  • WHO ARE OUR CLIENTSWoody AngstDistrict 5010Alaska and the YukonRussian Far East and Siberia

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • The 0bject of Rotary4. The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • The Purpose for Youth ExchangeTo build bridges of good will and understanding ---- one hug at a time.

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Who does this bridge serve?

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Who are our clients ?Are they the students whom we enlist to serve with Rotary?

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Rotary recruits studentsUnderage high school studentsAbove average grades in schoolRespectful and thoughtful of othersHave friends and involved with peopleFlexible and tolerant of difficult situationsHigh degree of self confidence

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Particpate in events and activitiesHave a sense of communityInitiate rerlationshipsDesire to learn more about the world communitySeek to learn and understandOpen minded (not judgemental)

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Parents lend their child to Rotary

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Rotarys Selected StudentsMay or may not come from Rotary familiesHave hormones flowing as they pass through pubertyStill need (want) the dynamics of homeRely on moms love, nurture, supportDepend on dads discipline, leadershipWant independence from their parents

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Rotarys Exchange StudentsRepresent their countries and culturesAre expected to be young ambassadorsLeave all they have and know behindAre born into a new country with a newlanguage, a new culture, a new family, a new school, new friends, new food, new clothes, and new activities

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • They proudly represent their countries

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • And invite a club President to lunch

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • But - - - students serve with RotaryTherefore, are the students really Rotarys target clientele?

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Who are our clients ?Are they the dads, moms, Rotarians, and communities that support our students?

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • People associated with each students exchangeCommit to treating the students as their own childrenLove and care for themAre there for them when it is easy and notInvolve them in their lives and activitiesGive them insights into their country and culture

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Host RotariansBecome their guardiansWelcome them into their clubsTake them into their businessesIntroduce them into their communitiesInclude them in service projectsGuide them to become effective ambassadors

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Host familiesOpen their homes and their heartsAccept them as their own childrenInvolve them in their lives and familyLove and care for themProvide nurture and disciplineSupport them as they grow up

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Someone gained a big sister

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Host schoolsEnroll them as full time studentsProvide an academic educationProvide a cultural educationIntegrate them with their peersTeach them about the world communityHelp them become citizens of the world

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Dynamic and life changing resultsWe gain a son or daughterThey call us Dad and MomWe see ourselves and our country through their eyesThey see themselves and their country through our eyes

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Thai students share their culture with a dinner for their hosts

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Both of us are enriched by a cross-cultural understanding of each otherThey are fibers that we weave into the fabric of our communityThey become the bridge between peoples of two countries and two culturesWe are beneficiaries of the commerce peace, good will, understanding that will flow across that bridge

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Mexican student reads familiar story to children in Spanish

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Who are our clients ?Are they the students - - - -whom we nurture to grow up to be responsible adults in the world community and graduates of our program with an emphasis in ambassadorial studies?Are they the people of the world - - - -who are bound together by the bridges of good will and understanding that our students built?

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • An ambassador speaks. Which country is she representing?

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • May I suggest - - - -Both might be our clients.

    But, the students are the bridge builders;And, the people in two countries are the ultimate beneficiaries of each bridge that was built by a Rotary Exchange Student.

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

  • Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of the question

    Pre-Convention Youth Exchange Meetings -- Salt Lake City

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