du zhan [read-only] - purdue university

Securing Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) 1 1/3/2003 1 Building Decision Tree Classifier on Private Data Author: Wenliang (Kevin) Du and Zhijun Zhan Center for Systems Assurance Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Syracuse University 1/3/2003 2 Overview Privacy-preserving Data Mining Problem Definition Building Block: Scalar Product Protocol Decision Tree Building Conclusion

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Page 1: du zhan [Read-Only] - Purdue University

Securing Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) 1

1/3/2003 1

Building Decision Tree Classifier on Private Data

Author: Wenliang (Kevin) Du and

Zhijun Zhan

Center for Systems Assurance

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Syracuse University

1/3/2003 2


Privacy-preserving Data Mining

Problem Definition

Building Block: Scalar Product Protocol

Decision Tree Building


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Securing Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) 2

1/3/2003 3

Privacy-preserving Data Mining

Data Mining

Alice Bob

Database A Database B

Results (classification, association rules, etc.)

1/3/2003 4

Data Partitions

Data Mining



Data Mining


Private Data

Horizontally partitioned data Vertically partitioned data

� This paper: vertically partitioned data.

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Problem Definition

Alice has a private data set Sa,

Bob has a private data set Sb,

They want to build a decision tree classifier on [Sa Sb] (Vertically Partitioned),

Without disclosing their private data.

1/3/2003 6

Trusted Third Party Model

Alice Bob

Trusted Third PartyTrusted Party can be difficult to find!


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Commodity Server (CS) Model

Commodity Server (CS)

Alice Bob

Commodities Commodities

Our solution is based on commodity server model

Sa Sb

1/3/2003 8

CS Properties

Assumption: CS cannot collude with either Alice or Bob.

CS is not a trusted party.

CS doesn’t participate in the computation.

CS does not receive private data from Alice or Bob.

The commodities from CS are independent from Alice and Bob’s private data, so they can be generated offline (namely, CS can sell random data for profit �).

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Security Assumption

In the Trusted 3rd Party model, Alice and Bob need to assume that the 3rd party does not abusetheir private data.

In the CS model, Alice and Bob need to assume that the CS does not collude with the other party. This security assumption is weaker than the Trusted 3rd Party model, so CS model is more realistic.

1/3/2003 10

The Origin of The CS Model.

Commodity Server model was proposed by Beaver (1997).

CS has been used for solving the Private Information Retrieval problem.

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Building Block: Scalar Product

Alice has a private vector A

Bob has a private vector B

They want to compute the scalar product of these two vectors

A · B = Σ A(i)*B(i)

Nobody wants to disclose its private data to the other party.

1/3/2003 12

Scalar Product Protocol using Commodity Server


Alice Bob

Ra , rara + rb = Ra·Rb

A = A + Ra

B = B + Rb

A ·B + rb




Rb , rb

Alice computes:(A ·B + rb ) – (Ra·B ) + ra= A·B + Ra · B+ rb - Ra ·B - Ra ·Rb + ra

= A·B

Ra, Rb: randomly generated vectors.

ra, rb: random numbers

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Efficiency� Communication cost: 2n

� Computation cost: 2n

� Very close to the optimal solution (the one without worrying about the security concerns)� Optimal:

� communication cost: n

� computation cost: n

1/3/2003 14

Comparing with Existing Work

Scalar Product Protocols based on 2-party model were proposed by:� Du and Atallah (2001)

� Vaidya and Clifton (2002)

Advantage: our scheme is more efficient (close to optimal solutions)

Disadvantage: the security assumption (about collusion) is stronger than the 2-party model

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Decision Tree Building

Procedure:� Evaluate splits for each attribute,

� Select the best split,

� Create partitions using the best split.

How to find the best split?

1/3/2003 16

How to Find The Best Split?

Splitting Index� Evaluate the “goodness” of a split

� Several splitting schemes have been proposed:� Entropy

� Gini Index

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Entropy-based Splitting

We want to measure how good it is to use attribute A to partition S:


A = v1

A = v2

A = v3

1/3/2003 18

Entropy-based Splitting

Notation: � Pj : frequency of class j in S

� Sv : subset of S for which attribute A = v

Information Gain:



jjj PPSEntropy





vv SEntropy


SSEntropyASGain ))(*



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Selecting the Splitting Attribute

Compute Gain(S, A) for each attribute A.

Select the attribute with the largest information gain as the best split for the current node.

Partition S using the selected attribute.

1/3/2003 20

Challenges in Our Problem

S is unknown� S contains data that satisfy

(A3=1) and (B2=1)� A3 is known to Alice only� B2 is known to Bob only

How to compute Pj,Entropy(S), Entropy(Sv), |S| and |Sv| without knowing what S contains?


A2 B2


A3 = 1

B2 = 1 B2 = 0

A3 = 0

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Overview of Our Solution (1)

Assume records in S must satisfy requirements R.Divide R into 2 parts: R = (Ra and Rb)� Ra contains Alice’s attributes� Rb contains Bob’s attributes

Alice computes vector Va:� Va(i) = 1 if the ith record satisfies Ra; Va(i)=0 otherwise

Bob computes vector Vb:� Vb(i) = 1 if the ith record satisfies Rb; Vb(i)=0 otherwise

|S| = Va· Vb : use our scalar product protocol!

1/3/2003 22

Overview of Our Solution (2)

Similarly we can compute the following using scalar product protocol (assume the candidate attribute A belongs to Alice):� |Sv|: R = (Ra and A=v) and Rb

� Pj : R = (Ra and Class=j) and Rb

or R = Ra and (Rb and Class=j)

Finally we can compute Entropy(S), Entropy(Sv), and Gain(S, A).

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Day Outlook Play Ball

D1 Sunny No

D2 Sunny No

D3 Rain Yes

D4 Rain Yes

D5 Rain No

Day Humidity Wind Play Ball

D1 High Weak No

D2 High Strong No

D3 High Weak Yes

D4 Normal Weak Yes

D5 Normal Strong No

Alice Bob

1/3/2003 24

How to Find the Best Split

Assuming we already find the the root, which is attribute Outlook.We will show how to obtain the best split for the left child of the attribute Outlook.We use Gain(S, Humidity) as an example.



Rain Sunny


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Alice’s Vectors

Alice computes: � Va(outlook=Rain) = (0,0,1,1,1)

� 1 means (outlook=Rain).

� Va(outlook=Rain, playball=No) = (0,0,0,0,1)� 1 means (outlook=Rain) and (playball=No).

� Va(outlook=Rain, playball=Yes) = (0,0,1,1,0): � 1 means (outlook=Rain) and (playball=Yes).

1/3/2003 26

Bob’s Vectors

Bob computes: � Vb(humidity=High) = (1,1,1,0,0)

� 1 means (Humidity=High).

� Vb(humidity=Normal) = (0,0,0,1,1)� 1 means (Humidity=Normal).

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Compute Entropy(Sv=High) (Example)

|Sv=High| = Va(outlook=Rain) ⋅ Vb(humidity=High)

P0= P(outlook=Rain, playball=No, humidity=High)

=Va(outlook=Rain, playball=No) ⋅ Vb(humidity=High)

P1=P(outlook=Rain, playball=Yes, humidity=High)=Va(outlook=Rain, playball=Yes)⋅Vb(humidity=High)

Entropy(Sv=High) = -(p0/|Sv=High|)log(p0/|Sv=High|) –(p1/|Sv=High|)log(p1/|Sv=High|)

Similarly, we can compute Entropy(Sv=Normal), and finally Gain(S, Humidity).

1/3/2003 28

Security Analysis

Information Disclosure� From the algorithm� From the results (the final decision tree)

Information Disclosure From our Algorithm� The results of the scalar product can disclose some

information� Better protection scheme can be used (details in the


Information Disclosure from the final decision tree� How much can be disclosed needs more study

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We presented a solution for building a decision tree classifier on vertically partitioned private data.

The scalar product protocol with a commodity server is used as a basic tool.

Future studies will focus on developing more efficient solutions.