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ToleranceAnswers of slovak students

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What is intolerance? What is it about?

Intolerance is lack of toleration, unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc. Intolerance is kind of disrespect of other people’s opinions, beliefs and thoughts. It’s a very common phenomenon in this modern society and it seems that everybody is against everything. There are more and more intolerant people who criticize the society and the whole system even though they don’t do anything for the society in return.

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Is intolerance a permission for everything?

Many of our enemies are the outcome of our intolerance .Tolerance is really a very highly useful quality. It is one of the basic principles of good manners. We can do justice if we are tolerant to hearing the different views of others. So, every student, every citizen and every individual culture the habit of tolerance. There is no doubt in it that tolerance is the most necessary quality of our everyday life but it definitely is not permission for everything.

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Which groups of people are vulnerable to intolerance ? Why ?

In Slovakia many of the Roma people, retired people and disabled people are vulnerable to intolerance. At schools the outsiders, integrated students with dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia and students from poor families are vulnerable to intolerance. The Roma people are a special category and people are intolerant to them because they have different behaviour thoughts, attitudes, family education and background. Retired people are often old fashioned and dislike and don’t tolerate younger generation and people don’t tolerate disabled ones because of their disability. (M)

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Does intolerance mean the same as "discrimination" or "antagonism"?

All the three expressions are very similar to each other, but discrimination and antagonism are much more stronger. If somebody doesn´t tolerate you, you can live with that but if somebody discriminates you is far more worse, because it could be discrimination of race, age, education, gender, rights etc.

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Should we always be tolerant ?

In my opinion, tolerance is kind of respect and tolerance between people and should be limited. Everyone has their own tolerance against other people someone bigger - someone smaller. I have got big tolerance to others. I always listen to the opinions of others although I do not always agree with them but I tolerate them. We shouldn’t always be tolerant especially to the people who not respect our tolerance and our opinion.

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Are younger people tolerant ?

I think that young people are not very tolerant in this time. Young people are rude and don’t tolerate other people, especially older people. I think it’s caused be this modern time. Parents of these young people haven’t got time for their children and Children do not have good models of behaviour and they don’t respect their parents.

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Do you always respect other people‘s rights ? If no, in which situations does it happen?

I usually respect rights of other people. Usually everyone have the same rights I respect most of them. I have right to disagree with someone’s opinion for example with politicians. I think people can disrespect right of people who don’t respect their rights. I think everybody in the world should have some.

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Are you bothered by other religious beliefs or atheism when dealing with your peers?

I haven’t got peers with different religious but if I had I would have prejudices to people with different religious. I am very interested in other religion like Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and many more. If I had peers with another religious I would respect them like normal people because the character of a man is more important than his/her religion.

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Are you annoyed by other people and their views ?

I think that each person has rights to show his/her own views. But I really don't like when somebody forces his/her view upon me, if I don't agree with it, because every person is free to decide.

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Do you believe that poor people should blame themselves for the situations that they are in ?

I think that many of those people usually are not to be blamed for the situation they are in. In most cases it is government to be blamed for financial situation in some states, prices are high and salary is small. Also some people become poor due to their own mistakes like drinking alcohol, taking drugs, smoking, etc., however pitying themselves won't solve their problems. This kind of people often has issues in their own families. They should ask for help of a psychologist.

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Would you tolerate a foreigner on a political seniority in your country ?

I don't think so. My opinion is that each foreigner should be in his own political system in his homeland. Politicians (also foreign) on a political seniority have greater competences, but they could misuse it. For example some politicians in foreign (our) government would enforce evil opinions, ordered from his own government from his own country to our and this could have bad influence to our country. I think it's better to have our own politicians, not foreign.

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Should national minorities have the same rights as other citizens of a given country?

Definitely yes. We all are humans. Everybody has the same rights. All People are equal. It doesn't matter if you are of a Japanese, German or Indian origin. Why minorities should be discriminated, if they live normal life? Unfortunately, nowadays people focus too much on money. They'd rather prefer money to the value of a human life. Also there are those minorities, which are not employed and just take benefits from state and cause trouble. In this case I don't agree with the same rights for those people, but it is their own fault.

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What is women‘s place in a society/country?

Women didn´t have the same position in the past as it is nowadays. Once a woman was considered as something less important. At the end of 19th century women got property rights. The education of women was better, too. In 1918 women in Great Britain got the right to vote just for educated women and for women who paid the rent). In 21st century women have been working in all areas, they have achieved that they are financially independent. Their position is not so ideal. Maybe it is so in developed countries. Men still control this world. For example in Muslim countries or African countries women are just a tool of their fathers and later husbands.

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Are women equally treated/paid as men in working places ?

I think that women aren't valued for the same job as man. Despite laws which should the same treatment for women and men, women are still less valued than men in working positions. It's called women discrimination.-There is higher unemployment of women when compared with men. - There is lower rate of representation of women on higher positions. Women aren't paid and valued in the same way as men and I think that they should be, because women can replace men in almost every job, and despite this they can care about their family.

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Why do some people take disabled people with a pinch of salt (have a sceptical attitude)

People in history took people with disability like burden of the society. Today managers want some physical activity from their personnel which some people with disability can’t do, so they won’t pass at an interview for a job. If they don´t pass they are dependent on the money from the government – the dole or they work in protected workshops which provides state. In our society there are so many people with disability. Despite this fact they are able to find some kind of work. 

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What should the role of elderly people in a society be like?

Elder population is become an important issue in nowadays society. I think that elderly people worked enough in their whole life. They deserve their rest. They should advise young people and prepare them for their future. Moreover, elderly people are underestimated because of their age. However there are still many of them who work as teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc., and still do some kind of service for the society, which should be highly appreciated.

I think we should respect views of elderly people because they are older and more experience in their life but sometimes I can’t agree witch their opinion. Some of them lived in the old times like communism but most of them are modest, good people. I think elderly people in Slovakia should be more reputable and better financially secured.

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Are you bothered by elderly people's behaviour or views?

o I usually respect rights of other people. Usually everyone have the same right. I respect most of them. I have right to disagree with someone’s opinion for example with politicians. I think people can disrespect right of people who don’t respect their rights. I think everybody in the world should have some rights.

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Try and build together a values hierarchy consisting of 10 elements and present it in an interesting way.

In a class we discussed a values hierarchy and here are the results based on students answers :

1. Health 2. Family 3. Love & Happiness 4. Housing 5. Money 6. Friendship 7. Hobbies 8. Education 9. Work/Employment 10. Tolerance

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