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Learning Sukhmani Sahib suKmnI swihb sMiQAw

Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Lesson 2

Ajmel Singh


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Most Helpful Grammar Rules “ i ” Prepositions (Identity)

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, etc.

– Why? For Distinction: ivcuivcolw, AMdruihrdw, sMguswQ, mhmhInw

miq ivic rqn jvwhr mwixk jy iek gur kI isK suxI ]2(Preposition)

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules “ i ” Prepositions (Identity)

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, etc.

– Why? For Distinction: ivcuivcolw, AMdruihrdw, sMg uswQ, mhmhInw

miq ivic rqn jvwhr mwixk jy iek gur kI isK suxI ]2 (Preposition)

ivcuivcolw n koeI kir skY iks QY rovih roj ] 135 (Noun)

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Feminine Nouns (Identity)

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq

–Why? For Distinction: kwmxutUxw, kwmxtUxy, qruxjvwnI

nwmw CINbw kbIru juolwhw pUry gur qy giq pweI ] 67

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Masculine Nouns (Case)

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity)

1. Nominative ‘ny’: nwniknwnk ny, prmysirprmySr ny, guirgurU ny

prmysir idqw bMnw ] 627

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Masculine Nouns (Case)

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity)

1. Nominative ‘ny’: nwniknwnk ny, prmysirprmySr ny, guirgurU ny

2. Instrumental (nwl, rwhIN, duAwrw): sbidSbd rwhIN

jb lg sbid n BydIAY ikau sohY gurduAwir ] 19

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Masculine Nouns (Case)

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity)

1. Nominative ‘ny’: nwniknwnk ny, prmysirprmySr ny, guirgurU ny

2. Instrumental (nwl, rwhIN, duAwrw): sbidSbd rwhIN

3. Ablative (qoN, pwsoN, koloN): EAMkwirEAMkwr qoN

EAMkwir bRhmw auqpiq ] 929

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Masculine Nouns (Case)

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity)

1. Nominative ‘ny’: nwniknwnk ny, prmysirprmySr ny, guirgurU ny

2. Instrumental (nwl, rwhIN, duAwrw): sbidSbd rwhIN

3. Ablative (qoN, pwsoN, koloN): EAMkwirEAMkwr qoN

4. Locative (iv~c, AMdr, auqy): GitsrIr/ihrdy iv~c

Bugiq igAwnu dieAw BMfwrix Git Git vwjih nwd ]6

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Past Perfect Participles

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity):nwniknwnk ny, sbidSbd rwhIN

EAMkwirEAMkwr qoN, GitsrIr/ihrdy iv~c

4. Past Perfect Participle: ismirismr ky (Add ‘ky ‘after a verb)

ijin qUM swij svwirAw hir ismir hoie auDwru ]51

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Definitive Numbers

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity):nwniknwnk ny, sbidSbd rwhIN

EAMkwirEAMkwr qoN, GitsrIr/ihrdy iv~c

4. Past Perfect Participle: ismirismr ky (Add ‘ky ‘after a verb)

5. Definitive Numbers: qIin3, cwir4, pMic5, ATsiT68

- Why? For Distinction: cwrsuMdr/sohxIAW, pMcphMcy hoey/gurmuK

- Some Don’t For Distiction: lK100000, liKvyK/jwx ky; Kt6, Kitkmw ky

mqI mrxu ivswirAw KusI kIqI idn cwir ]15 (Number)

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Definitive Numbers

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity):nwniknwnk ny, sbidSbd rwhIN

EAMkwirEAMkwr qoN, GitsrIr/ihrdy iv~c

4. Past Perfect Participle: ismirismr ky (Add ‘ky ‘after a verb)

5. Definitive Numbers: qIin3, cwir4, pMic5, ATsiT68

- Why? For Distinction: cwrsuMdr/sohxIAW, pMcphMcy hoey/gurmuK

- Some Don’t For Distiction: lK100000, liKvyK/jwx ky; Kt6, Kitkmw ky

mqI mrxu ivswirAw KusI kIqI idn cwir ]15 (Number)

gwvY ko gux vifAweIAw cwr ]2 (Beautiful)

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Indefinite Plural Pronouns

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity):nwniknwnk ny, sbidSbd rwhIN

EAMkwirEAMkwr qoN, GitsrIr/ihrdy iv~c

4. Past Perfect Participle: ismirismr ky (Add ‘ky ‘after a verb)

5. Definitive Numbers: qIin3, cwir4, pMic5, ATsiT68

6. Indefinite Plural Adjectives: siBswry, hoirhor, Avirhor/dUjy, ieikkeI

- Use Depends on Gender and Number: sBuSingular masculine, sBSingular feminine, siBPlural both genders

hukmY AMdir sBu ko bwhir hukm n koie ]1 sBu (Singular masculine)

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Indefinite Plural Pronouns

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity):nwniknwnk ny, sbidSbd rwhIN

EAMkwirEAMkwr qoN, GitsrIr/ihrdy iv~c

4. Past Perfect Participle: ismirismr ky (Add ‘ky ‘after a verb)

5. Definitive Numbers: qIin3, cwir4, pMic5, ATsiT68

6. Indefinite Plural Adjectives: siBswry, hoirhor, Avirhor/dUjy, ieikkeI

- Use Depends on Gender and Number: sBuSingular masculine, sBSingular feminine, siBPlural both genders

hukmY AMdir sBu ko bwhir hukm n koie ]1 (Singular masculine)

Awip nwQu nwQI sB jw kI iriD isiD Avrw swd ]6 (Singular feminine)


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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Adjectives

Adjectives follow the same rules as their accompanying nouns or pronouns

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Adjectives (Exercise)

kvx su vylw vKqu kvx kvx iQiq kvx vwru ] kvx is ruqI mwhu kvx ijqu hoAw Awkwru ] Correct adjective “kvx” all places by

adding Lag

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Adjectives (Exercise)

kvxu su vylw, vKqu kvxu, kvx iQiq, kvxu vwru ] kvix is ruqI, mwhu kvxu, ijqu hoAw Awkwru ]

kvxu (with singular masculine), kvx (with singular feminine)

kvix(with plural)

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules “ i ” Use

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity):nwniknwnk ny, sbidSbd rwhIN

EAMkwirEAMkwr qoN, GitsrIr/ihrdy iv~c

4. Past Perfect Participle: ismirismr ky (Add ‘ky ‘after a verb)

5. Definitive Numbers: qIin3, cwir4, pMic5, ATsiT68

6. Indefinite Plural Adjectives: siBswry, hoirhor, Avirhor/dUjy, ieikkeI

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Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Example #1:

Awhr siB krdw iPrY Awhru ieku n hoie] nwnk ijqu Awhir jgu auDrY ibrlw bUJY koie ] 965

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Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Example #1: Awhr , Awhru, Awhir

Awhr siB krdw iPrY, Awhru ieku n hoie] nwnk, ijqu Awhir jgu auDrY, ibrlw bUJY koie ] 965

Bwv ArQ: (hy pRwxI qUM) hor swry audm qW krdw iPrdw hYN, iek Kws audm (jo qyrw auDwr dw swDn hYy auh qYQoN) huMdw nhIN[ hy nwnk! ijs Kws (nwm) Awhr dy audm duAwrw jgq auDrdw hY, (Es audm nUM) koeI ivrlw hI buJdw hY[

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Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Example #2:

inrml hoey kir iesnwnw] 625

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Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Example #2: lWv qy ishwrI dw Prk: hoey, hoie inrml hoey kir iesnwnw] 625

Bwv ArQ: iesnwn krky inrml ho gey]

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Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Example #3:

nwm sMig ijskw mnu mwinAw ] nwnk iqnih inrMjnu jwinAw ] 281

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Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Example #3: nwmu, nwm nwm sMig, ijskw mnu mwinAw ] nwnk, iqnih inrMjnu jwinAw ] 281

Bwv ArQ: ijs mnu~K dw mnu nwm nwl rc imc jWdw hY, hy nwnk! iqs ny hI AMjn rihq inrMjn nUM pCwx ilAw hY[

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Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Example #4:

rwm nwm jo krih bIcwr] sy DnvMq gnI sMswr] 281

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Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Example #4: rwm nwm, krih, sy rwm nwm, jo krihN bIcwr] sy, DnvMq gnI sMswr] 281

Bwv ArQ: jyhVy mnu~K rwm nwm dI (AiBAws meI) ivcwr nMU krdy hn, auh sMswr dy DnI gxy jWdy hn]

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Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Example #5: lwK krorI bMDu n prY] hir kw nwm jpq insqrY] 264

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Pronunciation & Meanings aucwrx Aqy A~rQ

Example #5: krorI lwK krorI, bMDu n prY] hir kw nwm jpq, insqrY] 264

l~KW kroVW (rupey) kmw ky BI (mwieAw dI iqRh ivc) rok nhIN pYNdI, (pr) pRBU dw nwm jp ky mnu~K (ies qoN) pwr lMG jWdw hY[

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules “ u” and “ i” (Preposition Example)

iBsqu, njIik rwKu, rihmwnw]

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Exercise mUlmMqR

ੴ ਸਤਿਨਾਮ ਕਰਿਾ ਪੁਰਖ ਤਨਰਭਉ ਤਨਰਵੈਰ ੁਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਅਜੂਨੀ ਸੈਭੰ ਗੁਰ ਪਰਸਾਤਿ ॥ Please add “ u” or “ i ” where appropriate

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Exercise mUlmMqR

ੴ, ਸਤਿਨਾਮੁ, ਕਰਿਾ ਪੁਰਖੁ, ਤਨਰਭਉ, ਤਨਰਵੈਰੁ, ਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ, ਅਜੂਨੀ, ਸੈਭੰ, ਗੁਰ ਪਰਸਾਤਿ ॥

Analysis: Singular Masculine: ਸਤਿਨਾਮ;ੁ ਪੁਰਖੁ; ਤਨਰਭਉ; ਤਨਰਵੈਰੁ; krqw; ਸੈਭੰAwpxy Awp qoN (hoNd ivc AwieAw hoieAw)

Singular Feminine: ਮੂਰਤਿ Singular with Prepositions: Akwlsmy iv~c nhIN; AjUUnIjUnW ivc nhIN; ਗੁਰgurU dI; ਪਰਸਾਤਿmyhr rwhIN

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules Indefinite Plural Pronouns

“ i ” with the last letter of words 1. Prepositions (Identity): ivic, AMdir, sMig, nwil, mih, 2. Feminine (Identity): kwmix, qruix, suriq, miq, jugiq 3. Masculine Noun Case (Identity):nwniknwnk ny, sbidSbd rwhIN

EAMkwirEAMkwr qoN, GitsrIr/ihrdy iv~c

4. Past Perfect Participle: ismirismr ky (Add ‘ky ‘after a verb)

5. Definitive Numbers: qIin3, cwir4, pMic5, ATsiT68

6. Indefinite Plural Adjectives: siBswry, hoirhor, Avirhor/dUjy, ieikkeI

- Use Depends on Gender and Number: sBuSingular masculine, sBSingular feminine, siBPlural both genders

hukmY AMdir sBu ko bwhir hukmu n koie ]1 (Singular masculine)

Awip nwQu nwQI sB jw kI iriD isiD Avrw swd ]6 (Singular feminine)

siB gux qyry mY nwhI koie ]4 (Plural both genders)

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Most Helpful Grammar Rules “ u” and “ i” (Preposition Example)

iBsqu njIik rwKu rihmwnw ] Identify preposition & punctuate

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