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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 DQ-W2


    Hi Everyone,

    A person in Ecuador can own words and knowledge. The laws in Ecuador have changed and the

    creation of a government entity (IEPI,www.iepi.gob.ec !rought more respect to intellectual rightsinto our society. I would say that the culture in people is improving, the Ecuadorians are moreconscious on the advantage and importance of having compatriots sharing their knowledge with

    different countries. The glo!ali"ation and easy access to information has definitely affected waythings were done !efore, we even had a!out #$ years ago an education ministry who plagiarism hertheses, this was a turning point% the national shame during this event was huge. The easy access toinformation is making schools, universities and even pu!lic companies to dictate courses onreferencing (&'), *+#*.

    In an organi"ation it is really important to reference correctly. The attitudes and presumptions aredifferent, most of the time the organi"ation makes the contracts with a statement where theemployee renounces to the rights over the material that he developed. In my current workplace thisdoesnt apply, each employee has the rights over his work. If you as an employee use informationfrom different authors you are o!ligated to reference correctly. In one of my reports for e-ample, Ihad to use information, ta!les, and graphics from an international code% !efore su!mitted to thepeople who asked for the report I had to turn it into revision of my !oss, he checked the referencing

    and then su!mitted.

    y plan for learning and attaining the citation and referencing skills will consist in the reading ofarticles, dissertations, and other documents were the citation and referencing is well applied./earning how to use the tools and software showed in 01uide to 2eferencing and 3eveloping a4i!liography5 is the second part of my plan, get used to the controls of one of these tools is going to!e helpful if an assignment is !ig.

    The issues of plagiarism than can appear may !e different it depends on the situation and thecriteria of the people who are reading your work. A"i", Hashmin and 6a"ar gives differentanecdotes of their lives, all of them are normally found during life time (A"i", Hashmin 7 6a"ar,*+#*. The issues can go from a ver!al or written warning, lose your credi!ility, or severepenali"ation according laws (&niversity of /iverpool, *+#*8. 9e have to make sure to use credi!le

    academic sources, not all the information found in the internet is real. It is common while one issearching online different we!sites offers unreal information, which if used can mean a paperwithout any value.

    Turnitin will give us an idea on how our assignments are written. 'ometimes we will think that weare using our words to e-plain the idea related to the assignment without knowing that it is similar toa written work. I am sure that during our research it is impossi!le to go through the differentresources that are availa!le, so the risk of plagiarism without knowing has a high percentage.Turnitin will reduce this possi!ility. As e-plained !y Turnitin in their we!site: 03irect ;uotation,citations, or !i!liography areas of the paper are not automatically e-cluded. The decision topermanently e-clude or disregard matches to these types of te-t in a paper is made solely !y theinstructor of the class.5 (Turnitin,*+#s

  • 8/12/2019 DQ-W2
