dwight 1967


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Dwight 1967


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■ P A l L ' f


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Michael Bassett


“JraHk Meade


Steven Pasvankias


Mr. Jrving Asch


Alt0H Amsterdam

Kobert Maynes

Charles Kolster

ohn Perez

Mumberto Kodrlguez

Peter Selten

fred Stolz

Page 8: Dwight 1967

Mr. Theodore Jones


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The 1967 Scroll is re spec tfu l ly ded ica ted to m athematics teacher Mr. Theodore Jones . Those s tuden ts who know him as an in s t ru c ­tor in math know tha t his c l a s s e s are not conducted merely for the purpose of earning a mark, but for the purpose of learn ing . His c l a s s e s , which have a t times included French and Latin as well as math, are p resen ted and carried on in a d isc ip l ined manner in k eep ­ing with his pos i t ion as chairman of the Faculty D iscip linary Committee and adv ise r to the Honor Committee, but they are a lways made more in te res t ing by his face t ious a s id e s . Mr. Jones in exerc is ing ju s t i c e with good humor has indeed earned th is d e d ica ­tion .

Page 10: Dwight 1967

Mr. Winton L. Miller, Jr. , HeadmasterThe C la s s of 1967, the e ig h ty -s ix th in the h is to ry of Dwight School, will

soon take i ts p lace among the d is t ingu ished alumni of Dwight; d o c to r s , law­y e r s , j u d g e s , m ayors, p ro fe sso rs , t e a c h e r s , corporation p re s id e n ts , good c i t iz e n s a l l . For most of you th is graduation will be only the f i r s t of several g raduations before your careers begin . I know that you w il l be as su c c e s s fu l as your p re d e c e s so rs .

Your world may be different but no l e s s c h a l le n g in g , your hurdles may appear higher but not insurm ountab le , your problems may seem to be w ithout so lu tion , but a l l w ill fall into p lace if you put forth the effort and d isp lay the courage tha t have brought you th is far.

May your future be as fruitful as your p resen t and p a s t .


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M iss H elen E. Harms

Looking after t ran sc r ip ts and sc h o la s t ic records as reg is t ra r , teach ing Freshman English , and su c ­ceed ing in making our g lee club tuneful are the r e s p o n s ib i l i t i e s of our eve r- loved and most endearing MRS. POST. . .MISS HARMS'domain inc ludes book s a le s and tu i t ion (as w ell a s cen tra l co l le c t io n agency for most other monies such as C h r is t ­mas c a rd s , prom paym en ts , ad infin itum .) But she is known far beyond the sanc tuary of her office as a u su a l ly e ffec tive d isc ip l in a r ian . . Completing our trio of the feminine outlook a t Dwight is p le a sa n t and capab le MRS. GARSON, who, in her f irs t y e a r , has made the l ibrary an eff ic ien t part of the schoo l .

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Mr. Irving S. Asch Mr. James F. Scully

Much of the academ ic and ex tra ­curricular ac t iv i ty at Dwight cen ters in MR. ASCH's room. English, Russian , and psychology plus gu id ­ance counse ling and advice to many ac t iv i t ie s make him the b u s ie s t faculty m e m b er . . .M R . SCULLY not only te ach es foreign languages but is a lso Dwight 's answ er to S ocra tes . His mind undoubtedly su rp a s se s the Public Library for information on the humanities . . . During the f i rs t two marking periods MR. STATILE taught Latin and English and adv ised the new spaper s ta ff .

/IK a

Mr. Gabriel T. S tati le

Page 14: Dwight 1967


Mr. Gregory T. Curry

Mr. Theodore A. JonesMr. Otis B. Hurry


MR. CURRY'S keen mind alone is capab le of guiding s tuden ts through m athem atics , but h is sub t le humor makes unders tanding it e a s ie r stil l . . . .Even th o se who d is l ik e math like MR. HURRY. His so f t -sp o k en e x ­p lana tions and w il l in g n ess to help us make him highly popular. Fifth period h is room is D w ight 's bridge h ead q u ar te rs . . .A touch of Old Eng­land is found in 4E, thanks to MR. JONES. The c l a s s e s in math he ld there are d is t inc t ive exam ples of h is teach ing ab i l i ty .

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The com plicated su b jec ts of chem ­is t ry , p h y s ic s , and p re -eng ineering are simple to MR. HIMMELEIN a n d ,a s he does h is b e s t to make them sim ­ple for u s , the photography club keeps him w ell occupied . . . MR. MALONEY is found on the fifth floor teaching b io logy, earth s c i e n c e , and general s c ie n c e c o u r s e s . He is more often found, though , in the gym office or on the s id e l in e s of a b a s k e t ­ball court where he co ach es our Varsity team .

Mr. Norman T. Himmelein

Mr. Donald E. Maloney


Page 16: Dwight 1967

MR. CADRA is our phys ica l educator who p a r t ic ip a te s as w ell as d i rec ts . He com petently ta k e s charge of the in tram urals and g ives the baske tba ll team the benefi t of h is own Varsity ex p e r ien ce . . .MR. ORGEL is our h i s ­torian and deb a te c o ach . His is the burden of teach ing a ll the history c o u rses a t Dwight and , from ancient to American, he knows his sub jec t w e l l . D w ight 's debating activ i ty appropria te ly comes with in the sphere of h is r e s p o n s ib i l i t i e s .

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Page 18: Dwight 1967

We c<ime to- ' uUaJit

FRED APUZZO PLACID is the word which b e s t d e s ­

c ribes Fred. His manner is unpre ­te n t io u s , and one would never see him "blow his s t a c k ." As se rg ean t- a t -a rm s of the Student Council , th is P .G . was anxious to se e i ts laws properly enforced. He admits quite candid ly he prefers math and s c ien ce to hum anit ies c o u rs e s .

Student Council; Newspaper

9-15 W hites tone Parkw ay, W hitestone

ALTON AMSTERDAM POTENT is a synonym for Alton. He

not only has the po ten t ia l to do th ings w e ll , but he u s e s i t . Alton is a lw ays a t the top of h is c l a s s both academ ica l ly and from the standpoint of pa r t ic ipa t ion in ex tra-curr icu lar a c t iv i t ie s ; s t i l l he is a lways ready to give help to th o se who need it. Alton has been a t Dwight for four y e a r s . Dwight is very proud of Alton, and the co l lege he attends will be a l s o .

Sec. , Honor Committee; Librarian; Yearbook; V. P res . , National Honor Society; V. P res . , Student Council;

Debating; Tutor

45 East Ninth Street , New York



Page 19: Dwight 1967

n&t Jz4iJU(Un( uUiat to- e x aed . . . .

THOMAS BARROWSTURDY manager of our b a sk e tb a l l

team for the l a s t th ree y e a r s , Tom's tough, determined manner is w e l l - known at Dwight. In con tra s t to his stern v i s a g e , he is a l s o known for his cheerfu lness and re a d in e ss to s t ick up for h is f r iends . A long time member of the G lee C lub, th is year he advanced to i ts p res idency to lead it in a ssem bly perform ances .

Pres . , Junior C la s s ; P res . , Glee Club; Basketball Manager

1402 Lexington A venue , New York


is a quiet person and a loyal friend who never looks to harm anyone; on the contrary , h e 's always willing to help out anyone if he can . Mike has come up with good ideas for the many ac t iv i t ie s in which he shone including the yearbook you 're now read ing . In sp i te of his high g rades , he has never ac ted superior . Dwight will sorely miss Mike when he g ra d u a te s .

Editor, Yearbook; A ssoc. Ed. , Newspaper; V ice-Pres . , National Honor Society; Debate; Librarian;

Pres . , Senior C lass ; Honor Comm.

51-01 39th Avenue, Long Is land City

Page 20: Dwight 1967

LOUIS CHIARELLI RETICENT is Louis . Although quiet

in c l a s s , he no doubt r e l e a s e s much of h is pent up energ ies in the great W eightlif t ing (?) C lub. His other p h y s ica l and mental re sou rces are u se d in d irec ting the PG c la s s as its v i c e -p re s id e n t and in being the num­ber one man in tha t c l a s s s c h o la s t i ­c a l ly . His p lans include attending a co l lege where he can prepare to be a p h y s ica l education instructor; his b e s t sport is swimming.

V. P r e s . , Pos t-G radua te C lass ;Weightlif t ing

17 18 Willoughby A venue, Brooklyn

THOMAS CHRISTENSEN CHEERFUL is a word th a t depicts

Tom's carefree manner and jo lly per­sona l i ty which seem to have rubbed off on his fellow s tu d e n ts . Tom, not only ea sy -g o in g but a loyal Dwight s tu d en t , has contributed much to the school by ac t iv i ty on the Student Council and the new spaper of which he w as Editor. A bright sm ile and a lumbering gait are the trademarks of th is m a ins tay of the Dwight W ord .

Student Council; Editor, Newspaper

143-16 Beech Avenue, Flushing

and tkcmcjA o l

Page 21: Dwight 1967

ROBERT CORBYPLEASANT is the word for Bob. He

is e a sy to get along with and very l ik eab le . Bob is a c l e a n -c u t person and a good s tu d en t . Bob enjoys sports and shows a strong ab i l i ty to do w ell in most of them. This r e ­f lec ts his c a p a b i l i t i e s b e c a u se when he rea l ly ge ts s e r io u s , he can do very w ell a s he sure ly will in the fu tu re .

235 East 57 S tree t , New York City

MERCURIAL b e s t typ if ie s the manner of Danny. Reserved and com placent , Dan can quickly sh if t gears and don an exuberant and am iable manner. Because he is hardworking and at times quite se r io u s , he has a t ta ined meritable grades and is a mark in the plus column for Dwight School.

Photography Club


Drama Club

1100 M adison Avenue, New York City

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lucfJt 6/dvo<fi a i '%uUcfJit . . . .


d e s c r ib e s Bob's manner. During h is th ree y ea rs a t Dwight he has been an a s s e t to the B asketball squad . A member of the N ational Honor S o c ie ty , Bob has a l s o contr ibu ted to the a c t iv i t i e s of the Bridge Club. He is e n e rg e t ic , am b it ious , and d isp lay s a keen s e n s e of com peti t ion .

Basketball ; Bridge Club; V. P r e s . , Junior C la s s ; N ational Honor Society

12 70 First Avenue, New York City

DENNIS COYLE GARRULOUS is the word which best

typ if ies D e n n is . Because of his hom e's proximity to Dwight, he can roll out of bed in the morning right into school - - and he frequently does ! Gifted with a G aelic fond­n e s s for ta lk , Dennis has proven to be a fa ithful friend and a cautious s tuden t .

350 East 65 Street , New York City


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Many times his c la s sm a te s have wondered: "Is he or i s n ' t he h e re ? "N e v e r th e le ss , Paul is a lad who makes many friends very e a s i ly - - and keeps them. Paul will be m issed by s tudents and faculty a l ike for a l l he has given to our p lea su re , inc lud ­ing his off-Beatle ha i rcu t ,w h ich was one of the f i rs t .

Drama Club; Student Council; Newspaper

234 East 35 S tree t , New York City

Scholarly Pursuits


TIVE. This is a t ra i t tha t he is very proud of and tak es every occas io n to p rac t ice . Many of his te ach e rs have memories of matching wits with him and of thoroughly enjoying the pro­c e s s too . Bob's ambition is to be an a ir l ine pilot; is tha t why h e 's frequently in the clouds ?

C h ess Club; Baseball

21-24 31 S tree t , Astoria

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DANIEL GALIAGHER SINCERE is w hat Danny is . Always

around and a lw ays re l ia b le , he w il l help anyone out when he can . D anny 's favorite sport is b a s k e tb a l l , and he spends quite a b i t of time in the gym p rac t ic ing . He is a pretty good p layer now. He has a l s o k e p t up very good grades a t Dwight as we know he w il l con tinue to do in c o l l e g e .

Newspaper; Yearbook; C h ess Club W eightlif t ing Club

2 77 Avenue C, New York City

Hoiluna U- m o^ ce^iiain


He is the type of s tudent who will pa r t ic ipa te in a lm ost any activ i ty with s u c c e s s . When it comes to sp o r ts , there a re n ' t many who can bea t him, and h is grades are a lso of very high qua l i ty . Because of this rare drive tha t he p o s s e s s e s , there is nothing tha t will ever keep him from tak ing on any future chal lenge he might face .

Basketball; New York Post A ll-C ity Team; T reas. , Freshman C la s s ;

Librarian; Weightlift ing Club; S tu- Council; National Honor Socie ty

46-01 3 9 Avenue, Long Is land City


Page 25: Dwight 1967

tluui, th e une x/p-ecteA..

ROBERT HAYNES What word better e x p re s se s Bob's

a t t i tude than INSPIRING? No matter what is a sked of him by a fr iend, an acq u a in tan ce , or a te ach e r , he has a lways shown a cheerful re ad in ess to be of he lp . His ad ro i tness with the camera proved a great boon to the presen t yearbook. Bob is a lso a person who be l ieves one should always do a thing well or not at a l l . His a t tendance record, by the way, w a s n ' t quite perfect.

Glee Club; Yearbook

2029 Second Avenue, New York City

BRADLEY INGRAM SINCERE is a word tha t must have

been invented with Bradley in mind. He is one of our most consc ien t ious and amiable sen io rs in sp i te of his u sua l ly stern coun tenance . His honorable candor marks him as a noteworthy member of our c l a s s . And his d i l igence has rewarded Bradley with c o n s is te n t ly good g rades .

C hess Club; Student Council

67-47 Kissena Blvd. , Flushing



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NEAL JOHNSON EXUBERANT b e s t d e s c r ib e s N ea l ,

who is one of the bright s t a r s of the b a sk e tb a l l team . Not a mean a c h ie v e ­m ent, inasm uch as he j u s t came to Dwight in h is sen ior y e a r . In that t im e , how ever , he has won many fr iends by h is fo r th r igh tness and his p uck ish humor. Neal is the kind of boy w h o , if he h a s n ' t something good to say for a pe rson , says nothing.

Basketball ; Weightlift ing Club

1594 Unionport Road, Bronx

CHARLES KOLSTERVERSATILE is the word for Charlie,

who has made h is p re sen ce a t Dwight fe l t in the two yea rs he has been with u s . Under h is le a d e rsh ip , the Stu­dent Council has had a most active and fruitful yea r in arousing in te res t in school a c t iv i t i e s . In addition to his execu t ive d u t i e s , he found time to sh ine on the b a s e b a l l diamond. A cowlick fa lling over h is eyes and an impish smile are h is t radem arks .

Pres . , Student Council; Yearbook;V. P r e s . , Drama Club; National

Honor Society

530 East 88 S tree t , New York City

Our Leader

Page 27: Dwight 1967

CUt<i 'picui .d.

WEBER lAUH MUSICAL b e s t d e sc r ib e s Weber.

Having left Dwight in his junior y ea r , he returned th is year to resume his valued posit ion as accom panis t to the Glee Club. He a lso showed grea tpromise as a c l a s s i c a l concert p ian is t . Reticent and w e l l - th o u g h t- of, Weber has crowded h is ca reer a t Dwight winning the re s p e c t and admiration of a l l .

Glee Club; V .P res . , Freshman C la s s National Honor Society

435 Riverside D rive , New York City

FRED LEONARDI One thing we can say about Fred 's

personali ty is DECEPTIVE. Although he is known as one of D w ight 'sm ost "in" s tu d en ts , tha t is only one face t of his pe rsona li ty . Fred can a lso take on a ser ious d ispos i t ion and d i s c u s s various top ics in depth , projecting new and progress ive ideas , He is much apprec ia ted at Dwight, and his graduation w il l surely leave the school somewhat beca lm ed.

S e c . - T r e a s . , Junior C la s s ; Basketball

335 East 65 S tree t , New York City


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ERIC LEVINE HAPPY-GO-LUCKY is the term tha t

b e s t d e sc r ib e s Eric. He is a good example of the c a re f ree , new g e n e ra ­t io n . Appropriately he has h is own rock and roll group. He is not above ques t ion ing a tu to r ia l pronouncement from a teacher; but he is not dog­matic to the point he c a n ' t be proven in the wrong. This f lex ib i l i ty made him a formidable addition to the Dwight debating team .

Debating; Glee Club

2200 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx

BARRY LOTT LETHARGIC is the word for Barry,

who is most of the time ra ther re ­s t ra in ed . His na tu ra l d is inc lina tion to ta lk may fool peop le , however, for in s id e th a t qu ie t ex ter io r l ies an in te l l ig en t and ac t iv e bra in . We are pos i t iv e tha t he w il l be ab le to u t i l iz e i t in the coming years in a s u c c e s s fu l l ife devoted to benefitting h is fellowmen.

Glee Club; Librarian; Student Council

14 M etropolitan O val, Bronx


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I know when I ’m not wanted

JOHN Mc Carthy BUOYANT is the word which b e s t

d esc r ibes John . G ood-natured and l ik eab le , John is truly the perpetual optimist and a rea l " c a rd ." When not boosting the morale of h is fellow s tu d e n ts , he can be s e e n playing a fas t-m oving game of b a sk e tb a l l in the gym. A friendly smile on his face and a "long s tr ide" are his t rad em ark s .

Debating; G lee Club; Basketball

620 East 20 S tree t , New York City . . . . and

RALPH MICHI HIP is the only befi t t ing ad jec t ive

for Ralph. He is de f in i te ly in tune with our f a s t -p a c e d modern gene ra ­t ion. While so many young people today are exceed ing ly com placent , Ralph shows an inqu is i t ive mind and a desire for d i s c u s s io n . The ch a ra c ­te r is t ic c lick ing of Ralph 's hee ls has been a familiar sound in the ha l ls of Dwight.

Glee Club

85 Lockwood A venue, Bronxville


Page 30: Dwight 1967

RICHARD MIRAGLIA PERSISTENT is the nature of R ichard ,

and he app l ies it to h is read ing , co l lege in te n t io n s , and s tuden t par­t ic ip a t io n . He d isp la y s an avid in te re s t in d i s c u s s io n and is mindful of h is r e s p o n s ib i l i t i e s a s se rg ean t- a t -a rm s of the Student C ouncil . A p le a s a n t , log ica l fe l low , Richard plans to pursue a ca ree r in m edicine .

Student Council; Drama Club; Glee Club

50-40 196 S tree t , Flushing

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ALDO NACHINCVICH ForAldo the word has to be DIFFER­

ENT, for Aldo is a unique p e r s o n a l i ty . After he was made, they threw away the mold. Though he may not lead h is c l a s s academ ica l ly , he is w e l l - l iked by others for his fine sen se of humor. It is one tha t no one seems to t ire of, and it is a lso n ev e r -en d ­ing. Aldo's future p lans are unknown a t the p re sen t , but we are confident tha t he will be s u c c e s s fu l , for, a s id e from having a magnetic per- so n a l t iy , he has a po ten tia l that must bring him s u c c e s s .

S e c . , Glee Club; Librarian

26 351 W es t 45 S tree t , New York City

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STEVEN PASVANKIAS ERUDITE is the word for S teve, or

Paz, as some prefer to ca l l him. Steve has ach ieved and maintained sch o la s t ic s ta tu s superior to tha t of a large majority of his fellow s tu ­den ts . He has worked excep tiona l ly hard at Dwight, and it has paid off for him. Because of (not in sp i te of) his academ ic prow ess , his fellow students have a lw ays held him in high e s teem . S u ccess in the future , whatever course he cu ts for him­self , seem s a s s u re d .

Student Council; N ewspaper; Debate; Bus. Mgr. , Yearbook; Librarian;

Tutor; N ational Honor Society

1800 Mah^n Avenue, New York City

JOHN PEREZ Most befitt ing John is the epithet

DEPENDABLE. He has been a ded i ­ca ted and d il igent s tudent s ince he came to Dwight in his sophomore yea r . He did a fine job of o rganiz ­ing and making arrangements for the Senior Prom. As the only second year Russian s tu d en t , he frequently took on the ass ignm ent of a s s i s t a n t ins truc to r to the more befuddled f irs t year s tu d en ts .

Newspaper; Debate; Yearbook;T re a s . , Senior C las s ; National

Honor Society

62-08 80 Street , Rego Park

t&oJi. in cuUUuiied'


Page 32: Dwight 1967

the ho4 to^ cO'de

PETER PUGLISI UNASSUMING d e sc r ib e s P e t e . This ,

his PG year at Dwight, has been a s u c c e s s . He p o s s e s s e s a v ivac ious persona li ty and a wacky s e n s e of humor, but a lw ays bears down on his schoo l work when n e c e s s i ty c a l l s . This contributing member of the Stu­den t Council can read i ly be id e n t i ­fied by h is "running" walk and his b r igh t-eyed sm ile .

Student Council

1163 53 S tree t , Brooklyn

JOHN RAMPQLIA DILIGENT is the word we think em­

bodies John 's ou ts tand ing quality . A P G a t Dwight a f te r having graduated from Trinity, h is popularity was ev ident in h is e lec t io n as president of the P o s t -G rad u a te C la s s . John's g rades have been commendable and his c i t iz e n sh ip a l so noteworthy. Although a se r ious-m inded student, he can a lw ays break away from the da ily routine to j oin in a good-humored

k n o ck -a ro u n d " s e s s i o n ,contributing a bundle of laughs for everyone.

Pres . , P os t-G radua te C la s s ; Librarian

78-12 84 S tree t , G lendale

Page 33: Dwight 1967

ALIAN ROBERTSON ZANY — th a t ' s Allan! It d o e s n ' t

take much to ge t him s ta r ted laugh ­ing, and once he does i t is hard for him to s top . He is wrapped up in his in te re s t in ca rs and owns a Sting Ray, which is his pride and joy. Though he came to Dwight as a sen ior , he w as most ac t iv e on senior intramural team s and made a host of f r ie n d s .

G lee Club

Palmer Terrace , R iverside , Conn.

HUMBERTO RODRIGUEZ INDUSTRIOUS d e sc r ib e s th is Year­

book photographer and honor s tuden t . Extremely shy and unassum ing , his in te l l igence and friendly manner en ­deared him to c l a s s m a te s and faculty a l ike . This year he was C o -C h a ir ­man of the National Honor S oc ie ty 's UNICEF Christm as Card drive . He was a lso sports editor of the n ew s ­paper, a job in keeping with his position on the b a se b a l l team .

Newspaper; Yearbook; Photo Club; Baseball; Librarian; N ational Honor


1218 H a lsey S tree t , Brooklyn


Page 34: Dwight 1967

uj e looJz. luzok,

PETER RYAN Try SHREWD for s i z e , Peter. With

a se r ious exp ress ion on his face and a so p h is t ic a te d manner, Peter is w e l l -co n tro l led in temperam ent as w ell as one of the n e a te s t and b e s t - d re s sed boys in Dwight, Although he is re se rved most of the time, he is well ab le to argue a point log ica l ly and calm ly .

Debating; Librarian

170 Ocean Avenue, Woodmere

LOUIS SCHMIDT HIRSUTE is the word for Hank, who,

s ince he entered Dwight in h is junior yea r , has been d is t ingu ished by the length of his lo c k s . Although th rea t ­ened often by M iss Harms , he managed to hold on to every th ing . It is said he p lays a wild game of bridge every fifth period as well a s a mad guitar in his band, an o u t -o f - s c h o o l a c t i ­v i ty .

Bridge Club

2 Sutton P lace South, New York City


Page 35: Dwight 1967

PETER SELTEN EXCITABLE is our Mr. Se lten . Even

though some may regard him as one of the sc h o o l 's "funny m en", Peter has a t ta in ed an A average for the p as t two y e a r s . He ex ce ls in math and sc ie n c e but ach iev es honor grades in a ll his su b je c ts . Outspoken and garru lous , Peter has l i t t le d iff i ­culty in gett ing h is point a c ro ss to fellow s tuden ts or facu l ty . His m is ­chievous grin b e l ie s the Julius C aesa r ha ir -d o he affec ts .

Yearbook; Bridge Club; Tutor

1349 Lexington A venue, New York City

w-e uu lL ^eicU*t th e m e m o ^

VALENTINO SO WAAL ABSTRACT fits Val to a T. Even his

b e s t friends a re n ' t a lways operating on his u l t ra -h igh frequency. He dabbles in a great many a reas and has an extreme in te re s t in them a l l . He p o s s e s s e s a liking for ta lk ing , that is to say good conversa t ion , and will d i s c u s s any of his in te res ts whenever someone e lse is willing to lend an ear . His art is not in this book only becau se your editoria l s taff cou ldn 't quite unders tand i t .

342 East 51 Street


Page 36: Dwight 1967

ANDREW STEPHENSON OUTSTANDING is a word w hich d e s ­

cr ibes Andy's b a sk e tb a l l p row ess and meritorious sp o r tsm ansh ip . For four yea rs he has g iven h is u tm ost to D w ight 's b a sk e tb a l l Tigers and found time to serve a l so as c l a s s p res iden t in h is sophomore y e a r . Throughout Andy's Dwight ca ree r his grades have been good and his pe rsona l i ty c o o l .

Basketball ; P r e s . , Sophomore C lass ;Sec. , Student Council; Glee Club; Librarian; N ational Honor Society

3 4-20 97 S tree t , Corona

FRED STOLZ OPINIONATED is a word for Fred.

He will very often defend a point of v iew a g a in s t anyone . An example of th is w as his g a l lan t campaign early in the yea r to inform new students tha t Dwight b laze rs are not mandatory on M onday. Another example was his nearly knock-dow n d r a g - o u t " debate" with Mr. Asch on the merits of the yearbook sen ior portra i ts . P . S . Both men seem to have survived the " d e b a t e ."

Sec. , Senior C la s s ; Yearbook Bridge Club; G lee Club; Debating

59 East 82 S tree t , New York City

a t a i 4 0 2 67,


Page 37: Dwight 1967

SCOTT TRACER RESERVED is the word for Scott ,

who is u su a l ly quite qu ie t . However, he can come up with a few good pranks now and then which a re , of course , merely harm less fun.Though his trademark may be s i l e n c e , he is sa id to communicate h is ideas extremely w ell in w rit ing , as w i tn e ss his g rea t s u c c e s s in com posit ions .

Drama Club

252-81 63 Avenue, Little Neck

MITCHELL TRAVERS The word for M itchell is INQUISI­

TIVE. He p o s s e s s e s a keenly in te l ­lec tua l kind of curios i ty which makes him stand out from many of his fellow s t u d e n t s . An agreeab le and congenia l person , he has shown his w il l ingness to take part in almost any ac t iv i ty and at the same time uphold a cred i tab le average in his c o u r s e s .

C hess Club

71-36 172 S tree t , Bronx


Page 38: Dwight 1967


PAUL TUSKEAn ATHLETIC ca p ta in w hose lead e r ­

ship q u a l i t ie s invariab ly guide his team on court , Paul has been a Var­s i ty b a sk e tb a l l player for th ree y ea rs . His ab i l i ty to lead o thers was further dem onstra ted when he tutored a Physics Help C l a s s . His a th le t ic prow ess is combined with a fine s c h o la s t ic record and a personality th a t , though it may a t t imes come through as im pish , is b ased on trust and s in ce r i ty .

Basketball; Librarian; W eightlifting Club

43 2 East 82 S tree t , New York City

wM/zt to- e^x^aeci

BRUCE VAN NIMWEGEN AMIABLE, t h a t ' s Bruce ! But not only

is he a l ig h t -h ea r ted and popular sen­io r , but he is a l so known as one of the most sk i l l fu l m athem atic ians and chem is ts at Dwight. His Dwight connec t ion is most in te re s t ing inas - much as he entered in his f reshm an y e a r , went to school in New Jersey as a sophomore, and then re tu rn ed here for his junior and sen ior y e a r s , for w hich h is fr iends and h is te ach e rs are most thankfu l.

V .P r e s . , Senior C la s s ; G lee Club P r e s . , National Honor Society; Tutor;

750 Squaw Rd. , North H aledon , N.J.


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He has been one of the Dwight b a s k e t ­ball t e am 's m ainstays the p a s t two y ea rs . D esp i te long hours devoted to p rac t ic e , he found time in his sophomore year to ac t as v ice p re s i ­dent of h is c l a s s . He is a perfect example of a s tuden t a t ta in ing both a th le t ic and s c h o la s t ic s u c c e s s . A congenial pe rsona l i ty and a noble manner are h is t r a d e m a rk s .

Basketball; S tudent Council; Glee Club; V. P r e s . , Sophomore C la s s

40-04 10 S tree t , Long Is land City

ROBERT WINSTON BIG is the word for Robert W inston.

A newcomer to Dwight, Bob proved to be an a s s e t to the bask e tb a l l team. His resounding vo ice and elephantine s teps can always be heard resounding throughout the schoo l . He had a tendency to forget things som etim es, though, as w itness his 9 a .m . turn ­about one day to return to Scarsdale for forgotten proofs of h is senior p ic tures . In sp i te of a l l , his carefree outlook managed to brighten things up a t Dwight.

Basketball; C hess Club

245 Edgemont Road, Scarsdale

kui 'p ho/pyi a Uiile keite/i 'pAeyp/xAed

Page 40: Dwight 1967

I ’m a good boy

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L. Altschuler

i*- -


M. Anton


M. Barbieri

D. Barrone

C . Bernard J. Black


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H. Boehner

J. Chappel

With a four-year journey ahead of them ,the freshmen se t t led down in September to d i s ­cover the varied ways of life at Dwight. Mustering th ir teen s tu d en ts , they joined with the P . G . ' s in the intramurals and under their p re s id en t , Joseph Black, were rep resen ted in other school a c t iv i t i e s .

O. Daley P. Galiano

C. Roberts


Page 44: Dwight 1967

J. Braun

Last y e a r 's ou ts tand ing freshmen have p rogressed and , led by Donald Lede, Sophomore C la s s p re s id en t , have taken on sev e ra l pos ts in s tuden t government. While keeping the ir record for academ ic su c c e s s in ta c t , the sophomores have shown up on both v a rs i ty and intramural t e a m s .

R. Chan N. Eliassof

R. Evans S. Firstenberg

B. Godwin

P. La Salle

V. Kuhnen

Page 45: Dwight 1967


D. Lede J. Vittorino

\W. Rothbaum

P. Phillips

P. Witte

P. Romero

C. Longo J.B. McCarthy


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W. Brewer D. Cardinale J. Colon


Page 47: Dwight 1967

J. Lee

J. Haimes

»L. Hart

P. Mangan

R. Martin

Coming on strong in the in t ram u ra ls , the jun io rs , including c l a s s p res iden t "Duke" W ell ing ton , p i tched in to try to provide for the sen io rs enough s tuden ts to hold a Senior Prom. Their sp i r i t , as shown by th e s e exam ples , should be enough to carry them into a su c c e s s fu l senior yea r .

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M. Migliore

B. Padilla

M. Randall

Josh Pierce

H. Pollack

J. Stabile D. Wellington

G. Winston


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First Row: Cosgrove,Firstenberg, Gathy, Tuske, Johnson, Stephenson. Second Row; Barrow, Mr, Maloney, Wellington, LaSalle, Evans, Wiggins, R. Winston, Mr. Cadra, Padilla, Dresner.

The true mark of a champion is to bounce back from defea t to v ic tory . The Dwight Tigers of 1966-67 did ju s t th a t . Because of inexper ience and very often bad b re a k s , the Tigers lo s t the ir f irs t five gam es . However, our sixth game was a completely different s tory. The Tigers completely outplayed the Holy Trinity five and their f i rs t v ic tory was ga ined . From then on, victory w as the only thing the Tigers ever knew a s they went on to win th ir teen con ­secu t ive gam es.

Artie W iggins became the third man at Dwight to score 1 ,000 p o in ts . He made a co n s i s te n t ly good scoring effort a s h is 18.5 points per game shows.

Andy S tephenson fully lived up to h is po ten t ia l . This 5 '10" leaper av e ra g ­ed 16.1 and was a lways good for a hundred percen t effort in every game.

W henever a defens ive job had to be done, Paul Tuske was given the t a s k . This was P au l 's f i rs t year as a s ta r te r , and he performed l ike a true v e te ran .

Ken G athy, a four-year ve te ran , ju s t m issed the 1 ,000 point mark. Ken, who scored 997 p o in ts , has been a s ta r te r for h is four y e a rs . He is the b e s t b a l l -h an d le r on the team , and no matter how tight the d e fe n s e , Kenny could a lw ays be counted on to get the ball in scoring pos i t ion .

Bob C osgrove , Neal Johnson, and Robert Evans al l contr ibuted to the s u c ­c e s s of the Tigers. The y ea r 's climax was reached when Dwight de fea ted DeWitt C lin ton , a top -ranked team.

Much credit is due Mr. Maloney and Mr. Cadra , who guided the team through their b ri l l ian t s ea so n .


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Paul Tuske Robert EvansCaptain



Opponent54 Clinton 5650 LaSalle 5953 John Adams 6068 NYU Freshmen 8576 Molloy 9392 Trinity 6768 Bridgewater 5983 Adelphi 6758 Scotch Plains 5168 All Hallows 6286 Delehanty 6581 Lehigh U Freshmen 6895 Adelphi 5888 NY Tech Freshmen 72

112 St. M ary 's 6381 Delehanty 4969 Clinton 6572 Makie 64

Average 75 .7 64.2Games won 13, games lo s t 5

Mr. Donald Maloney Mr. Henry Cadra

Kenneth Gathy

Andrew Stephenson

Arthur Wiggins

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Dwight 's b a s e b a l l team is not as w ell p u b l ic iz ­ed as the s c h o o l 's b a sk e tb a l l team , but i t is a capab le ro s te r of p lay e rs . Under the coaching of Mr. Maloney and Mr. C adra , they p laced second in the ir league l a s t y ea r . The return of depend ­ab le senior players such as C harles Kolster, Thomas Barrow, and Humberto Rodriguez should make th is s e a s o n an equal ly s u c c e s s fu l one. In add i t ion , there are sev e ra l underc lassm en on the team to carry on in future years .

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Under the in sp ira t ion of the Student Council and the superv is ion of Mr. Cadra , Dwight had intramurals in three sports th is year; vo l leyba l l , dodgeba l l , and b a sk e tb a l l . Further­more, there were dreams of a fourth, so f tba l l , in the spring.


The intramurals began with dodge b a l l , and , by the end of the se r ie s of gam es , victory belonged to the s e n i o r s . Their high ve loc i ty throwing, contributed by such players as Bradley Ingram, de fea ted even the ga l lan t efforts of the under- c l a s s t e a m s .


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The vol leybal l ne t suspended ac ross the gym proclaimed what the next intramural would be . The sen ior turnout proved to be so en th u s ia s t i c tha t two team s . Senior A and B, were made up by M r . Cadra . Both teams s u c c e s s fu l ly survived the competition provided by the f re sh m an -P G , sophomore, and junior te a m s , and a champion­ship p lay-off was schedu led . The members of Senior B included such invinc ib le va rs i ty players as Bob Cosgrove and Paul Tuske, but the efforts of Peter Selten and Ken Gathy, among the other p layers of Senior A, conquered a l l .


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The most hotly co n te s ted intramural was b a s k e t ­b a l l , and a l l the c l a s s teams had the ir share of s t a r s . The f reshm an-PG team featured the d read ­ed PG,John Rampolla, and the sophomores b o a s t ­ed Stuart F irs tenberg . The s u s p e n s e mounted as both of the two top -ra ted te am s , the juniors and sen iors , won a l l their gam es . The i s s u e of which was be t te r was brought to a rousing conc lus ion in the game of February 27. Pete Se l ten , Danny G allagher , Bob Corby, John F. M cCarthy , and Bob E liassof were the winning sen ior team . Both s id e s ' shooting , rebounding, and driving became in tense as such junior p layers as Padilla , M ig l io re , Krone, and Colon tried to overcome the s e n io rs . Seniority triumphed, however, with a score of 38-24 .

Many thanks should be given to Mr. Cadra through whose time and effort th e s e games a t t a in ­ed the popularity and s u c c e s s they did .

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Front; Miraglia, Rothbaum, Kolster, Amsterdam, Apuzzo, Mr. Asch. Rear; Puglisi, Haimes, Pasvankias, Christensen, Barone, Bassett, Meade, Crisona, Fyfe.

Student CouncilServing as a major means of s tuden t r e p re s e n ta ­

t ion , the STUDENT COUNCIL, under the lead e r ­ship of C harles Kolster, has come to be one of the most ac t ive and v i ta l s tuden t groups at Dwight. It has been re sp o n s ib le for the s u c c e s s of our school d a n c e s , the various intramural tournam ents , and the overal l i n c re a se in school sp ir i t during the yea r . Other ach ievem en ts of th is body include the s t r ic t enforcement of d ress regu la t ions , the sponsoring of school e x c u rs io n s , and i ts function as a d e m o cra t ic , o p e n -m in d e d , and in te l l igen t r ep resen ta t ive body.

Page 61: Dwight 1967

Seated; Stolz, Selten, Mr. Hurry, Schmidt. Standing Vittorino, Cosgrove.

Mridge ClubThe s lapp ing of cards echoing in 4B comes from

the l ive ly c o n te s t s held by the BRIDGE CLUB. Mr. Hurry, i ts facul ty adv iso r , has made it a truly ac t iv e c lu b ,a n d anyone who en ters without knowledge of bridge is c e r ta in to leave with the ru les of the game w e l l - f ix ed in his mind. Selten and Vittorino are the two ve te rans of the c lub , and during the second sem es te r seve ra l new members jo ined the group to m aster the in t r i c a c ie s of th is most re a so n in g of so c ia l p a s t im es .

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Chess ClubRoom 4A is the p lace to go to see the members

of our CHESS CLUB match w i t s . One of the main reaso n s for its s u c c e s s is the ins truc t ion given by Mr. Curry, who a l so pa r t ic ipa te s in many m atches with the s tu d e n ts . The CHESS CLUB is one of the most in te re s t ing of our a c t iv i t i e s , and it g ives the s tudents a chance to benefi t from a club while a l so re lax ing . All of the par t ic ipan ts agree tha t i t is very en joyab le , and members W inston and Travers a s s u re i ts l i v e l in e s s .

Seated: Philips, Mr. Curry, Travers. Standing: Boehner, Rampol- la, Ingram, Colon, R. Winston, R. Eliassof.

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Debating ClubThis y e a r 's deba te rs c o n s i s te d of an in ex p e r ien c ­

ed but ab le -m inded and willing group of s tuden ts . In the f irs t sem es te r a program of tra in ing the new members was undertaken most s u c c e s s fu l ly by M r.O rge l and the group 's ch a i rm an , Alton Amster­dam, the only returning ve te ran in the o rgan iza ­t ion . When the club moved in the second s e m e s t e r to the aeg is of M r.A sch , members were d ivided into affirmative and nega t ive groups to prepare arguments on the na t ional topic: Re­so lv ed , America 's foreign aid program should be non-m il i ta ry . Besides in - sc h o o l d e b a t in g , teams were entered in the Rhodes Tournament and freshmen and sophomores were d e le g a te s to the All-School C ongress a t the Franklin School.

Meade, Witte, Anton, Amsterdam, Levine, Mr. Orgel.


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Seated: Mr. Scully, Galiano, Mangan. Standing: DeGuzman, Tra- ger, Cortese, Miraglia, Kolster.

Drama ClubThe DRAMA CLUB made a return engagement at

Dwight th is yea r , but b e c a u se of d ifficulty in agreeing on a program the show "folded on the road"; that i s , i t did not survive the f i rs t s e m e s ­te r . Although the group d idn ' t produce any p lay s , i ts members could not have fa i led to gain something from the ir conversa t ions with Mr. S c u l ly .

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First Row: Lott, Robertson, Wellington, Barrow, Randall, Michi, Lauh, Mrs. Post, Chan. Second Row: Stephenson, McCarthy, Hay­nes, Wiggins, Barone, Romero, Hart, Van Ninnwegen, Nacinovich. At the piano; Pierce brothers.

0lee ClubThe GLEE CLUB is one of the most productive

a c t iv i t i e s in the school s ince it is a regular fea ture at a s sem b l ie s and involves more s tuden ts than any other c lub . Under the pat ien t guidance of M rs . Pos t , i ts members have learned a varied reper to i re . This year the group has had a fe a s t of to p -no tch piano accom pan is ts with Weber Lauh and Jed and Josh P ie rce .


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First Row: Pasvankias, Mr. Jones, Bassett. Second Row; Anton,Meade, Rothbaum, Amsterdam, Chan.

MoMor CommitteeUnder the direction of Mr. Jones , the HONOR

COMMITTEE meets monthly with i ts p res iden t , Steven P asv an k ia s , to d i s c u s s any problems pert inent to the Dwight Honor Code. The com­mittee does indeed play a s ign if ican t role by in ­ves t iga t ing thoroughly any and all v io la t ions of th is code . With the cooperation of i ts members, such as Alton Amsterdam, who has been on the committee for four y e a r s , the group has been able to function e f f ic ien t ly , thus maintaining the high s tandards of honor synonymous with Dwight.

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Cibrary CommitteeDwight s tuden ts can now re se a rc h a lmost any

topic or ju s t find a book to en te r ta in them in our re f i t ted l ibrary . The credit for th is r e n a i s s a n c e of the Dewey Decimal System at Dwight should be given to M rs . G arson . Assis ting her in she lv ing , ca ta logu ing , and al l the various odd jobs are the s tuden t l ib ra r ian s .

First row: Rodriguez, Pasvankias, J,B. McCarthy. Second row: Bassett, Wiggins, Amsterdam.

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First Row: Rodriguez, Bassett, Van Nimwegen, Amsterdam, Pasvankias, Mr. Asch. Second Row; Fyfe, Gathy, Kolster, Jed Pierce, Josh Pierce, Stephenson, Cosgrove, Lauh, Perez.

J^atioml Monor SocietyThe NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY is a nationwide

organization which is re served for outs tanding s tu d en ts , and membership in it is one of the h ighes t honors that can be given by a schoo l . Requirements include s c h o la s t ic achievement,* but a faculty vote on each cand ida te and c o n s id e r ­ing the qua l i t ie s of se rv ice , lead e rsh ip , and charac te r is n ec e ssa ry to be chosen for member­sh ip . The Dwight chap te r , under Pres ident Bruce Van Nimwegen, provides tutors and runs the annual UNICEF Christmas Card Drive.

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J^ewspaperThe DWIGHT WORD, a monthly pub l ica t ion , is

a favorite with the entire sch o o l . Its pages con ­ta in thought-provoking e d i to r ia l s , " s c o o p s " , in te rv iew s , rev iew s , spor ts rep o r ts , and of course the regular chuckle column, "Around C am pus ." Publishing under the motto of "All the news tha t f i ts the pr in t" , the WORD, with Tom C h r is ten sen as editor and under the s u c ­c e s s iv e a d v is o r -c e n s o r s h ip s of M e s s r s . S ta t i le , A sch ,and P o w e l l ,h a s earned al l the pra ise and merit which it r e c e iv e s .

First row: Rodriguez, Christensen, Mr. Statile, Bassett, Apuzzo.Second row: Pasvankias, Cardinale, Braun, Fyfe, Perez.


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Vkotograpky ClubThe Dwight PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB has always

been a favorite among the sch o o l 's many camera f ie n d s , and th is year was no excep t ion . While most of the c lu b 's time is u sed for photography, grea t s t r e s s was placed th is year on an a ly t ica l s e l f - c r i t i c i s m . Many of the boys have gained in the club the knowledge and exper ience to make th is the beginning of a lifetime hobby.

First row: Corby, Mr. Himmelein, Costoso. Second row: Dresner,N, Eliassof, Black, Lede. Willi camera: Friedman.


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First row: Tuske, Mr. Cadra, J. Ryan, Pollack, Gathy. Second row; Chiarelli, Gallagher, Johnson,

Weightlifting ClubAlthough the WEIGHTLIFTING la s te d only

through the f i rs t s e m es te r , ev idence of its e ffec t w as beginning to be seen in the t igh te r fit of i t s m em bers ' Dwight b laze rs It o ccas io n a l ly c e a s e d work so th a t the intramurals could u se the gym, but excluding th o se in te rrup t ions , Mr. Cadra saw to it tha t the l i f ters were kept a c t iv e .


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First row: Pasvankias, Meade, Bassett, Amsterdam, Perez. Second row: Mr. Asch, Rodriguez, Selten, Stolz, Kolster.

yearbookThe 1967 DWIGHT SCROLL, is the compilation

of many peop le , i d e a s , and hours . Started the second w eek of schoo l , it has been la id out , s tu d ie d , r e v i s e d , ed i ted , and d i s c u s s e d with the utmost devotion of s ta ff and facu l ty . On many a day dusk had enveloped S ix ty -seven th Street before faithful ed i to r , M ichael B asse t t , w as ready to se t his work a s id e and head for home. We began with only a jumbled m ass of un in te l l ig ib le id eas w hich , when applied to paper , fe l l far short of our "a r t i s t i c " d r e a m s . Candids were taken and many inferior ones were d isp o sed of. Robert H aynes , who is ab sen t in the s ta ff p ic tu re , took our fine bask e tb a l l s h o t s . Several in te re s t ing snaps were lo s t , only to be found a t the l a s t moment in some obscure corner of the yearbook locker . Now, with the long months of work behind u s , the s ta ff looks (with a g rea t dea l of what we hope is ju s t i f iab le pride) o n i t s f in ished product - - t h e 1967 SCROLL.


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A rt ClubMr. Spahn 's in te re s t in art becam e evident

when Dwight s tuden ts re turned from the in te r ­s e s s io n to find tha t the ir familiar front ha l l had become a p icture ga l le ry . The new a s s i s t a n t h eadm as te r then founded the ART CLUB for all the frus tra ted P ic a sso s in the s tuden t body. In i ts f i r s t s e m e s te r , the club had been turning out a good dea l of work, and i ts s tuden t a r t i s t s seem to be enjoying th e m se lv e s . One member, Curt is Verra, served as Art Editor of Dwight Authors, the sc h o o l 's l i te rary m agazine .

Among the members th is sem es te r were Apuzzo, Barbieri, C han , DeGuzman, Karakashian , Leo- nard i , P a d i l l a , Romero, Sow aal, S tab ile , Trager, Oxhandler , and Curtis Verra, who did the draw­ings on th is and the M usic Appreciation p a g e .

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The Dwight MUSIC APPRECIATION CLUB is ce r ta in ly an ou ts tand ing so c ie ty . An "infant" club organized only during the second semester th is yea r , it has been made by i ts faculty spon­so r , Mr. Orgel, one of the s c h o o l 's most re ­sp ec ted and popular a c t iv i t i e s by se t t ing high s tandards th a t must be met by al l members. The program of the club inc ludes a h is tory of music from anc ien t t imes to the p re sen t . At Dwight we cons ider the MUSIC APPRECIATION CLUB a va luab le addition to the da i ly academ ic life of the schoo l .

"Appreciators" of m usic th is sem es te r were: Brewer, C rosson , G athy , Kolster, J .B . Mc­Carthy , M irag l ia , Ph i l ip s , Po llack , Puglisi , J. Ryan, and Tuske.

Page 75: Dwight 1967

No p r a c t i c e ! T h e short and th e t a l l

The fashionable young man

At Cornell'sI was reading a book.

Page 76: Dwight 1967


Amsterdam le a v e s C h ip 's to C happe l .Apuzzo leav es h is liking for movies to M ason . Balafas leaves his perfect a t ten d an ce record to C ro s -

s o n .Barrow leaves h is e x c u se s to Mr. Scu l ly .B asse t t le av es la te afternoon yearbook s e s s io n s to

M e a d e .C hiare l l i left a t m id-term.C h r is ten sen leav es the Word to whoever th inks he

can handle i t .Corby leaves his unbuttoned sh ir t to Anton.Cornell le av es some e x c e s s m usc les to Curt in . C ortese leav es his savoir faire to Lede.Cosgrove leaves his cool to Daley.Coyle leaves his white socks to Boehner.DeGuzman leav es his t ie s to S tab ile .E l ia sso f leaves his t a i lo r ' s add ress to h is brother. Gallagher leav es h is voice to Barone.Gathy leaves his dribbling to F irs tenberg .Haynes leaves his camera to the next y e a r ' s y e a r ­

book photographer.Heller leaves 50 I. Q. points to Dwight for u s e w h e r e -

ever they are most needed .Ingram leav es his Billy Graham l i te ra tu re to Chan. Johnson leav es his good looks to Altschuler , w ho 's

s a t i s f ie d with what he h a s .Karakashian leav es his a r t i s t i c ta len t to Romero. Kolster leav es his unused demerit s l ip s to C rosson . Lauh leaves his ear for music to Hart.Leonardi leav es his " c l a s s " to Longo.Levine leav es his e legance to Haimes .


Page 77: Dwight 1967


Lott l e a v e s his charm to J. Ryan.M cCarthy le a v e s h is b o y ish n ess to M cCarthy . M ichi leaves h is boots to E v an s .M iller le a v e s his good nature to G aliano .M irag l ia le a v e s his ind iv idua li ty to the Pierces . N acinov ich le a v e s his d ic t ionary to Colon. P a sv an k ias le av es his b u s in e s s acumen to Roberts. Payne le av es his southern drawl to Barbieri.Perez le av es his Morris Minor to M iglio re .Puglis i l e a v e s his height to Fyfe.Rampolla le av es his cosm opoli tan air to Braun. Robertson l e a v e s , w ith a s igh of re l ie f , the s ta te of

New York.Rodriguez leav es h is Spanish to Pad i l la .Ryan leaves his rebu t ta ls to G. W ins ton .Schmidt le av es his h a i r -d o to Ph i l ip s ,Selten le av es his lo q u a c io u sn e s s to Rothbaum. Sowaal leav es his non-conformity to W it te . Stephenson leaves his dunk to LaSalle .Stolz le av es his p ro tes ts to M angan.Trager leav es h is cheerfu l coun tenance to Krone. Travers le a v e s his cu r ios i ty to D resner .Tuske leav es h is c o u s in .VanNimwegen le a v e s his s a i lb o a t to Lee.W iggins le a v e s h is speed to Mr. Cadra .R. W ins ton le av es his ag i l i ty to Mr. M aloney .


Page 78: Dwight 1967

Dwight's new lighting system?

I disagree"

We had some casualties in the lab.

Summit conference


Even teachers need lunch

Page 79: Dwight 1967

Music and the arts

They're just playful

iG ISLdHI(MRtft, iM lC H C tii'

The elevator's late again

Is this a student march, or are they just coming back from lunch?


Page 80: Dwight 1967


Popular— ^ruce Van i imwegen

^ost Courteous— Steven Vasvtmkias

Most iAr0umentative— Kobert Sliassof

Most Zalkative — Peter Selten

Most Ketieent— Mumberto Kodriguez

Most Sophisticated— ?red Ceonardi

Most J aive — Sric Ceme

Most Absent — Kobert Maynes

Most Athletic — Kobert Cosgrove

Most Keliable—Alton Afftsterdam

Most MODest—Marry jCott

Most Versatile— Arthur Wiggins

Most Witty— Zhomas Christensen


Page 81: Dwight 1967


Mi’st MAJ^Dy— 'DcmmIs Coyle

Most Articulate — Aldo J^acmovieh

Most Jngenious— Zho mas Marrow

Most Mercurial— Kenneth Qathy

Most generous— phn Perez

Most Ephemeral — Valentine Sowaal

Most boisterous— ohn J. McCarthy

Most Cynical—Scott Zrager

Most Angry young Man — 7red Stolz

Most fJUMPy—Andrew Stephenson

Most Jntellectual— Michael Bassett

Most Musical— Weber Cauh

Most hner Power— Bradley Jngram


Page 82: Dwight 1967

These are some of our i l lu s tr ious sen iors (and one P .G . ) as they a p ­peared in their younger d a y s . Can you identify them? Names to match the numbered p ic tures will be found on page 88.


n r < ■

■■ O i j

• • * '/' ' ' • ' ly

Page 83: Dwight 1967


Page 84: Dwight 1967



Dig i t , s ir '

Zen and ten

Mey, rags!

J ow boys . . .

foiled again!

Kothbaum, shut up!

Mold it!

Mey, beau!

Oh 0od!

What a goof

We did ten and ten

0 et dressed! you’re timing it too closely


Page 85: Dwight 1967

W e \e a ll d4^ck lU ile cj ^ntlemen 3 a clo^ok


Page 86: Dwight 1967


T O -

Mr. Hamburger's biology lectures?

The Drama Club?

Mr. Asch's psychology class?

The Senior Lounge?

The lock on the bathroom door?

Mr. Flaxman's Shakespeare readings?

The phone on the firs t floor?

The TWA map behind Mr. Scully?

Mr. Petersen?

The soda machines?

Single-breasted blazers?

Mr. Monte?

The W eightlifting Club?

John Perez's "wheels'7

The match collection on Mr. Scully's ceiling?

The unprintable inscriptions on the lockers?

Page 87: Dwight 1967

S i

Since he is often found strol l ing the corridors while contemplating improvements , Mr. Spahn has b e ­come a familiar figure in the short time he has been at Dwight. The experience he brings with him to the post of A ss is tan t Headm aster is r ich and varied and is not confined so le ly to the field of educa t ion . Those of us who w il l s t i l l be around 402 E. 67th for a few y ea rs look forward to the posi t ive effect of Mr. Spahn's i d e a s .

The s tuden ts sa id to Socra tes , speak to us of t e a c h in g .

And he replied:"Is it poss ib le for one man to

see exac t ly the same v is io n as ano ther? Can an a r t i s t fee l and rec rea te the works of art of other a r t i s t s ? Are we a l l so a l ike tha t one must acqu ire , in order to be happy, what another p o s s e s s e s ?"

A m usic ian may be ab le to e x ­plain how he c re a te s a song , but he cannot g ive you the se n s i t iv i ty to c rea te your own. A m athem atic ian can d i s c u s s the frontiers of geom etry , but he cannot force you to have the same joy and unders tand ing .

To give wisdom is not the t a sk of a t e a c h e r , but ra ther to give a s tuden t confidence and loving fa i th th a t he can find his own path .

A w ise p r ies t wrote in the temple of D e los , "Know th y ­s e l f . " Teaching is to lead another to the th resho ld of o n e 's own im agination . For in the end we a l l s tand alone in our knowledge of Heaven and Earth.

— Stephen Spahn

That ta l l figure in 3Bis Mr. Powell. He arrived a t mid-term to become the new sp ap e r 's third advisor and took over English and Latin in c l a s s e s of various leve ls . Though he was sports editor of h is own sch o o l 's new spape r , he has re sp ec ted the ind iv iduali ty of the Dwight Word and a l low ed i ts s ta ff to implement the ir own crea t ive i d e a s . On the academ ic s id e , Mr. Pow ell 's c l a s s e s are known to be w e l l -o rg an ized and e f fec t iv e .


Page 88: Dwight 1967

After twenty years as H eadm aster of Dwight School, Mr. Winton L. M il le r , Jr. , is re t i r ing . Those of us who knew him well and part icu larly th o se facu l ty who served under his leadersh ip for a number of yea rs are extremely hard put to conceive of a Dwight School w ithout Mr. Miller at the helm. Always he has been unders tanding and co m p ass io n a te , most important a t t r ibu tes in any man, more so in one who is charged with the preparation for the future of young men. Also, we have found him to be w i s e —w hether in a d i s c u s s io n of p rincip les with economics s tuden ts or in helping indiv id ­ua ls to tack le part icu larly irksome and seemingly inso lub le prob lem s.

Under Mr. M il le r 's l e ad e rsh ip , Dwight School, although small in s i z e , has maintained an informal d isc ip l in ed a tm os ­phere which makes learning anything but the ted ious routine it is in most s ch o o ls . The outs tanding rap p o r t - - e v e n cam- am araderie— tha t prevail between s tuden ts and teach e rs is a te s tam en t to the example s e t by our re tir ing H eadm aster .

Since we are the l a s t graduating c l a s s under you. Sir, we would l ike to thank you for the rare qua l i t ie s we have found in Dwight.


Page 89: Dwight 1967


MtOH Amsterdam

A ton 3red iApu22o

Jrving Asch

Zhomas Harrow

Michael Bassett

James KraunMenry Cadra

J)aHiel Cardinale

Zhomas Christensen

Kobert Corby

p h n CrossoH

Mr^ Qregory Curry

Alld^ T) res Her Bruce Jyfe

Mrs, Sugema Qarson p e l Malmes

M iss Melen Marms

Mrs, Bertha Marms

Ceigh Mart Kobert Maynes

Mr, Otis Murry

Mr, Zheodore Jones

Weber jCauh

Eric Cevine

John Brendan McCarthy

^ r . T)onald Maloney

James M^son

Kalph Michi

Kichard MiJ'^glia Aldo J^aclnovich

Mf^ Charles Or gel

Steven Pasuankias

John Perez

Philip Philips Mrs, Doris Post

Mr^ William Post, Jr, Peter Puglisi John Kampolla

Ala^ Kobertson Mumberto Kodriguez

William Kothbaum John Kyan

M r, Qabriel Statile

Mitchell Zravers

Bruce Van J^imwegen

Joseph Vittorino

Arthur Wiggins


Page 90: Dwight 1967

Introducing. . . TheMO 9-6260 AR 6-6969

Suffolk Queens

New Allied Sanitation, Inc.

"CHIPS" Removers of Ashes & Rubbish, Etc.


. . .D ine in luxury

with food fit

for a gourmet

357 South 4th Street Lindenhurst, L . I . , N .Y .


10% GRADUATESDiscount to

A ll Dwight Students— Zhe

1207 F irst Avenue (68th Street)




Founded 1880

The Outstanding

Pre-Engineering Preparatory School

Special W es t Point Full Post-Graduate Courses in Testing, Gym ., Inter-Annapolis, A ir Force Engineering, M ath, English, Scholastic Athletics,

Classes Physics, Pre-Medical All Extra-Curriculars


402 East 67th Street, a t First Ave., New York, N. Y.

RE. 7-2400


Page 91: Dwight 1967

Compliments of

A-l DELL...Cornell Restaurant

1277 First Avenue1265 F irs t Avenue

New York

.. .where qual i ty takes

precedence. ..




Come to . . .



Mr. and Mrs.

Dominick Perez


— I t ’ s Real I ta lian P i z z a — Sic i l ian and C a lzone

“ When eating at A l t o ’ s . . . you know

i t ’ s the b e s t”

1274 F irs t A ve .Bet . 68th and 69th S t ’ s.




. . .courtesy and service

for one decade...

-W e welcome 1268 F irs t Ave.

you to v is i t New York C ity

our fine



1241 F irs t Ave., at 67th St.

New York, N .Y . 10021

Greeting Cards

Gift Items, Paperbacks

School Supplies, Stationery

Toys, Box Candy, Ice Cream

Newspapers, Magazines


And Other Items.


Page 92: Dwight 1967


J ick Balafas, who took last-minute photos

JSJew york City T)epartmeHt of Parks for the

photo of the Children’s Zoo

J^ew york J^ational Ceague baseball Club

for the picture of Shea Stadium

^ew york Public jCibrary for the photograph

of the JCibrary J^ew york Stock S^cchange for the photo of

the Sfcchange Empire State building Public Kelations for

the photo of their building

1. John Perez2. M itchell Travers3. J o h n F . McCarthy4. Fred Apuzzo5. Thomas Barrow6. Andrew Stephenson7. Robert Cosgrove8. Peter Selten9. Arthur Wiggins

10. Kenneth Gathy11. Dennis Coyle12. M ichael Bassett13. Alton Amsterdam

Page 93: Dwight 1967
Page 94: Dwight 1967
Page 95: Dwight 1967
Page 96: Dwight 1967