
Food Design is, simply, the connection between food and Design. Food Design is the design process that leads to innovation on products, services or systems for food and eating: from production, procurement, preservation, and transportation, to preparation, presentation, consumption, and disposal.

Francesca Zampollo, PhD.

Food Product Design

Designing edible products that are designed for mass production: Pringles, pasta, packaged ice-cream, chocolate, snacks, etc.

Design For Food

Designing all those products designed to prepare, cook, serve, contain and transport food.

Online School of Food Design: /

Design With Food

Dishes that come from the genius of chefs who push the boundaries of culinary arts.

Online School of Food Design: /

Ferran Adria’

Heston Blumenthal

Food Space Design

Designing all food spaces, which include the eating spaces as well as the cooking spaces.

Online School of Food Design: /

Eating Design

Designing the entire eating situation; and by eating situation I mean any situation in which there is someone eating something.Online School of Food Design: /

Christmas Dinner - by Marije Vogelzang

Food Service Design

Service Design applied to food.

Online School of Food Design: /

Critical Food

DesignCritical Design applied to food and eating.

Online School of Food Design: /

by Lee Ben David

the Future Food Project

Food System Design

The overview of every possible aspect that comes into play for anything you design.

Online School of Food Design: /

Sustainable Food

DesignSustainable Design, applied to anything around food.

Online School of Food Design: /

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