drupal site audit - sfdug

Site Audit Drupal Best Practices and Content Analysis https://drupal.org/project/site_audit 2014.10.13 - SFDUG

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Site AuditDrupal Best Practices and Content Analysis


2014.10.13 - SFDUG

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Jon PeckSenior Engineer at Four Kitchens

@FluxSauce - github.com/fluxsauce - drupal.org/u/fluxsauce

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What is an audit?

• official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts

• validate the good things you’re doing

• highlight areas of improvement

Electrical inspector in Public Safety Building, 1957 Item 54948, Engineering Department Photographic Negatives

(Record Series 2613-07), Seattle Municipal Archives.

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Why audit sites?

• Learn about contents and structure

• Ensure optimal configuration

• Discover areas of improvement

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Every site is unique, but…

• Built with the same framework

• Similar architectural requirements

• One size fits most


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Effective auditing

• Consistent

• Quantifiable

• Contextually aware

• Easy to understand

• Actionable recommendations

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Static program analysis

• Performance & behavior gathering

• Does not execute

• Non-intrusive

• Automated

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What is Site Audit?

• Drupal 7 site analyzer

• Installed on target platform

• Provides reports in multiple formats

• Powers Launch Check on Pantheon

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• Bootstrappable Drupal site

• Drush 5.10 or higher

• Shell access to target

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• Not a module

• Place in Drush commands folder

• Within user profile for just yourself

• Within Drush installation folder

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What does Site Audit check?• Best Practices

• Block

• Cache

• Codebase

• Content

• Cron

• Database

• Extensions

• Google Insights

• System Status

• Users

• Views

• Watchdog

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What doesn’t Site Audit analyze?

• DOM / front-end performance

• Usability and site experience

• Aesthetics

• Content

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Usagedrush  help  -­‐-­‐filter=site_audit

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drush audit_cache

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drush ac --detail

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HTML Output drush audit_best_practices --html --detail

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JSON output drush audit_cron --json

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Vendor support drush ae --vendor=acquia

drush ae --vendor=pantheon

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Audit All drush aa --skip=insights --html --bootstrap

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ReportsWhat and why.

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• Drupal Fast 404 HTML pages

• Multisite - informational

• PHP Filter - should be disabled

• Settings and configuration - exists, not symbolic

• settings.php

• sites/all

• sites/default

• Unnecessary files in sites

Best Practices

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• Caching • Cache Report

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• Anonymous page caching

• Backends - list

• Bins - list any specified

• Default class

• Minimum cache lifetime - should be never expire

• Lock - display default locking mechanism

• Page Compression - should be on

• Expiration of cached pages - at least 15 minutes

• Aggregate and compress CSS, JS

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• Size of entire site on disk

• Size of public files

• Managed file size, count

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• Available content types and node counts

• Unused content types - consider removing

• Available vocabularies and term counts

• Unused vocabularies - consider removing

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• Collation - check if anything isn’t UTF-8

• Engine - checks if anything isn’t using InnoDB

• Row count - reports tables with more than X rows

• Size in MB - including indexes and data

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Extensions (modules and themes)

• Count - 150 as arbitrary warning

• Dev - reports development modules, provider aware of dev env

• Disabled but not uninstalled

• Duplicate - checks for duplicates

• Missing - enabled, but code is missing

• Unrecommended - Short list of bad modules

• Version - specific problems in widely used modules

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• Drupal status report

• Highlights errors and problems

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• Who is #1, blocked?

• Count of all users

• Count of blocked users

• Role list, counts by role

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• Count enabled

• Caching rendered output

• Caching query results

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• Number of 404s

• How old the logs are

• Count of entries

• PHP errors

• Syslog

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DevelopmentYes, it is extensible.

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• Object-oriented, abstract classes

• Checks - individual checks; treat like unit tests

• Report - collection of checks, run in a specific order. Can abort.

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• Extend abstract SiteAuditReport, SiteAuditCheck

• Drush hooks

• Add callbacks

• Add to audit_all


Writing custom Checks and Reports

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Hacked! integration

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Drupal 8 version in development.

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Good configuration matters.https://drupal.org/project/site_audit

@FluxSauce - github.com/fluxsauce - drupal.org/u/fluxsauce

Applied site_audit recommendations.