Page 1: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

User Experience Map:

My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away.

Through interactive voice response albinism information, awareness and support can be provided in

Tanzania by simply making a phone call.

Name: John

Age: 32

Profession: Teacher

Any other Key characteristics: John is a teacher in primary school in Tanzania.

Concisely describe what is happening: John has a student with albinism in his classroom, he is

wondering how he can help this student to perform at the best of his/her abilities.

Title: The user

Page 2: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: Promotion material

Concisely describe what is happening:

Teacher John remembers the poster he saw in the hallway of the school. If he wants to learn more

about albinism he simply should dial this number to learn more.

Title: Main menu

Concisely describe what is happening:

By dialling the number John gets the following options on the screen of his phone. He needs to

choose from which position he is calling, so the information he will get will be fit to his situation.

Page 3: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: Teacher information

Concisely describe what is happening:

Since John is a teacher and wants information for teaching he will dial 5. Now he enters a menu

especially created for teachers. He gets options to choose from.

Title: Useful information

Concisely describe what is happening:

John will choose option 2 and will get useful information on practical help he can give to a student

with albinism. He can also choose the other options to learn even more about albinism and how to

improve the situation of people living with albinism.

Page 4: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: More information

Concisely describe what is happening:

John can gain information from the interactive voice response, but in case he wants more

information this is also possible by exploring the interactive voice response further or to go online

where there is written information available.

Title: Improvement in educational practice

Concisely describe what is happening:

John is putting the information gained through the interactive voice response into practice. Some

things he learned: People with albinism often have low vision. By allowing the student to be near to

the blackboard they can follow the class better. John also prints things in a large font so that the

student with albinism can read and follow the class better.

Page 5: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

User Experience Map:

My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away.

Through interactive voice response albinism information, awareness and support can be provided in

Tanzania by simply making a phone call.

Name: Jacob

Age: 42

Profession: Sells Air tell vouchers

Any other Key characteristics: Jacob is a person living with albinism who makes his living through

selling Air tell vouchers (balance for the phone). He is not rich but just earns enough money to

provide himself with food and shelter.

Concisely describe what is happening: Since a few weeks John has a spot on his face that hurts very

much. It is swollen and it does not look very good. Jacob things this is probably caused by albinism

and thinks he should do something to get rid of this spot.

Title: A user with skin problems

Page 6: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: the user trying to find a solution

Jacob does not know what to do? Should he go to the hospital? But is it really that severe? Maybe a

band aid is enough? Or maybe he can rinse it of his face with some soap? Or maybe he should go to

the church to pray? He really has no idea what to do, and even worse he does not know who to ask

to find the solution. He is unable to use the internet to find solutions.

Title: Promotion through radio

Than Jacob hears a commercial on the radio that tells him how he could find information.

Page 7: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: Using the interactive voice response

Jacob decides to call the number he heard on the radio.

He enters a menu that is read to him. Through the menu,

he goes to the interface that offers him the possibility to

ask questions about good care, his question cannot be

answered by the automatic voice recorder because Jacob

finds it hard to explain what is wrong therefore he

chooses the option to get connected to a nurse

specialised in albinism in the hospital.

Title: Connection to hospital

The nurse in the hospital that knows a lot about albinism picks up the phone and asks Jacob what is

the matter. Jacob explains his issues to hear. The nurse understands quite fast that Jacob is

developing skin cancer and urges Jacob to come to the hospital. She also tells Jacob it is possible to

get free treatment through a special program. She explains to Jacob where he should go and what he

should do.

Page 8: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: Care

In the hospital Jacob gets treatment. He is very happy is well informed about what will happen so he

does not have to worry about this. He also knows that if he has any questions he can get information

through the nurse or other information through the info number.

Page 9: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

User Experience Map:

My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away.

Through interactive voice response albinism information, awareness and support can be provided in

Tanzania by simply making a phone call.

Name: Richard

Age: 35

Profession: sells fabric on the market

Any other Key characteristics: Richard is a person living with albinism.

Concisely describe what is happening: Until shortly Richard was a salesman selling Nigeria fabric on

the market. However lately he has heard several rumours about people that want to attack him and

now Richard is too scared to leave his house. He is not selling anything so he does not make money.

Title: Afraid user

Page 10: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: Trying to help

The neighbour of Richard comes to see why he has not seen Richard around lately. Richard is too

scared to open the door. The neighbour does not know what is going on and how he should help


Title: Big safety risk

The neighbour finds out there is people that want to attack Richard! Because they think they will

earn money through selling a body part of someone with albinism. The neighbour goes looking for a


Page 11: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: Using interactive voice response

The neighbour asks around and finds that there is a number that can be called to provide help to

people with albinism. Together they decide to call this number.

Title: Connection to police

Though the menu of the active voice

response they get to the menu

considering safety and they get

connected to the local police office.

When talking to the police they

come up with a plan in which the

police will guarantee Richards safety.

They will regularly check the area he

lives and Richard can also call the

police on duty when he suspects


Page 12: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: Safer environment

Richard is safer now and he comes outside his house again.

Page 13: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s

My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away.

Through interactive voice response albinism information, awareness and support can be provided in

Tanzania by simply making a phone call.

Name: Janet, William and Peter

Age: 22, 27 and 0

Profession: Farmers

Any other Key characteristics: Janet and William just had a baby (Peter) that has albinism. They live in

the rural area of Tanzania.

Concisely describe what is happening: Janet and William do not know what albinism is and how they

should take care of Peter. They are very confused about the fact that Peters skin is white instead of

black like their own skin.

Title: The user: Parents

Page 14: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: Promotion

In a village close by there is a medical dispensary, there is no doctor and the nurse who does not

work there cannot exactly explain what albinism is but she knows that for more information about

albinism you can call a certain number.

Title: Use

So the parents of Peter call this number and they go through the whole menu that explains them

about why the skin of their kid is white and how they can best take care of him.

Page 15: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: Care

They were told to buy a head for

Peter, sunglasses and protective

clothes that could protect him

from the harmful sunrays.

Through the phone service they

also got connected to an

organisation that will provide

Peter with sunscreen since this is

too expensive for the parents of

Peter to buy themselves.

Title: Awareness raising

Peters father also learned how

important it was to explain the

community about albinism, so

he raised awareness among the

neighbours. He also told them

that if they wanted more

information they could call the

phone service.

Page 16: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Title: Life improvement

That is how Peter got to grow up in a safe and healthy environment. And most of all how he was

understood by his parents.

Page 17: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s

My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away.

Through interactive voice response albinism information, awareness and support can be provided in

Tanzania by simply making a phone call.

Name: Esther

Age: 10

Profession: helps parents in the field

Any other Key characteristics: Esther is a girl living with albinism. Her parents do not think she can

join a normal school and they have her work in the field to help gain an income for the family.

Concisely describe what is happening: The skin of Esther has wounds because she has been outside in

the sun for such a long time. She does not know how she must take care of her skin and where to

find treatment for the wounds. She is sad because she cannot go to school and she does not know

how to find help. She has problems with her parents because the parents do not understand her.

Title: The user: Person with albinism.

Page 18: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

Esther tries to talk about her problems with the pastor in church. The pastor decides to talk to the

father of Esther and he tells him about the phone service that he can use to gain more information

about albinism and that also provides information about support for people with albinism

Esther her father learns a lot

through the interactive voice

response about albinism, he finally

understands why the skin of his

daughter looks so hurt. He first

does not know what Esther could

do to make a living, but he learns

she could go to a normal school

and that there are even

possibilities for her to get

sponsored school fee in certain


Page 19: User Experience Map...User Experience Map Possible Scenario’s My idea is: Accessible information for people with albinism in Tanzania, just a phone call away. Through interactive

The parents of Esther decide that Esther will go to school. The director in the school knows how to

help people with albinism in the school because he gained information about this through the

interactive voice response and is very happy to receive Esther in the school.

Esther her parents are very

proud that Esther graduated

secondary school. Esther will

have good job opportunities

and will not have to work in

the field where the sunrays

hurt her skin. She can be

helped by a job coach to find a

job through the interactive

voice response.

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