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WADIA S. R., Tonsillites Cured by Homeopathy (wda4) WADIA S. R.Foreword A busy Homeopath is approached everyday by anxious parents, who have been advised by their doctors to have the tonsils of their children operated at the earliest. Even doctor parents are not exception to this rule. This means an average human being still prefers their children to get well without restoring to surgery. Homeopaths treat on constitutional lines and this is the answer to this vexed question whether to have or not to have an operation. This will not only cure the tonsils but will help the small patients to get well on the whole i.e. they will get rid of their frequent colds, coughs, sneezing, difficult breathing and innumerable other complaints which are attributed to Tonsils and Adenoids. S.R. W. Bombay, April, 1979. PAGE 4 PAGE 5 Tonsillites cured by homeopathy Tonsils are lymphatic tissues provided at the entrance of the throat like a gatekeeper to ward off any infection that enters through the mouth. When it does so, The same is checked at the level of the tonsils, and not allowed to go further to vital organs like lungs, as a result thereof, tonsils are infected, inflamed and enlarged with enlarged glands in the neck. Very often, along with the tonsils, adenoids also get inflamed and block the nostrils, causing difficulty in breathing. Many doctors see a danger in them, and advise removal of tonsils and adenoids immediately. Now, what is the result of the same ? Very often, after removal, the breathing becomes much easier, throat less painful and the child or an adult who was having frequent colds and coughs fells much better. But to the utter disappointment of the parents in case of the child or in adults, colds come back, sore throat and cough is common and at the times later on the child develops Asthma. Approaching a homeopathic doctor At this stage, the parents consult a Homeopathic doctor. I counter question them that if the tonsils were the cause of the trouble, now what is to be removed next, as the complaints persist. Actually speaking, itis not the tonsils at fault but the cause is somewhere in the constitution of the patient and Homeopathy treats the constitutional difficulty with the simplest possible medicine and helps patients to get well. PAGE 6 Tonsils removal trend So many authorities have cautioned against removal of tonsils and at times I find that modern surgeons are against removal. This change of attitude is appreciated. When innocent children are taken to hospital, it looks as if lambs are taken to a slaughterhouse. After the operation, these children develop a mortal fear and start crying immediately they see a doctor. The fear of going to the doctor is so great even for minor ailment, that they start wetting the bed or get up frightened at night very often ; while the patients of a homeopathic doctor are very friendly, and a cheerful lot too. Deafness from enlarged tonsils the deafness from enlarged tonsils is often due not only to the obstruction of enlarged tonsils, but to the quality of the lining membrane of the Eustachain tubes, and adenoids in the naso-pharynx, so that the mechanical removal of the tonsils bodily, together with the adenoids, is often of no avail in these cases of deafness, nor does it suffice when the mucosa of the pharynx is hypertrophied. (Burnett).

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I am quoting a few authorities below :- Dr. John Davis, M.B. , F.R. C.P. writes in the famous medical magazines "The practitioner of April, 69". PAGE 7 "I would also warn against the removal of tonsils and adenoids in asthmatics, which seldom produces benefits and often causes deterioration, and against the free use of the drugs, such Aspirin and Paracetamol, which in some cases may precipate serious episodes of allergic bronchitis. It is also likely that more expensive antibiotics are wasted in the treatment of this condition than in any other circumstances." Dr. P.L. Ogra, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the State University of New York says that the removal of tonsils will make the child prone to polio- that dreadful disease which often leaves a children crippled. Dr. Ogra said in his study of about 50 children whose tonsils had been removed, he found that all of them lacked partially or completely the antibodies which resisted infection from viruses like polio. According to him, the removal of the tonsils reduces the antibodies in the human body considerably and makes it susceptible to infection. Dr. Ogra whose finding were presented at the meeting of the American Pediatric Society this year, now conducting research in children's diseases at Buffalo, New York State where he is the Associate Professor of Microbiology in the State University. The U.S. Health service is giving him grant to conduct the research. Dr. Ogra said polio cases were most common among children between the age group of six month and six years. PAGE 8 When a child is born it inherits percentage of antibodies from its mother. But these soon get exhausted and the body becomes susceptible to virus infection. An American doctor said that tonsils and adenoids operations on children have become a cruel surgical ritual in the Western world similar to the castration, ear chopping and skin disfiguration of primitive tribes. Dr. Robert Bolande said in the current New England Journal of Medicine that there is no evidence that it improves on children's health. Furthermore, he wrote, one study showed that circumcised boys are seven times more likely to have undergone tonsillectomy in early childhood than circumcised boys. This suggests that those partaking in one ritual may be apt to another. Out of every 1000 children having this operation the death rate from anesthesia or post operation complications is 15.6 cases per 1000. In the United States, 100 to 300 children die from this operation every year. Dr. Dean (of American Medical Association) :-"Tonsils appear to be part of the mechanism by which the body defends itself against disease during infancy and childhood." Stress is now being put on the tonsils as the gland of internal secretion like the ovary (Female sex gland) and thyroid, naturally removal of a gland that forms necessary hormones (stimulating messengers to other parts of the body) will prevent normal functioning of the body. PAGE 9 Professor James used to teach that ovaries and the tonsils have vital connections, and we know of the behavior of the parotid glands and the testicles in cases of mumps. In curing tonsillary enlargements. Thus in rheumatic tonsillitis the rheumatic state of a person should be mended, and therewith the tonsillitis. The statement that rheumatic fever has been known to follow tonsillitis is true enough. The inference usually drawn is that had there been no tonsils, there would have been no rheumatic fever. Had the tonsils had been stronger and more adequate, they would have borne the whole burden of the rheumatism, and there would have been no fever. It is highly probable that minor degrees of rheumatism is arrested by the

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tonsils and these are dealt with, and that their function is very largely vicarious protective of the organism and its parts. If we want to be quite successful in the treatment of enlarged tonsils by Hom. medicines we must look away from the mere tonsils, and remember that although the tonsils are the things complained of, the constitutional cause of their enlargement, the real cause of their disease, is one that cannot be removed by operation. Those who see the mere enlargements and give remedies for such enlargements merely those prescribers or practitioners will mostly fail to cure enlarged tonsils by medicine and will have much to say of the advantages of their mechanical removal. The tonsils are important organs of the body, that have one of their functions the protection of the life and integrity of the individual. Before proceeding to give you the line of treatment, it will be more appropriate to know the opinion of various renown medical authorities of the globe. PAGE 10 The 'Associated Press' carried the article quoting Dr. Kaiser of Eastern Clinic, Rochester, N.Y. in a speech he made before the gathering of Chicago. In this he warned against the indiscriminate removal of children's tonsils. He stated that the last few years have brought a set back in tonsils operations, because previously, too much was promised by surgeons. He also said that having a child's tonsils out, it will make little difference in the susceptibility to colds and bronchitis occurs more frequently where tonsils have been removed, and the same is true of pneumonia. A well known British surgeon- Professor D.F. N. Harrison of the Institute of Laryngology and Otology, London, feels that far too many children have their tonsils out unnecessarily. In Britain every year 200,00 children have their tonsils out at a cost of the National Health Service of an estimated three million pounds. According to Professor Harrison, during the last 20 years there has been an addition in knowledge on why tonsils should be removed. The Professor feels that inspite of some clinical investigation over the past few years, virtually nothing is known about the value of tonsils, of if they are diseased or how to determine when they should be removed. He adds :"The frightening thing is the lack of interest in what is, on both moral and financial grounds, a responsibility to parents, to the public and to the Health Service." If he succeeds in his effort to have a survey into the incidence and indications of tonsillectomy, it will be the first of its kind in the world. PAGE 11 No one doubts the value of an operation when it is performed for the right reasons. An operation is justifiable when the enlargement is so great as to endanger life, and medication does not succeed in reducing the enlargement of tonsils. Britain has found that in some areas twenty times more children have their tonsils removed than in other areas and since tonsillites is not infectious, the inevitable conclusion must be reached that it all depends on the whims of the local doctor. All this is of particular interest to India where medical facilities are poorer and hence the risk run are much higher. Moreover, if the operation is needless, it means that the children have been subjected to unnecessary suffering. According to Professor Harrison the operation itself was accompanied by a definite mortality, small as it might be, and unknown morbidity which might be of generous proportions. The remedies found very useful in Tonsillites, are as under :- Belladonna In the majority of cases at the beginning, With high fever and all the symptoms of congestion, this remedy will check the disease, if given early. The right side is more often affected, with dilated pupils and heat all over. Hepar sulphur

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Chilly patient, septic tonsils, splinter like sensation in the throat, pain when swallowing radiating to the ears. PAGE 12 Depends which side is affected. Better warm drinks. Phytolacca decandra Sore throat, tonsils swollen, ulcerated, pain radiating to the ears when swallowing. Worst drinking hot fluids. Mercurius solubilis Sore throat enlarged tonsils with every cold. White spots on tonsils, moist tongue with imprints of teeth. Foul smell from mouth. Salivation, thirst for cold water ; and worst at night. Baryta carbonica Dr. Burnett says this remedy is the biggest tonsil remedy we have, but when the tonsils are enlarged as a result of repeated vaccinations, Thuya or Silicea should be used. Similarly when the causation at the back is due to Tubercular Diathesis, Bacillinum should be used first and then Baryta Carb. Dr. D.M. , Boreland states that if you have a typical Baryta Carb. Child, who has acute tonsillites, it is wiser to give a dose of Baryta Mur rather than Carb, and very often, you will need an inter-current dose of Psorinum. According to hi, Baryta Carb is a backward child. The child is dwarfish mentally and physically. This is a shy child. Nervous of strangers and is scared of being left alone. Another characteristic feature is the child's forgetfulness, inattentive at school and cannot concentrate on lessons. They have frequent colds, constant sore throat and hypertrophied tonsils with enlarged Cervical glands. These children have marked salivation. Aurum metallicum This remedy is not used much, but is worthwhile giving a trial when the following symptoms are felt. The typical gold child is always undeveloped child. A child of five looks like a child of three. In boys, according to Dr. Boreland, there has been some failure of development and undescended testicle, they are very liable to get persistent colds, with infected hypertrophied tonsils, with a lot of offensive secretion stuck in the Tonsilar crypts. They have hypertrophied adenoids with a very offensive nasal discharge. Along with tonsils and adenoids, they are very liable to get attacks of acute otitis with perforation of the drum, and very often a stinking ear discharge. PAGE 14 I have observed again and again, that Bacillinum 200, 1 m 10 m and even higher is often required, as per recommendation of Dr. Burnett, to completely cure the case. This remedy not only helps the tonsils and adenoids, but cures a tendency to chronic colds, sinusitis and most conditions pertaining to nose, throat and chest. At times, there is an aggravation, but a wise physician knows how to treat the same. Besides these remedies, any indicated remedy can be used and most probably Sulphur Calch, Carb., Calc. Phos. and Silicea are often required. The following cases from my practice will give the readers a clear idea about the treatment and cure of Tonsillites. Tonsils, adenoids and nasal polypi Case Miss Aarti This patient was brought from Ahmedabad with a lot of complaints. She had a repeated history of Tonsillites, her nose was full of polypi, she has adenoids too and was finding great difficulty in breathing. She constantly bores her nose with her finger and rubs it too. She has deviated Nasal Septum and for all her trouble she has been advised surgery. She has partial deafness of particularly left ear, and salivation from the the mouth. She has fleshy bleeding, wart right thumb which was cauterized. And also warts on the the nose. Constipated, has lots of thread worms, stool report indicate pus cells also Giradia.

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Menses severe pain on the the first day and very irritable before menses. Appetite and thirst very little, desires salt more. Past history of vaccination with severe reaction and then, every year, plus tap., Cholera etc. bed wetting till the age of 6. The patient has weak memory. Backward in the class, has inferiority complex, hates company, prefers to be alone. 18.9.67 : Thuja 200 3 doses with Cina 6 was prescribed. After 3 weeks the reports stated thumb was much better, nose slightly better, all else same. Thuja 1 m 3 doses, with Natrum Phos. 6 was prescribed. A letter after a month states menses regular, pain and irritability less, all else same. Nairum Mur. 200 3 doses followed by Cina 30. 18.12.67 : Same Natrum Mur. 1 m followed by Teucrium Marum 30 was given. 19.2.68 : Patient very much better, polypi all disappeared, nose much clear, breathing easier, warts all disappeared, boring of the nose still persists. Natrum Mur 10 m 3 doses. 21.6.68 : Seen today. A great deal of improvement in the patient, memory better less irritable, before menses. Still has got inferiority complex, and jealous of her brother. Natrum Mur 50 m. PAGE 16 2.5.69 : Patient was seen today. Considerable improvement in weight and her appearance, more social, hears better, learns better and is keen to have medicine to have more improvement. 16.4.70 : Again seen today. Improvement in weight, from a thin, lean person, she has improved considerably, has appeared for her S.S. C. Examination and is all round better but still requires extra salt. Natrum Mur cm. This is one of my very remarkable case which improved considerably beyond imagination of her family doctor and I too am very happy what the famous remedy has done. Chronic tonsillites Case Miss Advani A doctor's daughter whose tonsils operation was fixed in a few days, consulted me whether this could be treated with Homeopathy. 1. Fever every 10/125 days with enlarged tonsils and inflamed glands in the neck. Every time her father had to give Anti-biotic drugs and now as they may do her harm, he wanted our line of treatment. 2. Stools, urine, appetite, thirst normal. Desire for extra salt. 3. Hot patient, vaccination plus inoculation a number of times. 4. Family history : Grandmother Asthma, father dry pleurisy. 5. Menses normal, but pain calf muscles during. 6. Patient is a little more hairy and has a few hairs on the upper lip. 7. Temperament nervous. Prefers to be alone. Remedies This patient was given a single dose of Thuja 200 followed by Bacillinum 200 which was given right upto cm. Her general condition improved considerably but occasionally colds and desire for salt persisted. Natrum Mur. 200 and 1 m put an end to most of her troubles. The child is perfectly all right and operation is a thing of the past. Chronic sore throat after removal of tonsils Case Miss Z.A. 1. This patient complains of chronic sore throat with difficulty in swallowing every now and then. She has got swelling of the cervical glands on both sides of the neck. According to the mother's statement, tonsils were removed twice by the surgeon. 2. Headaches off and on with occasional giddiness.

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3. Joints pains, worst cold weather. PAGE 18 4. Menses irregular, very painful. 5. Stool constipated, urine normal, appetite normal, thirst moderate. 6. Hot patient. 7. Past history : Tonsillectomy done twice. Typhoid, jaundie, measles, mumps and repeated vaccinations. 8. Family history : Mother has asthma, parents diabetic, grandfather diabetic. 9. Temperament irritable but weeps. Remedies This patient was given Hepar Sulph 30 followed by Pulsatilla 30 which relieved her symptoms considerably. Later Bacillinum 200 and 1 m was given to complete relief of the symptoms. As she was occasionally having some eruptions of the skin, 3 doses of Sulphur 200 has put the patient completely right. Asthma worst after tonsils operation Case Miss N.K. 1. This young girl is suffering from Bronchial Asthma since early childhood but the asthmatic attacks increased considerably after removal of her tonsils. The attacks are worse by curds, wet weather, bananas and cold drinks, smell of patient and moon phases. 2. Menses painful first day with clotts. PAGE 19 3. Hot patient. 4. Past history : Frequent cold coughs. Tonsillectomy. Vaccination 5 times. Had severe reaction with rash all over the body. 5. Family history : Father eczema. 6. Short tempered, cries very often, better sympathy. Observations I have often observed that asthma becomes worse after removal of tonsils or even if there is no asthma the patients starts having the same after tonsils operation. This happened in my own case and I suffered considerably for a number of years. Remedies Thuja 10 m a single dose. Later on, Bacillinum 200, 1 m with a great deal of improvement in asthma. Pulsatilla seems to be her constitutional remedy, which was given from 200 upwards, which improved her menses, her asthma and particularly her temperament. She is entirely free from asthmatic attacks now for a long time. Multiple polypi-nose case Mr. K. 1. He has multiple polypi in the nose, which are so far removed twice surgically. Recently, 32 polypi were removed by an ENT specialist ; similar operation was done 14 years back. PAGE 20 The polypi seems to grow again. He wants a homeopathic remedy so that he can be permanently cured. 2. He has frequent colds, obstruction in the nose and difficulty in breathing. 3. Past History of Influenza, boils and some eruptions on the skin. 4. Family history of Bronchial Asthma-paternal aunt, sister skin allergy legs, father also had skin eruptions. 5. Stools, urine and appetite normal. 6. Likes dry cold climate and selected company. 7. Sleep is disturbed due to business anxieties and worries.

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This case was started with Sulphur 200 3 doses going upto Sulphur cm. In about a year. The patient was feeling better and better all the time. His colds were persisting occasionally. Also sense of smell has decreased. Bacillinum 200 and 1 m was given with excellent results. On further inquiry, I find that being a very high executive he had to travel by air to foreign countries very often, for which a lot of vaccinations and inoculations were taken. Thuja 1 m doses were given in between with further improvement. When Sulphur was discontinued, Teucrium Marum 30 was given for sometime with excellent results. After about 2 years treatment, which was not very regular, the patient is completely free from disease and not a single polypi has been observed as confirmed by ENT specialist. PAGE 21 Difficult breathing and recurrent nasal-polypi Case Mr. Narayan 1. This patient was operated for Tonsils as well as Nasal Polypi when he was about 8 years old. After removal of the tonsils, the patient is having constant colds and blocking of the nose, along with difficulty in breathing ; worst change of climate, worst exertion, better sitting up. X-ray shows dense opacity, left Maxilla. This means the polypi have recurred again. The surgeon advised removal of the same. 2. Stool, urine, appetite, thirst normal. Likes moderate climate. Sleep disturbed by lot of dreams. Severe reaction after primary vaccination. 3. Family history of father frequent cold, now Asthma. Skin eruptions, mother normal, two sisters eczema, grandmother-Asthma. Remedies Started with Thuja 10 m 3 doses followed by Silica 30. Patient improved but still frequent colds and difficulty in breathing persists. Bacillinum 200 3 doses followed by 1 m gave a good deal of improvements to the patient. After a month, Bacillinum 10M followed by Lemna Minor 30 in repeated doses has given complete relief to the patient. PAGE 22 This goes to show that after removal of tonsils, certain patients go down hill and develop even difficulty in breathing. Bibliography 1. Enlarged Tonsils Cured by Medicine - Dr. Burnatt. 2. Children's Types - Douglas M. Boreland 3. Text-Book of Surgery - Dr. Mc Donald and Fisher.

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