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Since 2011, the number of unaccompanied immigrant children making the dangerous journey from Central

America to the southern border of the United States has increased more than seven-fold, with arrivals potentially

reaching as high as 90,000 children this year. Many of these children, a growing share of whom are girls and

under the age of 12, are fleeing pervasive and targeted violence in their home countries of Honduras, El Salvador,

and Guatemala.

The “Toolkit for Advocating for the Rights of Unaccompanied Children and Families Fleeing Central America”

was developed to enable individuals at universities, high schools, parishes and other ministries to engage their

faith congregation or campus, government representatives and local community members in the issue from a

faith-based perspective grounded in human dignity.

The toolkit is titled “The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to Such As These,” in light of a biblical passage cited by

former Jesuit Conference president Fr. Thomas Smolich, S.J., in his appeal to U.S. House Speaker John Boehner and

other Jesuit school alumni serving in Congress, encouraging them to uphold the dignity of the human person and

the sacredness of human life in policy decisions regarding the disposition of children fleeing horrific violence in

Central America.

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In the letter Fr. Smolich said, “I ask you, as a leader, a parent, and a Catholic, to uphold an American tradition of

which we are all proud. We must welcome the refugee, the victim of trafficking, the child who has been abused or

abandoned. Let us follow in the footsteps of Jesus when he said “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent

them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).”


Central American Migration Crisis Background


How Can You Help Unaccompanied Children?

How Can I Advocate?: Meeting With Your Legislators During August Recess

Making Your Voice Heard At Town Halls

Introducing Local Resolutions of Welcome In Your Community

Writing An Op-Ed Letter to Your Local Newspaper

Sample Letter To Congress


Why are people fleeing Central America now?

Myths and Facts Behind Increasing Migration from Central America

Interfaith Letter signed by 300+ Organizations to Congress

Letter from Fr. Tom Smolich, S.J. to Speaker John Boehner

Real stories of Central American Children & Families Grappling with Violence

Prayer for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Prayers of Intention for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Quotes from Pope Francis on Migrants and Refugees

DOWNLOAD Full Packet

ISN BLOGS: Unaccompanied Children

Jesuit Organizations Release Toolkit on Advocacy for Rights of Unaccompanied Children from

Central America

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What is driving people from Central America?

Jesuits Call on Jesuit Alumni in Congress to Protect Central America Children

300+ Faith Groups Urge President and Congress to Protect Central American Children and Families

Who will hold the U.S. accountable for a rush to deport the most vulnerable?

Do Not Deport the Children!

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For assistance please use the following contact persons:


Shaina Aber

Policy Dir., US Jesuit Conference

[email protected]

Mary Small

Asst. Dir. for Policy, JRS/USA

[email protected]


Christopher Kerr

Executive. Director., ISN

[email protected]

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REPORT BACK:Please let us know how you/your community are utilizing this toolkit by completing this brief report back form.

First Last

Name *

E-mail *

Institution (school, parish, etc.)

Advocacy Meeting with Representative or Senator

Attending a Legislator Town Hall Meeting

Writing a Personal Letter or E-mail to Legislator

Calling a Legisltator

Requesting Municipality to Pass A Resolution in Support of Welcoming Unaccompanied Children

Writing an Op-Ed for a Local Newspaper


How are you or your community responding? (check all that apply) *

Please tell us more about any of the above checked items:

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