  • Touch and Tilt

    Level 3 Extended Diploma

    Unit 22

    Developing Computer Games

  • Touch and Tilt

    On devices there are method for handling Touch

    and Tilt events.

    Typically there are browser handlers for some of

    these events.

    This is new technology within the device browsers

    and is currently still being developed. So some

    caution is recommended.

  • Touch and Tilt

    • The intel XDK is one method for handling tilt

    events using the device accelerometer.

  • Intel XDK

  • Intel XDK

    • You are now in a position to be able to

    develop your own game code.

    • Currently you have used Notepad++ for the


  • Intel XDK

    The Intel® XDK provides a comprehensive cross-platform development

    environment for building hybrid HTML5 apps for mobile phone and

    tablet devices.

    HTML5 apps are not limited to smart web pages viewed in a browser,

    you can also package your HTML5 code and deploy it directly on a

    mobile device as a locally installed hybrid mobile app.

    This enables the use of the same distribution and monetization

    channels as for native mobile apps, in addition to the same app

    installation and launch experience.

  • Intel XDK

    • There is online documentation on using and

    developing hybrid apps using the reference

    on the previous slide.

    • You can install the Intel XDK on your home

    PC, it is free.

    • You will need to create an account with Intel

    using when first using the software.

  • Intel XDK

    • Intel XDK is installed on all the lab PC’s.

    • Find and start the Intel XDK IDE. (copy shortcut from studshare to

    your desktop)

    • You can create an account if you wish using your college email and a

    password (you need to remember this).

    • Then try some of the sample apps provided.

  • Intel XDK - Accelerometer

    • The accelerometer in a device provides feedback in your

    code on the tilt position of the device.

    • This can be emulated in the software.

    • The values on the x axis is between -1 (Fully tilt left) to 1

    (Fully tilt right) e.g. -0.5 half tilt to left or 0.5 half tilt to the


    • To use this feature we have to put a watch on the

    accelerometer with an interval.

    • This interval in effect replaces our setInterval in breakout.

  • Intel XDK - Accelerometer

    function watchAccel()


    var options = { frequency: 50, adjustForRotation: true };

    // Update every half second

    watchID = intel.xdk.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(suc, options);


    Update every

    half second


    function to call

  • Intel XDK - Accelerometer

    function suc(a)


    if ( a.x < 0)

    if (paddlex - paddledx > 0 )

    paddlex -= a.x*-10;

    if ( a.x > 0)

    if (paddlex + paddlew + paddledx < WIDTH)

    paddlex += a.x*10;



    Update the


    Call draw here

    Multiply by 10

    to get pixel


  • Intel XDK - Accelerometer

    function stopWatch()


    if (watchID)



    watchID = null;



    Stop watching

    This variable



  • Intel XDK - Accelerometer

    //game over, so stop the animation

    // clearInterval(watchID);

    stopWatch(); Stop watching

  • Intel XDK - Accelerometer

    Now you can test using the emulator.

    If it does not work you can debug by clicking on

    this button.

    Refresh Debug

    Emulator settings

  • Intel XDK

    If it works then you can continue to try and run it

    on your chosen device.

    Follow the instructions in intel XDK to accomplish


  • Touch and Tilt

    You can use a DOM event handler for device



  • Touch and Tilt

    function Tilt(e)



    x++; // increment ball horizontal position


    y++; // increment ball vertical position


  • Touch

    For touch events we can add another handler. document.getElementById("canvas").addEventListener("touchstart",

    Touch, false);


    Touch, false);

    Here I am using the same function for the mouse control.

  • Touch

    function Tilt(e)



    x++; // increment ball horizontal position


    y++; // increment ball vertical position


    Further refinement of this code will be needed.

  • Touch and Tilt

    Demo on the Nexus 7

    You can now decide the platform for the game

    you develop for assignment 2.

  • Touch and Tilt

    Next session we will learn the development

    aspects of designing your game for assignment 2.

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