



Task A: Complete the missing words. The first letter of each word is given.

Sit down. This a rmchair is very comfortable.

1. This is a nice b_______ but there are no books in it! 2. This c_______ of d_______ is very useful for keeping important papers in.3. I love the sound of the postman putting something through the l_______. I always think something

exciting is coming.4. We haven’t got a carpet. My mum prefers having a small r_______ on the floor.5. Put dirty plates and cups in the d_______ and I’ll switch it on later.6. I don’t mind painting the walls but I hate painting the c_______.7. Our previous flat had a lovely b_______. I used to have breakfast there on sunny mornings, enjoying

the fresh air.

Task B: Complete the missing words. The lines show you how many letters to use.

An attractive semi – d e t a   c h e d house with a   small garden.

It is located in the 1 _ _ b _ _ b _, about 10km from the town centre. The big windows make it 2 _ r _ _ h _ and cheerful. The rooms are big, the bedrooms are very 3 _ _ _ c _ _ u _ and there is also a very useful 4 _ t t _ _ at the top of the house. The house is in a quiet, 5 _ e _ c _ f _ _ area and the neighbours are very 6_ r _ _ n _ _ _. The 7 _ s _ _ t _ agent is selling the house for £150,000.

Task C: Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

I   don’t think their new apartment is as spectacular as the old one.

1. I think that this furniture is much more expensive __________ ours.2. Jane’s house is not as comfortable __________ Mike’s.3. Unfortunately, we had __________ little money to buy a new vacuum cleaner.4. We wanted to rent a new flat, but the one we saw today was not big __________ for us.

Task D: Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the adjectives in brackets.

Our new house is terrible! We’ve got the noisiest (noisy) neighbours in the world! They’re always having parties. The parents are 1_________ (bad) than the children. It’s also much 2_________ (far) away from my work than the old house and it’s in 3_________ (boring) town in Britain. There’s nothing to do here! The furniture wasn’t as 4_________ (cheap) as we thought. We had to completely change the kitchen and bathrooms. At least it’s now 5_________ (tasteful) than it was before. Another problem is the loft. It’s much 6_________ (difficult) to get to than in the old house. I’m not sure I’ll be able to use it at all.


Task E: Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns. Tick (√) the sentences where the pronoun can be left out.

_____√_____The price of housing is a   problem which/that everyone has an opinion about.

1. ________The apartment __________ I share with my girlfriend has new kitchen appliances.

2. ________Mike lives in a town __________ house prices are so high that young people live with their

parents until they are about 35 years old.

3. ________That is the house __________ was sold for five million dollars last year.

4. ________The man __________ you met yesterday is the owner of that big block of flats in

Houston Street.

5. ________Look, it’s the woman __________ daughter is our next-door neighbour!

6. ________All the students __________ passed the test don’t have to come to the next class.

7. ________The man __________ house we are buying is a successful artist.

8. ________I’m trying to phone the man __________ promised to cut our lawn.

9. ________That carpet __________ I bought last week feels really nice and looks great.

10. ________The housing estate __________ my brother lives is quite dangerous.

11. ________The actress __________ I saw in the city centre yesterday is beautiful and famous.

12. ________All the students __________ failed the test have to take it again.

Task F: Complete the gaps with the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do not need.

1. If something is impossible to eat, it is _________.

2. Food which is hot to eat because of the ingredients is _________.

3. A meal which is really tasty and special is _________.

4. Food which is _________ is bad for you.

5. Adding sugar to drinks makes them _________.

6. A meal that contains many healthy ingredients and is generally good for you is ________.

Task G: Complete the text with one word in each gap.

I   don’t eat much fast food now , because I’m trying to cut 1_________ on

fat. It’s not easy because I love eating and I have a real sweet 2_________. I’m not exactly 3_________ a diet. I still eat a lot but I try

to eat things like low 4_________ yoghurts instead of normal ones. I eat

a lot of 5_________ gum to stop myself from eating snacks during the

day. I also drink a lot of mineral water – not 6_________ drinks because

they’ve got a lot of sugar in them.


delicious fresh inedible nutritious spicy stale sweet unhealthy


Task H: Choose the correct answers.

1. _______ any supermarkets near here?a Is there b There are c There is d Are there

2. There isn’t _______ butter left.a much b many c little d some

3. Don’t worry, we’ve got _______ of fish.a much b a few c many d a lot

4. _______ any olive oil, I’m afraid.a There is b There are c There aren’t d There isn’t

5. The doctor gave me _______ information about diets.a a  b an c some d any

6. How _______ bacon should I buy? a much b many c any d some

Task 1 : Complete the conversation with one word in each gap. The first letter of each word is given.

A Excuse me, but why does your advert say ‘two bedroom house’ when there’s only one bedroom?B Ah, yes. I wrote that by 1 m_______________. The last owner used the living room as a second bedroom.A And is this a photo of the house? It 2 s_______________ very big for a two bedroom house.B Oh no, not that one. The house I’m selling is in the 3 b_______________, behind the big, white house. You can just see the chimney and one window.A Ah, that one! I can’t see it properly here. 4 P_______________ you have another picture?

B I’m sorry, but this is the only one we have. Would you like me to call the owner and ask him for another picture?A No, 5 n_______________ m_______________. It’s too expensive for us anyway.

Task 2 : Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.

A Could I have a glass of apple juice, please?B I’m sorry, sir. We haven’t got 1_________apple juice. But we have a 2_________ bottles of the finest French mineral water. It isn’t cheap, but it’s 3_________ best mineral water in the world.A Great then, I’ll have 4_________ bottle of this water and 5_________ ice, please. B Here you are, sir. A Mmm, it is very good, just like you said. How 6_________ is it?B It is one hundred dollars per bottle.

A What?! Oh, no!


London is a big city. It can be difficult to decide where to eat. With children, a bad choice can spoil the day. 1_____ Here are a few of the most special places to take children in London.

The London Banquet gives you a taste of history. The banquet takes place every evening not far from the Tower of London. The waiters dress like people from the 16th century and the food is similar to what King Henry VIII ate. Big plates of meat, potatoes and vegetables are served, and there is music, dancing and fun. You can even rent a costume to wear while you eat. 2_____. You pay one price for all the food you can eat. It’s quite expensive, but there are many dishes to try so don’t eat too much during the day. You have to book a place before

you go and arrive at 7 p.m. There is no menu, the food is brought to the table on big plates and you eat what you want. Family tickets make it cheaper and children under 4 eat for free.

The Rainforest Café is another very special place. As the name suggests, the restaurant is decorated like a rainforest. Children love the plants, streams, waterfalls, animal noises and, every now and then, the sound of a thunderstorm. 3_____. Unfortunately, there is often a long queue for a table. This can be boring for children, but, once seated, they get a free fun pack of pencils and pictures to colour. 4_____. When the food comes, it’s much better than you probably imagined! It is delicious and the whole experience is really fun, so, basically, you get much more than the simple food that you might expect in a place like this.

A Belgian restaurant may not sound very exciting but Belgo’s is really great. There are lots of Belgo’s restaurants but the best one is in the centre of London. Their speciality is seafood and chips. If you don’t fancy that, there are other choices, although not many. They also have some great offers at different times of the day. ‘Kids eat free’ is one of them, available on Monday afternoons. 5_____. With this, you pay the same amount as the time when you order. So, if you order at 5.45, you pay £5.45. You can only get this offer between five o’clock and half past six, though, so you can’t go in at one o’clock for the cheapest meal in London! Belgo’s is open until almost midnight so you

can also eat late in the evening if you like. Just come by and queue up, or book a table online.

Finally, Mudchute Farm is a real working farm in the middle of London. As well as 200 animals, Mudchute has a restaurant open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Prices aren’t low and the choice is quite limited but the food is delicious. 6______.

So, lunch on a farm, in the 16th century, in a Belgian restaurant or in a rainforest. It can only be London! Task1: Complete the gaps in the article with sentences a–h. There are two extra sentences that you do not need!

a) So do adults.b) There’s another room upstairs.

c) A good choice can make it perfect!


d) Their friendliness helps to create this atmosphere.

e) It’s also very healthy and nutritious.f) Many customers take this chance to

dress up.

g) Another is ‘Beat the Clock’.h) This keeps them busy while they wait for

their food.

Task 2: Read the article again. Choose the correct answers.

1. The Medieval Banquet is good for people whoa have a sweet tooth.b eat a lot.c are on a diet.d like to choose from a menu.

2. The surprising thing about the Rainforest Café isa the length of the queues.b the noises and decoration.c the special packs for children.d the quality of the food.

3. The cheapest meal you could have with the ‘Beat the Clock’ offer costsa £5.00.b £5.45.c £1.00.d £6.30.

4. The similarity between Belgo’s and Mudchute isa the opening times.b the prices.c the number of choices offered.d the number of special offers they have.

Task 3: Match the following definitions with the underlined words in the text.

1. ________________ (adj) able to be obtained, used, or reached.

2. ________________ (n) a line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something.

3. _________________(v) to pay a fixed amount of money for the use of a room, house, car,

television, etc.

4. _________________(v) to want to have or do something.

5. _________________(n) food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal.

6. _________________(conj) despite the fact that; but.

7. _________________ (n) the range of different things from which you can choose.

TASK: Look at the photo and write a paragraph describing it.



1. John Logie Baird was the man _______ invented the television.2. India is the country ____________ film industry is nicknamed ‘Bollywood’.3. The UK is the country ________ the program ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ started.4. Google is the search machine _______________ is used by most people.5. ‘Big Brother’ is the reality TV show _______ has been broadcast in over 20 countries.


1. I thanked the student ________________ dictionary I had borrowed.

2. The students _______________ sit in the front row are from China.

3. The movie _________________ I saw last night wasn’t very good.

4. I come from a country _____________ history goes back thousands of years.

5. The man _______________ wallet had been stolen called the police.

6. The woman ______________________ cat died was sad.

7. The man ____________ beard caught on fire when he lit a cigarette poured a glass of water on his face.

8. The town _________________ I grew up is small.

9. That’s the restaurant ____________________ I’ll meet you.

10. Everyone tried to help the family ____________________ house had burned down.

11. Dostoyevsky is an author ____________________ novels are read widely.

12. I have a neighbour _______________________ dog barks all day long.

13. George Washington is the president ______________ face is on a one-dollar note.


1. All the students are seated. The teacher is the only one_____________________________2. I know someone ________________________________________________________________3. The test we took yesterday was easier than the one ________________________________4. That’s the park__________________________________________________________________5. I’ll always remember the accident________________________________________________

PART D: COMBINE THE SENTENCES1. I met a boy. His sister knows you.

2. The woman is a doctor. She lives next door.

3. What is the name of the restaurant? We had a nice lunch there.

4. We live in a world. It is changing all the time.

Taj Mahal1. The Taj Mahal is the mausoleum with the grave of Queen Mumtaz Mahal at its lower chamber. It is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world, and some Western historians have noted that no other construction carries its architectural beauty. It is the most architecturally beautiful monument that anyone has ever seen. Taj Mahal means "Crown Palace" and it is absolutely amazing. It is the most wonderful tomb in the world.

2. It was built by the fifth Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan, in memory of his second wife, Mumtaz Mahal. She died while she was accompanying her husband in a campaign to stop a rebellion. The death affected the emperor so badly that all his hair and beard grew snow white in a few months at a young age.

3. When Mumtaz Mahal was still alive, she extracted four promises from Shah Jahan: first, that he would build the Taj Mahal; second, that he would marry again; third, that he would be kind to their children; and fourth, that he would visit the tomb regularly, on the

anniversary of her death. He kept the first and the second promises.

4. The construction of Taj Mahal began in 1631 and was eventually completed in twenty-two years. Twenty-thousand people were employed to work on it. The material was chosen meticulously and brought in from all over India and central Asia. More than a thousand elephants transported it to the construction site.

5. The dome- the circular roof- is made of white marble with precious stones; that is, valuable stones. The colors of the precious stones in the marble perform their magic with the light of the moon and the sun. They reflect distinct colors and change the view of

the Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal is pinkish in the morning sun, milky white in the moonlight and golden when the moon fully shines. It is believed that these changes are the representatives of the moods of a woman.

6. Different people have different views of the Taj Mahal but it is clear that the Taj Mahal is a monument of love. As an architectural masterpiece,

nothing could be added to or subtracted from it.

TASK A: What/who do the following refer to?

1. its architectural beauty (para.1) : the architectural

beauty of __________________

2. it (para.4) : ________________________________

3. they (para.5) : _____________________________

TASK B: Find words in the text that mean the following. 1. took (para.3) (v) :___________________

2. finally (para.4) (adv) :________________

3. different (para.5) (adj) :_______________________

TASK C: Mark the following statements True or False. 1. ___________Shah Jahan had white hair because he was very old.

2. ___________According to the writer, the Taj Mahal is absolutely perfect as a construction.

TASK D. Answer the following questions.

1. Write two adjectives that the writer uses to describe the Taj Mahal.

a) _____________________________________. b) _____________________________________.

2. Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal as he had promised. What else did he do as he had promised?

3. What do the changes of colors of the Taj Mahal represent?

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