drive shows fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview ›...

t. ..(''''' ... ''' ~'" ~cr~"'il;)t r ) <l.n II ~ to,e vlC'ory f'Itt'd-. I W\ll bfc1. I " ~,)' 'n I , " r, ,. :l, ~ \.. ..,,..;"" ~ r• 'Tl I II rr'Jr>r \, pus \\ e bc e,e t at )OU I \.It) ot cOIJrt. ( : \ enlisted man upon these r~flect lI'l'eat credit 1Ipon himteft th e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying FOI'tTCIlfo. seen with tt,e rest of his c~" a naval air base and SIC LelJ. .. from a recent bombing :l.ttaclc Germany, He ha! flown on I the Eighth Air Fone's r mll.ions, inclnding Berhn, .' heim. Kassel and Cbemnllz, saccesdnl bOOIbing assaults cr' to Sergeant Beno are those ill A. EicllthAir F_ S- ..... Sta- tio., Eqlaad, - Staff Sergt, Bern. ard J. Besso, (standlOS, ser;ond from left) son of Mrs. Josephine Beno, 606 Neff road, Grosse Pointe, has been awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air Medal for "exceptionally meritorious achievement" while par- ticipating in sustained bomber com. bat operations 01 er enemy (lCcupied contmenlal Europe, it recently was announced by the commanding gen- eral oC the Eight Air FOf"ee The citation aceompanyinll' the aWird read in part: "Tbe courage. coolness and skill displaYed by th,s No Juvenile Problem In Grosse PoiRte Seen In Governor's You~ Report " 6 ..... -_1. WindoWI Shot Out entire month 01 ,,"Prll Rt'sident! are urged to thoroughly scour their closels for c!OlhlOg, siloes, beddIng, etc, w'llCh Ihey can gl\ e and to take lllelr bundles to any of the deposi- lones In the Pomle If Grosse ruuue 1~ 10 mtet Its Quota, approxI- mately five pounds of c10thmg per person mu.t be gl\ en, The collection committee WIll Ife to it that all clothing 1$ pIcked up from the sub-stations and taken to a central wareh ':lSe on the East SIde of DetrOIt wnere it WIll be sorted and baled for sllpment to the over- sns ahlpping centers on the coast. All that any I eel\ in" statIon neelis to do to have ils Pile of clothlOg pIcked up by the collection commit- tee is to caU the police of its parti. cular municlpahty, Each club and organization is planning its own program for parti- CIpation In the drive, The schools of the area are planning a special drive by their PUPIls dUring the week of Apnl 16.20 C..llectioil Committee- Following are the members oC the collection committee announced by Francl! G. Palmer, chairman' Harry Furton, Philip F. Allard, A H. Ben. nett, M,s. Ed\\in Parker, Neil Blon- dell, DaVId E. McCarron, Everett Lane, DaVld S, Burnett, Remington Purdy, and C. D Houston, E"d.a.a ... Club Acti .... The Southeast exchange clab, 'eo- operating With the United NatIOns Clothing Collection has arranged for some 100 shops and stOTes in th~ !ec- tion of the Ea.t SIde south of Mack and east 01 the boaloeftrd to ad AI n:ceit'iac ItItiaaa ....... ~ .... - .. '>~ , A special candlelight service Wl11 be held at Eastminster Presbyt,erian church next Sunday evemng, Annl IS at 7 30 pm, in honor of the 160 young men and women Crom the church are in the armed forces of the country. There Wlll be a memorial senoice with the lighting of golden r;andles for the six men from the congrega. tion who haH paid the supreme sac. rifice lor their country. A speCial candle "ill be lighted durmg the .ervice for each of the other young people .... ho are now on achye duty At the same sen Ice a beautiful penn anent honor roll \\111 be dedi- cated in memory of Charles Wilham Ross who was the first boy of East- Q1inster to gl< e hiS life for hIS coun- lr;--in this "'1r. The people of Gro<se Pointe are cordiallv in"ted to attend th,s can- dlelight service. Park police apprehended a youth \\ ho was shooting at birds, but in. stead, "as breaklOg wmdows in a Westchester home last Saturday. The BB gun ",as r;onfiscated and the )"Outh warned. Immediate results of the drive for elothmg In Grosse POinte to date have proved moderately satlsfaclory though far from thc estImated quot ... needed at thIS stage. Sotle mUnlCI_ pahtles and seclions ha\'e reported th.1t t'h .... It\th!!~.g is tC:n:iii ;n ",ell RecelTiar Statio_ All school, churches, gasohne sta- tioO! and pohee and 6re statIons in Grosse Pomte Will serve as recelv- ilIg stations for cloth 109 dunng the Find Boy Carrying Loot After Robbing !derrilleather Home Police Apprehend Man Who Passed Bad Checks Here flat 'fftI6f !lOt lie bad obtaiDei this • tica. Sgt. Elmer Labadle ot't1le FaT'D1J tiled a ~int against the boy in Waylle. Coullty juv~nl1e c:eurt 011 the cbarre of breakIng and etenag III die aigbt time. Through leads pick~d I!1l in Grosse Poillte Park by the police depart- ment, the Detroit pohce arrested a man who had been passing "rubber" c:hecb in the 'Village and in Detroit He is James O'Neil, 41, ()f 62 Can- field avenue. Alter clIer;king the neighborhood where the checks were cashed, as well as various places of emplo}-ntent Lieutena,nt A. Louwers fOllnd that lueh a person had worked for the Wa~urn Mfg. Co, and had form- erly lived on Mal) land avenue in Detroit. He WIll appear in court on the charge of uttenng of publishing He began his career on January 12 and wrote approximately ten bad checks, An ironical fact found in the case was that O'Neil has cashed a check next to the McOellall police station m DetrOIt, and lived aU05S from the Canfield !tatlOn. Henri's Market Opens April 19 ..:...- er I'IiIIMce acti'rities ~ PoI'Ite. ' .. JCIGDa' l 1 _ wida 1....;~oit )"01/: w«e ;pr"hend according to Dr. Paul L. Enert, code for jlaJ'c.Ilb bave bee........ ...._ '--:.;,.,. . ..... ~ war whxh is IIelnlr ~d in D~troit for breaking and en- S-rintendent oC Schoola, cd through the eooperatiOll 01 tile _-.I L.. b J I ~..~ Th "-~,,~ tc a~nese pcop c. This tering. In the coarse oC IOvcstiga- ThA \Va',~ A County Committee il faculty, parents, and youth. e.... fi b If! R t A....L , ~ ... ~ b II ""e nn e Ie 0 oya _"r= The Distinguished Flying Cmu tion, it was learned that the three, onA of many such comm,'ttees -et lip thinking 0{ tbis group has een cen- r_ h dd d th d' ~. .....unullson W0 a resse e all 1- a~rded po'thumously to ht Lt. two ]'uvenl'es and an e-hteen year by the StatA oC "l'ch,gan to stu"-: tered in the program of teen age ~A ... ~.'i ~ el1ce of the GroHe Pointe Lectures, Dl\id Loughlin was accepted by old youth, had attempted to rob and 'Imp.o\ e youth gu"dance 'In ~r }outh. Thi. program is showing I .- t T -,_ " P ~a 1K~ ... s ucs .... y e\enmg 10 Jerce Mrs. Thoma. E. Lo ugh hn, 195 Oak three homes in the Park tl'me. D•. Essert pOl'nlAd out th:l.t ({reat pOSSIbilities, In the December uti t' Thi 1t Idd - ~ a lonum. 5 ec ure cone u e street, Grosse POinte, at a presenta. The boys confessed to the Par' the Comml'ttee has I'ssued a Prn&Tres' 1943 report, a more complete de- tl.- ' f In., 45 "" '''' senes or ,....,... • tlon held at the Grosse Pomte High pohce that they were the ones who R"""'rt to the Go\ernor ~h'lch 'hows scnptlon of this proje~t "'at gilen ~ In I' h hI f ."" " t'X'P lining t e PS}"; 0 ogy 0 School, April 6. Lt. Col. Raymond rang the doorbell at the Kenneth that the iiI e Grosse Pomte mUnlci. "A series of program have been th J .d M Gu . arranged by the Parent Teacher As- ~ apanese lOin s, • r, nOlson Anthony, Air Technlcal Sen ice Brose home at 762 Bedford and ask- pallties and the Grosse Pointe sociatlon of form dIScussions for said that the Japanese offIcials and Command Plant Representath e for ed for a "Bob Goldstein" Finding School DIstrict are alert to the prob- tbe people are waIling, not nece.- Packard Motor Car Co, made the the Brose family home, they at- large and small interested groups on lem and that the communIty has no sanly for 'ictory in the present presentation, tempted th" .ame thing at another the problem of .choo; and communi. alarming "ar time problem in ju- ty," stf'Qggle, but for tt1e eventual VIC. The citation reads. "For extra- Bedford home and met WIth the venile oehnquenn' The Grosse tory in the 100 y~ars' intellectual h t same result "An outstanding series of lectures ordinary mentoTlOU& ac levemen P • te eople can be proud of their war 'Which lIIlIl gain momentum af. f 7 At the Robert Cole home, 939 om p are <ponsored bv the Grosse POinte whIle serving as pilot 0 a B.I ,par. efforts that this report summanzes, Lectures Incorporated" ter the Allies allow the Japs to rule tlelpatlOg in a number of combat Bedford, !'hey "ere able to gain en- The foil 0"1\ lOP; is taken the "The Communitv uctures Senel their own country once agam ThIS mISSions 0\ er Germany from June trance to the partIally furnIshed held Island of Seroy by an AI1ie4 text of this report: is an actiVity sponsored by the Adult =I~ t~;:r:,lace anytime 'l\lthm 5 10 to ~ePt. 5, 1944. The skIllful and house through the mIlk chute" but convoy. It IS belle, ed that Ste"'!'l "The summer camps hale expand- Education Department of the Board > I zealous manner of wardmg off the because the family was mOVlng m at "as among the fineen mentlonecl ed to .ome degree The Pomter's of Education, gO\ erned by a Board He ;a~d .that the Jags t~mk ..,o~~~ I enemy, his devotion to duty and the time, and nothing of great val- ahove. Qub contmues to spomor dances of D,rectors composed of represen- ;g, 0 >I~g, e~pecl~ y I h It IS b Icourage under all condillons serve ue was in the house, they were only I The Admiralt> report said that at. and parties regularly The JUnior tatlves of all organized community ell' coun r>, or t e) a, e een : as an InSplratl9n to hiS fellow flyers, able to obtam some refreshments, ~ rmbaed "lIh the Idea that once I b f th' biter the Norwegians "ere re~cue Red Cross carries on a Tery actiH grOUP5" The skIll and coolness d15played y rom e Ice Ox. the were dl ersed amon t P r"""'am and has heen enlarged. The Coomaeliu- Ser.ic:" dead, they become gods" ho e\ ent- Lt. Loug-hhn in the face of deter. Fol1O\~ing these three attempts I y ,p g r ' ~". ually will rule the \lorld. ThiS 15 the dd \ H h ") they left the con,oj; they \lere returning ro .... h I carr on the U oual dance. ""- I 'd I I mIned enemy ""'poslllon al e mate- ,ere on .Harc oJ', I I R ~ SC 005 \. , '''''Ie schoos prO\1 e eoun'eorl reason behind thesUlCIde '''uads .nd ~"f I flP t d f d _ lal' "ere dell\ermg"ar supples to ussu " sports and enlerlalOmrnts in the -nd h'\e the as."tance of the" nt- I nally In Ihe success ul eomp ellon 0 Oln e an a ew a}> -, t h t the \0' at "11" •• - 0 "'Jati-lcari' it IS also tne same re.SOn I. ci h D~'rf'" ""'''e I se\ere s orm I con ~ .. audltoflum and ~\ !1V'aSlums as \I ell 109 teacher. The ~eighborhood bC'hind their reluctanc~ to be taken these miSSions ,PIt t' up v -.-- - lime and all but one of the Hen~ as carr}lng on all phases of the war Qub, eomlstmg of adults and youtlJ, prisoner, for they feelthel' ha,e dlS- Park Rest.dent Sees Village Water Rates Bacon's lifeboat, "ere destro)ed. effort." carryon a counseltng serl1ce, The graced theIr emperor and \'\JlI never The article contmued oft: "5'1. ''The area has salts factory com- churches are \ery actl\e In thIS sen- reach their ultimate-to become a 15-60 Percent Higher Than Detroit's (the lifeboat) became separate4, munlty cenlers. Youth groups are Ice as "ell. The children's center IS god. from tie rest of the COn\oy. As th. a~sistmg and parlJclpatmg III reere- 10 u<e and is being expanded" B~use of thIS psychology, 'le -III agree th,t thIS 1'5 Just good bu~i- storm !tiled, 17 enemy torpedo 1 I .. "Th d k f h I Further si!(tllficant llght was in. ~ A atlona p annlOg e grolln \'\or 0 t e counse - q:gge.sted that the \Var Cnmes com- ness practIce" I am 'ure that hfe planes altacked. ' ••• the Cdptal~ . d d f t t Jected ,nto tne Village of Gros se 0 ~An example of thl> IS the com-lIng an gol ance 0 re urm'lj:! \e er- misSIOlI apprenend the go\Crmn~ \lould be much more pleas'nt forI put the 19 Xorv.eglanS-Olne "ome,,- h h d d POinte Park ,,-ater rate charges thIS a mUlIlty HaJ\oVle en cclebratlon p1an- ans as een set up an IS rea y to and military offiCIals and rather e'c'll of us as Indl\ldll'l~, or for seven chl'dren and three men-Ill " \\eek h\ a letter to the \ IPage Com- ned h\ WlUt 1 , and .dnlt cc>mmillcel i operate ',an puttmg them to dealh, (Wil,e'l bU'ln"s conccrn- t'or th-t matter, If t'lt' one lilchoat \llt1 Ii\e cre"mell ----------------------------- mlSlS()n from a reSident of. \\ est- -, _ A R . H N' Bol. 'C I "ould be a pm,lege for the Japs) -II "e had to do were to calculate to act as oarsmen T'le rest of t~ otarlans ear lcaragua IVla onsu cllester roar! who po,nls out the sud- A " - he advocated tl at tJ,e\ "c made 1010 OU. nec" .... ~ I" ,ng, or buslOe>s, e\.- ere", took up battle stations agamd den me'cased charge' and m.kes an -, D I, A IP A e' Da Address labor groups "ho \lool1d be ta\..en penses a'1d then a,k t~e boss for th~ attacl.\,~ Germans" e Iver nnua an m rlcan Y ,ntere,lm;:: and re\ealmg compan. . I ttonroogcleahno_uutp tht,e,e"d'~\naa~la~,n,,~dn f,~~\ceC~ ,on bet,Hcn local rales and ciarges the s.lar-. necessarv to meet them, I Auer Ihe Henr) Bacon was fatal .. , ' " " ., or tell o'ur eu,tomer<, "that's the 111 hll, t Ie \olT\ 1\ or' "ere rescued '"-, D 1 m Drlrolf ~ ~p~~1. ng on "P.n.AmerKan Day Irlrr tne c,alrman,hlp of VlDce e- liey had cau cd Tie pCC>l'le\\Ool'd price, tal.e It or lea", It" HowcHr, ot'J~r sh,>,' 10 the cOOlOY. A'I hJ' ' "P IP 1 h ,. \ "" C0!', \ of tie leIter rceclI-d b) and the Good \'CH,'H}c>rpo 'C), .. I, etrl' t ,en see t at t'lc TC'",t 01 t ,e,- .' ~ou s'l"uld J,.no", competItion has the firtcen \lcre later accounted fO". Anouncement is made th" week 1 (BUd) Mehl, Al \\} ffel" J,m \\ Ild- \ I'll or \Iontrcal, C'l1,rI •• eo~ .. '~ Con' Ilar rep'c,ent.'i\e, of "out', " ',~sophy of life "l\OI'rI not b' ~I:\ ~~~~~'~:0;1l ~~~~'r~C~~'~~ ~~'l~ ~ \lal' of m,1.m" ol' cut our 'Ults to SteH \ hrd "', 22 Hars old a,j .... t LA opening on Thursday, Apr I ',ann ~faunce l ttcn'l() C J,m' "rnrral 0' \'T<aral.( a ancl comu 0, \ rrrte." .nd I >lln. \ma"" C('>Il'. 'cat" bllt t'le d ':<' ale 01 In .ro: to B (ContlOucd on Page 4) ".s rr-adollted ,'I'm S', P, ... 41~ , ,. \ \ I' I P d h h \ I ,,\Cd 1)\ \ .. 0e \I, n, o:rr E , J .... h of the POlnte's nC\\est marleet R, hro r rre Or r a 1 Flhcl a I n'l'''' ,d '-r"ce toe (,',"'r )Jr, t'lr', <Cd'Crl " alan" t,', r A. ,rd , 0" at ton He 'HC' p'ea,,' ~ ___________" \00' 0, J,' ::0 1(~, ne m,-' cd Y1 , I IC pc, ne '~\ 1,'1' , r .n '11CI I o~ • e 'rIIC' ,t t',e at liO'7 Kercheval by Hrnn Ger- , u,1 al the 5\\1" ,!>o,rd Rof,,, d'" \fe,](, <\ ,t I,c \ h"I'" '.. 11,,,< 01 'be '\\<'11\ ~O\c"m(T\t, ." I \1 Examl.ned On l.'lorals \1 d-c I Gcr', r, ;: \le- of \1- ,d ~ , , I 1 I ~. I h ('11 1 P \ \ a" (( '1"1 Ion TlH'C"1g on l' maIO. "ho hat been a POPU'H p lr- The /l.roce'\ and frr<', p'od .re de "tc In I Ie II an'I" 'tl 'O\',r ,n me'Ie'n l'l 0' we'r I Gunn1<on emrha'l71 rl '1e lor , '_ 1\1-' C ,e.ter Ce'" of Da'\,'1. yc)"Or oC meats 10 Gro.\e POInte fo' i partmcnl< \\11 he In C ,arile 0' r C'"C 'C-'d" r 01 T'a 1 \m' ,n d,,\, u()- ,,,iu,merl on tCe 0"" Ion to t'- ct tnat to rc rcl,.. ,lc 11e<e pr 'I' rI e.\ n, Charge Tomorrow aH' C lie "", d _<' a memhrr of many ytar5. Durr, v-.ho l\as tormer 1 " "ith Kar.1 ---- -- - (,'0< e p" 1 'c CO'11'11l1, Ilr, h, p'C'- "0 mth,s ,,'\ 10 t1 "11' I' \\ \ I a,e l" I ,,'n 01 t~c \ \l'e- p"" ' ~--tlon of !'he new ,to'"e, one of lan's morl.ct for len ~e.', lie '" \ I ROAD TREATMENT "Irnl \;", \ (, ,r<qll c-~ of t'l' ',~e ltenrral,0n, 01 \rrc'lI A'l, to (, e",e l',"~ C I'..-k L.OUl WAITS IN GRATIOT (r \\ \! "<: Fh,,,! n: $1 n"il \q, 'rl ( IS pa,' I _ tlte fine't In tlte DelrOlt area IS In i c i' ~rl by !o.'n ~ D. r 'I ';;:r 01 , .. ,r <"nle '()(,< e amonR t"c-n ""\l' 1. " ;: ''l I _ ~< "r.1. b\ JI<t, e Lr, ,t r' ':. ~ _~ <I' I imit,.,f Nl1m~" ()f h b Id f ' '~C (" ....... ".1"" "h !'C''''-'' < M,.",,- ," r ,~~ , • "ot of r".,, I "r",.,~ .~. ~,~,.,"" ., 1\ 11- I~, lr"r ,,,, \\enJe I L F t e Ul Ing ormer,y OCCUpIC" u) • -.- _ •• _. I ' e I P r \.. 111 t-e L,'\ "f (,r,,<-e P" nte eoo.t In I Cardenl eft In ArIDI ,c e Gr-se POInte unIt of tCe anrl others Tht Gr"t,"t To\\n II" oud ac. lepre "''1lr, ca', f,,- mJ'J'" ,,\,or. , .___ (,r"". "'lte " Ul vo 0 T ck '''e arr"r;;:e'11cnt of hmes h. Jo,es I __ A"';VS, "'hlch bClltt,es had been A ct>mpleie line of hn,v ancl "pl_d r c ' "on\ \lMd" nl~ht f,o'11 "l'rr' • \l'''''' " .' a""rr",," " •r I et Driv~r.Fo" \1 c. ",1 of Q9 Q.k ,Irett ,,", "" a."<tecl FarIT', c'e', H,'rv Fu.-te-n .... donated by!llr Germain 51nce the /I."ocerlc, \\1' be tcalurcd 10 , 1/:-(lJp 01 In\\"":,, t",.,. er! f(1' '11(1<t.-1 "rrd "'" t~,r, In '"' 'if ReddeN DriVl1llf Il,r crr<, 1-" (t, po ee l.lst t',d" C''1 al no .- cr! I", """ ,.,' a It''!l,~~ ser\1ce~' Orjl;anlzatlon herc, shortiy tl,c lot" ,I" e ."np: \Ill"" ,HlrC a". , '[1/'{,,1 a,<e«mc'li r, for t-c,' '\ ~\' \C'- -"n-, 0' ,,~ p" I \\'" r':r'r- e h '"I.' exp.,a rro','s c.arj:!e T r..,." pd,ed J;> r T)er "I ~"~e'l r' < .r. "a f " IH bo - ray of ;;:a-drn frr'n 1001 and ,m r. ("\\ , 11 r(),"\ 10 " r\ d" \,"1 ~, 0',,' nllt" llr <'", T r la'll" ,\C"r I -~,~ ." <:~. ""~ 0' t e 'ea',,-, ',,- t'te "~-p ''l- , r' a ter car aT •• I , ,'c. ~"~ <e u!t~ ~l<' "'l t1C fomp"''11 01 1 e :a",rr of a'll aq a r 1 '~ -ec c('l'1'l~~- ~ 'V,ti! all mc>dern ne" fi"Il-e, ~nd p<>'len f'lll, .nn \Cll'cl'~ r< 2nd ~ I T'r p", ~ '" <i I"r ~-( fl tl"t nn 11,1 '"', ,., e 'r "r 0" l' "'\ allr-n0nn \\ 'r'l "flr (" 1 r 'l , , ,n \ nr "f (L1 1 '''111 If i .,\ 1 ~,..'f" (1'~ 'h I __ r. r~ t ..... ~ <I l ~ rl T I 'k \ J ~ 111\Ol,f'1 , I l PI 1(' l~lr~ .. apf'O,"lmenl<, thr ne\\ mJrl.ef \\,'1 0mpNr 11 f'\ rrH'rnro' nr, I'.n C1 1,- , ''l , •• , n 1 r '" 1 '1 ,n 1 \' , , I " , 1\1 ' 'I '" t-,e 1 , ,r, '. he tht' nf ... I",mt' 01 IJenrl \In', Jme linr "" , I' ,\ II I" 'n l1f' I, P \ ,> Ib ,II d1 1'1\ I, I', " l, ,\ I' I" "' I 1 \' '~ and" I car'\ a HI\ ,,"no'ele ',nc" 'ed.lI11,n' < \I"., no,' n" \" I 1,1' \ 'I '. ell nr ,\I II,,, ,In r HI" ,_, ,e".'\, nl fin'" O-f0 rr (', fr Ife \("H'llhlr4: I Dc ,\Cl\ ,r"\ C \\ he d ", , '10, n t" t " rr 'r'l', \\ ,', \f' r, .. , 'IC. " .' ", p, , 'n 0 "' .' , f',,- p " f C " " "e We,' ' .. ,ndb.l.rclp:no(h ,ndconlfn"rn,rrl'flr-rlh,'" "rl'mkr, r'01( « \ "" " ,0 ,-" '" I' \1 \ I r, ,,;: ,'" r"-", ;.,., .... 1ht'" ilO~"l1(' t~" ..l" f,..f'(' \ hr 1""l 11(" n i'"""r' Her! ~I..l n. -t' 'If' ., r 'I" p... -~ (') 2_ (I rI r ri lT1 1 C f't" .. ('I , r" 1 (1 ('" m....... \r ('~ ,.. r " "1 \ rlepJ.rtm('nt Ttlf., {,t"1'"'1 ~(' rr, l'1j"""1,..r, :II" ",.l ~ TH'i\ on(\ 0n.l rn \,. (' r l , n ~t" .... i1 '1 ...; ..4 I" n 1..(" r h\ to ... 1 ;" eha~ capably anl~ted bj Clarencel cult or credIt oasll I dU'1 lo>er n 10",1 effect!'e «.ontlnuc,t on I: aile .5) rr k,cu drl"'l' Onl, Th. REVIEW Gi"ea You Coyer .... of ALL Homee ill Greaae Pou.te a Gratiot Twpt, VOL. 21-No, 36 COMPLETE United C~ : 1Ur e Drive Shows Fair Beginning Illvestigation oC a fifteen year old youth who was walkIng the streets 01 the City of Grosse Pointe at J 45 a,m, on April S, dlsclo.ed that he Wi! returnmg from a robbery of a Fanns home. He was pIcked up by Sgt, Edgar Trombly and OffIcer Foster Mauck, at Maumee and Fish- er Road, The yotI'th, after being turned OYer to the Farms police, admitted tnat he had entered the James A Purdy home at 285 Mernweather, Wl')rking with rubber gloves, he ac- cumulated yarioll$ articles which in_ cluded In assortment of costume jewelry, three butcher knives, a hunting knife ill a case, cigarette lighters, keys, two pairs of glove •• a bottle of Mne, $3 00 and othcr odds aad ends. Entrance to the house was .. de by breaking the glass in a win- dow near tfIe lock. Fllrther qlleuionill8 rnuled that - tile 1107 bad .retirell ill his owa .... c .. ~ alter ,

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Page 1: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying


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r ) <l.n II ~ to,e vlC'ory f'Itt'd-.IW\ll bfc1.

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II rr'Jr>r \, pus \\ e bc e,e t at )OU I \.It) ot cOIJrt.( : \

enlisted man upon theser~flect lI'l'eat credit 1Ipon himteftth e arm ed forces of theState!,"

Above, Sergeant Besso.guner on a B-1? Flying FOI'tTCIlfo.seen with tt,e rest of his c~"a naval air base and SIC LelJ. ..from a recent bombing :l.ttaclcGermany, He ha! flown on I

the Eighth Air Fone's r

mll.ions, inclnding Berhn, .'heim. Kassel and Cbemnllz,saccesdnl bOOIbing assaults cr'to Sergeant Beno are those ill

A. EicllthAir F_ S-.....Sta-tio., Eqlaad, - Staff Sergt, Bern.ard J. Besso, (standlOS, ser;ond fromleft) son of Mrs. Josephine Beno,606 Neff road, Grosse Pointe, hasbeen awarded an Oak Leaf Clusterto his Air Medal for "exceptionallymeritorious achievement" while par-ticipating in sustained bomber com.bat operations 01 er enemy (lCcupiedcontmenlal Europe, it recently wasannounced by the commanding gen-eral oC the Eight Air FOf"ee

The citation aceompanyinll' theaWird read in part: "Tbe courage.coolness and skill displaYed by th,s

No Juvenile Problem In Grosse PoiRteSeen InGovernor's You~ Report

" 6 ..... -_1.

WindoWI Shot Out

entire month 01 ,,"Prll Rt'sident! areurged to thoroughly scour theirclosels for c!OlhlOg, siloes, beddIng,etc, w'llCh Ihey can gl\ e and to takelllelr bundles to any of the deposi-lones In the Pomle If Grosseruuue 1~ 10 mtet Its Quota, approxI-mately five pounds of c10thmg perperson mu.t be gl\ en,

The collection committee WIll Ifeto it that all clothing 1$ pIcked upfrom the sub-stations and taken to acentral wareh ':lSe on the East SIdeof DetrOIt wnere it WIll be sortedand baled for sllpment to the over-sns ahlpping centers on the coast.All that any I eel\ in" statIon neelisto do to have ils Pile of clothlOgpIcked up by the collection commit-tee is to caU the police of its parti.cular municlpahty,

Each club and organization isplanning its own program for parti-CIpation In the drive, The schools ofthe area are planning a special driveby their PUPIls dUring the week ofApnl 16.20C..llectioil Committee-

Following are the members oC thecollection committee announced byFrancl! G. Palmer, chairman' HarryFurton, Philip F. Allard, A H. Ben.nett, M,s. Ed\\in Parker, Neil Blon-dell, DaVId E. McCarron, EverettLane, DaVld S, Burnett, RemingtonPurdy, and C. D Houston,

E"d.a.a ... Club Acti ....The Southeast exchange clab, 'eo-

operating With the United NatIOnsClothing Collection has arranged forsome 100 shops and stOTes in th~ !ec-tion of the Ea.t SIde south of Mackand east 01 the boaloeftrd to ad AI

n:ceit'iac ItItiaaa ....... ~.... - ..'>~ ,

A special candlelight service Wl11be held at Eastminster Presbyt,erianchurch next Sunday evemng, AnnlIS at 7 30 pm, in honor of the 160young men and women Crom thechurch are in the armed forces ofthe country.

There Wlll be a memorial senoicewith the lighting of golden r;andlesfor the six men from the congrega.tion who haH paid the supreme sac.rifice lor their country. A speCialcandle "ill be lighted durmg the.ervice for each of the other youngpeople ....ho are now on achye duty

At the same sen Ice a beautifulpenn anent honor roll \\111 be dedi-cated in memory of Charles WilhamRoss who was the first boy of East-Q1inster to gl< e hiS life for hIS coun-lr;--in this "'1r.

The people of Gro<se Pointe arecordiallv in"ted to attend th,s can-dlelight service.

Park police apprehended a youth\\ ho was shooting at birds, but in.stead, "as breaklOg wmdows in aWestchester home last Saturday.The BB gun ",as r;onfiscated and the)"Outh warned.

Immediate results of the drive forelothmg In Grosse POinte to datehave proved moderately satlsfaclorythough far from thc estImated quot ...needed at thIS stage. Sotle mUnlCI_pahtles and seclions ha\'e reportedth.1t t'h .... It\th!!~.g is tC:n:iii ;n ",ellRecelTiar Statio_

All school, churches, gasohne sta-tioO! and pohee and 6re statIons inGrosse Pomte Will serve as recelv-ilIg stations for cloth 109 dunng the

Find Boy CarryingLoot After Robbing!derrilleather Home

Police ApprehendMan Who PassedBad Checks Here

• flat 'fftI6f !lOtlie bad obtaiDei this • tica.

Sgt. Elmer Labadle ot't1le FaT'D1Jtiled a ~int against the boy inWaylle. Coullty juv~nl1e c:eurt 011 thecbarre of breakIng and etenag IIIdie aigbt time.

Through leads pick~d I!1l in GrossePoillte Park by the police depart-ment, the Detroit pohce arrested aman who had been passing "rubber"c:hecb in the 'Village and in DetroitHe is James O'Neil, 41, ()f 62 Can-field avenue.

Alter clIer;king the neighborhoodwhere the checks were cashed, aswell as various places of emplo}-ntentLieutena,nt A. Louwers fOllnd thatlueh a person had worked for theWa~urn Mfg. Co, and had form-erly lived on Mal) land avenue inDetroit.

He WIll appear in court on thecharge of uttenng of publishing Hebegan his career on January 12 andwrote approximately ten bad checks,

An ironical fact found in the casewas that O'Neil has cashed a checknext to the McOellall police stationm DetrOIt, and lived aU05S from theCanfield !tatlOn.

Henri's MarketOpens April 19

..:...- erI'IiIIMce acti'rities ~ PoI'Ite. • ' .. JCIGDa' l 1 _ wida 1....;~oit )"01/: w«e ;pr"hendaccording to Dr. Paul L. Enert, code for jlaJ'c.Ilb bave bee........ ...._'--:.;,.,. .

..... ~ war whxh is IIelnlr ~d in D~troit for breaking and en-S-rintendent oC Schoola, cd through the eooperatiOll 01 tile _-.I L.. b J I~..~ Th "-~,,~ t c a~nese pcop c. This tering. In the coarse oC IOvcstiga-ThA \Va',~ A County Committee il faculty, parents, and youth. e.... fi b If! R t A....L ,

~ ... ~ b II ""e nn e Ie 0 oya _"r= The Distinguished Flying Cmu tion, it was learned that the three,onA of many such comm,'ttees -et lip thinking 0{ tbis group has een cen- r_ h dd d th d'~. .....unullson W 0 a resse e all 1- a~rded po'thumously to ht Lt. two ]'uvenl'es and an e-hteen yearby the StatA oC "l'ch,gan to stu"-: tered in the program of teen age ~A • ...

~.'i ~ el1ce of the GroHe Pointe Lectures, Dl\id Loughlin was accepted by old youth, had attempted to roband 'Imp.o\ e youth gu"dance 'In ~r }outh. Thi. program is showing I .- t T -,_ " P• ~a 1K~ ... s ucs ....y e\enmg 10 Jerce Mrs. Thoma. E. Lo ugh hn, 195 Oak three homes in the Parktl'me. D •. Essert pOl'nlAd out th:l.t ({reat pOSSIbilities, In the December uti t' Thi 1 t I d d- ~ a lonum. 5 ec ure cone u e street, Grosse POinte, at a presenta. The boys confessed to the Par'the Comml'ttee has I'ssued a Prn&Tres' 1943 report, a more complete de- tl.- ' f In., 45

"" • '''' senes or ,....,... • tlon held at the Grosse Pomte High pohce that they were the ones whoR"""'rt to the Go\ernor ~h'lch 'hows scnptlon of this proje~t "'at gilen ~ In I' h h I f."" " • t'X'P lining t e PS}"; 0 ogy 0 School, April 6. Lt. Col. Raymond rang the doorbell at the Kenneththat the iiI e Grosse Pomte mUnlci. "A series of program have been th J . d M Gu .

arranged by the Parent Teacher As- ~ apanese lOin s, • r, nOlson Anthony, Air Technlcal Sen ice Brose home at 762 Bedford and ask-pallties and the Grosse Pointe sociatlon of form dIScussions for said that the Japanese offIcials and Command Plant Representath e for ed for a "Bob Goldstein" FindingSchool DIstrict are alert to the prob- tbe people are waIling, not nece.- Packard Motor Car Co, made the the Brose family home, they at-large and small interested groups on •lem and that the communIty has no sanly for 'ictory in the present presentation, tempted th" .ame thing at anotherthe problem of .choo; and communi.alarming "ar time problem in ju- ty," stf'Qggle, but for tt1e eventual VIC. The citation reads. "For extra- Bedford home and met WIth thevenile oehnquenn' The Grosse tory in the 100 y~ars' intellectual h t same result

"An outstanding series of lectures ordinary mentoTlOU& ac levemenP • te eople can be proud of their war 'Which lIIlIl gain momentum af. f 7 At the Robert Cole home, 939om p are <ponsored bv the Grosse POinte whIle serving as pilot 0 a B.I ,par.efforts that this report summanzes, Lectures Incorporated" ter the Allies allow the Japs to rule tlelpatlOg in a number of combat Bedford, !'hey "ere able to gain en-

The foil 0"1\ lOP; is taken the "The Communitv uctures Senel their own country once agam ThIS mISSions 0\ er Germany from June trance to the partIally furnIshed held Island of Seroy by an AI1ie4text of this report: is an actiVity sponsored by the Adult =I~ t~;:r:,lace anytime 'l\lthm 5 10 to ~ePt. 5, 1944. The skIllful and house through the mIlk chute" but convoy. It IS belle, ed that Ste"'!'l

"The summer camps hale expand- Education Department of the Board > I zealous manner of wardmg off the because the family was mOVlng m at "as among the fineen mentlonecled to .ome degree The Pomter's of Education, gO\ erned by a Board He ;a~d .that the Jags t~mk ..,o~~~ I enemy, his devotion to duty and the time, and nothing of great val- ahove.Qub contmues to spomor dances of D,rectors composed of represen- ;g, 0 >I~g, e~pecl~ y Ih It IS

bIcourage under all condillons serve ue was in the house, they were only I The Admiralt> report said that at.

and parties regularly The JUnior tatlves of all organized community ell' coun r>, or t e) a, e een : as an InSplratl9n to hiS fellow flyers, able to obtam some refreshments, ~rmbaed "lIh the Idea that once I b f th' biter the Norwegians "ere re~cueRed Cross carries on a Tery actiH grOUP5" The skIll and coolness d15played y rom e Ice Ox. the were dl ersed amon t

Pr"""'am and has heen enlarged. The Coomaeliu- Ser.ic:" dead, they become gods" ho e\ ent- Lt. Loug-hhn in the face of deter. Fol1O\~ing these three attempts I y ,p g r '~". • ually will rule the \lorld. ThiS 15 the d d \ H h ") they left the con,oj; they \lere returning ro ....h I carr on the Uoual dance. ""- I 'd I ImIned enemy ""'poslllon al e mate- ,ere on .Harc oJ', I I R ~

SC 005 \. , '''''Ie schoos prO\1 e eoun'eorl reason behind thesUlCIde '''uads .nd ~"f I flP t d f d _ lal' "ere dell\ermg"ar supples to ussu "sports and enlerlalOmrnts in the -nd h'\e the as."tance of the" nt- I nally In Ihe success ul eomp ellon 0 Oln e an a ew a}> -, t h t the \0' at "11"

•• - 0 "'Jati-lcari' it IS also tne same re.SOn I. ci h D~'rf'" ""'''e I se\ere s orm I con ~ ..audltoflum and ~\ !1V'aSlums as \I ell 109 teacher. The ~eighborhood bC'hind their reluctanc~ to be taken these miSSions ,PIt t' up v -.-- - lime and all but one of the Hen~

as carr}lng on all phases of the war Qub, eomlstmg of adults and youtlJ, prisoner, for they feelthel' ha,e dlS- Park Rest.dent Sees Village Water Rates Bacon's lifeboat, "ere destro)ed.effort." carryon a counseltng serl1ce, The graced theIr emperor and \'\JlI never The article contmued oft: "5'1.

''The area has salts factory com- churches are \ery actl\e In thIS sen- reach their ultimate-to become a 15-60 Percent Higher Than Detroit's (the lifeboat) became separate4,munlty cenlers. Youth groups are Ice as "ell. The children's center IS god. from tie rest of the COn\oy. As th.

a~sistmg and parlJclpatmg III reere- 10 u<e and is being expanded" B~use of thIS psychology, 'le -III agree th,t thIS 1'5 Just good bu~i- storm !tiled, 17 enemy torpedo1 I.. "Th d k f h I Further si!(tllficant llght was in. ~ A

atlona p annlOg e grolln \'\or 0 t e counse - q:gge.sted that the \Var Cnmes com- ness practIce" I am 'ure that hfe planes altacked. ' ••• the Cdptal~. d d f t t Jected ,nto tne Village of Gros se 0~An example of thl> IS the com-lIng an gol ance 0 re urm'lj:! \e er- misSIOlI apprenend the go\Crmn~ \lould be much more pleas'nt forI put the 19 Xorv.eglanS-Olne "ome,,-h h d • d POinte Park ,,-ater rate charges thIS amUlIlty HaJ\oVle en cclebratlon p1an- ans as een set up an IS rea y to and military offiCIals and rather e'c'll of us as Indl\ldll'l~, or for seven chl'dren and three men-Ill" • \\eek h\ a letter to the \ IPage Com- • •ned h\ WlUt

1, and .dnlt cc>mmillcel i operate ',an puttmg them to dealh, (Wil,e'l bU'ln"s conccrn- t'or th-t matter, If t'lt' one lilchoat \llt1 Ii\e cre"mell----------------------------- mlSlS()n from a reSident of. \\ est- -, _ AR . H N' Bol. 'C I "ould be a pm,lege for the Japs) -II "e had to do were to calculate to act as oarsmen T'le rest of t~otarlans ear lcaragua IVla onsu cllester roar! who po,nls out the sud- A "

- he advocated tl at tJ,e\ "c made 1010 OU. nec" .... ~ I" ,ng, or buslOe>s, e\.- ere", took up battle stations agamdden me'cased charge' and m.kes an -,D I, A I P A e' Da Address labor groups "ho \lool1d be ta\..en penses a'1d then a,k t~e boss for th~ attacl.\,~ Germans"e Iver nnua an m rlcan Y ,ntere,lm;:: and re\ealmg compan.. I ttonroogcleahno_uutptht,e,e"d'~\naa~la~,n,,~dnf,~~\ceC~,on bet,Hcn local rales and ciarges the s.lar-. necessarv to meet them, I Auer Ihe Henr) Bacon was fatal .., ' " " ., or tell o'ur eu,tomer<, "that's the 111 hll, t Ie \olT\ 1\ or' "ere rescued '"-,D


m Drlrolf ~~p~~1. ng on "P.n.AmerKan Day Irlrr tne c,alrman,hlp of VlDce e- liey had cau cd Tie pCC>l'le\\Ool'd price, tal.e It or lea", It" HowcHr, ot'J~r sh,>,' 10 the cOOlOY. A'I hJ'' "P I P 1 h ,. \ "" C0!', \ of tie leIter rceclI-d b)and the Good \'CH,'H}c>rpo 'C), ..I, etrl' t ,en see t at t'lc TC'",t 01 t ,e,- .' ~ou s'l"uld J,.no", competItion has the firtcen \lcre later accounted fO".

Anouncement is made th" week 1 (BUd) Mehl, Al \\} ffel" J,m \\ Ild- \ I'll or \Iontrcal, C'l1,rI •• eo~ .. '~ Con' Ilar rep'c,ent.'i\e, of "out', " ',~sophy of life "l\OI'rI not b' ~I:\~~~~~'~:0;1l ~~~~'r~C~~'~~ ~~'l~ ~ \lal' of m,1.m" ol' cut our 'Ults to SteH \ hrd "', 22 Hars old a,j.... t

LAopening on Thursday, Apr I ',ann ~faunce l ttcn'l() C J,m' "rnrral 0' \'T<aral.( a ancl comu 0, \ rrrte." .nd I >lln. \ma"" C('>Il'. 'cat" bllt t'le d ':<' ale 01 In .ro: to B (ContlOucd on Page 4) ".s rr-adollted ,'I'm S', P, •

... 41~ , ,. \ \ • I ' I P • d h h \ I ,,\Cd 1)\ \ .. 0e \I, n, o:rr E ,J ....h of the POlnte's nC\\est marleet R, hro r rre Or r a 1 Flhcl a I n'l'''' ,d '-r"ce toe (,',"'r )Jr, t'lr', <Cd'Crl " alan" t,', r A. ,rd , 0" at ton He 'HC' p'ea,,' ~ ___________" \00' 0, J,' ::0 1(~, ne m,-' cdY1 , I • IC pc, ne '~\ 1,'1' , r .n '11CII o~ • e 'rIIC' ,t t',e

at liO'7 Kercheval by Hrnn Ger- , u,1 al the 5\\1" ,!>o,rd Rof,,, d'" \fe,](, <\ ,t I,c \ h"I'" ' .. 11,,,< 01 'be '\\<'11\ ~O\c"m(T\t, ." I \1 Examl.ned On l.'lorals \1 d-c I Gcr', r, ;: \le- of \1- , d~ , , I 1 I ~. I h ('11 1 P \ \ a" (( '1"1 Ion TlH'C"1g on l'maIO. "ho hat been a POPU'H p lr- The /l.roce'\ and frr<', p'od .re de "tc In I Ie I I an'I" 'tl 'O\',r ,n me'Ie'n l'l 0' we'r I Gunn1<on emrha'l71 rl '1e lor , '_ 1\1-' C ,e.ter Ce'" of Da'\,'1.

yc)"Or oC meats 10 Gro.\e POInte fo' i partmcnl< \\11 he In C ,arile 0' r C'"C 'C-'d" r 01 T'a 1 \m' ,n d,,\, u()- ,,,iu,merl on tCe 0"" Ion to t'- ct tnat to rc rcl,.. ,lc 11e<e pr 'I' r Ie.\ n, Charge Tomorrow aH' C lie "", d _<' a memhrr ofmany ytar5. Durr, v-.ho l\as tormer1

" "ith Kar.1 ---- -- - (,'0< e p" 1 'c CO'11'11l1,Ilr, h, p'C'- "0 mth,s ,,'\ 10 t1 "11' I' \\ \ I a,e l" I ,,'n 01 t~c \ \l'e- p""' ~--tlon of !'he new ,to'"e, one of lan's morl.ct for len ~e.', lie '" \ IROAD TREATMENT "Irnl \;", \ (, ,r<qll c-~ of t'l' ',~e ltenrral,0n, 01 \rrc'lI A'l, to (, e",e l',"~ C I'..-kL.OUl WAITS IN GRATIOT (r \\ \! "<: Fh,,,! n: $1 n"il \q, 'rl ( IS pa,' I _tlte fine't In tlte DelrOlt area IS In i c i' ~rl by !o.'n ~ D. r 'I ';;:r 01 , .. ,r <"nle '()(,< e amonR t"c-n ""\l' 1. " ;: ''l I _ ~< "r.1. b\ JI<t, e Lr, ,t r' ':. ~ _~ <I' I imit,.,f Nl1m~" ()fh b Id f' '~C (".......".1"" "h !'C''''-'' < M,.",,- , " r ,~~ , • "ot of r "., , I "r",.,~ .~. ~,~,.,"" . , 1\ 11- I ~ , lr"r ,,,, \\enJe I L F

t e Ul Ing ormer,y OCCUpIC" u) • -.- _ •• _. I ' e I P r \..111 t-e L,'\ "f (,r,,<-e P" nte eoo.t In ICardenl eft In ArIDI,ce Gr-se POInte unIt of tCe anrl others Tht Gr"t,"t To\\n II" oud ac. lepre "''1lr, ca', f,,- mJ'J'" ,,\,or. , .___ (,r"". "'lte "Ul vo 0 T ck '''e arr"r;;:e'11cnt of hmes h. Jo,es I __A"';VS, "'hlch bClltt,es had been A ct>mpleie line of hn,v ancl "pl_d rc' "on\ \lMd" nl~ht f,o'11 "l'rr' • \l'''''' " .' a""rr",," " • r I et Driv~r.Fo" \1 c. ",1 of Q9 Q.k ,Irett ,,", "" a."<tecl FarIT', c'e', H,'rv Fu.-te-n ....donated by!llr Germain 51nce the /I."ocerlc, \\1' be tcalurcd 10 , 1/:-(lJp 01 In\\"":,, t",.,. er! f(1' '11(1<t.-1 "rrd "'" t~,r, In '"' 'if ReddeN DriVl1llf Il,r crr<, • 1-" (t, po ee l.lst t',d" C''1 al

no.- cr! I", """ ,.,' a It''!l,~~

ser\1ce~' Orjl;anlzatlon herc, shortiy tl,c lot" ,I" e ."np: \Ill"" ,HlrC a". , '[1/'{,,1 a,<e«mc'li r, for t-c,' '\ ~\' \C'- -"n-, 0' ,,~ p" I \\'" r':r'r- e h '"I.' exp.,a rro','s c.arj:!e T r..,." pd,ed J;> r T)er "I ~"~e'l r' < .r. "af"

I H bo- ray of ;;:a-drn frr'n 1001 and ,m r. ("\\ , 11 r(),"\ 10 " r\ d " \,"1 ~, 0',,' nllt" llr <'", T r la'll" ,\C"r I -~,~ ." <:~. ""~ 0' t e 'ea',,-, ',,- t'te "~-p ''l- , r'a ter car aT •• I , ,'c. ~"~ <e u!t~ ~l<' "'l t1C fomp"''11 01 1 e :a",rr of a'll aq a r 1 '~ -ec c('l'1'l~~- ~'V,ti! all mc>dern ne" fi"Il-e, ~nd p<>'len f'lll, .nn \Cll'cl'~ r< 2nd ~ I T'r p", ~ '" <i I"r ~-( fl tl"t nn 11,1 '"', ,., e 'r "r 0" l' "'\ allr-n0nn \\ 'r'l "flr (" 1 r 'l , , ,n \ nr "f (L1 1 '''111 If i .,\1 ~,..'f" (1'~ 'h I __ r. r~ t .....~ <I

l ~ rl T I 'k \ J ~ 111\Ol,f'1 , I l PI 1(' l~lr~ ..apf'O,"lmenl<, thr ne\\ mJrl.ef \\,'1 0mpNr 11 f'\ rrH'rnro' nr, I'.n C1 1,- , ''l , •• , n 1 r '" 1 '1 ,n 1 \' , , I " , 1\1 ' 'I '" t-,e 1 , ,r, '.he tht' nf ... I",mt' 01 IJenrl \In', Jme linr "" , I' ,\ II I" 'n l1f' I, P • \ ,> I b ,II d 1 1'1\ I, I', " l, ,\ I' I " "' I 1 \' '~

and" I car'\ a HI\ ,,"no'ele ',nc" 'ed.lI11,n' < \I"., no,' n" \" I 1,1' \ 'I '. ell nr ,\I II,,, ,In r HI" ,_, ,e".'\,nl fin'" O-f0 rr (', fr Ife \("H'llhlr4: I Dc ,\Cl\ ,r"\ C \\ he d ", , '10, n t " t " rr 'r'l', \\ ,', \f' r, .. , 'IC. " .' ",

p, , 'n 0 "' .' , f',,- p " f C " " "e We,' ' ..,ndb.l.rclp:no(h ,ndconlfn"rn,rrl'flr-rlh,'" "rl'mkr, r'01( « \ "" " ,0 ,-" '" I' \1 \ I r, ,,;: ,'" r"-", ;.,., ....1ht'" ilO~"l1(' t~" ..l" f,..f'(' \ hr 1""l 11(" n i'"""r' Her! ~I..l n. • -t' 'If' ., r 'I" p... -~ (') 2_ (I

rI r ri l T1 1 C f't" ..('I , r" 1 (1 ('" m....... \ r (' ~ ,.. r " "1 \

rlepJ.rtm('nt Ttlf., {,t"1'"'1 ~(' rr, l'1j"""1,..r, :II" ",.l ~ TH'i\ on(\ 0n.l rn \,. (' rl, n ~t" .... i1 '1 ...; ..4 I" n • 1..(" r h\ to ... 1 ;"

eha~ capably anl~ted bj Clarencel cult or credIt oasll IdU'1 lo>er n 10",1 effect!'e «.ontlnuc,t on I: aile .5) rr k,cu drl"'l'

Onl, Th. REVIEW Gi"ea YouCoyer .... of ALL Homee ill

Greaae Pou.te a Gratiot Twpt,

VOL. 21-No, 36


United C~:1UreDrive ShowsFair Beginning

Illvestigation oC a fifteen year oldyouth who was walkIng the streets01 the City of Grosse Pointe at J 45a,m, on April S, dlsclo.ed that heWi! returnmg from a robbery of aFanns home. He was pIcked up bySgt, Edgar Trombly and OffIcerFoster Mauck, at Maumee and Fish-er Road,

The yotI'th, after being turnedOYer to the Farms police, admittedtnat he had entered the James APurdy home at 285 Mernweather,Wl')rking with rubber gloves, he ac-cumulated yarioll$ articles which in_cluded In assortment of costumejewelry, three butcher knives, ahunting knife ill a case, cigarettelighters, keys, two pairs of glove •• abottle of Mne, $3 00 and othcr oddsaad ends. Entrance to the house was.. de by breaking the glass in a win-dow near tfIe lock.

Fllrther qlleuionill8 rnuled that- tile 1107 bad .retirell ill his owa .... c

.. ~ alter,

Page 2: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying


nursday, ~flrn t!, 1\)45

There IS no substitute forgood eyelligl\l It .. thekeystone or your IUeet!IIand your enjoymeot ofhfe. Don't "take c:haneeaw

With anythu'l 10 pre.cious. At the 11IIhteat.u.piC:IOD of trouble .••Ternu at I No!'IO ElEna I AppoiJliment

Cost NeeellU1DK M MAln.MAN,

Rrrl"orod optometrbt ta[ura-

'0111 , •• , ....... c, ••"

~~14331 unu II (~II.I"

oprn Frida, and SaturdayI!' onlnr5

Hal e you started your Victorygardm ) et'

Vbits Son!II 1" Anthony Henneclce of Grosse

POinte Wood, returned recenllyfrom a \lIlt" lth her son, Pvt, R, E,!\uehrJna Yo'ho11 It.t1onecl in Chey.~nc, \\)0, ""tn an :!oIP battalion,


-..I••••••••••.-We have oNy OlIO standard of quality •••••• Iin diamonds - Qnd ttiat is 1he linorl. •....

This standord has never been compro- :: Ill'liNd - will .-. be con .. oMiIed.ThM', why ~ '*' Ix"a ~ •wiIh hi _r.w ....., •....._ ,..,. ~.

" .fW •• ' \.'... ~ .. \•••••••••••••••••

Domlllican Mothers PlanAnnual Sprll1l:' Bfid~e

Chapter A 0 of P E 0 w,ll holdtheIr regular m~etIng next TueJda)e, enlllg, Apl'll 17, at 8 pm, at th~home of ).!rs Paul Kaiel of 110M eado\\ Lane, Grosse Pomle.

r ~......•ao.... v

• .' ~.' 4I ..t' Daly the Finest "\... ,. .- .. .'I....:I:.'••••••.-.• •• •• .~I:• •I~

Commodore's BallAttracts Man"Saturday N'1~ht

The next regular meeting of theManiac GUlid of 5t ~fary'. hOIPllalYoIII be held next 'I u~lda) alternoon,April 17 at t",-o o'clock In the nurl~s'lounge, Th~ ,peclal [eature for theafternoon will be a combinationneedle"ork and bake sale.

Cllalrman of the affair IS Mrs, F:\orman \\ Iison of Beaconsfield, heramstants ",ll he ~fesdames JohnLee and J \\'. Bost"ICk.

An execuU, e board meetIng w,lIprecede the regular meetIng at oneo'clock.

Announce Pledg-es toU. of M. Sorontles

Announcement is made thiS week()f s~, eral Grosse POinte ",omen whohave b"en pledged to their respec.t1\ e 50roritle5 at the Unn erslty of~l1chlgan in Ann Arbor. 0

Betty Lee Orphal of 436 F'sherha, pledRed 4,lpha Gamma Delta.~[artha ).!c(ral, 1434 \ orkslme andBetty McCallum, 766 Middlesex havep.\ceed. Gamma Phi Beta; Emalee

1560 OxfOl"cl ... Vir'liniaJ>i.1[cq

.,.~ 46S Moran"'-d, Zeta Tau Alpha. '

RI'EVTEWr---- -- ------------------------

Woods Federation PlansSpecial Luncheon Apnl 19




Gift ad Toy Shop17151 KerdMq)

Soonen... P.iat.'1 •• w.. t .... ", .. trift .hap wiD .... Nortt,o .,..AprilJ. Watda n-...,....

Elect POllltH OffIcerIn EnRhsh Club

11C M olher,' dull of DonllnlcanC, B Thome5, recenl!} .elected hlah school "III hold tllClr annudl

The ~Iidl'il.n I eallle lor been the 'CombuJed Ot!trillons' 0/ commodore of the Grosse POinte lpnnl de,ert brJdge 5aturda) d!ter.ned Parenthood held a t all'l\"ueh lIa,e bMught success So, Yacht Club. and ),11" fhomas Yoere nOOI', ",pnl 21, In the ,ch001 \\hlt.Jlorklhop .e~slon on "pfl116 at home, \\C art realIZIng that we feted by • cro~d "Illch "rtually IIcr and McKllInev the DetrOit Leland Hot~~ IIlllit halt the IIllere,t and coopeu. ta"ed the "ails vf the duhl1ou'e la~t ~[rs. John W Bakcr, generaltllcme of "Ill' h "d' 'Plinnriif lion ()f all h~a\th and SOCIaldgellllC' :'aturda) e' enlllg "hen the commo. chairman Ilf the .. ffa,r announcesthe Po't"ar Famll," and grollih If YoI'are to acluece the dOfe's ball took "Iilte lhat all her comllllllees halc \\orked

Mr. Henr) H Hubbard of Greate lIoa1 of the ng"l of post"ar Dmncr WdS strlcd III the big maIO "Ilh ullno.t enthlhl1'm to m..I.e tillSPOlOIe Farms. Preudenl '" tile famllv life m \m~l'Ica" lounie, \\'In entertaltlment and one 01 the oUI,tan(hng part,cs of the~l1chilall LUIUe for Plannel! p.,. Thi. ,e.,lOn ,"eluded a talk on dancmg folio" lng the pr~hmitlary .eason ~he IS a"JsI~d by ).[ 1"

enthood, In her openllli addr. ;It "Public lIealtl, by Dr B Bruce c()Cktall p.rtv belllg held from 7 to Gerald Dolan and a large group ofthe ,eulOn.on "ramlly and PaItlItIl)ougla" Hulll1 CommlHloner, o'dcxk In Ihe redl dlPllnR room \\omenHealth, laId, "."5 lie watch with IrOlt Depilrtmwl of Pubhc Hedllh Ilhlcl1 had be~n transformed 11110" ~Ir, 1 eo Johmon \I,ll hc ineaier llIterest the prOllres. of our Other ,C»IOth mcluded dlSCU"I011, lounge J<ed Yo"rllteami hlue flo\\ ers chHKe of the \anetv booth, atarmed forers, \Ie r~ahl~ that k kat of family and IIldu.tnal h~alth, lall'. trnt~red ~a:h lab'e dnd thc commo. \lhlUl manv locel, artldes can be

Jly ann ",~nt~l health, and marnage dores Ad';, four \mcrlc"n fl"K' .nd {lurcha,cd \[ "dame, rred J Stock-eOlln,ehnr The iuesl speaker at th~ club. burgee. brought a festl' e ",,,n and r<i S", ~ne) are in chal'l:(e ortl,e IUl1cheon on \pnl 10 was Dr. note to th~ rotunda .t Ih~ end of ti,e rrfre,hmenl>, "It,dames Fred TroeDaVid ~llrhl Professor of PA)chla. mam foe tr halt dlld L C Hucllller, door prIles,

~ut Lanunc, ~[Ick-I" th. r .. tr)' al lile Lnller.lly of Chlcaco, ."S51S;,l1g \\\In C HOlmer, enter. ~[csclamc, ).[artm TcPalll and Ja.cent or,anlzatlon of a club for E., ... ho 't><'I.e aD fhe Re,ponsd'llhly talnment chaIrman, ,\as ).[rs \\ 11. cob F ).Ioench, table PrltCS

hsh and lournal15m studenli, Jea. fOt'"the Helilk of Tomorroow', Fam. ham J. Fors as cha,rn,an of ti,e has. In charge of re,enalton, are ).[es.Carr, GrOlS~ POinte jUnlOt' at Wich. Ily les. comml\le~, and her aide, 111- dames G L Toohey, ,\101. Emheu.,can ~tate colteae, Yob elecled tee. The Api'll 11th S~SS10lleon"iled :>f etudll\c ).[ r. ueorg~ CllrlSt'dnsen, srI', ~f urrar D,gb, and Ed 0 Con.rttar) -lrUJurer of the aroup. report! of l()Cal and ouUlate com. ~[rs. G R u»e11 Fr~nch, ~[rs Ho\\ _ nor

""-uo,,,n u Junto, th~ club llleel' mlttees and a general e,chanle of ard Grant, ).[r, Ham~r, ).[1'5 Chasbl_Yoeekl) for Informal dlsclIS.iolU uleal and pohlles amonll the par- J Korhel, Mr, Georgr:-- Llhgrcn, LOCAL FIRM MARKSon hlerary tOPlCS "'~11lh are prClbt-ltJ<:rpatl.ulf Planned Parenthood :!o[r, Ra) Lellg, ~[rl \\arren H FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Ied by facult) member. of the .... LUlrUh and 10<..1 tOmnlltleeS" fin. I'arr. )'fr~. T O'Keefe, M-, --Ilsh .dpeartment 1 anetal 'UPPDrt and how to obtaIn It, H.r1oYo C ~tahl and ~[r" J:.dYoard J I On ,).larch 15th one of Grolle I.. M1!~ dau~I:I:r of. Mr. ~.d problem. In lnferllllty, ""ork of vol- \\ hl'1e, Jr ~oln!e I part',cularly "';~. bu~~~es~ I.\Irs, ) v I.arr, ttlJ LJIlCOIIIreaa" untter, and haw to maintaIn lnelr Commodore and ),[1'5 Thorn'ls en- ,n.UlLlllOIlS" III I'dS' '" IIl1l1 ) ~., ".

also a member of Sludio thtlt.... Inttrtlt and other cOl'relat~d ,ub. lertamed a group of fmnd, at the ,en mil' the ar~a--------- Jeet. f h b D d '1 [n prrs~tnlng unusudl and 10\Cly• ele, lese ,ueSh em, r an .. rs d Bl k'CONGRATULATIONS An in,IHute [or nurses on family Harold 5t John, Dr, and Mrs D merchandIse Pep pet an oc e.t

Mr and Mr. Bernard D JdcFar. planning ~u attended the evenIng J Lelthau,er, Mr. and Mrs .'\lIen ha, met "lIh s1llgular success In ahn of Rl\ard Bled, annoullCe the of April 11th by a larlle number of German and Mr and Mrs, ~ell ~Ic. conlmUnltv "llIch appreclales mcerbirth of a son, ~lIekael lalDes, _I reristered nur,es and Joclal worl.en "Lnn. things, and IS to bc congratulat~d.~hl'lh 9th ~l I' ~{cFarhn i, a ror-.I who law a mo, ie on "5tudl~S m Hu. ---------

F I " h h [II d P. E. O. Meet Tuesadyer policeman In the Cltv of Grot.e man trtl Ity W lC was 0 owe ~farllac GUIld SchedulesPOlllte and II now preSident of tht by a talk on th~ "EmOllonal Alpects Bake Sale at ~IeetmJ:'B & M Machine Product! of Io.amlly Planning" by Dr Tkomll

• .; • J, Heldt, Chief Psychlatmt at Hen.CommiSSIoner anll Mrs Elmer F. ry Ford hospitzl.

Cinch, BerkshIre Rd , Groue Pedte Among thote Yo ho attended thePark, announce Ihe birth ei a two d.y semon were, Mesdameldilughter, ).[arJone Sunn on AJril JalDes K McElo)', Henry C. Dod-5 ~Ir, Llncn " ~he former Mar- lUll, H Hunter WllhamJ, John Dar-Jone Anne ~[endclson hllchouse, Kar: B Dra\lon, \Vllllam

K. lfuir, Henry H. Hubbard, HarryW. Kerr, Joseph B Sciliolman, Ros,WilkinS, Jr, Carl H 5, mlngton, JStel'lart Hudson, C. H. Tucker.Thisholm M Macdonald, \\ allaceY. Jensen, John R D~k~r and Rich.ard Forsythe.

Grattot To" nship "oieeGroup Assists Club

New Member.:Eastern Detnot Realty AI.llCiI.

estate broker" announced DanFrankhn, chaIrman. E1.~1"F ra nklln, c h air IIIaIl : E1Ii.IrG.

Th~ ~[~lody Matrons of GratiotTownJhlp, an ensemble of nine &-.Inlne ,olces ",II appear It the Jta..leda lodge 10 DetrOit, Saturda,. ..e-nInI, .\pl'll 14 at 8,30 pm. n.e,'" III be the guest5 of the Fiaaiah"'om~n. 5e"''"1l irouP who arc .,...,onng a bazaar, the pr()Ceeds ttiwhich WIll aid refugee childrea.

'VaUs dry in ONE~llr w~elY'. Ise~.irlcleWill filis~ COSTS ONlY !~$298", ~ GAUOtf



Un-x rtiCLEAR lJ:j 1GLOSS _.

lllolt"' ..........""",,.IIIoIlIlII..,.... lay III., ,. J'O ...-

II0Illt' _

ALtOI lJlt.1 c.. ,.. IIr -....... ... 69cI

II I. I SolI ........ ....... ..-rt 91<


15123 M •• 1r TU 2 12"


• • •

Entertains Sorority

Ra) Bandtrmer (\\ ho's home onfurlough from the '\ \Fl. IOllted tbunch o[ hlo old pal> o'er for 1get.tOll~lher Il,t Saturday eHnll1gROl)" date \\a, LoIS )'fc:--lCrne),J onnn I ~nell was \\ ith ~[anl) nBorR"man, BoJJhle Ha\\kJ\\orlh "assQuired h) [ee "-Itchen. C.p Bar-thell ~ as "lth Sally Baker, BillChapman 'n Barbara Blossom, JunGullberil' s dat~ \\as Julie Blo05e'11onn 'em, ' Cameron ~a, ,,"h Ian,.Heron

• • •'!'I'other hat Ilarty was ill thc

~[ohnuux abode Salurda, nIghtSome of the lals Barbara 10' ltedoY~r for lhe eHllInl ~ ere J oanl"Ghelert )'Iary Thorn, Anllie \\, Carol McPhear,on Dora D~h.len

The Kappa D~lta alumane >\ereenterta,n~d at the home of :!ofrsJohn P Cushr=n of Lakeland a' e.nue, \\ edn~sday evelllng, April ..Asslstlng the hOlless were MuKenneth Hollidge, Jean Jackson and).lrs Cale 5chult~

John Bartiemter 1US back inGros,e Pennte on a week.end panfrom Great Lak'es last week to leehiS fath~r who i, leaVing for over-s~as ,oon. Some of the boys Yo ho"Ill be lea,mg the POlllte for theservice tOOt! are Johna" Snell,Floyd NIXon, AAF: WOOll. .

S~ems as though e, erv staS inGro5,e POlnl. ,hOlAed up for thePOlOters dance at the !\elghborhoodClub last Fnda) Johnny Titus andhl5 orche'tra supplied the mus'cJUlt a few of the kids there were~farlh n Buch 'n Blil Rogers, KathvStuart 'n Dick Rvan, Gmla Robinson'n Bill Calteel, Pat Robinson 'n\\ Ilhs Beard, !\ancv Bokhema 'nBob Axford, Bey McCeHan 'n Mar-ty B~er, ~f ani) n Lamb 'n Dan La.Fert~, Barbara \\ oed 'n PeanutsDamle,', Buggs Borgman 'n Johnny~nelt, B()b Hollbrook 'n Joan :!ok-Gmtv: Dodo Guimond 'n CobbyBarthlet, Pat Baumgardener 'n BlIlChapman, Joan St~,en,on 'n B,IIBea,~, Jack Hucklll, 'n LettyKr~lchmier Some of the gUl S Inth~ long Itne were BIll Baker, BillKerr, Jack MacKenZIe, Tom Mc-Gar~l, B'll Queen, George Mantho,Paul Grubbs, Bill Mer(III, Bill Hol-l,da)'. Dick Kremmll, Dick \Valker,George Hubbard, Bud Roe,ch, andArt Brown~ll.

• • •

Incidenta Ily ~~~~~~ MARILYN SHIELDS

Don t think a Yoeek.end CI er,pas,e, l'lt'IOUt at least two Or threehaa parhe, , \ bunch of the 1.10 as.sembled at ).[ary Lou I::Yo'1I1g',dom.H.le liSl } nday pm ::,ome uf theI.:d, there Yoere Jeanne QU~H, 8eh'Baulllan, Betll ."uch, Ann Llelnller.Joan Clark, Jadue \\ ard and \ddGLllelle

16300 Mack Ave.,'f) ltrnr,e


Blillt E=lu.lvel,. ior the H1&'h Purpose It Senti

,\n c.-tar"l< lment t1at Grt\l to Greatnl'<S on Lltt'eLxtra Th -go of Scn](1' \\ . 1f)llt 1 ,aa Co'!


!e tnital of the clothbtr aihl.tioll iJI llberated COIIIltriee aree..... eft Poliah bo,. tkat eh.,. hn, Mell eh_1I U 1)'1110011of tile United National ClothillJ' C.Uedion. ne MY' will beeoadaetlid lecaU1 April 1 to SO.nere wiU be a colleellon ltatioa« drop boJ: Mar "oar hallie.



O«ice at 15121 Kerchcul bet" een Mar~ land and Lakepninte

"The Only Weekly t\ell spaper Co"enn~ All the Homn inGrosse Pomte and GratIot TO\\I1ShlPS"

L B. O.l..DHAM PIIb/ubl,PAUL ]. BLACKBURN EiltfW, AcI"",lSlPl, M.fI4,tf

SWmnpnon Raca: By Mill, ~2,OO I'ft year; 'c per cepy.By Carner, 10 emu • Mcctll.

Published E"ery Thursday by The Grone POinte Prjntin~ ColENOX 1162.1163


Salvage Their Lives

Yacht Club PlansStries of ThreeLadles' Bndl:e Parties

S I.m' ~r c' ,.mr~-' gTral q~te r0on.< flmil, room- drC'<lllR'fOrm' al,j all Ln"ll,h lo"ngc are amon;::- the \'CrlIC' dCll '11110\0\-

tl"r' :11al are no\, tern" accepled un' erqlh Tile IlltertOn oft~t' l;~ .... -;:: d"re ,11 <oft pa<'e!, 1':,,< loll .<:n;j\ rr re hI-I' furn-

" 6' a,co~-' for an atP1o'f'"ere t' a' IS el't -r oe'OId of6o-he-"1c',



man F Koe'thn, James H \[arks,Eugene T O'K~~fe, H E. 0 Lear)',W,lham Pack~r, George H Prall,George Schadt, Carl Smlt'h, Harolw

Grotse Pomte Yacht Club "'1'1 rC Stahl, C B Thomas and EdwardUTe the nrst of a ,ene, of three J Whl te, Jr.iadiet. bridge parties next Tue,day,

17, at the clubhouse, the othersfollow _ lIhe third Tuesuy, re- CTippled Children's

v.,j ud JUDe.. League Sp~~~ml.......... Ja Brida'~ Party ~'_ .L

.. IocrJap. ~m. at U:30 The Micltipn League for c'rip--'c1odc, .aad already a number of pled ChIldren >\111hold their SPrllI1I'tabla have been made up for the bndg~ luncheon Fnda), Apr,] 20 atenat. Spedal features are sehedul_ 12 JO pm, ~ Kerns audltol'lum, Theed to malee thl' a most Interesting proc~~ds of t!l1S party "III go tow.tatlvity. ards tbe camp fund for /tl'lPpted ~\ll.

Mrs. Hurd A. CaHII, chairman In dren at Camp Grace Bentley.ehal'll'e of arrangements, has named Mn. Hermann M Reinhold i,lIrs. Erne,t G Llebold and !ill'S T chamnan In chuge of res~rvallons;Henry P,cl,lrr as her a"bunts sne" III be a'SlSled by ).fesdamesCommitt~e members mdude )'l~s- Elm~r C Wllzke, \\ ard Peck, A. C.Oma, C. R ArmstronR, Ra) mond Page, \\ lillam F Hoffman. Julius L

" R. Beer), Edmund M Grady Rey- Becl.~r, Ray J TromlJley, Rupert JlIaud Font, Emerson Frantz, G Rus- Buehler, J -\lex Park, and J, Mark

... ell French, Ail 1'1 C Hamer, Her.' fcrns.

Page 3: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying






5t,..... for Compu..fthW. SpeciaJU. i•


Cu.t_ P_a"eDt., InehodUi.Cold w...... aacI Zote. Cr .... Oil


IW5 Mack: A ..... at TJaroe MileTUlledo Z.33M CIOHd M ..... ,


Tnl''t hi ~'trl ....ttn ~nd "t\ I"ntn f""(f'!lll-';lfl"h ra...hl(lntd

,,,,rd Ftdtral

$33.75 liP

14319Brtween Lakewood and Chalme"

On., '"' ,c I 0 rl 'n' -aa f f T


14319 MACK AVENUEBetween Lakewood and Chalmers",-n for ;'lrrnnt~ J'f'rrorm-Inrt t..adu'c;' (.h If Iii ",lIrndarnt," mfon 'Iii rnnrlf"l~~trf'Jmltn ..d1 mtldf'rn In("lUdif"d

Alarm ClocksRepoired, Too

Open Fnday andSaturday Evemngs

~-......L ~\tf p~r\-~'~\ }


The watch that isn t \\ ork-mg IS a slacker. Brmg yoursIn today and we "'Ill gIveyou an esllmate for pUllmgIt In perfect con-dItIOn at a pnceyou'l) be agreeablysurprised at





,.,here !lis nu:t assignment will bedetermllled

PH Lienemann sefl ed 43 montbs• s a radIO operator in thc P.clfictheater of opcratlons. \\ hile therehe "a. a" .. rded the Amencan d<:.fen~e rthbon \\ Ilh one star, and t',CASlahc.Pdcllic campdlgn rllJbo:JIIltb olle b.1I1e ,tar

Arm} Ground alld Senile F OelesRedlstnvutlon ~t.tlon. are locateJ IIn larlOUI part, of the Vnlted ~t.tes~lllJtar) p(r,ollllel nturnlllg frol11OHr'CdS are prole.,cd throl1~h thesestallol!> !Jclure a"lgnlllcllt to 01111-

tar} orgalllzatlOlb and lI1>t,,'lallOl1,\\Itlllll Ihc Llllled ~Idle,

Belore lnlerlllg the "r\lce PI'LlenemallrJ\\aselllplo} iIIIspcctor If e becdllle a mllnbu of Ithe Armed I'orc., 011 Aprtl 7, 1941 •

* IIA lot Tac:tlcoJ Air Force S.26 M.-

rauder B.,( I'rdllcl CO'lJOral Ro!>.ert \\ 1 "mo, 80 ~!oros> Roa'I,(,ro5se POlllte, I> a lIew drrl\ al .nthc European t'lcater of operatlo'h Iand ha, been a»16lled as an drmor.ed gUlluer III the olue,t medium"omber group Ul the -\ \r - the Igroup \\ hie 1 ,upphed i9 01 tl,c '30men I\ho took part III the lamoLl'1 ifir$t 10klo attacl.. ' t

HIS B-Zo group has part!lIpated 111 Itbc 1 um"lan anti !tallan c.mpalgnsand tooJ.. part III jOlllt aIr grOLllldoperatlOl!> at AnzlO and southe"n ifrance prlor to I\IC ","ugU,1 15111 1Il-

YaSlon b, Allied rorces. 'Ihe group iha, recellcd tbc DI,tlllgulshcd Cnlt iCitation and has beea a\\ arded the J ICroIx De Guerre 1\lth Palm by Gen-eral De Gaulle, Chief of the frencharmIes, and Pre"dent of the Pro. I\'I>lOnal go\'ernment of the French iRepubhl i

A. Air Slll'Yiee CODimaDd Depot, iEngland-Pmatc fIrst-Class Glenn iE. Tldeswell, son of ~!r, and Mrs JGlenn E Tide." cl!, of 1452 ~oltll1g.ham, Gro"e Pointe, b gOlllg to islhool agalll-and hI> classmates arefigl~ttng soldlcrs from all the umled Inallons.

Prepann6 for the filial aenalsmash-through 0\ er German). he ISnow taking intensl\ e refre,hcr ico..trses ill aircraft mallltenance at •tillS repair and modification depot of ,the AIr Sen ice Command in Eng. Iland, I

He is a graduate of Grosse Pomte ihigh school and has been 0\ erscaslor elg-'lleeD mont ''s.




10026 Ios. Camp ...MAdisotl 5656




CrONe PoiDu



WOODS BRANCH20760 Mack, Comer Anita

TUxedo 1-0780



Our Seventeen Years ofExperience in the correctcare and .torage of yourrarmrnts is your assur-ance of SAFE STORAGEwith adequate inlurance.You can entrust an of yourwinter prmentl to ourhighly recommended careand forget about themnow unil next faD. Don'tdelay, bring them in

Put Your Winter Garments in Safe


11410 Ios. Campa ..TWinbrook 1.1818




.. 4lbs. 2Sc

$1.99so PoundBag

Pitted ImporteclDates ..

~\,..l~ 1~' 0 ,'_.=... ...R~~., .. " .-Leg ohmh .. ::'::~Ib~42cF..... GroaacIDog Food ....... 2 Ibs. 2Sc


Chick.. Pies V.... ta1l1e SaladSteak Pi.. Maca.roai S.ladC.... Beef H .. h Cold Slaw

Paid ..Bak. Bea... Baked S~hetti


Fancy DriedApricots14.0z. Tm CanadianFish Flakes ...

(Not Rationed)FIIIIC)' EmLoned PaperNapkins, 500's $1.79New Rieber Suchinr-Lg Pkg.Werx Soap Flakes ...

No Limit While Supply Lash

CII0551 POINTE PHONE NIAGARA ,.5FIRE'S........ _ 5_10._ .1.


.2 for 23c


Beef =Veal ~LambSPECIALS.

" "

Buy A Box-From the Gulf of M~co-No Poiab


ISZZI Eut Je&enoa L ........

Fancy Bulk Sauer Kruat .


.Beef,I.:...IJ. 34eSIIaaIderR t of Beef lb. 31c


Aa'ed CheclclarLonlr HoraSwi..MllluterGoaclaC.;"ttq.American


BkuROIDIIDoCorirAJlZOlaGoWen RiChBri.ftdellZ""e-"",bertKaukaona

Complete Liue ofFinest Fruits and Vegetables AvailableFreah StraWberl'ie1 - Asparagul - French Euclive - Avaeadol - Rh~k Pine-

apple - Water Creu - Pearl - Grapes - Squ.. b - 8aIumu - eI

Florida - Best for Juice Texu Manb .Seedleu 35Oranges 5 Ibs. 39c Grapefruit 5 Ibs. c

Large 20'02 Pkr.Bisquick

Gold Medal

Flour 5-lb. bag 35c

Maxwell HOUle

Coffee Ib. jar 35c

S-OZ. Pkg.


Lipton's Orange Pekoe

Tea 1-2 lb. pkg. 59cSFIRE BROS. - Successors to

1-aJ ItE.-CH!VAL AVENUE_ "' .. t McNiclooto-Ph_. UN I."'"

ValI1 neeDIly. the Armed FOftea ncei d tJae tire procIlICtio. 01p...icilLn-the mosl powerfl&1 woyo er cI lopecI to iafec.tio.... Now, tbroulrb • production miracle, Kie ..e. ba. m_ iJahle for eiyjJj.n \Ue. aDd the \Uea of Peaic:iDill are Dluka.plyi almo.t clail,.. More aDd more i.. fec:tio ... that oDee ._11:dread into the heeJ"to of the .fflicted, are ,.ielciinlr to thU powerfl&1lI'erm-IUUer. W. ai'e indeed h.pp,. to be .ble to eliapea.e P .... iciJlinUNDER THE DOCTOR'S CARE.

Thursday, Apl il 12, 1945

IIIVIII 'All---- --------------_._--- ---_._----------- ------------ -------------------E...I.n Willi .... D.n.bur,., 'oa of Wa,lllnglon, ten mile, from the port senlce squadron fi\e, B ed led A' an in&'dIiI Ilork I, the 16),t ~! P Pro-

Wilham LJ.'hbun of the r lrms 1"0'- he3rt of the Seatlle busmess diurict Higbee is the son of Dr, and ,rrs ern a IfD) .:e" ... (ompa"y alld thc pcrsollnellice departmcnt hd, heen ,pendlllg a 'lbe station serves as a trainmg base Beeler B Higbee of \\-.sblllgton Rd • IS iWbIUr,,1, I filled to do Ihc Jol> Thet\\O \\eel.. lealc Il'Hm.,: fnull], and for nalal air ,quadrons of the Aut..... .. ~1I"1e amon.: them kno\\ledg. "frelatll es 10 UetrOIt and (>ro"e Pte and as a major overhaul and repair Fr_b. GUl1Idn Ru,slan, Poll,I"

M .... on, Wi ••, April S-Pyt. WiJ. •lie "III kale ~dtunJdl for " ~encr- b.,e for both land and sea planes HIIIIPI"I.IJ Cz«b Araole, ~Jlalll,h,- ham II, Harm,. 28, son of \1 r all I •al se. duty d,,'gllllllllt I he stallon I> also an .lIatlon sup. • Rumaalall dnd the dialect> of some

...L.. !.lr, A Harms, 1434 Gr",lon Rd, of the lallgudJl,.,.. pi) bdse for na, al a'r activities 'n Gros>e POlllte, h., been gradudte J "FZc BHler Dayid H'lrbee Jr, 24, the thirteenth na\ al ul>tnct and TIlcir !JIg ,ldson came IIhen the

from thc AAF TratnJllg Comalld'3()f 9JJ \\ a,hltll-(toll rOdu, h,l> rellOrl- -\Id,l..a .fIld the -\ICUtldll> a, \I cll ... <:ity of D't,t rell ~l1d thol"and, 01aIrcraft radiO mCdlallll> school ..t

cd for dutv .t thl Ildl dt air ,tatlOn for aircraft carrier, and tendcr, OUI- 1 ruar r'leld "here he ,tudled t',c pril.clacrs IIlre proce"ed unt,l Itin ~c.llle, \\ ,hhlllglon, ilL lid' heen fitllllg III the district or comll1g In seflDed d, " the ,Iream \\ould nCI,'r

sen "lIIg of radIO "J "Ipment lbd onin the llalV SCHll month, ..lid I, a for olerhc ..ul or r~pair" ~.val a,r cnd. Sinle IIl"t time t'le comp ..n)U S bombers alld fighter plane" Itgraduate of Uelll" lugll s< hool ,tdtlOn, SeattlL, I, tbe base for head- has *n gtttmg regular sillpments\I as anllounced toda} bv tll. POlt~alal \Ir !::>t.tWII, ~edttl, to 'Iuaner, of Commallder Fleet Air, of prUullcr, frOnt t'IC \\e,terncommander.

"Ahieh HIg-blL hdS rcported for dut, ~eattle, :-'d\al aIr ba,es, Tlurteelltlt FrOAt and the \\orl. goes on elCfy, Tramed prlmanly dS a techllluan,

it located 011 thc s'lOre of L.I" IId,al dl>trtll, and Xa\al air trans- l'e dbo ,ludled defcl!>e dgdmst d.1~g t'le men of thc Iblst, \\ho--------------------------.-- chenllcal \\ar,(are, alrer .. ft Idenhflc ..,

are dolllg th., Job IS ~gt ReulhradtlO'I, and related -\ -\F suoJects de.siglled to fit 111mfor combat duty r J P, 01 1391 Ldl..epointc

Dcpending UP011 needs of the P.... EnlY!Mac:Ewell of Ih.A -\1' throughoLlt the \Iorld, be maybe aS51gned to an ad\ anced >lhool j.l \VAC. ,Iallolled at \\ fight held,

• 'J


D~ ....... \\., Ill! D, all auto and ser.ur Lu .. IIUl:ll ..r l.CJlt~r ~~ an lnl:; • ~ ,

•"' t. iousJ, Injured la,t \\ ednesday S'leIII raulo mechanics. SGT. HOMER C. FRITSCH was (In farlough alld stopped at* Edllor'> Xotc: The follO\dng, C1eYdand on her \I a) home to \ SlIt

Robert E. C ....tia, Jr .. of 451 Tou. -\rm} rek and the alloH Slgn,lIl her parcnts !.!r. and ~Irs. John ).ralJle Road, Grosse Pointe Farms. Corp. piloto \\erc reccn cd for pub-, MacEwen, 861 Beacon,field al'enue,rece;. ed his commlS,lon 1 hursdal, hcatlOll last l\eek The photo was i Grosse Pomte Park. PrI' die ~!ac-Aprd 5th, a, a fhght Officer and his nuslald b, the engra\ er but ha. bcen Ewcn suffered a broken leg, she "Silver wlIlgs as a Bombardlcr m the found and the story is repeated \I ith at Crile Army HospItal, Clc\ elandUmted States Army Air Corps, H!> the pIcture thIS \\cek) *gradualton at Army AIr rorce, Aft Eichtb Air Force Bomber Sta. ....D-k, 17.,.eara.ow. of 1.1. VerBO'llbadler School, BIg Spnng, Te ...- tioa. - Sergt Homer C. nier nJad, IS tralmng at P.rls IslanuitS, hlarked the culmmatlon of ap. Fnbch, son of ~!r and ~frs H C. with the D. S Mannes. He is thepro ...imately 18 months of intenm e Fntsch, 1009 Han ard road, Grosse IIlD of Mrs. Mable Denk and thetraming to fit him for hiS duties as Pomte Park, has been awarded an late Nocbert F. Denkan officer. In addItion, hc has ma." AIr Medal for 'meritorious acblc\ e. *tered a difficult course In preCl,lon ment' \\ 'Ille seT\ ing as a B-17 Fly- ..... &.cia, FIa., April li.-Set-bombing and has proved hlmsell 111& fortress \\3bt gunner In the Earl Hilgendorf, 29. son of !lfrsfully capable of u,mg our country's 4O),t Bombardment Group com. Marceline Hilgendorf, of 344 Ridgefamous bombsight. manded by Lleul Col \\'. T. Sca" ell, Road" Grosse Pomtc Farms, has

F/O CurtIs 15 now bome Oil a 15- Pme Bluff, -\rk. returaed from sentee outSIde theday furlough before resumlllg hiS The citatIOn accompanying the contiacntal L"llIted States and IS nOI\dullcs '0\ Itll the Air Corps. al\3rd reads' "for c'(ceptional meri. being processed through the Army* tonous aChlC\emenl \dule partiCI- Groutad and ServIce Forces Redis-

Pn. Au... F. Meiaan.r. oE Si.hop pdting 1Il a number of combat bom- trib'atiort Station in Miami Beach,bardment mls,ions 0\ er Germany where hIS next asslgnmnet \\ ill beRoad. stationed at Fort Kno', Ky,and Xazl-held terntor} The cour-\ering Current Eyenls, is spend.age, coolne,s and skill shOwn by Sgt. Hilgendorf sefl cd thirty-fou~ing a furlough at home \\IthSergeant Fribcb Oil all these occa- months as a motor sergeant III th~his parents.sions reflect the highest credit upon Southwest PaCific tbeatre of opera-Illmselt and the armed forces of the tions. While there be was al\ardeJL"llItcd States." the Asiatic.Pacific campaign T1!Jbon-------------- I with two battle stars, the Amercian

With U. S. SerTice Forces i. defmse n"bbon mth one star and theFrancc-L\Cr) day German Prlson-\ DistiDraQbtd unit citation.ers of war are run through a pro- *cesslng machmery t',at is handled in ~ --... F1a.. ApriI Z-P ...LbU5llless-ltl..e manner. \\hlch in. UVllnlI!. Jl. LieneDlaDl1, son of :!lit.'POlus no mollycoddling and no ... 4 1Jn. C&rl 'Co Lial~ ~


Page 4: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying





T~llr~da~', ~pril 12, l~oJ

Site "'" all 1\ e in II.. D~troitSI 1111>110111, ell IC Opera and Com-n;u'lJty hll1d ~he \\as a member01 tbe Grosse POIIHe !.lemonalchurl h, Ihe Garden Club of !II Ich-Igan and the Gros~e Pointe club

Shc i. sun il ed by a Sisler and I

"wther, hlo daughter., Mrs ]. H\le'.Indre, Jr, New York C'ly and~!r, Percll Ol\Dodge, Grosse Pointeand ,IX grandchildren.



GRATIOT, COR:-.'ER Open Thursday, Friday,

SEVEX MILE ROAD Saturday Evenings

Globe HOSIery lor \\'omen-Holeproof Soc!.:s for Men


AU Kinds of Insecticides-Garden T oob-Hou.edeaning Aid.

Lawn and Garden Trellises, $1.95 to $3.95

Grosse PointeHARDWARE



16915 E. Jefferson

We're talking to all you housewivu who hkf' to seehome all .pic and span. You du.t and you mop and yo:~b, And when you're through the house looks prettymce Why not do A complete job includin« CURTAINSDRAPES and SUP-COVERS. too? The job ia too bi~for you to d<l At home, thllt's why we're here to helpYGU. Send them to us and we'l clean and pre." them anclreturn them to you lor,klnlt like new.

Funer.ll sen ICes for \[rs ".nne\\"all.lce I), .Ir, 73, of -IS III ar lane,'oIho died 'i ue,d .., dt J"ord !lo,pII.Iafter a tllo-month dine,s Ilere be.Ing bcld 1111.afternoon at 5 o'clockfrom uro"e Pomte :'lemoTl.tChurch I\ltb bun.1 follo\\ lIlg 111L1m-II oou Cemeter)

pi~~~~~'W.\$aiM\""""Ai5iid8li1ltl 5c to $1 Dep.vt t Sto..~ H d' 217&4 Macl< A .... a t Aftita.f~ owar S Gro••e Poiat. Wooda! HARD TO FJND ITEMS

~ • Garbage Cans~ • Galvanized Pail,~ • Cookie Sheets~ • Enameled Cookin .. War.I • Combination Lg(:k,_IUlllt!!Bl 18I.nl81lm:;J.lffl~~'MiI




Will Sell Poppie.

Come ID and lee ourIIJW't new styla in eye-wear. You111et a NEWidea of how downnghtlIauer,nA alalses canreally be!

Tenns at -1 -.::No - --No Extra AppoiDtment

Cost NeeesaryDR M MASSEaMAN,

JhglStered Optollletrilt lJlCharge

"Ou. " •• .,. I"U' ••••

~~14331 IUIPU II (~.I.1rI

Open Fnda, and Saturda)E\enlnlCli


Phone ua and we'll pickup your bundle,

Regal Cleaners15029 Kercheval near ~faryland LE. 7055

Grosse Pointe Funeral for LocalPolice to COeoperate Civic Leader Todayin Brake Program

Permhsion \\ as granted tne Db-allied War Veterans to sell poppieson the GrOose POInte Park ~treels,on Tue'da), -\pnl 2-1.


Roofing & SidingCall TV. 2-5943for Quotation

"We'l Both Be Pleated"


A-. ,.1 ""Inlnsm.t_ '0' tII.("'orTf"("t of Foot AU.. rntJ; OV,",21,rars 4'If fillttt.'ui &ervief, 'L. S••• ('lAadaNO APPOIIIoT'fnlT "'FCt:~SA.Y


"EE~'Foot., ITec;t

IFUfIllRf _.... i;n.~~ I

Ml'S Robert H Ru"ell of 927!\ottingham is enlisting the aid )fher neighbors and friends In an at-tempt to find a box \\ hich \\OlS sentto ber by her son, Sic Ro!lt.rt, whoIS stOltloned in the South f'a<llfic

It is beheved that the pac"age, thesize of a cIgar box, IIas mIStakenlytaken from her front porch \I hereIt v.a. placed by the po,tman, It ar-rn ed here by airmail, -\pnl 5.

Mrs Rus.ell, \I ho I, feehng tnisloss keenly. sa)s thOlt In a letterfrom her son, he statcd that sheshould not part \11th ani tlang "hlc',was included in the parcd for iteontallled sou\C!!Iers \\hlch be hadcollected dunng the elghtecn monthshe h~, ,pent 111 the PaCific ~[r,Rll"ell IS hOplllg that il all) C IH1dor adult has taken tillS box In mIs-take, thev ,\III rcturn it and sa\('Robert a grcat deal of dl>apPOlnt-menlo

than Ille Dllro .. bill,lt Ilould perhaps he dell antajtcous

(or the VIII.lge to do a\\a, wilh It!'Vater Deparl ment 4 nd have IUrcsldent~ 'UPI lied dlrrcll~ by theelt) of Detrol'

Ven trull ,ours, To help make e..r, last longer andDOL:(,L-\S I "~I \RT, 10 reduce aCCIdent>, Grosse Pum:e

93; \\ estLII .. ter Pdrk pohle \\Ill cooperate III the n ..-Lall. Attemptl Anlwar tlOn-\\ Ide brake Lhe, k program ,t

Replllllg I) PuaRrdph 3 In t'le \\ a, anounced toda) bl Benr) \\'letter Lane '.HI thAt the cxtra $.?OOJ Plcl, CllICt 01 Policei, llIade UI nf a 5r( sun hdrge II hlLh Clllc!> 1 Trom!>!), City, J Trom.the PArk pa\s to Delrolt on all \\Olt- blc), 1'..rnb,\V. uoul\elle, \\ood"er. se'ololRe <I"po,0l1 and meler r('ad. 0 IllRabbe, Shores, arc al$o coope-ings, eostlllg aprno\.lmateh $1 SOO ratmg III thl. programHe ,.lId tl'at an ad,llt\onal $.500 'S Dllnng a SIX week penod, lrompdld to Detroit a, the nel se'ol('r \pnl 15 to June I. the police of thecharKe [or ma.ler melers \\ IIlL h rec. nolt ,on w,ll check the bra"ts of al\oed thc amount of \\ ..ter coming Ill- <.IT, InI olved in movl1IlI: Iralilc 110.

to the Pdrk from DetrOIt (Edl- lallon, and III accldenlS, aceordllll:'tor" note 1 he Ctt) of DetrOIt Wat- to Cillef Plel lie added tbat C.lT>er Board stated in a letter to the abo \\ oulet be chec"ed '" hlch areComml>SIOn on January 3, 1945 operated In a manner lIldleatlllg th_t"Our lIater rate. and meter charges the brakes are not safeare among lhe lo\\cst 1Il the coun. "The brake check 11111 be tunely,"

JO try, and We mak. no lurch ... ,. to he said, "because, llsuall), Olclldents,...... Vd!a&e 0\ er mmtmum can- ,ncrease sharply 1Il the sprlllg SincesumptlOn" cars On the al'erage arc tl\lee as old

Rcpl) ing to Paragraph 4, Lane Iloday a, before the \\ ar. I.'e) arestated that ~Ir ~mart did not "now more hl,eh to suffer brea".do\\n~that an addltlOnOl! 10k for se'lage The brake check should be an 1Il1 al-th ..pnta1 '5 r!a~~d ~~ gen,= ...~! !;l::;~- ua DJe alfj In 110 amg- the line agaInsttion in DetrOIt lor I1Idl\ Idual IIater the certam threat," Cille! Plel saiduser, and b not sholln on Detrol', The program, sponsored bl theas 's an e1el en cent rate charge International A"oelallon of Chleis(Ed'tor's note ThIS ans\\er of Police throughout MIchigan aresmacks strong!} of e\ aSlon for It cooperatmg 111 thl> national pro-

24 does not account for some fifty per gram.cent 'profit ') ".1\ Simple brake check has becn

Mr Lane concluded by sa) 109 ,del !Sed," explamed Clae! Plelthat berau,e tills 14 cent charge Is

l,,\\ Illch II111 ta"e a pohee offIcer only

not included in the abo, e table, It a mmute to mal,e It Is hoped thatis found tltat the Par" rates a~e not I Olll motonsts \\111 Looperate In thiSas great He said that the small, war-time program by ha\ II1g theirc1lfference" IS used up by the mam- brakes checked \ oluntanly at repaIrtenance of the departmetn and for shops and by maktnll: sure the entirean apprOxlmate 18'~ 10» III tIe eu is 111 safe operatl1lg condition.amollnt 01 "ater purchased and that "As \\as declared b) General Som-metered to Park consumers (Edl- en ell, Chlel of the l: S. Arm} Serv-tor's note: In a "communique" to Ice r orces when he endorsed thiswater COlbumer, 1Il uro,se POllllC program, 'eHry automobile inPuk on ),ldrch 20, 1945 Lane stated Amenca must be reguded as ..thlsl<:>ss to be 17 per cent. ~Ir. Lane \\eapon In our all. out \\ar effort'llshould check up on IllS stones moreDlore care lull) Further. the lIld,s.putable and reluted fact rem",n~tilat, as stated b) the DetrOIt Boardof \\'ater Commbsloncrs 111 Ol lette~to the Park Commb,lon on Janu-ary 3, 1945, to quote" •• our chargeto you for "atcr for the consump-tion gl\ en, \I Illch mu,t l1\elude theVIISt malont) of ) our con<umen,..... e froin leu tb.n One-third toleu thn ofte-half "f )'our tlIe eonlum..... Lane', 14c cor-rectlDn III one spot and lIc addltlOnill another are hardly ,ery conelll'sin In the general picture, e'pecla\l)'• tbe hght of current _ter bills

lMtiar;- ~ b.1-








....etu.r GJ' \'.bill rates

At....ctual DatrOlt

bill rates

.. . $2.53


£' H ~ G ~ 0 S S '! • 0 I N T E R 1:: V I 1:: W----_._=-:.:-_-------------------

ConsumplionCharge.. . $1..56

Se\\ age duposalcharge . ...... _... .22

)'leter seTlleecharge .. nTOT A,L ,," $Z SO

1.lnch meter


Se ....age dlSPon!charge

Meter servIcechar.e. ......... _._

TOTAL $480 $412The \' Jllage bills are, respectlYfly,

60 per cent and lS per cent ~ber

I aJ only 111 the ca~e of K-tII. _erlis the char,e greater Incl it..,. beOlslumed that the .,erace ~ ,,(meters 'n usc IS greatcr thaa tWs

Ho\\ e, er, this 101'er cbaqp lormeter seniLe probablv doee .. off-scl for the a\ erage user, the "chercharl:e lor II ater and sC1l1... e dl,-posa! A, C\ Idence of thIS. I ItIbmlttll 0 waler bills, one III utllll billof a reSIdent of DetrOit and tile my own current b,lI. both ""red\\Ithout pellOllty for late paYllIeat an,lboth 6gured at both rates

DetrOit G P. ParkrC'ldent rtlldent

~lle of'meter, III ~ consumption1,000 cu It . 20

AN IDEAL elFTA Lur. Selectio. of F........

Uafram. Mirron,ALSO

Mirron to 0nIar



I•IlIAnOllN omCl2201. ....... A,,_ _ ___

GIMBAL MOTOU OffICIPint ...... 0-.1............

OIAMl IIYII OffICEflU ...... I,", A.__ LrY......n

OI ...tIOT OfFICI". GN!>at ..._ lit "-rpw

HI ....... ND !'Aile omaI"" W...twwnI ...__ feN

JffFIISOliI OfFICElUle I Jeffer-. A__ • CapIioo

llEDf04tD OffICI:II600o..-t I..... A_ lit ........

lOT AL OAK OffICIUI WiIIoa .... _ feurtll


Village of Grosse Pointe FarmsNinety Kerby Road



~..'" , ..- ,~' '.......l..... ' .

.•... .'.' •....:.. ~~ ..

.... - ,


THEODORE BEAUPRESupermt __ t aI ,Pier

Publilhed iD Gro ... Point. Rmew April 12, INS:

11880 Kercbnal Avenae

.... now Min,. r .. ..w for the INS MUOD.

AU applic:atiocu ..- .. b,. April 11th, INS will _accorded equal lreatm_L

Application may be lUCIe.tIIer at the Vm.... Clerk'.Otfice, II Kn,. Road or at the ViDaa'e Pier. foot of Ma.roo. aD, weekday from ':31 A.M. until.:31 P.M., Satur-clay. 12:01 NOOD.

You mUlt ..... t J'O'U' certificate of re&iatratioa.

Cnaiaer S~ Not Available.


01 t1a.CIuBa N.ti_ <:no.

.. de aDd .utlaor fo"WHILE CHINA BLEEDS"

.t t1a.

Maranatlsa &pti.t t'1IurdsMoraDI' and Roxltu".

T • ...Iay. A,..U 17t1o•• P.M.REV. E. A. WALDECK. Puter

Contin'Jcd from page on~fit our cloth J n othcr \\ ords, ilia) beSOllle 01 our aee .. ..,.., cxpenscs arc('''l('~'''1\ ("

1M c>.Olmplc, ,ou state that thew,t of 60,281,000 CU ft 01 durmg tile fi,cal y~Olr of1943 44 \lh $3108165 '\t the ratuch"q:ed to the res,dent of Detro,t Icaleu\ ..te thOlt tillS OltMOuntof \\aterIIoul,l hale co,t $..'910048 \\'h) theextra $.? 000, partlcularl) In \ Ie", 01the lact the \ IHOlge rcads IU0\\ n meter., pr~pares ItS o\\n bdls,and millnlalll> Its 0\\ n S)stem)

Ailalll, tile cost of se\\age dlspolillpurcila,ed lor the ume amount 01\\ Olter dUring th~ lame peTlod \\asstated to be $13 026 i2 The Clt) 01D"trolt se\\ age d"posal charge lort!IlS amount I> $I> oJ() 91, or some$6.400 It,s

Your ,laternent that "lhe Olleragemeter seTl,ce charse In GrossePoltlte Park IS lo\\er than the metersenile charge In tne City 01 De-trolt' " probably eorreel, lllumilch


\1 a"e \ OUr UIIll talior ma'le ciga-rette, Ir01l1 all, toh4c,0 l\ltl1 our

De-Luxe ZIP.ROLL1 he amoiZlnj;:' po,l,et L .g .. retteroller. carr) In I cst poc! or Inlad} " pursc ~cnd $1 ()(J bill,check or p05lal note for 3 samplesprepiid Ke~r' one, sell tll 0Good opelling Ollld big profit> for)alt ..:JmC'

De-Lux.e Mfr. Co.1914 ~ ast ~ r ..n"hn 0\1 c

\llIlneal'l'l!ts 4, ~llnne\Ola

Last SOlturdd" 1\\0 ,ounill~rs 01Grosse Poml c \I ere \Ictlms 01 dogIJllc'. Berr, \Ionro~, 13, of 550COldlcu>., IUS bmen on Ills mouth,and Pat 0 GrOldy of 101 Odk ,trut\\ a, billell on the finll'~r In each in-

stance the board of health \\as notl-ficd

Several Do .. Bite.Reported In Pointe

The art of malein, a home for your

family depends upon your .kill in

tile kItchen. In theM busy clays you probably

do resl baking than you would like to do--although you realize how important

home bakIng really isl

During April our Home Service Advisors

will demonltrat. on Thursday and

Friday afternoons how you can easily

bake dehcious coffee cakel, peanvt

bu"er bread, muffins and blSC:Ultl, """11'dough prepored the some .:lay.

Dated March 28, 1945

EDW ARD A. EPPINGER, Secret.,.,.,Rural A,ncultunl School Di.triet No. 2,Gratiot Townahipt Wayne County, Mich.

ancI for other elections, c.aeral or Special, in the Districtuntil. leneraJ re.reciatration ia ordered acecrdiD, to law.

JULY, 9th, 1945

SdIoo~19475 ~ - ,..... -. .- "'Z ; .-.- .. -rt: • ~

pi' Or. ,J...........IIet. .~..... aDd 3 p.m.. Eut.-n War StanUrd T-. 011 ..........aool cIa,.l; 011 which clay. aU IUIl'eptered qualifiedadtool e1ectora or the District may Nciater fOl' the AnnualElection of the School District, for the Election of Tru ..tMa or the School Board, to be held on


of Rural A&TicuJturaJ ScqooJ District No. 2, or GratiotTownahip, Wayne County, Michil'aD, for

MAR-~tACBeaUty Shoppe

Unregistered QualifiedSchool Electors

Do".' miss thIS chance to brush up on

tested bak'"g methods for the busy

housewife Drop In at your nearlSt Hom.

Service Center of any II",.

Thursday or Friday afternoon


Notice ia h...,. I'i tlsat there will be a Re&iatra-tioIl of the anr .... t qualified elector. or Rural Api_caItunJ. School Diemel No. Z. Gratiot Townahi,. Wa.,..eo-tJ, Michicaa, at the

Gratiot TownshipSchool District No. 2

111S4Mack A... TU. 1-411'Ow_. ...c1 Operated byF__ M......... f W.......

Beaut,. Siloppe (MARGE)Spoc..Jizi., iD Pe ... a•• to

Pleue Pilose EARLY forAppooDu.-t

Studiea BuqetTh~ Gr"ssc POll\!< ParI- Cl)mm\<-

.ioner. \I NC R\\ cn (<"[l'CS of the1945.40 hU~l!ct \llllch has bun prc-par~d 1" \ I lage ~I anOlgcr E BLanc \p[lr"H\ of thc hlldget 1\ ill

takc piOlce In tllC unt ten dOl)J>

Page 5: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying



Screen DoorsIn.taU new .creeD door. now to $3 95let the br_. ,n IUId keep tbe in- ..aecto out.

A ~ prI.,ed du_ Sl25Gr •• "tun .. hand. eraf1ledmotif I)IamOnCI enpaemeDtrtna:

,Oma~ly ...,.,]ptu~ told -e. Sl50 ,dlT'olf pair • II v.. with the_rIU" of at>: ,.... 4l.....mds- ~

( Rl'\mantJteJ'hr c.- r .. e d Sl75 UBl.-.rM of t.<o,... - patttm~1 With two lust..rous d1a-


Cli.1).A"" -t"",,",lint<! <'OmblNl- SIOO0 hon Mod~m In m611f Spark l1'm" dl.mond ~--nna; ~i~i~

E bqui.<ltO' r'f'Imhln1th'""'f'l

<11 __

S22.i t~"Y1nlt ll''1 hT'1J,hi1nt dlUT'U....ndS irG<-~ hend ~rI.~ 14-11.IOId.

ICltarge Accounta tmd

IDiuUle.l Pqmertf. AHilClbJcI

Headquarter.for pllUltspray.

Fluorescent Licbtinc RepairinC




f\Ci-m WAll FIISH




TUxedo 1.2131




Sales and Service20788 Mack A.enue

Stili Suppl,.inr ThOle Cood

Boydell PaintsPlent,. of Out.ide While


HOURS: TUIl', Tbur •. , FrI., • to '; Mon., WecI., S.t. I to t.

%8779Mack Avenue Nlapra Ill.Owned aacI Operated by "Bill"


As gracefully conceived as asymphony, as delicately carved as a . .

precious work of art . • • theM! beauhful nngsarc a rhapsody of sheer beauty and romance.

Dehcately hand-wrought in, a paT k 1 i n g with brilliant

dIamonds . • • the ex-qWlRte • y m b 0 1 of your

lastins love.

Honored At»arty Monday Evening.#'.;. -fo ,.~ ~Q'?




,.., .... - - ...... - .. - _. - .... 11....... -' leooIIfooI n.-.,~ _ ., "-- "- 1oeof Feor - .. "- - -'-__ It It _ ............ - - '-.. _ ...., -.III lie

s.w,. _ ...., ... ....,.. bo ......- ... ..-



D~~~16401 E.WAlREN ... COR.AUD080N

Opew Friday and Sa.. ,., 'Tit 9

. - .IfarrIhnroI ~JJL'

able to become Girl Scoats ,... ~~ In' t Is'SOOlI as the course bas been eompfd- ~er erpreed. In bet, plans for reorganiza;ti~J1 I -'('-4- .oPA Retailbave already been started, and we lJ IA """let you know later how they de- Price Ceilingsvelop. • . .• OPA_________ ",n IDterpretahon 01 present

SllI'..eati Incinerator rulings estahhshmg pnce ceillngsAn InItial suggestion \"'S made b) in retail stores ""111 be gIven by

James Mdhllin of the Park COOl- James G. Dal), seuetar} of the OhiOmlSSIOJlMonday e\ entng for the five :,maJl Business CommISSIon, at theGc"osse Pomte commullllles to build Southeast BUSiness Club open for-theIr own mClDerator for garbage urn, Thursday, ~pnllh at 9 pm ThedlilXlSal, be<:ause of the dtltlculty PIllar Temple, Kerche\ a\ at Phlhp.whIch the communIties h~ae III dls- ,,~II be the scene of the forumposing of theIr relU5e. The Honorabe Joseph ... :\lo~ ni-

ThIS statement was brought abootl han, CirCUIt ,udge of DetrOIt. \1111 the new arrangement whIch the I troduce Mr. Daly.Park has made "lth a farmer ill I Daly was appomted to the com-Troy to\\nshlp where th~y now mb,lon by GO\ernor Bricker In Jan.dump theIr garbage A contract II Uar), 1944 and "as reappomted III

to be dra"n up II hereb\' tile village: 1945 Prior to Ih., PD", ne was ed,-wlll pay thc farmer $65 per month j tor ot a ne'\\spaper III "'nuer,on lndto allow them thiS dumplllg sen Ice "111,,h succes,!ulh crusaded aga1l1,tThe farm IS located 28 allIes frOIJl l\.lu Klux JOan act!\llle. III lOathere. I community.

THE G R 0 SSE P 8)\ r ERE V I E W

-Photo bv E R !lillUetat. Co" l.ewl. SlIII1pter 01 Cr_ P...... Wood., i•• "own recei,.iD, a life time Itonorary me.. be .. bipi. tbe Mdropolitan Club of A-w &om. Micbael Bem. pre.ident of the Cro .. e PoiDe branclt at tltedub' •• laIr part,. "eld Iaot MoNa,. _.n. at the Gro ••• Pointe Yacht Club. ' I

Girl Scout Metropolitan Club Frequent cleaning and cOllmg, and

N. EoOW ..S ERtertains 250 tImely rep3lring, combme to save

Our birthday month has come and Men At Stag time and labor and to add manygone, and ",'ith Easter vacatIon - years to the hie o[ a harness.such as It was - past, our Girl lTesident \flchael Bern openedScouts are already bus") planning the combmed meetmg and ,tag pa'-new proJects, about which we hope ty of the Club last ~{onday ",ght atto hear more, later. tne Yacht Club bl' introducing Bud

"'pril is troop 257's mORth for mak- Hill, of Grosse POinte" oods whoIllll' hospital bags for ~rarine hosplt- acted as toastmaster. ~fr HIll m-al. and now that the quota has been lroduced Lieut Co1. Le\\ I> Sumpterrai5ed from SOOto 700 a month the of tile 15th AAF "ho \ 1\ Idly de-girls ",'ill be plenty occupIed ThaI's scribed his e'qlenences In the bat-what v.e tbought. but instead, Ihese tIes of France, SICII}', AfrIca andbusy people are also making plans IUly. Col ~umpter \\as Llason of-fl>r a camplllg week-end OIl ~fela. lieer for Jimmy Doollltle and \learsmora Apnl 27. For the next two three bronze stars on hiS campaignweeks, they "ill concentrate on ribIJo.D,s. He has recell ed a medicallearning bow to make blanket rolls. discharge and "Ill resume hi> dlltlesplan menus, and arrange caper as sales promotion man \I Ith a mo-charts so that e' eryone Will come tor car company.out even on the housework It would Col Sumpter was a\\arded a hfebe jU5t too, too bad for an}'one to time honorary membership hy t1ehaH her feehngs hurt, and her week- Metropolitan Qub.end 5POlld, just because she waSll't A five piece orchestra I\aS fur-assigned any dIshes to wash, or nlShed through the courtesy of thefloors to 5weep' Focd Motor compan} and pla\ ed

It is alv.ays sat nel\S to hear that throaghout the e\Cnmg \\'ar pIC.I Girl Scout troop has been forced tUNa were sho"n through theto disband, because of nl>t havlOg e0urte5y of the General ~lotorsany leaders; and it is alwa) 5 grab- cOf1IORtion; follO\llOg thl'S Ernestf}lng to learn that such a troop ...,iI Mincbei1a of station \\'JBK play ac-ha.£ the opportunltv to reorgal1lze ~l! I0Io5. The buffet luncheonand earn on \\ here It left off Such wU s....o. through the courtesy 01

is the case of what was formerly- • lIonu. l1GZ7 KC1',::he"at.'rroap ~. St. Paw's scltooL .. lIleft ~


$ sue44.56SUIN.sett.Se





Farma Employ ... ViaitDetroit Blood Bank

Wife Slirpri... Hu.bane!With Birthady Celehration

POh.l :',.:1 .l,ndrew AII.rd, v.IthJ omcs l- urian, -\Ihcrt Crooks, Har-old Be"upre, Peter Allard and Har-old Camphell, of Grosse Pomtefarm" vl>lted the DetrOIt BloodAa nl.. olll.. ln on ~ionday, ,o\pril 1.lllLS ",I> the seHnlh VI,II for Sgt."'lIard

\, Lrirr) Cloutler entered hl> ree:.reatlon roonl l3>t Saturday evelllnll',expellmg to find" couple 01 friend.there to WIsh him a happy blrthdav,he \\ a, surprised to 6nd approxi-mately 25 gue,ts there, Invited byfilS \\I'e, Helen Cloutier. to cele.brate the octaSlon The party washeld al the Stone R. Enberg homeat 884 Hawlhorne, parents of Mra.ClOUtler ...iter the IllItlal 5urprlSe"a, 0\ er, eler}one settled down fora gay and enJo}'able evening,

TUxedo 2-6460

are large and yet Latin "menca IS

one of the greatest reSer\Olrs of na-tural \\ ealth In the world Vlau be-Ile\ es that unemilim menl can bele\Cled off bv malnt"lIlllll{ " balanceof forclgn trade II hereby lhe lal\\of supph and dem"nd II III meet

~I lchl~an Sla Ie JUlllor;ReceIve Scholarr.llJps

wt Lan.inr. Mich.-Grace h.llnealld evor" h.lllgan, Gros>e POInieJUnior> ..t l!lclllgatl State college,recentlv recel\ ed scholar.hlp, to Ihe~l errill-Paimer ,chool In DetrOit forthe .pnn;: quarter beglnnll1g M orc;h2fJ. the school of home economics an.nounced

~11S> Kline daughter of ~l randMrs John E Khne. 171 Beaupreroad, and lib> Kingan daughter of!.Ir and Mr> John KlOgan, l379LakepolOte, 1'.111 take course> 10 theirmajor fields. home eConomics Cred-ItS earned during the quarter will bet~an, rerrtd to\urrl tbeir degree, at\llchlg-an Siale

18th Century pattern, ROMHooked type pattern, varia'ated .Selftooe blueBordered Wiltona, van ..atedTestured PeachBordered WiltonaBordered WiltonsTestured ROle

Testured Peach18th Century patterned18th Century patternedFirured Axmin.tenFirured A:Jtminater.Fil'\lred Axmin.tenFievred A:Jtmin.terl18th Century patternec:l WineWoocitone ROle, twiat

(Partialliating of our wide lelectiona>



$44.50 to $206.88hlZhlZhlZhlZhlZhiShIS




We 5h-all end1lavor to continue to mam the hIgh standards

lVhicb have pleased you in the next five, the next five and more

Ranria .. in Size from hlZ to 12x24

SO:-'If, are ALL \\ OOL ::-O~lL are Part \\ no! \1 L are from the mil'sof AmeTica'~ leadl!lg carptt' And rug maker ..

If It is an}thmg m tht' \\a\ of FlOOR CO\ r_RI'V) ~f,E. L~ FIR:cT.

\\'e are n(lt lU<! PL \,' I'G ir,r t\,t' ,<lIUTf

We are BCILDIXG for thr tutl re h\ of1 \t'fll1l;' tl1e ~OM' RIGHT "OW.


While not many years - these five - as Detroit Institu ..

tions go - they have been pleasant years and ones In which

lVe have enjoyed your acclaim for our efforts to bring you

lovely things - for you, and to make your home and hHI1i'

blore colorful and pleasant.

Fine Quality Rugs


We're Lighting Five Candies

, •... We are oifering a few su~. lluch a5SHOWER CURTAINS - BEDSPREADS - BLANKET

COVERS and various other items to make your home as fresh

as the season.


••••.. YES - We've lighting five candles to mark our FIFTH

ANNIVERSARY whtch occurs on Apnl 15th

Thursday, Apri112, 1945

1M3 E. Jetferaon Nest to GrOI..

at Cadlws ROBERT E. HARRISOI CO-.Pom_'te_Ha_rdw_are_

TV. 1-1170

-(Continued from Page One)equahty among all nallOns of the~ew "'orld, is the true gUiding of tne Pan-Amencan UllIon

The comhmed totol population,VIaU stated, of Ihe twenty lIldlvldualLatin "-mencan Nations, l> now Justa\»ut the same a> that of the t'llIt-ed Slate>, some 135 mlillons Hepointed out that the tremendousarea and enormous dl. tances \\ ere.00newhat lost by Amencan cammer.clal mlerest, v.ho sometimes lookedUlXln It a, a bIg market But, thespeaker e"plallled, differences Inlaws. customs and traditions, war-rlnt> different treoltment and con..Ideration by Amencolll big bU511lessII ho would culthate tho,e markets.

Vlau stated that foreign trade isa t\\o-\\ay street and we cannot, af.ter the duration, be pro,perOll> aloneby selling all \\e can abroad, we mustalso bu) Our markets to the south

Page 6: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying


15417 Mack Ave.TU.I.2380

from a tail" 111<:1

All plReons are ref erred to as "healthougll hens are as valuable a'male. lor ,peclal dell\ ery sen Ice

In O.uoit 35 Year.


SI.te and CopperRoofa R.,..rec:l

E... e.troll,h •• nd Melal Roof.• Specialty

big iobit well


Rad,o., Lampa one! AU SmallEllICuical Applianee.

VacUIiDl,. R.p.ired.r, Rolouilt


IS4U HARPER, neu Noltlll,um PRo.~t 8771Open 0.11, 1:31 A.M. to .:30 P.M .. Except Sunda,



Krauser's Sheet Metal & RoofinJr~OMPANY

1"14 HARPER TV d 1 2-670EnDIII, Calla OLin 580G xe 0 •

EARL'S BIKE SHOPS6027 Nottmrbam

DR. 9660

QOIn BUY-_atCaFUJUm"L1tt!




Complete Line of Partl, Acceaaoriea, Tirea, Tubea, Bella,Se,t Cover&--Complete Airplane Model Stock



J.round atmosphrelc dl>turbancelHIghest speed e\ er reporled for aI1clIIung pIgeon IS 93 m Lies an hourfor 80 mile>. 1I,Ih conSiderable help

Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.Upholstering With


FournierUpholstering CD.11105HAIPEI. New CONND OL",

Doingand doing

T........ I ~ TU. 1.1_a..w- NI Ie?

Dr. MargaretVerbrugghe

o.ttlOpllUlic Ph,UciaDaDd Surweon

1843 LaacaaterOllie % Ilo .. aaci 7 to 1

En 1 Tbvecla, .... Sada, b, AppoiabMat 0aI,Cro ... P ... le Wooda 3e, MIcJL

Open E"enin,. Until 1 P. '0....c9n ..enience


CoUrtrlou.. cal'" lIftd eo",petent i' 0portlevlarfy good cMlCnption of the .....phon. opel'atof the.. claYL Sh. ha, a

br; jeb ~~dtGu,'" .he". doing It wen.

Thursdav, April 12. 1945

She appredote. your .... 1', .. peclotlywhen you're on a crowded Lo", Oil.hlne. line and she mu.t o.k yov hi"Plea •• limit your call to 5 minute, "

Toll. O,m ..ns, Saffle'. Logan. ~ar-nott ..nd Gurna}.

In the la.t I\ar, the Gemla,!> used20,000 plKeons (and by the t!nle ofthe '\rlnlStlce the AllIes had nearl)" man) World's champion plgtoll1,lnClers are the Belglans In thatlOllnlry, pigeon rallng IS a sporllomparablc to baseball In the Vllltcd Slates BelgIan fans spent livenHllion dollars ..nually on tl1l5 sportbetore the \lU

The Xail>, uponllll ..dmg BclglIJm-\I here there are 350000 hnclers-dem ..nden that a" plgeoLls be turnedolcr 10 lbem. file BelglAJh gal eonl) token compl.ance - and thc"'rmy sa} s thaI BelgIAn pl"eons car-ned me»ages 10 Ihe Alhe. dunng Ithe d..rk dal. of the lIar _

Homers \III endure more than J5hours of sustained flight and can 11'0from Walhlllgton, 0 C, to Cl1lcagoIn 13 hours-fasler than train lime~IJie- ..-mmllte speed IS not unusual.P,geon. 1\,11not SlOp for gale, .tormOr hghtlllng nut \I III fly abol e and


Sbtth Olarch of OnftScien tIIt. DetrOtt

14730 Kerchenl Auaue~lIl1da, Set'YI«l

10.30 a.m. - S 00 pmSanda,. School

Firat Semon 10.JO &.lll.S ec<>nd Semon l1'SO a IZI

Wednesda, EYenJlI&' Te.hmolllaJ.w tet~ • -00 1\.

ReadlDt: Room opell week da,.11 :00 • .m. to 9 -00 p .... - SIIIICSa,l..ll to .. 00 P"


CALL TU. }-0060


15414 MACK AVE.Near


Trained PigeonsPlay ImportantRoles in War

TV. 2~8461



For Quick Service. Call


R,- Marria2"e

;..... !;~


Detroit Screen & Storm Sash Co,


GROSSE POINTE. EAST SIDEPlumhing and "flating Service

132&1 MACK AVE.

Combination D,oorsAll Sizes 0 Immediate Delivery

G~.c. E ... D,.,1iea.I ..... R Cil.1Ifth ..... the of II. i....of E..oro. K,Dlan, daulht eI aad M.. , JOhD K,n,an, a"d E irn JoJsnEdward Pletz, USNR, ellir ...... Mra. Ch.rle., of Pltl.bll~,h,Pa, Satllrday. Marca 31. TIoe CMPle wiD ... ake t"ei~ loom. i L,lli. Creek,Va., wbere En,j,. PI.t. ia den eel. ..

War on Dogs Which ICamera Club MeetsRun At Large Next Tuesday Night

Re~ldenliar - lndusltlal - RePliira • Service. AlteratronsElectriC Sewer Cleanin,

Broedell Plumbin~ & Heating- CO.Z07S2Mack. GrOSH Pointe TU udo 2-3737


The pohLe c1l1d. of the fhe Gr.Q6!e ~r Robert <;tellllaIrOn. pre.lden'Pomte comnHlIlIt,es halc ordered I of the Gro,sl POlllle C.mera Cluo,drll e 011 all stra\ dog, '" Gros>c ha, succeeded III gettlllg some \CryPointe I,,'<ou,e oj the Jncreuing llItere.t'lll{ model, for the 'Mmbersnumber 01 adult. and chlldren who to pllOtOl(raph at theIr meetmg onhave been bitten III dogs that are Tue,da, e, eUll1g-, \ptll 17.permItted 10 run at large Great inlere,1 III thi, t,pe of \lork

Ma'l\ at these dogs Jnl'olyed In has Inanlle.led It>elt amollg- thell'e'e reports l\Cre s!tal dogs of an- Camera (Iub. member ,"th the re-knollll o\Her,lllp, III olher ca,es suit the efforts of ~Ir. Stdillagon tothe O\~lIlrs \1ere traced, but an of bUlI,1 up a large group of characterthe dog, IIere p~"nlllled to run wilh-I model, l'UlI t'\l, Ibelf 1TI Tuesdayout n,trallll \,1 la\\ ellforcetllent elenillg. mcetlllgotfller, arc >elklllg the cOOPeration 1he meml>er> ha,e bllll urg"l t<>01 the rC,ldenls to keep thrit clogs l>rIlIg a good slIppl\ 0: film. a, thereconhned. IIIII be mUlh to photograph 1lre

BeLall>e of the danger that in meelmg II III be 'Ield at the clubsome ca,e, the,e dogs ma> be lulfu- rooms 111 the "e'ghborhood clubIIlg from rahle., It IS Imperatmltaatanyone b,tten by such uilaa!s,houkl report the .ame at OIt,l;i wthe police department or the CIf!teromte Board of He ..lth in oriIer:tl'atthe dog may be qlarautiMlt fadplaced under oOserntion .. ;j!

~r trea~ ~y -' ...........ADinaals still serve a u.elul pur.

IlOS1= m this mosl meeham7ed of all1m e,tors in the Grosse Poiate Inrs. the Off,ce of War Informallon

area \Ill! be Interested in a 'SerIes Ofl reported toda\ on lhe bolsls 01 1lI-

lectures on sound and practlcal me- formal Ion rccel\ed from the \Varthod. 01 stOll.. market operatlolts and "a'J ! be presented by Dr Lmmard M. DunnA' the last \I dr, the .-\rm}Lkland of lile Cnll erslt) of Delrolt. u.ed 5.000 pigeons for mcs.senger

The first lecture 01 the senile (me :\av) u,cd hmlledel enlng senes. open to the pubhc, number. of p,,:eOlh in the la,t \\ar}."III bc presente_d Tue,da}' elenrnll', In the pre' ent confl,ct, OUr arme<lAprIl 17. at 8 b pm, III room 106, force. oICr.ea.-largeh the -\rm\-Commerce BUlldlllg, ~(cXlchols and are u'lng .)1,0(10JHgeon. Tnere areLl\ ernCl, campus. Dr J:o..klolnd,head at horne. al al1anle a. replacements,of the l ntl er .. t) 5 department 01 18,000 more pIgeonsfinance, 1\111present eL~ht lectLres on The lommon or parI.. pIgeon h an.practical market suhJecls ThiS ",,11 atute despltc 115 lack 01 fear 01 manbe the eIghteenth senes of stock lee- or Us chOice of han,lat \11 plReonsture~ presenled b} the l'ml e"lltv of used b, the army are horn,"!\, plge-Delrolt. ons and h"l()n~ to the Tom Thumb

Somt of the ,uhJlcts ot he dis. Air Corp' Carnet' pIgeons ar~clh,ed 1\11\be chdTt rearllng prillcl- ~hOII hlrth called carner becall>e ofpic, and rul,. for hm ,"g and ,elhng. their . cHnagc' and are of nl' I al-app"catlOn of Ihe rule,. pnnclples lle lor 'millar\ purpo,e. ,"anetIC' ofior snort ,elhng and other ",blcels homll1~ p'geon 1>rel'<I, most ..clapt-th.t the In'l>tor 11111,tbe la"TI.h.arable for mli,tan purpo,es ,"llude\\Hll to 1l1....1re 'dlll.e,s the fo]1rn\ 11.~"''''rtrt ...? Brl("(1'I'-,


I he Re, Walter S Pre,. andIldm,], drrl\ ed 111 Gro"Ie POll1te Pic1 Il. sda, \pnl HI. Ilhere \(r Pre"\I III ..."ume tile Pd.torale 01 Graceb anl!ehc ..J and Reformed cll ureh,",rcccdlnl( t'le ReI. Huber F"-Jemme He 11111OCCUP)the pulpItlOr thc first tIme on Sunda, -\pnl15

~l r Pre" L>.. grolduol\e ot \\ ol~h-Illgton l.lII er'll\. ~t LOUI!. \(0

Becomes Pastor ofGrace Evan~elical& Reformed Church

and of Edell Semmary, \Vebster(,ro\C" \10 He Ita, .d.o lomplete,1tl'O I edrS of graduatt studv al L n-Ion Sellllllan. Xew York, N. Y,II iJerl he reCllI ed the dlgree 0:\fa,t<r 01 ~acred 'j hlolog"\, mag'\acum Jaude Ioar thl pa,t Sl' and oneItali \lar. he ha, heen the p•• tor of~t Paul, CI allgellcal and ReformeJdl url II, of loledo, OhiO

~Irs Pres> IS a l(radudte of \\'est-ern (allege, Ox:ord, Oluo ThePre,ses h.., e oue daugbter Ellenwho IS nme \ ears of age 1 he) II III11\e In the church parsonage at 1319ukepomle.

The Farm. pollce department ISreturning their dO!': hce'1>e. to themanulaclurer \\ hell the tag. arnv-ed, It II al dlSCOIered that the ex-plrallon date stamped on them was4-1.45.

,,~ .......It",w.r YWI'

or "0 tou~" of tM'ollow no Ovntlonl

.II,.. YOU )0 te 4'

y ..... ""' of.oe I M:'u• vt>' _

Holv. )IOU "ud J

~" o( "rvh 'lChool

or "u11l'._n11C"'"

114....... )I'OV ."'1 Ct.'l

d,..." u"' .... 1."_

TU.2.6728 •


'"If tit till r.'re lCf!u, 10ft. ••••

.......,. .. J r.. .Net '1 t". t...."...... -~t ....._ ..........

Manv more tllOu.anlls of "aes arl'nl'l',ll'li - immt'dia(t'ly - to t-er\e as"l'd,,,.1 and SlIr;!ieal Tl'l'hmriam inArmy HospItals In the Cnlled Slatl'!.Thl~ ~ 111enablf' nurel'e to ~ve full t1mf'10 th .. proff'nionBl nur~mg needs ofI'l'ery ,"ound ..d ho~.

., 0 prt'vloll,C i'x[)('''f'nrp np(,f'Ssrrry.~m one ailed 20 to 49 tnrlu-n'e mavappl~. >\11 '0" need i~ t"o yrare ofhl;!h 5('hool lor th" "qul\ alent ~rhool'";!'. '1'/1n up too,,\' fIt \our ",earl'$(L." 4rm" Ri'rrlll'lIlg S'nllOn'

• II

I 4 1)IJC?",1110I





Th •• P.tnollc App". I 'ipon.orNi br


A"H~nmf"nl!l ah() of'f'n at \rmy 41r forr"(;r~lJnd .. Ilrr,. ... and "'-fonlrr hHr,.lIi rn"1111;?llon~

1m2 MuJ., 0"170,t, IS, MlCh

Don't let cur wounded down

'oJ«, M 'kJ/.le~ik.' C6"'palUf AUJl#/

....... M"'ClI".. .,f"ou! obI ; ..t (1''' on m)l' .... t " ...... ,I u'ItrltJlH:l!

htw.tu ...... ~t t~. WAC HON \.II Complt'lrH now N,ng fo"'"'td

HA ..... _

ADDII .... _

e'TY tTATI _•

Toda) - appl) n' ) our "rrrrp!I l .~. Irnt) RNT/II/I/l/l ."'rtllon orm'III,h,. lnlll,mr


""ONI No _

•• ,. t ...... "" II .... I •••••• t ••• It II' It •• I" •••• 1,.11 I ..... It. It It It II •• , ...... It.

•••• II'. I It It II'. It ••••• It ••• It It It. It It

Ford Mercury Lrncoln-lephyr Salu & ScrvlU1.1Nt1 MACK AVENUE. at (.rayton NJ.carl 400b

Make Your Reservation. Now for Beautiful

21313 MACK AT LOCH MOOR BLVD.Firat Aid Suppliea-Preaaiption_Sundriea

NIagara 6591

SO \U:-lT woundl'd J,o~ s I'oming homeneed cue. J.,ols of rare.

An ominous ~llOrta!!"e thrrall'lI. Ollrbome-coming "Olm<lt'd loclav •••

At the rale ('a~llaltl"~ ar .. no" conllnl!back to Aml'nra-l.OOO n fin) -Ihert'frlay not be enouflh ppoplp to carefor them.

In orclt't to m~t IllIs &rrll'lUS po-.i.bJllh'. In ortier 10 makf' ~lIre Ihat "'f'rvbov •P:l't~ the proper carl' - anrl j!:et',"ell /Mt- >\rm\ nllr...-e In llll~ countn!Dlat bave more help.



ANCHOR KOLSTOKERPrepare NOW for Next Winter!








"The Health Spot 01 the COlll1tr)"

0.. Lak., Ontario at CoOour, in Canada

MUSIC A blbulrecl .cre. of beaUtiful .... d.

BOATING Three-fourtl .. of a mile of excltln. DDCto~ia .tlendonce .t .U hme •.SWIMMING Chu~ch.ALL OTHER SPORTS

S_n .... i... JII..., 3eth. e..da Aut'. lith.

Fo~ appllC&taon•• nd further tlo.. write or callDirector: BERTHA BRIGHT KNAPP,

81H £. JEFFERSON AVENUECd: E"emnl. Only: Studio, RA. '777-Ru., ME .• 7M

Page 7: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying

PaR'C St".

'"-~ ..-",





.t"~ ~0',

EVERYTHING Delivery ServiceFor A Finer Table IIPGf,r- * PHONE *-Your Visit Is 8 lI,c,D 7 0 0 0

Thunda) , April 12. 1945

Page 8: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying

Thur~da", April 12. 1945

aad Hi. Eyer.Popular Eat Side Band

Dancing Friday, Saturday, Sunday7~3GTO 11:30 P. M.

0,. Eyery Day, 7 A. M., Till MidDia'btCLOSED MONDAYS


Maurice Daniels

how to fil:'ht fo. the counl" and I \ ~Ial \!ahon, '\lcim Tamlro«'Ihrlr I"e, all'a""t Ih~ mo,t Irel11lll- I LlrhaLl BlI dlld ,core, of other.dou, odd, III 111'101' I,., .1,0.1 'J Ill' pllture " filmed on the .am.~Iory 01 10\l dno de\llllOIl \\llh j.:rdlld ".Ie d•• J he Good Earth."Kathenn. Hepourll re, ("d'lllg 11 rr d f

.11 "e\ ell more ar-reachlng ..ndgreat H'rsat~h" III the role 01 lade >O\\rIILlI III ll, effeLl \\\ alter l1u,lOll pial' LIIl!( I dll h<ad 1of the Hou,e 01 LillI(. Illd thr olher rh~ cr>mp<l1l1011pllture "'III beroles are dram.llCalh portr.,ed 0, Bedu Hun\", , "hleh stars Laurelsu<h OUhldlld,ng perlormers as <llld Hard;


Emelt KoiDia, 1moW1t in the viUqe for a great many yearl for high qualityfood, and coafectionl will manage a New E.tabliahment equipped to aerve

• Light Lunchea • Sandwich" • Unu.ual Food Specialti..• Confectionl • Candiel • Ice Cream • Soda,

In hil ulual high regard for quality merchandi.e - He Will Stri.e to SernTHE BEST PROCURABLE IN THE MARKET

At Barrington


Fri., Sat. AprlJ 13. 14:::'peclal Requtst Picture

I) tOile PO'Hr. )'1aureen O'Hara'11

MTHE BLACK SWAN"In t~ch",color

plu,Da'ld ).{cEner;. Jane Fr:l.zee


Color CartoonTbe Flr.t Chapter of a New andThnllmg Senal,."Brenda Starr,Reporter .,

S.. lIda,.. MOIlda,.. TueacIa,.April 15. II. 17Two BIg Hits

AbbcHt and CostelloIn


Jeanne Cram, Frank LatnnoreIn


Colored Cartoon

W..... Tl:llil'. April II, 11Wedncs'day Bargain Matinee at 3

Sus.nna Foster, TurhaD Be,.m

"'TIlE CliMAX" ,_ ia f,.. I '

.~f ~ ed. ill '.. ,-"WIfEJf STJlAJlGEtS

MAJUrY'"Color Cartoon-Xtws


Thunday. April IZ - Lalt tiMe.tOllicbt, Ir_. D....... Chari..80,._ ill -T ol'ether Aaai ..... pl,,"e-a. Co"lo"ril ill "Tjoe MuterRace,"

15012 East Jefferson



Novel, Adapted ForScreen, ScheduledFor Colony Theatre



The "N, 01 the "fuggl,'s of the(,lIne,... propl.-. adapted from thehe,I-,rller bl P,'arl BlIlk, "III be,II''''' II at th ... Colon) thratr~ tomor-ro\\ ~nd ~aturd~,

::'urrlllll' Katilenne ~eed .. IS the ,tOI; oi China

dlld ,'I Ihe 'ahanl C~l'lese p.opleIt " a "" eplll". <Pll ,lor) 01 their,I'uorglr. allam, Ihe maraLldlllg J ap.Ifle,. IIl1ader" of a peaceJul people

\\ 110 ha't shO\\ n that they know




Clubs Repaired

Frank Schwartz,

------- --~

Hrt courage' !>oll,tertd bv a bNU't'!llIh prepl"'er,.u, holt ,II. ~1"S ILl:\ r\\ \ or\" I'" C",HUd \,lr ~ ,t~llle<'I hrr de.ld 'n"h.llL! and ","ladsO,arles H,,, er, a 1I.,ld,,'m ... >L "lptor\nd then llI1llll' rrilllv Slllr! hum.


The Mysteries ofThe East ShownShores Screen

Don't stop no". plan a \ Ictorygarden again thl> J ear.






Golf Lessons


**Grosse POinte Ot, police declared ,\ar on BB ~n~ and airpl~tols upon complaint of irate citIzens 0\ er their chIldrenhemg struck anrl ~treet hghts bemg broken h\ 'Dungsharpshooters \II such weapons \I ere ordered confiscat-ed b) the CounCli


Joe Nodus, Pro.S-MILE and SCHOENHERR RD.

JeNe E. Jnhn!!(H1 Antl!ony O. FrederickPROPRIETORS

tSUtlC ....... A... _

T-.Ia,.. Wed__ ,.. n.-.da,.April 17. 11 mad 1•

Jeanne Cram. Frank l.atialonm


PlusJoan Da\ls. Wilham Gargan



Speedway GolfPractice


To doe La.doeoE...,. T ,.. \VeoI....-,. ...

n. ,. !'firlal.


Marsh. Claud.Colbert in •


Jane Frazee, Larry Patkcr10


Fri .. Sat. AfiII. u..uQ\arles BoYef', Irene 0.11


Plus'\t>boll anCl CosteBo

Clarlnoix at Way ...Pboae lV. Z.211S

WASUM'SCoM F.... y.. '1a __

1564 BroadwayAt Gn.4 a.- ...

Reetaarut ..SelFoo4"--

....... w ...... u.-r.Os- E....,. 0.,. 'fIt-z ....s-In,.. aa4 0.-

F..- JIM....

Cl4 ... NU ~_

.......~0- .-.y. , .... e-I ......

Irene Dunne, CharlesBoyer Co ..StarredIn Aloma Comedy

I-Mile WEST of Cratiot

~ho\\ IIIIl' tomc>rro" and ~IUfd., \!c'IU.l !heatre will pre,entC' d' 'es 80\ n alld Irene DUlin in. I c'~~I~r \g.ilIl' \\ It'l the compan',on ('",ure Itaturlllg Abbott i1Dd(o,te 0 '" lo,t In ~ Huem.

In 1,'grt her \o:alll," Irae Dunne• ,J C ,ar'e, Bo\ er are both match-ed dlld mate ble", a, a com~d\ learn1 'ICl are at tneJr hll~r1ous best, andC~ar r, Coburn" a, heart-,,,,.rmmgand JUnO, a" e,,~r GIddy. gay and"arm, t'lI, " I Ie ,tQl"y of Irene &5I :ne ma\or 01 a ''l1a I \e~t to",n ,

* * *Presenting -


Fri .. Sat. Apftl 13-14"DRAGON SEED'"

WithK"tharme HepbLlrn. \\ alter



C;"s ' .......



F... D.... .. dr.. l.MMnW ........ ,. .... n-..Ia,. !'fiPb

* * *Outstandingly


s-., M... A,.nt .1- ••"BRAZIL"

'iJrglnia Bruce, T,lo GUIzarPlu,


WithBor!> Karloff. Lon Chane), Jr.DISney Cartoon, Short-~e"s

•eo..tll...... S.. IMIa,. fr-. 12:3t

1'-.da,.. Weclllada,.. Thuracla,.AJIl'iI 17. 11 .... I'


\\ IthJean Heather, Charles QlJ1g'e)


\\ IthJII1l Bannon. Janis Carter

Also' <.olor Feature




The Lovely Piani.t





WHATIS THE SCOREon Important world happenings?

SN tow ... d yo. bow wif. fltl.• If.rie/"'lIf

ZftD the youngsten enjoy thi. brain teaser. It'sIut:nlcti...-it's funl Cheek your Dews !mowl-edI' . . . He how many questiona you tall

aaawer cornetly. If you miu only one, you'rewell informed. Two, average. Three-not 10good, but cheer up. Make The Detroit NewsJOU:r readin{ habit and you'll 10011 have a per-fect scorel

I. WIle II Arthr ......... , _


l. Wh h ........ 1 ... n.. YIIry' _



\ 4.. .... II llltMft ....... Wahc ... ' _







FROM 12 TO 5:31 P. M.




- -,..--


\ .... II.....Melettt, -

" ..... ....,. hffI " fIN • ...,. • .,.....\. ".,.",r. DefroH N..,.

\_------------------I ..... II .... , _

\ -------------------

Chlr radIo techn'c'ans .. Jlh years of experience behind them. areeqaipcled with the 6nest laboratory equipment made _ your assureIDee of ~ent, efJlClttlt UNlce Brill' )'Our teU here. NOW t

Pace Eight.

Page 9: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying




loroia School of MediCIne II"! oil.fumed hIS dulles as pro!eH"r .n4thead of the department of anatomyat the Wayne t:niver.lty Colle,e of~f e<lleme.


Vietory Garden. or Acra,e


PRingree 9600

Raile Plenty of Point.Savin,Ve,etable. - Plant A Gar.Lieut. B. T.Morrow

Nla,ara lZUl

.-- I





Rock Lath, 32 sq. ft., 70eKnotty Pine Sheetrock,

4x8 ..•••.• 51.92

35 lb. RoD Roofing

90 lb. Green or Red Slate

Red-Green and Blue BlendThree in One 210 lb. bundle $1.85

(33 1-3 Square Feet)

• Recreation Room. aDd Ea.tra Attic Room. BuiltPorchea.EDdoaeci or 0,-Complete CarpeDtry ...pair,

STORM SASH FOR ALLWINDOWS* ComltiaatioDt ad Uaiqu.

5Mb fur Steel Window.Fr.. E.timat .. - Term.

IlI3Zt Harper A~•• _ at CouniR.


CoYer Cracked PIa.ter witll Sheet Rock.Repair PIa_ter Crack. by New Plaatic Sy.l .....

Build Attie Room ..AU Kinda of Cement WorkAll Work Guaranteed.Thirty Year. in Gro ... Pointe •


Tile RepairsOF ALL KINDS


Ernest DelBarba

OlJlC ••TU ..eclo I-ISM


Dr. Scott ANume. po.tat Wayne Medical School

!Jr. Gordon H Scott, former:)bead or th e department of anatomyal Il,e Cnllcr,lly of Southern Cali-

Motorist InjuredIn Week End AutoAccidents Here

\\ III be releasedIr.f r, Arthur J. PI.tten IS chair.

man of the League bargain countercommillee

1hose \\ho assbled \Irs Couzen,at the tra \\ ere ,\Iesdames J eon Chnck, Henry !\ Pe.hod), !hllleyDal\>on, James P Cumml>1..ey, pres.ldent of lhe Lea.:ue, L1o}d F ~~gan,and ~(I.S Veronica Con\\ay,



Only 10 Minutes Drive From Grone Pointe or Gratiot Townahip

• Vi,oro

• V1roro Hydrated Lime• Garden Tool_

• FIa, Stones

• Flower Seed.• Vegetable Seed,

• Gra.. Seed


Grosse Pointe CIty

Until Further Notice

We Carry A Complete Stock ofNU.ENAMEL Qua1itJ Paint. aDd Enamel,

170Cl8 Kercheval Avenue

KEM ..TONE$2.98 gal.


Bring Your Watch in •••



A. L. Damman Hardware

We Have Fmally Caught Up on


9941 HAYES BLVD., Near Outer Drive

Headquarters for Lawn and Garden

Seeds • Fertilizers

Flat Paint ",.." ", , ,aI. $Z.Z5

HOUle Paint "...... $3."ElI'aheD Interior ,aI. $2.75




Ready Mixed Cement100 lb. bag 75c


fDW. d. PONCZI2ACZ. dJ2..1:acate&ma&.r aNI /JMJ-.

~..,. I> ,

Sctedule Tin CanCalection (br May 14

"...... y tin cans, once familiar

to ... .., h'lIhe'lOld, are nOli oil war,'UYI !led Blondell, c1wrma-n o( theGrOIN POIll" and (,ratlot TOllnsllipTIlL o.n <;,llage Committee "ForIIlstaM, fioor w.x cans are carr) IIlIl011 for lul,mallllg and pre,en illSmlijtary e'lulprnenl, shortening can'now carr, graplllte grea,e lor aIr.craft; ho I-dtold 011 canS now holdcle.aia, filnd lor rlRe bores, the Iincaad, box IS now a bomb Voine as.semble c(lnt,mer, the 1m bread bOl{now JKtld, oimmullillon, coffee cans Automobile accident. are ,1111 be-nltw contdln Very plslol prOjectors IlIg recorded by the police depart-and Ilotnb [uses luncheon meat can' ments In Grosse POinte Olga ~lnow COntain s~hd safety ruel for D.hlen, of 253 ~Ic~flil.n, colhdedportable ,10\ cs dnd sea \\ater pun. I \11th 11011ard Semmler, 15, of 715f)int'; b.ltene> for the Signoil lorps Berkslnre road, 011 .Apnl 4, al tbeand lIIanl emergenc) rations Till.1 IntersectIOn of ~[cKlIlley and \\ It.i..-tallt-Tih il learee •••• save Ihams Both IIere ticketed for reck.E • .,. llnc can for an emergency less dmlllg by Farms po'lce, con.collection MOllda:r. May 14. uderable damage \\a, done to the

I elucles,On rnday afternoon a car 0\\ ned

by Ldmulld Vance, 2049 Beaul.ltrolled Illto a second parked car at:\Iack and Warren but lade damage\\a. done The laller is o"ned b)'Pluhp \\ all} n, 17575 !llac!.

DSR bus and Arthur Andreshokof 2033 Van Antl\Crp "ere IlllolledIII an accldcnt Iduch look place l~stSalurday night at Ulllverslty Andre,bok ran into Ihe rearof the bu" damaglllg both velucle!,and was td!.en to Bon Secour> hos.pltal (or c~ts on Ius fact, That sameafternoon, Edllard J Fay, of 200')Lochmoor and Dorothy L McCon-naughy ol 3987 De\onshlre. "ereparllclpanls 111 a shght crash whichoClurred at 5t Clair and ~lack.

The D~trOll 1 eague of CatholiCWOIIIeD held a succeHful rummagetea Iut 1 ue,day lIfternoon at thehOlllc of ~I (" Frank Couzens onLonlfellow al enue, \11th an ultimate

4 pufll'f»e of budding a camp for Crip-pled children

The adml"ion to the lea \\ as abUD" of arllcles "hlch ,an be reolaid at the League's barg.lIl counteriD their bul!dlllir Proceeds {romthis counter \\lll build and mamtalllthe ca!llp on a slle, already purchas-ed. mI Lake Huron n~r LeXingtonBIiUding \\111 begm "hen mal~naI.

., LeaJ'Ue of CathohcWomen !lold Successful

: RummaRe Tea Tueloday

April 4, 1945

C;r C" \1 r R i~~rt 1\. 2 llH3


$15 and Up



i~l) \\




, .....1;:' "('t0~ I'rrf .i1,c; m~"t('r .. ;nl" rl \\"' C rc,,,,,,,c,,'< anl1 "Ir~-~()l 1.: hrl"I,.r ani c'l'c-t.'tel'" r Ie, c.', c'l'cne"1CCln (,,'c! \\. e C'lIH re'

Sergeant DescribesBriefly, Life in NaziPrison Camp

On '\[>rI1 the ftfth ~[r and Mr,GUi ~!acen or 1449 I ~1..epolnte reoCCIIed a letter {rom their ion Sgt1'1lIhp ~(dCeri He \IdS reportedmissing III action 111 Germany on De.cember 21, 1944 He \\as In the 100tl1dlY"IOn

1he family was nOllfied th.t theirson \\as mlSllllg on Jdn 12, and Ll"a. not UIIIl! April 5 Illat they reocell cd addillondl 1101'<1 The follow.IIIg IS the leiter senl from German;!by Sergent ?I acen''Dearest !110m, nad and Foinllly'

Ju>t a f~" hues 10 ICI }OU knowI am III Ihe uc,t oi hedlth EI ery.tnlng Ii nne \\ nh me, ~fom 1 hal ehad plenl) of chance 10 allcnd mass,and reLell e Holy Communion aboutthree t,mes a \\ee1.. \\'e hale a prlesl

here most of the lime "hlch is aswell chance for us •I sure mISs e\ er) one at home.

seems hke \\ e hal'en't had a chanceto ha\C a Chmtmas together, butafter thlS is o\Cr and I come home,"e "Ill celeu(ate Chnftmas andhal e dmner \\ Ith all the trimmIngs,eHn If it is in the middle of sum-mer I \\ III make up for all the timewe have been apart, I am Jure ofthat.

I hal'e been a prisoner of war amonth now

I 10\ e \ au all, probably more than> ou reahze

If ~ou 'I\an! to send a package,cheCk \\lth the Red Crou; I wouldlike some milk cbocolate, c!garett,

Phil."Sgt. Yaceri entered th e sen Ice III

June, 1941, and was stationed In Fort~III, Oklahoma for three) ean as an1I1structor m the OffIcers CandIdateSchool. He left for overseas dutyIn October, 1944 PhIl IS a former 5tAmbrose Itudent •

Letters to the Editor.;t;~




Mot'aA" at R ... baryREV. E, .. WALDECJt, Putor


III Lak.. bore RoadREV. FRANK FITT. Miaiater

and Jimmy" and that all importantand added ~omething CbareJ Qu ••tnnl, Ihe proprietor, has to offer If~au ha\ e not betome a regular 1\51.tor to Ihe C.ubella, there IS some.III In8 In store for you.

~I r Duncan \Ie Rohert., who l,a,becn nllnistcrlllg under the ChUla~all\e 1'.langeh,tlc Crtl,ade anti \\hoI, the author of the I,ook "WhileClllna Bleeds" \\ III tell or hj~ mli.slollar} expenellces at t~c Maran-atha aptlst Church, ~Iordllg anrlRoxbury, Tue,day el emng, April17th at R 00 pm

Mr !llcRoberts has had somewonderful expenences In Cillna 1'1connection With. the present eonfllct

"Our Good Shepherd" "Ill be thesermon sub,ect of the ReI GeorgeE, Kurz, pailor of St James LUlll-eran church of Gros,e POinte, at thesen Ice next ~ulldal, Apnl IS. be-~nnmg at 11 00 am, at the Punchand Judy theatre, Kercheval at Mc.Kmley road, ThiS is the iecond In •short t1Cnes 01 sermon~ Int~nded topom! fOf\\ard to the fifth a.nniver.sary celebration of the congregallonon Sunday, Apnl 7!}, at "hlch theRev H W. Bartels, of Clel elandHeIghts, OhIO. WIll be the guestspeaker.

S .... ,.. April IS9 45 a m -Church school 11\ all de.

partments,9 45 a m ~~hrned People's cia!!

Speaker, Dr. Edward \V MacFar-land, professor of EconomICs\Val ne Vnll ersi" - "The \\'orldFac~s a Kew SOCial and 'EconomIcOrder"

11 00 a m -Church school cantin.ued: Xurserl, Kindergarten, Prim.arl.

U 00 a m -!If ornlng \I on h ip Sac-rament of Baptism Sermon bv DrFIII-'The Ten Virgins," Mallhel\25 1-13

7 30 pm -TU)"IS club for youngpeople-~[en's lounge. MOlion PiC-ture program - "Courageous :\[rPenn," deplCtmg the !lfe of \\'J1llamPt,nn,

tu 2.82-«)


L I .IiB 1,1lI•• 11:' .. AI b lOr llli $

AppraisermERRY 1172

, I

Mr. Dan Donovan


GrONe Pointe FaI'1m

Friday anti Saturday nights and on~Iltldd \ S from 5 .30 pm to 12 IILrsongs \\ III make the ltaltan Sp.-llhel!t, Rallolt, Slnks and ChoPImore enlO) able lhdn they alrearlvare as prepared by the Casoillella'fItdltan Cbd As an added fed! urem till', tbe East SIde s ne\\ eot andmost up-and-commg one stop nltespot, there IS lbe SUllday matmee,fealurlllg the pIa) IIlg of the 10Hly'\ltce Ka) e from 12 to 5 .3Opm eacllSunday afternoon And, u u,ual,~our hOlts stili ,,,11 be "L'ltle Tony

Sale Conducted by:


LiviD .. Room -- Dinina Room -- Bedroom.


II II 111



SUNDAY, APRIL 15th, AT 10 A. M.

Z0756 Mack Avenue at Anita

Public SaleiiO~hotd"F~binp


CLOSEDDue to the .hortage of help and in order to adju.t our schedule of hOUri, w.have decided to close Thursday aftemoon! until further notice.

•••. our optical technician, is in charge of our optical service departmertt dur-ing th~ t~rnpor.ry absence of Dr. A. J. Fouter, who i.confined to hIS home b,illnes ..




14400 Charlevoix LE. 537 (l

Silver, Cry.t.l, Cbina, Mirrors, Painting., Sporting Equipment, Toy., RugaBrie-a.brac, Lamp., AdditiolU.


Woody's Bike Shop




17728 Mack Avenue at Rivard

Now II the Time to Have Your Lawnmower Serviced

plul •• brown

portrait • commercial • illustrative

16111 mack It devonlhire

Thursday, April 12, 1945

New Show OpensAt Casabella Cafe .Peggy Belt, the girl \\itll the reson_ant VOice, \\ ho has Just opened al IheCasabella Cafe, 15203 t Wa'ren itLakepomte, and \\ ho combmes herline of comedy singing \11th paro-dIes and sangs, both old and new,

is al\ attraction that should be onyour must list You may hear herduril\l' the dIner hour, Thursday,

Editor of TheGrosse POInte Re\ iewGrosse POinte ParI.. 30,~f1chlganDear SIr:

:\5 a clllzen, home 0\\ oer and tax-pa~ er, I attended a monthly meet,",

;' hcld in lhe cour ,I chambers of theGrosse Pomte "arms \ Iliage hall,

: 1 uc,dal •. \pnl 3, 1945 ~lr. \\'at1..1I1,the \ llla:;e prc,ldcnt n,tcndcd cord-..I \\ckome to all the C1tl7Cns to Ifll,mcet11lg and all fLture mcet11l~s.

Alter the reading oi the mmutcsof the pre\ 10US mcetlllg, tbe pres I-Ident opened a dlscu"lOn ot the 50-

<f"~" ,'>::~"'~~'.".t "''iiN'~$'~(.'Y'.h' ,~~»~ called hou,11l>t prolcct propo,cd at~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Challonle and lloro., roads, \\hlch,1

no doubt \\a, lorcmo,t In eler) - 1

hod's m\lld and \\as probabh one "fthe rcason> for t',e 1>11;( attcndance

\\ e arc lIlacci I cr~ fortunate ,.,ha\ IIIg ~l r \\ a\1..111~a, our \ lPagep-c"denl HIS patlcnce and fairnes'lto both Sides of tile 'lllestlon \'IoiSmo<t commcndahle and I for one, eX-I..."..."" "0 '1" "atl ..." .. ~nrl tIle Coun-Cil membc-, a IOle 01 11an1..s

'\ ....p'" &: n ....(' ..r.\HE'Ri' G Ij()R\ER,

.;\~ To Ro~,l






Page 10: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying




$250 $187.50 $250225-250 150.00 200210-225 131.25 175200-210 112.50 150110-200 93.15 125140-110 75.00 100100-140 37.50 50

Under $100 1875 2S I

It's a tough job no matter how ~routackle it. Butit's the least we can do to support our fighting menover~ea.s and help bring them a little closer home.

Ilakc it euil;&' 1M yoanelf. Start puttiDc part of •"our ply checi.n,it noeo iDto you(share of the WarDouds ~,. aD. have to buy to make this 1th W&l'Lou a oSUc:ce.'IS.

.,:...t:r , .~ ..

..... '-+ t

Second, tllere will he only 2 War T-oam thi<; ~'ear,jn~leatl of the:> there w<'rc in 1!H4. That means we"{'got to leDll, in 2 ('hunls. approximately as much a,we lent last ~'ear in 3.

For two very good reasons:

F"nt, rnele Sam needs just about as much moneythis year to fight the war as he did last. Even if ourjob in Germany were over-tchich it is not-we stillwould need evclJ' cent '\\e can spare to beat the Jap.

~'ou'n find it a lot tOllghrr job lhan if you get a!trad start now.

'Wh~'i~thi, War J,oan going to be such a wlwpp<'r?

~a.ns on the Payroll Sa ....Ings Plan Lave hoosted theirallotments to take care of part of their quota right now.

It's a smart way to do it. And you can, too.

The drive doe~n.t officially "tart until next month.But if you wait till then to lake care or ~'our quota

~. ~~ .1


and make.,-

Moving a bed upstairs can he a Jll"<,lly tough job.if you try to move it all in one pie<:e:

It's a lot easier to separat(" :your lmrd("n into piN'!''IaDd take care of each one separatdy.

It's the same with your p<'r<;onalquola in th(' 71h!War Loan. TluU quota will be tM b-11gc.~t yel.

Recognizing this, the 26,000,000 patriotiC' .\meri.

This is an official U S. Trea~v adverti~menl-pre,.,ar('d under the auspice,; 01 Trpasury Department and War AdvertlsIro

Page 11: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying



CaD Upoa-

Real Estate





(Neat to B•• t Ii: Co.)

FOR SALE-Real Eatat.

Jf you wiIh to IN7 _ ...

T\VO Or three bedroom aoart-ment, flat or hOllse; navy wofe and

}ear old child. Call :\I. 1011.

WAR BOND-A! reward for !CJror fil e room flal, income or apart.

ment, East Side Adultl. Exeell~ntrt!erence TU. 1-2867

TWO ADULTS wish two "drooshOUle, flat or apartment. Gron.

Pointe or near VICinity. Mr!. Duff,TV. 2-8867.

HOUSE-3, 4 or S-Bedroom ••• It.ide. adult" no pets Rcfercl\(;CI if

desired. CH. 5100; ExtenslOll ?7'Il.

PROFES'iI()t,AL man wants tortnt thrte btdroom house or

apartm.nt In Grosse POlnte area, upto $15 DR 1355

TWO young ladle. deure small 'ur.n"h ed apartment, ,ood referenec.

C.ll \R 9231

WA!\'TED-elean, 5 ~perflat, bunralow or house OUlet, re.

'flKtable mlddle-a,ed eouple. YU.7534.

5 OR 6.ROOY fI~t or ho~n~, middleaged couple. AR 5347.-----------FURNISHED Apartment wllltedby a V S naval \Cteran, just \)adc

from 0' er,ea, and" lie ~ e'"1dten.Grosse Pulnte preferred LEo 5511alter 5 p m

RETUR?\ED offICer and WIfe "",oulll1Ike to rent IIlIa1l apa"tmenl.

hou!eke~lng room! or flat, excel-lent rtlerenccl No children. NepelS. TYler 5-2659.

GROSSE POI!'ITE - Fur'lirhed!louse wanled by Yay ht, by rt.lponslble couple No children. ro.


TEACHER-Wile and two ehlldr ...aeSlflC anlill huu:ic or ~r'I~Uiti•• [I.

fined: excellent references; penlla-nent. DR 9416.

William W. Penoyar14533 Kerchenl LE. 2412


IM41Kerebenl NI. ...

GROSSE PODITE-RIV ARDnear Charlevoix, Colonial, 3

bedrooms, fireplace, eunroom.1st floor la vator)'. Steam, Gasheat. Lot is SOX I 35. See thi,.


TUxedo 2-210016322 MACK AVE .







Oar " year. of eonll"a ..... ~rTIe" to hOlll. own .... Ie DetrOIt I'

~ ........ "c. ef e""'pet."t. me"dl,. .~e.. LAt UI .. lllll.t_ tIl.

pnc. your 11__ WIll O.,nl '" toda,.'. ' • ....., m.rket No eOhl.'



Detroit, Michigan

PRIVA TE horne, no other roomer.2993 Lakewoon

LOST-\Vh,te wired hairtd ttrricr,black and tan marklMg'S, male.

TV. 2-6731.

LOST bet\\ een Grosse Pomte YachtClub and BIshop or \\'e!tche!ter

Road. black evenmg purse conla,n_109 511\ er and gold ro-ary. handker-Chlef WIth "Ruth" embrOidered. Re-ward 1'\1 0104

LOST-Small lady Hamilton gold'watch, Sunda, near SI Ambrose

church, 105Cnbtd \[ L 1941; !et ",uht"o dIamond' Re\\ard. KL 3346

LOST Bronn wallet, Sunday nlte.contatnlng dnICr's hcense, c ... '1n; 2 ~,7



TimekeepersSchedule ClerksStenographerTypistsMail Clerks


ToolmakersElectriciansMachine Repair ManMillwrightsJanitorsLaborersOilers

Tool and Fixture InspectorsMust Have USES Referral


LEnox 1727




Hours 9 00 am - 5.00 p.rn Week Daye


War Work With A Future

('''mp:.ll' l~nl J '1~'ft '1'1'hl'

If lll('lI1hl'f, '(Ie cl) or Rr<,rlrnl'ill \pP' ill_I'll.

NOW Is the Ttme to Start OD Your Career

These Positions and Others Are Available Now

in Telephone Offices ThrouJthout the City

Comptometer OperatorsTypistsStenographers

Experience Not Necessary

\t--"~.*- ~ -Good Pay - Regular Increases

Michigan Bell Telephone Company

The Telephone Company needs:








Mechanical DraftsmanAssistant Laboratory

AttendantTest EngineersEagine DesignersAutomatic Screw Machine


Employment OffIce - 1365 Avenue at State Street



'-tuffO»ntinental Motors Corporation121U E. Jefferson Avenue


HOUSEKEEPER, upab1e of com.lllttt charge. Excellent rt!erences

TV 2--4644HELP WANTED-Femal.

TW 1 I~M




DOLL BLGGY and doll hOllse TU2.4511

\V ....DER~-H()()t fnot "'" 7, !l Or9 !If 11>1 be 111 llonn condItion

SUlllh, TC 23780 or CA 1{)15

ACCORDION - Ltssonl In "ournciRhborhood 20484 Elkhart Or-

che.tra for all occasion, BillyVul1ilf10 Accordion StudIO lDO..WGratiot PL 1087


Or tricycles, reJ!'ardleu ofcondition. Bill'. Bike Shop.Lenox 4130.



EAVFSTROUCH OF WOOD IB....uhfu 0 ....1 .. " - PTIC',..d low


/Imlil j;:! III

PAI!\T1KG & DECORATI'\'GFIrst class \lork and matenall

OUlrlt ~l"'" 1("""~IUrral 8.34-' ~r

~(Urrav ~?06

R. A. CII:\PLO\\, Lr\IEER CO\IP:\~


8li7~ F"'lT SEVEN Mil E ROAD

f>FTROIT ~ Mluil<".,N

Paiatia, ud Deooratiq





They n~~d more tin in th~ Philip-pines.

PAINT~NG - And decorating. wallpapering. Guaranteed workman-

shIp and material. Prompt service .Reasonable raltl. Don ShermanRo!e\llle 1164-R

PAI~TI~G-And decorahng. Spe-Cializing in fine reSidential ,,'ork

at reasonable PrICe Call OLIve 9694Hilaire DeJil~ghert 5805 French Rd

ALL DECORATI!\'G, paper hangingand pamtlOg' guaranleed. 25 rears

experience Stearn remover. !.IU1471 a Iter S.

...-1 P 4.Il\ T1!\G - And decoriltlOgBastmen15 5pra, cd Out "de esti-

mates free 1'lr,t cla<s 1\orl..manshlp4'i60 Hardln~ Murra, 0182

Highest prices paid for men'. l!litland shoe!. Telephone call WIll bringus to you immtdrately. TelephoneTyl~r -4-3625

W A~TFD the follol' 109 Items annappro>'lmate minimum pnce. "1'1

\:a\ .O:::::S::T:;I~:::'-:&.-:L~A:-!\:-:'::T::K:'::E-,-D-e-c-o-ra-t-o-rs-IRoll-a"avbed $10' dIning room

TV. 1-1396 'Ulle, $100; 2-pc 11\109 room SUIte,$80; 4-dra\\ er SlIlger se\\Jng ma.

Ir---::::-,="':":"-"":'::':"""~---,\chlOt $35; portable ~Iectric se",ngFor 2S \'nra We Haft machme $4D; combmahon ran",

Be~n SerTlDg Grosse POlllte $100; Console radIO, $60: table topINTERIOR. EXTERIOR 'tOl t, $65, monern d ... ,. $20 FI

5810. Schram FurOllure CoPainting and --Motor Boat Gas --Decorating "Gasohne rations for mOlor boats\\'e 'MUlt Be Right \\ ill be lSllled throu;{n local ,,'arCall for utuaate pnce ann ratlonlllg boards beg,n-

A. H. DePAEPE mng A,pnl 15," Xonnan Rouff, dlS-NIAGARA 1440 trlct gasohnt miltage rationIng offi-

cer, said today

Review Want Ads

In load 1010. P .. t lIIIO" by th"bal". Al,o m.nur. by the bll.hel.


Mack at Univet'lityTU:udG %.IC"


Wall Washing-raper and KallOmine

Immediate Openia ...White Worker.

Co... m....cial ... d Pri ... t_ WO'rk

leming. SummersService


Lumber .. Supplies

1.743 Harper Avenue

Betweftl 7 It: a Mile Roach

Open 8:31 to .: ..

Saturday 8:30 to 5:00


WALLS and ceilings "ashed andpaper cleaned. High quahty

,",o.k done by ~Xptrtenced men DR1814

FIRST CLASS-\Vall I\3Shlng and".llpaper cl~anJng Expenenced

TV. 2-9671.

HIGHLY - Recommended nllablewall washing lernce b1 rc:fiaed

whIte men. Call Arhnlrton -4192-

SOllfETHI!\G !\EW !-Walls "ash-ed b} mad1Jne, no drippmg water,

110 mecea.e In CO!t Call TV. 2-8461

PlumIriD. and H.. liD..PLUMBING-HeabD8 repain. Shop

011 wheeb. £xpen ae"lCe. No jobtoo !arse, ztODe too IlDaIL NL 08JJJoseph C. £Cu. 15830 O!Klnoom.

GEORG~ K. PRICE - ~ ~.eClulieId. Leas BU. -Muter

plumber, P1l1mbin, anti beatiq ,..pai" of all l.:inlts.

Wanted- TraneportatioD

L \D\ \\anls rtde to Vlck~rs Inc,1<t ;llIft I JI es at !lloro!S Rd

dnd Pecrl", Cdll \It'rray 4311DRAPERIES

CV RT Al ,\S-Drapertes, bedspread!,beautifully made to ord.r. Lamp

shanes recol ered V~ J .5727


ANY-Repal, worle on hlWT1~f, I!oretor apartmelltl Flr,t elau work

aDd prompt .erylee. 5 Eo S.rber20JllO Nesbit N,agara 6784

A-I PAI:-ITl~G - -And decoratm~ I IQL'OR-Cahll1et, good conditionC-'\HPl:.~ 11 R-AII t\'pes of carpen- Wall washlnR' Basemenl sl"raven 1 L),cno 28127

try and remodelinR' Porches reo Clean y,orkmall5hlp Colored Craw. 7':::-::::-::-:::-=--=--------pa,ren ~tore sheh Ing a s..ecialty ford. 4560 Hard,ng MV 0182 j RI.CYCI E for 3.\ ~ar.old chtlnD'" 4/J-7" any condilion arceptablt \Vould

PAINTING-And decoratinr F. D mak~ "ar veleran's 50n hapPI"'LrFRA TIO\''i _ Addlllons, klt- ftelsener, 5260 CourVIlle NI S944, I Fnox 31'2 e"lellllnn (,00

c ,ens remodeltd, att,cl finIShed If not at home call Tuxedo 2.5257.Off,cel, cablnel s, screened porches WLF Cllibs and baR', ty, 0 or thrrehlllit JO;oodwork. ,eneral contract. INTERIOR - Decorahnlr. Guaran- woodl, at I••• t SIX Iron5 A11steel111~ PI R021 teed workman.hip lad matftlal ~Ioalt', matched, I~ather bag TV

, ::;;::;;::;;;;;;:;:::::;;;::::;;::::;;::;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;,1 (plua 30 7earl experiene e) r..ti. 2 7421II matCi free. H ... ~ your work doee I;-:-~=-=-~---------

D I R T now FHA time paymentl if dcsirecl W AGO~ and Imycle lor three-yearWilham LG-'\DFR DR 6317 old '1 U 2-7281

JOHN EVANS & CO,-InterlOl' &ad I LFC1 RIC mixer. Call !'II 4093tzteri« paint"l alld dcc:«ator. S IX man tent for bov scout. XI

[,tlel4lt. 'llrnN~ AR 9Z21 3276I:-:-:=-:-:--:----:------- II

HONORABLY _ Olseharged from I ~frTAL .blrd, cage," good cond,-V S Army. Back In busintS! For I tlon. X I 1.83

paintlnQ' and deCorahng nil \",,11'1_ '-:-_::'_::-:_:-"::_--'~-o----L-----E I . . .. , _. IY~ UU r J<1 \\alners Iweepers2.~ann. A I Jobs guaranteed TU. and motors. LE 377S, '



TV. 2-0833



Thutlda~', April1Z, 1945


A.1r Your Neiwhhor

•New CautrwctieD

....._rdal all sa.,

A!teratlOns, Dre"maktnR




Complete Electrical RepairaCID IroD.r., Sweeper .. Etc.

White RoU.


QUICK SERVICEFor Grall. Pointe

Cecil Ayling Nt 6248


_iraecl clun and lurll'lca! liar..-efttt; o 13 yUri txpenenceMaade Banner!, N I 40"'.7 « TO7~12. 3llI McKlnle,


t1NWANTED-HlIr remo,ed per.Iftanently by multl!"le electrolysIS

Doctor'l referenc~s Ann Slel ensonSpeclahst, Z241 Book To\\er Ran:40lph 4842


;iESSMAKI~G-And alterations,also buttonholes !>II 3959

Seniq Thi. Comnnntityfor. Yeul.

~' Mea TaJlo,ed SUite, Co.toSlack.

130%5 Kercheval Avenue

~ LeaoI .nd Dlek... 08

LEnox 3tzt

WASHERS-And Iwe~er. expertlyftl)aircd. Guaranteed ~rl. for all

.."el 1A:nox3775.


MILLER-Employment agency FI2656. Domesltc help, ?oomen ior

laalldry and cltamng. Part-time or Iwetlldy. Good laundrts5es and dean-1:S.

Wilbur N. \Villiams

F. D. ReistJJer~"D .....SZlfCoaniDe

SERVICES NI ....... 5J44~===========~ITROST'S F,xlt Shop-Handy man, If Not .t HOlllIe Call TV. Z-SUTREPLACE can no anylhlng. 1372 ~h",sl1que I~=:=::::=.~==;=;=====:I

WOrD Out Furnace. ~IC 1935 WINDOW CLEANING

No Down P.yment FEXCES ot all klnds bullt Call af- Grosse POI.nte ftJ Year. to P.y ter 6 00 pm LFnox 4907 ~

Reen.tion Room' He.ted DOES }Ollr la\\n look a, If 11 shou1<l Window Clean •.ng -Parts for All M.k". ha' e lIs face hfted' \\ 1" not tn ".

V CI --' R . ed our beaut. Irealment on It.' John C Company . : ' t~: _~.e....... ,,80_- epa,r LaBelle TL, 2.BZi4 _ e -

Thermoltat Control. W. d S ~and EXPERT Roofing-Leaks repaired m OWl. creen •• Awnin... ~:::.~ hBlowera Installed I pa~~sl~d tD~eS~~~hs cleaned and Storm Window. • ~ .~; ~.

T B L . Twenty.three Y..... of ,,~~ lle• • eW1S ' ~OD-Black Dirt, lawn cultmg TV Conoc;eatio ... Senic_ 1 - '&I

2-8363 '~ "'/"0Heating Co. -H-A-V-E---\-' o-u-r-b-,c-vc-1c-pa-,-nt-ed-an-d-I 1441 NOITINGHAM j , ~'"

13434 Gratiot-PR. 5651 repalrtd betore the sprmg rmh NI. 7777NI,ht C.II-MU. 7703 For A.I y,ork call TV 2-8053 PIckup I"r

~==~~~~~==:::Iand dehler} 5241 Farmbrook lJt.,O lf~tI ~ IPIANO TUNING PAIr\T IT - ¥oumlf vmh Devoe Window Cleaning l,. I,..

~------------ paml! Paint spra}mg equipment ~14'J'llr", l'PI .....NO TU~IXG - Electrtc c1ean- rented 'lU~{FORD'S Floor Cov- ~t0rm sa~h removed; screens #, "f"l " '>j

mg. C L. Edl'ards, 6111 Cnnerslt) enng. 15006 Harper. Arlmgton 7080 mstillled prompt ~l'n Ice. ~Place TV 1-31i3 Famous u'J'ndow 3-ROO~ APT Electnc refnger.---B~A-S-E-M-E-NT--R-E-P-A-IR-S- JVKE BOX - For rent Ideal for " lor and SIO,e Gratot and S,x-

part cs and \\tddmgl PRo 318.3 Cleaners HELP WANTED-Female ,I HELP WANTED-Female \f,le road are~ \\ould lIke to ex-WATER PROOFI"G B t --:::-:::-=-::-::-:- __------. jchanl{e lor apartment preftrah'e.• - asemen s RFrRIGI-RATOR-"'nd mOlor ser- lrIr:,JI "LIIOOL (,[RI I"nl-d lor -

Ed H TErn 1 2 07'3 r r '0'" ..• , I \C'\DRFSS-\\ hlte, e>.pertenced lurn"lJtd In Gro,se POInte areaarvty p e J \lce Vcen5~d and bond~d Kell'l- 110, ~ :'- ,~c'tlon .'or' \\ r,l" Ro' S T)' C' II J C II

:lpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.1 • ~.. ,~ -"oon Ironer for 2 da" per "eel.. a 0 "" C \ 916'i I --------------WILIhirt .. Machine R-;.m... natM, Fr g,dalre, Ltonard Co1dspot, rare of Gro .. e Pomt~ Re\le\\, 15121 Prdera))',. Frida\' anti <;aturdn GROSSE POI\"TE WOODS

- ...... -. l n ,ersa1 and others \\ ,1 lams LE Ker",e .1 \, enue (; f' FI\ F ROO\f hungalo\\ gas he~' Rnck, <\be<lrooms. first floor T,n'."'ASHl\C, _ \1.Cllllle, 'lP ,,'cd oj6J .I----~-------- <l':~'c~:;~ ~~rl hr~~efar~ ',,~;r,Qf;~r a\\ Illn.'!', screen pord,. rent $75 atOf\'. automatIc heat, $14500.

any make p-e\\ar p-'Le' \\ or I.. IF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. I HEADQUARTERS \Ol \(; married \\0""" "al1',,1 ----- IPer nwntl,' e" h~nKt 10- three bed- Broker ),1 &331Il"uaranteen fo I" ern ",-s In h,<j for ,IMe 1\Orl.. \\'.,le P.n' <:;R1\\ 0\1 \ \ for Fa.t Side 4 ria" a r00m terrace fla' or hOll,e \\ nle

2ne<5 J ern s }lo "e~"ld :'en ICC 1 L Pearls and Beads RestrunR I~;N' ,of r.,rosle Pnlnte R elle" I:;I?I "eel. for 1~'lnnrl' ann c1tan,ng ~:~lr;,\\1\ l_ilar~t.orcfll~'I.rd<hl'ael.f'nOtl~nle De<Pltde mod

hern cqUlpmtnt anll

-1350, .ell al'er" 1£ no an'"er QPlCK SER\ ICE FOR BUILDING 1.fATERIAL "errnr'. Reierr'1re' '\1 OQ;I\ ", ., ImprOle tee nlque., man cannDtv n FL-R'\I<;HFD \el' <\.room duplex compete 1'Ith nature III sClUenn,

W. Specialize in adult, onll II 2.3271, sted for ne,,' fort!u.Call X Ia.l:'a ra 1426 REPAIR Carpets \\ II L <;t RT FT for 3 monn,", "asle fats htlp towuds VlctOl")'11;;;;;;;;:=:;;;;=:111 EBUILD heallln"lh. t"rnl<',en 3 hed-oom I,n F"ro e

On Your Floor II ANNO (olonlal $1"0(10 per mon'" n~~- p

I El.IODEL UN C I N G tramf'nrtahnn Grn<.r PO'"t~ Fum< -------r;;....PfG;UE"::: INSULA IE II \.;. 1)- "", ~'''Jc~n 'mr.C>le ,ou' ....op~.t. " " ~~~i:'" A new aervice to Rul E.tat. Owners and Buyers. _~\_••_,':_:_,,_o_~_/_12_~_"_~'_r;_~_r_~~_rl(\_._a'-_rr_nr_lo_r,_n_l~~ (to' e-nment 4,pprolal \\ e ha\e t,e m~'er ~', Your lft.larance Company, Bank or TnI.t Company \\ 11! "H \R[ attru"l~ G.o". I Attention !

PboM Tuedo 1.1_ WITH \ Phon. r~ 1 "," d" the tmk would fteOf'er BUY. SELL, or LOAN MONEY on Real P"IO'e 110me \\\11 'Jlllrt rch'wi

lEt t 'th t fi t h' I'fied A ' __ 1 d r"urle Re,erenu< \\ nte P"" \1 R I

HAINES CARPET KIMSUL:-"L-O-W--M-O-N-T-H-l-Y- SPRUCE UP YOUR LAWN I a e W1 ou ra aonng. qua I ppnl ... ma e. ,'are "I (\-o"e POInte RC\lr" 1;1>l NOTICE IS HEREBY G.VEN t.bat

"er-,.", ,,,",. ' . - Ih.V.I ..... ofF_",W ..... Cea.

CLEANERS PPUARYCMHEANsTE'iS°ONF Picnic Tablel $16.00 and up An Apprai .... on Residential Property can now be ob- ------------- __ .ral R. A. Allt ... "d Colo".[ F. M.

t . _.. t I FOR SALE-Real utate A.lI", Poat No "5, .t 17145 SL$38 OR OVER Rustice Settees, Lawn 53,95 .,"eo a a yery ow cost. _ I P."I. baye applIed to lb. M,d"la"~========::==::=:11 --------~ Chairs, as low as <,Ro"1 pur\ I J -~lj " IIhl 7', jl,qDor Conuol Co.... ' .. 'on for re-

r Warm in Winter "Be A C f I A Y B k" p", rI,' d•• "' e " III '\ 1 of th." CIDO L.cen •• to .ellPlumbl'ng and Rustl'c Pl'cket Fence s are u s our an er me"" , ( .. "'" r.. -lol I 1,' t 8 , W,n., .nd Sptnl. to boDafideCool in Summer I v It.''e $I~<j< 'Ii t nf'\t In lak •• m only.Have that property Appraised, ~"" 1, l ;:'H t. It' H Ith & 'I r- You mull '~f" tInt ff"nc~ to apprf"Clate Kea Ing S ea y " JSC 'I F", ,n Wl,h moot onv Iyl'" of orel". now what ita .. lue i. tod.y.

t..etur.. No pa,nl "ec ..... TV-11 com., Hllvlftl' API'raiaed mnre thlm FIFTEEN MILLION.11 bUIll up In .....1"".. ,,,<Iud,", fe"~ ..P(),to. Ready In ,n,I ..I1-Tou co." ,~I ,I DOLLARS worth of Reel E,tate in Detroit, IInd Gro'HIll' you .... lf W .. I...." you .. po.1 ho~ P(Jlnte, my hpreience I' at your lernet!. For furth.oI"'ller Or we .. ,11 " .. t.11 'I for YOU information ~U,;--------r--------.

Page 12: Drive Shows Fair › digitize › newspapers › gpreview › e arm ed forces of the State!," Above, Sergeant Besso. guner on a B-1? Flying

3We luaonl7 the

"ery alu.materlabanllable.

Thursday, AJlrt1 1~, 1945

Pam for All ~"k ..


Attics A SpecialtyRecreation Rooms - StormWindowl - Miscellaneous R..pairs. ROOM, and Gattera.


TU. 2-7989

-::!IIi?t!tWhite Wringer Rolls

For An Make Wa.~

24 Hour •Service



Wp rebuild or excbangeyou r WIshing maehiJlemotor.

We pick up and delh-e;, or yOQ ean briDet!'e work to our !lhnp Ind you eln 511fthme llnrl monpv.


LE. 5955 PRo 693S


V.cuum Cleaner and Sewin .. Machine R.,.inParla for All Make. - Pickup ud Deli • .".

We Do Lamp Repail'l


WASHER S.rvlceNlagB,a 0991

Call Moniap ... E......-==========- Floor ......At JARCHOW • ~ ....

Your lnDel'Sprl~ Mattresses Rebailt Like New!Expert Workmanship and High Qualtiv 1la&erlalll

Some Innerspring Mattresses Now Ayoilable!


Our Guaranteed RecappingGivea New Tzre Mileqe

-The ReasoDZOYears uperience by

TlI'e SpeeialUta.Expert wheel aIiPmeJlt and

balancing.When It's Time to Retire _


4 Oar larrestock of

msUresHIgivCl YOII lUlusortment tochoose from.

New Shipment of Pillows Just Arrived, IncludingGoose Feathers



15311E.. t J.fIw_


1 We bulldmattresses

In our ownIIh 0 panderour own Ill.pervision.

SPRING rt- MATTRESS TIME4 Good Reasons WhyYou Should Buy Here

2 You buydireet from

from our fae-tory and savemoney.





w..... ~ Dmw-i11 s..-.




-------_ ...

PLaza 0971

Free Estimates GiYen

Brick ad Cement Repain


Alteration Work A Specialty5071lroquoia

Detroit 13, Mich.

TJIe •• Kitchen •• Fire-places • Vestibulu and


Okay Tile & MarbleCompany

PO\vERCR '\FT -Hobby table, sUite ado piecrs of furniture

-\R 5644. 19717 EI\, GratlOtfo\\nshLp

GR ....Y SUit, tailored, size 40, 409Qo' erlv road, Grosse Pointe

Farms. TU. 268.2

-\~ llQlJE Sola: scroll arm l>utU,serpentltle bar, shared back ra:1

With can ltlg 1108 \V 'taple st,B,rmlngbam, \Ileh

FRIGIDAIRE - 2-piece, $25; one ~~I _...:'~~1\1~W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&~!~.H2.c~e" !r,.,.dh"'at, ('np Jfl.ft ". •Thompson outboard motor NI 9086 IRONER _ VACUUM a.EAJIfIIt AJIft)or CA. 1695.

FOR SALE-Miscellaneou.GOLF CLUBS - \Valter !lagen

(lloney Boy), 9 Irons, 1 y,ood,mat~hed set IIlcludlllg canvas ball',$50. TU. 2-5338

!lrAHOGA~Y Iron bed ",th pre-y,ar Simmons springs. like new,

$15; child', bed 5-year' old Size,complete, $2 50. Porcelam top table2"(3 feet. $2. Xl 6074 1549 Hamp.ton road.

B4.RBARRY BUSHI:.S-Large SIze50c each; 10 for $4 50. After 4

o'c1ock Nl. 6074 1549 Hamptonroad.

GARLAND gas range, pre-war.Excellent condition. TU 1-2051.

Wanted-Used Cars

1938 - 1939 - 1940Models




CEME~T-Sldewalks, dmes. porch.e!, basements Quality workman-

shIp plus ZS year's e'<penence Callfor estimate TU. 2-9864

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lbatthe Gro.. e Paillte POlt Na. 383.Americ ... LerioD .t 18316 Mack ••••nue, ba.e applied to tb. Mieblll&llLiquor COllhol Coml1li•• ,on for reonewal of their Club LieeD.e to ... UBeen, WiDe and Spirito to bollafidemember. onl".

1 ROOM me rUR. $1000, wanted tobuy baby', \1\ le\..rr wardrolJe. TU

and 2-M5.?NI


Review Want AdsLenox 1162 For Better Results Lenox 1163

We Pa, More - Cuh Waitiq


y .... Do Not Car9 to s.a. tAt U. R..... Yow e-Try 0.. £.Z T_ Pay1Dftlt Pia-



BLACK DIRTImmediate dell very


TU. 2-4100




Your Bicycle


Grosse PointeBicycle Co.

0,. .. IIy .,.. r...lS3tl.OS

FOR SALE-Misc:eUaaeou.

W. have aD repair parts in.tock.

ford Mercury Lincoln.Zephyr Sale. & !enice• IIMl MACX AVENUE at Grayton Nt ....... ~

RUMMAGE SALE2950 Grand River


WINDOW SHADE CL£ANINCCALL MUMFORD'5-A .... _,.. for ..... .low .hade clN.Ja111',.... ."..... aDel •• ade ftftt , .~.,.... MUMFORD'S. 151M Har. I...

!IIA1CHIKG bed, dresser, chest,dust proof center gUJde, dra\\ ers ,

dlnlllg sUite; black walnut chest,woolen kmcker SUIl, mlsccll,ltleousarticle, 1L. 2-7419

RED CROSS-Spring umtormcap, Size 20 \-10m once. $6


Rt.:G-S1. x 91., ro,e bCIRe, "'0011I,!>t, \\ ,]ton hroarlloom Lserl 1\\0

~I~E-PILCE y,alnut dllllng room montns, cleaned $60 1330 ~ot-S~llC, large or dmlng table only t,n"ham

Bra" bed, COli spflng,. 1\ anhoe8002.

T\\ O-PI r.CE rust does\..m SUit, fullsize Inner sprml{ m~ttres., 1 cOil

spring, full size NI 7232

GIRL'S tan SprlnR coal. 10-)ear sIzealso rtdlnll boots Both In good

condillon TU. 2-7287

\\Tanted Glassl'.are, Picture!, FramesTrunks, Handbags, elc Ko clothmg

CALL ME. 2270LIen",,,,

WAXED birch )outh s bed-Mat-tress, springs, hke new, $2500

Pre.war foldlllg leather bu"gy, $18Bathmelte, $4 50. 18776 Kenosha,GratIot Tov,nsh,p. BRICK - Stone lnd cement. New

and repair work. Bncle work a .pe-HARDY LILIES-Hybrid delphin- cialty. TV 1-2450.

illm and perentllals. Nl 0768. 139 ------------Oak street, Grosse Pointe Farms. Brick \Vork Our Specialty------------- New or repair on bnck, stone,ROYAL Vacuum cleaner, \\'Ih at. "de\1 alk" and garden walls. Grosse

tachments, good condltlOn. LE. Pointe district. Drexel 4568.0179.

Gro ... Poiate

High ethical standa.rcbdo DOt shut out an aai-rude of genuiae friend-liness. That's one reuoa10 many persons lIke meatm05phere hereahova!Next time, come to thisPrescription PhatmaCJ'.



Insulin Availablein AU Quantities

FOR SALE-MiaceDaaeou.



TWO tabel lamps, "lrla jacOet, blue.erge spring coat, age 10. \Vbite

Iud .lIppers, sIZe 6. LEnox 3152.


RlD~~28-' COMPLETE iron bed; .wen!'. . dn.w.,..... y* cloth-. ~ ...rile lamp, bedJPtudJ: dRat:TWO haael awIe ~eltry waJl erieI. ro.l-'" ,

hansiDl'l, Sarouk OnelluJ rur.French clock let and otller object.l JO-GAt.. ta~k aDd coal stOTe., $15.

of art. TY.5-6928. PRo 3066, 18i92 Kenosha.

COAL hot water heater and 30-gallon tank. Good condItion. Both

for $700. 1713 Hampton Rd.

LADlES ."nst watch (new), IS.jew-el. Swiss movement, white 8'old

casmg-, $3700. Childs dress (pnnt).size 12, $4 00. Toe shoel, (ballet),size one, $4 00. TU. 1-0324.

CRIB-Steel springs, 6-year Size,$6 50; high chair, $3, green che-

nille spread, $4; ra}on taffettaspread, $3: modertllsllc green andchromium bed lamp, $1 50. TU.2.5164.

FRATERNALe-.R. A. a: CoL F....

Alter Poet.5 V. F. W....... s.-.I 11M F..-ta ~ BOYS bK:ycle, IIze 28; good condl-E:ad. M_tIa at In. Et. ,_ A_ tlon; pre-war, 1311 Bedford._.. e.- , Mxw.- AKTIQUE-2 perfectly matchedAll VPW P tal Ill.... lettees. VictOrian. 894 Edgemont.


MAHOGANY typewriter desle andchair. also man's bro,," 11 sboc:5,

worn 2 or three tunes, Ilze 11. Or\i-lDal price $1350, will sell {or $6.00.Day llme. Yd. 1253, after 6. TUxedo1.3767.

A-I Cement 1Iork, Side dnves, ga.SIX-PIECE IVOry bedroom Juite., WA.Ll\UT finish smile bed With rage floors, city udel'.alks, brick

new box spnngs, single bedt. NL maltres" dre,ser; miscellaneous8306. arhcles. Tt'. 2.9894 porches. Call between 5 and 8 pm.____________ TU. 2.7009.

MAK'S goli shoes. hlee aew, .izellc. Andirons, beaullful hammered

bronze complete. Inner sprill&' mat-tress, practically new. Rouad ma.hogany dmmg table, J matcbmgchairS. ~l. 8306.

EARLY American bedrooe .uile,eA:mlplete; sacrifice. Officer'. uni.

fonn, Size 42. 14421 Harbor road,root of Lakewood.


NI....ra _5

LEnox 1185


Muy beautiful eo1on from which to make your MledioaFREE Eatimate. - No Delay

NO RISK TO YOU - All our mechaniu .... cowwecIwilli COMPENSATION INSURANCE - for YOURProtection, u Well u Oura.

15132 Mack

On Winter Coats andDresses. Also RummageSale.

FOR SALE-MiKeIlaneoalSOfA-BeautJful mirrors; tlp.tO~ DETROIT'S-Finest walJpap-

table figurmesj pamtlngs; Silver. er. Phone for our 20 booksI,are. Sheffield and flat \\are. !tail-an chair. Pmate home TU. 2 5733 for your selection.

Clearance Sale

Colony Resale Shop15313 Mack Avenue

11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.Thursday and Friday

Until 9:00 p m.





TUudo Z.I8JZ

B81ft11ent Storm Sad! .nd ~I'ftnl

Change Your Porch Into aSUNROOM WITH




Beween Philip ud Muutique



Stop at our office and .ee the outdoor Pella

Invisible Combination and Quick ChangeCombinatinn Windows

Unique Storm Windows forSteel Casements

luaranteed Workmanship--Low PricesBUMPING and PAINTING

Rolscreens Dual GlazingDraft-Tight Weather Stripping

M.' .... LUiea' 5 TaiJorecI to ON-Alt.atioaa, a.Imiaa, a ia. _e1 Pr ... ill'

Prompt Serviee - Expert MechanicsAvaiJable to Serve You NOW on All Chrysler Cars


.0w'1 ........ 10 ......


Pella Casements

Lake Shore Motor Sales14615 E. JEFFERSON

Call Us NOW-Avoid Spring Rus"1 IT0', _.. Roofing---Siding

14931 E. JEFFERSON, at City Limits.... M. Sdl__ E.t. 1m Opea E~ till 7:" LE...

Grosse Pointe Woods Electricand Heating Company

F_ C..... i.,. Oil, Cat a.noI Stoker Semee. Electric Wlnn. andRepUriar. Z4 Hoar Semce.TU..... t... R.... NIe KIS.R

Miller Screen and Sash Co.

LAkE SHOll MOrOI SALIS... L........ ~- YMOUTH UNOlC "II~ _ noar

r OL R ~ le>'lble steel chairs and tab-le m good condition, $1800; also

BABY Bt.:GGY _ Reed, pre-I\ ar ehabe lounge for porch or ) anistO<.k, good condillon, reasonab'e used one month, $20UO TU 2-5571

VETER ....:-: _ Startmg ltl bmme5s VAX WALL PAPER CO. 1018 Lakepolnte.has Aq cord wood for sale Furn. 1\Iagara 6375 CHILD'S tflC) cle, baby \\alker, mls.

ace and fireplace Sizes. All harJ . cellaneous pre-lIar to}S 16 ~f Mwood Call hanhoe 0761 15{lSQ FT u,cd mlald IInolelltll, ex- mOlle projector large \\lnd up V,C.

I At}T••Ol.(~A.:,I_C-•• HO.,I,wa.le.r.stllnt'T~a.T._.I cellent condtllon, 1000. TV. 2-55I1jtrola, clllld, figure skates, gasoline- .... ~~ - ., ~:r::.\V brc;.1...:a.:.t .,.c.t, ;7~W TU t"fllTIP s.tnyp. c~g"'C 1C1ntahl,.. '0:- "':!.b

Im;;';~h -f;r 'h;~d -fi~ed i~rllac;. -~ 1-4552 . bits, or 10le bIrds, many other art!-boden. TU. 2.91216. PRo 6600 109871--------- cles, pm ate home. Saturday andGratiot Annue CHILD S Bed-Black linen drapes; Sunday, 1824 Semmole a\enue------------ glass curtaIns; lflt'que marble top ------------FLOW ER PLANTS-Delphllllums table, andirons and fireplace tool.; DIXI~G room set, 10 pIeces, pre-

and canlerburv bells, separate col- boudlCf lamp, small console tabe EmpLre Venehan hand mlald wal-ors. lar!(e plants. 591 51. Clair be- Xl 5578 nut. Orlgltlal price, $100000. saCrl-II'. een Kercheval and St. Paul. TU. fice for $300.00. PLaza 0666.2.9272. HOSPIT ....L BI::D-Llke new. Y~

------------------------ be seen by appomtment 001)', $.50 TABLE-Mahogany 2 ft. x 5 ItCall Sunday only bet",een 1 and 5 SUllable for large room or officepm K I tJ697. Phone MUrray 7048 745 Ph,lJp.------------ELECTRIC TRAIN - bib and

table ~laJesllc cabinet radlOcOmbltlatlOn Ke) stone projector,packmg trunk, pictures, mahoganydrop leaf table. ':-'1. 4486.

XINE-PICE Oak dining room set.A-I condltlon. 2-plCi:C$ frieze hv-

ing room suite, like new, beauhfqlJ-plece bedroom set. Floor modelradiO, needs repair. TU. 2-4004,