downstage final draft 2

DOWNSTAGE Written by Sam Babington Produced by Kate Sargent

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Post on 11-Apr-2016




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2nd Draft


Page 1: Downstage Final Draft 2


Written by

Sam Babington

Produced by

Kate Sargent

Page 2: Downstage Final Draft 2


The opening scene is introduced to view a wide, spacious hall with nothing inside apart from a young female named ALEX. She is sitting on a plastic chair that CREAKS at any slight movement. She begins to FIDGET and SHUFFLE on the chair whilst straightening out her long, cotton dress, as if she is preparing for a picture or interview. Moments after, ALEX fiddles with a tiny black object which appears to be a MICROPHONE. Pinched on the upper side of her dress, ALEX fiddles with the microphone, adjusting it to point upwards towards her face. She then MUTTERS into the microphone, glancing between it and something in front of her.

ALEX TALKING HEADIs this on, is it working OK? (beat) Can you hear me alright?

As she continues to adjust the microphone, a SWEEPING sound appears. A stiff-looking, mature man can be seen BRUSHING to and fro with a broom in a repetitive motion. He is the schools janitor - he stops momentarily, glances upwards at a slow pace, and effortlessly returns back to his SWEEPING motion.

We now return back to a more complacent ALEX, who is now sitting up against the flimsy chair, revealing a faint smile.

ALEX TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)I’m Alex, Alex Mousk, and I’m the assistant director for “AA”, “Actors Anonymous”, an AmDram production company.

Alex however continues to speak, but now glances to her right as she responds to an ABRUPT yet forced cough. She glares moderately at a content-looking man who too is sitting on a plastic chair, but in a more uptight position. His name is GILES - his back is dead straight and has one of his hands twiddling his grey, trimmed beard. As ALEX’S conversation comes to a halt, GILES briefly perks up and hastily moves his hand flat to place on his chest. He reveals a flashing smile and coughs a couple of times in an attempt to clear his throat.

GILES TALKING HEADOh me? (beat)Is it on me now? (beat)Is an introduction necessary? Maybe. I’m the Giles Phillipé.

GILES frequently FANS both of his hands whilst greatly glancing to the ceiling as he moves into character. He then suddenly yet swiftly NUDGES Alex’s chest with his elbow, in which Alex responds with a villainous glare.

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GILES TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)Me, well I’ve been in the bizz now for, many years [nudge]. I’ve produced phenomenal theatrical work to short, intimate plays. You name it, I’ve directed it.

He then exhales in a way that releases his excitement, before placing his hands flat together and gazing into space.

GILES TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)I’ve even met THE Andrew Lloyd Webber...

Breaking his enthusiasm, Giles then BLURTS out his words in a way that he doesn’t want people to hear what he’s saying.

GILES TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)...It was the back of his head as he got into a taxi, but, I just know if he had time we’d be the best of friends right now!

His long-winded conversation is suddenly broken by an agitated Alex, who speedily places her hand FIRMLY on Giles’ shoulders.

ALEX TALKING HEADAnyway... how about we show you around? We’ve got our auditions soon so people should already be turning up!

Alex then pushes her seat back, causing a grainy GRINDING sound that ECHOES throughout the hall. Giles ignores Alex and continues to flash his smile, before the scene fades to black.



The scene opens with a group of around 15 people gathered on a crowded, stage. The sound of footsteps SQUEAKING on the wooden stage reveal Giles STRUTTING towards the group of people, with Alex joining him moments after. The crowd of people are either sitting on jet-black chairs or standing amongst one end of the stage, socializing with one another to combine an ECHO of conversation. Alex can be seen glimpsing down at a small stack of white stapled sheets, MUMBLING to herself whilst doing so.

Suddenly, Giles smoothly raises his hand and forcefully COUGHS - causing people to focus their attention now on him.


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GILESGather round everyone, gather round. Welcome back for another show - ‘Peter Pan: The Musical!’ Thank you all for being here today, Alex, my assistant director, will be handing out the audition sheets.

Whilst Giles introduces the AUDITIONEES, Alex QUIETLY hands out the audition sheets to each auditionee.

GILES (O.S) (CONT’D)The first sheet is the song you need to perform...

She first hands the sheet to a FLOUNDERING couple named CHANTELLE and JORDAN, where Chantelle is literally holding onto Jordan with great passion. She BLANKS Alex as if she wasn’t even there as she concentrates deeply on playing with Jordan’s hair. Meanwhile, Jordan CARELESSLY grabs the sheet from Alex whilst revealing a visible unimpressed and aggravated look on his face - as if Chantelle’s presence is building his ANGER.

GILES (O/S) (CONT’D)a remix of the hit song ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ by Frank Sinatra, remade to tell the tale of Peter Pan!

Almost the opposite to Chantelle and Jordan, Alex then hands a sheet to a much elder yet charismatic man named VIC. You can sense his passion and motivation just from the way he NODS and takes in everything which Giles explains. Meanwhile, he GREETS Alex with a beaming smile as she hands him the sheet, before returning to listen to Giles INTENTLY.

GILES (O.S) (CONT’D)The second sheet is a monologue direct from my hit musical...

Moving on, Alex then hands sheets to another close young couple called Jamie and Ruby - however immediately seem to enjoy each others company much more, compared to Chantelle and Jordan. We see Jamie delicately FLICK Ruby’s long blonde hair and then gently WHISPER something in her ear, in which Ruby responds in laughter. She continues to laugh before stopping to smile PLEASANTLY to Alex as she takes two audition sheets.

GILES (O.S) (CONT’D)...After both of these auditions, please wait outside to be called back in. You have 20 minutes before we see the first auditonee!

Alex then passes an audition sheet to a rather TIMID young female called MADDIE.


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Sitting at least a couple of yards away from everyone else, Maddie’s hair covers half of her face as she looks down to FIDDLE her thumbs. After receiving the sheet, she glances up to Alex and responds by MIMING “thank you” whilst returning a FAINT smile. She then looks back down at the sheet before lightly NIBBLING her bottom lip as she concentrates.

GILES (CONT’D)Oh and as you may have noticed we have some company today! So time to work extra hard!

Giles SECRETLY attempts to point to the DOCUMENTARY CREW.

GILES (CONT’D)We will be announcing the roles at the end of the day. Any questions? (beat)No? (beat)Good luck.

Moments after, Chantelle URGENTLY raises her hand, repeatedly shaking the tops of her fingers to gain any form of attention. The GRINDING sound of her chewing gum begins to become IRRITATING, judging from Ruby’s glare at Chantelle.

CHANTELLEYeah, actually I’ve got a question, what if we don’t want to audition with that stupid song? What if we bought our own song?

Jordan then ROLLS his eyes in disappointment whilst Giles responds with what seems to be a forced smile.

GILESOf course CHANTELLE, whatever suits you best.

Chantelle, without SPEAKING a word, SHRUGS Jordan as she DRAMATICALLY jumps off her chair before STROLLING to the end of the stage. She then RUTHLESSLY jumps off, before herself and the bothersome sound of her chewing gum leaves the hall. Giles too rolls his eyes before SHARPLY clapping his together.

GILES (CONT’D)Chop chop ladies and gents! Time is making fools of us again!


Now that auditions are on the way, Chantelle unquestionably goes first. She STRUTS along the CREAKING stage, clutching her hand onto a MICROPHONE as she BELTS her voice out.


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CHANTELLE[dialogue from the song she is singing, dependent on cast]


Preparing for her interview, Chantelle has now changed outfit - she’s now wearing a black fedora hat, long-sleeve grey jumper and a short skirt with black tights. She gazes at herself in a black portable mirror and PUFFS her hair, making sure she looks perfect. She inhales and closes her eyes for a few moments.


She then reveals a forced yet FLASHING smile, revealing her pearl white teeth. She constantly FLUTTERS from side to side whilst FRANTICLY pushing her hair behind her shoulders.

CHANTELLE TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)This is my 17th play with the company. It should actually be 18, but that was the summer of 2011 when Jordan broke my heart and got with some sket from the crew. But that’s in the past, he came running back as per, and how could he not? Look at me.

Chantelle then plays with her hair for the last time before PEERING around her chair to check to see what Jordan’s doing.


Her FLASHING smile literally wipes off her face as she watches Jordan gaze at Maddie’s audition - he rests his hand on his chin whilst revealing a charmed smile.


Turning back around, Chantelle’s forced smile now seems reasonably concerning - you can see her anger waiting to explode by looking at her eyes STRAINING and her jaw CLENCHING. Meanwhile, Jordan catches Chantelle’s concerning look and HASTILY stands up and pushes the chair back, causing it to SQUEAK on the floor. It’s clear from his exit that he’s fed up of Chantelle’s constant spying.


Moving to an enclosed box room, Jordan’s unimpressed look returns as he prepares for an interview. He folds his arms and leans upwards against the chair, before exhaling to relief a long-winded sigh.


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As Jordan STROPS off stage, Maddie can be seen standing, alone, in the centre of the stage, about to begin her audition. The only sound you hear is the RUSTLING of her audition sheet, as she TREMORS and SHAKES to an extent that she can’t control the movement of her sheet. Her legs are crossed and she attempts to SWALLOW to clear her throat - as well as her nerves.


Moving to an interview, Maddie sits AWKWARDLY on the chair and constantly FIDGETS and SHUFFLES in an attempt to get comfortable. She holds her hands together and SPEAKS in a SHAKY manor. She nervously TAPS her foot on the floor, causing the chair to SQUEAK simultaneously.

MADDIE TALKING HEADWhat part am I auditioning for? (beat)I’m auditioning for Wendy, but, erm, (beat)this is the first time that I’ve auditioned for anything. Ever. I’ve been wanting to join for a couple of years now and I knew this is my last chance. I can’t believe “AA” could be shutting down for good this year, I mean, I saw them last year and it was amazing. But I’ve never done anything like this, well, at least in front of people but singing in the shower doesn’t count... or does it?


We return back to Maddie’s audition to a much brighter and positive FEEL on stage. Maddie’s nerves begin to FADE as she sings SOFTLY - her legs uncross and she drops her audition sheet so she can grip onto the microphone with both hands.

MADDIEFly me to the moon, let me play among the stars.

Meantime, the black stage curtains can be seen JOSTLING behind Vic.


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MADDIE O/SHeading far out sight, second star, to the right.

Suddenly, the curtains BURST open and Ruby’s head POKES out. She SPEAKS in an EXPLOSIVE manor causing Vic to FLINCH and jolt his chair backwards.


Catching his breath, Vic turns around before CHUCKLING once he realizes it was Ruby.

VICOh Ruby, you frightened me half to death! I didn’t see you there! It’s the new girl, I think her names called Maggie? She certainly has some talent.

Ruby, who LAUGHS QUIETLY pushes the curtains apart before sitting next to Vic. They both remain SPEECHLESS as they concentrate deeply on Maddie’s performance.

MADDIE O/S(continuing singing) Neverland, I’m coming for you.

Ruby then reveals a shocked yet ECSTATIC smile, before leaning forward to get a closer view. Giles and Alex have similar reactions - Alex smiles faintly whilst Giles seems shocked yet TWIDDLES his moustache as he concentrates.


Now for Ruby’s interview, Ruby leans forward placing both her hands on each side of her cushioned chair. She begins to SPEAK in a soft, SQUEAKY yet ENERGETIC manor.

RUBY TALKING HEADI’d be totally devastated if this was our last ever performance. I’ve moved from Wales to study a drama diploma and this company means so much to me. I mean, I wouldn’t have the friends I’d have now, or the confidence. But I have a feeling that this...

During Ruby’s interview, we see Jordan SLOWLY CREEP up on the glass window behind Ruby. He then suddenly THROWS his hands onto the glass, causing a SHARP BANGING sound that makes Ruby JUMP in horror out of her seat. The two then LAUGH whilst Ruby attempts to get comfortable in her seat.


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However, Jamie doesn’t realize that the Documentary Crew are interviewing Ruby - He glances across twice and then suddenly seems nervous. Ruby too is reminded that the Crew are there and glances between the Crew and Jamie. She seems anxious and attempts to speak however seems lost for words. Jamie then points to the Crew, still seeming startled.

JAMIEHey, err, am I interrupting?

RUBYOh hey, err, (beat)I’m just being interviewed, err, what’s up?

Jamie too seems lost for words and is put off by the Documentary Crew, judging from his SHAKEN VOICE and him constantly PEEKING at the Crew.

JAMIEOh sorry! Err, yeah that’s fine, (beat)I just wanted to ask if you wanted to grab some lunch? (beat)I’ll err, meet you at the hall.

Ruby now focuses her interest on Jamie only. As he talks, her smile WIDENS and it is clear that she is getting excited.

RUBYYeah, sounds neat!

Jamie responds with a similar ROMANTICIZED smile before leaving the room and gently SHUTTING the door. Ruby then turns back around, gazes into space as if she’s falling in love. However, all of a sudden, she then suddenly seems embarrassed yet annoyed - judging from her SCRUNCHED-UP face. She WHISPERS to herself and looks quite concerned as she realizes that the Crew are still there.

RUBY (CONT’D)Neat?! Eurh!

She then GIGGLES to herself before literally wiping the EMBARRASSMENT off her face.


Oh, that’s Jamie, he’s auditioning for Smee which definitely suits him. He likes to think he’s the joker of the group!


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She then GIGGLES again and gently wipes her face like before, however this time gazes down towards the floor before LIFTING herself back up as she stops LAUGHING. Ruby then reveals a large GLEAMING smile - as if she is thinking about Jamie.


MADDIE (still singing) Neverland, please be true.

Likewise to everyone else watching Maddie sing, Vic watches carefully as he leans forward, resting his hand on his chin. He then suddenly stands up and CLAPS AFFECTIONATELY and reveals a GLEAMING smile to Maddie as her audition finishes.


We now see Vic preparing for an interview as he leans back into the plastic chair. Vic then raises one of his feet and balances it on his knee, whilst holding his hands together and revealing a PLEASANT smile.

VIC TALKING HEADOh good morning, let me introduce myself. My name is Vic Chapman, and I’ve been doing this for years, its a strong passion of mine - it makes me feel alive being on the stage infront of everyone! It’s good to keep the heart pumping with this kind of adrenaline at my age now, and not the kind of adrenaline you get when Bargain Hunters comes on!

Vic then GIGGLES lightly to himself.

VIC TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)Mattie’s audition was outstanding! She is exactly who we need to save “AA”. I’m not sure if Chantelle will be best pleased that she’s auditioning for Wendy though.

The scene then fades to darkness showing a CONCERNED Vic, as he TWIDDLES his grey moustache.


Moving to a new location, we are introduced to most of the auditionees sitting on a small number of wide steps, all socializing to one another to create an ECHO of conversation. Jamie and Ruby walk to join everyone else, PICKING at a bag of sweets that Jamie is holding.


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Maddie can be seen in the far side sitting on a step alone, CASUALLY scrolling on her phone. Chantelle has her arm WRAPPED around Jordan before suddenly FLINGING her arm off once she spots a man wearing a grey suit named John, who seems to be DISPUTING with the Janitor judging from his excess hand movements. Chantelle then LOUDLY SHOUTS and GALLOPS over to John and the Janitor.

CHANTELLEJohn! I want a word. May I?

As she says “May I?”, Chantelle raises her eyebrows to the janitor, asking him to leave. The Janitor doesn’t say a word yet instead responds with an evil-looking glare as he GRINDS his jaw before walking away. John and Chantelle then walk up the hallway leaving everyone minus themselves.


Now in the changing rooms, John BRISKLY pulls out his slim black smartphone from his suit trousers and begins to SCROLL on the screen, showing more interest in his phone rather than Chantelle. Nonetheless, he MUTTERS to Chantelle in a MONOTONOUS and BLAND tone.

JOHNWhat’s up Chantelle, can I help?

Chantelle inverts her eyebrows and studies John in a SUSPICIOUS manor.

CHANTELLEI was just wondering, we’ve got enough budget for this show to work this time, right? If you don’t mind me asking.

John still pays more attention to his phone however SNIGGERS to himself and lightly shakes his head.

JOHNYou know I can’t tell you that Chantelle.

Sliding his phone back into his trouser pocket, John then stretches his chest and breaths in heavily - as if he is preparing to say something serious.

JOHN (CONT’D)We’ve got just about enough for the show, but if this show doesn’t end well, then there’s not much more I can do for “AA”. Don’t worry, we can only try our best, can’t we?

He then pulls out his phone again like before.


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CHANTELLESo, what if I knew a certain someone who could, let’s say, support us?

Not paying much attention, John continues to focus on his phone, replying effortlessly. Nonetheless, the Janitor can be seen PEEKING around the exit of the changing room, secretly SPYING on their conversation.

JOHNWhat do you mean?

Becoming suspicious, Chantelle PEEKS around the room - checking both hallways making sure no one is present.

CHANTELLE (Whispering)My daddy is willing to ‘support’ us. He’s been in theatre all of his life and knows what it’s like when a theatre group is on it’s last leg. He knows how much it means to me.

John again SLIDES his phone into his trouser pocket, however now placing his hand on his chin as he now seems concerned. He too REVIEWS the room, double-checking no-one is listening.

JOHNDon’t be stupid Chantelle that’s ridiculous, I could never take money from your father, you know I’ve known him for years!

Chantelle immediately TUTS and rolls her eyes. She takes a step forward, breaking John’s personal space and responds with a RAGING but LIMITED TONE as she doesn’t want anyone to here the conversation. She stands on the top of her TOES to be just under eye-level of John.

CHANTELLEThat’s exactly why you should take it, John. He’s doing you and all of us a favour, you wouldn’t want to let everyone down, (beat)would you?

John then takes a step back and glances down. He places his hands on his hips and exhales HEAVILY as he thinks.

JOHNOK. (beat)I’ll think about it. I’ll talk to your father in more detail.



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This is very kind of him and your family, you’re doing “AA” a massive favour.

CHANTELLEIt’s fine. Daddy’s always trying to help. However, there was one thing he needed in return.

Chantelle again takes a step forward and raises herself eye-level to John, revealing a SMUG yet DEVIOUS look.

CHANTELLE (CONT’D)If he’s going to be giving away his hard earned money, I’m sure it would be totally amazing for him to see his daughter perform as the lead role? Don’t you think?

John then takes a step back and raises his voice in anger.

JOHNChantelle you know I can’t do that, it wouldn’t be fair on everyone else!

Chantelle then interrupts by raising one of her fingers to his mouth, causing John to HUSH.

CHANTELLEOK then, that’s fine. I’m sure Daddy won’t mind too much that all of the money he’s investing into the show and his daughter might not even be the lead role. That’s fine.

Still in anger, John SQUEEZES his eyes closed as his face CLENCHES. He then exhales ABRUPTLY shortly after before responding in a SOFT and WEAK tone.

JOHNFine. Just don’t tell any of the auditionees. I’ll let Giles and Alex know I want you as the lead.

Chantelle then TWIRLS her body and SMILES, before both characters leave in separate directions. However, we then see the Janitor PEEK his heard into the changing room, with his face FUMING as he CLENCHES his jaw.


Joining the auditionees again, John joins before Giles and Alex and says something which cannot be heard. We then see the three immediately head up through the hallway - where John was just with Chantelle.



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John views the floor as he thinks whilst NIBBLING his fingertips. He then exhales suddenly in an attempt to gain confidence and STROLLS over to Giles and Alex, lightly GRABBING them for a quick WORD in the SCHOOL CANTEEN.


John straightens out his blazer and FIDDLES with his tie, pulling the knot upwards to his top button on his shirt.

JOHN TALKING HEADOf course what I’m doing isn’t fair on the auditionees. But sometimes you have to take risks in life and think what’s best for everyone and for the AmDram group. At the end of the day, money makes the world go round, and this is what we need in order for this company to stay alive, for now.



JOHNRight, I’m going to be straight and honest about this. We all know this could be our last chance for this to work, otherwise it’ll be the end of ‘AA’, so I don’t want any changes to be made. Giles, this is your house on the line remember, if this fucks up, you’re going to have none of your mortgage left, are you? So, (beat)make sure Chantelle gets the role as Wendy - no argument. She’s a very talented performer and is the sort of person our company will need.

Giles and Alex glance at each other, both looking DISTRAUGHT. John then exhales ABRUPTLY again before SHRILLING his voice as he continues to become aggravated.

JOHN (CONT’D)Just choose the people who you know will perform well and DON’T take any risks thinking someone could be good if they are given the chance. Understand?


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The MUFFLING sound of a phone can be heard. John PULLS out his phone, making the sound much LOUDER and CLEARER. He then glares at Giles and Alex one more time.

JOHN (CONT’D)Don’t let me down.

Giles, who attempts to smile, then responds by TREMORING and nodding his head a couple of times, before SHAKILY replying.

GILESOh darling, I’ve never let any man down.

Alex however can barely contain her anger. Her eyes GLIMMER in the light as they nearly water from her rage. Nonetheless, she STORMS out of the canteen, leaving only the sound of heels CLUNKING on the wooden floor.


Still ENRAGED, we now see Alex standing with her hands placed on her hips. Giles meanwhile is sitting QUIETLY next to Alex, staring into space with a SCARCE look on his face.

ALEXHow can John possibly think Chantelle should be Wendy? We all know Maddie is best suited for the role! Giles why aren’t you doing anything about this?

Giles then RUSHES his hands through his hair and continues to stare in front of him. His voice is still TREMORING and it looks as if Giles has heard something he didn’t want to hear.

GILESAlex darling I know, I know. But we must listen to John, maybe Chantelle isn’t best for the role but she will still deliver. I know Maggie has talent but I cannot risk going against John and being left with nothing. How am I suppose to live if this fails and I’m left with no money?

Alex then glances at Giles with a worried look. She then sits at the edge of the chair next to Giles, staring into mid-air as she tries to think of a plan.


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Joining the gathered auditionees, Giles and Alex stop a few yards in front before Giles raises his hand to gain attention. Giles SHAKY voice alone shows that he is still worried about John’s demand.

GILESLadies and gentleman, the time has come for us to reveal the roles for the show.

Alex then gazes across to the auditionees. She too isn’t herself and a sense of GRIEF can be heard in her voice.

ALEXFirstly, we would like to say thank you for all of your auditions. It is never an easy process but Giles and I have made our decisions.

She then glances down at the casting sheet that she holds.

ALEX (CONT’D)Right so, chosen for the role of Smee - Jamie. Well done, who else would fill that role!

A combination of laughter and clapping emerges from some of the auditionees. Jamie then smiles BLISSFULLY which however is interrupted by Ruby who is CLAPPING louder than everyone else. She then looks at Jamie before MIMING something.

RUBYWell done!

Jamie smiles back and the two gaze at each other for a few moments. Giles then all of a sudden APPLAUDS at a BLASTING pace.

GILESCongratulations Ruby, (beat)You’re Tinkerbell!

Ruby then CLENCHES both of her hands in EXCITEMENT whilst some auditionees clap again.

JAMIEWell done Ruby! I knew you’d get it!

Still ECSTATIC, Jamie spontaneously hugs Ruby without even thinking. Knowing what he was doing, he then slyly puts his hands on his lap and darts his sight around the room as if nothing even happened.


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Chantelle watched Jordan and gave him a CONCERNED stare, whilst Ruby looked in the other direction, SMIRKING to herself.


Jamie is being interviewed in the school canteen. He’s standing and resting his hand on a kitchen surface whilst crossing one of his legs over the other, giving him a CASUAL looking stance.

JAMIE TALKING HEADA girlfriend? Me? Ha! Can’t believe it right? I know, I’m a right catch - honest.

It’s as if he’s laughing at himself, as he talks in a joking yet sarcastic manor.

JAMIE TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)I’ve just been promoted to chief cashier at Morrisons now so you know. What more could a girl want?


ALEXNow, there’s no one else more perfect for this role. Vic is our hook! Congratulations Vic, better start growing a face rug! Need that moustache looking pristine.

We hear a combination of laughter and clapping again. Vic SNIGGERS QUIETLY to himself whilst revealing a CHEERFUL smile. He nods his head to Alex in a GRATEFUL manor.

GILESNext up, Peter Pan. And there’s only one toosh I want to see flying above me.

We see Giles glance and WINK at Jordan in a seductive way, before CHUCKLING to himself. Jordan’s eyes dart around the room in a response to avoid what’s just happened.

GILES (CONT’D)A very well done Jordan, we feel this character is perfect for you.

The applause and laughter returns but now at a much greater pace. Jordan responds with a faint smile until Chantelle, who seems more excited than Jordan, appears to be CLAPPING at a more noticeable and faster pace that stands out from everyone else. She then LUNGES herself at Jordan and kisses his cheek, causing him nearly to STUMBLE off his chair.


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ALEXNow for the of Wendy. This was a very hard choice for us...

Chantelle then takes no notice of Jordan and instead leans forward waiting IMPATIENTLY for the results. Meanwhile, Maddie glances up and her body becomes TENSE - she lightly CLENCHES her fists and stops TAPPING her foot.

ALEX (CONT’D)But... (beat)Chantelle. Congratulations, you are Wendy.

Immediately, Chantelle throws her audition sheet into the air as she jumps up in ELATION. She HOPS a few times on the floor whilst YELLING in excitement, whilst her audition sheet gracefully SPIRALS down to the floor. Ruby and Jamie give Alex a concerning yet BAFFLED glance, however Maddie, whose disappointment can clearly be seen from her face, RELAXES and flattens her hands, continuing to look down at the floor in ANGUISH. Chantelle then SWIFTLY returns to her seat, CARESSES her hair and casually acting as if nothings just happened.

ALEX (CONT’D)All other auditionees will fill the extra positions as the lost boys and the pirates and be stand in’s if necessary.

Alex then peeks at Maddie, giving a rather SYMPATHETIC yet saddened look.

ALEX (CONT’D)I’m sorry to those who didn’t get the roles they wanted. There’s always room for improvement and better luck for next time.


After the announcements, we see Jamie patiently holding Ruby’s bag whilst she zips up her coat. Chantelle however CLIMBS onto a chair and begins to YELL to everyone in the hall.

CHANTELLEEveryone, EVERYONE! My bae Jordan is hosting a celebration party tonight, for me getting the lead role. You’re all invited; just make sure you bring your own drink. Get there for half eight. See you soon bitches!


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As everyone begins to leave, we see Giles socializing with the janitor before shortly departing, waving goodbye. The janitor however is still in anger from what he witnessed earlier and can be seen STARING at John for a few moments.


Now with everyone left, Maddie is seen being interviewed however seems UPSET as she sits balancing her hands on her cheeks, causing them to slightly SQUEEZE inwards.

MADDIE TALKING HEADI mean, I knew that I wouldn’t get the role, but I guess after some people’s reactions to my audition, I thought there may’ve been a slight chance.

During Maddie’s interview, Vic walks across the hall, sliding his hand through his jacket as he prepares to leave. He EAVESDROPS Maddie’s interview, causing him to stop and walk over to Maddie.

MADDIE TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)Oh well, I’m sure Chantelle’s audition was much better anyway.

Vic then places his hands on Maddie’s shoulders, causing her to jump slightly. He then PEERS around to show his presence before walking around and lowering himself to a level close to Maddie.

VICOh don’t worry Mattie, we all have to start off somewhere. You are extremely talented and you will get the role you want sooner than you think. I remember when I first started in the theatre, back in 1971 I was auditioning for Midsummer Night’s Dream, for the role of Theseus.

Maddie smiles as she LISTENS to Vic, however begins to glance around as Vic continues to RANT on about his life.

VIC (CONT’D)But turnt out that I got the role as the Ass instead! It wasn’t the best of experiences and it may have knocked my confidence a bit, but I stuck to it and applied for Hamlet in which I succeeded. I was ecstatic! And since then on I...

Ruby tries not to glance around the room in boredom as she doesn’t want to be rude and not listen to Vic’s LECTURES.


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We are introduced to a CRAMPED and narrow location which is darkly-lit throughout - apart from white fairy-lights attached to the walls, and a FLASHING GLOW coming from a closed room that BRIGHTENS up the hallway walls for a glimpse of a second. Alex can be seen leaving the flashing room, allowing the glow to GLIMMER throughout and reveal a narrow hallway leading to a CLUSTERED and small kitchen showing Maddie sitting on a black-surfaced counter. She takes a SIP out of a plastic cup and begins to TAP her foot on a cabinet to the FADED BEAT of music that echoes across the hallway.


With a FAINT ECHO of music BEATING, Alex is sitting on the edge of a made double bed. The patterned curtains are drawn with a ceiling light on that helps to show that Alex is in a bedroom. Nonetheless, Alex seems FATIGUED and unimpressed, which is clear as she supports her head with her hand.

ALEX TALKING HEADWell like always, Jordan throws a party for Chantelle for her getting the ‘best’ role.

She then inverts two of her fingers as she says ‘best’ in a form of SARCASM.

ALEX TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)I mean, they are fun. We start off playing beer pong before Chantelle interrupts and makes up her own rules making sure she wins.



We now see a scene of Jamie, Ruby, Alex and Chantelle playing beer pong. We see a long wooden table with two sets of plastic cups on each side. The table has a small net positioned in the centre with Jamie and Ruby on one side, and Chantelle and Alex on the other. Chantelle LEANS across and literally LAYS on the table as she gently THROWS a white ball into one of the cups. She then SCREAMS in a piercing manor, celebrating similarly when she received the role as Wendy. Meanwhile, Alex remains unimpressed - she reveals a look as if she would have more fun being stuck in prison.


Glancing upwards, Alex then seems to look THRILLED - her SPEECH is more enthusiastic and she WIGGLES her clenched fists in the air as a way of containing her EXCITEMENT.


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And then the best part of the night - karaoke!

Her SARCASTIC excitement then instantly switches back to being unimpressed and fatigued.

ALEX TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)When you think karaoke, you think everyone would get a go. No, not when Chantelle’s around.



We now see a scene of Chantelle singing karaoke whilst Jordan, Alex and Ruby watch. She can be seen GRIPPING onto a microphone, standing directly and closely in front of a small television. She ‘attempts’ to SING the words that appear on the television.

CHANTELLESinging [x]

Whilst Chantelle focuses on pleasing everyone with her voice, Alex and Ruby do not seem to be enjoying it as much as Chantelle - they both forcefully smile but at the same time seem startled as they CRINGE to her voice. Jordan sits with nothing but a SATISFIED look as he watches Chantelle sing.


Meanwhile, Alex sighs briefly before seeming happy as she reveals a PLEASANT smile.

ALEX TALKING HEADBut you know, I suppose all of the crew deserve some time off! I’d hate to think this could be their last time, I’ve never realized how much passion there is in theatre. I mean, I’ve never seen a group of people so dedicated and determined to make this show work.


Meanwhile, the BLACK SILHOUETTES that flash in sync with the strobe light disappear from the hallway wall’s, as Alex pulls the living room door SHUT. The hallway has now darkened, however Alex carefully SKIPS down a couple of steps which lead to the kitchen. She then FLICKS the kitchen light and suddenly JUMPS as she realizes Maddie is sitting on the counter.


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ALEXWoah! Didn’t see you there Maddie! How come your sitting in here on your own?

Maddie then peeks at Maddie and smiles faintly, whilst Alex quietly SIPS her drink.

MADDIEOh, hey, I was just err, just about to go in. What are they doing in there?

ALEX then SNIGGERS, causing droplets of her drink to SPLATTER on her cheek. She then wipes her cheek before pointing down the hallway into the living room.

ALEXOh just the usual, whatever Chantelle wants.

Both Alex and Maddie glance down the darkened hallway to see Chantelle throwing a white ball, as she plays beer pong. She then YELLS as she celebrates momentarily.

ALEX (CONT’D)I’m only kidding.

Alex then LEANS over to Maddie and WHISPERS to her with a puzzled look on her face.


She then BURSTS out with laughter. Maddie then joins her lightly after before revealing a glazed and baffled look.

MADDIESo what made you join “AA”? If you don’t mind me asking. You don’t seem like the theatre type.

Alex then takes another SIP however this time drinking much more and finishing her drink and forcefully places her cup on the side - as if she’s drinking away her problems.

ALEXHa, it’s funny that you say that. I joined because my ex is an actress, so I joined as crew so we could hang out more.. She’s just got a job in America. So that’s that.

Seeming embarrassed, Maddie STUMBLES and her voice lightens as she replies SYMPATHETICALLY.

MADDIEOh, sorry, I didn’t know.


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Meanwhile, Alex then bends down to open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of wine. She fills up her glass before WAVING the bottle towards Maddie.

ALEXOh it’s fine, not to worry! Fancy a top up?

Maddie then smiles to Alex, before holding her cup in the air whilst Alex tops it up. All of a sudden, the sound of a door SLAMMING is heard, which is shortly followed by CREAKING footsteps that gradually LOUDENS until Jordan appears at the top of the stairs. Alex leans over to peak around the wall before smiling to Jordan.

JORDANOh, hey Alex, how’s it going?

He then places a white carrier bag on the kitchen surface, creating a TINGING sound that ECHOES throughout the hallway. As he draws out the glass bottles from the bag, Jordan stops what he’s doing and seems startled as he glances at Maddie - it was a surprise for him as he hasn’t met Maddie yet.

JORDAN (CONT’D)Sorry I didn’t know you were here, Mattie right? Well, I’m Jordan.

He then continues to take the bottles from the bag, before making several CLINKING noises by placing the bottles into a small white fridge. Maddie meanwhile bites her lip as she prepares to respond to Jordan, before Alex JUMPS into conversation.

ALEXDon’t worry Jordan, I’m sure Maddie could work out who you were just by listening to Chantelle.

She then GIGGLES to herself, before holding her laughter in as both Maddie and Jordan respond with a blank expression - Jordan’s seeming discontent like he’s heard the joke a numerous amount of time.

JORDANGood one Alex, didn’t expect that one coming.

They then all GRIN whilst Jordan stretches over Maddie to reach for a pint glass. Maddie then SHUFFLES back and leans against a kitchen cupboard in an attempt to stay out of Jordan’s way.


Coming from the end of the hallway, a door SMASHES against a wall and we see Chantelle appear as she glares towards the kitchen in an extremely intimidating yet fearful manor.


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She is clearly angry judging from her FLARED nostrils and a EERIE GRINDING sound coming from her mouth as she painfully GRINDS chewing gum amongst her teeth.


Jumping to the sudden sound of the door BANGING, Alex, Jordan and Maddie’s conversation comes to a halt as they all TILT their heads to Chantelle.


Still showing her EXPLOSIVE look, we now see Chantelle being interviewed as she stands dominantly with her hands placed on her hips.

CHANTELLE TALKING HEADNO ONE, goes for my man. And I mean NO ONE.

She then THROWS her head in anger as she SCREAMS ‘NO ONE’.

CHANTELLE TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)Especially not this new girl. Maggie? I don’t know who the flipping EFF she thinks she is.


Still in anger, Chantelle then attempts to calm herself down by closing her eyes and inhaling deeply. But it seems that this didn’t work, as she then STOMPS along the hallway, heading towards the kitchen. Jordan RUBS his hands along his forehead as if he can expect what is going to happen. He then whispers quietly to himself as he looks down in despair.

JORDANOh god. Here we go again.

Chantelle finish with one last PIERCING STOMP, just a couple of yards away from Maddie and Jordan. She stares directly into Jordan’s eyes, expecting him to apologize for something. He glances up and stares back without saying a word.

CHANTELLEJORDAN! What on Earth do you think your doing with this Maggie girl?!

Maddie looks at the floor and responds in a TREMORED voice.

MADDIEIts Maddie.

Chantelle then sarcastically looks up to Maddie and QUIVERS her lip, revealing a DOLEFUL expression.


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CHANTELLEOh I’m ever so sorry! Mattie, Maggie, whatever your name is!

Returning back to her angered self, she then ABRUPTLY moves her head centimeters away from Jordan and SCREECHES.

CHANTELLE (CONT’D)What do you think you’re doing flirting with the new girl? How could you do this on my party night, does it look like I have mug written on my forehead?

Jordan then anxiously steps back and TUTS and SIGHS QUIETLY at Chantelle. His voice then raises as an attempt to compete with Chantelle’s.

JORDANChantelle you’re overreacting, I only leaned over to get my drink. See?

He then SHAKES his drink infront of Chantelle’s face, causing some to DRIZZLE and LEAK down the side of the cup.

JORDAN (CONT’D)I was only saying hi, I thought it would be a decent idea seeing as we’re gonna be working together from now on.

Maddie then looks up at Jordan and Chantelle in confidence.

MADDIEWe were just talking that’s all.

Speechless, Chantelle continues to stare between Jordan and Maddie. Alex meanwhile, who is squashed and cornered in the kitchen, continues to SIP her drink in a SLY manor - trying not to get involved with the argument. Chantelle then SPINS around and STOMPS back up the hallway, with the VIBRATION of her footsteps slowly fading away.


As Chantelle reaches the end of the hallway, the bedroom door suddenly SWINGS open, shortly followed by Jamie and Ruby who STUMBLE out of the room,. They then bounce off the hallway bannister and drunkenly fall to the floor as they laugh HYSTERICALLY. Ruby then falls into Jamie’s chest as they’re laughter comes to an end before he hugs her from behind.


Chantelle reveals a GOBSMACKED expression - slightly more exaggerated compared to Alex, Ruby and Maddie. She opens her mouth wide and blinks promptly.


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CHANTELLEWhat the eff?

Now realising that people are watching them, Jamie and Ruby seem guilty as they almost instantly stand up. However as they stand, Jamie NUDGES Ruby to the side as she was still standing very close in front of him. The tension is released when Jordan CLAPS EMPHATICALLY, which no-one pays attention to as they are shocked on what they’ve just seen.

JORDANWahey! Go on Jamie! I knew you had it in ya boy!

Jordan, who seems to be the only one who is EXCITED, squeezes past Chantelle and Alex and lowers one of his hands as he waits for Jamie to high-five him. Jamie then glances at Ruby, as if he’s asking for confirmation, before joyfully high-fiving Jordan. Jordan then uses his other hand to hug Jamie whilst Ruby glances all over the room in embarrassment. Alex holds her glass in a SMUG manor - as if she already knew about Jamie and Ruby.

ALEXWell, who knew?

Beginning to panic from embarrassment, Ruby then nervously bites her lip before FORCING herself past Jamie and Jordan. She grabs her black jacket from the bannister before RUSHING down the stairs and leaving the flat with a sudden BANG from the door.

JAMIERuby, wait! Where are you going?

As Ruby pushes past Jordan, Jordan takes a step back from 12 12Jamie and watches Ruby leave with a DISMAL concern on his face. He attempts to shout to Ruby yet only WHISPERS - his voice TREMORS in guilt as he feels he has embarrassed Ruby. The scene ends with Jordan glancing around the room in an attempt to think on what to do next - if he should follow Ruby and apologize, or leave her be.


We are introduced to a GLISTENING day as sunlight BEAMS through the tall glass windows in the school hall. The light GLIMMERS along the wooden stage floor, brightening the room and some of the cast who are gathered on the school stage. However, most of the crew appear not to seem as SHIMMERING as the sunlight. Jordan covers his eyes to block the light, whilst a rather fatigued Maddie is having to struggle to keep her eyes open. Meanwhile, a more energetic Giles and Alex STROLL onto the stage before joining the crew. Like before, Giles forcefully coughs and raises his hand, bringing the MURMURING ECHO of the crew’s conversation to a halt.


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GILESGood morning all, and what a beautiful morning it is! Today is our first day of auditions so lets begin with a bang and rehearse the ‘You Can Fly’ scene.


We then see an unimpressed Chantelle being interviewed. She then FLARES her nostrils and at the same time rolls her eyes.

CHANTELLE TALKING HEADHow did our first rehearsals go today? You can answer that yourself. For a start, everyone barely put any effort in. I did try telling people not to drink too much otherwise it’ll ruin everything for today. But did anyone listen? No.


As Chantelle continues to rant, we return back to the crew to see Jordan looking blankly through Giles - taking no interest in what he’s saying. Jamie meanwhile too seems at a lost. He leans into his chair revealing a hollow expression however clearly has something playing on his mind. Feeling GROGGY from the previous night, a rather pale looking Ruby is softly holding her stomach whilst seeming stressed. Vic however is seeming much more passionate - he’s sitting on the edge of his seat and STROKES his chin as he listens excitedly.


CHANTELLE TALKING HEAD (CONT’D)Secondly, Ruby decided to be selfish by ruining MY scene because she felt ‘sick’. I mean, did she purposely wait till the second I was about to rehearse to say she might throw up?


We now see Jordan, Chantelle and Ruby stand yards away from each other as they are rehearsing for the show. Chantelle WHIPS her hair behind her head and PATS herself down as she prepares for rehearsals. Ruby meanwhile seems startled and jolts slightly before holding her stomach with both hands.

GILESAnd, scene seat. (beat)Action.


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Giles then CLIPS the movie clapper, leading Jordan to effortlessly raise his hand to point to the ceiling.

JORDANI know what we need, (beat)Pixie dust!

Reading from his sheet, he then suddenly grabs Ruby’s hips, gently shaking her to and fro in an attempt to find the ‘pixie dust’. However, as Jordan shakes Ruby, she begins to hold her breath and FREEZES, before shoving Jordan away. She flees the stage and SPRINTS towards the changing room, with the sound of her GAGGING loudening the school stage. Jordan glances at Giles in exasperation - nothing compared to a rather dramatic yet irritated Chantelle.


CHANTELLE TALKING HEADAnd lastly. Jordan. He hasn’t even apologized for last night and we’re not even talking. I can’t believe he told me I’m overreacting when I’m CLEARLY not!


Moments after, Jamie LAUNCHES out of his chair and hastily walks to join Ruby. Giles attempts to stop Jamie however fails, leaving a rather bitter expression on his face.

GILESOk, fine, we’ll set for the ‘Thimble Kiss’ scene.

Chantelle then makes a PITHY GRUNTING noise in disappointment.

GILES (CONT’D)When you’re ready, Jordan.

Jordan then picks up his script and FLICKS over a couple of pages, taking in what it says for a few moments.

JORDANA thimble? What’s a thimble?

All of a sudden, Chantelle’s temper EXPLODES - she HURLS her script towards the floor, causing it to swiftly spiral down to the floor. By the time it reaches the floor, Chantelle’s foot SMASHES against the floor, creating an ECHOING CLUNK.


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CHANTELLEEveryone knows its KISS first, and then THIMBLE! I can’t work with these amateurs! Ugh, I’m taking five!

She then furiously VACATES the stage, causing Jordan to then SCRUNCH his script in fury and glare up to the ceiling before SIGHING heavily. It seems clear that Chantelle’s exit has managed to anger other members of the crew, as Alex even SHAKES her head in disappointment. Giles QUIVERS his mouth as he struggles on what to say.

GILESGreat. Err, (beat)We need an understudy.

There is silence for a few moments, however some of the crew including Jordan briefly glance at Maddie. She realizes that people are hinting that she should step in, causing her to become ALARMED and dart her eyes around the room. Suddenly, the Janitor NUDGES Maddie forward whilst giving her a reassuring look, causing Maddie to gain Giles’ attention. Maddie then feels the pressure - her body FREEZES and her knees begin to SHUDDER in anxiety. Giles’ face however lights up and he smiles at Maddie in an attempt to calm her nerves.

GILES (CONT’D)Ah Mattie, thank you for stepping in.

Maddie then replies almost SOUNDLESSLY, however Giles didn’t hear her response.

MADDIEIt’s Maddie! (beat) oh.

Giles then CLAPS EMPHATICALLY and some of the crew then lean forward to show their interest in Maddie.

GILESRight everybody! Let’s try the ‘Thimble kiss’ scene, everybody get into position.

Maddie then SWALLOWS nervously and blinks at a faster rate, whilst her eyesight glances around the stage in angst. Giles then points to a part of Maddie’s script.

GILES (CONT’D)Right Maddie we’re going to start from here.

Giles then SHUFFLES back and CLAPS as he says ‘ACTION!’


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GILES (CONT’D)And ACTION! So Maddie begin with ‘How old are you Peter?’

She takes one last deep breath and lightly NODS her head in agreement. She closes her eyes for a few seconds before looking directly at Jordan. Likewise to Maddie, Jordan now seems anxious - he is standing up straight and appears to be tighter.

MADDIEHow old are you, Peter?

JORDANQuite young.

MADDIEDon’t you know?

JORDANI ran away. One night I heard my mother and father talking on what I need to do to become a man. So, I ran away to Kensington gardens which is where I met Tink.

Maddie’s voice then seems BOLDER as she begins to gain confidence. She begins to look at Jordan more instead of her script.


JORDANTinkerbell. My fairy.

Although acting, Maddie then smiles at Jordan and SNIGGERS to HERSELF.

MADDIEBut there’s no such thing as...

Jordan then suddenly jogs over to Maddie before covering her mouth with his hand. Meanwhile, Giles and Alex both watch with a serious and concentrated gaze.

JORDANDon’t say that! Every time someone says that, a fairy somewhere falls down dead. And I shall never find her if she’s dead!

Now seeming more motivated than the previous rehearsal, Jordan then removes his hand from Maddie’s mouth. Maddie is now in character - she raises her eyebrows and her mouth drops open in excitement.


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MADDIEYou don’t need to tell me, there’s a fairy in this room?

JORDANYou can’t be listening to the stories. I like the one about the prince, who couldn’t find the lady who wore glass slippers?


Maddie then walks towards Jordan, and drops the script whilst doing so. She then looks directly into his eyes - with Jordan doing the same.

MADDIE (CONT’D)Peter, you found her! And they, and they, (beat)Live, happily ever after.

Still in character, JORDAN then sighs and SMIRKS to himself.

JORDANI knew it.

MADDIEI should like to give you, a, (beat)a, thimble.

JORDANWhat’s that?

Maddie then glances at Giles for reassurance. She suddenly returns back to reality and darts her eyes around the room as she becomes nervous. She returns back to Jordan who too realizes that the two are now due to kiss. Fortantely for the two, a BLARING CLAP is heard and LOUDENS as John appears as he walks out of the changing room. He appears to be DAZZLED by their performance, judging from his GLEAMING smile. Maddie and Jordan then smile faintly at each other before BLISSFULLY looking down as the rest of the cast begin to APPLAUD.

JOHNThat was amazing, well done both of you!

Alex who too is CLAPPING smiles HEARTILY at Maddie.

JOHN (CONT’D)Maddie you have incredible talent, why haven’t we seen any of this? You both work extremely well together.



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Giles, I don’t know why you haven’t given Maddie a shot as Wendy, she is what we need to turn this company around!

Frustratingly, Giles looks at John in a confused manor. He SHUFFLES over to him before WHISPERING in his ear.

GILESBut John darling, I’m just doing...

John then STEPS towards Maddie - completely ignoring a rather baffled Giles.

JOHNI’m hoping that I won’t regret this but I know this will be a great decision. (beat)Maddie, how would you like the lead as Wendy?

Maddie responds by initially glancing at Alex for reassurance, in which we see Alex graciously smile and MIME something to Maddie. Without warning, a DEAFENING BANG is heard off stage, causing Maddie to JOLT. Jordan meanwhile shakes his head and covers his eyes as he knows exactly who it’ll be - Chantelle. The sound of HEAVY footsteps SMASHING the wooden floor gradually LOUDEN before springing up on stage. You can guess from her FLARED nostrils and CLENCHED fists that she heard what John just said. She then furiously unclips her clip microphone before LAUNCHING it onto the floor, causing an ECHOING BOOM as it his the floor.

CHANTELLETurn this off now! Turn it off!

The scene comes to an end as we see an infuriated Chantelle chasing the CAMERAMAN off the stage.


We now return back to the hall with an interview with Giles and Alex. The both appear to be reasonably QUIET and seem EDGY - as if they are about to apologize about something.

ALEX TALKING HEADFirstly, we’d just like to apologize for Chantelle’s actions, we didn’t really expect her to go crazy at the camera. Oh and we’ll pay for the damage for the clip mic. However...

Giles then interrupts Alex and momentarily LEANS forward.



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GILES TALKING HEADBut what do you know, Maggie is now Wendy! We all know that show bizz can be tough, but at least now we have a chance!

Alex then SOFTLY pulls him back into his chair in an attempt to calm Giles down. She then SNIGGERS for a few seconds - however not with Giles, but at him.

ALEX TALKING HEADGiles, you do know her name’s Maddie, not Maggie, right?

Giles then attempts to reply however stops as he thinks to himself. His excitement suddenly turns to a face of guilt as he realizes he has been saying Maddie’s name wrong. His eyes dart around the room as he thinks before smiling faintly to Alex, and then turning back around to infront of him.

