Page 1: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

Yr. 7 History Revision2018-19

Page 2: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

How does time work?1) What does BC mean?

2) What does AD mean?

B.C. stands for Before Christ, and it means the number of years before the time of Jesus Christ.

A.D. stands for Anno Domini, which is Latin for "year of our Lord," and it means the number of years since the time of Jesus Christ.

Chronological Order = the arrangement of events in date order (oldest to most recent).

Page 3: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

The Norman Invasion - 1066

Page 4: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

How did William the Conqueror* secure power in England after the Battle of Hastings?

* From the word ‘Conquer’ which means to overcome and take over a place, by military force.

Page 5: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

The Harrying of the North• A number of campaigns by William the Conqueror during the winter of 1069-

70 to show he was in control of England and also as punishment for a rebellion against him which took place in the north of the country.

• Williams men massacred (deliberately and brutally killed) many people, burnt their villages to the ground and killed their livestock.

• They also put salt into the ground so that crops would not grow. This meant that people had nothing to eat and many died of starvation.

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Page 7: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

The Normans built the first proper castles in England. They needed bases from which to control the countryside, and strongholds to protect them from Saxon attack.

The castles had to be built in a hurry, so they were originally built of timber on an earth mound (a Motte).

Why was the castle built out of timber?

What were the disadvantages of this?

Motte and Bailey Castles

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Keep – the safest place in the castle.

Motte –defensive mound of earth.

Moat – this made it harder to reach the walls. Palisade – these were

made of wood and formed a fence.

Bailey – large walled area where the soldiers and animals lived.

Bridge – from the Motte to the bailey.

Early castles

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The Middle Ages

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The Church gave people comfort when they were sad or in trouble, just as it does today. But during the middle ages there was more hardship than there is now. Disease, starvation, cruelty and poverty were much more common. Those that suffered could find comfort in the thought of heaven.

What could the Church offer people?

During the Middle Ages, everybody went to church and would identify as Christian.Christianity in England during this time was still Catholicand the Pope was in charge.

Page 11: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

The church supplied many of the services that government does today. The only hospitals were those run by the Church. Poor people could sometimes get food, clothes and shelter in a monastery or church. Sometimes the Church would protect people from greedy or cruel lords. The Church offered a few boys the chance of going to school.

What could the Church offer people?

Page 12: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ days were days off too, as well as the day of the saint name was given to the local church. Holidays were times of eating, drinking and processions.

What could the Church offer people?

Page 13: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

The parish church was the centre of village life. People went there nearly every day. What kind of things did they go for?

Villagers went there to pick up news.

People had lessons with the priest.

Markets, festivals and games were held here.

The things going on in and around the church often entertained and

amused people as villagers’ lives could be

quite dull!

People believed strongly in heaven and hell.Theyhoped that by going to

church they’d get to heaven.

Criminals could seek sanctuary in a church.

The importance of the parish church

Page 14: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

What was the Black Death?

The Black Death is also known as the plague. In the fourteenth century it spread rapidly across Europe and caused a massive reduction in population. It is known as an epidemic, which means a rapid spread of an infectious disease in a given population within a short period of time.

People who caught the disease had swellings on their bodies (called buboes), sometimes as big as eggs. Then the black spots would appear, which gave the disease its name.

Page 15: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

The Black Death killed nearly 2.5 million people in Britain between 1347 and 1350, about a third of the population!

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Egg-sized lumps (buboes) appeared under the arms and in the groin.

Page 17: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

The patient began to vomit.

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Patches appeared on the skin, caused by internal bleeding.

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The victim suffered uncontrollable muscular spasms.

Page 20: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

If the patient was very lucky, The buboes would burst, releasing black puss. In this case, he/she MAY survive.

Usually, though, the victim would die.

Page 21: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

Doctors followed the ideas of Galen.

The average life expectancy was 40.

1348: The Black Death reached


People lackedknowledge about germs and believed diseases could be caused by:

•Bad Smells.

•Humours out of balance.

•Movement of the Sun and Planets.

•God and the Devil.

•Invisible fumes and poisonous air.

MIASMA=Bad air.

Treatments for illness included:

•Blood Letting.

•Herbal Remedies.

When herbal treatments or bloodletting failed people would pray.

Efforts were made to keep towns clean but they did not have the money or workforce to build sewers or pipes for clean water.

Medieval Medicine1066 - 1485

Page 22: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

King John – the Magna Carta man• King John was the son of Henry II and younger brother of Richardthe Lionheart. • He was unlucky because by the time he became King in 1199, his older brother had spent most of the Crown’s money fighting wars abroad.• Medieval kings could get into serious trouble if they did not havethe qualities of a King. In the 13th century some barons forcedKing John to give up some of his power. • He is famous as ‘Prince John’ in the stories of Robin Hood. In thestories he is a wicked and foolish prince who taxes the people ofEngland unfairly. • Some historians say John was just as foolish in real life. Others sayhe was simply unlucky.

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Mistake 1 - PopeHe quarrelled with the Pope about how to run the Church. From 1208 until 1213, the Pope banned all church services in England and English people feared that they would all go to Hell! Some Church leaders blamed John for the trouble.

Mistake 2 - FranceJohn went to war twice against the French king. Hisarmy was badly beaten both times. He lost almostall the land that his father had gained in France.

Page 24: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

Mistake 3 - TaxesJohn raised taxes in England to pay for the wars. This upset his Barons. He ordered them to pay far more tax than earlier Kings had done. He also demanded that they give him their best soldiers.

Mistake 4 - CruelJohn treated monks very badly and once threw some blind and crippled monks out of a monastery. It was also rumoured that he murdered his nephew Arthur in a drunken rage.

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Page 26: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

How did the barons strike back?

• In 1214 many barons rebelled against John. They believed that he could not rule the country properly and was treating them unfairly. If someone did not do something the whole country may be ruined.

• In 1215 the barons forced John to grant a charter, which was the first time anyone had expected an English king to obey a set of rules.What do you think happened to John’s power because of


Page 27: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

I, King John, accept that I have to govern according to the law.

• Not to interfere with the church.• Not to imprison nobles and barons without trial.• That trials will be held quickly and fairly.• To stop unfair taxes.• That I will not ask for extra taxes.• To let merchants travel around the country to buy

and sell without having to pay large taxes.

The Magna Carta was signed at Runnymede in 1215.

Why did the Barons/Nobles

want these rules? What had John been doing to demand such


Page 28: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

1) In your opinion which are the three most importantnew rules from the Magna Carta. Write them in your book, with a reason for each (see p.108 of ‘Invasion, Plague and Murder’).

2) Write a paragraph explaining why people still think that the Magna Carta is important today.

HINT: Read ‘The Magna Carta today’ on p.109 of ‘Invasion, Plague & Murder’.

To Summarise

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What happened after the Magna Carta was signed?

Page 30: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

What do you think the Peasants Revolt is?

Revolt = Taking violent action

against those in charge.

Page 31: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

Is life as a peasant good?

What do you already know about a peasant’s life? What could a peasant do about their situation?

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Black Death Work Service Poll Tax

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Poll Tax – things turn nastyThings turned nasty in May 1381 when King Richard II’s officials arrived at the village of Fobbing, Essex, to collect the poll tax. Three of the king’s tax collectors were killed by the peasants but one escaped and rode back to London to tell the king. Word soon spread and other tax collectors were attacked all over Essex and Kent – the Peasant’s Revolt had begun!

Fobbing, Essex

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Rioting spread from Essex to Kent. The rebels were under the command of Wat Tyler. By 12th

June 1381, the rebels had reached London. John Ball gave a number of rousing speeches.

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Henry II and Thomas Becket• King Henry II and Thomas Becket were good

friends. They did a lot together and Henry had made Thomas his Chancellor – a very important job at this time.

• Henry II did not have the power to punish everyone in his kingdom. People who worked for the church and broke the law went to the church’s own courts. This may not seem like a big deal, but in 1162 one in six people worked for the church, therefore Henry felt as though he did not have as much power over these people as he would have liked.

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• Henry appointed his friend Thomas Becket as Archbishop of Canterbury, which meant that Thomas would be in charge of religion in England. Henry thought this meant he would ultimately be in control of religion and could start punishing people how he wanted.

• However Thomas took the new job very seriously and stopped drinking and wearing fancy clothes – instead he spent hours praying and wore an itchy goat-hair shirt.

Henry II and Thomas Becket

Page 38: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

Answer the following in your book

1) Who was Thomas Becket?2) Why did King Henry II appoint him to the position of

Archbishop of Canterbury?3) How did this lead to Henry and Thomas falling out?

Use p.102-103 of ‘Invasion, Plague & Murder’ to help you answer these


Page 39: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

• Henry and Thomas began to quarrel because Thomas would not change the church as Henry wanted him to, and after one particularly big argument, Thomas fled to France for six years.

• Becket returned, but soon him and Henry fell out again. Henry was heard shouting “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest”.

• Four knights who were stood nearby heard Henry and rode to Canterbury to get rid of Thomas.

Henry II and Thomas Becket

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• On the evening of 11th December 1170 the knights arrived in Canterbury and confronted Thomas inside Canterbury cathedral. Here they murdered him.

• Upon hearing the news, Henry was horrified. He hadn’t exactly meant for Thomas to be killed! He was also afraid that the Pope would be angry with him, so he walked to Canterbury in his bare feetwhilst monks whipped his back. When he arrived at the cathedral, he spent the night on the hard stone floor. The Pope forgave him.

Henry II and Thomas Becket

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4) Who do you think was to blame for Becket’s death? Find one reason to blame:• the knights.• King Henry II.• Thomas Becket.

Write a PEE paragraph to explain who you think is most to blame for Becket’s death. You must give reasons for

your answer.5) Do you feel empathy towards Becket? Empathy means you can understand how he must have been feeling/you can enter into his feelings.

Answer the following in your book

Page 42: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes
Page 43: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes
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Second Crusade (1147-1149)• Saladin leads the Muslim

Turks to victory, defeating the Christians.

• He was considered a very wise and merciful ruler. He was known for occasional kind treatment of fallen enemies. Many Christians saw him as a model of knightly chivalry.

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Third Crusade (1189-1192)

King Richard, the Lionheart, of England convinces the Turks to allowChristians to visit the Holy Land.

Page 47: Yr. 7 History Revision 2018-19 · The word ‘holiday’ comes from holy day. No work was done at Christmas and the New Year, Easter and Whitsun. Major saints’ ... Invisible fumes

MercifulDictionary definition: Showing mercy.What does this actually mean? Being forgiving and compassionate. For example if somebody did something to annoy or hurt you, instead of wanting to get revenge, you forgive them (show mercy).Did you know: The word ‘mercy’ (where ‘merciful’ comes from) originates from France and is spelt ‘merci’ in French. It used to mean the same thing in France as it does in Britain, although now ‘merci’ simply means ‘thank you’.

LionheartedDictionary definition: Brave and determined.What does this actually mean? Being brave and courageous. For example, Richard I was brave, courageous and determined because he went to fight the Muslims in the Holy Land to claim the land back for Christianity. Did you know: Lions are considered to be brave animals, hence the name!

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SourcesCan you use a source to get information? Another word for this is infer. Can you read between the

lines?What is this?

Who produced

it?When was it


What does it tell us?

Can we trust it?

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CommunicationHow well you can write, i.e. using key terms

and PEE paragraphs.Questions will have keywords which will tell you what to do.

• Describe - give a detailed account of. For example: Q= Describe a feature of CRHS’s school day. A= A feature of CRHS’s school day is that the last lesson finishes at 3:40pm.

• Feature - an important aspect of something. For example: Q= Describe a feature of the Norman Conquest means describe something that you know about the Norman Conquest.

• Explain - make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts.

• Point, Evidence and Explain.P= what is your main point. Ev= what evidence is there to back up your point. Ex= How does this evidence back up your point/explain your point in more detail/add a conclusion (sum up your point).

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