4 3 ] A J 7 { 10 6 2 } K 8 6 3 [ K Q 6 5 [ A J 8 ] K 8 4 2 ] 10 9 6 5 { A K 8 { J 9 4 } A 10 } Q J 5 [ 9 7 2 ] Q 3 { Q 7 5 3 } 9 7 4 2

West North East South Torun Green Ozbey Khandelwal

— — 1} Pass 1] Pass 2NT Pass3NT Pass 4] All Pass

South led a low spade (I’m not sure how one is supposed to play on a diamond lead but fortunately do not have to commit myself), declarer won the lead in hand and advanced the ]9 and let it run. He won the spade return and advanced a low heart, and was gladdened by the sight of the ]Q. He could cover and now arrange to draw trumps, shake a diamond on the good spade, then ruff a diamond to hand and finesse in clubs for the overtrick. +620 looked a good showing to me, and was the par result. But in fact it came in at a fraction below average. 3NT had often produced 630 on inaccurate defence.

Page 6: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate

9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


At the start of the final session of the Women's Pairs Championship, Paoluzi & Chavarria were ahead by over 4.5% from the rest of the field. I sat myself at Table 2 to watch them play the first three deals.

Board 16. Dealer West. E/W Vul. [ J 10 9 8 2 ] J 9 8 3 2 { K 10 } J [ A 6 3 [ K 7 ] 10 6 4 ] K Q 7 5 { Q 9 4 3 { 8 7 6 2 } K 8 5 } A Q 4 [ Q 5 4 ] A { A J 5 } 10 9 7 6 3 2

West North East South Chediak Paoluzi Thoresen Chavarria

Pass Pass 1NT* Pass 3NT All Pass

The 1NT was alerted, I believe showing 14-16 HCP, West’s direct raise to game with a flat nine count seems optimistic. South led the }10, taken in hand with the queen. Declarer has no immediate panic but no source of tricks. She tried a small diamond to dummy’s nine, which lost to the ten. The defence continued with the [J won in dummy with the ace. A small heart to the king lost to South’s king and the queen of spades was returned, perforce won with the king. Another diamond from hand was covered by the jack, queen and king. Three rounds of spades were cashed and with the ace of diamonds that was three down, and all the match-points to the leaders.

Board 17. Dealer North. None Vul. [ K Q ] J 10 8 7 4 2 { 10 8 3 } 5 2 [ — [ A 8 2 ] Q 9 6 5 3 ] A K { K 9 7 2 { A J 5 4 } 9 7 6 3 } A Q 8 4 [ J 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 ] — { Q 6 } K J 10

West North East South Chediak Paoluzi Thoresen Chavarria

— Pass 2}* 4[ Pass Pass Dble Pass 5] Dble All Pass

South’s bold pre-empt forced E/W to make a decision and when they chose to play in hearts, North was not hard pressed to find a double. Declarer won the opening spade lead in hand and when she cashed the ace of hearts she got the bad news about the trump suit. She took a second round with the king and saved a trick when she cashed the ace and king of diamonds felling the queen, thus allowing her to take a third diamond trick. Eight tricks were scored with the aid of a spade ruff. But minus 300 was only worth three out of sixteen match-points. Surprisingly the four-level pre-empt was not found at seven of the other tables and five times E/W were allowed to play 3NT, failing three times and making twice.


Championship offerThe new dealing machines [only] used during the championships are sold for USD 2600 incl. a full five years warranty. Order at: www.duplimate.usor contact: [email protected] decks (only used at the championships) are sold for USD 204 per 240 decks. Duplicate boardsand some other equipment are also sold at occasionalprices. Shipping from Sweden at subsidised cost.

Page 7: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate

9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


Board 18. Dealer East. N/S Vul. [ 6 3 2 ] K 7 2 { K J } Q 9 8 6 4 [ 10 4 [ K J 5 ] 9 8 5 ] A 10 6 4 { 10 8 6 5 3 { A Q 7 4 2 } A 7 2 } 3 [ A Q 9 8 7 ] Q J 3 { 9 } K J 10 5

West North East South Chediak Paoluzi Thoresen Chavarria

— — 1NT* 2[* All Pass

1NT 14-162[ Spades and a minor

The off-centre 1NT opening did not permit E/W to find their diamond fit, which is what happened at two thirds of the tables. When South was left to play in 2[ she was already assured of a good result as E/W can easily make Three Diamonds. West led a diamond to the jack and queen and when East attempted to cash the ace of diamonds South could make an overtrick. To hold declarer to eight tricks East must switch to a club at trick two and get her club ruff; then she must deny South an entry to dummy with her hearts so that declarer will have to play trumps from hand. It made no difference to the score as even just making the contract was worth all the matchpoints. After three deals, the leaders

had had a 95% set to move even further ahead of the field.

Board 19. Dealer South. E/W Vul. [ A J 8 6 5 3 ] 8 6 { K J } 8 7 6 [ 10 [ 9 2 ] K 10 9 7 4 ] A Q J 5 2 { 10 4 3 { A Q 7 5 } K Q 10 2 } A 9 [ K Q 7 4 ] 3 { 9 8 6 2 } J 5 4 3

West North East South Thomsen Ergun B. Thomsen Bulut

— — — Pass Pass 2{* Dble 2]* Dble 2[ 3] 4[ 5] 5[ Dble All Pass

West was given the chance to show her hearts by doubling the 2] bid. Both sides discovered their ten-card major fit. The problem with the 5[ bid was that E/W were not going to get to slam. Slam only makes because of the {KJ bare in the North hand. There were only seven tricks available in 5[X, so -800; however, this was worth half the match-points. Two pairs bid and made the heart slam. There was one amusing result where North opened a multi 2{, someone doubled and it was passed out. This cost 1100 but still was a 25% score because of the successful slam bids.

QQQQQQ 99 88 66 4444

Margherita Chavarria and Simonetta Paoluzi

Page 8: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate

9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


Board 21. Dealer North. N/S Vul. [ K 3 ] Q 10 6 { A J 5 4 } 9 7 3 2 [ 7 6 5 [ A Q 8 4 2 ] K 9 4 2 ] A J 7 { 10 3 { K Q 9 } K 10 5 4 } A Q [ J 10 9 ] 8 5 3 { 8 7 6 2 } J 8 6

West North East South Thomsen Ergun B. Thomsen Bulut

— Pass 2NT Pass 3}* Pass 3[ Pass 3NT All Pass

E/W were lucky enough to be playing regular Stayman and not the Puppet variety. This meant that West was not aware of the five-card suit in her partner’s hand and thus placed the contract in no-trumps. Declarer lost a spade and the ace of diamonds to make eleven tricks, the same eleven tricks as those playing 4[ (or 4] or 5}!) and so claimed 13 out of 16 match points. Only two other pairs played in no-trumps, the others all in the major.

Board 23. Dealer South. All Vul. [ J 10 5 ] 8 4 3 { K 8 } A 10 8 5 3 [ K 6 4 3 2 [ A Q 7 ] 9 6 ] K J 2 { J 5 4 3 2 { Q 7 6 } J } 9 7 6 2 [ 9 8 ] A Q 10 7 5 { A 10 9 } K Q 4

West North East South Romashova Thoresen Dobrushina Chediak

— — — 1NT Pass 2}* Pass 2] Pass 2NT All Pass

Another 14-16 no-trump, which this time concealed a five-card major, and so the 5-3 heart fit was missed. When West elected to lead a diamond rather than a spade, declarer won in hand. Fortunately the 4-1 split in clubs was no problem as the singleton was the jack. West discarding a heart, a spade and two diamonds and East a spade as declarer cashed the suit. South now finessed against the heart king and so finished with nine tricks. However this was only worth six match points as all those playing in hearts made eleven or twelve tricks and thus outscored all the no-trumpers.

Simonetta Paoluzi and Margherita Chaviarria, who were leading the Championship by 4.5%, had a near 60% session and finally won by the large margin of 6.5%. A comprehensive victory.

To play in these fun, enjoyable Robot Tournaments, just go to: https://www.funbridge.comand download their application.The ranking lists can be found at: http://robot.wbfmasterpoints.com/ and these give details of the titles achieved and the master point awards.At the end of 2019 the leading three players in the 2019 overall ranking, determined on their best results achieved over a minimum of 100 tournaments will be invited to participate in the 2020 World Championships with a partner of their choice.

To play in these fun, enjoyable Robot Tournaments, just go to: https://www.funbridge.comand download their application.The ranking lists can be found at: http://robot.wbfmasterpoints.com/ and these give details of the titles achieved and the master point awards.At the end of 2019 the leading three players in the 2019 overall ranking, determined on theirbest results achieved over a minimum of 100 tournaments will be invited to participate in the2020 World Championships with a partner of their choice.

All material published in the Bulletins is the responsibility of its author. Nothing published in these Bulletins may be reproduced without the express permission of the EBL.


Page 9: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate

9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019



The Editor presents his diary from the European Open Championships in Istanbul

28 June

Antonio Riccardi dropped by with a story about this deal from the second session of the Open Pairs semifinal. It illustrates that a simple memory lapse can sometimes result in total mayhem:

Board 20. Dealer West. All Vul. [ A 9 5 2 ] A 10 7 { K Q J 2 } 5 4 [ 8 4 [ K Q J 10 7 ] J 3 2 ] Q 5 4 { A 10 9 7 6 5 3 { — } 3 } K Q 9 6 2 [ 6 3 ] K 9 8 6 { 8 4 } A J 10 8 7

West North East South — 1{ 1[ Dble* 2}* Dble* 3{* 4}* 5{ Pass 5[ Pass Pass 6{ All Pass

Dble Negative2} Intended as a transfer to diamonds, but interpreted as natural Dble Takeout3{ Intended as forcing with clubs, but interpreted as natural4} Intended as forcing with clubs, but interpreted as a cue bid for diamonds

6{ went 5 down (I have a feeling that this result was adjusted!)

Joris van Lankveld was kind enough to send us an explanation of his line of play on Board 26 of the third session of the Open Teams Final reported in last Friday's Bulletin:

"The odds of a 4-0 distribution specifically in West are 5% and I would only go down with the king of diamonds in East and the diamonds not 3-3, which

in total is like 2 to 3%? With something like a 5-0-4-4 and the {K, East might even have overcalled 1 spade.

In other cases I am likely to win 1 or even 2 IMPs (if the trumps break and/or I can pitch the club in time). I am not defending my line of play, which was clearly wrong on THIS board, but I decided to reject the safety play in full conscience and not giving up 1 or 2 IMPs on so many lay outs."

In the days when I played seriously, I spent some time debating the topic of risking a contract at both IMPs and Pairs for an overtrick with Tony Forrester and John Armstrong (amongst others). Our conclusion was that although you can argue in the long run it is the right thing to do, in the short term it carries other risks, not only in terms of IMPs, and as a player you must be aware of these.

There is nothing wrong with viewing to play for an overtrick(s) - it's certainly a matter for the individual conscience! (I have seen Boye Brogeland twice go down in stone-cold games - the more recent in the last World Championships. Editor.

Antonio Riccardi

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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


There was time to watch a few deals from the second session of the Open Pairs final:

Board 1. Dealer North. None Vul. [ A Q 6 2 ] Q J 4 { 6 5 } Q 6 4 3 [ J 9 [ K 10 8 3 ] 10 7 5 ] A 8 2 { A K Q 4 3 { J 10 9 7 2 } 8 5 2 } 9 [ 7 5 4 ] K 9 6 3 { 8 } A K J 10 7

Open Room West North East South Plejdrup Graversen Lahrman Caspersen

— Pass 2[* Pass 3}* Pass 3{ All Pass

2[ Spades and a minor3} Pass or correct

South led the }K for the two, three and nine and then tried to cash the ace. Declarer ruffed, drew two rounds of trumps ending in dummy and advanced the [J. He was able to get a heart away on an established spade, +130 and 18/32.

If South doubles 3{ - not that much off-centre when the opponents have a fit - and NS play in 4}, the match point score would be reversed.

Board 2. Dealer East. NS Vul. [ 7 5 2 ] A 9 5 4 { 8 7 } Q J 7 2 [ 3 [ A K 6 4 ] K Q J 7 6 3 ] 2 { K J 10 5 { A 9 4 3 } 10 3 } A K 9 8 [ Q J 10 9 8 ] 10 8 { Q 6 2 } 6 5 4

West North East South Plejdrup Graversen Lahrman Caspersen

— — 1{ Pass 1] Pass 1[ Pass 2}* Pass 3}* Pass 3] Pass 4NT All Pass

2} Fourth-suit forcing

West agonised for some time before passing 4NT.South led the [Q and declarer won with the king

and played on hearts, North taking the second round and returning a spade. Declarer won, and with nothing to go on, played a diamond to the king, finishing two down when the hearts failed to break and the diamond finesse lost, 46.84/3.16.

Going right in diamonds changes the score to 26.04/23.96. However, declarer is likely to take eleven tricks, as four rounds of diamonds will squeeze North. Now +460 gets 1.08/48.92.

Andreas Plejdrup

Page 11: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate

9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


Board 3. Dealer South. EW Vul. [ J 8 ] 9 5 4 3 { 10 8 3 2 } K 8 5 [ Q 5 2 [ A K 10 9 3 ] A 7 6 ] K Q 2 { K 7 { 9 6 5 4 } A 10 9 3 2 } 7 [ 7 6 4 ] J 10 8 { A Q J } Q J 6 4

Open Room West North East South Baskan Dyke Tatlicioglu Byrne

— — — Pass 1} Pass 1[ Pass 1NT Pass 2{* Pass 2]* Pass 2[ Pass 3{ Pass 3] Pass 3[ Pass 4] Pass 4[ All Pass

When South led the ]J, declarer won with the king and played a diamond, South taking the ace and playing a second heart. Declarer won with dummy's ace and embarked on a crossruff, cashing a third heart along the way. That gave him 12 tricks and 20/30.

If South leads a trump and a second one when in with the {A, then 11 tricks are the limit and the score becomes 43/7.

Board 5. Dealer North. NS Vul. [ Q 5 4 2 ] A 10 7 6 { J } K J 7 4 [ 10 6 3 [ K J 8 7 ] J 9 8 4 3 ] K 5 { 7 6 4 { K 10 8 3 2 } A 2 } 9 5 [ A 9 ] Q 2 { A Q 9 5 } Q 10 8 6 3

West North East South Welland Schmidt Auken Thuillez

— 1} 1{ 3NT All Pass

West led a diamond and declarer took East's king with the ace and played a club, West taking the ace to play a second diamond. Declarer won, crossed to dummy with a club and played a low heart and when East took the king, ten tricks were there, +630 and 36/14.

Not surprisingly, no-one found the low spade lead that would have scuppered the contract. Declarer can take East's jack with the ace, but West wins a club and tables the [10.

Sabine Aukenand Roy Welland

Page 12: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate

9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


Although the journalists may be aware of how the pairs have finished in the semi-finals, there is no easy way at the start of an event to find out how they are doing other than by measuring the length of their long faces. Of course smiley-faces may be merely an indication of a good temperament in adversity…

But once in a while I strike lucky when I pick a pair to watch, and on this occasion I managed to arrange my seating so as to follow two pairs round the room, each of whom were putting together an excellent set. These were Allerton/Jagger who ended in fifth place, while Bessis/Volcker had a comfortable lead at the end of the first of six sessions.

Each pair was somewhat over average on the first four deals -- each with a stroke of good fortune to their name. Volcker/Bessis had bid a no-trump slam and received a favorable lead to make it, when leading declarer’s second suit would have set it. Meanwhile against Allerton/Jagger, declarer had misguessed the trump queen missing four to lose to a doubleton queen.

Board 6. Dealer East. E/W Vul. [ A K J 6 4 ] K Q 9 7 { Q 6 2 } 5 [ 10 7 3 2 [ 5 ] J 5 4 2 ] A 8 6 3 { K 7 { 10 9 5 4 } 8 7 4 } A Q 10 3 [ Q 9 8 ] 10 { A J 8 3 } K J 9 6 2 West North East SouthAllerton Civginer Jagger Unal

— — Pass 1} Pass 1[ Dble Pass 2] Dble Pass 2[ Pass 3] Pass 3[ Pass 4[ All Pass West North East SouthTsonchev Volcker Marashev Bessis

— — 1{* Pass Pass Dble Pass Pass Rdbl Pass 1] Pass Pass Dble All Pass

1{ Precision

Jagger’s initial pass might have got his side into an even deeper hole than at the other table, but it was impossible for South, when not playing support doubles, to defend 2]x. Against 4[ Jagger led a small diamond and Allerton won his {K and returned the suit. Declarer was now forced to draw trumps to avoid losing the ruff. The auction had told him the }A was onside so he led a club toward his king, and had his 10 tricks. N/S collected 27/50 for 420.

In the other room Bessis/Volcker went head hunting with a vengeance. Bessis’ decision to pass 1], then pass the double was certainly bloodthirsty. He backed up his decision with a trump lead, ducked by declarer in both hands. South shifted to a club, and declarer gave up a spade; Volcker won and led a top trump, taken by declarer, who played a diamond to the king



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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


and a second club to the ace. When he exited with a diamond North won and played two more rounds of trumps, giving declarer his fifth and last trick. That was 100% of the MP for N/S.

Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul. [ 3 ] K 8 7 6 5 3 { A 10 5 2 } J 8 [ 8 7 6 [ A 5 4 2 ] A Q J 10 9 2 ] — { 9 { Q J 8 6 3 } 9 5 4 } A Q 7 6 [ K Q J 10 9 ] 4 { K 7 4 } K 10 3 2 West North East SouthVolcker Baniri Bessis Yekutieli

— — 1[ 3] Pass Pass Dble All Pass

Both tables defended a doubled partscore, Allerton/Jagger’s opponents stopped in 2] but still ran into a double and each East declined to rescue himself – a good job considering the lie of the cards. The defence led the singleton spade, and declarer failed in each case to give it his best. After taking the [A Baniri led a diamond, to the nine and ten (Bessis gave some thought to rising with {K to play spades – best for the defence). Back came a low club from Volcker and declarer finessed instead of trying to score the seven tricks he was entitled to. Bessis won his }K, and Volcker now pitched his club and a losing diamond on Bessis’ spade winners. Declarer ruffed the fourth spade with ]Q and when he was overruffed he could score no more than five trump tricks and an ace, for down 800. On roughly the same sequence Allerton/Jagger collected 500 for a 66% result, while 800 was worth 82%.

Nobody made a contract here; 400 would have been an average but Dyke/Byrne scooped the pool with 1700 from 3[x – well, at least declarer had seven trumps… The two pairs who collected 1000 from 2]xx or 1400 from 4}x must have been somewhat disappointed not to get their top.

On the next deal Acol with a weak no-trump attained a good result (well there has to be one from time to time) when Allerton/Jagger could locate their 4-4 heart fit while the strong no-trumpers languished in that spot. That was 74% for their +140, while Bessis/Volcker collected 50% for +90.

Board 9. Dealer North. E/W Vul. [ J 7 5 3 ] J 10 4 { 10 7 3 2 } 6 4 [ K Q 10 9 [ 8 2 ] 9 8 ] Q 6 5 3 2 { A J 8 { 9 6 4 } 10 8 5 2 } Q 9 3 [ A 6 4 ] A K 7 { K Q 5 } A K J 7 West North East South Umur Allerton Aslan Jagger

— Pass Pass 2} Pass 2{ Pass 2NT Pass 3NT All Pass

Allerton’s Stayman enquiry facing 22+-24 looks a little on the hungry side to me, but it worked out well. Jagger captured the [K at trick one and after some thought advanced the {K. Umur took it and played back the [10. Jagger won the jack, passed the ]J successfully, then paused for considerable reflection before cashing off the hearts and one top club, before exiting in spades. The defenders had made the position in the minors clear by the discards, so West got out with a club, and declarer took his nine tricks for a 74% result.

Our other featured pair were on defence to 3NT after a top spade lead against Soulet/Vinciguerra. Here declarer misjudged the play and went down, giving the defenders a 76% score. For the record, +150 would have been marginally above average.


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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


999 EEurururopopppppppeaeannn OpOpOppenn BBriridgdgdgggggge Championships Istatanbulul, ,,, TuTurkeyeyyyyyyyy • 115 29 June 2019

Board 10. Dealer East. All Vul. [ 10 8 ] 8 { 10 7 6 4 3 } A Q 9 8 6 [ A Q J 6 5 4 2 [ 9 7 ] 2 ] J 10 9 6 4 { Q 2 { A 9 8 5 } K J 3 } 4 2 [ K 3 ] A K Q 7 5 3 { K J } 10 7 5 West North East SouthUmur Allerton Aslan Jagger

— — Pass 1] 3[ All Pass

West North East SouthVolcker Soulet Bessis Vinciguerra

— — Pass 1] 1[ Pass Pass Dble 2[ All Pass

Jagger had a tough problem over 3[ and must have been tempted to try 3NT – which can make after a spade lead, though you would do very well to guess the play at the table! Defending 3[ Jagger won the heart lead and guessed to shift to a low trump. Declarer finessed and passed the {Q round to Jagger. That player won his king and played back a trump (a trump or club was essential here). Declarer won and ran the trumps, to reach a position where, had he been following, he would have known South had begun life with ]AKQxxx plus {K and [Kx. So the club ace must be to his right. After cashing all but one of the trumps the winning line was to lead to {A (which he did) then exit from dummy with a diamond to North, who would have to lead from the }A in the two- or three-card ending. In fact declarer led a club to the jack and queen, and a diamond exit left declarer forced to lead away from his club honour at the end. That was a 70% score for the defenders, instead of a near zero for -140.

Volcker went down in 2[ at the other table, so scored the inverse of the result at the other featured table, or 30%.

On the next deal both N/S pairs went for the throat and discovered they had sliced their own jugular.

Board 11. Dealer South. None Vul. [ K 5 ] K 8 4 3 { 5 } K 10 8 6 5 4 [ Q J 8 7 6 4 2 [ A 10 3 ] 7 6 2 ] 9 5 { K 7 { A 10 9 8 6 2 } Q } A 2 [ 9 ] A Q J 10 { Q J 4 3 } J 9 7 3 West North East SouthAllerton Kolata Jagger Ozgul

— — — 1{ 3[ Pass 4[ Pass Pass Dble All Pass West North East South Ben David Bessis Ginossar Volcker

— — — 1{ 3[ Pass 4[ Pass Pass Dble All Pass

Both Souths dredged up an opening bid from somewhere but picked the wrong minor for locating their side’s fit. Worse, both Norths were suckered into doubling and leading their singleton. Against Allerton, South split his diamond honours to cover the {10. Declarer finessed in trumps, drew the last, then set up diamonds for an unusual +890 and a 90% score. Volcker ducked the diamond at trick one, and now declarer cashed [A and {K – a weird line after the double. That led to just 590 and a 30% score for his opponents. Why so high you may ask? There were no fewer than six scores of 890 and one 690. Very few N/S pairs found clubs here.

Jeffrey Allerton


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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


Board 12. Dealer West. N/S Vul. [ 9 ] J 6 { A K Q 4 3 } K 9 8 6 3 [ K Q 7 2 [ J 10 4 3 ] 10 9 7 3 ] A 8 5 4 { J 5 2 { 10 8 6 } J 10 } A 2 [ A 8 6 5 ] K Q 2 { 9 7 } Q 7 5 4

West North East SouthAllerton Kolata Jagger Ozgul

Pass 1{ Pass 1[ Pass 2} Pass 3} All Pass West North East South Ben David Bessis Ginossar Volcker

Pass 1{ Pass 1[ Pass 2} Pass 2NT Pass 3NT All Pass

Volcker/Bessis have demonstrated the all-in approach this set with considerable success. Again, they stretched to a delicate game and dared the opponents to beat them. West’s lead of ]10 saw Ginossar take his ace and continue the suit, letting declarer drive the }A and come to a magnificent 11 tricks when clubs broke. That was an 88% board for them, while the quiet club partscore recorded 150 and a 60% score for N/S.

On this auction I think it is hard but not impossible for East to shift to spades on winning the ]A. It was even harder for Kubac/Kandemir’s opponents. They bid 1{-1[-2}-3}-3]-3NT. However, Umur led ]10 and Aslan took his ace to shift to [J, setting the game and earning an 84% result.

The next two deals saw Allerton/Jagger take on an Anglo-Turkish combination. So there were more than just matchpoints but bragging rights at stake.

Board 13. Dealer North. All Vul. [ K J 4 3 2 ] 8 7 { 10 8 7 6 4 3 } — [ Q 8 7 6 5 [ A 10 ] 2 ] A Q J 9 6 5 3 { A Q J { 2 } K 9 6 3 } A Q 7 [ 9 ] K 10 4 { K 9 5 } J 10 8 5 4 2

West North East SouthPaske Allerton Cem Tokay Jagger

Pass 1] Pass 1[ Pass 3} Pass 3{ Pass 3] Pass 4NT Pass 5{ Pass 6} Pass 6] Pass Pass Dble All Pass

It wasn’t clear to Paske that the double was Lightner for a club ruff as opposed to asking for a spade lead. Had he been surer, he might have run to 6NT, which cannot be beaten today. 6]x on a club lead went one down for an 86% score for his opponents. Meanwhile, Volcker/Bessis had managed to bid to 6NT from the West seat. After the lead of {8, declarer needed only to set up hearts for one loser to bring his slam home. That was 96% of the matchpoints.

Mustafa Cem Tokay

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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


And believe it or not the next deal was a marginal slam too.

Board 14. Dealer East. None Vul. [ 10 6 ] J 7 5 2 { J 8 6 4 } 10 8 6 [ 9 5 2 [ K Q 7 4 3 ] A K 9 4 ] Q { — { K Q 9 7 5 } K Q J 9 7 3 } A 4 [ A J 8 ] 10 8 6 3 { A 10 3 2 } 5 2 West North East SouthPaske Allerton Cem Tokay Jagger

— — 1[ Pass 2} Pass 2{ Pass 2[ Pass 3{ Pass 4} Pass 4] Pass 4NT Pass 5[ All Pass

Paske did well to slam on the brakes at the five level. When Tokay received a heart lead, he put up the king crashing his queen, and led a spade to the king and ace. Had South ducked, the deal might have been far more complex but now declarer was home and dry. +450 earned him an 82% result.

Volcker/Bessis set spades as trump, then Volcker used Blackwood and offered 6} as a final contract, but Bessis overruled him, hoping perhaps to buy jack-third of trumps. 6[ down one was an average, +920 would have been a clear top – though the play is by no means straightforward. And if the [A is ducked, declarer might well misguess the play here, too.

Board 15. Dealer South. N/S Vul. [ 10 7 ] Q J 7 5 4 { A Q J 10 3 } J [ A K J 6 [ 9 5 4 ] — ] A K 8 6 2 { K 8 { 9 7 5 2 } Q 10 9 6 4 3 2 } K [ Q 8 3 2 ] 10 9 3 { 6 4 } A 8 7 5 West North East SouthAllerton Uslupehlivan Jagger Suzer

— — — Pass 1} 1] Pass 2] 3} 3] Dble All Pass

West North East South Bessis Volcker

— — — Pass 1} 1] Pass Pass 1[ Pass 1NT Pass 2} Pass 3} All Pass

3]x can be made after this highly informative auction unless the defenders lead specifically ]A and another low heart; don’t trust me, rely on Deep Finesse. Uslupehlivan won the club lead and finessed in diamonds, then could have cashed the {A and run diamonds through East to make his contract. Not entirely surprisingly, he played a trump at trick three. Again, the best defence is for East to win and cash the second high trump, before a spade to partner sees clubs run through declarer. Instead Jagger took the ]K and played a spade to his partner. Allerton cashed the second spade and led clubs, forcing declarer to ruff high and leaving Jagger with two trump tricks to come at the end. +200 was worth 72% of the matchpoints, while the 3} contract declared in the other room on North’s thoughtful lead of the jack of trumps saw South win and shift to spades. Declarer is credited with only eight tricks though it seems easier to make nine than eight. That was a 70% result for N/S.

Allerton/Jagger ran into their first piece of real bad luck on the next deal when their opponents were one of the very few to reach a decent slam that could not be defeated. That gave their opponents a 92% result. Bessis/Volcker missed it, but still scored 23/50.

On the next round both our featured pairs played 3]. Bessis/Volcker benefited from a misdefence to steal two overtricks, to get 86%, Jagger followed a line that did not give his opponents a chance to err ENGLAND

Thomas PASKE

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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


and scored nine tricks for an average. The Englishmen more than recovered all their bad

luck from the last slam on the following deal. Board 18. Dealer East. N/S Vul. [ K Q 8 3 ] K J 10 5 { 8 2 } J 6 4 [ 10 [ A 7 5 4 ] A Q 3 ] 7 6 4 2 { A Q J 9 5 4 { K } K Q 8 } A 9 5 3 [ J 9 6 2 ] 9 8 { 10 7 6 3 } 10 7 2

West North East South Ozer Allerton Akun Jagger

— — Pass Pass 1{ Pass 1] Pass 3} Pass 4} Pass 4] Pass 4[ Pass 4NT Pass 5] Pass 6} All Pass

Volcker/Bessis had defended 3NT for -490, a 70% result because 10 pairs had bid a minor-suit slam. 6{ is not a bad spot, 6} a making one. And Alenfalk/Nordlindh had bid and made 7}! After a spade lead declarer ruffs a spade to unblock the trump honours, then cross to the {K and draw trumps; five clubs, six diamonds and two aces. Only a diamond lead disrupts the entries for this.

On the auction shown, Allerton led a top spade against 6} (it would seem declarer might have been hoping for five trumps in dummy). Declarer cashed club king, then queen, then went to the }A. Had trumps been 4-2 he might have needed to take the heart finesse then hope to run the diamonds to shake dummy’s spade losers before anyone could ruff in. When trumps broke it would perhaps have been wise to cash out for 12

tricks. After he took the heart finesse, perhaps because of the time trouble he had created for himself at trick two, he had three spades to lose for -150.

You want another slam decision? You got it!

Board 19. Dealer South. E/W Vul. [ 8 ] Q 10 7 6 5 3 { K J 9 5 2 } Q [ K J 10 7 6 2 [ A 9 4 3 ] 9 4 ] — { 7 3 { A 4 } A 8 3 } K J 10 9 7 6 5 [ Q 5 ] A K J 8 2 { Q 10 8 6 } 4 2

West North East South Kahraman Allerton Cakici Jagger

— — — 1] 1[ 4] 5] Pass 6[ 7] Pass Pass Dble All Pass

West North East South Bessis Plejdrup Volcker Lahrman

— 1] 1[ 2NT* 4[ Dble* Pass 5] 5[ Pass Pass 6] 6[ Pass Pass 7] Dble All Pass

*2NT limit plus*4[ looking to bid on

Both pairs saved in 7] over 6[, but on very different routes. You could question Volcker’s final double (had he passed would Bessis have bid 7[?) whereas in the other room Kahraman’s 6[ call may have rendered him worried he had done too much already. +500 was a 30% score for those who collected it, and 70% for the sacrificers.

Kieran Dyke sat West and followed Volcker’s approach – his opponent did not sacrifice, so 1460 was good – but not as good as the score of the four pairs who did bid the grand slam. Well done them!

You want ANOTHER slam decision? Here we go!

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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


Board 21. Dealer North. N/S Vul. [ Q 6 3 2 ] K 7 { 6 2 } K 9 8 4 2 [ A J 10 [ 8 7 4 ] A 8 2 ] Q 10 9 6 4 3 { A K J 9 7 5 4 { 10 3 } — } 10 6 [ K 9 5 ] J 5 { Q 8 } A Q J 7 5 3 West North East SouthAllerton Baskan Jagger Tatlicioglu

— Pass Pass 1} Dble 1[ 2] Dble* Rdbl 3} 3] Pass 4{ Pass 4] Pass 6] All Pass

*Support or extras

West North East SouthVolcker Auken Bessis Welland

— Pass 2] Pass 4}* Pass 4{ Pass 4] All Pass

4} keycard

Volcker’s decision to stop in 4] after Bessis’ weak two is well worth a second or even a third glance. But after the zero keycard response where were 12 tricks coming from?

Allerton was presumably hoping to buy ]Kxxxx or the like – but he too might well have considered applying the brakes. If you don’t make 13 tricks off the top, where is the 12th coming from?

After the lead of }A, Jagger ruffed and cashed {A, under which the {Q appeared from South.

Jagger now crossed to the {10 and led a heart to the ace then ran diamonds discarding spades. South could ruff in with ]J but he had escaped for down one.

Jagger had missed the chance to bring home his slam after South’s charity at trick two. Once the {Q appears, declarer can pass the ]8 from dummy, a line that might work whether North has ]Kx or ]Jx if you can read the position. Had declarer found this play I suspect South would have had to eat his small diamond when his partner tried to give him the ruff.

At the end of the first set Bessis/Volcker had a comfortable lead, with Allerton/Jagger in fifth place.


more pictures on the EBL Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/europeanbridge/

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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019



Dünki Bültenimizde belirttiğimiz gibi, Sadece Avrupa Şampiyonaları görevlilerinin katılımına açık olan ikili briç turnuvası yapıldı. Sonuçları aşağıda yayınlıyoruz.

Turnuvaya tam kadro katılan bülten ekibimizin üstün başarısı sizlerin de gözlerinizi yaşartıyor değil mi?

Şampiyona görevlileri briç turnuvası

1 Molva Murat Skoularikis Fotis 271.00 64.522 La Spada Olivier Rainsford Gordon 255.00 60.713 Harsanyi Josef Zorlu Nafiz 246.00 58.574 Barclay Nicole Mitchell Ian 230.00 54.765 Canali Francesca Dobrin Denis 222.00 52.866 Latala Slawek Sliwinski Ryszard 217.00 51.677 Di Sacco Maurizio Testa Arianna 215.00 51.198 Atay Sevinc Uzumcu M. Fahir 213.00 50.719 Osipov Anton Rabkin Konstantin 207.00 49.2910 Chira Traian Eminenti Manolo 205.00 48.8111 Eidt Peter Van Ettinger Elisabeth 204.00 48.5712 Kasprzak Jakub Marciniak Jacek 199.00 47.3813 Horton Mark Kamras Jan 197.00 46.9014 De Wael Herman Tacchi Ron 185.00 44.0515 Dizdar Nihal Van Beijsterveldt Marc 150.00 35.7116 Caputo Gildana Swaan Jan 144.00 34.29

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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


Board 11. Dealer South. None Vul. [ A J 8 3 2 ] K 8 7 { 9 2 } A K 8[ 10 9 7 4 [ 5] Q 5 4 ] A J 9 6 3{ Q 10 8 4 { K 7} Q 7 } 9 6 4 3 2 [ K Q 6 ] 10 2 { A J 6 5 3 } J 10 5

İkili turnuvada oynarken verdiğimiz her kartın çok önemli olduğunu biliyoruz. Fakat gene de zaman zaman otomatik olarak verdiğimiz son derece masum görünen kartların başımıza işler açtığı da bilinen bir gerçek.

Bir Avrupa Şampiyonası Yarı Finalinde oynayan birinin bu konuda daha da dikkatli olması beklenir değil mi? Bunu söylemesi kolay ama uygulaması çok zor.

Ömer Umur Güneyden 1 karo açıyor. Kuzeyden Bülent Aslan’ın 1 pik konuşması üzerinde Doğu kontr diyerek diğer renkleri gösteriyor. Güney destek sürkontru ile 3lü pik fi ti gösterince 4 pik kontratına ulaşılıyor.

Doğu trefl 2’liyi atak ediyor, vale, dam, as. Bülent Aslan sayım yapıyor ve sonuç 9 el çıkıyor. Onuncu el nereden gelecek? Deklarasyona bakılırsa kör ruanın uçmayacağı kesin. Dışarı 2 adet kör verip kör çakası alma planı da başarılı olmayacak gibi görünüyor, çünkü bu ataktan sonra rakipler trefl çakası alır hale gelecekler.

Bülent Aslan elden karo oynayıp yerin valesini girince Batı bunu dam ile kazanıp trefl defansına devam ediyor. Bülent Aslan bunu da elden alıp 4 turda dışarıdaki kozları temizledikten sonra yerin karo asına gidip elden bir karo çakıyor.

Şu anda kendinizi Batıda oturan oyuncunun yerine koyun. Uyanık mısınız? Deklaranın elinde kaç koz kaldı? Kimin elinde ne kaldı? Kör as kimde? Kör rua kimde? Bu soruların cevabını biliyor musunuz? Hatta bu soruları kendi kendinize sordunuz mu?

Eğer bu elin başından beri bu soruları düşünüp cevaplama çalışmasını yapmadıysanız birazdan farkında dahi olmadan çok ciddi bir hata yapabilirsiniz.

Deklaran yerin trefl 10’lusuna geçiyor ve yerden kör 2’liyi oynuyor, siz elinizdeki Q54 körden en küçüğünü veriyorsunuz ve …….. oyunu yaptırdınız! Neden?? Çünkü oyunu batırabilmek için yerden oynanan köre dam girmeniz gerekiyordu.

Şimdi deklaran elden küçük kör verince ortağınız elinde kalan kör AJ9’ludan deklaranın kör ruasına yatmak zorunda kaldı. Su uyur, siz uyumayın.

Uyanık mısınız?

Bülent ASLAN

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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


Board 15. Dealer South. N/S Vul. [ 8 ] A J 9 7 5 2 { J 6 } K J 7 6[ Q 10 5 4 [ J 9 7 3] Q 10 ] K 4 3{ Q 7 { A K 10 5 3} A 9 5 3 2 } Q [ A K 6 2 ] 8 6 { 9 8 4 2 } 10 8 4

İki pastan sonra Kuzey, İrfan Doğan 1 kör açıyor. Doğu 2 karo üste konuşunca Güney, Okan Zabunoğlu’nun pası üzerine Batı, sanki kör renginde birkaç durdurucu kartı olan bir oyuncu edasıyla 2NT diyor. Doğu, hazır yeri gelmişken kaliteli yan rengini de göstermeyi uygun görerek 3 pik diyor.

Okan artık duyacağımı duydum deyip bir ceza kontru atıyor. İkili turnuvada haddini aşan rakipleri terbiye etmek şart.

Batı, halinden memnun bir şekilde pas geçiyor ve bunu yapmakta son derece haklı, çünkü 3 pik kontratının batarı yok. Ama Doğu bu konuda ortağına güvenmektense rakiplere güvenmeyi tercih ediyor ve 3NT’ye kaçıyor.

Okan 3NT’ye de bir ceza kontru atınca Batıdaki oyuncu derin bir lahavle çekerek 4 pike kaçıyor. Okan, memnun ve mutlu bir şekilde üst üste üçüncü ceza kontrunu atınca artık rakipler de pas geçiyorlar ve 4 pik kontrlu oynanır hale geliniyor.

Deklarasyon esnasında rakiplerin olmaz bir kontrattan kümesteki tavuklar gibi kaçıp, farklı olmaz kontratlara yakalanmalarını izlemek size de sadistik bir haz veriyor mu?

Yalnız Okan ve İrfan’ın durumunda göz ardı edilmemesi gereken küçük bir detay var: Dört el açık analize göre 4 pik kontratının batarı yok!

Fakat masada stres altında oynarken 4 el açık analizinin işaret ettiği hatasız oyun şeklini bulabilmek kolay değil. Deklaran da bulamıyor ve 4 pik kontrlu 2 batıyor.

İkili turnuvada kontr çok önemli


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9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


1 BESSIS Thomas VOLCKER Frederic FRA - FRA 61.69


3 KUBAC Nezih KANDEMIR Ismail TUR - TUR 56.38

4 SOULET Philippe VINCIGUERRA Herve FRA - FRA 55.47

5 NEVE Olivier BOCKEN Patrick BEL - BEL 55.33



8 ALLERTON Jeffrey JAGGER Chris ENG - ENG 54.17


10 PLEJDRUP Andreas LAHRMANN Christian DEN - DEN 53.81


12 DOBRIN Florin BACALU Iancu ROM - ROM 53.46

13 OZGUL Levent KOLATA Suleyman TUR - TUR 53.13

14 YEKUTIELI Asaf BANIRI Ilai Ilan ISR - ISR 52.97

15 ASLAN Bulent UMUR Omer Celal TUR - TUR 52.90

16 TSONCHEV Ivan MARASHEV Vladimir BUL - BUL 52.88

17 STAMATOV Jerry DANAILOV Diyan BUL - BUL 52.56

18 AUKEN Sabine WELLAND Roy GER - GER 51.22

19 YADLIN Doron LIBSTER Benjamin ISR - ISR 50.99

20 DOGAN Irfan ZABUNOGLU Okan TUR - TUR 50.82

21 WINKLER Gabor DUMBOVICH Miklos HUN - HUN 50.44

22 LAKATOS Peter BIRMAN Alon HUN - ISR 50.20

23 BILGEN Salih UNALDI Oktay TUR - TUR 50.14

24 GINOSSAR Itamar BEN DAVID Yuval ISR - ISR 49.95

25 SUZER Ugurcan USLUPEHLIVAN Sarper TUR - TUR 49.88

26 HYDES Alexander MOSSOP David ENG - ENG 49.87

27 PASKE Thomas TOKAY Mustafa Cem ENG - TUR 49.81

28 CULLIN Per-Ola PALMA Antonio SWE - POR 49.64

29 AKGUL Mustafa OZBAY Tolga TUR - TUR 49.44

30 ERBIL Erdinc PEYRET Hakan TUR - TUR 49.14

31 THUILLEZ Laurent SCHMIDT Pierre FRA - FRA 49.12

32 PROKHOROV Dmitri GOMEROV Pavel RUS - RUS 48.90

33 ZIPOVSKI Dimitraki RADISIC Goran SER - SER 48.72

34 BYRNE Michael DYKE Kieran ENG - ENG 48.64

35 VERSACE Alfredo BERNAL Francisco ITA - COL 48.45

36 GRAVERSEN Hans Christian CASPERSEN Henrik DEN - DEN 48.21

37 STEFANOV Julian DRAGANOV Zhivko BUL - BUL 47.90

38 TOLEDANO Oren ZAMIR Ami ISR - ISR 47.29

39 VOLL Roar KINDSBEKKEN Asbjorn NOR - NOR 47.24

40 ALENFALK Bjorn NORDLINDH Joakim SWE - SWE 47.18

41 RON Jacob BRONDUM Freddi DEN - DEN 47.09

42 IAVICOLI Federico GERLI Aldo Giovanni ITA - ITA 47.05

43 CIVGINER Haldun UNAL Serkan TUR - TUR 46.75



46 TENN Marko AASMAE Joel EST - EST 45.85

47 KAHRAMAN Ahmet CAKICI Ferda TUR - TUR 45.82

48 ALTER Florian STRECK Lauritz GER - GER 45.21


50 KOLDZIC Zoran CURLIN Igor SER - SER 41.15

51 OZER Ahmet Murat AKHUN Mustafa TUR - TUR 39.29

52 OZDIL Mahmut OZBALCI Ersen Alp TUR - TUR 37.51


Results after session 3

Page 24: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate

9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


1 LORENZINI Cedric COMBESCURE Baptiste FRA - FRA 68.70

2 GOLD David PLACKETT Richard Mark ENG - WAL 61.89

3 HALLBERG Gunnar WRANG Frederic ENG - SWE 60.10


5 VIKOR Daniel FEHER Peter HUN - HUN 59.08

6 EIDE Harald SIVERTSVIK Ranja NOR - NOR 58.90

7 AKSUYEK Ender DENIZCI Volkan TUR - TUR 58.77

8 MIHAI Geta MIHAI Radu ROM - ROM 58.06

9 ZINKOVSKY Nick GUSEV Viacheslav RUS - RUS 57.92

10 PUNCH Sam PETERKIN Stephen SCO - SCO 57.83

11 BRGULJAN Karlo CARIC Jurica CRO - CRO 57.79

12 AKCA Esref TEMIZ Veli TUR - TUR 57.65

13 CHUMAK Yuliy ROVYSHYN Oleg UKR - UKR 57.33

14 SALMAN Yusuf CEBECI Evrim TUR - TUR 57.28


16 MARINA Bogdan STEGAROIU Marina ROM - ROM 57.16

17 DRAGAN Volodymyr TRETYACHENKO Konstantin UKR - UKR 57.13

18 GREEN Ben KHANDELWAL Ankush ENG - ENG 57.09

19 DURGUT Sabahattin KILICARSLAN Hilmi TUR - TUR 56.97

20 UZUN Fevzi COSKUN Irfan TUR - TUR 56.87

21 INAN Levent Nedim YAZ Baris Omer TUR - TUR 56.84


23 UZUM Dogan KIZILOK Omer TUR - TUR 55.68


25 GOLD Leigh HAFFER Joachim AUS - AUS 55.10

26 ESKINAZ Nesim PISAK Mehves TUR - TUR 55.00

27 ELMAS Tuna ERKAN Berrak TUR - TUR 54.91

28 KOVACHEV Valentin KRAL Ronald Peter BUL - USA 54.83

29 CASPERSEN Soeren Veel BUNE Soren DEN - DEN 54.78

30 BULKAZ Zeynep Esra ARSLAN Nevin TUR - TUR 54.58

31 BAKKE Christian FASTING Espen C. NOR - NOR 54.43

32 OZCIKAN Ekrem OZCIKAN Azad TUR - TUR 54.40

33 ACAR Ahmet Emir GULSEN Enes TUR - TUR 54.33

34 CIESLAK Jaroslaw KRASNICKI Mariusz POL - POL 54.28


36 ALUF Sedat KAYA Erdogan TUR - TUR 54.04

37 TUZUN Haldun KOKEN Recep TUR - TUR 53.93


39 SZABO Csaba HODOSI Peter HUN - HUN 53.74

40 SEN Deha TASKINER Basar TUR - TUR 53.64

41 MINASYAN Anna YILDIZ Taner TUR - TUR 53.34

42 BACH Peer LICHTNECKER Setsuko NZL - NZL 53.34

43 AVCIOGLU Huseyin Kerem PEKOZ Nevzat TUR - TUR 53.07

44 STRZEMECKI Wojciech ZAWADA Przemyslaw POL - POL 53.00

45 DIRIM Nese DEMIRBILEK Zeynep Arzum TUR - TUR 52.68


Congratulations to the Winners of the Jean-Paul Meyer Pairs IBaptiste Combescure and Cedric Lorenzini!

Page 25: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate

9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


46 GUNAY Deniz PEKOZ Eser TUR - TUR 52.68

47 ARSLAN Erdem AKYUZ Metin TUR - TUR 52.66

48 SHATROV Arkadiy KHLYZOVA Evgeniya RUS - RUS 52.49

49 SLIVA Vitold VORONOV Andrez RUS - RUS 52.41

50 STERKIN Alexei MATUSHKO Georgi RUS - RUS 52.10

51 KOKTEN Namik ALUF Tuna TUR - TUR 52.05

52 ONURLU Sinan PINHAS David TUR - TUR 52.00

53 NYEMTSEV Oleksandr BARCHUK Andrii UKR - UKR 51.99

54 BERTHEAU Peter APTEKER Noah Thomas SWE - RSA 51.97

55 GOKOZ Ataov BIYIK Mehmet TUR - TUR 51.93

56 ANDREI Florin ROSU Ovidiu Gabriel ROM - ROM 51.82

57 ERGIL Esat CENGIZ Sedat TUR - TUR 51.80

58 KORKMAZ Sadik KORKMAZ Riza TUR - TUR 51.64

59 HOYLAND Sven Olai HOYLAND Sam Inge NOR - NOR 51.62

60 SAGRA Mehmet DEMIR Erdem Vural TUR - TUR 51.60

61 NILSEN Louise EIDE Lisbeth Aulid NOR - NOR 51.41


63 OZTURK Bircan URAS Safak TUR - TUR 51.29

64 RIGNEY Teresa GREENWOOD Diane IRL - IRL 51.17

65 EBER Neville BLOOM Valerie RSA - RSA 51.14

66 KHONICHEVA Elena KULIK Irina RUS - RUS 51.14

67 APTEKER Alon APTEKER Jude Jacob RSA - RSA 50.99

68 OZTURK Erdem SUT Inci TUR - TUR 50.77

69 GURBUZ Azem MARASLI Tutku Kahraman TUR - TUR 50.68

70 MIRCEA SORIN Petre GHEORGHE Daniel Gigello ROM - ROM 50.58


72 KADIOGLU Oguzhan AKSAKARYA Yalcin TUR - TUR 50.34

73 ZAHIR Hanif GOKCE Hakan SUI - SUI 50.29

74 BENGTSSON Rolf KONYVES Andreas SWE - SWE 50.15

75 TORAKAY Yusuf SUMER Fahri TUR - TUR 50.04

76 KANE Danny KANE Helen SCO - SCO 50.03

77 ERGIN Pinar BAYSAL Dursun TUR - TUR 49.95

78 DOGRULAR Serkan OZTURK Guzide TUR - TUR 49.90

79 KARLYKOV Petro PLATONENKO Volodymyr UKR - UKR 49.83

80 MERCIL Yasemin ARSLAN Mustafa TUR - TUR 49.76


82 AKBIYIK Ayhan KUKUL Selcuk TUR - TUR 49.71

83 BERTHEAU Markus KOLESNIK Finn SWE - USA 49.70

84 PEKPERGEL Huseyin TANER Mustafa TUR - TUR 49.52

85 MORITSCH Massimo GENOVA Giovanni ITA - ITA 49.35

86 EVCIMEN Erhan BARUT Ercan TUR - TUR 49.26

87 KEPEKCI Mehmet Faruk KURT Kemal TUR - TUR 49.12

88 BRAENDVANG Morten FURUNES Trine NOR - NOR 49.04

89 SAHIN Ahmet Rifat YILDIRIM Yusuf Umit TUR - TUR 49.03

90 ISTVAN Vidami ZOLTAN Magyari ROM - ROM 48.99

91 GOTARD Tomasz GOTARD Thomas GER - GER 48.64

92 ROBSON Andrew ALLFREY Alexander ENG - ENG 48.53

93 PSZCZOLA Jacek SAKR May USA - USA 48.51

94 FRUSCOLONI Leonardo ALPERT Claire ITA - USA 48.43

95 CIVAN Caner COBAN Hamza TUR - TUR 48.26

96 NEHIR Serkan SAHIN Bulent TUR - TUR 48.25

97 ERDEM Ahmet Naci SINAY Hilda TUR - TUR 48.23

98 LUPU Smaranda LUPU Mircea Sergiu FRA - FRA 48.18

99 ROSSLEE Diana STANTON Carol RSA - RSA 48.14

Page 26: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate

9th European Open Bridge Championships Istanbul, Turkey • 15 - 29 June 2019


100 DONNER Gary SOBEL Yoko USA - USA 48.04

101 FRANCIS Sheila WENTZEL Sandy RSA - RSA 47.83

102 JOHNSEN Sverre FURUNES Jon-Egil NOR - NOR 47.60

103 STEPHENS Robert VAN VUGHT Lex RSA - RSA 47.46

104 GUNES Eren DIKBAS Merih TUR - TUR 47.24

105 ROMASHOVA Veronika DOBRUSHINA Ekaterina RUS - RUS 47.22

106 KURANOGLU Serap NUHOGLU Sevil TUR - TUR 47.07

107 KENNY Joan FITZGERALD Jeannie IRL - IRL 47.02

108 NOKHAEVA Tatiana SVECHNIKOVA Marina RUS - RUS 46.99

109 SIMSEKEL Saim Celal POLATKAN Ismet TUR - TUR 46.83

110 ERLINGSSON Hrannar KRISTINSSON Sverrir ISL - ISL 46.75

111 ULUGOL Ahmet TIGLI Bilal TUR - TUR 46.70

112 ERGEN Levent GOKSEL Ozgur TUR - TUR 46.68

113 DEMIROZ Gulden GONEN Hamide TUR - TUR 46.48

114 PANELLA Ana FRANCO Marta ESP - ESP 46.47


116 CETINKAYA Mufit AS Tarik Berkim TUR - TUR 46.20

117 KUTLU Arif KALE Ahmet Erol TUR - TUR 46.19


119 HILL Janet Elizabeth HILL Paul Sydney AUS - AUS 45.88

120 GUNEL Kenan Kursad ISIM Zeynep Serap TUR - TUR 45.75

121 ATALAY Onur ARIKAN Yilmaz TUR - TUR 45.44

122 GULERMAN Aysel TONER Hasan TUR - TUR 45.29


124 ALACAKAPTAN Bedia CANDAN Mehmet Ruhi TUR - TUR 45.03

125 GUNGOR Ahmet KIZILKAYA Metin TUR - TUR 45.00

126 GHOSN Rita GUVEN Metin LIB - TUR 44.84

127 GALIK Metin TANER Engin TUR - TUR 44.34

128 GOWER Craig FICK Hennie RSA - RSA 44.34

129 YARAS Alp Arslan GOLET Ali Salih TUR - TUR 44.15

130 KALAYCI Seref Ali CALISIR Yusuf TUR - TUR 44.07

131 DUMITRASCU Florin MARCU Codrin ROM - ROM 43.96

132 AKAY Sadik OZAYDIN Osman Cem TUR - TUR 43.51

133 KAHRAMAN Ramazan KARADENIZ Mehmet TUR - TUR 43.44

134 STEPINSKI Jerem INGIELEWICZ Zdzislaw POL - POL 43.44

135 BASARAN Berk OZTURK Huriye Zafer TUR - TUR 43.39

136 SHAMI Anisia CAMP Owen NZL - NZL 43.34

137 ERCAN Sehmus TEGMEN Mehmet Alper TUR - TUR 43.28

138 ISPORSKI Vladislav Nikolov ZOBU Ahu BUL - TUR 42.95

139 WALLIS Jim NASH William AUS - AUS 42.23

140 SARANGA Mary PARDO Mine TUR - TUR 42.17

141 ESMERLIGIL Suphi Serhat CENGIZLER Ilker TUR - TUR 41.89

142 HARRIS Jeniffer MALHASYAN Eduard ENG - BUL 41.71

143 BABAC Mine SEN Nuray TUR - TUR 41.60

144 CETIN Hasan Huseyin SELCUK Harun Resit TUR - TUR 41.24

145 TUNCER Metin YAGMUR Ercument TUR - TUR 40.70


147 MISCIOGLU Leyla ERDEM Gelengul Mecbure TUR - TUR 40.25

148 CAPAL Steve HARRIS Jonathan ENG - ENG 39.77

149 GOKTULGA Seyda SAHBAL Ali TUR - TUR 39.38

150 CUSSON Danielle EKINCI Omer USA - USA 39.30

151 ODINTSOVA Svetlana VLASTOVSKY Oleg RUS - RUS 38.11


Page 27: EBL ROBOT TOURNAMENTS - championships.eurobridge.orgchampionships.eurobridge.org/EOC2019/bulletins/bul_15.pdf · the clubs and Khandelwal played the ]K. Robson won and had to negotiate