
What to Expect at an Indian Wedding

Q: What should I wear to an Indian wedding ceremony?

A: Brighter is better. Don't be afraid to wear a bold color; that will help you fit in with the Indian guests

who'll be dressed in vibrant colors and eye-catching jewelry. If you don't have a traditional sari or

lengha, don't worry. A jewel-tone dress with a shawl can mimic the

festive look.

Q: Is it true that Indian weddings last for several days? What will I

be expected to attend?A: A traditional Indian wedding lasts

an average of three days. On the first night, a priest will often perform the ganesh pooja, a

ceremony that usually happens at home with only the couple, the

bridal party, and close relatives in attendance.

The second day begins with a mehndi ceremony. For this, the

bride and her female friends and family members will have intricate

henna patterns drawn on their hands and feet. That evening, the

sangeet takes place. Every wedding guest is usually invited, and it involves an introduction of the couple's families, mingling, a

meal, and dances or other performances.

On the third day, the main ceremony, cocktail hour, and

reception take place. You may be invited to the last day of the

events, or to any part of the three-day celebration. Your invitation should clearly state what you're

being asked to attend.

Q: What can I expect to see at an Indian wedding ceremony?

A: One of the first things that might surprise Western guests is the baraat, or groom's procession.

For this, the groom arrives to the ceremony on a decorated white

horse. Guests dance around him to the beat of the dhol, an Indian

drum. After that, the bride and her family greet the groom, and the

couple exchanges floral garlands to wear around their necks to symbolize their acceptance of

each other.

For the ceremony, the priest, groom, bride, and bride's parents sit beneath a mandap, a canopy similar to a Jewish huppah. The

ceremony starts off with the kanya daan, in which the bride's

parents give away the bride. Then the couple joins hands and circle around a small, enclosed

fire (the agni) in a ritual called the mangal phera.

Then the couple will take the saptapadi, or seven steps, as

they vow to support each other and live happily together. Finally, the groom will apply a red powder

to the center of the bride's forehead and tie a black beaded

necklace around her neck, symbolizing that she's now a

married woman.

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