  1. 1. Ashley Parkin
    User-Testing NOCO the Web Site
  2. 2. What Am I Testing?
    NOCO fashion web site
  3. 3. What Am I Looking For?
    Does the web site effectively mirror the usual professional business site (particularly fashion houses)?
    Is the social and satirical commentary within the web site strong enough?
    Can online users interact with the web site without problems?
    What kind of experience and reaction to the web site will online users have and will it be what I want for the thesis?
  4. 4. Methodology
    Record the participant actively testing
    the prototype
    Record a face-to-face Q&A with the
    Participant discussing the prototype
  5. 5. Results (From user tests)
    Site looks professional and clean
    Easy to navigate
    The Make Your Own Negro game is attention-grabbing
    Project idea is interesting
    The company back story and objective needs more clarity and specifics
    Satiric undertones need to be more prevalent
    The contact form might not be the most effective feature for keeping track of online reaction from users
  6. 6. Next Steps (Prototype and Testing)
    Make more fashion pieces to add to the site
    Continue building the web sites interface and refining the copy (product descriptions, contact us, etc.)
    Create a richer back story for the companyand edit the satirical commentary for clarity and sharpness
    Improve the AS3 code and interface design on the Make Your Own Negro game
    Make the testing questions less repetitive, more focused on the EXPERIENCE and INTERACTION
    Consider either a single structure for the testing protocol or keep it flexible for each user test.

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