Page 1: WORLD WAR I THROUGH GREAT DEPRESSION - STUDY GUIDE …€¦ · WORLD WAR I THROUGH GREAT DEPRESSION - STUDY GUIDE - US II CP This test is multiple choice and one essay question. The

WORLD WAR I THROUGH GREAT DEPRESSION - STUDY GUIDE - US II CP This test is multiple choice and one essay question. The essay question is take home, and you will be notified of the due date. The topics are broken into chapters -- as is the test -- and each topic is followed by its location in the textbook.


1. *Eugene Debs

2. *D.W. Griffith, Birth of a Nation (connection to Woodrow Wilson)

3. Zimmerman Telegram

4. US Military intervention in the Caribbean countries (between 1898 and 1934) (causes, motives, effects) (An Era of Intervention, p. 577)

5. WWI (causes) (America and the Great War, p. 581)

6. Woodrow Wilson and WWI (The Road to War, p. 584)

7. Woodrow Wilson and race (Roosevelt, Wilson, and Race, p. 596)

8. Fourteen Points (The Fourteen Points, p. 584)

9. Committee on Public Information (Creel Committee) (purpose, tactics, effect) (The Propaganda War, p. 586-587)

10. The 18th Amendment (Prohibition, p. 589)

11. The 19th Amendment (The Coming of Woman Suffrage, p. 588)

12. The Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act (1918) (The Espionage Act, p. 589)

13. The Great Migration (causes, effects, details) (The Great Migration p. 598-599)

14. The Treaty of Versailles (terms, assessment of treaty, US and the treaty) (Wilson at Versailles, p. 603, The Treaty Debate, p. 607)

15. League of Nations (purpose, reception in US) (The Treaty Debate p. 607)

16. *Eugenics (argument, its effects, methods) (The “Race Problem,” p. 593)

17. *Americanization (The “Race Problem,” p. 593)

18. Marcus Garvey (The Rise of Garveyism, p. 600)

19. The Red Scare (causes, effects, tactics of US government) (The Red Scare, p. 602)

20. Woodrow Wilson and his views towards black Americans and the colonized peoples of the world (The Seeds of Wars to Come, p. 606-607)

Terms/ideas to know - ch 20 (23 questions)

21. *Sacco and Vanzetti (story of, causes of trial conditions, international reaction, relation to Red Scare) (Introduction, p. 611)

22. *1920s consumer goods and credit (A New Society, p. 613)

23. *Flappers (characteristics, beliefs, effect) (Women’s Freedom, p. 618)

24. *Robert and Helen Lynd’s Middletown (their study and its findings) (Business and Government, p. 619)

25. Schenck v. United States (the Supreme Court’s arguments about speech) (A Clear and Present Danger, p. 623)

26. Scopes Monkey Trial (story of, the forces that were in opposition) (The Scopes Trial, p. 625)

27. Ku Klux Klan (The Second Klan, p. 626)

28. *Mandatory public education and Oregon (The Second Klan, p. 626)

29. US Government and immigration in the early 1900s (especially towards Asians) (Closing the Golden Door, p. 627)

30. Great Depression (causes, response by Pres. Hoover, effect domestically and globally) (The Coming of the Depression, p. 635, Hoover’s Response, p. 639)

31. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff (effect, terms) (The Worsening Economic Outlook, p. 640)

32. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (The Worsening Economic Outlook, p. 640)

33. Farmers experience in the 1920s and beyond (The Framers’ Plight, p. 615)

34. *Labor unions in the 1920s (during Red Scare) (the Decline of Labor, p. 617)

35. Oliver Wendell Holmes and Louis Brandeis (and their relation to speech) (The Court and Civil Liberties, p. 623)

36. Image of Big Business as a result of the Great Depression and a congressional investigation of them (Americans and the Depression, p. 636-7)

37. Bonus March (Resignation and Protest, p. 638)

Take Home essay question(s):

Essay Question (choose 1 for “long” essay)

1. The 1920s are commonly referred to as the Roaring Twenties. Document who was and who was not “roaring” in the 1920s. Your essay should cover more than just who was and was not thriving economically. You should discuss things such as immigration, speech, rights, farmers, race, and labor.

2. Discuss (a) the causes of World War I, and (b) the causes of the entry of the United States into World War I.

3. Identify and discuss the beliefs and arguments (regarding race) of W.E.B. Du Bois, Booker T. Washington, Woodrow Wilson and Marcus Garvey. (I’m aware that you will have the toughest time elaborating on Wilson).

4. The Great Depression came dramatically with the stock market crash, but the causes of the Depression had been planted well before 1929. Discuss what brought on the Great Depression and Hoover’s reaction to it.

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