dsp arithmetic

DSP Arithmetic 1

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fixed point and floating point representations


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DSP Arithmetic


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• Fixed point representation• Floating point representation• Some math operations:• Addition• Subtraction• Multiplication • Division

• Comparison


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Introduction • Practical DSP implementation should take into

consideration:• Possible quantization errors• Arithmetic errors• Possible Overflow

• A DSP processor’s data format determines its ability to handle signals of different precisions, dynamic ranges, and SQNRs.

• In order to write efficient programs for DSP applications, we must understand how the processor manipulates data.


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Some Fixed-point processors:• TMS320C64xx processors

• ADSP2101 processor


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Fixed point notation• Fixed point DSPs usually represent each number

with a minimum of 16 bits, although a different length can be used.

• There are four common ways that these 216( 65,536) possible bit patterns can represent a number.

• Unsigned integer• Signed integer• Unsigned fraction• Signed fraction 6

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Fixed Point Representation• In unsigned integer, the stored number can take

on any integer value from 0 to 65,535.

• Example: • Consider 4-bit representation. We can represent

numbers in the range 0 to 15.

• 410=01002

• 810=10002

• However, if the result of an arithmetic representation exceeds 1510, overflow occurs.

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Fixed Point Representation• Similarly, signed integer uses two's

complement to make the range include negative numbers, from -32,768 to 32,767.

• Example:• Consider 4 bit representation. We can

represent numbers in the range -8 to 7.

• 510=0101 -510=1011

• Uses two’s complement to represent signed numbers. The first bit is used as signed bit.

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Fractional fixed point notation• Used for representing numbers with both integer

and fractional parts.• The Qm.n convention uses m bits to represent the

integer portion of the number and n bits to represent the fractional portion.

• Total no. of bits: N=m+n+1

1 Sign bit

m integer bits

n fractional bits

Radix pt.


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Q15 format• For example, a 16-bit number that uses 1 sign bit

and 15 bits for the fractional part is called Q0.15 format or simply the Q15 format.

• Q.15 format is commonly used in DSP systems and data must be properly scaled so that their value lies between -1 and 0.999969482421875.


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Fractional Fixed point notation• With unsigned

fraction notation, the 65,536 levels are spread uniformly between 0 and 1.

• Example:• Consider 3-bit

unsigned fraction representation

Number Decimal fraction



0 0 000

1 1/8 001

2 2/8 010

3 3/8 011

4 4/8 100

5 5/8 101

6 6/8 110

7 7/8 111

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Fractional Fixed point notation• Lastly, the signed

fraction format allows negative numbers, equally spaced between -1 and 1.

• Example:• Consider 3-bit

signed fraction representation.

Number Decimal fraction



3 3/4 011

2 2/4 010

1 1/4 001

0 0 000

-1 -1/4 111

-2 -2/4 110

-3 -3/4 101

-4 -1 100

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Example • Represent the decimal number, 0.95624 as• A Q3 number, and• A Q4 number

• Q3 number:

• A Q3 is a 2’s complement number with one sign bit and 3 fractional bits.

• This no. can be rounded to 7=0111. 13

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Example (contd.)• Q4 number:

• A Q4 is a 2’s complement number with one sign bit and 4 fractional bits.

• This no. can be rounded to 15=01111.


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Example (contd.)• Errors in representation:

• Case-1: Q3 notation

• Case-2: Q4 notation

• The error in representing the number is often referred to as coefficient quantization error.


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Implementation • Most fixed-point DSP processors use two’s

complement fractional numbers in different Q formats.

• However, assemblers only recognize integer values.

• The programmer must keep track of the position of the binary point when manipulating fractional numbers in assembly programs.

• The following steps convert a fractional number in Q format into an integer value that can be recognized by the assembler. Let us see this with an example:


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Implementation (contd.)• Assume that the coefficient used by the assembler is 1.18.

the DSP processor uses Q15 format.

• Step 1: normalize the fractional number to the range determined by the desired Q format.

• For Q15 format the range is [-1,1). Normalize the number to this range. Thus,

• Step 2: Multiply the normalized fractional number by 2n, where n is the no. of fractional bits.

• Multiply 0.59 by 215. thus,

• Step 3: round the product to the nearest integer.• Round the decimal value 19,333.12 to obtain


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Implementation (contd.)• The arithmetic result obtained by a DSP

processor is in the integer form. It can be interpreted as a fractional value by dividing by 2n.

• This is equivalent to shifting the binary point n bits to the left.

• In DSP implementation, it is not always necessary to use Q.15 format throughout the DSP algorithm; instead, we can use different Q formats for different dynamic range requirements.


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Binary addition-Example• Addition of two 4-bit numbers represented in Q3


No overflow


• Thus, addition of two numbers in fractional representation can result in overflow. 19

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Binary multiplication-Example• When multiplying two 4-bit numbers in Q.3 format

requires a 7-bit word in Q.6 format to store the product. and there is no overflow.

We want to store the result in a 4-bit word and hence, truncate the result to the four most significant bits(0.101)

Then, the error is 0.65625-0.625=0.03125

• Multiplication in Q format does not result in overflow except in the case of (which is not in the range)


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Binary division• Hardware implementation of division is


• Therefore, most processors do not provide a single-cycle divide instruction supported by the hardware.

• For an N-bit fractional number, fractional division can be realized by repeating the conditional subtraction instruction (N-1) times.


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Floating Point Processors• TMS320C3x• TMS32067x• ADSP2106x

• Floating point formats allow numbers to be represented with a large dynamic range.

• Thus, floating point arithmetic can reduce the problem of overflow that occurs in fixed point arithmetic.


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Floating point formats• A binary floating point number X is represented

as the product of two signed numbers, the mantissa M and the exponent E.

• The exponent determines the range of numbers that can be represented, the mantissa the accuracy of the numbers.

• For example, if mantissa—16 bits, exponent—8 bits:

• Range of numbers that can be represented:24

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IEEE floating point format• IEEE 754 Standard:

• The decimal equivalent, X, of a normalized IEEE floating point number is given by,

• Where ,• F is the mantissa in 2’s complement binary fraction• E is the exponent in excess 127 form• s=0 for positive no.s, s=1 for negative no.s


s Exponent (8 bit) Mantissa (23 bit)





Fig: Floating point representation(IEEE single precision)

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Floating point addition• In order to perform floating point addition, we

have to adjust the exponent of the smaller number to match that of the bigger number.

• Consider and



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Example • We are given two floating point numbers

• Here,

• So, in the result :• s=1 mantissa=0.215 exp=3+127=130


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Floating point multiplication-Example

• So, in the result :• s=1 mantissa=0.8544exp=4+127=131

• The mantissas of the two numbers are multiplied, while the exponent terms are added without the need to align them.


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• Most floating point processors perform automatic normalization so that numbers are properly shifted and aligned. The programmer just needs to take care of the overflow problem.

• However, due to large dynamic range scaling is rarely necessary.

• Hence, floating point processors are easier to use than fixed point processors.


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COMPARISONBetween Fixed Point and Floating point notations


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Fixed point• 16- or 24- bit devices

• Limited dynamic range

• Overflow and quantization errors must be resolved.

• Poorer C compiler efficiency; normally programmed in assembly.

Floating point• 32-bit devices

• Large dynamic range

• Easier to program as no scaling is required.

• Better C compiler efficiency; can be developed in C.


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Fixed point• Faster clock rate

• Functional units are simpler, less silicon area required.

• Cheaper

• Lower power consumption

Floating point• Slower clock rate

• Functional units are complex, more silicon area required.

• More expensive

• Higher power consumption 32

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References • Sen M Kuo, Woon-seng S. Gan, Digital Signal

Processors-Architectures, Implementations and Applications

• Emmanuel Ifeachor, Barrie W. Jervis, Digital Signal Processing

• Steven M. Smith, The Scientist And Engineer’s Guide To Digital Signal Processing