Page 1: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession.

Henry VII – Elizabeth I

Page 2: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession


What is democracy?

Give example of democracy in Canada and the US

What kind of powers do the presidents and the Premier have?

Page 3: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

What is democracy?

government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.

the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.

Page 4: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Hypothetically we live in a democracy ....? The surface of American society is covered with

a layer of democratic paint, but from time to time one can see the old aristocratic colours breaking through. - Alexis de Tocqueville

Through out this unit we will look at the Tudor Era, compare their times to that of our own, and take a critical look at the world we live in. Underlying themes: Laws; use of torture Women leaders

Page 5: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Empire Building Late 15th century and early 16th century Europe was

expanding its’ knowledge of the world – see page 395.

With new technologies and instruments made travel and exploration more plausible, nations began to increase their sphere of influence.

SPHERE OF INFLUENCE – an area or region that a state has significant cultural, military, economic, and political influence.

Why would nations want a sphere of influence?

Page 6: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Everybody else is....

Why did European rulers want to build their empire? Power – age of war Goods – show their wealth Money – to increase their wealth

Portugal, Spain and Dutch were the leaders in exploration.

England and France played only a small role but were more interested for overseas trading colonies.

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Marriage for Love or Power

Henry VIII and his SIX wives

Page 8: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Henry VIII Second to rule England

Tudor dynasty. After the death of his eldest

brother, Henry married his brothers’ wife, Catherine of Aragon, Spanish princess.

Their first daughter was Mary.

After a near death experienced Henry realized he had no male heir to continue the Tudor dynasty. Protecting the throne guided Henry’s rule until his death.

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The annulment

Catherine unfortunately was unable to produce a male heir. She had several children that died during infancy leaving Henry desperately looking for way out of the marriage.

Normally church authorities might have been willing to grant the King an annulment but Pope Clement VII was dependent on the Spanish Emperor, Charles V, Catherine’s nephew.

Impatient with the pope’s inaction, Henry sought to obtain an annulment of his marriage in England’s own ecclesiastical courts. – Determined “null and void” May 1533.

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The Boleyn Girl – 1533-1536

Anne Boleyn – Catherine’s lady in waiting After the annulment Henry announced his marriage

to Anne, who had already become pregnant. A child was born, but to Henry’s disappointment, the baby was a girl, the future Queen Elizabeth.

250 servants, 60 maids (ladies in waiting), held extravagant banquets, purchased gowns, jewels and head dresses

1534 – broke away from the Catholic church and unearthed the Church of England. This gave him control over the doctrine, clerical appointments and discipline but actually did little to change it.

Page 11: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Rumours Rumours started to spread

Witch – who had control over the King Committing Adultery

After two miscarriages Anne failed to produce a male heir and Henry began to believe the rumours. Some say that Thomas Cromwell, the Kings Chief Minister plotted against the Queen because of their disagreements.

Four men were arrested for being the Queen’s lover, including Mark Smeaton, a Flemish Muscian who was near tortured to death as well as her brother George Boleyn.

The Queen was accused of high treason, adultery and incest and was executed along with her four “lovers”.

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Jane Seymour 1536-1537 Shortly after Anne’s death, Henry began

courting Jane, former lady in waiting for both Catherine and Anne.

Henry’s true love. Pale, Blonde – Most stunning Conservative Devout to Catherine, reinstated Mary to the throne. Had a son Edward VI, but she died shortly after his birth.

Page 13: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Anne of Cleves•Henry’s fourth wife.•Queen of England from Jan 6 1540 – July 9 1540•The reason why their marriage ended to quickly was because the painter assigned to paint a portrait of German princess’ painted a more flattering picture than what Henry VIII saw in reality He claimed she looked like a “horse.” •The marriage was never consummated. "I liked her before not well, but now I like her much worse".•The king annulled the marriage with the permission of Anne. He gave her a generous settlement and she was invited to court often, considered good friends of the Tudor family.

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Kathryn Howard July 1540 – Feb 1542 First cousin of Anne Boleyn She was 19 when she came to court as Anne

of Cleves lady in waiting. Henry gained quite a bit of weight, but

young Kathryn increased his secrets. Not even a year after their marriage their

was rumours of Kathryn’s infidelity. She was rumoured to flirt with men who was closer to her age.

By Nov 1542 There was enough evidence against the Queen to accuse her of being promiscuous and she executed Feb 1542.

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Katherine Parr Lady in waiting to Queen Catherine of Aragon Fluent in French, Italian, Spanish and Latin 31 when married King She was interested in reformed faith, which made

her enemies of the conservatives of the court. Her influence and Henry’s growing illness caused a plot against her in 1546. Anne Askew, a well-known active protestant, was tortured but failed to give any evidence of the Queen’s heresy. There was sufficient evidence of the her crimes, and there was a warrant for her arrest. The Queen was tipped off and “fell ill”. Henry forgave her.

Henry died in Jan 1547. She married Thomas Seymour shortly after ( who was Jane Seymour’s uncle).

Page 16: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Vide0 - Horrible Histories Divorced Beheaded Died Divorced Beheaded Survived AKA

Catherine of Aragon – died of heart cancer, a black heart, some say broken heart

Anne Boleyn – accused of cheating and being a witch Jane Seymour- love of his life, actually produced a

son Anne of Cleves – face of a horse, mutual agreement

of divorce Kathryn Howard – not faithful, younger than him Katherine Parr - survived

Page 17: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Video – Tudor Song

Pay attention to How did the Tudor’s rule?

Also what kind of themes we might look at over the course of the Tudor Era?

The Tudor Song

Page 18: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Reformation – root word “reform” Marriage changed with Henry VIII. Reformation- challenged Roman

Catholic doctrines and instituted the Church of England.

Martin Luther declared marriage to be “a worldly thing . . . that belongs to the realm of government”.

Marriage becomes secular. Marriage Laws are now altered by the king.

Page 19: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Key Terms Absolute: without any limits Constitutional monarchy: monarchy in which the

power of a monarch is limited by the constitution Democracy: government chosen by free or fair

elections Dictatorship: system of government headed by a

single person, or small group, whose rule is based on force rather than free elections

Legitimate: born to legally married parents and therefore having the right to succeed to royal position in many countries

Military dictator: dictator whose power depends on control of soldiers rather than a political party

Page 20: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Absolute Monarchy

Parliament: group of people who write laws for a country

Prime Minister: Head of a governing group

Republic: system of government headed by an elected president

Tyrant: absolute ruler with arbitrary power

Arbitrary: not controlled by law or reason

Page 21: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession


Means rule by a single person. Usually claim descent from a ruling

family (dynasty) or sometimes even a god. Less often they claim the throne through rebellion.

“Family business,” when a king dies his first born son takes over– This is why Henry VIII was in search of male heir. In the past if there was no heir to the throne a civil war would break out.

Page 22: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Not as simple as it seems...

Even if monarchs are very hardworking, ministers are still needed to serve as advisors, and generals and officials are needed to carry out orders.

They can be challenged by ambitious ministers or members of his or her own family, especially when there are problems within the kingdom. – Perhaps why Henry was quick to put down any treasonous acts.

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Defender of the Faith

The title “Defender of the Faith” was given to the Catholic Henry VIII (1509- 1647) by the Pope for writing a Defense of the Seven Sacraments, which attacked the Protestant teachings of Martin Luther. When Henry VIII decided to make himself – instead of the Pope – head of the Church of England, the king kept the title.

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Problems of power

“All power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton (1834-1902)

Page 25: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Women absolute rulers

“God’s death! My lord, I will have but one mistress [England] and no master.” – Elizabeth I

Page 26: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Elizabeth I

Daughter of Anne Boleyn The article written by a modern

historian glorifies the rule of Elizabeth I.

Do you agree? What personality traits do you

admire? Why do believe she was a successful


Page 27: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Elizabeth I

Became queen in 1558 at the age of 25. After her sister and brother King Edward (Jane Seymore’s son) and Queen Mary (bloody Mary) who ruled before her. Edward ruled from 1547 – 1553 at the age of 9.

Died in 1553 Mary married Philip II of Spain and ruled England

for a brief period. She was called Bloody Mary because she returned England to Catholicism and burned about 300 Protestants to the stake. Many English people also feared that England would soon be controlled by Spain.

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Elizabeth I Protestant “shrewd, highly educated and had a forceful

personality” Used her force for the common good of her people

She earned their loyalty through travelling the Kingdom Great cultural period in English history during her

rule Theatre flourished under playwrights such as William

Shakespeare The people expected her to marry, but she did not.

Foreign prince might endanger England

Page 29: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Elizabeth I & Domestic Policy

Council of 19 nobles that assisted her with government

Drafted proclamations, handled foreign relations, and supervised such matters as the administration of justice and regulations of prices and wages

The council did not have power to initiate legislation – they could only urge and advise

Page 30: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Social Rank LAWS THAT CONTROLLED SOCIAL RANK Apprentice of 1563 –

declared work to be a social and moral duty Made people work and live

where they were born, which controlled the movement of labour, fixed wages and regulated apprentices

Poor Laws of 1597 Made locals resp. For own

homelessness and unemployed

Prominent noble families

Yeoman or farmers

with small land holdings and labourers

Page 31: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Elizabeth I & Foreign Policy

Can’t expand in Europe; neighbours too powerful Security – needed a strong navy to protect

English Channel France and Spain also had strong navies – so to

protect their interests Elizabeth relied on diplomacy because she knew England could not defeat Spain and France simultaneously

This diplomacy was named balance of power. This “refers to the system in which each nations helps to keep peace and order by maintaining power that is equal to, or in balance with, rival nations.

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Page 33: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Balance of Power



Page 34: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Foreign Policy

Also kept good relations with Scotland and Ireland so they were not used as bases for attacks by the French and the Spanish

1560s helped Scotland become Protestant and an ally of England

1590s England carried out a military campaign to conquer the Irish. Resulted in temporary peace in the British Isles


Page 35: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Elizabeth I

Died 1603 at the age of 69.

End of the Tudor Dynasty

New monarch King James IV of Scotland, protestant son of Mary, Queen of Scots

Page 36: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Maria Theresa 1740 inherited the Austrian throne at

the age of 23 ( From her father Charles VI).

According to the law and custom, women were not permitted to rule Austria. But in 1713 Charles convinced the monarchs of Europe to sign the Pragmatic Sanction. This signified the acceptance of female succession to the Austrian throne.

She had not received any formal training in political matters however she was resourceful.

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Maria Theresa vs Fredrick I

WAR OF THE AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION 1740 - 1748 Not everyone accepted the

Pragmatic Sanction. Prussian Ruler, Frederick II or Frederick the Great, challenged Maria’s rule which began the War of the Austrian Succession.

These alliances set the stage for further conflict.

Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle which officially recognized Prussia’s rise and allowed them to keep Silesia. 1748




Page 38: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Maria Theresa

She strengthened central government They accepted such responsibilities

such as public health, prisons, and roads.

She also ended trade barriers between Austria and Bohemia and used government funds to encourage the production of textiles and glass to produce a strong economy.

Page 39: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

Off with your head!Medieval Life

Page 40: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession


How does someone become king? And how do they control the population??

Page 41: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession


During the era of absolute monarchies, strict power and authority was used to “keep the people down and under their thumb”.

Most monarchies ruled with fear. Fear of treason or fear of torture.

Question: When and why do you think torture was used?

Page 42: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession


Slaves only tell the truth under torture, would never be valid

if it was volunteer information Until second century A.D , torture was only used on

slaves. Jews stoned people to death. Egyptians had death by sun in the desert. Romans crucified people reinforce the justice

system. Jesus Christ

Acts were considered necessary (as to deter others) and good (to punish the immoral)

Page 43: Tudor Dynasty – blood, power, and succession

The Rack

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United Nations Conventions Against Torture

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International Criminal Court

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“Enhanced Interrogation Techniques”

Video: - Where is this from? Report on Torture 2006

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