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Building European Legislation Identifier

Pillars Thomas Francart – ELI Taskforce

« Access to and reuse of EU Legal Information » Brussels – 21 march 2016

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1. Identifiers Identify legislation

Browse legislation

2. Metadata Describe legislation

Link legislation

3. Content structure ? Not in scope of ELI !

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Design ELI URIs Create ELI metadata Publish ELI metadata

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URIs are « barcodes » for every piece of data on the web

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URL Identify something on the web

URI Identify, on the web, anything (from the real world)

Fabien Gandon :

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ELI proposes URI components that can be selected and arranged in any order to define your own URI structure.

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Guidelines to

Design ELI URIs

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Stay close to how legislation is cited

Guideline #1

“the 2001 Directive” means Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use;” (*) “ LOV nr 925 af 18/09/2012 ”

(*) :

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Use components stable over time

• « Cool URIs don’t change » • Typically avoid names of ministries in the URI

Guideline #2

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Define user behavior to browse the ELI hierarchy User behavior…

/eli/dir/2001 Lists all the directives of 2001


Get Directive 2001/83/EC in its current state : latest consolidated version, plus modifiers not yet consolidated

/eli/dir/2001/83/corrigendum Get the corrigenda of Directive 2001/83/EC

/eli/dir/2001/83/2009-12-31 Get Directive 2001/83/EC as it was at the requested date

Guideline #3

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Address layers of the ELI description A specific legislation, independently of one of its « version » or language

Directive 80/181/CEE

A specific (temporal) version of this legislation, independently of its language

OJ version or consolidated version

A specific linguistic variant of this version of the legislation

An english translation

A specific file format for given language of given version of this legislation

Signed PDF vs. HTML

Guideline #4

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1 Legal Resource in its original OJ version

23 Legal Expressions

3 Formats for each expressions

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Can be expressed in various

Can be published in various

Is expressed in concrete


Has multiple versions in

(Abstract) LegalResource

Each conceptual level is identified with a URI using extra components.

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Why are ELI URIs foundations for ELI metadata ?

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Subject Verb Complement

<ELI URI> <Metadata> <Value> http://...




ELI Metadata are expressed on ELI URI in the form of triples.

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ELI metadata model

~ 35 fields (+ inverse properties)

Generic description of legislation

A publishing model – to share – not to replace internal metadata

schemas (if any)

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Describe legal texts (Luxembourg)

uri: .../loi/2014/21/19/n11 type_document: Law title: Pondération de l'indice des prix à la consommation date_document: 25/10/2014 date_publication: 30/10/2014 in_force: yes publisher: Bureau de la Législation du Luxembourg

Official Journal A 255/2014

published_in Parliament passed_by

Ministry of Finance



Finance, Tax



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Different levels of description




Can be expressed in various

Can be published in various

Each level of abstraction will be associated with specific metadata.

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ELI Metadata : links

• Based on / basis for – Secondary legislation to primary legislation

• Changes / changed by – Amendment, replacement

• Cites / cited by – In the text of the legislation

• Consolidated / consolidated by – Consolidated version to previous consolidated version or base

act, plus legislation making the change • Transposes / transposed by (implements / implemented by)

– From national legislation to EU directives (transposes : formal link, implements : more generic, for consolidated versions)

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Link legal texts (Luxembourg)

Law /loi/2014/21/19/n11



Law /loi/2010/12/17/n2

Law /loi/2009/05/05/n8

Project 20140166


Directive 1991/0440


Reglementation /rgd/2015/07/24/n3


Law /loi/1988/12/13/n1




Law /loi/2015/05/31/n1


Law ../loi/1860/12/04/n1


cited_by Law


Creating a graph of legislation.

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Guidelines to

Create ELI metadata

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Map your description metadata to ELI

Guideline #1

• Map Xpath inside XML, or database columns • Map what you have, some fields will be « not applicable »

ELI Property Italy

date_document Corresponds to the date of the legal act (data atto)

date_publication Corresponds to the date of the Official Gazzette that contains the legal act

first_date_entry_in_force It maps to the "inizioVigenza" date.

date_no_longer_in_force It maps to the "fineVig" date.

related_to Not applicable

changes emendamenti, errata corrige, avvisi di rettifica

changed_by Not applicable

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Publish the 4 mandatory fields

• Type of document : eli:type_document • Title : eli:title • Language : eli:language • File format : eli:format

Guideline #2

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Define necessary controlled lists (use SKOS)

• type of document • keywords • administrative areas • agents (ministries, publishers, etc.) • …

Guideline #3

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How can ELI metadata be published into web pages ?

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What you see as a human

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What the HTML code looks like <div id="content"> <h2 class="title"> <span about="" property="eli:title" typeof="eli:LegalExpression"> LOI n° 2015-1567 du 2 décembre 2015 portant diverses dispositions d'adaptation au droit de l'Union européenne dans le domaine de la prévention des risques </span> </h2> ... <strong>LOI n° 2015-1567 du <span property="eli:date_document" datatype="xsd:date" content="2015-12-02">2 décembre 2015</span> portant ... </strong> ... </div>

RDFa syntax allows to embed semantic markup in an HTML web page with extra attributes.

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What the machine sees

Applications can parse RDFa markup and turn it into (RDF) structured data.

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Guidelines to

Publish ELI metadata

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Use RDFa to add semantic markup to existing webpages. Either inline…

Guideline #1

<strong>LOI n° 2015-1567 du <span property="eli:date_document" datatype="xsd:date" content="2015-12-02">2 décembre 2015</span> portant ...

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… or in a header

Guideline #2

<head> … <meta about="" typeof="eli:LegalResource"/> <meta about="" property="eli:id_local" content="31969R2596" /> <meta about="" property="eli:type_document" resource=""/> <meta about="" property="eli:passed_by" resource=""/> <meta about="" property="eli:is_about" resource=""/> … </head>

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Take away

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ELI URIs = Technical identifiers + User browsing in legislation

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ELI Metadata = Clear levels of abstraction + Generic legislation description

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ELI Publishing = Low impact on publishing workflow + No visual impact in webpages

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ELI is an easy first step for building a web of legal data. Once deployed it can be improved iteratively.

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Questions ? Thank you !

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