Page 1:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

Retreat in Daily LifeHoly Week 2020

Jesus is now approaching the climax of His ministry.He came to carry our burdens on the cross. Yet we still fail Him.

“I said I will confess my sin to the Lord and You Lordhave forgiven the guilt of my sin” Psalm 32v5.

Lord, You call us to love God with all our heart...Soul... and mind. With all our spirit and strength.Forgive me Lord where I have failed You.........

You ask us the love our neighbours as ourselves.I prayer for people I don’t like or find difficult.........I prayer for those who find me difficult ............I am sorry Lord for the times I let You down......

Page 2:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

You said love your neighbour as yourself.Help me to love myself Lord, to see myself in Your eyes.I prayer Your help for the parts of me I am uncomfortable me to care for those parts of me I do not appreciate.............. bless me in the good I am.......

You call us to trust You.Lord my faith is often weak, my love for others shallow.Deepen my faith, enrich my love, inspire my service.

You said we should take up our cross and follow You,You know how much I want to and how much I fear to......

Lamb of God have mercy on me. Amen

Page 3:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

Holy Thursday

“Your teacher and Lord has washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an are to do as I have done”.John 13v 14-15

Here we see the amazing courtesy of God. That He kneels to serve us.To serve you.........

Jesus said “you are to do as I have done “.

What could you do today to serve others?

Take time to tell your loved ones how much you love them and what they mean to you....

Phone the friends you have been too busy to get in touch with.

Send a card to the person you have fallen out with.

Lord, how is it, that although You are God You come to serve us,To serve me.................. thank You for all you do for me....You call me to follow Your example, that’s hard Lord...........

Help me be more caring and thoughtful.Lord, I am loved by You, so let me love... amen

Page 4:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

A man full of leprosy came to Jesus and said. “Lord, if You will You can make me clean” Jesus said, “I do want to”. and reached out a His hand and touched him. Luke 5 v 12-13.

Even today leprosy frightens people. Then, lepers were outcasts. No one would go near them. They had to ring a bell to warn others not to get close. They were untouchable. Such a man came to Jesus asking for help. Jesus at once says He wants to help.

But notice this. Jesus touched the man before He healed him. He touched him as a leper. Jesus reached out to the lepers, emotional need. Healing him in more ways that curing the leprosy. Here we see the empathy of Jesus. He saw deeply into this lepers need. He restored the man’s dignity as a human being.

Lord...when I come to You, You can see the need beneath the words, feel the pain I cannot speak about; hear the words I dare not say. Lord, in this moment, hear my prayer.Understand, what I dare not express .............Touch the pain I try to hide .............bear with me what I fear to share.

Reach out to me Lord, I need You. Amen

Page 5:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

Act of Spiritual Communion

Lord Jesus, I cannot receive Holy Communion in church.I do not have before me bread and wine to offer to You.Even so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart.

Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving passion. Amen

Lord, You know how much I need You. Lord bless Me, stay close to me, show me Lord, how I may recognise Your coming to me, Your touch of my heart, Your gentle word to my mind, Your salvation to my soul.


Page 6:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

Good FridayLord, I kneel before Your cross. This is love beyond my understanding. Is this truly how much I mean to You?You look at me and I hear a resounding YES that is beyond all limitations. You ask me to accept Your love and trust in You. I hear the gentle whisper of Your voice...“Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by Your name" Isaiah 43 v 1-2.A personal invitation from Jesus to be His beloved.Lord, I think about the nails in Your feet, may my feet walk where You lead. I see the wounds in Your hands, may my touch show Your love, your head as crowned in thorns, may every attitude of mine be governed by Your love. Your side was cut, may I love all for Your sake, and You above all.I know You are not asking me to change the world, just make a difference in my small part of it.Jesus fill me that others may find You through me.

Prayer of St Teresa of CalcuttaDear Jesus, help us spread Your fragrance everywhere we go. Flood our souls with Your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess our whole being so that our lives may be a radiance of Yours.

Page 7:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

Easter Sunday

Easter morning, the women have come to the tomb. The stone is rolled away. Inside the tomb not Jesus, but an angel.“Don’t be alarmed,” he said, “you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He is Risen.........go, tell His disciples and Peter.......Mark 16 v 6-7.

The last time Peter met Jesus, he had denied Jesus three times, yet here we see Jesus reaching out to him, Peter who had promised so much and broken each promise. Such compassion, such mercy. Look at that verse.“Tell My disciples and Peter “.Say that verse several times with your name in place if Peter. “

“Tell My disciples and...............,

Jesus is calling to you. The Risen Lord is reaching out to you.We know the story of the resurrection so well. How well do we know the Risen Lord? With such mercy and compassion, He calls your name.He invites you, not to just know the story. but to be with Him.

With Him the resurrection is a real event in your life.

The Lord is Risen and is calling YOUR name.How will you answer Him?...........

Page 8:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

Lord, You think of me? At the wonderful, incredible moment, You think of me. Lord, I thank You for.................I will try to ...................

Christ the Lord is Risen today. Alleluia.

Choose one of the resurrection accounts. Read it carefully, slowly.Focus on each word and each action. Can you imagine what it was like for the individuals who meet Jesus.?If you were there, what would you have felt?

Look deeply at this truth, Jesus is Risen........

He has overcome death.........

How do you respond to this? ........

Thanksgiving...Lord, I thank You for the love which led Jesus to the cross and raised Jesus from the dead. Thank You for the hope it brings me. Is there something else you want to thank Jesus for...............?

Intercession Offer to God those people and situations that need His help at this time.............

Page 9:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

Re-dedication. Lord, I ask for the grace to start afresh this Easter. ..... show me how I need to change to receive Your hope more fully......

Give me the gifts I need to live this good news so that my life is a testimony to God’s goodness.

The Lord is RisenHe is Risen indeed ...Alleluia!!!!!!!!! Amen

Fear not. Most of us have been afraid sometimes. Now our world shares a common fear. Coronavirus devastated our life’s and our world.Can we really not be afraid at a time like this ...?Psalm 23 says. V 4“When I would through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil.”

Notice...until this point in the Psalm David refers to the Lord as He.“He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul “v 2-3.

Now when danger is near, He becomes You.“even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil.For You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, comfort me”

The rod was a weapon used by the shepherd to protect the sheep.The staff a tool used to rescue them. The Shepherd will protect and rescue His sheep in time of danger.

Page 10:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

More than that. He will be with His sheep, beside them every step of the way when facing danger.The Lord draws close and walks with us.

Lord, I am afraid. I am worried about......I fear that...... Lord, You knew fear as You faced the cross. You understand, in Your time if fear God gave You strength. Help me Lord....... Be with me now as.......Give me courage to face.......... Be my Friend, I need You Lord. Amen

Not being able to get to church, or receive the Sacraments is a very strange time,These are precious ways we have of knowing God is close to us.It is not so easy to hold on to that truth at a time like this,

But remember. God said.“can a mother forget her suckling child? ...yes, she can. But I will never forget you “Isaiah 49 v 15-16.

This is God’s promise to you,Do you believe Him??

Isaiah 49 v 16.“I will not forget you, (add your name) I have carved your name on the palm of My hand”.

Repeat this verse, with your name added .............

Take it with you into the day to remind you of this truth.

“My mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked Isaiah 45 v 23.

Page 11:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

An act of spiritual communion

‘O God come to my aid; O Lord make haste to help me’.

Confession of sins

Pause and reflect on all that you need to bring to the Lord,to receive His mercy.‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me sinner.’

PrayerLord, as the woman was healed by touching Your garment, may my touch of faith heal and restore me. Amen

Revelation 3 v 20.“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears My voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and sup with him, and he with me.

Luke, 22 v 19-20.And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying,” This is My body given for you: do this in remembrance of Me”.In the same way, after the supper He took the cup, saying,“This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you”.

Page 12:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

Sometimes, when we need prayer most, we struggle to pray. We may even find that it’s impossible to pray at all.

The Holy Spirit is called, the Advocate, One called alongside to help.This is especially true about prayer.

When we cannot pray the Spirit, “Himself, expresses our “plea”.Romans 8 v 26.

The Holy Spirit supports us and “the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will”. Romans 8. V 27.So... if you are finding it hard to pray, sit peacefully and let the Holy Spirit pray for you.

Page 13:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

If you find this hard then maybe try to have a sign to focus your mind.

Perhaps you could light a candle, let the flame be a symbol that the Holy Spirit is praying for you.

Perhaps you could play some music or look at a cross.

In your heart, let the Holy Spirit pray for you. Accepting these prayers as your own.

When finishing adding anything that comes to you heart to pray.

Simply give your assent to God with the Amen

Page 14:  · Web viewEven so, Lord, I come, to receive You into my heart. Lord, I ask that You will come to me now, that I may receive You in my heart and soul. United with You and Your saving

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