dr. barrett lecture # 1 introduction to computing and multimedia faculty

Dr. Barrett Lecture # 1 Introduction to Computing and Multimedia Facul ty

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Dr. Barrett

Lecture # 1

Introduction to

Computing and MultimediaFaculty

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While technology can and does bless lives, “never forget that while we have computers, cameras, microphones, fiber-optic networks, clouds, and satellites, we have failed if we do not rely on the Holy Ghost.”

- President Henry B. Eyring

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• Labs, Homework and Quizzes• Grading• Calendar and due dates• What you will need to get started• Class format• Policies• Learning Objectives and Outcomes• Groups• A Problem

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I Remember:

10% of what I read,

20% of what I hear,

30% of what I see,

50% of what I see and hear, +

70% of what I discuss with others,

80% of what I experience by doing,

95% of what I teach others.

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Therefore, CS100 will be …

• Hands-on, lab assignments – learn by doing

• Interactive in class (some work in groups)

• Thinking assignments

• Homework, quizzes, analyzing, sharing in class

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Labs: 70% of Grade

• Lab 1: Introduction to Computer Lab - 1 %

• Lab 2: Personal Website - 3%

• Lab 3: HTML Order Form - 4%

• Lab 4: Javascript Graphics - 5%

• Lab 5: HTML Order Form with JavaScript - 10%

• Lab 6: Image Editing with Photoshop or GIMP - 10%

• Lab 7: Editing Sound with Audition or Audacity - 8%

• Lab 8: Movie Editing with Premiere, iMovie etc. - 9%

• Lab 9: Family History I - 10%

• Lab 10: Family History II - 10%

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Lab Pass-Offs

• Lab assignments can be found on the CS100 website http://students.cs.byu.edu/~cs100ta/

– Completed Lab assignments with a 'Date Modified' timestamp on or before the due date receive full credit.

– Any lab assignment completed after the due date will automatically lose 1 point (10% of its value) per school day. (After 2 weeks, an assignment has no grading value!).

– Lab assignments are 'passed off' by a TA during regular TA hours in 1121 TMCB or 1150 TMCB.

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Late Policy

• All assignments due on date posted – “Date Modified” timestamp.

• Any assignment submitted after that loses 10% per school day.

• After 2 weeks the assignment has no value.

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• Talk to anyone you want about how to do the assignment

• Work with your assigned group• We will make it clear which assignments

should be done with your group and which you should do the work yourself

• Copying or having someone else do the work is considered cheating and a violation of the University Honor Code

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• Zero Tolerance

• “Crash and Tell”

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Homework: 15% of Grade

• 8 Homework assignments

• Paper and pencil and/or keyboard

• Assigned and reviewed in class

• Due on the date indicated on the Calendar

• To help develop algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills

• Will be able to drop 1 (lowest) homework score

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Quizzes: 15% of Grad

• 7 Quizzes• Multiple Choice, Closed Book, Work alone• Given on Canvas – review in class• Will need to be completed by midnight on the

due date.• Keep students current with new concepts• No re-takes or make-ups on quizzes unless prior

arrangements are made (or sickness and extenuating circumstances)

• Will be able to drop 1 (lowest) quiz

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Your Grade:

• Lab Assignments: 70%

• Homework: 15%

• Quizzes: 15%

= 100%

No Exams! No Final! And that’s final!

The Lab Assignments are cumulative,

as are Homework Assignments and Quizzes.

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Schedule: See Web Page

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Grading Scale

A 93-100A- 90-92B+ 87-89B 83-86B- 80-82C+ 77-79C 73-76C- 70-72D+ 67-69D 63-66D- 60-62E Below


Do not grade on the curve. May curve down. Never curve up.

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Questions about grades or grading?

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What you need to get started:

• Laptop: For Lab Assignments and in-class demos

(not required, but strongly recommended)

• Download WPbasic at www.pixelture.com

(allows you to share your screen on the board)

• Jump Drive: for backing up, copying files

• A pair of headphones (Walkman style)

• An account on the Lab Machines in 1121 TMCB

(See Assignment #1)

• Access to Canvas (email, quizzes, check grades)


• Lecture Notes – online or at the Bookstore

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Downloading WPbasic

• Connect to the BYUSecure Wireless Network

• Go to www.pixelture.com

download and install WPbasic• Set WPdisplay address to:


• Click on the Connect button

• To share your window, click on the WP icon

at the top of your window

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Preview Lab Assignment # 1

• Go to http://students.cs.byu.edu/~cs100ta/

• Click on Labs

• Click on Lab 1

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Other Software to Download:

• GIMP: http://www.gimp.org/

• Audacity: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

• Windows Live Movie Maker 2011http://explore.live.com/windows-live-movie-maker?os=other

• Python click on Reference at studenst.cs.byu.edu/~cs100ta

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Where to go for help• Instructor Office Hours: MWF 11-1

Bill Barrett 2218 TMCB 422-7430 [email protected]: barrett.cs.byu.edu

• TAs:Kelsey Eiman, 1150 TMCB, 422-8108, [email protected] Prestwich, 1150 TMCB, 422-8108, [email protected]

• Slides & Notes on CS100 Web Page:Lectures Notes from Slides (BYU Bookstore)

• CS100 Web page: http://students.cs.byu.edu/~cs100ta/• Canvas Web page: https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/138275

(for quizzes, email, announcements)

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Questions about what you need to get started?

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Class Structure/Format

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Class Format: Highly InteractivePrayer/thought

Questions from HW, Quizzes, Life; Peek at new technologies

1. Introduce: Topic/Problem/Question

2. Explain: concepts/principles, tools needed to solve problem

3. Demo: use of the tools, software

Students follow interactively on keyboard

4. Practice: Give a specific task/problem to solve

- the one posed at the beginning

- Some tasks groups, some solo

5. Evaluate: Walk around: help, discuss problem/solution.

Share: Project examples of student work on screen

6. Re-practice: In class, Homework, Labs 

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Lecture Material

• You will be responsible for the Lecture Material on your own, outside of class,in groups.

• Lecture Material will appear on Quizzes

• We will use the first few minutes of class to hitthe highlights and answer any questions you have

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Laptop in-Class Policy

• Use while we are doing interactive demostogether or while working on an in-classexercise/problem or sharing work

• Laptop lids are down otherwise!Please no emailing or working on assignments during discussion/lecture.It is too distracting to other students.

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Learning Objectives/Outcomes

The Central Goal of CS100 is to foster Computational Thinking in the understanding, creation and use of algorithms to solve problems. This will be done by

- Understanding Data Representation

- Using a variety of Computer Applications

- Writing Computer Programs

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Data Structures/Data Representation

Write Programs(HTML,



Computational Thinking:

Algorithms & Problem-solving

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Data Structures/Data Representation


Problemsin the world

Problems in BYU Classes

Problems in Computing

Computational Thinking:

Algorithms & Problem-solving

Write Programs(HTML,


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Understand High-Level Concepts

• Computational reasoning about problems

• Understanding, creation and analysis of algorithms

• Understanding high-level programming constructs

• Organization and representation of data

• Which applications can be used to solve problems

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Develop skills in

• Computing in using a variety of today's computer applications, including multimedia applications

• Understanding the foundational concepts and principles in the way data is stored and manipulated

• Higher-level computational thinking as they discover and develop algorithms and information technology to address a wide variety of problems

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Skills to Learn

• We will cover– Developing algorithm & Solving problems

– Internet - World Wide Web

– Languages: HTML, JavaScript, Python

– Client and Server-side Scripting

– Spreadsheets, Branching and Functions

– Sound Editing

– Image Editing

– Video Editing

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Learning Objectives/Outcomes


• things you should know

• things you should be able to do

As a result of successfully completing CS100

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Things You Should Know

High-Level Computational Thinking

• How to reason quantitatively and

computationally about problems

• Understand programming languages

such as HTML, JavaScript and Python and

how to use them to solve problems

• High-level and bottom-up problem-solving

and debugging

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Things You Should Know

Computational Thinking with Algorithms

• Classic Algorithms in popular Applications

• Everyday Algorithms

• Essential ingredients of Algorithms

• How to create/develop Algorithms

• How to analyze Algorithms for correctness

• How to analyze Algorithms for efficiency

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Things You Should Know

Computational Thinking in Programming

• Implementation of Algorithms using

Programming Languages

• Creating and following Programs as a

logical sequence of instructions

• Iteration: For-Loops

• Conditional Branching: If-Else

• Functions: Creation, use of, parameters

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Things You Should Know

Data Representation and Data Structures:

How data is represented, stored and searched in a computer. Specifically:- Numbers: Binary, Decimal, Floating Pt.- Characters- Words and Strings- Groups of named things- Arrays- Graphs and Trees- Links

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Things You Should Be Able To Do

Develop skills in using the following Computer Applications to solve problems:

- Web Browsers to create Web Pages

- Text Editors

- Excel Spreadsheet


- Audacity

- iMovie/Windows Live Movie Maker 2011

- JES Python

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Things You Should Be Able To Do

Programming Languages

Write Computer Programs, specifically, interactive Web Applications, to solve problems using the following languages:


- JavaScript

- Python

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Data Structures and Data Represenations

• Make use of Data Structures and Data Representations to communicate and interact with Web Applications

• Make use of Data Structures to implement algorithms and solve specific problems

• Make use of specific data structures (strings, arrays, trees, records, etc.) in sound, image and movie editing, etc.

Things You Should Be Able To Do

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Questions about Learning Objectives/Outcomes?

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Create Groups

• Count by 3’s

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A Problem

• Work in your group and put the numbers in the stack in order

• On your mark, get set …

• Call out when done

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A Problem

• How much time?

• What was your algorithm?

• Can you think of a more efficient algorithm?