e-politicking. 3.0 in europe: a look at the 2013 norwegian parliamentary election


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Page 1: E-Politicking. 3.0 in Europe: A Look at the 2013 Norwegian Parliamentary Election
Page 2: E-Politicking. 3.0 in Europe: A Look at the 2013 Norwegian Parliamentary Election

Structure of the presentation

1. Context;

2. Overview of the analytical framework;

3. The 2013 Norwegian parliamentary election;

4. Analysis;

5- Conclusion.

Page 3: E-Politicking. 3.0 in Europe: A Look at the 2013 Norwegian Parliamentary Election

Genesis of the analysis

Sources: de Lange 2012; Mudde 2014; Bale, Green‐Pedersen et al. 2010; Rydgren 2008; Akkerman 2012; Turcotte and Raynauld 2014.

Ross Perot

Jean Marie Le Pen

Pym Fortuyn

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Traditional approach

Source: Norris 2005.

Ten key reasons behind the rise of the radical right in Europe:

1. A postindustrial economy;2. The dissolution of established identities,

fragmentation of the culture, multiculturalization;

3. The emergence or growing salience of the sociocultural cleavage dimension;

4. Widespread political discontent and disenchantment;

5. Convergence between the established parties;

Pippa Norris

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Traditional approach

Source: Norris 2005.

Ten key reasons behind the rise of the radical right in Europe:

6. Popular xenophobia and racism;7. Economic crisis and unemployment;8. Reaction against the emergence of New Left

and/or Green parties and movements;9. A proportional voting system;10. Experience of a referendum that cuts

across the old party cleavages. (9-10).

Pippa Norris

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Traditional approach

Source: Art 2011..

“Clearly, the internal political dynamics of radical right parties are important for

understanding their success and failure. The struggles for power within these parties, the battles between various

factions, and the strategies of leaders and activists (emphasis added) assume a central role in this book’s narrative. These forms of

intentional action have been ignored or obscured in most analyses of the radical

right, particularly those who view it as the inevitable outgrowth of broad

socioeconomic forces.”

David Art

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Traditional approach

Source: Cosgrove 2007; Turcotte and Raynauld 2014.

Populism as a key aspect of the Conservative brand story;

U.S. conservatives have capitalized on technological changes to disseminate their branded political messaging products;

Tea Party movement latestmanifestation of this phenomenon,but from a partly bottom-upperspective.

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Boutique populism

Source: Turcotte and Raynauld 2014.

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Examination of the messaging, mobilization and structure of the Fremskrittspartiet (FrP) during the 2013 Norwegian parliamentary election:

Source: http://www.frp.no.

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Guiding principles of the FrP’s electoral program:

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Political marketing strategy that is “boutique” in nature:

1. Democracy;2. Market economy; 3. The party;4. Freedom of choice

(e.g. parents, children, healthcare);

5. Energy;6. Culture and sports;7. Environment;

8. Transport and communication;

9. Security of life and private property;

10. Education;11. Foreign policy;12. Work and welfare;13. Defense and security.

Importance of social issues

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Political marketing strategy that is “boutique” in nature:

Proposals for improving the business sector:1. Simplifying the rules for launching a new

business; 2. Reducing the process for reporting to the

state; 3. Removing state discrimination of large

industries and small and mid-size companies; 4. Reducing public ownership; providing an

environment with limited to no political interference;

5. Putting in place a globally competitive tax regime; reducing state subsidies;

6. Ensuring that public funds provide support based on objective criteria;

7. Improving the access to skilled labor force on a global scale.

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Decentralized hierarchical structure of the FrP: Central leadership:

Congress; National board; Central board (15 members).

Decentralized organizational structure: 21 county and local branches; Presence of sub-organizational entities:

Østfold: 17 groups; Aust-Agder : 13 groups.

Wide-ranging preferences, interests, and goals.

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New way to look at populism; Populism can be used effectively for political

communication and organizing; Hyper targeted policy appeals to citizens with

narrow interests and goals that are highly personal in nature;

Organizational structure empowering citizens. Social media-fueled populist political marketing of a

boutique nature; Messaging tactic adapted for individuals with

wide-ranging interests and goals (lifestyle); Mobilization; Decentralized and fragmented hierarchical

structure. Much more research is required.

Source: Turcotte and Raynauld 2014.

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