e f 4 th n| 8 au ht s 1 f v l 1 s...

* / $ !>_ n i i i « ' r f- i - f I I /'I rf t r 'i< «j*W*«WlW»!»>«W<>jll^<^^)t>»^^tg> •W) / V Lofcal News, " ~ NORTH , ^oiJUH * , f Dully Except Sunday, 9,59 A. H. Milk team, 10,38 A, M, Sunday. «.25P,3\T. JKuk train MftP.lt, 1HUK8DAY, JAfTuTlSttSr ... ** * ^*n-*w*j*fa^«- ii -,-- - j Kea^WyljiesI new ad,^ Th ^ Bt n| v. 8 P au S ht eJS met with Mrs C, W. Rdbe$on Tuesday af- ternoon. Prof. A..J. Scobie of Qgdens- burg wgl open his dancing school m the Evans hall, Thursday eve- ning, January ssrst. Will be pleas- ed to meet all his old pupils as well as a great many new ones. •—AoVi Rossie News Items January nth, 1915 W: J. Simons and Mrs. Jennie Collins went to Gouvemeur, Where they expect to spend a few . davs. ' George Raven of' Morristown has been in town helping George Smith and Mrs. Leonard to in- ventory the stock in the Leonard store. Mrs. Jennie Collins, Mis. W. J, Simons and Mrs. John Gleason were entertained at the home of -Mrs..M. Mullin Tuesday after- noon andevening. Michael Mullin and George Gibson were in Spragueville and Gouvemeur Monday. Miss Vivian Curtis returned |to her home in Watertown Saturday. Miss Mildred Chadwick has re- turned from a two weeks vacaion at her home in Morristown and will resume her-duties as teacher this morning. The basket "ball game last Wednesday evening was a dandy. Although-the night was bad a fairly good sized crowd turned out. Philadelphia was scheduled to play "but served notice Monday evening that they had disbaaded, consequently * could not play. The wires got busy and the fast Y. M„ A. C. team of Ogdensburg was secured to fill the date. This , team, it will be remembered, won over the Crescents 12 to -p earlier in the season. The score of 27 to 4 -in favor of the Crescents does*not explain in the least the kind of a game that was played. Say, if you want to see another just pull t»ut this week- Wednes- d a y and seethe Rensselaer Fall boys in action. The lineup of the Ogdensburg- Crescent game was as follows: YJ M. A. C. in£ietni*m iHnli|i]JHHW^il»liilfrf UWJPMMH Black Lake News Notes, 'y*h» •MP mmmmm*m Dupree forwards Segrum Sullfran center Douglass guards Maroney captain Field goals, Dupree, 2; 4; L.ockie, 2; VS7. Lee, 6; jt, ; jfottls, Lbckiei Referee, Sigourney. Timekeeper, Pound. Rossie 'R. Lee Lockie W.Lee Phalen Petrie R. Lee, Petrie, »-ey-*——* -«-^ INVEST FOR SAFETY. I paid Investors In First Mort* KageB on Improved Farms. Amounts $600 up. No loss for 40 years. For flroof/without ' any expense to you, writA phono or coil at?3 State St. ' THE FARM MORTGAGE AC-ENCY, OGDENSBURG.NY <V January nth t 1915 Leslie Simpson and bride, of Redwood were guests of Mr. and Mrs, JoeJ^quith last .week, ,s '. Mrs. JUydia Lints and' Mts< Merrill Thomas spent Wednesday visiting, relatives at Pppe~ Mills,, \ Mrs, Gerald Mkloy at^d d&d* ren visited at the home of How- ard Coats Tuesday. . e - . Fred M!lls<and wife and Martin Butrrck and wife were guests -at Merrill Thomas' Thursday even* ing. ,. « r,' ^ Mrs. Merrill Thomas spent Friday with' Mrs,-JLydia. Lints. Miss Mayme^Spink »spent Sat- urday and Sunday at' her home- in Morristown. Frank Thomas is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. John Lints spent Sunday at Wra. Chester's, Mrs. Percy Fitch and son Clif- ford of Philadelphia are visiting relatives in this vicinity, The Womans Home and For* eign Missionary Society meets with Mrs, Merrill Thomas Wed- nesday afternoon- Howard Coats and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. Lydia Lints. J, Lints and* wife spent Sunday evening at ). P. Conroy's. Mrs, Clarence House visited at Thomas Lowery's at North Ham- mond the past we,ek. 'The Larkin Club will meet with Mrs. L. Peters Thursday to reorganize for the coming year. BODICE Pursuant to an order of Hon. Alnc It. Herriman, Surrogate of the County of St. Lawrence, and according to the Sta* tute in such cases made and provided, Notice 1$ hereby given to all 'persons haying claims against the estate of Samp- eon D. Rogers late of town of Morristown in said county, deceased, that they are .re- quired to exhibit the same, witrr the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers at Hammond, N, T., or at the office of Jno. C. Tulloch in the city of Ogdcnaluirg in said County, on or before the 10th day of May next. Dated October 26th, 1914 Blanche Sogers, Administratrix George L. Rogers, Administrator. Jno. C. Tulloch, Ogdetiabiiig, N. Y. Att'y for Administrators. How He Won Her. She—Mamma is opposed to you be- cause you never minded your mother jind were never considerate with your sisters. - He-r-Perhaps you -would rath- er marry some chap who would want his mother and sisters to come live with you? She—Horrois,noJ How fool- ish mamma, is!—New York Weekly, Rubbing I* in. The Wife — I reeaii our courtship days, those blissful days. The Brute— When I was in a blissful daze!—Phila- delphia Ledger^ Work as they work who are ambi- tious.—Hindu Saying. Different Suits. Father—I see in this expense account "Fourteen suits, $1,000" You didn't pay that much for fourteen suits of clothes. .Son—No; two of 'em were damage suits.—Exchange. Vociferous Apparel. "Dat's a purty loud suit yer got on, Weary." "Yes, It belonged ter a man dat was deef."—Boston Transcript. * &BM& THE sjm. Tr*V«l»r'« Experience Among the Native* of Munehurin In; **Thirty Yfors In Miikden" m ' »*•• ¥<** *WK *»14 that once you Dugald Christie teltesthe MiowJaf Htoty of nia experience tfoat fle/aad the tier, John; M&lntyre 'uh^ecwek.oa 9 tjflp they tools trpai Mukden to the nv- eu vYalu^the- porflei* Sc-Eovf^^On *1*eJf wuy Wck they' found taetosejfes to* ( ward 4 u8 k one - ^ y 4» a «P»faety in4 habited di^t^ict aqyeral mites pomUbb only inn. They reached It by focdlqg a ttwift tjcvek »voUen wlttt mettto^ snows and found a poor «o*el ^ t f i only, one, common, room'an4 two old men ad innkeepers, tlx<t% bullet from a modem rifle no om qati foifeea«t f where it will nUtom.iely 46mo to rest* Even when a bullet has ftn uninterrupted course it Is capable of upsetting all known caicuHatlons of it» flight and range, , - Before the battle of Omdurmatt a |iek officer was carried across the Nile :ind placed vender an awning no te^s Ubtan' tf,5fjD yards from the nearest ^pjnlfc 0^ Jioasihlei fire. This should eas- ily have insured him a margin of safe- jy, hut it didn't. A stray bullet ate up en as innkeepers, * , f 4 -Fitvww wwu a*u.«j vM-tcmic m. "There was neither candle nor tmti %*> intervening tbiee miles of desfert but the end of a tarred rope that hung from a s Tieam wai^ ^buirnlngf, and^j; tlu^ Tdjm IJghM looked'at my.Watph,' 1 Mjr 1s0. Christie. - ^ < W 1 hat.ls tha^ toy fy naked one ot Oolonel Hadkefc-tljhompson, O f B-, and Horse and Giraffe. rt takes a good horse to run down a giraffe, and if the least advantage is permitted the wild creature the race is lost. •••••••••••••••••••••••W •••••••••••••••••••*•••••• OGDENSBURG BANK | t |i Capital and Surplus, - $340,000 ;: * o CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT PAYABLE ON DEMAND Be^r 3 Per Gent, Interest if Funds jftenuin Six Months. I CHOICE INVESTMENT BONDS : Yielding Four and Five Per Cent.. FOR SALE DIRECTORS ' ' J J Frank Chapman, president. Thomas Spratt, Vico>resldent, J * Ceorge Hall, John Hannan, . 1 S. W. Leonard, Cashier. X •' T »•••»••••••••••»••»••••»••»»••••••••••»••»•••••»••••» Another officer were reconnoitering gh, an opening in thej wall of a used^sakieh, or waterwheel. The ~" . $*>levin the "wall was so small that the cers had to stand one behind the the old men.,; - '\%t tells thetlme,* v J ftnswered. ' " 'What tune? L ^What do- you mean ,toy timet , * •) „ . -" 'It shows where the son Is/ "Turning to his brother, h€rasked"h>j|ther to see anything, a pnzzled *way: '3ufe the .sun's- down' £ tfbe officer, whose name is not given long ago. How can he tell where it**?- P£tbe Incident, was in front nsing a " 'M-ynl' said the hrdther, wli^i awe. a?M« of binoculars, while Sir Archibald •He can still "see; fi in ti4 g!ass;*,Wnftt ean these f0reignW%jnofc do1' "Early" the* iiext morning ^we Werf jple glass of the biriocttlars attracted astir, preparing to "gV"*dn. -As^ our horses were being saddled the old man questioned us again: - " *Ho_w far awhy is yoar countryV -; f \ It was a very good chance shot, for " 'Many thousand miles. 1 •"And did you ride aR:the s way on; that horse? t>»" v NEWSPAPERS IN INDIA. They Seem to Be Run In a Happy-go- lucky Sort of Way' r Americans, accustomed to the hustle and bustle of pur newspapers that ore enterprising to a marvelous -extent, would-be''amazed if not exasperated with the papers of India. Ope of these sheets recently published thtsiexplana» tiou: * : "This is ohly the beginning of our paper. We we^ie not sure how much matter was required to fill it up.^nd, thinking we had sufficient, we did not exert ourselves much to get any more. We therefore beg that onr readenrwlll .excuse us for the space left blank and promise to da better and get more ii* the future." How many subscribers would that paper have in this country? Still more curious Vas the announcement of a paper that came out with two column's blank, the editor having the cheek to say that a large quantity of^exceeding- ly interesting ntatter has been left out for want of space. When the average East Indian editor wants a holiday he suspends publica- tion until it is convenient to resume and, taking the public into his confi- dence, Informs them plainly why the paper'waB not issued: on~the expected dates. "With the consent Of our read- ers we now propose to take our annual holiday. W© are sure none-of,them will begrudge Us our relaxation."—SJt- Lonis Globe-Democrat. mrsped through one of the lenses of the tjflnoeulars, through the brain of the ^officer holding them, killing him on the jspotir through the shoulder of Colonel IJacket-Thompson and finally lodged in the breast of Sir Archibald Hunter, "where It remains to this day.—London Stall. The Lost Repeater. \. When Monsieur—the first Monsieur at the court of Louis XI v".~discovered at his levee that his watch had been stolen, presumably by one of his vat-- ets, he finished dressing hastily and>; addressing them all, said: "Gentlemen, the watch strikes. Let us separate-ftf; quickly as we can " What a tact and finish were heiel The spirit of Monsieur was admira- bly caught by the French geiitiemah of the time who, attacked by robbers; at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, simply observed, "Sirs, you have opened very sarly today."—Cornhill Magazine. Domestic Problem, First Modern Parent*—Aren't -yotfjfc two children something of a problem?" Second Modern Parent—3fes, indeed? They go away to school for thirty- eight weeks, to camp for ten, and that leaves four whole weeks when i don't' know where to send them.—Life, BULLETS ARE KilCKY. On* Chance Shot Thftt Brought Dow^ Three Eno.fi«h Officers. ahr, struck him in the head and killed Shortly before another battle in the fiudan General Sir Archibald Hunter, Auter was in the rear. The glint used by the setting-sun shining on £ae attention of &, dervish, who, with others; was retiring along the Nile. flte tftOppedViook rapid aim and fired. Birth of Music. There are many legends concerning the origin of music, but it is impossible to say which is the Oldest By. the old Romans the god Mercury was credited with the invention of mdsic. Accord- ing to Apollodorus, the belief was as follows: The Nile after an overflow left on the" shore a dead tortoise. Its flesh was finally dried up by the hot sun, so that nothing remained in the shell but the cartilages, which, being biaced and contracted by the heat, be- came sonorous.,, Mercury, happening to- be walking that way and striking his foot against- the shell, was «o pleasjed with the sound produced that the idefc ., _ of-a lyie presented Itself to his 'iwi^as^^ •?«**<*" AWft 11 * produced a piece nation. He immediately construetedv $ f vP^fiet/andm pencil, "you can easily the Instrument in the form of a tOr* tolse and strung it with the sinews pf- dead animals. And so music began. ;THE HOUSE OF SORROW. Those Who Have Dwelt Therein Have Learned a Lasting Lesson, *They that have experienced a great $orr<>w are born again. The world t&ey are now in is quite different from l;tielr old world. In that earlier world they lived npon terms of household familiarity with joy and felicity. Now fney must He down by the side of sor- row and^eat with sorrow beside them at the board. Outward things may as- fert their identity to eye, to ear, to touch, but outward things cannot de- ceive the spirit-within. The house of sorrow is strange, all its furniture is strange, and the newcomer must learn anew how to live. j The first lesson is to accept the past «B a beautiful day that Is done, as the loveliness of a rose that has withered £ " ray. The object of our yearning s passed from the world of^iactual contacts into the World of art. Mem- flty_may paint the picture as it will, "op out all shadows and catch the eauty of our exquisite less in all the .. IdeS glow of human happiness. }*Tnere, \vithln the shrine prepared by tjorrow, that picture will ever refresh 41& and bless us. Evil cannot touch it, nor.ill will, nor envy, nor sordid care. Only our own faithfulness, our own acceptance of unworthy things, can sjtain the freshness of its beauty. Sor- row has constituted us the sacristans xJf this shrine; on us rests the care of this pictured relic, and unless we suf- fer motes and beams to get in our eyes it will remain as bright in the sanctuary of memory as in the sun- shine of earthly life.—Atlantic. J 4 . . * —TI His Passport. t';Oa one occasion .Gustavo Dore, the artist, lost his passport while on a tour in Switzerland. At Lucerne he asked to be allowed to speak to the mayor, ;^ :^h0mi he; gave his name. ; ^$Sfi>Jit sa^, that yoii are JI. Gustave :^$r^> and I believe yon,"" said the 4pr$#it$ '•'Vii^pre^•looked around him and saw 'gOlfieip^ in the Streets with a few clever touches he '^rbduced the homely scene and, ap- fppding: $& Mme to the sketch, pre- 'l^flted"i£to the mayor. |^|2<jiUr passport is all right," remark- §^th"e official, "but you must allow me $#1fceep it and to offer you in return *f tie ordinary form." The Codex Sinaiticus. fphe.most ancient of the New Testa- |hent manuscripts is the one known as P||'/ < ,'0odet Sinaiticus," published at vt|e, expense of Alexander II. of Rus- $|s(J'slhce the Orimean war. This codex Rovers nearly tho whole of the Old and fplsv/ Testaments and was discovered |m£|he Convent, of-St. Catherine on Mount Sinai by the celebrated Tischen- Ho^fe I t Is generally ascribed to the J$urth century.—•itew York American. 5235=; JIH HjliilWli.lllHllilHi'lilaTllli^ « ' «§!»»*•" Sense of the. Practical. "The Romans had a strong sense of the beautiful," remarked the student, "Yes," replied Mrs. McGudley, "but they wasn't practical, For instance, those Roman candles was very pretty to look at, but they wasn't much good to read by."—Washington Star. ?^wko?" inquired the mate. j^'!ihe young woman who asked me ||%Mle fi&t> if We ever hitched sea- iOirses to the captain's gig."—St. Louis rostJMspatoh. lV? ~ Corrected. Mies'Kitty—Before you were mar- ried, Mrs. Blunt, did your husband bring you many flowers? Mrs. Blunt •—r didn't' have any 4msband before I Was married, dean - riis Hint. , . Hunter—Are yoti ever shot at by mis- take for 'a. deer? &uiae (impressively) *-I dunno, They never live to tell what they shot at me for.—Exchange. Was Probably Serious, like to know," said the boat- "Whether she was stringing me A Queer Eye. An orator stated that "the worst en- emy any cause can have is a double. Jie in the shape of half a truth," and the newspaper reported it "a double eye in the shape of half a tooth." 8 IVES' SYRUP White Pine and Tar WQB, COUCHS, , COLDS, BRONCHIAL TROUBLES *i* -Vf M > * PHARMACIST Opposite the Seymour, Ford Street, Ogdensburgr, N,>T. Parcel Post Orders Given Prompt Attention, WHEN YOU NEED NEAT JOB PRINTING SEND US YOUR ORDER Hopeless. •"He ought to turn over a new leaf.'* , t "Gee, that wouldn't do much good! He could turn over a Whole library ant! 'not have a good start toward being decent."—Exchange. ' If, you canfiot get grapeSj'runs a Riis- (Blan proverb, try an apple. <• ' \ / ftin l- 1 > i, , 1 1 . ; : ;• -^Y * t' *.* IIOCK. ape^u is u Dig element of succesa in making high scores at the trap or in the field. When yon pull (he trigger yon want it to go wjth- Jighfniiig speed. FJying buds and targets will not wait for a hang lire load or a slow lock. Our lock was carefully and scientifically timed at the Univer- sity of Cornell. . Test was made by means of a fly wheel traveling 577.1715 inches per second. By means of a special device it was found that ' theflywheel traveled -93& inches while the hammer Was. falling. Dividing .935 by 677J715 gives the time it took the hammer to fall, , .0016 or expressed in fractional form 1-625 of a second. fejss, When hammer struck it was traveling#38 inches' per second. Weiiguifi this increased lightning speed will increase your scoie at least 5 per cent. The slower the lock and the slower the load the farther yon have to lead yout birds. Beautiful cataloaue Free-.de8Crib>s 18 r i \'h^ mv ^—31*7.75 net to §400 list. TtHcLccL Hurts tTM-ArC A. G U O O ^ , , ^ etTOCOra (THAtCA-- M , > " - Systematize Your KITCHEN « The Boone Will Help You Smethose expensive baking materials, such as flour, sugar, rice,coifottiea^etc**feyprcwiding a penrtanyrM:: place for them > whereiheyi6Saa^r|jE^t orIje^cHt^ (o^-iw^^ci^ they won't hecorne; dirty ordaisp, ^but^cpokbett^fea^^ better and i^^0g^i£imkfy(Ho just where everything is. Areik&&fectt Modern Convenience They save time, labor, space and materials, and cut kitchen work in half; they also pro- vide a handy place for crockery, silver- ® ware, knives/forks,, spoons, dishes, baking, pans, etc Bpone Cabinets have 12 special features not found on any Other makes. We are now showing a variety of hand- some Boone styles, all low in price* CALL and SEE ONE \f 1 •*• SPECIAL SALE AT )• \' hi W. A. LA/DLAW MoG^mer Block, Hammond* N. Y.

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/'I rf t r ' i <


• W ) /


Lofcal News,

" ~ NORTH , ^oiJUH * , f Dully Except Sunday, 9,59 A. H.

Milk team, 10,38 A, M,


«.25P,3\T. JKuk train MftP. l t ,

1HUK8DAY, JAfTuTlSttSr ... „ ** *

^*n-*w*j*fa^«- ii -,-- - j

Kea^WyljiesI new ad,^

™ T h ^ Btn|v.8 P a u S h t eJS met with Mrs C, W. Rdbe$on Tuesday af­ternoon.

Prof. A..J. Scobie of Qgdens-burg wgl open his dancing school m the Evans hall, Thursday eve­ning, January ssrst. Will be pleas­ed to meet all his old pupils as well as a great many new ones. •—AoVi

Rossie N e w s I t e m s

January n t h , 1915 W: J. Simons and Mrs. Jennie

Collins went to Gouvemeur, Where they expect to spend a few

. davs.

' George Raven of' Morristown has been in town helping George Smith and Mrs. Leonard to in­ventory the stock in the Leonard store.

Mrs. Jennie Collins, Mis. W. J, Simons and Mrs. John Gleason were entertained at the home of -Mrs..M. Mullin Tuesday after­noon andevening.

Michael Mullin and George Gibson were in Spragueville and Gouvemeur Monday.

Miss Vivian Curtis returned | to her home in Watertown Saturday.

Miss Mildred Chadwick has re­turned from a two weeks vacaion a t her home in Morristown and will resume her-duties as teacher this morning.

The basket "ball game last Wednesday evening was a dandy. Although-the night was bad a fairly good sized crowd turned out. Philadelphia was scheduled to play "but served notice Monday evening that they had disbaaded, consequently * could not play. The wires got busy and the fast Y. M„ A. C. team of Ogdensburg was secured to fill the date. This

, team, it will be remembered, won over the Crescents 12 to -p earlier in the season. The score of 27 to 4 -in favor of the Crescents does*not explain in the least the kind of a game that was played. • Say, if you want to see another

just pull t»ut this week- Wednes­d a y and seethe Rensselaer Fall boys in action.

The lineup of the Ogdensburg-Crescent game was as follows: YJ M. A. C.

in£ietni*m iHnli|i]JHHW^il»liilfrf UWJPMMH

Black Lake News Notes, 'y*h» • M P mmmmm*m

Dupree forwards Segrum Sullfran center Douglass guards Maroney captain Field goals, Dupree, 2; 4; L.ockie, 2; VS7. Lee, 6;

jt , ; jfottls, Lbckiei Referee, Sigourney. Timekeeper, Pound.

Rossie 'R. Lee Lockie

W.Lee Phalen Petrie

R. Lee, Petrie,

» - e y - * — — * - « - ^

INVEST FOR SAFETY. I paid Investors In First Mort* KageB on Improved Farms. Amounts $600 up. No loss for 40 years. For flroof/without

' any expense to you, writA phono or coil at?3 State St.



January n t h t 1915 Leslie Simpson and bride, of

Redwood were guests of Mr. and Mrs, JoeJ^quith last .week,,s '.

Mrs. JUydia Lints and' Mts< Merrill Thomas spent Wednesday visiting, relatives at Pppe~ Mills,,

\ Mrs, Gerald Mkloy at^d d&d* ren visited at the home of How­ard Coats Tuesday. . e- .

Fred M!lls<and wife and Martin Butrrck and wife were guests -at Merrill Thomas' Thursday even* ing. ,. « r , ' ^

Mrs. Merrill Thomas spent Friday with' Mrs,-JLydia. Lints.

Miss Mayme^Spink »spent Sat­urday and Sunday at' her home-in Morristown.

Frank Thomas is on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lints spent Sunday at Wra. Chester's,

Mrs. Percy Fitch and son Clif­ford of Philadelphia are visiting relatives in this vicinity,

The Womans Home and For* eign Missionary Society meets with Mrs, Merrill Thomas Wed­nesday afternoon-

Howard Coats and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. Lydia Lints.

J, Lints and* wife spent Sunday evening a t ) . P. Conroy's.

Mrs, Clarence House visited at Thomas Lowery's at North Ham­mond the past we,ek.

'The Larkin Club will meet with Mrs. L. Peters Thursday to reorganize for the coming year.


Pursuant to an order of Hon. Alnc It. Herriman, Surrogate of the County of St. Lawrence, and according to the Sta* tute in such cases made and provided, Notice 1$ hereby given to all 'persons haying claims against the estate of Samp-eon D. Rogers late of town of Morristown in said county, deceased, that they are .re­quired to exhibit the same, witrr the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers at Hammond, N, T., or at the office of Jno. C. Tulloch in the city of Ogdcnaluirg in said County, on or before the 10th day of May next.

Dated October 26th, 1914 Blanche Sogers, Administratrix George L. Rogers, Administrator.

Jno. C. Tulloch, Ogdetiabiiig, N. Y. Att'y for Administrators.

How He Won Her. She—Mamma is opposed to you be­

cause you never minded your mother jind were never considerate with your sisters. - He-r-Perhaps you -would rath­er marry some chap who would want his mother and sisters to come live with you? She—Horrois,noJ How fool­ish mamma, is!—New York Weekly,

Rubbing I* in. The Wife — I reeaii our courtship

days, those blissful days. The Brute— When I was in a blissful daze!—Phila­delphia Ledger^

Work as they work who are ambi­tious.—Hindu Saying.

Different Suits. Father—I see in this expense account

"Fourteen suits, $1,000" You didn't pay that much for fourteen suits of clothes. .Son—No; two of 'em were damage suits.—Exchange.

Vociferous Apparel. "Dat's a purty loud suit yer got on,

Weary." "Yes, It belonged ter a man dat was

deef."—Boston Transcript. *

&BM& THE sjm. Tr*V«l»r'« Experience Among the

Native* of Munehurin In; **Thirty Yfors In Miikden" m ' » * • • ¥<** *WK *»14 that once you

Dugald Christie teltesthe MiowJaf Htoty of nia experience tfoat fle/aad the tier, John; M&lntyre 'uh^ecwek.oa 9 tjflp they tools trpai Mukden to the nv-eu vYalu the- porflei* Sc-Eovf^^On *1*eJf wuy Wck they' found taetosejfes to*( ward 4u8k o n e - ^ y 4» a «P»faety in4 habited di^t^ict aqyeral mites pomUbb only inn. They reached It by focdlqg a ttwift tjcvek »voUen wlttt mettto^ snows and found a poor «o*el ^ t f i only, one, common, room'an4 two old men ad innkeepers,

tlx<t% bullet from a modem rifle no om qati foifeea«tf where it will nUtom.iely 46mo to rest* Even when a bullet has ftn uninterrupted course it Is capable of upsetting all known caicuHatlons of it» flight and range, , -

Before the battle of Omdurmatt a |iek officer was carried across the Nile :ind placed vender an awning no te^s Ubtan' tf,5fjD yards from the nearest pjnlfc 0^ Jioasihlei fire. This should eas­ily have insured him a margin of safe-jy, hut it didn't. A stray bullet ate up en as innkeepers, * , f 4 • -Fitvww w w u a*u.«j vM-tcmic m.

"There was neither candle nor tmti %*> intervening tbiee miles of desfert but the end of a tarred rope that hung from asTieam wai buirnlngf, and^j; tlu^

Tdjm IJghM looked'at my.Watph,'1 M j r 1s0. Christie. -

^<W1hat.ls tha^ toy fy naked one ot Oolonel Hadkefc-tljhompson, Of B-, and

Horse and Giraffe. • rt takes a good horse to run down a giraffe, and if the least advantage is permitted the wild creature the race is lost.

•••••••••••••••••••••••W •••••••••••••••••••*••••••


t |i Capital and Surplus, - $340,000 ;:

* o


Be^r 3 Per Gent, Interest if Funds jftenuin Six Months.

I CHOICE INVESTMENT BONDS : Yielding Four and Five Per Cent. .



J J Frank Chapman, president. Thomas Spratt, Vico>resldent, J *

Ceorge Hall, John Hannan, . 1 S. W. Leonard, Cashier.

X •' T

» • • • » • • • • • • • • • • » • • » • • • • » • • » » • • • • • • • • • • » • • » • • • • • » • • • • »

Another officer were reconnoitering gh, an opening in thej wall of a

used^sakieh, or waterwheel. The ~" . $*>levin the "wall was so small that the

cers had to stand one behind the

the old men.,; - '\%t tells thetlme,*vJ ftnswered. ' " 'What tune? L What do- you mean

,toy timet , * •) „ . - " 'It shows where the son Is/ "Turning to his brother, h€rasked"h>j|ther to see anything,

a pnzzled *way: '3ufe the .sun's- down' £ tfbe officer, whose name is not given long ago. How can he tell where it**?- P£tbe Incident, was in front nsing a

" 'M-ynl' said the hrdther, wli i awe. a?M« of binoculars, while Sir Archibald •He can still "see; fi in ti4 g!ass;*,Wnftt ean these f0reignW%jnofc do1'

"Early" the* iiext morning ^we Werf jple glass of the biriocttlars attracted astir, preparing to "gV"*dn. -As our horses were being saddled the old man questioned us again: - " *Ho_w far awhy is yoar country V -; f \ It was a very good chance shot, for

" 'Many thousand miles.1

•"And did you ride aR:thesway on; that horse? t>»"


NEWSPAPERS IN INDIA. They Seem to Be Run In a Happy-go-

lucky Sort of Way'r Americans, accustomed to the hustle

and bustle of pur newspapers that ore enterprising to a marvelous -extent, would-be''amazed if not exasperated with the papers of India. Ope of these sheets recently published thtsiexplana» tiou: * :

"This is ohly the beginning of our paper. We we ie not sure how much matter was required to fill it up.^nd, thinking we had sufficient, we did not exert ourselves much to get any more. We therefore beg that onr readenrwlll .excuse us for the space left blank and promise to da better and get more ii* the future."

How many subscribers would that paper have in this country? Still more curious Vas the announcement of a paper that came out with two column's blank, the editor having the cheek to say that a large quantity of^exceeding-ly interesting ntatter has been left out for want of space.

When the average East Indian editor wants a holiday he suspends publica­tion until it is convenient to resume and, taking the public into his confi­dence, Informs them plainly why the paper'waB not issued: on~the expected dates. "With the consent Of our read­ers we now propose to take our annual holiday. W© are sure none-of,them will begrudge Us our relaxation."—SJt-Lonis Globe-Democrat.

mrsped through one of the lenses of the tjflnoeulars, through the brain of the

^officer holding them, killing him on the jspotir through the shoulder of Colonel IJacket-Thompson and finally lodged in the breast of Sir Archibald Hunter, "where It remains to this day.—London Stall.

The Lost Repeater. „ \ . When Monsieur—the first Monsieur

at the court of Louis XI v".~discovered at his levee that his watch had been stolen, presumably by one of his vat--ets, he finished dressing hastily and>; addressing them all, said: "Gentlemen, the watch strikes. Let us separate-ftf; quickly as we can " What a tact and finish were heiel

The spirit of Monsieur was admira­bly caught by the French geiitiemah of the time who, attacked by robbers; at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, simply observed, "Sirs, you have opened very sarly today."—Cornhill Magazine.

Domestic Problem, First Modern Parent*—Aren't -yotfjfc

two children something of a problem?" Second Modern Parent—3fes, indeed? They go away to school for thirty-eight weeks, to camp for ten, and that leaves four whole weeks when i don't' know where to send them.—Life, •


On* Chance Shot Thftt Brought Dow^ Three Eno.fi«h Officers.

ahr, struck him in the head and killed

Shortly before another battle in the fiudan General Sir Archibald Hunter,

Auter was in the rear. The glint used by the setting-sun shining on

£ae attention of &, dervish, who, with others; was retiring along the Nile. flte tftOppedViook rapid aim and fired.

Birth of Music. There are many legends concerning

the origin of music, but it is impossible to say which is the Oldest By. the old Romans the god Mercury was credited with the invention of mdsic. Accord­ing to Apollodorus, the belief was as follows: The Nile after an overflow left on the" shore a dead tortoise. Its flesh was finally dried up by the hot sun, so that nothing remained in the shell but the cartilages, which, being biaced and contracted by the heat, be­came sonorous.,, Mercury, happening to-be walking that way and striking his foot against- the shell, was «o pleasjed with the sound produced that the idefc ., _ of-a lyie presented Itself to his ' i w i ^ a s ^ ^ •?«**<*" AWft11* produced a piece nation. He immediately construetedv $ f vP^fiet/andm pencil, "you can easily the Instrument in the form of a tOr* tolse and strung it with the sinews pf-dead animals. And so music began.

;THE HOUSE OF SORROW. Those Who Have Dwelt Therein Have

Learned a Lasting Lesson, *They that have experienced a great $orr<>w are born again. The world t&ey are now in is quite different from l;tielr old world. In that earlier world they lived npon terms of household familiarity with joy and felicity. Now fney must He down by the side of sor­row and^eat with sorrow beside them a t the board. Outward things may as-fert their identity to eye, to ear, to touch, but outward things cannot de­ceive the spirit-within. The house of sorrow is strange, all its furniture is strange, and the newcomer must learn anew how to live. j The first lesson is to accept the past

«B a beautiful day that Is done, as the loveliness of a rose that has withered

£" ray. The object of our yearning s passed from the world of^iactual

contacts into the World of art. Mem-flty_may paint the picture as it will, "op out all shadows and catch the eauty of our exquisite less in all the

.. IdeS glow of human happiness. }*Tnere, \vithln the shrine prepared by

tjorrow, that picture will ever refresh 41& and bless us. Evil cannot touch it, nor.ill will, nor envy, nor sordid care. Only our own faithfulness, our own acceptance of unworthy things, can sjtain the freshness of its beauty. Sor­row has constituted us the sacristans xJf this shrine; on us rests the care of this pictured relic, and unless we suf­fer motes and beams to get in our eyes it will remain as bright in the sanctuary of memory as in the sun-shine of earthly life.—Atlantic. J 4 . .

• * —TI His Passport.

t';Oa one occasion .Gustavo Dore, the artist, lost his passport while on a tour in Switzerland. At Lucerne he asked to be allowed to speak to the mayor, ; ^ :^h0mi he; gave his name. ; $Sfi>Jit sa^, that yoii are JI. Gustave :^$r^> and I believe yon,"" said the

4pr$#it$ '•'Vii pre •looked around him and saw 'gOlfieip^ in the Streets with a few clever touches he

'^rbduced the homely scene and, ap-fppding: $& Mme to the sketch, pre-'l^flted"i£to the mayor. | |2<jiUr passport is all right," remark-§^th"e official, "but you must allow me $#1fceep i t and to offer you in return

*f t ie ordinary form."

The Codex Sinaiticus. fphe.most ancient of the New Testa-|hent manuscripts is the one known as P||'/<,'0odet Sinaiticus," published at vt|e, expense of Alexander II. of Rus-$|s(J'slhce the Orimean war. This codex Rovers nearly tho whole of the Old and fplsv/ Testaments and was discovered |m£|he Convent, of-St. Catherine on Mount Sinai by the celebrated Tischen-Ho^fe I t Is generally ascribed to the J$urth century.—•itew York American.

5235=; JIH HjliilWli.lllHllilHi'lilaTllli^

• « • '


Sense of the. Practical. "The Romans had a strong sense of

the beautiful," remarked the student, "Yes," replied Mrs. McGudley, "but

they wasn't practical, For instance, those Roman candles was very pretty to look at, but they wasn't much good to read by."—Washington Star.

?^wko?" inquired the mate. j^ ' ! ihe young woman who asked me ||%Mle fi&t> if We ever hitched sea-iOirses to the captain's gig."—St. Louis rostJMspatoh.

lV?~ Corrected. Mies'Kitty—Before you were mar­

ried, Mrs. Blunt, did your husband bring you many flowers? Mrs. Blunt •—r didn't' have any 4msband before I Was married, dean

- riis Hint. , . Hunter—Are yoti ever shot at by mis­

take for 'a. deer? &uiae (impressively) *-I dunno, They never live to tell what they shot at me for.—Exchange.

Was Probably Serious, like to know," said the boat-"Whether she was stringing me

A Queer Eye. An orator stated that "the worst en­

emy any cause can have is a double. Jie in the shape of half a truth," and the newspaper reported it "a double eye in the shape of half a tooth."


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Hopeless. •"He ought to turn over a new leaf.'*

, t "Gee, that wouldn't do much good! He could turn over a Whole library ant!

'not have a good start toward being decent."—Exchange. '

If, you canfiot get grapeSj'runs a Riis-(Blan proverb, try an apple.

<• ' \

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IIOCK. ape^u is u Dig element of succesa in making high scores at the trap or in the field.

When yon pull (he trigger yon want it to go wjth- Jighfniiig speed.

FJying buds and targets will not wait for a hang lire load or a slow lock.

Our lock was carefully and scientifically timed at the Univer­sity of Cornell.

. Test was made by means of a fly wheel traveling 577.1715 inches per second. By means of a special device it was found that

' the fly wheel traveled -93& inches while the hammer Was. falling. Dividing .935 by 677J715 gives the time it took the hammer to fall, , .0016 or expressed in fractional form 1-625 of a second. fejss, When hammer struck it was traveling#38 inches' per second.

Weiiguifi this increased lightning speed will increase your scoie at least 5 per cent.

The slower the lock and the slower the load the farther yon have to lead yout birds. Beautiful cataloaue Free-.de8Crib>s 18

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