e...ceiptsand exports havebeenlargerthan inanyyear, ex¬ cept 1813 43. theannexed statement shows...

JUO.YK V MARKET. Wedn«*daf, July 16.6 P. M. The extreme heat of the weather still has an unfavora¬ ble effect upon *to«k operation!, and prices continue much depressed. Remiiug Railroad went up 4 l>er cent; Canton, } ; Kria Railroad, J; Norwich and Worcester, } Long Island fell off j per cent; Farmeri' Loan, i Ston- Ington, |. The transactions were only to a Limited ex¬ tent, and the maiket is unusually heavy. The Comptroller has given notice that the interest on tlie public storks and loans of the City of New York, due and pinakle on the 1st of August, will be paid on that day by the Chamberlain of the city, at his office, in the Dank of the State of New York. semi-annual dividend of four dollars per share has been declared by the IJtica and Schenectady Railroad company, payable on the 1st of August next. Stockhold¬ ers who^e stock is registered in the city of New York will apply for their dividends at the office for the registry and transfer of the Company's stock, at the Phcnix Bank of said city; and stockholders whoso stock is registered in the city of Albany will apply for their dividends at the Albany City Batik in that city. The somi-annual interest on the bonds of the Erie Railroad Company. due on the 1st inst.. will be paid at the office of the Treasurer. The receipts of the Central Railroad, Michigan, for the month of Juno in the past three years have been as follows Central Railroad. Michigan. 184J. mil. If! 1 5 Fiueniser* $10,112- II 571 5,999 Freight 4,'iOa 10,799 Mill L 8. .Wall 1 062 658 Total $15,3*2 20,<>27 11,6-17 The monthly reports of the New Orleans Banks, show falling oft in the general movement. Tho dull season being at its height, the demand for bank favors is very limited. 1 lie crops havo nearly all come forward, and the city of New Oileuns has become nearly deserted by butiness men. Banks or Nrw Orleans. Sped'. Circulation. tfttl 1345. KI4. 181.1. . ,. , Junt 29. Jline 20. June 29 June 28. Built. °1 Lmiujana. .. , 4,0:18,419 2,710,825 1,011,289 981,951! Canal and Bkjf Co ... 231,828 J72.323 181,055 311.075 City. Bank 700,997 517,612 319,294 400,!«t0 Louisiana State Bank. 1,218,111 1,217,616 263,017 348,555 Mechanics' and Tra¬ ders Bink. 1,367,756 1,274,039 591,255 763,805 Union Bank of La... 633,469 193,266 36,095 28,375 A«" ng. Citizens^ Bank 27,Cfl0 9,885 734,116 872,701 "iisolidutrd Assoc'ii 2,550 4,629 183,518 759,130 $8,254,780 6,300,195 3,212,644 4,166,642 , C'h Halt's. C'h lial/t. Jissrts. JJsiett. BiuU of Louisiana... 4,370,278 3,7 13. I<:0 4,814,025 3,810,038 Canal Bank 411.059 775,116 570,6 « 1,1*0,230 City Bank ...... 1,363.549 1,102,126 1,911,063 1.73MI3 Louisiana State Bank. . 1,152,078 1,374,329 1,442,587 1,879,105 JS echanics' and Tra¬ it 5*"!1 2,019,617 2,187,7% 2,442 832 2,712,16? Union H ink. 62,689 41,568 908,061 877,038 Aon sper it paying. Citizens' Bank 7,768,571 7,692,700 91.821 76,94-1 Consolidated Assoc'n. 2,324,714 2,058,035 2,5 iO 4,620 $19,502,595 19,003,420 12,269,562 12,382,527 The loading features of these banks for several periods compare as follows : -1311. , 1845 Ma i/25. June 29. Jipril 26. Ala (/ 31. June 28. Specie, 9.2H.2M 8,251,780 7,173,790 6, 861,125 6,300,195 Cireul'n, 3.801,081 J, 312.614 4,398,062 1,813,917 4,466,012 C'h liab's, 20,711 417 19.502,595 21,126,235 20,985,135 19,003,420 A»»ets, 13,362,293 I2.2U9.562 11,571,443 13,975,130 12.382,527 The movements of these banks have within the period included above been very uniform, with the exception of the specie item. Tho receipts of specie at New Or¬ leans this season have been small compared with last. From September 1st, 1843, to July 5th, 1844^ the importa¬ tion of specie ixto New Orleans amounted to $7.670, 71'3; ¦while the receipts from September 1st, 1844, to July fith, 1845, have been only $2,190,718; showing a decrease of $5,473,985. The specie in the banks on tho 28th of June 1845, was $1,954,585 less than at the same season last year. The banks have retained possession of the pre¬ cious metals very well in tho face of the doclina in the receipts. The currency of that section is, however, very near a specie standard, and the amount o( specie in circulation throughout the valloy of the Mississippi is very large. The falling off in the import of specie this ¦ea»on compared with last, does not show any derange' meat of tho currency, but on tho contrary a greater uni¬ formity in the value. In speculative timos specie is shipped in large amounts to New Orleans for the pur¬ chase of the principal staple products, which seek a mar¬ ket in that port. In expending this specie by purchasing these products, it becomes circulated throughout the western country, and finds its way into the hands of the merchants of that section, ami eventually into the vaults of the banks ol Wall streot, where it rpmains until some speculative movoment arises requiring a shipment to tho southern ports. The cause of the decline in the receipts of specie at New Orleans this season can, therefore, bo attributed ontirely to the absence of every species ol .peculation ; the fact of there being a decline, is no evi- di nee that the currency of that section is depreciating in value, rs wo havo no evidence that the west experien¬ ced any drain of precious metals to supply the eastern demand. The circulation of the banks of New Orleans has within the past year increased. According to the report for June. 1845, the amount of issues was $1,153,998 greater than in the same month last year. This increase circulation, in connection with the diminished amount of specie on hand, shown that the currency has become .lightly depreciated, but not to an extent sufficient to fleet prices or to produce any derangement of trade The business season of New Orleans ha* about closed, and t'ie receipts of produce havo become reduced to :> .mall amount. The receipts of cotton are nearly over, and the stock on hand is smaller than for the same time within the past ton years. Wo annex a table giving the amouut lecoived, exported, and on hand, up to tho 5th Inst, for each year of the past ton : . Akri**! ', Kxfohts and Stocks er Cottox at New Oa- i.e\n.<, raoM Heft. 1st or each Yeah to Jui-v 5i u. Year. »irriral$. Exports. Stocks. ]83')-36 Bales 490,552 456,077 34,966 18:t6-37 59J,7<9 558 691 3J.776 1837-33 740,346 680,(154 »,76» 18JH :«) 575,1181 551,359 30,WO 1839-40 933,267 867,1.9 72,21" 18-10.4 1 807,821 793,370 26,116 1811-42 731,894 72:4 379 23,MM 1(M2 43 1.078,852 1,018,218 35.062 1813-44 895,341 848,U91 44,202 1814-15 964,613 9S8 084 9,493 The stock on hand wan about fourteen thousand bales less than in any of the previous ten years, wkile tin re ceiptsand exports have been larger than in any year, ex¬ cept 1813 43. The annexed statement shows the move" mants of the staple at New Orleans, since Sept. 1, 1844. Btock on hand Sept. I, 1844 12,931 Arrived (lurniR the put week 078 ArriTed pr.viously 963,565.964,613 977,577 10,171 950,113 Imported during the put wpi Exported previously 960,284 Add amount shipped to Western State* since Sept 1, . 6,000 Ami unt hipped Coastwise and uot cleared (es¬ timated) 1.300 Lois in repacking damaged rotton (estimated). 500. 968,081 Stuck on hand and on ship-hoard, bales 9,493 Thia staple has gono forward very rapidly this year( and there has been a very peculiar feature in the ship¬ ments from New Orleans. The exports have exceedud the receipts several Vthousand bales, a circumstance never before experienced in the cotton trade of that port. The receipts of cotton at New Orleans in 1843.43, were much greater in proportion to the crop, than they have been this year. The crop now coming in will not hard* ly reach twenty four hundred thousand bales, but will he nearly twenty thousand bales more than the great crop of 1 842. 43. notwithstanding which, the receipts at New Orleans aro now moro than one hundred thousand less than they were that scasoa, and wo have no doubt, the close ot the season will show a deficiency of many thou¬ sand boles more. We annex a statement showing the receipt* and ex ports of cotton, at the principal ports in the country, compared with the two previous seasons. ElPOKTATlOV nFCOTTOX FROM THE UlSlTED STATES. Rectivi ExportI. erf since To (Sreat 1st Stp:. Cleared from Hritain. France. Total. 1841. NiwOi Inns, July 5,1845. .587,869 120,811 823,490 919.1115 Mehile, July 5 260,819 68,919 390,714 515,818 Kloridt, J >ly ! 46,678 6,371 60,782 183,611 Oenrgia, (Sav. it Marten) I Joly 4 160,797 14,071 178,7»', 29^, *90 So itii Carolina, July 4 .. .2, 9,729 68,973 277 0J8 JW.MI3 N.irih Carol na, July 4.. . . . . 12,113 Virginia. July 801 150 3 041 21.200 New York, July 15 137,076 61,67 1 258,578 OcherpoiU, July 12 5.934 1,068 15,684 . Total to for'n port, hales 1,403,733 312,066 2,0.'8,7I2 2,378,990 Same time lit yey 1,145,951 270,558 1,510,401 1,192,715 Sainotim- jear.iefnre, .1,441.606 33J.402 1,959,913 2,359,4lD The receipts aro already larger than the total crop of 184i-43, and the season doos not expire until Sept 1. The receipts from this time to that will not be large, as the supplies have come forward very rnpidly, and the stocks jn the interior have been much reduced. The exporta¬ tion htis been also large. The amaunt shipped to France; to the north of Europe, and^other foreign ports, has been inuch larger this year than heretofore, while the ship, ments te (Ireat Britain have been less than in IS 13. 43. An immense crop of cotton has keen harvested the past season, and the quantity consumed, in all parts of the world, greater than ever before; still theie has been very little speculation, and prices have ruled low. The operations in tho staple have been confined to the legiti- route channels, and most of the operators have made money In the bn«ln«ss. The result of this sea*nn'« tran (aclious, has, so far, been much more fnvoroblti to all parties, than those of last Old Stock ICichniiKt. SMM N Y City 7, '57 11 '-J J| .h> L Island Rlt 68 '¦> 5 slit Bk of Com. full 06 200 do B. 5(1 Morns Canal :i2 50 Erie RR s3 3d ¦» 75 do (SO 3l?.f 1(10 Stouington BR s3 28 < 50 ill ,j 3i'. 25 Nor 4(. tVor ItR 71 t 2> N V Oss U9 25 du ft 50 Cautou Co ll>j 50 do bflO 71 a 'io Reading UR bio V ''j Sn'ond Board . S3COO Reading Mnrtg Bdi 75 56 shs Heading Hit 673 n 25 shs Reading RR 57V. io Wilmington 'i'i 100 do 57>i New Stock Exchange. SIOOO Kentucky 6's 100 100 shs L Island RR U8!~ 2i shs Vickiburg Bk c 8.'» 150 do (10 68;, 85 Morris Canal bin 32 50 do slOGR', 50 do b 10 31T» 50 do «3 MU 5(1 L Island RR 1 10 VUS 25 Eric RR bii 30)4 100 do t>3 (iB'i Married, On Wednesday morning, thn 16th inat., at Walker street church, by Rev. P. Stohlman, Francis Miller, M. I)., to Miss Sakaii Math. da Krost, of this city. In this city, on the ICtli inst., by Rev. Mr llatlield, Mr. John II. Angicr, of Massachusetts, to Betsey, daughter of Elijali Gray, of Bristol, R. I. Died, On Tuesday evening, 15h inst., after a short and pain- ful illness, in the 69th year of his a^e, Mr. William Hyde, for many years a lesident of this city. The friends o( the family are requested to attend his funeral this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock, from his lata resilience, corner of Grove und Bedfotd stieeU. On Wednesday, 14th inst., William Siiaw, trunk manu- facturer, nged 4(t years. Ilisfiiends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, on this (Thursday) afternoon, at o o'clock, lrom his late residence, No le»o Eighteenth st near Bth avenue, without further ihvitatiou. Suddenly, on W ednesday, 16th inst., John Cummins*, a native of Wigtanshire, Scotland. Ilis friends and acquaintances, and the relations of the family, are respectfully nvitcd to attend his funeral, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock, from No. 5 Bank, street ; also the members of Tompkins Lodge No. 9 I. O. O. F. On Wednesday evening, 16th inst., of convulsions, Krcdbrick Augustus Booth, aged 18 months and J1 days, youngest child of Samuel and Emily C. Booth. On Tuesday, lMhinst, William Robertson, late of Scotland, in the fiOth year of his age. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to at¬ tend the funeral from his late residence, 67 Tillary street, Brooklyn, this (Thursday) forenoon, at 10 o'clock. MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) July IS. 1845. S FOR good and sufficient reasons shown to me, I hereby re¬ quest that the use of the str**et wash-rs att<ched to the Croton water pipes, be eutirely discontinued for the week end¬ ing Thursday. 21th lust., and 1 diiect that tt all times the use of (ire hydrants for any purposes except the extinguishment of lires, must he discontinued, save when special permission is given in writing by the Croton Aqueduct Bo<rd. The penalty for opening fire hydrauts is 25 dollars for each offence, and the policemen are directed to be diligent and prevent the infraction of the law, and arrest any and every Ifrson who after being warned shall continue to violate it. juH It re W. F. llAVF.MKVF.R Mayor. GALVANIC UKIi I's, B A N D S AND BRACELE TS. DR. CRISTIE, believing that the simplest application of his discovery, the GALVANIC RINGS have been suf- ticiently long before the public to give a fair test of their effi¬ cacy, and numerous commendatory testimonials liaviug been ilready received frum persons of tie highest character and in¬ telligence, he deems it a proper time to introduce a more ex¬ tended apnlic tion of his invention, by means of the G AV AN- !C BELTS, BANDS uid BRACELETS. For several weeks past these articles have been in the hands of some of the first physicians of New V ork , who k indly pr< mis d a fair trial of them in their prictice Dr. Cristie feels much pleat-are in be- ing able to state that, in a majority of cases, they li ive been up- proved, and he doubts not that, by perseverance. llle e will be no exception t . their benefit iu any ca»e. In some complaints of a very severe character, and of long sta"ding, the power h- tained by the Galvanic Rings is not sufficient to arte -t the pro¬ gress of disease, and ultim tely io restore heal'h. The im¬ proved modificati n iu the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Sic.. en¬ tirely remedies this < bjectjon. Any degree of power that is required can readilv be obtained, and no disease which the. mys¬ terious agent ofGalvanisin can effect, will f il to be permanent¬ ly relieved. The application of the Belts, Bands a d Bracelets is as safe, as sistptK, and as certain as that attending the G d- va ic Rings. They can be adapted with perfect convenience to tile wrist, arms, waist, limbs, ankles, or any part of the body, and when worn rsund the neck, are confidently recommended as an infallible preventive of Apoplexy. No unpleasant feeling whatever attends their constant use, and the most delicate fe¬ male can wear them without the slightest discomfort. They i<re made like the Rings, of various patterns, and of different pri' e«i, according to the mode of finish and ornament. Dr. Cristie has thus far calmly submitted to the only VALID objection which scientific persons and others have made against the merit of his inventi >u. namely, "want of sufficient power." He now gives them a power which he believes will lie found More than " sufficient,'' and will as calmly and us pa¬ tiently wait for Other objections, which he trusts to he able as effectually to remedy. It is almost needless to state that, in all rases iu which the Galvanic Rings are rec mmended, the Bells, Bunds and Bracelets are applicable precisely to the same. The only difference consists iu an increased certainty of beneficial effect, by means of a greatly increased p wer of galvanism. The magnetic fluid is necessarily used in the same manner as with the Kings. For all further anil requisite particulars, r-'IVr- ence is made to the advertisement in another cnlumn. Dr Cris¬ tie must still warn the public to beware of irtlRloi'l imita- Tiens. Tlw Galvanic Belts, Bauds and Bracelets will probably '.e counterfeited,as have been the Galvanic Rings. Thrresou re of the public is to apply at the only agency in the city, "134 Fl'Ltqw street, (Siiii Building.),^! jy 1" at*rrc A PRIVATE FAMILY, having more room than they wish -.Tk to occupy, are desirous of letting two or three neatly Furnished Rooms, with Closets and Fireplaces, or Grate Single gentlemen preferred. Enquire at 412 Broadway. Ri ferences exchanged. jul7 3t*rc STANDARD MAPS, ATLASES, &c. HS. TANNER, Ne. 237 Broadway, opposite the Park, . has just completed new and greatly improved editions of the following works : Man of ihe World oil the Globular Projection, 6 feet in length and 4 feet high, price S8, mounted on rollers and var¬ nished. Maps of Europe, Asia and Africa, each S feet long, and 4 feet high, price, on rollers and varnished $6 each. M«p of Nirth America, with all the receut discoveries and exhibiting Oregon and Texas, in connection with the United States, Mexico and the British possessions, feet long and 4 feet hi([h, price $.>. Mapot the United States, with the adjoining British and Mexican possessions, 6 feet long and 4>* leet high, price £t>. with a consulting Index. This Map embraces nearly the wh lr of Texa s and Oregon, and contains highly finished plans of all the principal cities of America. A n^w general Atlas of CI sheets, comp eheuding Maps of every country ill the world, ai d one of each of the United States; imperial (junto, price $7. Atlas Classica, consisting of J3 Maps and Chronogeneolo- iriciil Tables : a moat valuable work lor C'ergy men and Students of Divinity : imperial quarto, price $7. These At¬ lases are so arranged as to admit of binding together, and ihus forming one of the most complete nd nselul works o' re I'ere 'j ce on ancient a,id modem geography and history ex taut. Also, State Ma|is on rollers and in pocket form of every va¬ riety and price; Guide Books, Globes, itc., Sic. !£/"" The Boston Daily Advertiser, Baltimore American, National Intelligencer, Washington, D. C-, «ud Charlsto. ('ourier. will please insert the above three times and forward their bills to H S. TANNER, ju 17 lt»rc 237 Broadway, New York. "SHOE THREADS. 'THE Subscribers, having the Agency of oue of the be't A Factories in this country, are now prepared to delivei the in in Bale at Factory prices and t»rmi. CEBRA & CUMING, ju!7 lt*ec 106 Pearl street. Tor sale! ~ 'PHE Stock and Fixtures of the Apollo Dining and Coffee A Saloon, M Cedar >tieet, doing a fair business, and consi¬ dered to be a first rate stand. The Proprietor being m bad health it w ill be sold at Auction on the 24th it 10 o,c oc!i, if not previously disposed of. SIMON GREEN. jul7 It*rc TEETH ! TEETH ! ! TEETH ! ! ! UNPRECEDENTED RFDUCTION IN DENTISTR Y. \ T the old establishment, 62 East^ Broadway, where can be ¦la- had fr.nn one to a whole set of Teeth insetted on the inost reasonable terms. Superior Teeth inserted from 75 cents to $3 00 Teeth Filled from 50 cents to. 1 00 Teeth Mounted for other Dentists, hv N. TAVLOR, j 17 lin'rc Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. ESTABLISHED 1822. PETER ROSE, CUTLER, AND MANU FAC¬ TE RER OF SURGICAL .1ND DENTAL ISSTRUMENTT, No. 412 Buosdway, neah Canal Street, New Yohk. PR. would respectfully call the attention of Physicians, . Surgeons, Dentists, and Country Merchants, to nis gene¬ ral assortment of instruments,and Cutlery of the most approved I attems, which he will warrant not to be surpassed in i|Ualit\ or workmanship by any manufactured iu this country or im¬ ported. P. II. trusts that his long and practical experience in the busi less (h iving been engaged in tt since 1822. ) will be a sufficient guarantee to purchasers that all orders will be faithfully and promptly attended te. Surgical and Dental Histraiueiits. R- /.ors. She <rs, Scissors. Penknives, Sto., ground, set, and repaii- ed with grest care and despatch jut ' 3w*ec GOTHIC C11URC4ES. COLORED GLASS, MOSAICS, &c. rpiE U"dersigned being the Agent of a I irge Colored Glass JL Manufactory in France, will furnish the best qualities o: colored Glass t much lower prices ban they have been sold to thisdiy. Church Wirdows can be hsd ready mounted, wit;, i ly Pattern of Mosaic made according to models, <-i copied on the finest Gothic Mo-iumentsin Europe. He wil contract for the comi'lete Glass Furniture of auv I liurcli. Ap¬ ply to C. CAVOUET, jnlii Imeod'rh No. 8 South William Mreef. PACKET SHIP L1VETI TOOL.From Liverpool -Con- signees per this vessel will please send th»-ir permits on board, west side of Burling SI p. All goods not permitted vs ith in 5 days are liable to he sent to the Public Stores. ju 16 rc ARTIFICIAL EYbS MADE and Inserted by Dr J. ORAY, No. Ill Bowery. N York, theouly maker of the HUMAN ARI'IKH I AT EV E in the United States. Any person that wishes to be wel suited should always apply to the Maker, who has been in tlx Art Forty Years. jn 16 lm*rc FOR SALfc. A SORREL HORSE, 16 hinds high. S vesrs old. a line, bold, and fast traveller; of great endurance; wo»ld he a v tin ihle llorse for a Family Wagon or Physician. He is |er- fectly kind and gentle iu Harness ml ii> der the saddle. War- ruled in every respect. Price (We. Can be seeu at Disbrow Riding school, 481 Bowery. jn|g st»rc galvanized iron and tin. / I ALVAN1ZED SHEET IRON AND TIN, a very su- penorarticle, warranted not to rust. Also, Tin Piste. Shee- Iron, Rnsji* Hheet Iron, Sheet Copper, /inc, Scotch and Amet rican Pic Iron, for »ale bv CAM fc WARD, mrll 1m»ee V. Tt Rroail street TO THE PUBLIC. ( NOTICE THE PUBLIC that Doctor JOSEPH HEINE, I No.XiDITANF. STREET, is my SON.wss not AliSA- I OM. DAVID'S SON! See Booa Samuel. SOLOMON HEINE. M. D. )e 1 2m*ee No « H>s.ly.tre», Nf,w York IK f.STHER COHEN, who loriiicriy lived with .virs Hughes. Boarding-housekeeper, Union street, Liverpool- left England about niue years ago to life in New York.will write to h?r lather. No. 14 New Bailey itreet, B&lford.Manehcs u r, in Knclnnd, the will hear ¦ometliiug (freatly toheradran lirr# nv'O ?rr» MILITARY /. ijOl r Alt. N / > II. J. STORMS, 31 FULTON -1 R E K T, HAH constantly on hand, a l°<i!l a-- i-m nl of and Horse Equipments, accorflii y to the I'uited S.rtes and State regulation. Also, a variel) ol Saddles, Until m, Harness, 'I'ninks, Valises, kc. fcc. Horse Eqaipmeats of every style, made to order jelt lin'm j J EMP 10 tons first quality water rot Hi tup, a verv sni»- . I 'i- r trticit' , a«d Well cleaned. Also 10 tons d,v rot, just ¦eceived and for sale by jyd E. K. COLLINS It CO. M Sooth it, L VY O^ On Tnridav Atlcruoo.i, between th* iouth FmT in. U I'»th nt Klatliiish. L. I., a lug cuiruiuiiig Children '% i tlnug. The Km!#r will confer a I T r upou the Coaciimau >vho lot! it, and will be suitably rtwtnlrd by returning it to * Vj 'I'll d \v«'iiuu, or at the bar ol btu.ieall s H«>t. I frultou .treet. New York. F. BL'TLEH. J ii 17 li'ec Wr ANTED. A situation Chambermaid, Waiter and Ham Sewing. by a respectable young woman. Can have t ie brat of city releieuc>!. Piease apply at 88 Mulberry street, tlie rear. JulT 'it'ec J A N'TED. A situ tion Por'er ir> a Store, by « young in'rrieil man. A lina add. ei*ed W. Jones, V Talluian -tieit, Brooklyn, vtill meet Willi iuiu»e<Jiist« attention. in 7 mV ivi u o 1 U . VLADY. who ha* a thorough knowledge of Music, being t-iugbt by the fmt masters in Europe, and feeling her.ell fully competent to instruct ill that accomplishment. would wiali to drv.i teller time to the instruction of young ludieir on mode¬ rate terms. A note addrt RAed to A. B. C., at the office of tins piper, shall he punctually attended t«j>. Je28 lin*rc WANTED.. -A few active, intelligent men, to act asajceni* lor the sale of new and popular Publications, iu different part* of the country $:t(K> per year aver their board will be insured them iu writing, with an opportunity of clearing $1000 per year, and more if they are active Some men, now in our -tnploy, w ill no doubt make ever $1000 tier year, clear of all ex¬ pense*, and there is about half a doien places open, which must lie tilled : each man will have his district, -nd it will be neces¬ sary for tliem to have at least $26 or $60. to obtain a good fitting "ut. None need apply unless iie ha* that utnwunt, for it is our object to get tliem started in such a manner as will be benefi¬ cial to them, as well as to u*. Apply at 95 Duane street. Letters uust be post paid. jelS lin'rh LASTS, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CONST \NTLY on hand an assortment of Baltimore and Philadelphia Light Oak Leather. Philadelphia Morocco, and Finding* of all kinds. Lasts ni tde to any pattern. iV B A first rate lot of.Mr. O. Macheu's Philadelphia Rasps for sale M 2U.i Spring street, near Washington street, N York. jul3 ltn'rc WARHFN 8. WJ' Kl-'V AGNES, OR THE POWER OF LOVE, A Tale of Miwmri, By Stephen Stubba, Esq PUBLISHED this day. at FRENCH'S Publishing Hall, No. Broadway, ai.d for sale at all the Periodical De¬ pots . Pitce 12^ cents. jeX 1m* FOR SALE OR TO LET, AT the Nine .Mile Stone Kiugsbridge Ro.d, 4 handsome Collages, two of which contain 14 to mi, with kitchen and c. liar piazzas, fiont and rear, with Ice and Coachhouses attached. The other two contains Nine Rooms, with Mai hie Mantles, Grates, ke., complete. Also, a laqge Stone Huse at II mile Stone Fort, Washington, cuutaiuii.g :0 rooms, 2 kiich ens, w ith coach house and other ue'essary buildings, all finish¬ ed in the best manner, with 6 acres of ground attached. The view from each is varied and extensve, embracing river and mountain scenery: and in point of health, will viewi'.hauy other aituatiou in the vicinity of New York. Apply to K. F. CARMAN, GtftBro.dway, Or at the Store on liitli st., King»bridge Road. juIJ 2w*ec CUSTOM HOUSE7NEVV YORK, i Collector's OHiee, Jul Ii, 1815. j IN accordance with Treasury instructions, notice is hereby given that a public site of ''unclaimed Goods," and goods upon which the importer, consignee, or agent, his failed or ne¬ glected to pay duties on completion of the entry, and which goods have now remained in public store sixty' days, (or ninety days if imported from beyond the Cape of Good Hoik-,) w II take place at the auction room ol HENRY L. VAN VvVcK, 22 Kichange PI ce.nt 10 o'cloc* on Monday morning, the llh August, proximo. C. VV. LAWRENCE, Collector, jii IS itec ALEXANDER'S T R 1 UobA P H E Anew and in valuable discovery, being a ii quid Dye, which instantaneously changes the color of the liair to a beautiful brown or black without injury to the hai or skin. The great superiority of this dye consists iu its easy mode of application and instantaneous elTect.all other dyes requiring from t>-ii to twelve hour* to produce any change. Its superior excellence will be apparent fo every one upon a single application. Extract from the " Philadelphia Daily Sun." Alkxajvdrh'i Tbicobafhk..The effect of the above on the hair is truly as¬ tonishing. It was tried yesterday in our office, and the change from grav to black tv .is iisantaneous. For sale by Kushton U Co, druggists, 110 Broadway! 10 Ae- tor House and KS6 Broadway; comer of 14»h »treet; Asjun- wall, Sti Willi. iM) strei t ^ Johnson, Moore *». Taylor, 81 Maiden 1 sue i J. W. Wright & Co. 2 Cedar street; and of the priucipal druggis's throughout the United Stales, or of sole agents. R. (ii G. A. WRIGHT, 2j South Fourth stieet, jy8 lm*in. Philadelphia. PIAJSU-FORTES FOR U1HE, AT 411 BROADWAY, (UP STAIRS.) DWALKKR ha* constantly on liand ui extensive assort- . tneut of elegant Rosewood and Mahogany Pianofortes of every description, including Grands and Cabinet*, which are loaned on lure at the above establishment, or at his manu¬ factory, No. 40 West 14th street, near the Gth avenue. Also, New Pianos for sale, with all the modern improve¬ ment!, warranted equal to any iu the Uuited State*. je!3 lm*rrc ULD GOLD AND SILVER. SILVER Gilt Epaulets, Book Binder's Ragt and Silver Smith's Stoniugt bought, by A. BARNAltD. No. 2 Wall street. Melter and Asiayer of Aletals. Jeweler's Sweepings purchased by assay. Fine (sold and Rolled Silver, for plating, constantly on hand, at office Na 2 M'..|l«freet. Work? IW I.Knrini* str :ef. i ?") I PAINTINGS FOR SALE. A TOW FINK OLu PA< NTING.S, comprising Scriptural iv nud Historical subjects, Landscapes, St<:., amongst tliein a tienuine luterior by Teniers; a < lepatre by Suteriuiiis. anil a Alagda'en "y Ouercino, &c., See. Aiay be seen daily ('nun 9 till 3 o'clock, at 91 Liberty street. jv4 ln:*rc SUMMER GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAK. WE have (till on hand a large assortment of seasonable goods, comprising cloths of particularly light fabrics fo Dress and Frock Coats; Drillings, Nankin, and single mill ed Cassimers for Pantaloons: Chally and Marseilles Vesting in great variety, which will be made up to order at a deductif from our usual moderate prices, in view of the advanced stat of the season. WM. T. JENNINGS U CO., Drapers and Tailors, jn3 Imisrc 231 Broadway, American Hotel. MUSIC. UKMOVED to No. 65 Franklin street, one door Kast of 11 roadway, M. DUM8DAY, Professor of the Guitar, ring¬ ing, Accordeou, and Violin, continues to teach Ladies and Gen¬ ii, men of New Vork the above fashionable instruments,tie., in a comparative short time, by his new Analysing and Inductive S ystcm. Terms reasonable. M. D. will go, as usual, to the residences of his pupils to any part ol the city, by the stages. Satisfactory city and other re¬ ferences given ou application at No. 66 Franklin stiect. jy9 lm*m TUITION. V FRENCH GENTLEMAN, a graduate ol the University ot Paris, is desirous of finding in some school or private fa- mily, a situation as instructor . through the means of the Kuli-h, which lie siwaks tluently, orofthe French and German languages, equally his own, ill any of the different brauches o a orongh andliberal education, aiidalsodrawiug and painting o ei er landscapes, heads or llowers. Tile best reierences c ui be had) and his name and residence ¦ s«wi!, by applying to the Rev A. Verren^ Rector of the K ranch Protestant Church of this city. No. 99 Hranklin »tre*t. in 4 l»n*re SECOND HAND CLOTHING AND FUR- NITURE WANTED. \ ND the highest price given for all kinds of cast off clothing ±"V aiul good second baud furniture. Persons wishing to dis¬ pose of the same, will do well to call on the sul'scriber, or ad¬ dress a line through the Post Office, winch will be punctually attended to. B. LEVY, 49K Chatham street, New York. N. B.. Constantly on hand, a seasonable assortment of g»*u- tlemen'a clothing, cheap for eaah. mv29 lm'rc NEIV EMBROIDERIES OETER ROBERTS respectfully calls the attention of his I friends and the public to some splendid goods of the above description, received by recent r.rrivals, which, being iim»orted direct from the European, maiiufactories, will be sold at a trifling advance on the original cost He would also call atten¬ tion toseveral lots purchased at auction, atau iminensesacrifice, which will be found well deserving an early ins|*-ction. The lollowing are very desirable, being 24 per cent under the usual retail prices. High-neck Chemisetts, richlywnLroidered, from 14« to S3.50 worth S2.25 to $5,'i0. 500 Kmbroidered Collars, finished edges, for 8s., usual price !0s 6d. 130 Embroidered Capes, at S3, nsnal price $5. 50 do do very rich, from $6 to *10. 200 prs Embroidered Under Sleeves, from 4a to $3.50 1 case Embroidered Dresses, from $S upwards. 500 doz Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs, from fid. 50 do do extra large size, for gentlemen's use 45 do do hemstich do, from 3s 6d. 30 do do Rivierd borders. A choice assortment of rich embroidered Handkerchiefs. « Inch are offered unusually cheap. 5 cases of various styles of Swiss and French Muslins, in i'ri|*s, plaids, figures. Sic. Ike. A lot new Muslin 'I rimmiugs, Laces, Veils, Hosiery, Gloves, Mc. 8u\, all of which will be sold decided bargains. mv3l lm'rc No. Tn BRO IDWA V. ('(.MIC A LM AN AOS FOR IMMi, FOUR KINDS |WEW8 agents, cheap iwhlication depots, booksellers, and As the public generally, are hereby notified of the annua) appearance of onr Comic Almanacs, rejdete with fun and tine engravings extracted with care from the laughing volume of inure. Fjsher's Comic, Turner's Comic, Crockett's Go a Head Comic, nnd De Darkies Comic, those on the spot will call, look, laugh, and buy ; those at a distance will order, or send lor samples. Always on sale the greatest variety and qmntity of Children*' Books, colored ami plain; Song Books, colored prints, &c. lie. in the country; catalogues on applica¬ tion. Show Bills of all kinds given to dealers. We sell low, very low, for cash, and do fall justice to all orders, in time, kinds, quantity, and price. TURNER fc FI8HEH, iel4 lm'rc 74 Chatham street OFFICE OF JEFFERSON INSUliANCE OU.,t No. 50 Wall street, opposite the Exchanre. » t^HIS COMPANY continue to insure against loss and d < huge by fire on goods, wares and merchandise, and also igainst loas by iuland navigation on vessels and their cargoes, dTrectors. Thomas W. Thorny Eliaha Riggs, Thomas T. Wijydbuff, Anson Baker, U R. Robson, WTd., Joseph Drake, Thomson Price, Joseph Allen, Moses Tucker, James E. Holme*, John R. Davison, John P Moore, John II. Lee, Wra. K. Thorn, Caleb C. Tunis, Thomas Morrell, Francis P. Sage, Eugent Rognrt, John C. Merritt, Robert Smith. THOMAS W. THORNE, President. Gbobhk T. Hope, Srcretsry a5 re ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. NEWLY INVENTED ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER Warranted the most perfect article of the kind ever inven¬ ted. It has been in use for some time, and approved of b\ all medical men who have examined it, and pronounced by tliem the best article of the kind ever offered to the public. The af¬ flicted are requested to call and examine lor themselves. The inventor has put them down to the low price of One Dollar. To I'o had only of Madame Osscar, 21 Murray street. New York This Article can be sent to any part <rf the United States, bj Mail. Persons at a distance can have them sent, by addresring w'above. post paid. Jo2l lm'rc r* PIRCE'S First Premium new Patent two Oven Kangts '. combining economy, convenience and durability. These Ranges are warranted superior to any everoffered They are so constructed that it is almost impossible for tliein fo get out of order, or for the plates to crack, so common to all other Ranges They have been in use for the last II months, and in every in¬ stance giveu the utmost satisfaction, nnd iu uo one instance has the proprietor been called on to repair one. All Ranges put iin by the subscriber sTe warranted to give en¬ tire satisfaction; if they do not, they will be taken away without t !ie least expense to the purchaser. GEORGE PIRCE, Proprietor, in29 lm*m 292 Bmadwav. A PORTER. ALE AND CIDER JOHN J. STAFF'S BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. J ANN STREET, next door to the American Mnsenm, returns Ins sincere thanks to bis friends and the public i . nerally, for the very liberal share of patronage already re¬ lived. and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a con- t nuance. -un .. . ^ ^ FIRST QUALITY- ,. Ptnladeliihw Porter Newark ('ider, < -roton A'e, London Brown 8tout, , and Scotch Ale tirilen tor chirring attended to with despatch. tnhll ee OTl I E. -British Barque Ann Harlty, from Glasgow . Ml person* are hereby c lutioned against trusting all) of f e crew ot tills vessel, as uo debts of their contracting will be I imdated by the captain or consignee* it ALCTIUN NOTICES. A UCTION NOTICE B«nj imi» Sfuon.y h ill an TT.i. at 10 o cluck, at faj John street, tin assortment of goods insisting of Scoops .i.J uthi-r Sin. vela. Also, a lot ofgimda to . »t.|d on a former pure' taaei'a »c- iuiit. 1 Gold Lover Watch; 1 Silver Jo; lut Fancy (Jood», Sic. Alto. a lot ol Hoe Shanks aud h'errel.. Also, the Tool* of a Britannia Spoon Maker, such as would. ¦i.c. Sic. Also, At U o'clock, 3 Gold Watchea, ou accouut of whom it UMV COUC'TIl Alao, at 11 o'clock, iuO Bruasella Carpet Bag*, and 100 Satchiu. Alao, 12 dot. Scarfs, 2aetta China, and 2U Toilet Setts j u 17 HVc By K. t. AARON, ' Hardware, Auction and Cunmitrion Merchant. Store No. 91 Maiden Lane. rrMI8 DAY, Thursd iy, July 17, at the auction room, Pack- 1- ..,'e Sile of Hardware Cutlery, Fancv Ooods, Sic., on a credit of aii luoutha, for approved endorsed notes for all aumi of $ 100 and over, mid under (100 cash without discount. 2.*) packages and lota ol Birmingham and Sheffield Hardware and Cutlery, German, Krench and American staple and fancy gooda. AI'O, 200 dot. Table and Uesaert Knives and Korka, Carvers, Butcher and Shoe Knives, Sc. Alan, J00 doz. Congress, Pruning, Southern, WharucliiTe, Norfolk, and other lien and pocket Kuiv -a, Razors, Sensors, Sham, Sc. Alao. hand, panm-1 and back Sawa, Bracea and Bitta, &c.. See. Catalogues and Samples are now ready. J ia 17 lt*rc IMPORTANT TO THOSE WHO SUFFER from the heat. 'FMIE languor and ^nrial relaxation of the system. resulting A from the copious perspiratiou to which the b< dv ia subject- e<l in this wentiier, is moat beneficially counteracted by the u.e of i hi* celebrate*! Swiss beverage, EXTRA IT U'AB- 8Y NTH, ( Kati ict of Wormwood,) whoae Jiroperoes are to give tone to the Ktomach, and to infuae a refreshing vigor throughout the body. Can be procured, with directions and full tiarticulara, of \V. J. PKRHIN, julJ2t*ec 26 South William street. nih CELEBRATED i'ATE D'AMA-N Uhs. ORGKAT PASTE dissolved io water Prove* a very eicel- lent, pleasant an d healthy summer drink ; it can be bad at tlie following places J. Milhati, No. 1H3 Bro dway; J. K. Chilton, 263 Broadway: A. B. Sand & Co., 273 Broadway; Oass- ner & Young, I J2 Chatham street: W. R. Ballagh, eor. Cham¬ bers and Chatham streets; P Merkle, 383 (brand street; W. Kir- lyr, cor. Division and Clinton streets; Moore, Leut at Co.. 193 Front street, ai d at the manufactory, 139 Attorney st; W. For- tenbach, 11 Hudson st.; J Ik J Coddington, 203 Hudsou, corner Spring st.; J. W. Bassett, 644 Broadway; Collin* & Co., 461 ( fraiuist reef ; Dr. H^rg^nt corner 8tli street and 3d avenue; John L. ShefRin, 114 Canal street; A. (J. Levy. 202 Delancy street ; Kushton fit Co. 110 ftroedway ; Brooklyn, Jas. W. Smilh, cor¬ ner of Fulton and Cranberry streets. ju3 lin*rc IMPORTANT NOTlCt, TO DA QUE RREOTYPE ARTISTS. npHK undersigned have made application to get Lftltri fatml I. for their new procraa to color Daguerreotyp. Picture.. This process producea an effect not known before, and changes the appearance of the D iguerreotyiie to that of the fluent inint- ing. Tlii* cuJniing process ia done by nature ltaelf. guided only by tlie hjid of tlie operator, and machinery. It can be naformed by every one not skilled in the art ol painting, ai d will be per- Irctly understood at one glance. It alao canoe com municated ia writing, without difficulty. Artists wishing to procure the Patent right for a City 01 County, cao make pre-«jigagenients therefore, by addreaamg (postpaid) to W. it F. LANOENHK1M, lyS Im *rc Ktchang*. Philadelphia OEM TiST RY. V ALU AKLE LU SCO VERY. PRESKRVK YOUK TF.KTH. WII Y will yon uulfer with the toothache, when by calling on Dr. I' \1 OK. 139 (fraud street, near Broadway, you can have it effectually and entirely cured. He has au entire new preparation, that will cure it in a few aiinutea without pain or inconvenience, aothat it may be filled, makinif it a valu¬ able tooth for r.l'e, thereby obviating the pain and d oiper of ha¬ ving it extracted. It ia certainly one of the greatest diacoveriea of toe .tge,jaid never faila of the desired effect The moat ten¬ der teeth tilled without any uiiplraaaiit actuation. Artilicia teeth inserted in the moat approved manner. je7 Im'ec VoIGTEA K.MH-.li S DAGUE K K KOTYPE APPARATUS. A RRANOBMKNTS recently mnde with their brother-in- - a law Mr. Voishtlaender. Vienna, enable the auhacribera to .ell those Aj'paratua at reduced rates, viz: . l.arge t aize A|ip iratn», with three inch lenses for full aixe plati-a. .it $!4V Medium size Apparatus, with two inch lenaea for halfsize plates, nt $;R. Small aize Aptiantna, with oue-aud-a-half inch lenaea, lor quarter size plates at $30. (ientlemen sending remittances in accordance with the above pr ces, niav depend upon receiving the iteuuiue Voigt. laeuder Api«ratus, and not a worth'eaa imitated article, they having procured the sole agency for the United States. Plates and Chemical of their own importation, as well »a all other articles connected with their art. for sale at the lowest market prices. W. A F. LANOr.NHEIM. ' hilaoelphia Exchange. Refertiug to the above advertisement, the subscribers inform the L)agu. rrian Artists in general, that the above Apparatus and other materials en be procu -ed at the stated prices, at their Attelier, No. 201 Broadway, New Yoik jv3 lm*rc LANOKNHRIM & BECKERS. I) gio rrean NOTICE. MR. CLARKE is desirous of supplying the public in town and country with the best of he||>, free of expense, with serv ants of good character, both protestants and others, white and colored lie Hatters himself that by doing so. he is bene¬ fitting all those in want of employment, and is iu hopes of that patronage, which such an undertrikiug merits. His office is 95)* Du.ine street, and fitted up for the accommodation of all in want of employment. Call at 95% Dunne strei t. j.-gl) Im'in /"kTIS FIELD respectfully informs his friends and the public V/ that he has arrived iu the city and t ikeu quarters at the Uni¬ ted States Hotel, his entrance through the bar, or 196 Water street; where he has a number of Bassford's improved Billiard Tables, on sale or for playing, and will be happy to have them tried, rl is bar is well stocked with materials for m iking Sherry l'nliHt«n, Whits hians, Sir j»»#i Im'rr STH IKER'S SOLUTION FOR Tilt HAIR. WHICH will ch»nge grey hair to its original color in a few minutes. This solution is different from any yet offered and cannot fail of superceding nil others Those who doubt its virtues, are requested to have their hair changed before paying their muney. If humbugs would take this method there would be no reason to complain. Notie genuine unless signed H. Striker, in red ink. The Solution cm be forwarded by Harndeu's Express to auy pvrt of the world. One trial will prove the fact. Sold wholesale and retail and applied at No. 5 Chatham street, opposite the Hall of Record .New York, up stairs. ju4lm'- THE INVISIBLE WIG SO closely resembles the real head of hair that sceptics and connoisseurs have prouounced it the most perfect and extra- wrdinary invention of tne day. The great advan t ages of this no- Vi I and unique « ig is its being m ide without sew ing or weaving which c luses its ap|»eiraiices so closely to resemble the natural hair, both iu lightness ami natural appearance, as to defy detec¬ tion, its texture being so beautiful, so porous and so free, that in all canes of inspiration evaporation is m:imi>eded and the great n-ils of other wigs entirely avoided. The sceptic and connois¬ seur are alike invited to inspect this novel ana beautiful Wig. ¦:nd the peculiar method of fitting the liead.at the manufacturer's, A..C. BARRY, 146 Uroadv/ay, corner of Liberty street, up stairs. jnl lm*ee SUM L.THlNi r N KW AN U U I, AFTER long endeavor*, the undersigned has succeeded in introducing to the people of the United States an article they have long needed. It is in the shape of a Taste, called PATES D'A vlANDKS. (Orgeat Paste,) while it. combines a healthy and pjeaaant drink for the Summer. While It promi¬ ses these qualities it is at the same time useful in removing Heartburn and Sour Stomach, and is a capital drink fordiseases of the chest. Its couii oneut parts are very innocent and it can be recommended to fem ile< in all stages of life; good for wet nurses, and can be u led at sea « a substitute for milk. Prepared and sold for the Proprietor by L. Joachiinssen, No. 129 Attorney street. je2f lin'rc EE8WAX.1 cask Beeswax, of very superior quality, forsnle by E. K. COLLINS k CO. 16 South street. B N E W A K K A N( i E M E N T.FA K E K E I >1 G E ). INDEPENDENT LINE FOR NEWPORT, PRO¬ VIDENCE AND BOSTON.DIRECT. THREE TIMES A WEEK EACH WAT. The staunch and favoriie st'.nnLoat TELKORAPH, Capt. Wiswall, leaves New York, Pier No. 3, North Hiver, every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday-, it 5 P. M., arriving >u Provi- uence in time for the Morning Train of Cars for Boston. Taun- ton, New Bedford, Fall River, Sic., aud also conne ts with th" steamboats iiiniiing east, on the Kennebec and PenohsceV I Rivers. Returning, will leave Providence for Newport and New Y.rk, on Monday Wednesday and Friday, at 51, o'clock, P. M. on the arrival of the mail train of cars from Boston. 1- .ie from New York to Boston, cabin SI 7i " " " deck passengers. 1 s7Jj " to New|«>rt and Proviilence, cabin 7A " " " d;ck passe igers iO Freight from New York to New Port and Providence Jc. per foot, Enquire on bosrd, at 19 West street, or at the Office, 100 BrOffl street. All persons are forbid trusting this Boat on any account whatever. jn 17 It'm MAIL LINE FOR BOSTON. DAILY OVER THE LONG 1SLA<NJJ RAIL KOAD, VIA S'E W LONDON, NORWICH 4 WORCESTER. At n o'clock in the Momii'g, from the Foot of Whitehall street, South Ferrj. Sundays excepted W y Cr ies are in readiness to receive baggage for New London, Norwich aud Worcester. Bigg ge foi Boston goe lliroiuli u. der lock j"l6 tf rc FoIF~Nt-J IVPORT AND I'RuVllt K NLE. On .ViOHdays, Wednead ys and liiiliyt, oser the Long I- land Rail Road to Oreenporl, th*nce to Newport and Provi¬ dence in a splendid and commodious Sound Steamer. This Line leaves at f) o'clock in the Moruii.g, from the Foot of Wnitehtll street, South Ferry. )n!6tfrc CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO THE FISHING BANKS OFF SANDY HOOK FARE 1 8*4 CENTS EACH WAY THf. new and fast Ste.nnhoat BUFFALO Capt. J. W. Hancox, will make Excursions ... durilig the seiaon every Monday. Weiluesilay, ii'l Sund 'jr. leaving Hammond street at 8 o'clock; Canal, H" 1 el uicey and Pike sis., E. R U; 1'ier No. I, N R.,(i'« o'clock On the return passengers will belauded at Coney island, and one hour allowed for Bathing. All kinds of Refreshments on board. Bait at coat, ju 17 2w*ec __ EXCURSION TO THE FISHING BANKS. St ainrr R. L. STEVENS, Captain R. L 'MaHey, will make an excursion to the Fishing .Bank* every Tut sdty, Thursday and Friday, (luring the season, h aving Hammond street at 8K o'clock, A. M. i nial street at ll'i; Del \ncy street, E»*t Ktvei, at 9. and Pier No. I N R.,at»s o'clock. returning to the city in good sea¬ son. A fine Hand of Mnsic is engaged. Bait furnished gratis; and lines at a small charge. Fare 40 cents. jnH lwis'rh for Marseilles. Packet of ut August. ? The superior ship AWNES, Capt. \Vethered, will ¦take the place ol llie new ship Nebraska, not ready, the 1st August. For freight or passage, apply to CHAMBERLAIN k PHELPS, or to "jul7rc BOYl) It HINCKEN, Agents. NEW LINE 01' PACKETS FOR LIVERPOOL .Positively first shin and only regular Packet of 21st ilnlv.Tlie splendid anil favorite packet ship HOT- i'lNtil ER, linn tons burthen, Capt lta Bursley, will sail .in Monday, July 21, her regular day. The ships «f this line being all 000 tonsand upwards, persons bout to embark for the Old Country will not fail to see the advantages to lie derivrd from "electing this line in preference ii any other, as their great capacity renders them every way more comfortable and convenient than ships of a small class, out their accommodations for cabin, second cabin, aud steerage ..eng rs, it is well known, are superior to those of anv other li e of packets. Persons wishing to secure berths should not I ir k- e irh applicatiou on board, foot ol Wall stlvet. or w. it j. t. TAPScorr, 76 Sooth street, corner of Maiden Lane, jyl tre UP Stairs. AMUSEMENTS. CAI1K THE VI'HE. F II K A C H O I' E It A Thuraslay Kvfiilnc, July 17<h, Will lie produced for the tirst t:tne in this City, C AP1TAINE CHARLOTTE harlotte, .Mm*. Cceuriot Countess, M'me. Richer aria Franeitca, .Mile Eugenie L- on, M Moutas*iei i'ancredi, Deuouville Count Bellafore, M itln.u ¦' uaji, _ Otemot Officer. Buscher To conc'ude with the Admired Vauderville ol' . LES PklTITE M1SERESDK LA VIE HL'MAINE. ' jrenouillet, ,\1 Matlueu Duhsmel, Barnard '."Ui'diin,:,, Buscher M'me Dilly, M'me Richer Ji'auueliHi M'lle Kugenie. Price of Admission Fir*t Tier of Boxe* and Parqaette, * i\ a,,<' Thud Tiera, 10 cent*; (Mllery, 21 cent*. Doors oj»u a( 7 o clock, aud Ihr t .crtaiu w ill riae preciaely *t .If psst 7 o clock C ASTL.K OA HI>K\. ~ (PJ~ AiimlMhloii vjr» tent* Vjprieti ra. .. .. . Messrs. Kni.cn aui Hciaal . Uraiul Entei tainmeiit ! Extraordinary Exertions utui Surprising Attrac¬ tion*. Pint A/'jitarume of Mr. J IVinam. 'Thui-itititay Kvei.liiu, .Inly 17tl», The performance will commence with .in Overture by the Orchestra to the Sovereign of I yuma. Popular Spanish Dance, Mis* Cohen. < oinic Fight for our Stripes and M tr«, personified by a Kejee Chief and Yankee Tar, by the Masters Wood. Paa dc Madr.d by M^d lie l)e*j trdins, Popular Song by Air. Winona. .C^Iutermiaaou of Half an Hour for Promenade and Refresh¬ ments. The 100 Cosmorain as will lie exhibited. Tablnaxof the First Patricide by Messrs. W. Wood, Matter Wiind. DeunUoii. ana C. T. Parsloe. Hungarian Ball Room Movement by Mad'lle Desjardius. Geriuau Six Part Medley, Mr. Winans, La Smolenska w ill be danced by Mis* Cohi n. jjC^Between the Entertainments an iiitrrmiiaioa of Tec »Jinutea for Promenade aud Refreshments J y Doors op»u «t hsll-p at 6 r 'clock. Pr.rf''f^«n'.« 10 c m- in e uce at (o'clock WIBLU'S UAHBllliV. Firtt Ai>j>earunre of MBS MOWATT, IN ( O.MEDY. Tliurmlny EienliiK, .July 17. The performance to commence with the Overture lo .'La Fiancee."' To be followed by T. bin's Play of the HONEY MOON. Jnliaua, Mr> Mowatt Vobinte, Misa Taylor Zainora, Mrs Walls Hoa'ess, Mrs Deering Oe trude, Miss Roberts Diike Atanzi, Mr Crisp Kolaudo, Mr Da* enpiut Mont albnu, Gal! igher Babhazar, And r»on Jaques, T. PI icide Lampedo, John Sefton Lopez, Chippendale In Act 4th, a Pas de Deux by Misses Celeste ar.d Partington. ll_/"lnler mission of Hull' an Hour«£_^j Ao erti. .out roitce « nl alw.yit in to main t.. in good order and ke-i> all improper person* out {X>- 'l\rkrt* Fifty Ceiilt.-fJi} A limited number of Season Tickets will be disposed of. :u7~ Perlbrraauce to commence at 8 o'clock Doors opea at i.all-paac 7 VAIXHAI.I. UAKUEM »A.I^K»N, BOWKKY. OPEN EVERY EVEN IN* ». RAIN OK SHINE. Admission only (Me Shilling THE COOI. EST S.ILOOX IX THE CITY. Positively iio Free l.i.t, exept to the Press. The following arr ty ol Talent have hee'> engaged for six nights and will appear, in addition to the former Company : Air. w. wii.liams, The renowned Equilibrist and I'ositiouint, will appear iu his liichly 'n'eiestiiiu feats of GRECIAN AND PAHIKI v. GAMES. T. gether with MASTER W. 11 WILLIAMS, The Infantile Positionist. onlv f ur ye rs of age and certainly I a< mo equ il. .Also, M AD.VMOISELLE llOSINA GASCON. From Paris, » charmn g Da o rvs», only '5 years of age. Wednesday f. Veiling. Benefit of !'. ILLY Willi LO« K. Doors open at 7K. Performance to commence at IK- An elficieut Police i attendaiii e, umler otlieers Nrirtin and fli d iu'.'i It* re 111 H'KiD'N 'I HKA'lUK, ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 'l'lxursidny, July 17. The performance will commence vv th the Musical Burletta of NO SONG NO SUPl'ER . Hobiu, Mr S Johnston; End¬ less, Bnrkc; Croii, Steveua; Mirgueretta, Mis* Coad; Doro¬ thy, Mrs W H Smith. After which, the Farce of THE DEVIL TO .'AY-Tob- >on, Mr Bu'ke; liutler, 8tevens; Footmau, Phillip*; Sir John Loverule, Dunn, Lady Luierule, Mrs. Alteiiius; Nel¬ ly. Mrs W H Mnith , , THE ACROBAT FAMILY will appear aud go through their wonderful performance*. . To conclude with the Burletta of MY FRIEND THE GO- VERNOR.The Governor, Mr Allemm ; Peqmllo, Mr Burke; Valverdes, Thayer; lie itrix Mr* Duun. AMERICAN THEAlKE_BOWB.IV. . OKAND DRAMATIC THVAT u.,k o»t' frr'^nr,!"^:,1;,'1"-"'^- (vf"""-ju|)i >$£ .rrr yi<^< ^ahimition. -~IL- WILIJAMSBURG COTTAGE, h/ «.'>. 'other ""artist ^ H«, l?"lT »« k"owB" l /arden. Cadet, Pyrotechnic Artist to the -Saraf.Td"U,t.,fe,'"'"b in/t-L^.Tf"'* ?^c- .w'll,»« on hind for those who with to jui7lt*rrc " Band '. engaged on the occasion. 1 iJK MOST FASH ION AHLt; RESORT IS THE <JPI KNDinfm FIELDS, HOBOKEN. JS ' I ? kihibit oils f rt- e every Afternoon this wf>«»Ir l <. h atifuTOrein" m f^utt/^ C^ll^ade"1 Co?;'0?*', °" '4 itnowlidVe «fdC^'a?e<,f- t,lt' audience with u°s°fu| »-" ikir ..I" A.l r j'i ' *.>«'i*co, the accomplished ',f 111. mi'l ai greatest MaKiri.ui of the nx* A|.. ajnwBemeiit.i with the tW(, o.irl.ers who wrli ?uiif l>» ihemVnVil0^ r .°*{ Ji°l",l,,r Dances rind '.Soups . $uJkR OK THK ra^E\lKNTsilvh' .vtll cinumn re with his Hindoo \V,r^.V Vouujf Francisco » ards of One Hundred A^ThichV' "ft .no.).popular 8o>.K* of the day. In addition !o t& M,' n JUStly cglrl,f't"1 A,"^£r ~~7~ CUEwaFo ~ lilTEKARY SALOON, AND EXHIBITION OP A SJ £U/J PA IX TIN G S , ... v,1,,?; ,.r2 "roadway, New Vork. iVI ^ i .1 ^ ^ Ofe»t nod Siilendid work, b. in** h<« tour ^vint"^11^ ' ",ted htat/'' illnitrared with Kj^hJ Kn' rl* oV" '""?o'.t wMeh^.% ^'NTINQS, AND KNOKA VINOS, TK?P m- Q at &-eatly reduced prices." ulb,'c Sa'e Room II filled with book, of every kind in ch.^i«te'M' ,0 Wh,ch' ",d ,h' '*r'l't 8oom, no up for'tbt-,h" a°°kit0Tr <" *»'» Ror.m, an apartment i. fitted EXHIBITION AND SALE OK OIL PAINTINGS consisting of about rAirtimus, TWO HUNDRED CHOICE PICTURES or its cr.M sfi?z.M",n-t° v" w wh,ch' » »m :" «* w tl . , .. .. heraldry. . ^ .J °f ,nd""d<>als Whose families "riitinated in anv Country hi Euro|>e, traced and splendidly emblazoned on vel dou "Her.*! > rXtM "'l0n' t?dat 0I" third rh® chante of the Lon illuminated. Coll'K"- °'Ur*loifi" " arranged «d The OENEALOoy^^OEOROE' WASHINGTON * ii i it l* z1 Li IV CAPITALISTS. " 100,000 (]uL0Af^s Y%(t HTM AN «'"ow, To ¦ , AU"' °Jd. Tohacci. from uS abo^T 'rli RiPid. J ""ported by the Chnstoph f;0loi, and tl. . * *?rn*rr w is 'ja T.*4Ja?S5SlS5?S ^.^^ra^:sra'ti"JK3i£ J'Tf'/y eichanued or bougl l All Watches warranted to keei !!ni Km'^r thr mo"ry refunded. Watches and Jewrlj . usnal price" "'*n'"'r ^ wsrra",cd- " m»ch less tiian th. O. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watehei nod Jewelry Wholesale and Retail, J| W«I1 strMt mW te M. ror WjlWam SVW LIGHT .ELASTIC EVER FITTING HHrS AND SCALPS WITHOUT METALIC SPRINGS OR* CLA8P8 TO »t hap omlv n»- CHARLES RI1K)WAY Oppositk thk Custom Housk. N. B . Formerly of Hnwanl's Hotel. jp?R )m.,r MAGA SIN JAPANAIS, a H PARKKH A *?* 8tr*et« lilsiSSlii "n'1 Fy,ire,i * '°t* *>nZn'; « , k i Ximenies, (Jreat Inquisitor of Spain, »no>i a. i". "eu V tli.11 countryi ol which he caa disnnae at m tderite prices. Ladies and (ien lsmrn, if you wish U> I "at yourself call and examine this splendid collection. Also, two carrrd t'hairs, for Catholic Churches: robe seen from Id AJVL till 6 P. M. je27 2m«rh BATCH KLOR'S NEW INVEN T K I) WIG, SO PERKECTLy r*<einbles the real lie id of hair >* to daft detection. All the old difficulties and vexatious aunoyancw ar. completely .lone away with. Wnr weiweri can now enjot a. much cane and comfort as ever they did with their own hair I .tuens yid »tr.nKer« are mvited to inspect tins last, and h r 1, oik, if ff rim At !»«» ;cmi U be npiM'cri fo.l » u Vi I Ii r.l.'Hi S VV ||{ .1 1 d Hc.ilp Manulwlory, No *> Vy'ihi "jT|7 ^V» T~ m°T,d from l«^",»dw«T. * gly ML'JLgg.¦¦¦» LATEST INTELLIGENCE. BY LAST EVKSISC'S MAIL. Washington. [Correspondence of the Herald ] Washington, July 14, ltMft. 'Hit Vtntrabk Father Ritchie brought to an Exami¬ nation. They liave a way in the Patent office of pinning butterflies through their backs, so as to exhibit com- pletely the structure and colors of the insects to the curious observer. Just so, and just now, and with the necessary delicacy in the operation, we intend to transfix Father Ritchie. Like a great night-moth he has plunged headlong into our candle, and the exhibition we shall make of him, will show that his wings huve been scorched "some." The following appears in the Union of last Saturday evening: . The Washington correspondent of the last Sew York Heretd presents so many " whisper*" and legend*, which are «o flagrantly and shamelessly false upon their vary lace, an to make them unworthy of serious contradiction. Will it be believed, by any or.e, who has not a taste for the ridiculous, that among these fables is the follow- ing " It is whispered among the quid m/nn that Col. Polk has funds invested in the organ' that his private sec¬ retary, Mr. J. Knox Walker, a clever and amiable young man. 'is a stockholder to a large amount and that Gen. Cameion, ol Pennsylvania, an original stockholder, was bought out by the joint-stock company of he adminis¬ tration, in expectation of the handsome dividends that must accrue from the House printing, of the securing of which not a shadow of doubt was entertained in the cut¬ set. Buttle triends of Blair and Hives, the friends of the Constitution, mid of the Tyler-men or younp de¬ mocracy of the t'niird Slatei Journal, are equally ob¬ noxious to the claims and the prospects of the organ.' .\ud with the defeat of the organ,' the administration Itnrt d u tumhut. Will it be defeated? Sous vtrroni . tiod is mercilul ; but we Khali see " Not one sj liable of all this about the President, Mr. J. Knox Walker, or Mr. Senator < ameron. if Hue. The only stockholders are Kitchie & Heiss The scribblers who originate these ridiculous tales, had better go upon the streets of Washington, and work lor their honest bread, instead of prostituting their talents in the fabrica¬ tion of such monstrous tables. Father Ritchie is approximating, or has past that yrand climacteric of the psalmist, of three score years arid ten, and yet, with all the lights of scrip- t ure and experience before him, as to the primary importance of preparing himself for his final account, we will bet a hat upon it, that when he read the ex¬ tract which he has quoted from the Herald, he lipped out a round oath, in violation of an article ot the decalogue, and ot the Church Presbyterian. It evidently raised his dander Now, what sort of a ¦lenial does he make 1 At first glance direct, com prehensive, anc! unanswerable ; at the second, it is i mere evasion, like his refutation of the ruinor of a compromise upon the 19th parallel. We take Father Kitchie Ht his word, that the only stockholdersin the f 'nion (on th? books,) are Ritchie and Heiss But will Mr. Ritchie have us lay our linger upon the man who furnished the quota of the venerable editor ! Will he have us designate speci- eifically the individual who is, de facto, the stock¬ holder in the name of Mr. Hei*s, or Mimething equi¬ valent thereto, from his hold upon the establish- in nt ! II he does, we shall bring him up to the 49th parallel, nnd let him rer-t there with the administra¬ tion, in >dl the glory <d his gossamer equivocations. Rut there is another point in Mr Ritchie's com- nientary, worthy of especial observation and rebuke, < Ul as he is, and ret-jieeted as he should be for his nae. He says, " the scribblers who originate these ridiculous tales had better go to work upon the streets of Washington, and work for their honest bread," <.Vc. Now, there is in this insidious little sentence, a covert, supercilious, arrogance of supe- periority in character and standing, which is inad¬ missible and untenable. What does the «sld codger mean to say ? " Why, you poor, pitiful devils of scribblers, degraded as are the common, low, labor¬ ers upon the avenue, ye have so far dt based your¬ selves, that ye deserve to be ranked in the same class." This, we think, is a fair interpretation. The recommendation was deeigned_ as a slur upon the idler writers, and not as a compliment to tne moot¬ ers on "the streets of Washington." And despite his democracy . in th? face of his organship of a re¬ publican administration, his inherent ideas of the .. vulgar-' and the " highly respectable" are so strong, that, in degrading the character of the letter writers lie descends to the " vulsiar" condition, as he doubt¬ less thinks it, of the honest workmen, good as he, '. upon the streets of Washington.'* The fact is, there was a radical error committed in placing this old war-horse in the shafts of the government organ. He has no longer the strength in his back to bear the weiirht of the burden he will lie doomed to carry. He has kept old Virginia so l..nc, and so slumberingly to the principles of "98 and 'f)9, that we find her now in improvements, in enter¬ prise, in education, in agriculture, in everything, . veti in lie' pride and poverty, still maintaining tne standard of to and,*99, while nersister Staiesaround jier are marching forward with the era of 1845. And in this condition, Father Ritchie leaves Virginia u> take care of the administration of the whole country. He leaves her, as far behindhand himself .is he has left the State. N'or must the venerable editor presume too much .i;>on the dignity of his position as the " organ." What is it as compared with that of the letter-writer in the premises for the New York Herald''. We have carte blanche-, we treat of men, and of measures, . 1 einWMMMet, and in our own undictated, un- i rescribed, unmeasured sentiments. And we are sufficiently well jmid to make the work more com- i >rtab!e than the poorly compensated laborer " upon the sPeets of Washington." How is it with Fa¬ ne r It itchie 1 He is the veriest jackall that ever id service to the lion. He has neither soul nor ..ody of his own; Icr, soul and body, he has sold him- -<-|f to ihe Executive. He is a courtier lie is a pi- ii<t-lish he is a jackall, he is a slave.a downright ^lavc . body and soul he is a slave. Never a j-paniel bowed more obseauiously to his master than Father K-fchie to the administration, " right or wrong." And shall a slave presume to arrogate superiority .¦yer a man that is free ? It will not do, Father i! itchie; it will never do. Of the Sub-Treasury, and Mr. Kichie, of Mr. Walker's Mississippi difficulty, of Mr. Buchanan. .Hid the 49th parallel, of H. E. Riell, and the old I 'emocrat press he is about to establish here shall we not bring Father Ritchie to an account to-mor- r.»w ! Nona Verrotu. And we have a chapter in tore concerning Mr. H. B Wright, Mr. R J. Walker, and Mr. R. M. Saunders, which will abso- utely astonish the natives, and show them how they ilid the business at the Baltimore Convention. Washington, July 13, 1H45. The matter of that " commission" is not set¬ tled. Mr. Secretary Walker has made his. state¬ ment, and Mr. Governor Brown, of Miss., has tried so far to explain as to clear Mr. Walker, and excul¬ pate himself from the blundering manner in which (>?* drew up his instructions to Mr. Walker. At all events, we cannot divine what harm it would have done, had Mr. Walker on his going into the Cabi- n< t, delivered the commission to Mr. Thompson ac¬ cording to request, to fill the vacancy in the Senate- The explanations of the honorable the Governor and the Secretary, we calculate will not be sufficient to restore harmony to the democratic family of Mis- issippi. There are no less than four candidates in h it non-bond paying commonwealth for the Senate, mil each has some strong objectionable feature to erfect orthodoxy. For instance, there is Gov. McNutt, tie is objectionable from having denounced re finessing of the Ann-Van Burenites at Balti- re and the rejection of the " L.ttle Mngic an " 2 There is General H. S Foote, distinguished for > pro|K-nsity for pistols and bowie knives, which t itself would be a recommendation; but he has ringed his political coat so often as to be as inde- cribable and unreliable as the striptd pig. '¦i. There is John A. Quitman, who is a perfect retic to the faith of the democratic party in the . i ry first article of their creed. He goes for paying " those State bonds" that are due to the Dutch, and li-appioves of the doctrine of repudiation. Of .< urse his chance is good for nothing. Among t'.emselves, tin y have got the party in Mississippi, iiro a beautiful state of glorious confusion, only surpassed by the harmonious amalgamation of the a mixable elements here in Washington. We see that the Glnbt is to be revived in New Vi>ik. The Union of this morning, of course, wishes it ill sorts of success.though, it is reported that I 4lier Ritchie suggested the appointment of Slamm i Consul at the Cape of Good Hope, in order to get bi n out of the way. Hut there is a more unpleasant < idjutor in the suppert of the administration than this, about to be introduced to the courtesy of Father I! tchie. It is Henrv E. Riell's new paper in Wash- niton, in support of the claims, the men, and the ... inciples of tne old Van Buren parly of the North, i; ell has bought a fine large corner lot on Pennsyl- v nia Avenue and Third street, opposite Gadsby's i w Hotel, for the necessary buildings, and has r uted as a rea lence.the spacious mansion onCapi- to! Hill, occupied by Col. R. M Johnson, when he is Vice President, and Mr. Vice President Dal- is when he was a U. S. Senator. We learn at the '. pot this morning that Riell left the city last night I r New York, and will reiurn with his family Some of the nnsutiated of the democracy of Wash¬ burn, arc exulting in the prospect of Riell's new ,M-r sii|>erccding the Union in the printing of the I Hue, and thereby upsetting the tripod of the ad¬ ministration. The concern, we are satisfied, bodes good to Father Ritchie. It will bring lum into a i ,ier war, compared with which his annoyances »rn th«' I'tfer writers will b* found to fie me r- » »i ' \ t ' i' the Cabinet, i' id out til r.- u-t, .,uiwiin»U)iu.iig the safety-valve of th. Union, is rapidly fermenting fo an explosion And

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Page 1: e...ceiptsand exports havebeenlargerthan inanyyear, ex¬ cept 1813 43. Theannexed statement shows the move" mants of the staple at NewOrleans, since Sept. 1, 1844. Btock on hand Sept

JUO.YK V MARKET.Wedn«*daf, July 16.6 P. M.

The extreme heat of the weather still has an unfavora¬ble effect upon *to«k operation!, and prices continuemuch depressed. Remiiug Railroad went up 4 l>er cent;Canton, } ; Kria Railroad, J; Norwich and Worcester, }Long Island fell off j per cent; Farmeri' Loan, i Ston-Ington, |. The transactions were only to a Limited ex¬

tent, and the maiket is unusually heavy.The Comptroller has given notice that the interest on

tlie public storks and loans of the City of New York,due and pinakle on the 1st of August, will be paid on

that day by the Chamberlain of the city, at his office, inthe Dank of the State of New York.

A semi-annual dividend of four dollars per share hasbeen declared by the IJtica and Schenectady Railroadcompany, payable on the 1st of August next. Stockhold¬ers who^e stock is registered in the city of New Yorkwill apply for their dividends at the office for the registryand transfer of the Company's stock, at the Phcnix Bankof said city; and stockholders whoso stock is registeredin the city of Albany will apply for their dividends at theAlbany City Batik in that city.The somi-annual interest on the bonds of the Erie

Railroad Company.due on the 1st inst..will be paid atthe office of the Treasurer.The receipts of the Central Railroad, Michigan, for

the month of Juno in the past three years have been as

followsCentral Railroad. Michigan.

184J. mil. If! 1 5Fiueniser* $10,112- II 571 5,999Freight 4,'iOa 10,799 MillL 8. .Wall 1 062 658

Total $15,3*2 20,<>27 11,6-17The monthly reports of the New Orleans Banks, show

a falling oft in the general movement. Tho dull season

being at its height, the demand for bank favors is verylimited. 1 lie crops havo nearly all come forward, andthe city of New Oileuns has become nearly deserted bybutiness men.

Banks or Nrw Orleans.Sped'. Circulation.

tfttl 1345. KI4. 181.1.. ,. ,

Junt 29. Jline 20. June 29 June 28.Built. °1 Lmiujana. .. , 4,0:18,419 2,710,825 1,011,289 981,951!Canal and Bkjf Co ... 231,828 J72.323 181,055 311.075City. Bank 700,997 517,612 319,294 400,!«t0Louisiana State Bank. 1,218,111 1,217,616 263,017 348,555Mechanics' and Tra¬ders Bink. 1,367,756 1,274,039 591,255 763,805Union Bank of La... 633,469 193,266 36,095 28,375A«" ng.

Citizens^ Bank 27,Cfl0 9,885 734,116 872,701I. "iisolidutrd Assoc'ii 2,550 4,629 183,518 759,130$8,254,780 6,300,195 3,212,644 4,166,642

,C'h Halt's. C'h lial/t. Jissrts. JJsiett.BiuU of Louisiana... 4,370,278 3,7 13. I<:0 4,814,025 3,810,038Canal Bank 411.059 775,116 570,6 « 1,1*0,230City Bank ...... 1,363.549 1,102,126 1,911,063 1.73MI3Louisiana State Bank. . 1,152,078 1,374,329 1,442,587 1,879,105JS echanics' and Tra¬

it 5*"!1 2,019,617 2,187,7% 2,442 832 2,712,16?Union H ink. 62,689 41,568 908,061 877,038Aon sper it paying.Citizens' Bank 7,768,571 7,692,700 91.821 76,94-1Consolidated Assoc'n. 2,324,714 2,058,035 2,5 iO 4,620$19,502,595 19,003,420 12,269,562 12,382,527

The loading features of these banks for several periodscompare as follows :

-1311. , 1845Ma i/25. June 29. Jipril 26. Ala (/ 31. June 28.Specie, 9.2H.2M 8,251,780 7,173,790 6,861,125 6,300,195Cireul'n, 3.801,081 J, 312.614 4,398,062 1,813,917 4,466,012C'h liab's, 20,711 417 19.502,595 21,126,235 20,985,135 19,003,420A»»ets, 13,362,293 I2.2U9.562 11,571,443 13,975,130 12.382,527

The movements of these banks have within the periodincluded above been very uniform, with the exceptionof the specie item. Tho receipts of specie at New Or¬leans this season have been small compared with last.From September 1st, 1843, to July 5th, 1844^ the importa¬tion of specie ixto New Orleans amounted to $7.670,71'3;¦while the receipts from September 1st, 1844, to July fith,1845, have been only $2,190,718; showing a decrease of$5,473,985. The specie in the banks on tho 28th of June1845, was $1,954,585 less than at the same season lastyear. The banks have retained possession of the pre¬cious metals very well in tho face of the doclina in thereceipts. The currency of that section is, however,very near a specie standard, and the amount o( specie incirculation throughout the valloy of the Mississippi isvery large. The falling off in the import of specie this¦ea»on compared with last, does not show any derange'meat of tho currency, but on tho contrary a greater uni¬formity in the value. In speculative timos specie isshipped in large amounts to New Orleans for the pur¬chase of the principal staple products, which seek a mar¬ket in that port. In expending this specie by purchasingthese products, it becomes circulated throughout thewestern country, and finds its way into the hands of themerchants of that section, ami eventually into the vaultsof the banks ol Wall streot, where it rpmains until some

speculative movoment arises requiring a shipment to thosouthern ports. The cause of the decline in the receiptsof specie at New Orleans this season can, therefore, boattributed ontirely to the absence of every species ol.peculation ; the fact of there being a decline, is no evi-di nee that the currency of that section is depreciatingin value, rs wo havo no evidence that the west experien¬ced any drain of precious metals to supply the easterndemand. The circulation of the banks of New Orleanshas within the past year increased. According to thereport for June. 1845, the amount of issues was $1,153,998greater than in the same month last year. This increase

in circulation, in connection with the diminished amountof specie on hand, shown that the currency has become.lightly depreciated, but not to an extent sufficient to

. fleet prices or to produce any derangement of tradeThe business season of New Orleans ha* about closed,and t'ie receipts of produce havo become reduced to :>.mall amount. The receipts of cotton are nearly over,and the stock on hand is smaller than for the same timewithin the past ton years. Wo annex a table giving theamouut lecoived, exported, and on hand, up to tho 5thInst, for each year of the past ton :.

Akri**! ', Kxfohts and Stocks er Cottox at New Oa-i.e\n.<, raoM Heft. 1st or each Yeah to Jui-v 5i u.Year. »irriral$. Exports. Stocks.]83')-36 Bales 490,552 456,077 34,96618:t6-37 59J,7<9 558 691 3J.7761837-33 740,346 680,(154 »,76»18JH :«) 575,1181 551,359 30,WO1839-40 933,267 867,1.9 72,21"18-10.4 1 807,821 793,370 26,1161811-42 731,894 72:4 379 23,MM1(M2 43 1.078,852 1,018,218 35.0621813-44 895,341 848,U91 44,2021814-15 964,613 9S8 084 9,493

The stock on hand wan about fourteen thousand balesless than in any of the previous ten years, wkile tin receiptsand exports have been larger than in any year, ex¬

cept 1813 43. The annexed statement shows the move"mants of the staple at New Orleans, since Sept. 1, 1844.Btock on hand Sept. I, 1844 12,931Arrived (lurniR the put week 078ArriTed pr.viously 963,565.964,613


950,113Imported during the put wpiExported previously

960,284Add amount shipped to Western State* sinceSept 1, . 6,000Ami unt hipped Coastwise and uot cleared (es¬timated) 1.300Lois in repacking damaged rotton (estimated). 500. 968,081Stuck on hand and on ship-hoard, bales 9,493Thia staple has gono forward very rapidly this year(and there has been a very peculiar feature in the ship¬

ments from New Orleans. The exports have exceedudthe receipts several Vthousand bales, a circumstancenever before experienced in the cotton trade of that port.The receipts of cotton at New Orleans in 1843.43, weremuch greater in proportion to the crop, than they havebeen this year. The crop now coming in will not hard*ly reach twenty four hundred thousand bales, but will henearly twenty thousand bales more than the great cropof 1 842. 43. notwithstanding which, the receipts at NewOrleans aro now moro than one hundred thousand lessthan they were that scasoa, and wo have no doubt, theclose ot the season will show a deficiency of many thou¬sand boles more.

We annex a statement showing the receipt* and exports of cotton, at the principal ports in the country,compared with the two previous seasons.


To (Sreat 1st Stp:.Cleared from Hritain. France. Total. 1841.NiwOi Inns,July 5,1845. .587,869 120,811 823,490 919.1115Mehile, July 5 260,819 68,919 390,714 515,818Kloridt, J >ly ! 46,678 6,371 60,782 183,611Oenrgia, (Sav. it Marten) IJoly 4 160,797 14,071 178,7»', 29^, *90So itii Carolina, July 4 .. .2, 9,729 68,973 277 0J8 JW.MI3N.irih Carol na, July 4.. . . . . 12,113Virginia. July 801 150 3 041 21.200New York, July 15 137,076 61,67 1 258,578OcherpoiU, July 12 5.934 1,068 15,684 .

Total to for'n port, hales 1,403,733 312,066 2,0.'8,7I2 2,378,990Same time lit yey 1,145,951 270,558 1,510,401 1,192,715Sainotim- jear.iefnre, .1,441.606 33J.402 1,959,913 2,359,4lDThe receipts aro already larger than the total crop of184i-43, and the season doos not expire until Sept 1. Thereceipts from this time to that will not be large, as thesupplies have come forward very rnpidly, and the stocksjn the interior have been much reduced. The exporta¬tion htis been also large. The amaunt shipped to France;to the north of Europe, and^other foreign ports, has beeninuch larger this year than heretofore, while the ship,ments te (Ireat Britain have been less than in IS 13. 43.An immense crop of cotton has keen harvested the pastseason, and the quantity consumed, in all parts of theworld, greater than ever before; still theie has beenvery little speculation, and prices have ruled low. Theoperations in tho staple have been confined to the legiti-route channels, and most of the operators have mademoney In the bn«ln«ss. The result of this sea*nn'« tran(aclious, has, so far, been much more fnvoroblti to allparties, than those of last

Old Stock ICichniiKt.SMM N Y City 7, '57 11 '-J J| .h> L Island Rlt 68 '¦>

5 slit Bk of Com. full 06 200 do B.5(1 Morns Canal :i2 50 Erie RR s3 3d ¦»75 do (SO 3l?.f 1(10 Stouington BR s3 28 <

50 ill ,j 3i'. 25 Nor 4(. tVor ItR 71 t2> N V Oss U9 25 du ft50 Cautou Co ll>j 50 do bflO 71 a'io Reading UR bio V ''j

Sn'ond Board .

S3COO Reading Mnrtg Bdi 75 56 shs Heading Hit 673 n25 shs Reading RR 57V. io Wilmington 'i'i100 do 57>i

New Stock Exchange.SIOOO Kentucky 6's 100 100 shs L Island RR U8!~2i shs Vickiburg Bk c 8.'» 150 do (10 68;,85 Morris Canal bin 32 50 do slOGR',50 do b 10 31T» 50 do «3 MU5(1 L Island RR 1 10 VUS 25 Eric RR bii 30)4100 do t>3 (iB'i

Married,On Wednesday morning, thn 16th inat., at Walker

street church, by Rev. P. Stohlman, Francis Miller, M.I)., to Miss Sakaii Math.da Krost, of this city.

In this city, on the ICtli inst., by Rev. Mr llatlield, Mr.John II. Angicr, of Massachusetts, to Betsey, daughterof Elijali Gray, of Bristol, R. I.

Died,On Tuesday evening, 15h inst., after a short and pain-

ful illness, in the 69th year of his a^e, Mr. William Hyde,for many years a lesident of this city.The friends o( the family are requested to attend his

funeral this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock, from hislata resilience, corner of Grove und Bedfotd stieeU.On Wednesday, 14th inst., William Siiaw, trunk manu-

facturer, nged 4(t years.Ilisfiiends and acquaintances are respectfully invited

to attend his funeral, on this (Thursday) afternoon, at o

o'clock, lrom his late residence, No le»o Eighteenth stnear Bth avenue, without further ihvitatiou.Suddenly, on W ednesday, 16th inst., John Cummins*, a

native of Wigtanshire, Scotland.Ilis friends and acquaintances, and the relations of the

family, are respectfully nvitcd to attend his funeral, this(Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock, from No. 5 Bank,street ; also the members of Tompkins Lodge No. 9 I.O. O. F.On Wednesday evening, 16th inst., of convulsions,

Krcdbrick Augustus Booth, aged 18 months and J1days, youngest child of Samuel and Emily C. Booth.On Tuesday, lMhinst, William Robertson, late of

Scotland, in the fiOth year of his age.The friends of the family are respectfully invited to at¬

tend the funeral from his late residence, 67 Tillary street,Brooklyn, this (Thursday) forenoon, at 10 o'clock.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, )July IS. 1845. S

FOR good and sufficient reasons shown to me, I hereby re¬quest that the use of the str**et wash-rs att<ched to the

Croton water pipes, be eutirely discontinued for the week end¬ing Thursday. 21th lust., and 1 diiect that tt all times the use

of (ire hydrants for any purposes except the extinguishment oflires, must he discontinued, save when special permission isgiven in writing by the Croton Aqueduct Bo<rd.The penalty for opening fire hydrauts is 25 dollars for each

offence, and the policemen are directed to be diligent andprevent the infraction of the law, and arrest any and everyIfrson who after being warned shall continue to violate it.juH It re W. F. llAVF.MKVF.R Mayor.


DR. CRISTIE, believing that the simplest application ofhis discovery, the GALVANIC RINGS have been suf-

ticiently long before the public to give a fair test of their effi¬cacy, and numerous commendatory testimonials liaviug beenilready received frum persons of tie highest character and in¬telligence, he deems it a proper time to introduce a more ex¬tended apnlic tion of his invention, by means of the G AV AN-!C BELTS, BANDS uid BRACELETS. For several weekspast these articles have been in the hands of some of the firstphysicians of New V ork , who k indly pr< mis d a fair trial ofthem in their prictice Dr. Cristie feels much pleat-are in be-ing able to state that, in a majority of cases, they li ive been up-proved, and he doubts not that, by perseverance. llle e will beno exception t . their benefit iu any ca»e. In some complaintsof a very severe character, and of long sta"ding, the power h-tained by the Galvanic Rings is not sufficient to arte -t the pro¬gress of disease, and ultim tely io restore heal'h. The im¬proved modificati n iu the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Sic.. en¬tirely remedies this < bjectjon. Any degree of power that isrequired can readilv be obtained, and no disease which the. mys¬terious agent ofGalvanisin can effect, will f il to be permanent¬ly relieved. The application of the Belts, Bands a d Braceletsis as safe, as sistptK, and as certain as that attending the G d-va ic Rings. They can be adapted with perfect convenience totile wrist, arms, waist, limbs, ankles, or any part of the body,and when worn rsund the neck, are confidently recommended

as an infallible preventive of Apoplexy. No unpleasant feelingwhatever attends their constant use, and the most delicate fe¬male can wear them without the slightest discomfort. Theyi<re made like the Rings, of various patterns, and of differentpri' e«i, according to the mode of finish and ornament.Dr. Cristie has thus far calmly submitted to the only VALID

objection which scientific persons and others have made againstthe merit of his inventi >u. namely, "want of sufficientpower." He now gives them a power which he believes willlie found More than " sufficient,'' and will as calmly and us pa¬tiently wait for Other objections, which he trusts to he able aseffectually to remedy. It is almost needless to state that, in allrases iu which the Galvanic Rings are rec mmended, the Bells,Bunds and Bracelets are applicable precisely to the same. Theonly difference consists iu an increased certainty of beneficialeffect, by means of a greatly increased p wer of galvanism.The magnetic fluid is necessarily used in the same manner aswith the Kings. For all further anil requisite particulars, r-'IVr-ence is made to the advertisement in another cnlumn. Dr Cris¬tie must still warn the public to beware of irtlRloi'l imita-Tiens. Tlw Galvanic Belts, Bauds and Bracelets will probably'.e counterfeited,as have been the Galvanic Rings. Thrresou reof the public is to apply at the only agency in the city,"134 Fl'Ltqw street, (Siiii Building.),^! jy 1" at*rrcA PRIVATE FAMILY, having more room than they wish

-.Tk to occupy, are desirous of letting two or three neatlyFurnished Rooms, with Closets and Fireplaces, or GrateSingle gentlemen preferred. Enquire at 412 Broadway. Riferences exchanged. jul7 3t*rc

STANDARD MAPS, ATLASES, &c.HS. TANNER, Ne. 237 Broadway, opposite the Park,

. has just completed new and greatly improved editionsof the following works :Man of ihe World oil the Globular Projection, 6 feet in

length and 4 feet high, price S8, mounted on rollers and var¬nished.Maps of Europe, Asia and Africa, each S feet long, and 4 feet

high, price, on rollers and varnished $6 each.M«p of Nirth America, with all the receut discoveries and

exhibiting Oregon and Texas, in connection with the UnitedStates, Mexico and the British possessions, feet long and4 feet hi([h, price $.>.Mapot the United States, with the adjoining British and

Mexican possessions, 6 feet long and 4>* leet high, price £t>.with a consulting Index. This Map embraces nearly thewh lr of Texa s and Oregon, and contains highly finished plansof all the principal cities of America. A n^w general Atlas ofCI sheets, comp eheuding Maps of every country ill theworld, ai d one of each of the United States; imperial (junto,price $7.

Atlas Classica, consisting of J3 Maps and Chronogeneolo-iriciil Tables : a moat valuable work lor C'ergymen andStudents of Divinity : imperial quarto, price $7. These At¬lases are so arranged as to admit of binding together, andihus forming one of the most complete nd nselul works o're I'ere 'jce on ancient a,id modem geography and history extaut.Also, State Ma|is on rollers and in pocket form of every va¬

riety and price; Guide Books, Globes, itc., Sic.!£/"" The Boston Daily Advertiser, Baltimore American,

National Intelligencer, Washington, D. C-, «ud Charlsto.('ourier. will please insert the above three times and forwardtheir billsto H S. TANNER,ju 17 lt»rc 237 Broadway, New York.

"SHOE THREADS.'THE Subscribers, having the Agency of oue of the be't

A Factories in this country, are now prepared to deliveithe in in Bale at Factory prices and t»rmi.

CEBRA & CUMING,ju!7 lt*ec 106 Pearl street.

Tor sale! ~

'P HE Stock and Fixtures of the Apollo Dining and CoffeeA Saloon, M Cedar >tieet, doing a fair business, and consi¬dered to be a first rate stand. The Proprietor being m badhealth it w ill be sold at Auction on the 24th it 10 o,c oc!i, if notpreviously disposed of. SIMON GREEN.jul7 It*rc


DENTISTR Y.\ T the old establishment, 62 East^ Broadway, where can be¦la- had fr.nn one to a whole set of Teeth insetted on the inostreasonable terms.

Superior Teeth inserted from 75 cents to $3 00Teeth Filled from 50 cents to. 1 00

Teeth Mounted for other Dentists, hvN. TAVLOR,

j i» 17 lin'rc Surgical and Mechanical Dentist.ESTABLISHED 1822.


SURGICAL .1ND DENTAL ISSTRUMENTT,No. 412 Buosdway, neah Canal Street, New Yohk.

PR. would respectfully call the attention of Physicians,. Surgeons, Dentists, and Country Merchants, to nis gene¬

ral assortment of instruments,and Cutlery of the most approvedI attems, which he will warrant not to be surpassed in i|Ualit\

or workmanship by any manufactured iu this country or im¬ported.

P. II. trusts that his long and practical experience in the busiless (h iving been engaged in tt since 1822. ) will be a sufficientguarantee to purchasers that all orders will be faithfully andpromptly attended te. Surgical and Dental Histraiueiits. R-/.ors. She <rs, Scissors. Penknives, Sto., ground, set, and repaii-ed with grest care and despatch jut ' 3w*ec


rpiE U"dersigned being the Agent of a I irge Colored GlassJL Manufactory in France, will furnish the best qualities o:colored Glass t much lower prices ban they have been sold tothisdiy. Church Wirdows can be hsd ready mounted, wit;,i ly Pattern of Mosaic made according to models, <-icopied on the finest Gothic Mo-iumentsin Europe. He wilcontract for the comi'lete Glass Furniture of auv I liurcli. Ap¬ply to C. CAVOUET,

jnlii Imeod'rh No. 8 South William Mreef.

PACKET SHIP L1VETI TOOL.From Liverpool -Con-signees per this vessel will please send th»-ir permits on

board, west side of Burling SI p. All goods not permittedvs ith in 5 days are liable to he sent to the Public Stores.ju 16 rc

ARTIFICIAL EYbSMADE and Inserted by Dr J. ORAY, No. Ill Bowery. NYork, theouly maker of the HUMAN ARI'IKH I ATEV E in the United States. Any person that wishes to be welsuited should always apply to the Maker, who has been in tlxArt Forty Years. jn 16 lm*rc

FOR SALfc.A SORREL HORSE, 16 hinds high. S vesrs old. a line,bold, and fast traveller; of great endurance; wo»ld he a

v tin ihle llorse for a Family Wagon or Physician. He is |er-fectly kind and gentle iu Harness ml ii> der the saddle. War-ruled in every respect. Price (We. Can be seeu at DisbrowRiding school , 481 Bowery. jn|g st»rcgalvanized iron and tin.

/ I ALVAN1ZED SHEET IRON AND TIN, a very su-penorarticle, warranted not to rust. Also, Tin Piste. Shee-Iron, Rnsji* Hheet Iron, Sheet Copper, /inc, Scotch and Ametrican Pic Iron, for »ale bv CAM fc WARD,mrll 1m»ee V. Tt Rroail street


SOLOMON HEINE. M. D.)e 1 2m*ee No « H>s.ly.tre», Nf,w York

IK f.STHER COHEN, who loriiicriy lived with .virsHughes. Boarding-housekeeper, Union street, Liverpool-left England about niue years ago to life in New York.will

write to h?r lather. No. 14 New Bailey itreet, B&lford.Manehcsu r, in Knclnnd, the will hear ¦ometliiug (freatly toheradran

lirr# nv'O ?rr»

MILITARY /. ijOlr Alt. N / >II. J. STORMS, 31 FULTON -1 R E K T,HAH constantly on hand, a l°<i!l a-- i-m nl of and

Horse Equipments, accorflii y to the I'uited S.rtes andState regulation. Also, a variel) ol Saddles, Untilm, Harness,'I'ninks, Valises, kc. fcc.Horse Eqaipmeats of every style, made to order jelt lin'm

j J EMP 10 tons first quality water rot Hi tup, a verv sni»-. I 'i- r trticit' , a«d Well cleaned. Also 10 tons d,v rot, just¦eceived and for sale byjyd E. K. COLLINS It CO. M Sooth it,



O^ On Tnridav Atlcruoo.i, between th* iouth FmTin. U I'»th nt Klatliiish. L. I., a lug cuiruiuiiig Children '%

i tlnug. The Km!#r will confer a I T r upou the Coaciimau>vho lot! it, and will be suitably rtwtnlrd by returning it to* Vj 'I'll d \v«'iiuu, or at the bar ol btu.ieall s H«>t. I frultou.treet. New York. F. BL'TLEH.

J ii 17 li'ec

Wr ANTED.A situation a» Chambermaid, Waiter andHam Sewing. by a respectable young woman. Can have

t ie brat of city releieuc>!. Piease apply at 88 Mulberry street,tlie rear. JulT 'it'ecJ A N'TED.A situ tion .« Por'er ir> a Store, by « young

in'rrieil man. A lina add. ei*ed l» W. Jones, V Talluian-tieit, Brooklyn, vtill meet Willi iuiu»e<Jiist« attention.

in 7 mV

ivi u o 1 U .

VLADY. who ha* a thorough knowledge of Music, beingt-iugbt by the fmt masters in Europe, and feeling her.ell

fully competent to instruct ill that accomplishment. would wialito drv.iteller time to the instruction of young ludieir on mode¬

rate terms. A note addrt RAed to A. B. C., at the office of tinspiper, shall he punctually attended t«j>. Je28 lin*rc

WANTED..-A few active, intelligent men, to act asajceni*lor the sale of new and popular Publications, iu different

part* of the country $:t(K> per year aver their board will beinsured them iu writing, with an opportunity of clearing $1000per year, and more if they are active Some men, now in our-tnploy, w ill no doubt make ever $1000 tier year, clear of all ex¬pense*, and there is about half a doien places open, which mustlie tilled : each man will have his district, -nd it will be neces¬sary for tliem to have at least $26 or $60. to obtain a good fitting"ut. None need apply unless iie ha* that utnwunt, for it is ourobject to get tliem started in such a manner as will be benefi¬cial to them, as well as to u*.Apply at 95 Duane street. Letters uust be post paid.jelS lin'rh

LASTS, LEATHER AND FINDINGS.CONST \NTLY on hand an assortment of Baltimore and

Philadelphia Light Oak Leather. Philadelphia Morocco,and Finding* of all kinds. Lasts ni tde to any pattern.iV B A first rate lot of.Mr. O. Macheu's Philadelphia Raspsfor sale M 2U.i Spring street, near Washington street, N York.jul3 ltn'rc WARHFN 8. WJ' Kl-'V

AGNES,OR THE POWER OF LOVE,A Tale of Miwmri,By Stephen Stubba, Esq

PUBLISHED this day. at FRENCH'S Publishing Hall,No. Broadway, ai.d for sale at all the Periodical De¬pots. Pitce 12^ cents. jeX 1m*

FOR SALE OR TO LET,AT the Nine .Mile Stone Kiugsbridge Ro.d, 4 handsome

Collages, two of which contain 14 to mi, with kitchenand c. liar piazzas, fiont and rear, with Ice and Coachhousesattached. The other two contains Nine Rooms, with Mai hieMantles, Grates, ke., complete. Also, a laqge Stone Huse atII mile Stone Fort, Washington, cuutaiuii.g :0 rooms, 2 kiichens, w ith coach house and other ue'essary buildings, all finish¬ed in the best manner, with 6 acres of ground attached. Theview from each is varied and extensve, embracing river andmountain scenery: and in point of health, will viewi'.hauyother aituatiou in the vicinity of New York. Apply to

K. F. CARMAN, GtftBro.dway,Or at the Store on liitli st., King»bridge Road.juIJ 2w*ec

CUSTOM HOUSE7NEVV YORK, iCollector's OHiee, Jul Ii, 1815. j

IN accordance with Treasury instructions, notice is herebygiven that a public site of ''unclaimed Goods," and goodsupon which the importer, consignee, or agent, his failed or ne¬glected to pay duties on completion of the entry, and whichgoods have now remained in public store sixty' days, (or ninetydays if imported from beyond the Cape of Good Hoik-,) w IItake place at the auction room ol HENRY L. VAN VvVcK,22 Kichange PI ce.nt 10 o'cloc* on Monday morning, the llhAugust, proximo. C. VV. LAWRENCE, Collector,

jii IS itec

ALEXANDER'S TR 1UobAPHEAnew and in valuable discovery, being a ii

quid Dye, which instantaneously changes the color of theliair to a beautiful brown or black without injury to the haior skin. The great superiority of this dye consists iu its easymode of application and instantaneous elTect.all other dyesrequiring from t>-ii to twelve hour* to produce any change. Itssuperior excellence will be apparent fo every one upon a singleapplication.

Extract from the " Philadelphia Daily Sun." Alkxajvdrh'iTbicobafhk..The effect of the above on the hair is truly as¬tonishing. It was tried yesterday in our office, and the changefrom grav to black tv .is iisantaneous.For sale by Kushton U Co, druggists, 110 Broadway! 10 Ae-

tor House and KS6 Broadway; comer of 14»h »treet; Asjun-wall, Sti Willi. iM) strei t ^ Johnson, Moore *». Taylor, 81 Maiden1 sue i J. W. Wright & Co. 2 Cedar street; and of the priucipal

druggis's throughout the United Stales, or of sole agents.R. (ii G. A. WRIGHT, 2j South Fourth stieet,jy8 lm*in. Philadelphia.

PIAJSU-FORTES FOR U1HE,AT 411 BROADWAY, (UP STAIRS.)DWALKKR ha* constantly on liand ui extensive assort-

. tneut of elegant Rosewood and Mahogany Pianofortesof every description, including Grands and Cabinet*, which

are loaned on lure at the above establishment, or at his manu¬factory, No. 40 West 14th street, near the Gth avenue.

Also, New Pianos for sale, with all the modern improve¬ment!, warranted equal to any iu the Uuited State*.je!3 lm*rrc

ULD GOLD AND SILVER.SILVER Gilt Epaulets, Book Binder's Ragt and Silver

Smith's Stoniugt bought, by A. BARNAltD.No. 2 Wall street. Melter and Asiayer of Aletals.

Jeweler's Sweepings purchased by assay. Fine (sold andRolled Silver, for plating, constantly on hand, at office Na 2M'..|l«freet. Work? IW I.Knrini* str :ef. i ?") I

PAINTINGS FOR SALE.A TOW FINK OLu PA< NTING.S, comprising Scripturaliv nud Historical subjects, Landscapes, St<:., amongst tliein a

tienuine luterior by Teniers; a < lepatre by Suteriuiiis. anil aAlagda'en "y Ouercino, &c., See. Aiay be seen daily ('nun 9till 3 o'clock, at 91 Liberty street. jv4 ln:*rcSUMMER GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN'S

WEAK.WE have (till on hand a large assortment of seasonable

goods, comprising cloths of particularly light fabrics foDress and Frock Coats; Drillings, Nankin, and single milled Cassimers for Pantaloons: Chally and Marseilles Vestingin great variety, which will be made up to order at a deductiffrom our usual moderate prices, in view of the advanced statof the season. WM. T. JENNINGS U CO.,Drapers and Tailors,jn3 Imisrc 231 Broadway, American Hotel.

MUSIC.UKMOVED to No. 65 Franklin street, one door Kast of

11 roadway, M. DUM8DAY, Professor of the Guitar, ring¬ing, Accordeou, and Violin, continues to teach Ladies and Gen¬ii, men of New Vork the above fashionable instruments,tie., in acomparative short time, by his new Analysing and InductiveS ystcm. Terms reasonable.M. D. will go, as usual, to the residences of his pupils to any

part ol the city, by the stages. Satisfactory city and other re¬ferences given ou application at No. 66 Franklin stiect.jy9 lm*m

TUITION.V FRENCH GENTLEMAN, a graduate ol the University

ot Paris, is desirous of finding in some school or private fa-mily, a situation as instructor.through the means of theKuli-h, which lie siwaks tluently, orofthe French and Germanlanguages, equally his own, ill any of the different brauches o

a orongh andliberal education, aiidalsodrawiug and painting oei er landscapes, heads or llowers.Tile best reierences c ui be had) and his name and residence

¦ s«wi!, by applying to the Rev A. Verren^ Rector of theK ranch Protestant Church ofthis city. No. 99 Hranklin »tre*t.

in 4 l»n*re


\ ND the highest price given for all kinds of cast off clothing±"V aiul good second baud furniture. Persons wishing to dis¬pose of the same, will do well to call on the sul'scriber, or ad¬dress a line through the Post Office, winch will be punctuallyattendedto. B. LEVY,

49K Chatham street, New York.N. B..Constantly on hand, a seasonable assortment of g»*u-tlemen'a clothing, cheap for eaah. mv29 lm'rc

NEIV EMBROIDERIESOETER ROBERTS respectfully calls the attention of hisI friends and the public to some splendid goods of the abovedescription, received by recent r.rrivals, which, being iim»orteddirect from the European, maiiufactories, will be sold at atrifling advance on the original cost He would also call atten¬tion toseveral lots purchased at auction, atau iminensesacrifice,which will be found well deserving an early ins|*-ction. Thelollowing are very desirable, being 24 per cent under the usualretail prices.High-neck Chemisetts, richlywnLroidered, from 14« to S3.50

worth S2.25 to $5,'i0.500 Kmbroidered Collars, finished edges, for 8s., usual price

!0s 6d.130 Embroidered Capes, at S3, nsnal price $5.50 do do very rich, from $6 to *10.200 prs Embroidered Under Sleeves, from 4a to $3.50

1 case Embroidered Dresses, from $S upwards.500 doz Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs, from fid.50 do do extra large size, for gentlemen's use45 do do hemstich do, from 3s 6d.30 do do Rivierd borders.

A choice assortment of rich embroidered Handkerchiefs.« Inch are offered unusually cheap.

5 cases of various styles of Swiss and French Muslins, ini'ri|*s, plaids, figures. Sic. Ike.

A lot new Muslin 'I rimmiugs, Laces, Veils, Hosiery, Gloves,Mc. 8u\, all of which will be sold decided bargains.mv3l lm'rc No. Tn BRO IDWA V.

('(.MIC ALMANAOS FOR IMMi, FOUR KINDS|WEW8 agents, cheap iwhlication depots, booksellers, andAs the public generally, are hereby notified of the annua)appearance of onr Comic Almanacs, rejdete with fun and tineengravings extracted with care from the laughing volume ofinure. Fjsher's Comic, Turner's Comic, Crockett's Go aHead Comic, nnd De Darkies Comic, those on the spot willcall, look, laugh, and buy ; those at a distance will order, orsend lor samples. Always on sale the greatest variety andqmntity of Children*' Books, colored ami plain; Song Books,colored prints, &c. lie. in the country; catalogues on applica¬tion. Show Bills of all kinds given to dealers.We sell low, very low, for cash, and do fall justice to all

orders, in time, kinds, quantity, and price.TURNER fc FI8HEH,

iel4 lm'rc 74 Chatham street

OFFICE OF JEFFERSON INSUliANCE OU.,tNo. 50 Wall street, opposite the Exchanre. »

t^HIS COMPANY continue to insure against loss and d <

huge by fire on goods, wares and merchandise, and alsoigainst loas by iuland navigation on vessels and their cargoes,dTrectors.

Thomas W. Thorny Eliaha Riggs,Thomas T. Wijydbuff, Anson Baker,U R. Robson, WTd., Joseph Drake,Thomson Price, Joseph Allen,Moses Tucker, James E. Holme*,John R. Davison, John P Moore,John II. Lee, Wra. K. Thorn,Caleb C. Tunis, Thomas Morrell,Francis P. Sage, Eugent Rognrt,John C. Merritt, Robert Smith.

THOMAS W. THORNE, President.Gbobhk T. Hope, Srcretsry a5 re

ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER.NEWLY INVENTED ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERWarranted the most perfect article of the kind ever inven¬

ted. It has been in use for some time, and approved of b\ allmedical men who have examined it, and pronounced by tliemthe best article of the kind ever offered to the public. The af¬flicted are requested to call and examine lor themselves. Theinventor has put them down to the low price of One Dollar. ToI'o had only of Madame Osscar, 21 Murray street. New YorkThis Article can be sent to any part <rf the United States, bjMail. Persons at a distance can have them sent, by addresringw'above. post paid. Jo2l lm'rc

r* PIRCE'S First Premium new Patent two Oven Kangts'. combining economy, convenience and durability. These

Ranges are warranted superior to any everoffered They are soconstructed that it is almost impossible for tliein fo get out oforder, or for the plates to crack, so common to all other RangesThey have been in use for the last II months, and in every in¬stance giveu the utmost satisfaction, nnd iu uo one instance hasthe proprietor been called on to repair one.

All Ranges put iin by the subscriber sTe warranted to give en¬tire satisfaction; if they do not, they will be taken away without

t !ie least expense to the purchaser.GEORGE PIRCE, Proprietor,

in29 lm*m 292 Bmadwav.




NO. J ANN STREET, next door to the American Mnsenm,returns Ins sincere thanks to bis friends and the public

i . nerally, for the very liberal share of patronage already re¬lived. and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a con-t nuance.

-un .. . ^ ^FIRST QUALITY- , .Ptnladeliihw Porter Newark ('ider,< -roton A'e, London Brown 8tout,

, and Scotch Aletirilen tor chirring attended to with despatch. tnhll eeOTl I E. -British Barque Ann Harlty, from Glasgow .Ml person* are hereby c lutioned against trusting all) of

f e crew ot tills vessel, as uo debts of their contracting will beI imdated by the captain or consignee* it

ALCTIUN NOTICES.AUCTION NOTICE B«nj imi» Sfuon.y h ill an TT.i.

at 10 o cluck, at faj John street, tin assortment of goodsinsisting of Scoops .i.J uthi-r Sin. vela.Also, a lot ofgimda to . »t.|d on a former pure' taaei'a »c-iuiit. 1 Gold Lover Watch; 1 Silver Jo; lut Fancy (Jood», Sic.Alto. a lot ol Hoe Shanks aud h'errel..Also, the Tool* of a Britannia Spoon Maker, such as would.

¦i.c. Sic.Also, At U o'clock, 3 Gold Watchea, ou accouut of whom it

UMV COUC'TIlAlao, at 11 o'clock, iuO Bruasella Carpet Bag*, and 100

Satchiu.Alao, 12 dot. Scarfs, 2aetta China, and 2U Toilet Settsj u 17 HVc

By K. t. AARON,'

Hardware, Auction and Cunmitrion Merchant.Store No. 91 Maiden Lane.

rrMI8 DAY, Thursd iy, July 17, at the auction room, Pack-1- ..,'e Sile of Hardware Cutlery, Fancv Ooods, Sic., on a

credit of aii luoutha, for approved endorsed notes for all aumiof $ 100 and over, mid under (100 cash without discount.

2.*) packages and lota ol Birmingham and Sheffield Hardwareand Cutlery, German, Krench and American staple and fancygooda.

AI'O, 200 dot. Table and Uesaert Knives and Korka, Carvers,Butcher and Shoe Knives, Sc.

Alan, J00 doz. Congress, Pruning, Southern, WharucliiTe,Norfolk, and other lien and pocket Kuiv -a, Razors, Sensors,Sham, Sc.

Alao. hand, panm-1 and back Sawa, Bracea and Bitta, &c.. See.Catalogues and Samples are now ready. J ia 17 lt*rc


'FMIE languor and ^nrial relaxation of the system. resultingA from the copious perspiratiou to which the b< dv ia subject-

e<l in this wentiier, is moat beneficially counteracted by theu.e of i hi* celebrate*! Swiss beverage, EXTRA IT U'AB-8Y NTH, ( Kati ict of Wormwood,) whoae Jiroperoes are togive tone to the Ktomach, and to infuae a refreshing vigorthroughout the body.Can be procured, with directions and full tiarticulara, of

\V. J. PKRHIN,julJ2t*ec 26 South William street.

nih CELEBRATED i'ATE D'AMA-N Uhs.ORGKAT PASTE dissolved io water Prove* a very eicel-

lent, pleasant an d healthy summer drink ; it can be bad attlie following places J. Milhati, No. 1H3 Bro dway; J. K.Chilton, 263 Broadway: A. B. Sand & Co., 273 Broadway; Oass-ner & Young, I J2 Chatham street: W. R. Ballagh, eor. Cham¬bers and Chatham streets; P Merkle, 383 (brand street; W. Kir-lyr, cor. Division and Clinton streets; Moore, Leut at Co.. 193Front street, ai d at the manufactory, 139 Attorney st; W. For-tenbach, 11 Hudson st.; J Ik J Coddington, 203 Hudsou, cornerSpring st.; J. W. Basse tt, 644 Broadway; Collin* & Co., 461

( fraiuist reef ; Dr. H^rg^nt corner 8tli street and 3d avenue; JohnL. ShefRin, 114 Canal street; A. (J. Levy. 202 Delancy street ;Kushton fit Co. 110 ftroedway ; Brooklyn, Jas. W. Smilh, cor¬

ner of Fulton and Cranberry streets. ju3 lin*rcIMPORTANT NOTlCt,


npHK undersigned have made application to get Lftltri fatmlI. for their new procraa to color Daguerreotyp. Picture..This process producea an effect not known before, and changesthe appearance of the D iguerreotyiie to that of the fluent inint-ing. Tlii* cuJniing process ia done by nature ltaelf. guided onlyby tlie hjid of tlie operator, and machinery. It can be naformedby every one not skilled in the art ol painting, ai d will be per-Irctly understood at one glance. It alao canoe com municatedia writing, without difficulty.

Artists wishing to procure the Patent right for a City 01County, cao make pre-«jigagenients therefore, by addreaamg(postpaid) to W. it F. LANOENHK1M,lyS Im *rc Ktchang*. PhiladelphiaOEMTiSTRY.VALUAKLE LUSCOVERY.

PRESKRVK YOUK TF.KTH.WII Y will yon uulfer with the toothache, when by calling

on Dr. I' \1OK. 139 (fraud street, near Broadway, youcan have it effectually and entirely cured. He has au entirenew preparation, that will cure it in a few aiinutea withoutpain or inconvenience, aothat it may be filled, makinif it a valu¬able tooth for r.l'e, thereby obviating the pain and d oiper of ha¬ving it extracted. It ia certainly one of the greatest diacoveriea

of toe .tge,jaid never faila of the desired effect The moat ten¬der teeth tilled without any uiiplraaaiit actuation. Artiliciateeth inserted in the moat approved manner. je7 Im'ec


A RRANOBMKNTS recently mnde with their brother-in-- a law Mr. Voishtlaender. Vienna, enable the auhacribera to

.ell those Aj'paratua at reduced rates, viz:.l.arge t aize A|ip iratn», with three inch lenses for full aixe

plati-a. .it $!4VMedium size Apparatus, with two inch lenaea for halfsize

plates, nt $;R.Small aize Aptiantna, with oue-aud-a-half inch lenaea, lor

quarter size plates at $30.(ientlemen sending remittances in accordance with the

above pr ces, niav depend upon receiving the iteuuiue Voigt.laeuder Api«ratus, and not a worth'eaa imitated article, theyhaving procured the sole agency for the United States.

Plates and Chemical of their own importation, as well »a allother articles connected with their art. for sale at the lowestmarket prices. W. A F. LANOr.NHEIM.

' hilaoelphia Exchange.Refertiug to the above advertisement, the subscribers inform

the L)agu. rrian Artists in general, that the above Apparatus andother materials en be procu -ed at the stated prices, at their

Attelier, No. 201 Broadway, New Yoikjv3 lm*rc LANOKNHRIM & BECKERS.

I) gio rrean

NOTICE.MR. CLARKE is desirous of supplying the public in town

and country with the best of he||>, free of expense, withservants of good character, both protestants and others, whiteand colored lie Hatters himself that by doing so. he is bene¬fitting all those in want of employment, and is iu hopes of thatpatronage, which such an undertrikiug merits. His office is95)* Du.ine street, and fitted up for the accommodation of all inwant of employment. Call at 95% Dunne strei t.

j.-gl) Im'in

/"kTIS FIELD respectfully informs his friends and the publicV/ that he has arrived iu the city and t ikeu quarters at the Uni¬ted States Hotel, his entrance through the bar, or 196 Waterstreet; where he has a number of Bassford's improved BilliardTables, on sale or for playing, and will be happy to have themtried, rl is bar is well stocked with materials for m iking Sherryl'nliHt«n, Whits hians, Sir j»»#i Im'rr

STH IKER'S SOLUTION FOR Tilt HAIR.WHICH will ch»nge grey hair to its original color in a few

minutes. This solution is different from any yet offeredand cannot fail of superceding nil othersThose who doubt its virtues, are requested to have their hair

changed before paying their muney. If humbugs would takethis method there would be no reason to complain.Notie genuine unless signed H. Striker, in red ink.The Solution cm be forwarded by Harndeu's Express to auy

pvrt of the world.One trial will prove the fact.Sold wholesale and retail and applied at No. 5 Chatham

street, opposite the Hall of Record .New York, up stairs.ju4lm'-


WIGSO closely resembles the real head of hair that sceptics and

connoisseurs have prouounced it the most perfect and extra-wrdinary invention of tne day. The great advan tages of this no-Vi I and unique « ig is its being m ide without sew ing or weavingwhich c luses its ap|»eiraiices so closely to resemble the naturalhair, both iu lightness ami natural appearance, as to defy detec¬tion, its texture being so beautiful, so porous and so free, that inall canes of inspiration evaporation is m:imi>eded and the greatn-ils ofother wigs entirely avoided. The sceptic and connois¬seur are alike invited to inspect this novel ana beautiful Wig.¦:nd the peculiar method of fitting the liead.at the manufacturer's,A..C. BARRY, 146 Uroadv/ay, corner of Liberty street, upstairs. jnl lm*ee


AFTER long endeavor*, the undersigned has succeeded inintroducing to the people of the United States an article

they have long needed. It is in the shape of a Taste, calledPATES D'A vlANDKS. (Orgeat Paste,) while it.combines a

healthy and pjeaaant drink for the Summer. While It promi¬ses these qualities it is at the same time useful in removingHeartburn and Sour Stomach, and is a capital drink fordiseasesof the chest. Its couii oneut parts are very innocent and itcan be recommended to fem ile< in all stages of life; good forwet nurses, and can be u led at sea « a substitute for milk.Prepared and sold for the Proprietor by L. Joachiinssen, No.

129 Attorney street. je2f lin'rcEE8WAX.1 cask Beeswax, of very superior quality,forsnle by E. K. COLLINS k CO. 16 South street.B



The staunch and favoriie st'.nnLoat TELKORAPH, Capt.Wiswall, leaves New York, Pier No. 3, North Hiver, everyTuesday, Thursday and Sunday-, it 5 P. M., arriving >u Provi-uence in time for the Morning Train of Cars for Boston. Taun-ton, New Bedford, Fall River, Sic., aud also conne ts withth" steamboats iiiniiing east, on the Kennebec and PenohsceV IRivers.Returning, will leave Providence for Newport and New

Y.rk, on Monday Wednesday and Friday, at 51, o'clock, P.M. on the arrival of the mail train of cars from Boston.1- .ie from New York to Boston, cabin SI 7i

" " " deck passengers. 1 s7Jj" to New|«>rt and Proviilence, cabin 7A"" " d;ck passe igers iO

Freight from New York to New Port and Providence Jc. perfoot,Enquire on bosrd, at 19 West street, or at the Office, 100

BrOffl street.All persons are forbid trusting this Boat on any account

whatever. jn 17 It'm



S'EW LONDON, NORWICH 4 WORCESTER.At n o'clock in the Momii'g, from the Foot of Whitehall

street, South Ferrj.Sundays exceptedW y Cr ies are in readiness to receive baggage for New

London, Norwich aud Worcester. Bigg ge foi Boston goelliroiuli u. der lock j"l6 tf rc


On .ViOHdays, Wednead ys and liiiliyt, oser the LongI- land Rail Road to Oreenporl, th*nce to Newport and Provi¬dence in a splendid and commodious Sound Steamer.This Line leaves at f) o'clock in the Moruii.g, from the Foot

of Wnitehtll street, South Ferry. )n!6tfrcCHEAP EXCURSIONS TO THE FISHING


THf. new and fast Ste.nnhoat BUFFALOCapt. J. W. Hancox, will make Excursions

... durilig the seiaon every Monday. Weiluesilay,ii'l Sund 'jr. leaving Hammond street at 8 o'clock; Canal, H"

1 el uicey and Pike sis., E. R U; 1'ier No. I, N R.,(i'« o'clockOn the return passengers will belauded at Coney island, andone hour allowed for Bathing.

All kinds of Refreshments on board. Bait at coat,ju 17 2w*ec



'MaHey, will make an excursion to the Fishing.Bank* every Tut sdty, Thursday and Friday,

(luring the season, h aving Hammond street at 8K o'clock, A. M.i nial street at ll'i; Del \ncy street, E»*t Ktvei, at 9. and Pier

No. I N R.,at»s o'clock.returning to the city in good sea¬son. A fine Hand of Mnsic is engaged. Bait furnished gratis;and lines at a small charge.Fare 40 cents. jnH lwis'rh

for Marseilles. Packet of ut August.? The superior ship AWNES, Capt. \Vethered, will

¦take the place ol llie new ship Nebraska, not ready,the 1st August. For freight or passage, apply to

CHAMBERLAIN k PHELPS, or to"jul7rc BOYl) It HINCKEN, Agents.

NEW LINE 01' PACKETS FOR LIVERPOOL.Positively first shin and only regular Packet of 21stilnlv.Tlie splendid anil favorite packet ship HOT-i'lNtil ER, linn tons burthen, Capt lta Bursley, will sail

.in Monday, July 21, her regular day.The ships «f this line being all 000 tonsand upwards, personsbout to embark for the Old Country will not fail to see theadvantages to lie derivrd from "electing this line in preferenceii any other, as their great capacity renders them every waymore comfortable and convenient than ships of a small class,out their accommodations for cabin, second cabin, aud steerage..eng rs, it is well known, are superior to those of anv other

li e of packets. Persons wishing to secure berths should notI ir k- e irh applicatiou on board, foot ol Wall stlvet. or

w. it j. t. TAPScorr,76 Sooth street, corner of Maiden Lane,

jyl tre UP Stairs.


F II K A C H O I' E It AThuraslay Kvfiilnc, July 17<h,

Will lie produced for the tirst t:tne in this City,L£ C AP1TAINE CHARLOTTEharlotte, .Mm*. Cceuriot Countess, M'me. Richeraria Franeitca, .Mile Eugenie L- on, M Moutas*iei

i'ancredi, Deuouville Count Bellafore, M itln.u¦' uaji,

_Otemot Officer. BuscherTo conc'ude with the Admired Vauderville ol'

.LES PklTITE M1SERESDK LA VIE HL'MAINE.' jrenouillet, ,\1 Matlueu Duhsmel, Barnard'."Ui'diin,:,, Buscher M'me Dilly, M'me RicherJi'auueliHi M'lle Kugenie.Price of Admission Fir*t Tier of Boxe* and Parqaette,* i\ a,,<' Thud Tiera, 10 cent*; (Mllery, 21 cent*.Doors oj»u a( 7 o clock, aud Ihr t .crtaiu w ill riae preciaely *t.If psst 7 o clock


(PJ~ AiimlMhloii vjr» tent*Vjprieti ra. .. .. . Messrs. Kni.cn aui Hciaal .

Uraiul Entei tainmeiit !Extraordinary Exertions utui Surprising Attrac¬

tion*.Pint A/'jitarume of Mr. J IVinam.'Thui-itititay Kvei.liiu, .Inly 17tl»,The performance will commence with .in Overture by theOrchestra to the Sovereign of I yuma.Popular Spanish Dance, Mis* Cohen.

< oinic Fight for our Stripes and M tr«, personified by a KejeeChief and Yankee Tar, by the Masters Wood.Paa dc Madr.d by M^d lie l)e*j trdins,Popular Song by Air. Winona..C^Iutermiaaou of Half an Hour for Promenade and Refresh¬

ments.The 100 Cosmorain as will lie exhibited.

Tablnaxof the First Patricide by Messrs. W. Wood, MatterWiind. DeunUoii. ana C. T. Parsloe.

Hungarian Ball Room Movement by Mad'lle Desjardius.Geriuau Six Part Medley, Mr. Winans,La Smolenska w ill be danced by Mis* Cohi n.

jjC^Between the Entertainments an iiitrrmiiaioa of Tec»Jinutea for Promenade aud Refreshments

J y Doors op»u «t hsll-p at 6 r 'clock. Pr.rf''f^«n'.« 10 cm-in euce at (o'clock

WIBLU'S UAHBllliV.Firtt Ai>j>earunre of

MBS MOWATT, IN ( O.MEDY.Tliurmlny EienliiK, .July 17.

The performance to commence with the Overture lo.'La Fiancee."'

To be followed by T.bin's Play of theHONEY MOON.

Jnliaua, Mr> Mowatt Vobinte, Misa TaylorZainora, Mrs Walls Hoa'ess, Mrs DeeringOe trude, Miss Roberts Diike Atanzi, Mr CrispKolaudo, Mr Da* enpiut Montalbnu, Gal! igherBabhazar, And r»on Jaques, T. PI icideLampedo, John Sefton Lopez, ChippendaleIn Act 4th, a Pas de Deux by Misses Celeste ar.d Partington.ll_/"lnler mission of Hull'an Hour«£_^j

Ao erti. .out roitce « nl alw.yit c» in to maint.. in good order and ke-i> all improper person* out

{X>- 'l\rkrt* Fifty Ceiilt.-fJi}A limited number of Season Tickets will be disposed of.:u7~ Perlbrraauce to commence at 8 o'clock Doors opea ati.all-paac 7



Positively iio Free l.i.t, exept to the Press.The following arr ty ol Talent have hee'> engaged for six nightsand will appear, in addition to the former Company :Air. w. wii.liams,The renowned Equilibrist and I'ositiouint, will appear iu his

liichly 'n'eiestiiiu feats ofGRECIAN AND PAHIKI v. GAMES.

T. gether withMASTER W. 11 WILLIAMS,The Infantile Positionist. onlv f ur ye rs of age and certainly

I a< mo equ il. .Also,M AD.VMOISELLE llOSINA GASCON.

From Paris, » charmn g Da o rvs», only '5 years of age.Wednesday f.Veiling. Benefit of

!'.ILLY Willi LO« K.Doors open at 7K. Performance to commence at IK-An elficieut Police i attendaiii e, umler otlieers Nrirtin and

fli d iu'.'i It* re


'l'lxursidny, July 17.The performance will commence vv th the Musical Burletta ofNO SONG NO SUPl'ER.Hobiu, Mr S Johnston; End¬less, Bnrkc; Croii, Steveua; Mirgueretta, Mis* Coad; Doro¬thy, Mrs W H Smith.

After which, the Farce of THE DEVIL TO .'AY-Tob->on, Mr Bu'ke; liutler, 8tevens; Footmau, Phillip*; SirJohn Loverule, Dunn, Lady Luierule, Mrs. Alteiiius; Nel¬ly. Mrs W H Mnith

, ,THE ACROBAT FAMILY will appear aud go through theirwonderful performance*. .To conclude with the Burletta of MY FRIEND THE GO-VERNOR.The Governor, Mr Allemm ; Peqmllo, MrBurke; Valverdes, Thayer; lie itrix Mr* Duun.



u.,k o»t' frr'^nr,!"^:,1;,'1"-"'^- (vf"""-ju|)i >$£.rrr yi<^< ^ahimition.


h/ «.'>. 'other ""artist ^

H«, l?"lT »« k"owB"l /arden. Cadet, Pyrotechnic Artist to the

-Saraf.Td"U,t.,fe,'"'"bin/t-L^.Tf"'* ?^c- .w'll,»« on hind for those who with to

jui7lt*rrc " Band '. engaged on the occasion.


<JPI KNDinfm FIELDS, HOBOKEN.JS ' I ? kihibit oils f rt-e every Afternoon this wf>«»Ir

l <. hatifuTOrein" m f^utt/^ C^ll^ade"1 Co?;'0?*', °" '4itnowlidVe «fdC^'a?e<,f- '° t,lt' audience with u°s°fu|

»-" ikir ..I" A.l r j'i ' *.>«'i*co, the accomplished',f 111. mi'l ai greatest MaKiri.ui of the nx* A|..

ajnwBemeiit.i with the tW(, o.irl.ers who wrli?uiif l>» ihemVnVil0^ r .°*{ Ji°l",l,,r Dances rind '.Soups .

$uJkR OK THK ra^E\lKNTsilvh'.vtll cinumn re with his Hindoo \V,r^.V Vouujf Francisco» ards of One Hundred A^ThichV' "ft

.no.).popular 8o>.K* of the day. In addition !o t& M,'n

JUStly cglrl,f't"1 A,"^£r~~7~ CUEwaFo ~



... v,1,,?; ,.r2 "roadway, New Vork.iVI ^ i .1 ^ ^ Ofe»t nod Siilendid work, b. in** h<« tour

^vint"^11^ ' ",ted htat/'' illnitrared with Kj^hJ Kn'

rl* oV" '""?o'.twMeh^.% ^'NTINQS, AND KNOKAVINOS,TK?P m- Q

at &-eatly reduced prices."ulb,'c Sa'e Room II filled with book, of every kind in

ch.^i«te'M' ,0 Wh,ch' ",d ,h' '*r'l't 8oom, no

up for'tbt-,h" a°°kit0Tr <" *»'» Ror.m, an apartment i. fitted



TWO HUNDRED CHOICE PICTURESor its cr.M sfi?z.M",n-t° v"w wh,ch' » »m :" «*w

tl . , .. ..heraldry.

. ^ .J °f ,nd""d<>als Whose families "riitinated in anv

Country hi Euro|>e, traced and splendidly emblazoned on vel

dou "Her.*! > rXtM " 'l0n ' t?dat 0I" third rh® chante of the Lon

illuminated. Coll'K"- °'Ur*loifi" " arranged «dThe OENEALOoy^^OEOROE' WASHINGTON

* ii i it l* z1 Li IV CAPITALISTS."

100,000 (]uL0Af^sY%(t HTM AN

«'"ow, To ¦ ,AU"' °Jd. Tohacci. from uS abo^T 'rli

RiPid.J ""ported by the Chnstoph f;0loi, and tl.


* *?rn*rr

wis 'jaT.*4Ja?S5SlS5?S^.^^ra^:sra'ti"JK3i£J'Tf'/y eichanued or bougl l All Watches warranted to keei

!!ni Km'^r thr mo"ry refunded. Watches and Jewrlj.usnal price" "'*n'"'r ^ wsrra",cd- " m»ch less tiian th.

O. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watehei nod JewelryWholesale and Retail, J| W«I1 strMt



TO »t hap omlv n»-CHARLES RI1K)WAY

Oppositk thk Custom Housk.N. B .Formerly of Hnwanl's Hotel. jp?R )m.,r


lilsiSSlii"n'1 Fy,ire,i * '°t* *>nZn';

« , k iXimenies, (Jreat Inquisitor of Spain, »no>i a.

i". "eu V tli.11 countryi ol which he caa disnnaeat m tderite prices. Ladies and (ien lsmrn, if you wish U>

I "at yourself call and examine this splendid collection.Also, two carrrd t'hairs, for Catholic Churches: robe seen

from Id AJVL till 6 P. M. je27 2m«rh


WIG,SO PERKECTLy r*<einbles the real lie id of hair >* to daft

detection. All the old difficulties and vexatious aunoyancwar. completely .lone away with. Wnr weiweri can now enjota. much cane and comfort as ever they did with their own hair

I .tuens yid »tr.nKer« are mvited to inspect tins last, and d« hr 1, oik, if ff rim At !»«» ;cmi U be npiM'cri fo.l » uViI Ii r.l.'Hi S VV ||{ .1 1 d Hc.ilp Manulwlory, No *> Vy'ihi

"jT|7 ^V» T~ m°T,d from l«^",»dw«T.*

gly ML'JLgg.¦¦¦»


Washington.[Correspondence of the Herald ]

Washington, July 14, ltMft.'Hit Vtntrabk Father Ritchie brought to an Exami¬

nation.They liave a way in the Patent office of pinning

butterflies through their backs, so as to exhibit com-pletely the structure and colors of the insects to thecurious observer. Just so, and just now, and withthe necessary delicacy in the operation, we intendto transfix Father Ritchie. Like a great night-mothhe has plunged headlong into our candle, and theexhibition we shall make of him, will show that hiswings huve been scorched "some." The followingappears in the Union of last Saturday evening:.The Washington correspondent of the last Sew York

Heretd presents so many " whisper*" and legend*, whichare «o flagrantly and shamelessly false upon their varylace, an to make them unworthy of serious contradiction.

Will it be believed, by any or.e, who has not a tastefor the ridiculous, that among these fables is the follow-ing

" It is whispered among the quid m/nn that Col. Polkhas funds invested in the organ' that his private sec¬retary, Mr. J. Knox Walker, a clever and amiable youngman. 'is a stockholder to a large amount and that Gen.Cameion, ol Pennsylvania, an original stockholder, wasbought out by the joint-stock company of he adminis¬tration, in expectation of the handsome dividends thatmust accrue from the House printing, of the securing ofwhich not a shadow of doubt was entertained in the cut¬set. Buttle triends of Blair and Hives, the friends ofthe Constitution, mid of the Tyler-men or younp de¬mocracy of the t'niird Slatei Journal, are equally ob¬noxious to the claims and the prospects of the organ.'.\ud with the defeat of the organ,' the administration i»Itnrt du tumhut. Will it be defeated? Sous vtrroni.tiod is mercilul ; but we Khali see "

Not one sj liable of all this about the President, Mr. J.Knox Walker, or Mr. Senator < ameron. if Hue. Theonly stockholders are Kitchie & Heiss The scribblerswho originate these ridiculous tales, had better go uponthe streets of Washington, and work lor their honestbread, instead of prostituting their talents in the fabrica¬tion of such monstrous tables.Father Ritchie is approximating, or has past that

yrand climacteric of the psalmist, of three scoreyears arid ten, and yet, with all the lights of scrip-

t ure and experience before him, as to the primaryimportance of preparing himself for his final account,we will bet a hat upon it, that when he read the ex¬tract which he has quoted from the Herald, helipped out a round oath, in violation of an article otthe decalogue, and ot the Church Presbyterian. Itevidently raised his dander Now, what sort of a¦lenial does he make 1 At first glance direct, comprehensive, anc! unanswerable ; at the second, it is

i mere evasion, like his refutation of the ruinor of acompromise upon the 19th parallel.We take Father Kitchie Ht his word, that the onlystockholdersin the f 'nion (on th? books,) are Ritchie

and Heiss But will Mr. Ritchie have us lay ourlinger upon the man who furnished the quota of thevenerable editor ! Will he have us designate speci-eifically the individual who is, de facto, the stock¬holder in the name of Mr. Hei*s, or Mimething equi¬valent thereto, from his hold upon the establish-in nt ! II he does, we shall bring him up to the 49thparallel, nnd let him rer-t there with the administra¬tion, in >dl the glory <d his gossamer equivocations.Rut there is another point in Mr Ritchie's com-nientary, worthy of especial observation and rebuke,< Ul as he is, and ret-jieeted as he should be for hisnae. He says, " the scribblers who originate theseridiculous tales had better go to work upon thestreets of Washington, and work for their honestbread," <.Vc. Now, there is in this insidious littlesentence, a covert, supercilious, arrogance of supe-periority in character and standing, which is inad¬missible and untenable. What does the «sld codgermean to say ? " Why, you poor, pitiful devils ofscribblers, degraded as are the common, low, labor¬ers upon the avenue, ye have so far dt based your¬selves, that ye deserve to be ranked in the sameclass." This, we think, is a fair interpretation. Therecommendation was deeigned_ as a slur upon theidler writers, and not as a compliment to tne moot¬ers on "the streets of Washington." And despitehis democracy.in th? face of his organship of a re¬

publican administration, his inherent ideas of the.. vulgar-' and the " highly respectable" are so strong,

that, in degrading the character of the letter writerslie descends to the " vulsiar" condition, as he doubt¬less thinks it, of the honest workmen, good as he,'. upon the streets of Washington.'*The fact is, there was a radical error committed

in placing this old war-horse in the shafts of thegovernment organ. He has no longer the strengthin his back to bear the weiirht of the burden he willlie doomed to carry. He has kept old Virginia so

l..nc, and so slumberingly to the principles of "98 and'f)9, that we find her now in improvements, in enter¬prise, in education, in agriculture, in everything,

. veti in lie' pride and poverty, still maintaining tnestandard of to and,*99, while nersister Staiesaroundjier are marching forward with the era of 1845. Andin this condition, Father Ritchie leaves Virginiau> take care of the administration of the wholecountry. He leaves her, as far behindhand himself.is he has left the State.

N'or must the venerable editor presume too much.i;>on the dignity of his position as the " organ."What is it as compared with that of the letter-writerin the premises for the New York Herald''. We havecarte blanche-, we treat of men, and of measures,

. 1 einWMMMet, and in our own undictated, un-

i rescribed, unmeasured sentiments. And we are

sufficiently well jmid to make the work more com-i >rtab!e than the poorly compensated laborer " upon

the sPeets of Washington." How is it with Fa¬ner It itchie 1 He is the veriest jackall that everid service to the lion. He has neither soul nor

..ody ofhis own; Icr, soul and body, he has sold him--<-|f to ihe Executive. He is a courtier lie is a pi-ii<t-lish he is a jackall, he is a slave.a downright^lavc.body and soul he is a slave. Never a j-panielbowed more obseauiously to his master than FatherK-fchie to the administration, " right or wrong."And shall a slave presume to arrogate superiority.¦yer a man that is free ? It will not do, Fatheri! itchie; it will never do.Of the Sub-Treasury, and Mr. Kichie, of Mr.

Walker's Mississippi difficulty, of Mr. Buchanan..Hid the 49th parallel, of H. E. Riell, and the old

I 'emocrat press he is about to establish here shallwe not bring Father Ritchie to an account to-mor-r.»w ! Nona Verrotu. And we have a chapter intore concerning Mr. H. B Wright, Mr. R J.Walker, and Mr. R. M. Saunders, which will abso-utely astonish the natives, and show them how theyilid the business at the Baltimore Convention.

Washington, July 13, 1H45.The matter of that " commission" is not set¬

tled. Mr. Secretary Walker has made his. state¬ment, and Mr. Governor Brown, of Miss., has triedso far to explain as to clear Mr. Walker, and excul¬pate himself from the blundering manner in which(>?* drew up his instructions to Mr. Walker. At allevents, we cannot divine what harm it would havedone, had Mr. Walker on his going into the Cabi-n< t, delivered the commission to Mr. Thompson ac¬

cording to request, to fill the vacancy in the Senate-The explanations of the honorable the Governor andthe Secretary, we calculate will not be sufficient to

restore harmony to the democratic family of Mis-issippi. There are no less than four candidates in

h it non-bond paying commonwealth for the Senate,mil each has some strong objectionable feature to

erfect orthodoxy. For instance, there is Gov.McNutt, tie is objectionable from having denouncedre finessing of the Ann-Van Burenites at Balti-

re and the rejection of the " L.ttle Mngic an "

2 There is General H. S Foote, distinguished for> pro|K-nsity for pistols and bowie knives, whicht itself would be a recommendation; but he has

ringed his political coat so often as to be as inde-cribable and unreliable as the striptd pig.

'¦i. There is John A. Quitman, who is a perfect.» retic to the faith of the democratic party in the

. i ry first article of their creed. He goes for paying" those State bonds" that are due to the Dutch, and

li-appioves of the doctrine of repudiation. Of.< urse his chance is good for nothing. Amongt'.emselves, tin y have got the party in Mississippi,iiro a beautiful state of glorious confusion, onlysurpassed by the harmonious amalgamation of thea mixable elements here in Washington.We see that the Glnbt is to be revived in New

Vi>ik. The Union of this morning, of course,wishesit ill sorts of success.though, it is reported that

I 4lier Ritchie suggested the appointment of Slammi Consul at the Cape of Good Hope, in order to get

bi n out of the way. Hut there is a more unpleasant< idjutor in the suppert of the administration than

this, about to be introduced to the courtesy of FatherI! tchie. It is Henrv E. Riell's new paper in Wash-niton, in support of the claims, the men, and the

... inciples of tne old Van Buren parly of the North,i; ell has bought a fine large corner lot on Pennsyl-

v nia Avenue and Third street, opposite Gadsby'si w Hotel, for the necessary buildings, and has

r uted as a rea lence.the spacious mansion onCapi-to! Hill, occupied by Col. R. M Johnson, when he

is Vice President, and Mr. Vice President Dal-is when he was a U. S. Senator. We learn at the'. pot this morning that Riell left the city last night

I r New York, and will reiurn with his familySome of the nnsutiated of the democracy of Wash¬burn, arc exulting in the prospect of Riell's new

,M-r sii|>erccding the Union in the printing of theI Hue, and thereby upsetting the tripod of the ad¬

ministration. The concern, we are satisfied, bodesgood to Father Ritchie. It will bring lum into a

i ,ier war, compared with which his annoyances»rn th«' I'tfer writers will b* found to fie me r-

» »i ' \ t .» ' i' the Cabinet, i' id out tilr.- u-t, .,uiwiin»U)iu.iig the safety-valve of th.Union, is rapidly fermenting fo an explosion And