
Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Treaty Points andTreaty Points andCosting GuidanceCosting Guidance

Nick Walker1st System Area Managers Meeting

KEK – 19.01.2006

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06


• Review the system boundaries outlined in this document• Iterate and discuss• agree on boundaries• Discuss costing guidelines

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

The Baseline Machine (500GeV)The Baseline Machine (500GeV)

not to scale

~30 km

e+ undulator @ 150 GeV (~1.2km)x2R = 955m

E = 5 GeV

RTML ~1.6km

ML ~10km (G = 31.5MV/m)20mr

2mrBDS 5km

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

RDR MatrixRDR Matrix

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

RDR MatrixRDR Matrix

System Areas

Geographical breakdown of machine

Primary responsibility for design and ‘ownership of costs’

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

RDR MatrixRDR Matrix

Technical Systems

Your ‘Engineering & Cost’ resources

Responsible for engineering designing and costing of components in area systems

A point of contact will be identified for each tech. area to each system area

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

RDR MatrixRDR Matrix

Global Systems

Responsible for the more global aspects of the machine which do not specifically relate to a single system area or technical group

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

RDR Matrix ReloadedRDR Matrix Reloaded

System Areas

Tech. Groups Global Groups

design iterationcost push-backoptimisation‘overhead, contingency & redundancy’ checks





Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Boundaries (Treaty Points)Boundaries (Treaty Points)

e- source e+ source DR RTML Main Linac BDS

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Boundaries (Treaty Points)Boundaries (Treaty Points)

e- source e+ source DR RTML Main Linac BDS

Polarised electron gun (including laser system)

capture/bunching system/pre-acceleration

acceleration to 5 GeV

spin rotation


up to (but not including) DR injection

e- gun on positron system also included(up to dipole before 5 GeV linac)

Nicholas Walker
This needs more thought.We have an electron gun for the keep-alive source, which does not necessarilly need to be polarisedWe have a gun for commissioningWe have a gun for physics (e-e- and g-g) which must be polarisedSome or all of these guns could be combined in a single system.

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Boundaries (Treaty Points)Boundaries (Treaty Points)

e- source e+ source DR RTML Main Linac BDS

All beamline components integrated with main ring vacuum system

Associated ancillary systems (power supplies, RF, etc.)

For stacked e+ ring, includes bunch combining/separation systems

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Boundaries (Treaty Points)Boundaries (Treaty Points)

e- source e+ source DR RTML Main Linac BDS

Begins after DR extraction system and compensating bends

Ends at entrance to first Main Linac cryomodule

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Boundaries (Treaty Points)Boundaries (Treaty Points)

e- source e+ source DR RTML Main Linac BDS

Begins with first cryomodule after RTML

Ends with last cryomodule before BDS

In addition to basic RF units, includes any warm insertions (diagnostics stations, MPS systems etc.)

problem area: e+ source in e- linac

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Boundaries (Treaty Points)Boundaries (Treaty Points)

e- source e+ source DR RTML Main Linac BDS

Begins at exit of last cryomodule in Main Linac

Ends at (and includes) main beam dumps

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Boundaries (Treaty Points)Boundaries (Treaty Points)

e- source e+ source DR RTML Main Linac BDS

Target system dumpCapture systempre-acceleration(long) transfer line5 GeV injection linacup to DR injection

undulator systeme- bypass systempre-undulator collimation (MPS)pre-undulator FEX (MPS)

clear responsibility of e+ source group

could be considered part of ML

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Costing GuidelinesCosting Guidelines

The RDR is not a complete Technical/Engineering Design a design made to the level required to support a

reliable cost estimate

Good common sense has to be applied to level of engineering/costing Main Linac, CF&S

cost drivers: pay attention to details Injectors, DRs, BDS

not cost drivers: can make looser cost estimates

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Example: US studyExample: US studynote: US accountingfull-cost model

CF&S included for each system

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Example: US studyExample: US studynote: US accountingfull-cost model

CF&S included for each system

Orthogonal view (technical groups)

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Cost Drivers: SCRF tech.Cost Drivers: SCRF tech.

bottom-up cost detailed cost estimate based on existing information (TDR, USLCOS) new input from industrial studies (US?) (XFEL TDR cost update)

May have largest uncertainty International agreed upon model for

costing SCRF tech. needed

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Cost Drivers: CF&SCost Drivers: CF&S Civil engineering requirements must be well specified

tunnel diameters, lengths # of shafts, access etc PPS zones shielding requirements for hi rad areas etc. surface building requirements (space!)

scaling from existing machines or similar engineering projects useful

site dependencies may exist Must have a clear picture of what you want to go into a

tunnel, shaft, hall or building

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Cost Drivers: CF&SCost Drivers: CF&S

Cooling & AC power requirements input needed from AS on

magnets, power supplies, electronic racks, klystrons/modulators etc.

some can be scaled from existing infrastructures

Special case: cryogenics look to LHC…

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

Non Cost DriversNon Cost Drivers

Careful: taken together still ¼-1/3 of total cost magnets: rough estimates of IV parameters, cooling

requirements needed based on field specs from AS No need to perform detailed magnet design

~30% best guess ~2% TPC

(warm) vacuum systems: rough design; scale from existing machines

controls (inc. software), instrumentation… rough counts, scale from existing experience

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

An Example:An Example:

example taken from USLCOS

estimating error TPC impact on TPCinstrumentation 30% 2% 1%ops 30% 4% 1%cryo 30% 4% 1%controls 30% 4% 1%vacuum 30% 4% 1%magnets 30% 6% 2%install. & test 20% 7% 1%syst. eng. 20% 8% 2%RF 10% 12% 1%cavities 20% 18% 4%CF 10% 31% 3%

100% 18%

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06


WBS is needed to define the level of cost detail required

First-pass at WBS (level of detail) can be made from experience

Will need to iterate as costs begin to arrive Our first job! Define the WBS

Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06

WBS using SLAC toolWBS using SLAC tool

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