e: garden wi er!€¦ · or your preferred language on request. please call us on 01267 232714 ......

Sgwrs | News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association Issue 63 Autumn 2020 News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association Inside this issue Page 5 Take a peak at our new development - Priory Street! Page 7 Getting Creative to support each other Page 12 We’re going LIVE with our NEW agile app! Garden competition wier! See inside:

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1Sgwrs | News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association

Issue 63Autumn 2020

News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association

Inside this issuePage 5Take a peak at our new development - Priory Street!

Page 7Getting Creative to support each other

Page 12We’re going LIVE with our NEW agile app!

Gardencompetitionwi er!

See inside:

Page 2: e: Garden wi er!€¦ · or your preferred language on request. Please call us on 01267 232714 ... has been offi cially completed and all of the lucky residents are settled in their

Phone: 01267 232714 Text: 07797 801 628Standard text message rates may [email protected]

Write to: Bro Myrddin Housing Association, Plas Myrddin, Merlin St, Carmarthen SA31 1RU





Sgwrs can be provided in large print, Braille, audio or your preferred language on request. Please call us on 01267 232714

If you would prefer to receive Sgwrs in paper formant by email, please call 01267 232714 or email [email protected]

You can also download Sgwrs at www.bromyrddin.co.uk

Emergency numbers If you have an emergency in your home when we are closed, there are two numbers to ring:

For out of hours emergencies (including gas and oil-fi red heating system emergencies) call Delta Wellbeing (Carmarthenshire County Council’s 24-hrs emergency number): 0300 333222

If you wish to report a Gas emergency, such as a Gas leak, contact National Grid UK on 0800 111 999

Offi ce opening and closing We are open: Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 4.30pm Friday 8.30am – 4.00pm

2020 Staff training and teammeeting datesOur offi ce will be closed for staff training on the following days:

11 December 2020

Get in touch2 Sgwrs | News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association

A note from the Editors

Coronavirus and repairs

Priory Street

Have your fi nances been impacted by COVID-19?

The Resident Portal

Getting Creative at our Care homes

Our Equality and Diversity update

Going Agile with the Agile app

A summary of our Annual Report

Staff Spotlight

Garden competition winner!

Welsh Water

Befriending Life Links














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3News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association | Sgwrs

As we all slowly adapt to the ‘new normal’ we fi nd ourselves in, we have put together some guidance regarding repairs and planned works with some changes that have been implemented in response to the Coronavirus pandemic on page 4.

We’ve also got an exciting update for you on our new agile app on page 9. It has been a busy few months here at Bro Myrddin, with our biggest, most recent development – Priory Street, done and dusted. Take a sneak peek at the newly developed site along with some great resident feedback on page 5.

We’d also like to say a big congratulations to the winner of our annual gardening competition! What a beautiful garden to headline this edition of Sgwrs.

Have you got any ideas for future articles? We’d love to hear from you! Just email us on [email protected] or call us on 01267 232 714 to share your views.

Ge a and SamEditors

Get social with Bro Myrddin HousingHere is a list of our accounts:




Welcome to our fi rst exclusively digital edition of Sgwrs, we’ve offi cially gone paperless and it feels great! Don’t worry though, if you’d still like to receive a paper edition, just let us know.

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4 Sgwrs | News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association

Coronavirus and repairs

With restrictions slowly easing and with the Statutory guidance recently released by Welsh Government on working in people’s homes, Bro Myrddin are actively preparing to commence with routine repairs and planned works again.

We take our residents’ health and wellbeing very seriously and recognise that keeping your property in good repair is extremely important to ensure you have a happy home environment.

However, we understand that these are diffi cult and uncertain times for all and will therefore take extra care when entering your home.

In March 2020 The Welsh Government introduced the Coronavirus Regulations imposing strict restrictions on gatherings, the movement of people, and the operation of businesses. As a result Bro Myrddin closed its offi ces to the public and ceased all routine repairs and planned works and have since been attending to emergency repair requests and essential servicing only.

To minimise risk or exposure and to ensure our visits are completed safely we kindly ask for your cooperation to enable us to achieve the above.

Please let us know if you or a family member are shielding or presenting with any symptoms of COVID-19 so that we can take the necessary precautions to ensure that both you and our contractors are kept safe and well. This may result in the works being delayed to a more convenient time, depending on the scope of work being undertaken.

For major planned works, our contractor will explain in detail the sequence of events and how it might affect you and others in your home. This will ensure that the works can be completed in aneffi cient and effective manner without compromising your safety and wellbeing.

Maintain social distancing.

Wear appropriate PPE (where applicable).

Make a convenient appointment with you by telephone whilst asking a few questions to ensure you are feeling fi t and well.

Provide you with an information leafl et to help you understand what will happen during our visit.

Should we need to enter your home in the next few months to complete any form of maintenance work we endeavour to adhere to the following:

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5News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association | Sgwrs

Priory StreetOur most recent development - Priory Street, has been offi cially completed and all of the lucky residents are settled in their new homes. It was a great team effort throughout the allocations process, however the housing team with the help of other departments pulled it together (despite the weather!)

“I really love it here, It was a big improvement from my previous home. The housing officer who signed me up was lovely too. I can’t say enough how happy I am” - Emily.

“I was really surprised with the size of the flat, it was much bigger than I expected.” - Ffion.

The team ready at Priory Street!

If you want to keep updated on our upcoming developments then make sure you stay in touch with us via Facebook – just follow us @BromyrddinHA to stay connected!

“Great, the process went through smoothly from the bidding to getting the keys, the house was even more beautiful than I thought it would be, I look forward to making many memories in this house” - Helen.

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6 Sgwrs | News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association

Bro Myrddin’s Financial Inclusion Offi cer Louise, offers free and confi dential advice to our residents on all matters relating to money, rent payments and welfare benefi ts.

Louise has a wealth of knowledge in helping people budget, reduce their outgoings and access the correct welfare benefi ts to help maximise income.

If you have been furloughed by your employer Louise can check if you are entitled to an income top up due to the reduction in wages and access Universal Credit to complete an entitlement calculation.

Are you self-employed and unable to work due to coronavirus? This is a really tough time for you. Do you understand the Government Self Employed Support Scheme? Louise can explain the details and advise you of your benefi t options

if you cannot afford to wait until October/ November 2020 to receive fi nancial support.

Seeking support can help to reduce the fi nancial pressure on you and your family at this diffi cult time.

Contact us today on 01267 232 714 or via email on [email protected] to make an appointment with Louise.

We know these are uncertain times and that many things have changed. There is a lot of information and support available to help you, but it can be diffi cult to know where to fi nd it. Bro Myrddin have created a ‘COVID- 19 Handy guide to benefi ts and money’ to help direct you to the variety of support available. A copy of this guide can be found on the documents section of your resident’s portal.

Have your financesbeen impacted by COVID-19?

By signing up to our portal you are granted easy access to your online account, where you can access an array of features:

• Pay your rent• Check your rent account balance• View your rent statements• Report a repair• View your repair history

• Report an ASB issue or raise a complaint• Access tenancy information

Contact a member of your customer services team to request your log in details today. Call us on 01267 232 714 or email us at [email protected]

Have you signed up to our residents portal yet?

Want easy access to our resident portal?Why not download the resident’s APP too? This handy tool allows you to transport to your resident portal at the click of a button via the app. Download today by searching ‘My Bro Myrddin’ in the app store.

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7News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association | Sgwrs

to support each other Over the last few months our staff and residents in our care homes have been busy holding some healthy competition in support and celebration of all key workers.

Their most recent project involved making scarecrows, with one care home opting to make a doctor, a member of staff (from the home) and a cat, whilst the other home decided on a rock star from one of the residents favourite bands, the Rolling Stones.

This project has enabled residents to get creativeand keep busy during what has been a challengingand unprecedented few months for us all.

The residents and staff are currently very busy working on their next project with the latest topic being Castles... ‘We can’t get to them so let’s bring them to us!’

We can’t wait to see what they create!

Don’t they l k g

reat !

Rocking it!

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Equality Matters8 Sgwrs | News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association

Here at Bro Myrddin we recognise the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion which is why each year we will be monitoring our work against our Equality & Diversity Strategy.

Here are just a few of our accomplishments during the last 12 months.

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy was introduced.

Members of the Resident Scrutiny Panel and the Residents’ Forum received training on Equality and Diversity.

The Housing and Property Services Teams received Hate Crime Training with a new Hate Crime Policy was introduced.

The new Bro Myrddin Website launched in line with W3C guidelines.

Residents preferred method of communication with the Association noted during sign up.

Several staff awareness events – such as ‘Wear it Purple’ held and scheduled to promote our understanding of diversity.

Social Media used to campaign events championing equality.

Residents 38.25%Staff 28.95%Board 66.67%Carmarthenshire 48.9%

MaleFemaleResidents 60.53%Staff 71.05%Board 33.33%Carmarthenshire 51.1%


Residents 1.22%Staff -Board -Carmarthenshire -

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ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


White Bri sh

White Gypsy or Irish Traveller

Mixed/mul ple ethnic groups

Black/African/Caribbean/Black Bri sh

Other / Prefer not to say

Asian / Asian Bri sh

White Other

White Irish

9News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association | Sgwrs

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ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire






Other/preferred not to say


Christian (all denominations)

No religion

















BisexualGay Woman/


not to say

HeterosexualGay Man

Sgwrs | News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association10

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11News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association | Sgwrs

ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


ResidentsStaff Board Carmarthenshire


No skills

Understands spoken Welsh

Welsh speaker

Other/preferred not to say





Page 12: e: Garden wi er!€¦ · or your preferred language on request. Please call us on 01267 232714 ... has been offi cially completed and all of the lucky residents are settled in their

We’re going LIVEwith our NEW agile app!

We’ve had a busy yet exiting journey building and preparing our new tenancy management app enabling staff to be more present in our communities.

We’ve completed our testing phase, provided training to all operations staff and are launching our new solution on Monday 5th October 2020.

What does this mean for you, our residents?

Introducing this solution will enable staff to view and action various Tenancy, Housing Management and Maintenance requests whilst working out in the community. As a result you will benefi t from a faster, more effi cient and personal service from your Operations team. The app is an ongoing project, and we aim to improve and add to its functionalities as we go along.

We want to build stronger relationships with you, our people, and believe that working agile will increase our engagement and provide better insight into how you want us to deliver your services.

Working agile with Coronavirus...

Rest assured that we will continue to follow government advice and will only be completing home visits when absolutely necessary. We endeavour to make a convenient appointment with you beforehand, wear the appropriate PPE if we enter your home and will adhere to the social distancing measures that are in place.

Got any questions or queries about our new way of agile working? Contact a member of your Customer Services team today on 01267 232 714.

12 Sgwrs | News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association

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A summary of OUR13News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association | Sgwrs

However, and most notably, the end of the year (March 2020) saw our communities encounter the most challenging modern day times thought possible, due to the COVID-19 (C-19) global pandemic.

We live in hope that we are now through the most diffi cult and fatal times of the virus, I am incredibly proud of the way our excellent staff responded to the challenge with energy, commitment and passion. The transition away from business as usual was seamless and I must particularly thank our Care Homes staff who continue to act courageously every day to deliver key services to our most vulnerable resident group.

Having been involved in this amazing sector for a great number of years, I am heartened, but not surprised, to have seen how it pulled together to support people and communities during such dark times, maintaining essential services regardless of that they encounter. We know many of our people will have experienced fi nancial loss as a direct result of C-19 and we suspect this will continue as the country gradually returns to a form of normality. We will work closely with those impacted and support them to maintain their tenancies well in to the future. We will also continue to deliver our C-19 welfare services until well beyond any trace of this virus has disappeared.

Lesley PennChair, Board of Management

2019/2020 has been a unique year for the Association, ultimately it has been another excellent year for us as we endeavour to be there for our people. It also saw us celebrate our 40th year in business marked by a Resident Fun Day on 30 July 2019.

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Statistical And performance data 2019/20

Facts and fi gures taken from Bro Myrddin Annual Report and Financial Statementsreport 2019/20.

Average of 8.4 days training days perstaff member




of tenancies are over 12 months

Total investment of £8.9m inour communities

new homes built across 3 development sites


£10kof Community Benefi ts delivered during the year

80% of homes completed contained 4 or more bedrooms

98% 89%

of performance meetings were held on time

of Residents gave positive responses about our services

Focusingon our people and


Evolving our service delivery

structures and systems


good quality

and sustainable homes


affordable homes throughout our communities

Engaging and listening with our residents is a priority of ours

£40.7k of additional money secured for residents

A total investment of almost £18m

building 89 new homes and purchasing 9 individual properties

14 Sgwrs | News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association

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Meet Molly, our new Customer Services Assistant and Darren our IT officer! Here’s what they have to say.

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Williams!It was a diffi cult decision, but we are pleased to announce the winner of this year’s gardening competition. We think this garden truly captures the spirit of summer with its beautiful array of fl owers and colours! These worthy winners will also receive a £20 Love to Shop voucher to treat themselves for all the hard work and effort they have put into this fantastic garden. Just beautiful!

A big thank you to everyone who entered the competition this year, your time and effort is very much appreciated!

Missed the deadline? Don’t worry, we hold gardening competitions every year so keep your eyes peeled for the next one! Follow us on our social media channels to stay updated –

Facebook: @bromyrddinha Twitter: @BroMyrddinHA Instagram @bromyrddinHA

We are welcoming two new members of staff to the team!

Name – MollyJob Title – Customer Services AssistantWhere are you from? TenbyWhere did you work before Bro Myrddin?

Cadwyn Housing Association, CardiffWhere did you study?

I studied languages at the University of PortsmouthWhat are your hobbies?

Going for food, travelling, watching documentariesWhat kind of music are you into?

Mostly chart musicWhat are you enjoying most about your time so far in Bro Myrddin?

All the staff seem really nice and welcoming.

Name – DarrenJob Role – IT officerWhere are you from?

Penygroes, CarmsWhere did you work before Bro Myrddin?

Hafan Cymru, CarmarthenWhere did you study? Ysgol Gyfun Tre-Gib, LlandeiloWhat are your hobbies?

Technology. Watching Formula 1, Cricket and Rugby.What kind of music are you into ? Heavy MetalWhat are you enjoying most about your time so far in Bro Myrddin?

Being part of a great team and learning new skills.

d ff

15News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association | Sgwrs

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Spread the cost of your bill by choosing a payment option.

Set up a Direct Debit directly with Welsh Water by using their online Direct Debit form (annual, half-year, monthly or weekly instalments available).

If you are already paying this way but are fi nding it diffi cult to afford your payments, please see more information below on the variety of schemes available to make your water bill more affordable.

The ‘HelpU’ tariff fi xes charges at an affordable rate for low income households in receipt of any means-tested benefi ts.

Welsh Water’s metered ‘Water Sure’ Wales tariff fi xes charges at an affordable rate for low income households who have a medical condition or a large family.

Pay your water charges automatically through your benefi ts with their ‘Water Direct’ scheme and Welsh Water will reduce your bill by £25!The Customer Assistance Fund gives you affordable instalments and helps you to clear what you owe.

Priority Services

At times, some residents need a little extra support – for example you may be a parent with a young baby, a dialysis patient, have sight or hearing diffi culties or are elderly or disabled. By joining Welsh Water’s Priority Services Register you can get extra help with –

• Bottled water if your supply is interrupted• Alternative ways of getting information• Reassurance against bogus callers.

To contact Welsh Water visit them atwww.dwrcymru.com or telephone0800 052 0145.

Are you over the age of 50 or know anyone over the age of 50 who, for whatever reason, have become socially isolated, withdrawn, have lost their confi dence or just have a low sense of wellbeing?

Did you know that Age Cymru are operating a Befriending Life Links project that aims to support individuals to do the things they enjoy doing and to livethe life that they want.

This project is currently operating across Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion. Whatever someone’s situation, Age Cymru endeavour to try their best to support each individual by dedicating staff and volunteers to provide a tailored service that specifi cally meets an individual’s needs.

For more information on this service please contact Age Cymru on 01554 784080 or via email on [email protected]

Befriending Life Links

Helping those who need it the mostIf you’re having problems paying your water bill, don’t ignore them. Welsh Water have a number of ways they might be able to help you.

Sgwrs | News and Views from Bro Myrddin Housing Association16