Download - Tms april 2016

Page 1: Tms april 2016

Vol 26 - No.12Feb-March-Apr 2016



Courage & Faith

It takes Courage to live happily. It takes Courage with Faith to believe in your dreams and start to realize them. All too often, it is easy to just let go and submit to circumstance and give up. It is so much easier to blame someone else rather than be accountable for what is not right in our lives. We delude ourselves into thinking we are not our own responsibility, that it is not our fault.

More than anything, we owe it to ourselves to be happy inside. If we are not happy, we do a grave injustice to those whom we love: our unhappiness seeps into every crack and groove of our fragile, short life, permeating everyone and everything in its existence. And everyone is unhappy.

In the inspiring words of the wonderful author Elizabeth Gilbert,“Your fear must not be allowed to make decisions about creativity, passion, inspiration, dreams. Your fear doesn't understand these things, and so it makes the most boring possible decisions about them. Your fear mistakes creativity and inspiration for sabre-toothed tigers and wolf packs. They aren't. Creativity and inspiration are the vehicles that will transport you to the person you most need to become.”

It takes Prayer and Faith to let go of fear. Be bold, and trust in the Lord. Be good, be compassionate in the smallest of ways and follow the way of the Lord. Listen to your conscience, fight for the weak and don't let your Fear decide for you. Take that leap of Faith and trust in the Divine. You will open your heart to real Magic. But trust you must, or you will rust, languishing where you choose to remain.

So I challenge you to let go of your Fear and do what your heart dictates: perhaps just one little change that makes you smile each day. Grab your Courage with both hands, let go of your Fear and be happy. You owe it to yourself!

Raadhika Dosa D'Cruz

PS: Thank you for your generosity towards keeping TMS going. Every contribution has been a blessing. We are so grateful for your love and support!

PPS: This summer, save water and share whatever you can with people, with birds, with stray animals. Pray for a blessed Monsoon to replenish and revive our country. Amen.

Page 2: Tms april 2016



Dear Raadhika ji!

Wish you a peace-filled day!Thank you very much for sending me a copy of the latest issue of 'The Mustard Seed'. In a few pages this little magazine contains so much precious wisdom! The need of the hour is—as it has always been—to remind people of our Creator and of the need to live according to our Creator's Will and to tell them that one day we will all return to our Creator, where we will have to account for our lives. In this regard, 'The Mustard Seed' is playing such a wonderful role! May God bless it and everyone involved in bringing it out!

Yoginder Sikand


The world we live in today is in the throes of tremendous upheaval leaving people displaced and having to pick up the pieces to start afresh. Since I am still in the Easter hangover mode, I am left thinking. As solemn and sombre both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are, it is a time of reflection of actions past. Holy Saturday and Easter brings with it liberation, brought forth by forgiveness and bringing peace, joy and freedom from fetters that our own sins bind us in. How do you stand firm in faith against all adversity? How far and how long can this Easter bliss last? I wish and pray, that they last forever!

Here are some reflections I would like to share with you:

As I wake up each morning I love the view that greets me

“We are not going to change the whole world, but we can change ourselves and feel free as birds. We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil. Serenity is contagious. If we smile at someone, he or she will smile back. And a smile costs nothing. We should plague

everyone with joy. If we are to die in a minute, why not die happily, laughing? (136-137)”

- Swami Satchidananda, The Yoga Sutras

“Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.”

- Dalai Lama XIV

“For each and every person, our Lord and Master provides sustenance. Why are you so afraid, O mind? The flamingos fly hundreds of miles, leaving their young ones behind. Who feeds them, and who teaches them to feed themselves? Have you ever thought of this in your mind?”

- Guru Nanak, Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” - 1 Peter 3:15, The Holy Bible

Jennifer Matthews


“The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.” Ernest Hemingway

Dear Radhika,Congrats, I am proud of you for doing so much spiritual work. We belong to the Holy Cross Sisters, Tamil Nadu. I receive TMS for the past many years and I read and benefit a lot from every page of it. Thank you, Radhika. God bless you and grant you all that you are in need of. My prayers are always for your family and your mission.Yours lovingly,Sr. Petronilla

Dear Kiran Bhat,

With over-whelming joy I wish you all the best for your proclamation of the kingdom of God through "THE M U S T A R D S E E D " w h i c h strengthens the faith of people on this earth. I appreciate your journal information. I am a Catholic Priest working in the Mission Diocese, Uttarakhanda. You and I are the instruments to spread God's message to all, thus uniting together to work in His vineyard fruitfully. Here people are very poor, but we shall offer prayers for you. May the Good God reward your generosity and your efforts to proclaim the values and precepts of God. May God Bless you.

with regards and prayer,

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Fr. Ravi Kumar Voliganti, Bareilly

TMS team, yes I have been receiving the softcopy regularly. Please continue with your 'drip irrigation for the soul!'

Stay blessed, resourceful, creative and compassionate, as always.


Thank you, Radhika!

Looking forward to receiving the old issues, and yes, I did take a look at the blog and did click follow!

Wish you all the best as editor under the Inspiration!

Warm regards,

Doris Mistry

Page 3: Tms april 2016



Dear Raadhika ji!

Wish you a peace-filled day!Thank you very much for sending me a copy of the latest issue of 'The Mustard Seed'. In a few pages this little magazine contains so much precious wisdom! The need of the hour is—as it has always been—to remind people of our Creator and of the need to live according to our Creator's Will and to tell them that one day we will all return to our Creator, where we will have to account for our lives. In this regard, 'The Mustard Seed' is playing such a wonderful role! May God bless it and everyone involved in bringing it out!

Yoginder Sikand


The world we live in today is in the throes of tremendous upheaval leaving people displaced and having to pick up the pieces to start afresh. Since I am still in the Easter hangover mode, I am left thinking. As solemn and sombre both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are, it is a time of reflection of actions past. Holy Saturday and Easter brings with it liberation, brought forth by forgiveness and bringing peace, joy and freedom from fetters that our own sins bind us in. How do you stand firm in faith against all adversity? How far and how long can this Easter bliss last? I wish and pray, that they last forever!

Here are some reflections I would like to share with you:

As I wake up each morning I love the view that greets me

“We are not going to change the whole world, but we can change ourselves and feel free as birds. We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil. Serenity is contagious. If we smile at someone, he or she will smile back. And a smile costs nothing. We should plague

everyone with joy. If we are to die in a minute, why not die happily, laughing? (136-137)”

- Swami Satchidananda, The Yoga Sutras

“Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.”

- Dalai Lama XIV

“For each and every person, our Lord and Master provides sustenance. Why are you so afraid, O mind? The flamingos fly hundreds of miles, leaving their young ones behind. Who feeds them, and who teaches them to feed themselves? Have you ever thought of this in your mind?”

- Guru Nanak, Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” - 1 Peter 3:15, The Holy Bible

Jennifer Matthews


“The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.” Ernest Hemingway

Dear Radhika,Congrats, I am proud of you for doing so much spiritual work. We belong to the Holy Cross Sisters, Tamil Nadu. I receive TMS for the past many years and I read and benefit a lot from every page of it. Thank you, Radhika. God bless you and grant you all that you are in need of. My prayers are always for your family and your mission.Yours lovingly,Sr. Petronilla

Dear Kiran Bhat,

With over-whelming joy I wish you all the best for your proclamation of the kingdom of God through "THE M U S T A R D S E E D " w h i c h strengthens the faith of people on this earth. I appreciate your journal information. I am a Catholic Priest working in the Mission Diocese, Uttarakhanda. You and I are the instruments to spread God's message to all, thus uniting together to work in His vineyard fruitfully. Here people are very poor, but we shall offer prayers for you. May the Good God reward your generosity and your efforts to proclaim the values and precepts of God. May God Bless you.

with regards and prayer,

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Fr. Ravi Kumar Voliganti, Bareilly

TMS team, yes I have been receiving the softcopy regularly. Please continue with your 'drip irrigation for the soul!'

Stay blessed, resourceful, creative and compassionate, as always.


Thank you, Radhika!

Looking forward to receiving the old issues, and yes, I did take a look at the blog and did click follow!

Wish you all the best as editor under the Inspiration!

Warm regards,

Doris Mistry

Page 4: Tms april 2016


What is common to both pursuits is one has to remain still, silent and yet focused. This degree of inward quietness leads us to be more observant of Nature and helps expand our innate consciousness. Our recent visit to Thattekad Sanctuary made my wife Vineeta and myself aware of this connection in good measure. A chance meeting with our friend, avid birder Capt. Haridas and his wife Dr Shanta made us aware of Thattekad Bird Sanctuary near Kochi, Kerala. We made our bookings at a homestay in the precincts of the Sanctuary. What better place to be than in the midst of nature? Thattekkad Sanctuary is an evergreen, low-land forest located between the tributaries of the Periyar River. This was our first visit to any Sanctuary.Arriving in the evening, we looked around worriedly at the dense greenery, and asked the owners about the mosquito menace. They assured us that we need not fear any mosquitoes in the area, and that we could leave our windows open all night. We were pleasantly surprised to hear this. We later learned that the numerous species of insectivorous birds feast upon mosquitoes. Insectivorous birds s u r v i v e o n s m a l l i n s e c t s l i k e grasshoppers, termites, wasps, bees, ants , moths, beetles and dragonflies. These small insects also devour mosquitoes, leading to a food-chain in the forest. This was our first lesson about Nature being so eco-friendly.The Thattekkad Bird Sanctuary has a rich and varied bird-life. Several species of forest and water birds visit the sanctuary. Important birds include the Large Leaf Warbler, the Nightjar, Indian Cuckoo, Cormorants, Terns, Bulbuls, Drongos etc. But by far the most sought after bird sighting is of the Ceylon Frogmouth. This bird's most distinguishing feature

is its hooked bill and slit-like nostrils, with a large head and eyes facing forward to provide a wide field of binocular vision. The Frogmouth's plumage resembles dried leaves, and the bird roosts quietly on branches, making it difficult to spot. Each has a favourite roost that it uses regularly unless disturbed. It has a distinctive call that is usually heard at dawn and dusk. The sexes differ slightly in plumage. The Frogmouth is rarely seen during the day except at roost sites or when flushed out. It regularly uses the same roost spot for months.Bird watching is essentially an outdoor activity that can be enjoyed by all ages. This activity trains us to be more aware of the presence of birds in our environment. It helps us appreciate the simple wonders of nature around and above all makes us aware of the amazing things going on in our backyard.Our hosts in Thattekad were a matriarchal family of three generations. The Grandmother had lived all her life in the forests. She cooked for the family and guests. Her kitchen was basic and traditional. Since power supply was erratic, they did not rely on modern gadgets except for cooking gas. Her daughter - a widowed mother -was the official guide, and her lawyer grandson helped her with all outdoor activities and handled the guests. Their food was all that they grew themselves, or what was available in the forest, and what they shared with their guests. This family lived a simple life, and in this simplicity they were adding to their happiness by hosting tourists from all over the world who came here and enjoyed this minimalism. Both women spoke only Malayalam, bare ly understanding English. And yet their world view was expansive through their interaction with their guests. The


impressive guest register included people from countries as far away as Sweden, Germany and Japan.Living in the middle of this Sanctuary made us feel thoroughly Thoreau-esque. To rephrase Henry Thoreau's quote,“the value of experience is measured, of course, not by the amount of money, but by the amount of the richness of deep experience and personal development we get out of it. Such an experience leads to a new perspective of life and living, which cannot be easily had in urban living which is organized chaos.” How right he was!The sounds of birds chirping at dawn, their various calls and tunes was an ethereal experience. To the untrained ear many bird calls sound alike but with experience, birding teaches you to hone in on the subtle nuances of these calls, and recognise them.We should take a break from Life's urban pressures , and s tay at a Sanctuary. It is a nice way to escape from our personal stress, even if for only a short while. Bird and wild-life

watching can be so relaxing. Bird watching reduces stress-levels and makes us aware of the moment. All that we can think of is what we are seeing and doing right then. We generally seek modern trappings and comforts wherever we go on a holiday, but a good break is one away from all our gadgets and addictions such as Whatsapp, Facebook etc. Bird watching is one holiday activity that forces us to live in the present, in peace and tranquillity. We have to get in touch with our breath, and be in the moment, be still, only listening and observingIt is said that a bird does not sing for another's pleasure, it sings for its own ecstasy. Likewise, a visit to a sanctuary allows us to have that moment of bliss, to be in tune with nature. For those of us who cannot escape to a sanctuary, we can find this healing peace of body mind simply by being aware of various birds in our neighbourhood, by taking a moment to sit in silence, listen carefully and breathe deeply. S.Kaushik


To feel a moment of bliss,In the midst of physical pain;To possess an atom of peace,In the midst of mental conflict;To cling to a fraction of faith,In the midst of spiritual sorrow;That is – God realization Kusum Gokarn

God is not glorified by our

suffering, but He is

glorified when we have a

good attitude during our

suffering-.Joyce Meyers

Page 5: Tms april 2016


What is common to both pursuits is one has to remain still, silent and yet focused. This degree of inward quietness leads us to be more observant of Nature and helps expand our innate consciousness. Our recent visit to Thattekad Sanctuary made my wife Vineeta and myself aware of this connection in good measure. A chance meeting with our friend, avid birder Capt. Haridas and his wife Dr Shanta made us aware of Thattekad Bird Sanctuary near Kochi, Kerala. We made our bookings at a homestay in the precincts of the Sanctuary. What better place to be than in the midst of nature? Thattekkad Sanctuary is an evergreen, low-land forest located between the tributaries of the Periyar River. This was our first visit to any Sanctuary.Arriving in the evening, we looked around worriedly at the dense greenery, and asked the owners about the mosquito menace. They assured us that we need not fear any mosquitoes in the area, and that we could leave our windows open all night. We were pleasantly surprised to hear this. We later learned that the numerous species of insectivorous birds feast upon mosquitoes. Insectivorous birds s u r v i v e o n s m a l l i n s e c t s l i k e grasshoppers, termites, wasps, bees, ants , moths, beetles and dragonflies. These small insects also devour mosquitoes, leading to a food-chain in the forest. This was our first lesson about Nature being so eco-friendly.The Thattekkad Bird Sanctuary has a rich and varied bird-life. Several species of forest and water birds visit the sanctuary. Important birds include the Large Leaf Warbler, the Nightjar, Indian Cuckoo, Cormorants, Terns, Bulbuls, Drongos etc. But by far the most sought after bird sighting is of the Ceylon Frogmouth. This bird's most distinguishing feature

is its hooked bill and slit-like nostrils, with a large head and eyes facing forward to provide a wide field of binocular vision. The Frogmouth's plumage resembles dried leaves, and the bird roosts quietly on branches, making it difficult to spot. Each has a favourite roost that it uses regularly unless disturbed. It has a distinctive call that is usually heard at dawn and dusk. The sexes differ slightly in plumage. The Frogmouth is rarely seen during the day except at roost sites or when flushed out. It regularly uses the same roost spot for months.Bird watching is essentially an outdoor activity that can be enjoyed by all ages. This activity trains us to be more aware of the presence of birds in our environment. It helps us appreciate the simple wonders of nature around and above all makes us aware of the amazing things going on in our backyard.Our hosts in Thattekad were a matriarchal family of three generations. The Grandmother had lived all her life in the forests. She cooked for the family and guests. Her kitchen was basic and traditional. Since power supply was erratic, they did not rely on modern gadgets except for cooking gas. Her daughter - a widowed mother -was the official guide, and her lawyer grandson helped her with all outdoor activities and handled the guests. Their food was all that they grew themselves, or what was available in the forest, and what they shared with their guests. This family lived a simple life, and in this simplicity they were adding to their happiness by hosting tourists from all over the world who came here and enjoyed this minimalism. Both women spoke only Malayalam, bare ly understanding English. And yet their world view was expansive through their interaction with their guests. The


impressive guest register included people from countries as far away as Sweden, Germany and Japan.Living in the middle of this Sanctuary made us feel thoroughly Thoreau-esque. To rephrase Henry Thoreau's quote,“the value of experience is measured, of course, not by the amount of money, but by the amount of the richness of deep experience and personal development we get out of it. Such an experience leads to a new perspective of life and living, which cannot be easily had in urban living which is organized chaos.” How right he was!The sounds of birds chirping at dawn, their various calls and tunes was an ethereal experience. To the untrained ear many bird calls sound alike but with experience, birding teaches you to hone in on the subtle nuances of these calls, and recognise them.We should take a break from Life's urban pressures , and s tay at a Sanctuary. It is a nice way to escape from our personal stress, even if for only a short while. Bird and wild-life

watching can be so relaxing. Bird watching reduces stress-levels and makes us aware of the moment. All that we can think of is what we are seeing and doing right then. We generally seek modern trappings and comforts wherever we go on a holiday, but a good break is one away from all our gadgets and addictions such as Whatsapp, Facebook etc. Bird watching is one holiday activity that forces us to live in the present, in peace and tranquillity. We have to get in touch with our breath, and be in the moment, be still, only listening and observingIt is said that a bird does not sing for another's pleasure, it sings for its own ecstasy. Likewise, a visit to a sanctuary allows us to have that moment of bliss, to be in tune with nature. For those of us who cannot escape to a sanctuary, we can find this healing peace of body mind simply by being aware of various birds in our neighbourhood, by taking a moment to sit in silence, listen carefully and breathe deeply. S.Kaushik


To feel a moment of bliss,In the midst of physical pain;To possess an atom of peace,In the midst of mental conflict;To cling to a fraction of faith,In the midst of spiritual sorrow;That is – God realization Kusum Gokarn

God is not glorified by our

suffering, but He is

glorified when we have a

good attitude during our

suffering-.Joyce Meyers

Page 6: Tms april 2016



I read 'Crazy Busy' at a time when I was “crazy busy” myself, racing to meet a deadline. Kevin DeYoung, an award-winning author and pastor from the USA, addresses the 'busyness' problem, not with the typical time-management tips and tools but, rather, with the Biblical tools we need to get to the source of our malaise. He's got precious advice for the stressed-out, reminding us to be a l e r t t o t h e b a r r e n n e s s o f a n unnecessarily busy life. He cites examples from the life of Jesus, who had a great many things to do but yet was clear about his priorities and focused only on those things that God w a n t e d h i m t o d o . D e Yo u n g differentiates this from being “crazy busy”, a frenzied, trying-to-please attitude to some people and a desperate desire to control others, showing how Biblical rhythms and trust in God's providence can work to keep us sane. The more serious threats of busyness are “spiritual” DeYoung says. “When we are crazy busy, we put our souls at risk. The challenge is not to let our spiritual lives slip away. The first danger is that busyness can ruin our joy. When our lives are frantic and frenzied, we are more prone to anxiety, resentment, impatience and irritability. The second danger is that busyness can rob us our hearts,” he reminds us. Anyone reading this book will vigorously nod in agreement when DeYoung points out that “For most of us, it is not heresy or rank apostasy that will derail our profession of faith. It's all the worries of life. You've got car repairs, your water heater goes out. The kids need to see the doctor. You have not done your taxes yet. Your checkbook is not balanced. Your refrigerator is empty. Your lawn needs mowing. Your curtains don't look right. Your washing

machine keeps rattling. That is life for most of us, and its choking our spiritual life. It's not that possessions are to blame. The problem is with everything we do to take care of them and everything we do to get more of them. Is it any wonder that the most stressed-out people on the planet live in the most affluent countries?” A third danger of busyness, DeYoung explains, is that it can conceal the deep rot in our souls. The presence of extreme busyness in our lives may point to deeper problems—a pervasive urge to people-please, a restless ambition, a malaise of meaninglessness. DeYoung rightly urges us to reflect on the utter senselessness of being so busy with our worldly lives that we forget our Creator. “Even if you could be known the world over, what does it matter if you have no time to be known by God?”, he asks.DeYoung has some very pertinent things to say about the busyness of parents today. “One of the best things parents can today do for their kids is to find a way to stop being so frantic and frazzled”, he says. Referring to his five children, he says, “I want to spend time with my kids, teach them the Bible, take them to church, laugh with them, cry with them, say 'sorry' when I mess up and pray a ton.” That's what spending quality time with your family means, time that you might otherwise have spent in some other way in order to keep yourself meaninglessly busy.DeYoung concludes that “the antidote to busyness of soul is not sloth and indifference. The antidote is rest, rhythm, death to pride, acceptance of our own finitude and trust in the providence of God. The busyness that's

Page 7: bad is not the busyness of work, but the busyness that works hard at the wrong things. If you are sick and tired


of feeling so dreadfully busy and are looking for a one-point plan to help restore order to your life, this is the best advice I know: devote yourself to the Word of God and Prayer. It's not wrong to be tired, to feel overwhelmed and it's not wrong to go through seasons of c h a o s . W h a t i s w r o n g a n d h e a r t b r e a k i n g l y f o o l i s h a n d wonderfully avoidable is to live a life with more craziness than we want,

because we have less Jesus than we need.”

Crazy Busy is a book that stops us in our tracks, leading us to reflect on whether we are truly spending the precious and limited time God has blessed us with in this world in the most meaningful way.

Binkles Bizzy

Go not to the temple to put flowers upon the feet of God,First fill your own house with the Fragrance of love and kindness. Go not to the temple to light candles before the altar of God,First remove the darkness of sin , pride and ego, from your heart...

Go not to the temple to bow down your head in prayer,First learn to bow in humility before your fellowmen.And apologise to those you have wronged. Go not to the temple to pray on bent knees,First bend down to lift someone who is down-trodden.And strengthen the young ones. Not crush them.Go not to the temple to ask for forgiveness for your sins,First forgive from your heart those who have hurt you!

If you do not go after what you want, you'll

never have it. If you do not ask, the answer

will always be no. If you do not step forward,

you will always be in the same place.

Rabindranath Tagore

Page 7: Tms april 2016



I read 'Crazy Busy' at a time when I was “crazy busy” myself, racing to meet a deadline. Kevin DeYoung, an award-winning author and pastor from the USA, addresses the 'busyness' problem, not with the typical time-management tips and tools but, rather, with the Biblical tools we need to get to the source of our malaise. He's got precious advice for the stressed-out, reminding us to be a l e r t t o t h e b a r r e n n e s s o f a n unnecessarily busy life. He cites examples from the life of Jesus, who had a great many things to do but yet was clear about his priorities and focused only on those things that God w a n t e d h i m t o d o . D e Yo u n g differentiates this from being “crazy busy”, a frenzied, trying-to-please attitude to some people and a desperate desire to control others, showing how Biblical rhythms and trust in God's providence can work to keep us sane. The more serious threats of busyness are “spiritual” DeYoung says. “When we are crazy busy, we put our souls at risk. The challenge is not to let our spiritual lives slip away. The first danger is that busyness can ruin our joy. When our lives are frantic and frenzied, we are more prone to anxiety, resentment, impatience and irritability. The second danger is that busyness can rob us our hearts,” he reminds us. Anyone reading this book will vigorously nod in agreement when DeYoung points out that “For most of us, it is not heresy or rank apostasy that will derail our profession of faith. It's all the worries of life. You've got car repairs, your water heater goes out. The kids need to see the doctor. You have not done your taxes yet. Your checkbook is not balanced. Your refrigerator is empty. Your lawn needs mowing. Your curtains don't look right. Your washing

machine keeps rattling. That is life for most of us, and its choking our spiritual life. It's not that possessions are to blame. The problem is with everything we do to take care of them and everything we do to get more of them. Is it any wonder that the most stressed-out people on the planet live in the most affluent countries?” A third danger of busyness, DeYoung explains, is that it can conceal the deep rot in our souls. The presence of extreme busyness in our lives may point to deeper problems—a pervasive urge to people-please, a restless ambition, a malaise of meaninglessness. DeYoung rightly urges us to reflect on the utter senselessness of being so busy with our worldly lives that we forget our Creator. “Even if you could be known the world over, what does it matter if you have no time to be known by God?”, he asks.DeYoung has some very pertinent things to say about the busyness of parents today. “One of the best things parents can today do for their kids is to find a way to stop being so frantic and frazzled”, he says. Referring to his five children, he says, “I want to spend time with my kids, teach them the Bible, take them to church, laugh with them, cry with them, say 'sorry' when I mess up and pray a ton.” That's what spending quality time with your family means, time that you might otherwise have spent in some other way in order to keep yourself meaninglessly busy.DeYoung concludes that “the antidote to busyness of soul is not sloth and indifference. The antidote is rest, rhythm, death to pride, acceptance of our own finitude and trust in the providence of God. The busyness that's

Page 7: bad is not the busyness of work, but the busyness that works hard at the wrong things. If you are sick and tired


of feeling so dreadfully busy and are looking for a one-point plan to help restore order to your life, this is the best advice I know: devote yourself to the Word of God and Prayer. It's not wrong to be tired, to feel overwhelmed and it's not wrong to go through seasons of c h a o s . W h a t i s w r o n g a n d h e a r t b r e a k i n g l y f o o l i s h a n d wonderfully avoidable is to live a life with more craziness than we want,

because we have less Jesus than we need.”

Crazy Busy is a book that stops us in our tracks, leading us to reflect on whether we are truly spending the precious and limited time God has blessed us with in this world in the most meaningful way.

Binkles Bizzy

Go not to the temple to put flowers upon the feet of God,First fill your own house with the Fragrance of love and kindness. Go not to the temple to light candles before the altar of God,First remove the darkness of sin , pride and ego, from your heart...

Go not to the temple to bow down your head in prayer,First learn to bow in humility before your fellowmen.And apologise to those you have wronged. Go not to the temple to pray on bent knees,First bend down to lift someone who is down-trodden.And strengthen the young ones. Not crush them.Go not to the temple to ask for forgiveness for your sins,First forgive from your heart those who have hurt you!

If you do not go after what you want, you'll

never have it. If you do not ask, the answer

will always be no. If you do not step forward,

you will always be in the same place.

Rabindranath Tagore

Page 8: Tms april 2016

Almost every day of our lives, we face some kind of bad experience, big or small, which is inescapable. One has two options: either ignore it or try to take some counter measure. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to seeking revenge. Which is the better option? We must decide by looking at the outcome, for that will be the determining factor.Forgiveness is the better option, for it is based on a proven formula for saving yourself from even worse experiences. For example, forgiveness saves you from unworthy distractions, saves your precious time, and saves you from creating even more problems. It is an instant solution to any problem. On the contrary, taking revenge is bound to complicate the problem, for that means making everything worse. Where forgiveness can buy time, taking revenge just wastes time without any benefit.In such a situation, people are generally prone to place the onus for the predicament entirely upon others. But this is an unwise reaction. The better plan is to examine one's own role in the affair. In other words, if you are having some sad experience, don't focus on the other party. Think about your own self and adopt a course of action better for you. At many times in our lives we are faced with two kinds of choices – anti-other thinking and pro-self thinking. Anti-other thinking makes you descend to the brute level, whereas pro-self thinking elevates you to a higher plane of human behaviour.If forgiveness is a full stop, revenge is punctuated by commas. Forgiveness means ending an unwanted situation, while taking revenge means endlessly extending it. Forgiveness maintains your positive thinking uninterrupted, while revenge fosters negativity. And negative thinking can lead to all kinds of evil actions.

Some would argue that forgiveness does not always work, and that it is better to adopt the tit-for-tat policy. But tit-for-tat is not a real solution; it does not end the problem, it only leads to a chain of action-reaction. Forgiveness puts an end to the problem once and for all, while a tit-for-tat policy only aggravates and prolongs it. Some might argue that the policy of forgiveness will only encourage others to indulge in further wrongdoing against us. But this runs counter to the law of nature.Psychological studies show that every human being is born with an ego and a conscience. If you follow the tit-for-tat policy, it arouses the ego of the other party, whereas if you follow the policy of forgiveness, it will activate the other person's conscience. And it is a fact that, in controversial matters, the conscience always plays a positive role.Forgiveness and revenge are two different moral cultures. The culture of forgiveness helps in the building of a better society where positive values flourish, the spirit of co-operation prevails, where disparate groups join together and turn themselves into a peaceful society. The outcome of vengefulness is quite the reverse. A revenge culture creates an environment of mistrust, in which everyone takes others to be his rivals. This rules out the growth of a healthy societySooner or later, everyone is bound to do something wrong. Then the saying 'To err is human' should be borne in mind. This being so, taking revenge means making not just one mistake, but making mistake a f te r mis take . On the cont ra ry, forgiveness means undoing wrongs with rights. If to err is human, to forgive is even more human.MaulanaWahiduddin Khan is an Islamic spiritual scholar who has adopted peace as the mission of his life and is known for his Gandhian views.




I am lucky enough to celebrating ten years of marriage into a Pune family. As a British woman, whose family life could not more epitomise typical Surrey society and whose working life reflects today's London buzz, I could not be more aware of the d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n t w o cultures into which my husband and I are literally “wed”. A c l o s e f r i e n d kindly shared her copy of TMS with me on a recent trip home to the in-laws and it struck me that a perspective on faith and faiths from this view point might give pause for thought for its readers.

Over recent years I have struggled to observe, understand and reconcile the divides in culture when it comes to expression of faith in India and in the UK. Society around London can tend to lose its spiritual awareness in its rush to get on with t h e d a y j o b a n d agnosticism takes over. I believe that faiths are there, but they feel more hidden in comparison to the out-on-the-street presence of faith and religion around you in Pune, and in the nation more generally.

On the one hand there is celebration with colour, lights, music and vibrancy (street parties!); on the other a preference for quiet honour and a peaceful solemnity in understated church-going. In India I see an

understanding of sharing the streets and the countryside with those of other beliefs whereas in the UK there is an unwritten society rule that mutual tolerance means keeping faith largely to ourselves.

Spirituality is perhaps most different in its pace. Practices of the East such as meditation, yoga and prayer tend to be slow, whereas in the UK, doing good tends to mean doing more, lots, quicker.

I am now very much at p e a c e w i t h t h e s e c o n t r a s t s a n d I

encourage readers to be the same.

Consider this: In all cultures, faith means a “loving kindness” to those around us. In all beliefs, that charity

s ta r t s a t home and within the family, albeit differently defined. In all , we are looking inside ourselves to find t h e P a r s i “ g o o d thoughts, good words and good deeds” and seeking to express those in our day-to-day life. It

is surely when these fundamentals of faith are lost that different beliefs come to clash. It is a personal view, but I would prefer not to care what colour we wear, what songs we sing and what language we give to our higher powers. And I am grateful for the experience that married life has given me in seeing a wider world.

Best wishes from the UK.

Katie Spencer Wadia

Page 9: Tms april 2016

Almost every day of our lives, we face some kind of bad experience, big or small, which is inescapable. One has two options: either ignore it or try to take some counter measure. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to seeking revenge. Which is the better option? We must decide by looking at the outcome, for that will be the determining factor.Forgiveness is the better option, for it is based on a proven formula for saving yourself from even worse experiences. For example, forgiveness saves you from unworthy distractions, saves your precious time, and saves you from creating even more problems. It is an instant solution to any problem. On the contrary, taking revenge is bound to complicate the problem, for that means making everything worse. Where forgiveness can buy time, taking revenge just wastes time without any benefit.In such a situation, people are generally prone to place the onus for the predicament entirely upon others. But this is an unwise reaction. The better plan is to examine one's own role in the affair. In other words, if you are having some sad experience, don't focus on the other party. Think about your own self and adopt a course of action better for you. At many times in our lives we are faced with two kinds of choices – anti-other thinking and pro-self thinking. Anti-other thinking makes you descend to the brute level, whereas pro-self thinking elevates you to a higher plane of human behaviour.If forgiveness is a full stop, revenge is punctuated by commas. Forgiveness means ending an unwanted situation, while taking revenge means endlessly extending it. Forgiveness maintains your positive thinking uninterrupted, while revenge fosters negativity. And negative thinking can lead to all kinds of evil actions.

Some would argue that forgiveness does not always work, and that it is better to adopt the tit-for-tat policy. But tit-for-tat is not a real solution; it does not end the problem, it only leads to a chain of action-reaction. Forgiveness puts an end to the problem once and for all, while a tit-for-tat policy only aggravates and prolongs it. Some might argue that the policy of forgiveness will only encourage others to indulge in further wrongdoing against us. But this runs counter to the law of nature.Psychological studies show that every human being is born with an ego and a conscience. If you follow the tit-for-tat policy, it arouses the ego of the other party, whereas if you follow the policy of forgiveness, it will activate the other person's conscience. And it is a fact that, in controversial matters, the conscience always plays a positive role.Forgiveness and revenge are two different moral cultures. The culture of forgiveness helps in the building of a better society where positive values flourish, the spirit of co-operation prevails, where disparate groups join together and turn themselves into a peaceful society. The outcome of vengefulness is quite the reverse. A revenge culture creates an environment of mistrust, in which everyone takes others to be his rivals. This rules out the growth of a healthy societySooner or later, everyone is bound to do something wrong. Then the saying 'To err is human' should be borne in mind. This being so, taking revenge means making not just one mistake, but making mistake a f te r mis take . On the cont ra ry, forgiveness means undoing wrongs with rights. If to err is human, to forgive is even more human.MaulanaWahiduddin Khan is an Islamic spiritual scholar who has adopted peace as the mission of his life and is known for his Gandhian views.




I am lucky enough to celebrating ten years of marriage into a Pune family. As a British woman, whose family life could not more epitomise typical Surrey society and whose working life reflects today's London buzz, I could not be more aware of the d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n t w o cultures into which my husband and I are literally “wed”. A c l o s e f r i e n d kindly shared her copy of TMS with me on a recent trip home to the in-laws and it struck me that a perspective on faith and faiths from this view point might give pause for thought for its readers.

Over recent years I have struggled to observe, understand and reconcile the divides in culture when it comes to expression of faith in India and in the UK. Society around London can tend to lose its spiritual awareness in its rush to get on with t h e d a y j o b a n d agnosticism takes over. I believe that faiths are there, but they feel more hidden in comparison to the out-on-the-street presence of faith and religion around you in Pune, and in the nation more generally.

On the one hand there is celebration with colour, lights, music and vibrancy (street parties!); on the other a preference for quiet honour and a peaceful solemnity in understated church-going. In India I see an

understanding of sharing the streets and the countryside with those of other beliefs whereas in the UK there is an unwritten society rule that mutual tolerance means keeping faith largely to ourselves.

Spirituality is perhaps most different in its pace. Practices of the East such as meditation, yoga and prayer tend to be slow, whereas in the UK, doing good tends to mean doing more, lots, quicker.

I am now very much at p e a c e w i t h t h e s e c o n t r a s t s a n d I

encourage readers to be the same.

Consider this: In all cultures, faith means a “loving kindness” to those around us. In all beliefs, that charity

s ta r t s a t home and within the family, albeit differently defined. In all , we are looking inside ourselves to find t h e P a r s i “ g o o d thoughts, good words and good deeds” and seeking to express those in our day-to-day life. It

is surely when these fundamentals of faith are lost that different beliefs come to clash. It is a personal view, but I would prefer not to care what colour we wear, what songs we sing and what language we give to our higher powers. And I am grateful for the experience that married life has given me in seeing a wider world.

Best wishes from the UK.

Katie Spencer Wadia

Page 10: Tms april 2016




May you fall madly in love this year love with someone who unhinges your

tired trajectory, in love with a spouse of several years who might be aching

for lightning, in love with demanding children and crazy relatives .. in love

with the particular pedigree of genius insanity that has perhaps claimed you

in spite of your reluctance .. and certainly in love with an animal, a cloud, a

redwood, the wild .. these at least once a day. May you fall in love with this

fragile jewel of a world, with hard work, real learning, just causes,

petitioning and prayers. May you fall in love with wonder itself, with the

grand mystery, with all that feeds you in order that you may live.....and with

the responsibility that confers. May you fall in love with heartbreak and

seeing how it's stitched into everything. May you fall in love with the natural

order of things and with tears, tenderness and humility. May this be a

magnificent year for you. May you fall deeply, madly, hopelessly,

inextinguishably in love.

Rachelle Lamb, Poetess


A mixed feeling went through my heart when Radhika asked me to write for TMS: not o n l y t o s h a r e m y personal feelings on spirituality but also to share my journey as a new mother-to-be. I feel so thankful to have

this opportunity to become a part of this beautiful thought process and know more about God and myself, my soul, just as I am at the start of this new phase of my life, as I become a mother.It's such an interesting coincidence, recently my husband directed and wrote a play “Antarang” (inner beauty)on the same subject. Antarang was about a baby in the womb feeling his mother. A few months later I read TMS for the first time and then got a chance to scribble my emotions about being a mother for the first time in my life. .It is an amazing feeling to become a mother. Whether it is the first time, the second or the third, there is also a hidden feeling deep inside, for the well-being of the seed within, for its growth, its conscience and its development. It is special to share in the unique journey of a soul in my life time.From the hectic schedule of our life, where I run or in fact, we all run, to earn money, to earn fame, to achieve something in life, my path has slowed down by God's signal. This sign is for me to relax, to think, to judge what's good and bad, what's the right time for things, and to take care of myself: all part of being a mother. With each passing day, as a woman, I feel it's time to understand myself better. Pregnancy seems to be the only time when I can truly feel myself, my inner strength and wisdom. Every feeling is more in tune, more acutely felt inside me.

The news of becoming a mother changed me. My heart bloomed. My emotions were overwhelmed and I reacted strangely. My joy trickled out as tears and my family worried that I was sad, but no, those were just hormones! I have become more sensitive, especially to the world around me, and how it will receive my baby when he or she grows up.In that flash of a second there were so many polaroid pictures with different captions dancing in front of my eyes, like a film reel playing out: BABY!! What would I teach her what about her health, her upbringing, her teaching, how would she face the world and what not! I wondered that I had not thought of any of these things before. I felt this huge responsibility to carve out a beautiful, intellectual and humane child and light up her spiritual path. My husband and I come from different religious castes. I am a Jain from Jaipur married to a Brahmin from Pune. My spiritual world enlarged and changed with marriage and I wonder what path my child will follow.During my first trimester, I went for a religious discourse by Jain spiritual leader PramansagarjiMaharaj. Despite the nausea, I felt the profoundness of Maharaj's words, his clear mind and his strength of belief, his faith. I believe there are different religious paths to spirituality and this leads to different ways of expressing and oration of their philosophies. All of them exist to give us strength. I believe God has sent these spiritual guides to show us the way fo rward , knowing the k ind o f community we live in today, in a world where people just chase money, fame and showbiz (I have worked in the movie industry for years). I follow my own little rituals, for the well-being of my little Baby seed and every evening I

perform the Ramraksha. My in-laws also participate in this with me. Much of this philosophy and thoughts are new to me. I have never paid much attention to them before. Ever since my Seed is growing within me, I feel like listening and learning from them, unsure of what I will follow. My mind has opened up so much more than ever. I fiund myself paying attention more intensely because of my Child. How marvelous that the moment we discover we are to have children, we want to do everything good, even if we may not like it very much, just for our Baby's well-being!I know I agreed to evolve from an adamant, independent woman into the most nurturing Mother I can be, someone who will do anything for her Baby.Being an expectant mother, I feel the need to pass on all the right teachings to my baby, right from the womb itself, when she begins to hear my heartbeat, and my words and feels what I feel. It

makes me more conscious than ever to think and say the right things and have good thoughts that will reach her directly. Isn't that interesting?! All our lives we are indifferent or angry with everyone around us. We speak harshly to others, we get angry easily. We are i n s e n s i t i v e t o c o m m u n a l a n d environmental issues. Suddenly, boom! We just start thinking good things, and become more aware of everything good and bad, just for our children, although we know they will be born into a world f i l l e d w i t h c o r r u p t i o n a n d unfaithfulness and much more. But as our Elders say and it has been said, “Before thinking of changing the world, first bring change to yourself.”As each new day of my pregnancy ends, I begin to understand a new Life Lesson: This is God's sign to us, to build a better world, starting with the unborn. And this feeling grows in strength as my little Mustard Seed grows within me. Vasudha Patni Joshi

Page 11: Tms april 2016




May you fall madly in love this year love with someone who unhinges your

tired trajectory, in love with a spouse of several years who might be aching

for lightning, in love with demanding children and crazy relatives .. in love

with the particular pedigree of genius insanity that has perhaps claimed you

in spite of your reluctance .. and certainly in love with an animal, a cloud, a

redwood, the wild .. these at least once a day. May you fall in love with this

fragile jewel of a world, with hard work, real learning, just causes,

petitioning and prayers. May you fall in love with wonder itself, with the

grand mystery, with all that feeds you in order that you may live.....and with

the responsibility that confers. May you fall in love with heartbreak and

seeing how it's stitched into everything. May you fall in love with the natural

order of things and with tears, tenderness and humility. May this be a

magnificent year for you. May you fall deeply, madly, hopelessly,

inextinguishably in love.

Rachelle Lamb, Poetess


A mixed feeling went through my heart when Radhika asked me to write for TMS: not o n l y t o s h a r e m y personal feelings on spirituality but also to share my journey as a new mother-to-be. I feel so thankful to have

this opportunity to become a part of this beautiful thought process and know more about God and myself, my soul, just as I am at the start of this new phase of my life, as I become a mother.It's such an interesting coincidence, recently my husband directed and wrote a play “Antarang” (inner beauty)on the same subject. Antarang was about a baby in the womb feeling his mother. A few months later I read TMS for the first time and then got a chance to scribble my emotions about being a mother for the first time in my life. .It is an amazing feeling to become a mother. Whether it is the first time, the second or the third, there is also a hidden feeling deep inside, for the well-being of the seed within, for its growth, its conscience and its development. It is special to share in the unique journey of a soul in my life time.From the hectic schedule of our life, where I run or in fact, we all run, to earn money, to earn fame, to achieve something in life, my path has slowed down by God's signal. This sign is for me to relax, to think, to judge what's good and bad, what's the right time for things, and to take care of myself: all part of being a mother. With each passing day, as a woman, I feel it's time to understand myself better. Pregnancy seems to be the only time when I can truly feel myself, my inner strength and wisdom. Every feeling is more in tune, more acutely felt inside me.

The news of becoming a mother changed me. My heart bloomed. My emotions were overwhelmed and I reacted strangely. My joy trickled out as tears and my family worried that I was sad, but no, those were just hormones! I have become more sensitive, especially to the world around me, and how it will receive my baby when he or she grows up.In that flash of a second there were so many polaroid pictures with different captions dancing in front of my eyes, like a film reel playing out: BABY!! What would I teach her what about her health, her upbringing, her teaching, how would she face the world and what not! I wondered that I had not thought of any of these things before. I felt this huge responsibility to carve out a beautiful, intellectual and humane child and light up her spiritual path. My husband and I come from different religious castes. I am a Jain from Jaipur married to a Brahmin from Pune. My spiritual world enlarged and changed with marriage and I wonder what path my child will follow.During my first trimester, I went for a religious discourse by Jain spiritual leader PramansagarjiMaharaj. Despite the nausea, I felt the profoundness of Maharaj's words, his clear mind and his strength of belief, his faith. I believe there are different religious paths to spirituality and this leads to different ways of expressing and oration of their philosophies. All of them exist to give us strength. I believe God has sent these spiritual guides to show us the way fo rward , knowing the k ind o f community we live in today, in a world where people just chase money, fame and showbiz (I have worked in the movie industry for years). I follow my own little rituals, for the well-being of my little Baby seed and every evening I

perform the Ramraksha. My in-laws also participate in this with me. Much of this philosophy and thoughts are new to me. I have never paid much attention to them before. Ever since my Seed is growing within me, I feel like listening and learning from them, unsure of what I will follow. My mind has opened up so much more than ever. I fiund myself paying attention more intensely because of my Child. How marvelous that the moment we discover we are to have children, we want to do everything good, even if we may not like it very much, just for our Baby's well-being!I know I agreed to evolve from an adamant, independent woman into the most nurturing Mother I can be, someone who will do anything for her Baby.Being an expectant mother, I feel the need to pass on all the right teachings to my baby, right from the womb itself, when she begins to hear my heartbeat, and my words and feels what I feel. It

makes me more conscious than ever to think and say the right things and have good thoughts that will reach her directly. Isn't that interesting?! All our lives we are indifferent or angry with everyone around us. We speak harshly to others, we get angry easily. We are i n s e n s i t i v e t o c o m m u n a l a n d environmental issues. Suddenly, boom! We just start thinking good things, and become more aware of everything good and bad, just for our children, although we know they will be born into a world f i l l e d w i t h c o r r u p t i o n a n d unfaithfulness and much more. But as our Elders say and it has been said, “Before thinking of changing the world, first bring change to yourself.”As each new day of my pregnancy ends, I begin to understand a new Life Lesson: This is God's sign to us, to build a better world, starting with the unborn. And this feeling grows in strength as my little Mustard Seed grows within me. Vasudha Patni Joshi

Page 12: Tms april 2016


With tears in my eyes and a very heavy heart I have to inform you that we are closing the oldest Cinema in Rajasthan after 86 years of entertaining the people of Ajmer.In 1929, when it first opened in a humble tin shed, the Stall tickets meant you had to sit on the ground! First Class tickets got a MUDA (chair) to sit on.At that time we only ran silent movies. A harmonium, tabla and sarangi were housed in a pit opposite the screen, and provided live back ground music. I do not know what my father and my ancestors are feeling in Heaven with this news. They started the cinema at a time when there was no source of entertainment, spending their last penny to procure the land and the building. Later, when the Talkie machine and amplifiers were installed a n d b e g a n p l a y i n g t h e m o v i e “AlamAra” my father didn't even have enough money to pay the engineer. My father then removed his own gold wedding band to pay the man. My mother never forgave him for it. In 1952, the cinema opened after renovation and the installation of the latest RCS projector. It was renamed “New Majestic Talkies” and the first movie to play here was Dilip Kumar's “Daag”. In 1970, after three months of renovation and upgrade, New Majestic threw open its doors to a big Wide Screen, central air conditioning, Sound System, and a false ceiling of Sita tax for sound echo. Ramanand Sagar's “Geet” had opening honours.For the fourth time, unfortunately, on 7th May, 2000 our cinema was burnt and we have to close down for four months and much repair had to be carried out and it was reopened with the movie “Karobar”.

Since the Talkie Era began in 1932, we ran English movies in the morning and a 6 PM show. The evening show had a long interval of almost an hour, during which hard drinks were served! The audience could order chips, sandwiches and other snacks before we resumed the film. All the top English and Hindi movies of yester years an at our cinema. After 1947, we ran four shows a day of Hindi Movies, with English movie matinees. If the English movie was a huge hit, we ran it for four shows a day. That was the golden period of cinema. I will name only some movies that ran for 100 days, 25 weeks and more. They created records during those days when the tickets were of very low rate maximum Rs. 3 and 6 annas, and a minimum of Rs. 1/- Some of our biggest hits were iconic films such as Nastik, Nagin , Bhabhi, Sasural, Mere Mehboob, Phool Aur Patthar, Upkaar, Aankhen, Do Raastey, EkPhhol Do Mali, Aan Mino Sajna, Mera Gaon, Mera Desh, Bobby, Roti Kapda Aur Makaan, Sholay, Kabhi Kabhi, Amar Akbar Anthony, Laila Majnu, Kasme Vade, Dulhan Wahi Jo Piya Man Bhaye, Love Story, Nikaah, Hero, Tawaif, Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge, Kaho Na Pyar Hai, Gadar, Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham and many more.Unfortunately, the arrival of five multiplexes in Ajmer destroyed the New Majestic. These screens ran on the digital format, whereas our equipment was now outdated in the digital era. We became obsolete. No one even made 35mm movie prints on spools anymore. We tried to carry on as long as we could, caring for our old and loyal Staff who had stood by us through thick and thin, and to honour our name, our legacy in the city.



Our humble family venture lived proudly and grew into a Golden Oldie. For decades we had been entertained, viewing the whole world through her lens, on a white screen that came alive before us. From the Silent movies to the Talkies, from Dilip Kumar and Amitabh Bachchan to Cary Grant and Sylvester Stal lone, we were mesmerised. Celluloid magic unravelled in the old hall, the reels clicking and rolling, and that moment when the screen came alive.We shut our doors for the last time on 1st March, 2015. A sad and sorry day indeed, in the history of Indian Cinema and of Ajmer itself.

The Grand Old Lady of Ajmer, The New Majestic Talkies, is no more. She entertained us for eighty-six glorious years, from 1929-2015. “Milan” the old Nutan - Sunil Dutt starrer was the last film screened here. We, the Management and Staff beg forgiveness from the Public of Ajmer, and especially from my late wife Gulnar, the defacto owner of the cinema. Sadly, Gulnar passed away on 17th March, 2008, leaving me all alone to carry on the show. And I have failed her and everyone else. We tried to continue at the lowest rates for the poor people, but alas we had no choice. Forgive me.

Maj. (Rtd.) Noshir K. Marfatia

Page 13: Tms april 2016


With tears in my eyes and a very heavy heart I have to inform you that we are closing the oldest Cinema in Rajasthan after 86 years of entertaining the people of Ajmer.In 1929, when it first opened in a humble tin shed, the Stall tickets meant you had to sit on the ground! First Class tickets got a MUDA (chair) to sit on.At that time we only ran silent movies. A harmonium, tabla and sarangi were housed in a pit opposite the screen, and provided live back ground music. I do not know what my father and my ancestors are feeling in Heaven with this news. They started the cinema at a time when there was no source of entertainment, spending their last penny to procure the land and the building. Later, when the Talkie machine and amplifiers were installed a n d b e g a n p l a y i n g t h e m o v i e “AlamAra” my father didn't even have enough money to pay the engineer. My father then removed his own gold wedding band to pay the man. My mother never forgave him for it. In 1952, the cinema opened after renovation and the installation of the latest RCS projector. It was renamed “New Majestic Talkies” and the first movie to play here was Dilip Kumar's “Daag”. In 1970, after three months of renovation and upgrade, New Majestic threw open its doors to a big Wide Screen, central air conditioning, Sound System, and a false ceiling of Sita tax for sound echo. Ramanand Sagar's “Geet” had opening honours.For the fourth time, unfortunately, on 7th May, 2000 our cinema was burnt and we have to close down for four months and much repair had to be carried out and it was reopened with the movie “Karobar”.

Since the Talkie Era began in 1932, we ran English movies in the morning and a 6 PM show. The evening show had a long interval of almost an hour, during which hard drinks were served! The audience could order chips, sandwiches and other snacks before we resumed the film. All the top English and Hindi movies of yester years an at our cinema. After 1947, we ran four shows a day of Hindi Movies, with English movie matinees. If the English movie was a huge hit, we ran it for four shows a day. That was the golden period of cinema. I will name only some movies that ran for 100 days, 25 weeks and more. They created records during those days when the tickets were of very low rate maximum Rs. 3 and 6 annas, and a minimum of Rs. 1/- Some of our biggest hits were iconic films such as Nastik, Nagin , Bhabhi, Sasural, Mere Mehboob, Phool Aur Patthar, Upkaar, Aankhen, Do Raastey, EkPhhol Do Mali, Aan Mino Sajna, Mera Gaon, Mera Desh, Bobby, Roti Kapda Aur Makaan, Sholay, Kabhi Kabhi, Amar Akbar Anthony, Laila Majnu, Kasme Vade, Dulhan Wahi Jo Piya Man Bhaye, Love Story, Nikaah, Hero, Tawaif, Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge, Kaho Na Pyar Hai, Gadar, Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham and many more.Unfortunately, the arrival of five multiplexes in Ajmer destroyed the New Majestic. These screens ran on the digital format, whereas our equipment was now outdated in the digital era. We became obsolete. No one even made 35mm movie prints on spools anymore. We tried to carry on as long as we could, caring for our old and loyal Staff who had stood by us through thick and thin, and to honour our name, our legacy in the city.



Our humble family venture lived proudly and grew into a Golden Oldie. For decades we had been entertained, viewing the whole world through her lens, on a white screen that came alive before us. From the Silent movies to the Talkies, from Dilip Kumar and Amitabh Bachchan to Cary Grant and Sylvester Stal lone, we were mesmerised. Celluloid magic unravelled in the old hall, the reels clicking and rolling, and that moment when the screen came alive.We shut our doors for the last time on 1st March, 2015. A sad and sorry day indeed, in the history of Indian Cinema and of Ajmer itself.

The Grand Old Lady of Ajmer, The New Majestic Talkies, is no more. She entertained us for eighty-six glorious years, from 1929-2015. “Milan” the old Nutan - Sunil Dutt starrer was the last film screened here. We, the Management and Staff beg forgiveness from the Public of Ajmer, and especially from my late wife Gulnar, the defacto owner of the cinema. Sadly, Gulnar passed away on 17th March, 2008, leaving me all alone to carry on the show. And I have failed her and everyone else. We tried to continue at the lowest rates for the poor people, but alas we had no choice. Forgive me.

Maj. (Rtd.) Noshir K. Marfatia

Page 14: Tms april 2016



“God is faithful, and has given me some time to gather my thoughts and write down my story about His work in my life. I am blessed to have written it.”

He has always been there for me. Truly, from the time I was born, He has guided every step. He was there for every victory, every heartbreak, every mistake, every blessing. You see, I have been a Christian since I was born, dedicated as a baby in the Catholic Church , named for my devout grandmother, prayed for every day of my life while she was on this earth. I was saved in a Pentecostal church when I was 11, baptised numerous times, rededicated my life to Him numerous times. Been in and out of countless churches. Did mighty works in His name. After 45 years on this earth, calling myself a Christian, doing Christian things....acting Christian.....

It's only been the last few years that I have learned what it means to "walk with God". It is only now that I truly have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, talking to Him daily, seeking Him out, asking Him what He thinks I should do, making His voice the one I hear more than any other. I am laying down my agenda and living in His. What a tremendous journey! What a faithful God! In spite of my flawed nature, He sees worth, He loves me completely, no one has ever loved me like this. His love is changing me. All the years of trying to be good on my own culminated in wasted shame and wasted guilt. With Jesus Christ, all of it washes away with His flood of love.

The Bible says our righteousness is as filthy rags, and it also says Abraham believed God and counted unto him as righteousness! I believe! Just like the words from the song by the Newsboys, I

believe in God the father, I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in the Holy Spirit and He ' s g iv ing me new l i f e ! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to walk with Him daily, to see the work He is doing in my life, and in the lives of people I pray for, to know He is in control, and He is the Master of the Universe!

I am writing now in obedience to His ever present voice in my head, prompting me to tell my story. I am not a writer, I am not even certain anybody would be interested. But He keeps asking and I love Him and I want to be obedient....and He has never steered me wrong. So here we go......

Once upon a time, a baby girl was born to a young mommy and daddy. She was the first daughter and the first granddaughter. She was loved. There were hopes for her life. She was dedicated to God, baptized, given God-parents, embraced by uncles and aunties, grandmas and grandpas, even a great-grandma. Then as she grew up, life taught her hard lessons. Divorce, drugs, violence, promiscuity, alcohol, rebellion, coveting, and more all changed her from a loved being to something different. A person in pain, a victim, a person who could never be good enough. Confused, challenged, over reactive, overly sensitive, selfish and self-centred. Angry! Bitter! Indignant. Then.....God reached down and had mercy and through her youngest brother and a prophecy over His life. God resumed the work He started so long ago when she was born, remakingher a loved being, whole and at peace, resting in the arms of her heavenly Father, born again into His reality. Restored and continually being renewed.

Heal, sweet soul,

the world has learnt its lesson,

Your preciousness is known,

The world celebrates you.

Heal dear spirit,

Every set back was a yearning

of your soul,

because it wanted to fly higher

than others...

so don't forget that bond,

with grace.

You are a beautiful star,

that's looking at the night sky-

your beauty unseen.

Don't be fooled!- Vikram Oberoi



This is my testimony! I have hope, I have a future, I have a mighty God who loves me completely in spite of my performance. I want more than anything to do His will, even at the expense of mine. Wake up oh sleeper!

Fix your eyes on Him! We are His points of contact on earth, it is imperative that we shine in this darkness. I will not tell you that this path is easy, I will tell you it is worth it!

Idania Duncan

Is not strewn with rose petals,It is a lot of failures, with a few successes here and there. When u are on the path nothing changes.The husband is the same, the children are the same. The business and employees are the same and the clients are certainly the same. But bit by bit your response to them changes.Everything is tinged with awareness,You can now let go of the small battlesYou actually recognise when your ego takes over.... So what changes really?Only your yourself and everything around you. ..Your awareness become acute, wherein you realise the bigger picture,You gradually stop judging right and wrong...very gradually, not overnight at all. It is as is.You become smart enough to work within the circle of your control and put your energy where it is meant to be instead of fretting over things beyond your capability.So essentially nothing changes. But there are good days; When you have not acted on your impulses.But let some things pass by without

giving unnecessary importance to them; You see yourself exhibiting a little more patience or at least becoming aware of your rising impatience.You become aware of your own response, be it becoming aware of the anger slowly rising within or sadness or the impatience or your wound up way of being and you can actually recognise;Hey! that is my regular pattern.So, essentially what you are really getting on the path is Awareness.Nothing more, nothing less.WHEN YOU PRAY or MEDITATE THE CONNECTION IS VERY STRONG ALONG WITHSUBSEQUENT AWARENESS .Kiran Bhat

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“God is faithful, and has given me some time to gather my thoughts and write down my story about His work in my life. I am blessed to have written it.”

He has always been there for me. Truly, from the time I was born, He has guided every step. He was there for every victory, every heartbreak, every mistake, every blessing. You see, I have been a Christian since I was born, dedicated as a baby in the Catholic Church , named for my devout grandmother, prayed for every day of my life while she was on this earth. I was saved in a Pentecostal church when I was 11, baptised numerous times, rededicated my life to Him numerous times. Been in and out of countless churches. Did mighty works in His name. After 45 years on this earth, calling myself a Christian, doing Christian things....acting Christian.....

It's only been the last few years that I have learned what it means to "walk with God". It is only now that I truly have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, talking to Him daily, seeking Him out, asking Him what He thinks I should do, making His voice the one I hear more than any other. I am laying down my agenda and living in His. What a tremendous journey! What a faithful God! In spite of my flawed nature, He sees worth, He loves me completely, no one has ever loved me like this. His love is changing me. All the years of trying to be good on my own culminated in wasted shame and wasted guilt. With Jesus Christ, all of it washes away with His flood of love.

The Bible says our righteousness is as filthy rags, and it also says Abraham believed God and counted unto him as righteousness! I believe! Just like the words from the song by the Newsboys, I

believe in God the father, I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in the Holy Spirit and He ' s g iv ing me new l i f e ! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to walk with Him daily, to see the work He is doing in my life, and in the lives of people I pray for, to know He is in control, and He is the Master of the Universe!

I am writing now in obedience to His ever present voice in my head, prompting me to tell my story. I am not a writer, I am not even certain anybody would be interested. But He keeps asking and I love Him and I want to be obedient....and He has never steered me wrong. So here we go......

Once upon a time, a baby girl was born to a young mommy and daddy. She was the first daughter and the first granddaughter. She was loved. There were hopes for her life. She was dedicated to God, baptized, given God-parents, embraced by uncles and aunties, grandmas and grandpas, even a great-grandma. Then as she grew up, life taught her hard lessons. Divorce, drugs, violence, promiscuity, alcohol, rebellion, coveting, and more all changed her from a loved being to something different. A person in pain, a victim, a person who could never be good enough. Confused, challenged, over reactive, overly sensitive, selfish and self-centred. Angry! Bitter! Indignant. Then.....God reached down and had mercy and through her youngest brother and a prophecy over His life. God resumed the work He started so long ago when she was born, remakingher a loved being, whole and at peace, resting in the arms of her heavenly Father, born again into His reality. Restored and continually being renewed.

Heal, sweet soul,

the world has learnt its lesson,

Your preciousness is known,

The world celebrates you.

Heal dear spirit,

Every set back was a yearning

of your soul,

because it wanted to fly higher

than others...

so don't forget that bond,

with grace.

You are a beautiful star,

that's looking at the night sky-

your beauty unseen.

Don't be fooled!- Vikram Oberoi



This is my testimony! I have hope, I have a future, I have a mighty God who loves me completely in spite of my performance. I want more than anything to do His will, even at the expense of mine. Wake up oh sleeper!

Fix your eyes on Him! We are His points of contact on earth, it is imperative that we shine in this darkness. I will not tell you that this path is easy, I will tell you it is worth it!

Idania Duncan

Is not strewn with rose petals,It is a lot of failures, with a few successes here and there. When u are on the path nothing changes.The husband is the same, the children are the same. The business and employees are the same and the clients are certainly the same. But bit by bit your response to them changes.Everything is tinged with awareness,You can now let go of the small battlesYou actually recognise when your ego takes over.... So what changes really?Only your yourself and everything around you. ..Your awareness become acute, wherein you realise the bigger picture,You gradually stop judging right and wrong...very gradually, not overnight at all. It is as is.You become smart enough to work within the circle of your control and put your energy where it is meant to be instead of fretting over things beyond your capability.So essentially nothing changes. But there are good days; When you have not acted on your impulses.But let some things pass by without

giving unnecessary importance to them; You see yourself exhibiting a little more patience or at least becoming aware of your rising impatience.You become aware of your own response, be it becoming aware of the anger slowly rising within or sadness or the impatience or your wound up way of being and you can actually recognise;Hey! that is my regular pattern.So, essentially what you are really getting on the path is Awareness.Nothing more, nothing less.WHEN YOU PRAY or MEDITATE THE CONNECTION IS VERY STRONG ALONG WITHSUBSEQUENT AWARENESS .Kiran Bhat

Page 16: Tms april 2016


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“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can”

John Wesley

It does not matter in what way a person offers his respect and his reverence to the deity he worships; it matters only how sincere he is in his offering.

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an afterthought. Eat that delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Say the truth that you're carrying in your heart like hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There's no time for anything else.”

Keanu Reeves


Postal address: Raadhika Dosa D’Cruz, #33 St. Patrick's Town, Solapur Road , Hadapsar , Pune 411013

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