


student_ton.howereel«tedlutfallbul failed to lift up to the ICIdemkrequimnenta. lnteriln _ton DUll!

Rushton and R. 8IDef"1O!Id. hive belncappointed~lheoulcGne.

'tbeou,lcGnewillnotbtDJownIlDWatRast nat month .hen Ihe _te willdtddeonlheelllIlpr'Omistmotioa,lImilirll.ecesatotheSelll.letostDdentllinaecondvsrandlbove.

Mean.hile, the siI under,rldual.e_ton plan to diJeu:sB the s1tu1lion..AdriaII Rorwood, ODe of the student_ton. opb fc:.' the new wordin&"becIuse llandardsare.tet for the flCUlly(..'I prdeacrc:.'higberand blve at leuttwoyearaJlef'ricewithlenurll!)andfintyearsll;ldentsmaystrvellllthe_in­numtill bodies, sucb IS the FlCUltyCouncila,"

SllIdenl COuncil prnident BiD BishopremalnIUII-('(lQ\ffijtted.

lIe_'" ItlUletl" 'qUtnN 'T1tlVltUy, FrWl.y .ItII s.twtUy o/lut ~t..ltdu..-l rite" _" lot' o{h_1U- Abo.", p.lllim'diruiotl,tudt:tttl liM to, tlte pmU"., o{rqilterirct {or. finr yur biolov COUtU.

But IheI'tlUXl tbt BoanI dIddtd topll1JfIlIltina_OIItskletbrir~flnaneial

spbeft is not dear.l..«d Taylor's UIIIt'Inl:eI to Butt lhIl no

outvl.lhe<lel:.-teby tbe BoanIfIi RqenlswuC'OnOl'mlldwilbtbeldll&lStnate'fOCec:.'protftdinpoflheSeMterneellng,_ftSlhestudent_tondillltbfled,la'riewvl.tbeebiinnan'sXC'OllRlvl.tbtBoanI fIi Regents meel1nl- They akI the)'1ra'e cn-tilIt"led lhIt ..:meoot I!nrdledindecrellmtngoinltobotbrneetlnp:Stnateand8lMr'd,tonktpr"fdudalvower ill tblirmm fa_,

1beonly pecpleon both the SeMu andtbeBoanlvl.Regents is the plWtdentand-..-..

Aside from the ralsillt vi. J!'riouIque$tiMsfe&lJ'dinCtheStNIte'spotency,intlgbtcfthevetopow«cftheBolll'dandc:ertain fIi its memben, !be only tane1bk.... effectthulfar .. lhe~flihro

, I

Fm.,.,JlmAry 15,1971

IIUlU1"Iet mail-in survey, and the csuproeeededto necotiate an lIgrftmenl withtheBOlm:lofRqentstopurchul'theTSC.

Bishop ouUined the proplIlIed agreement.t.pre.lXIrlertl' by student ewncilIor DaftRooney, et.1rmaD of the "Save the SUBFund Committee". Rooney follo.edBiIhop'.aplanation 01 the Pf'OPOAl withhisfrequently-\'Oiced~tioDI u.t"c:ertIIln c:oundl memben" IIIIft .aed"iITeIponIibIy In their nepia!kllls wilbthe .clminlstntlcln" aDd u.t "sa..ien~

arebtlnctlkentolhedeanenbylheadminiltnlbon. aDd ClertaiD studenls."8ishop ... .u.pd out by Rooneyaslhemain offender m the ''plot to .lku.ttludents".

Bishop deIoibecl Rooney's ~tioDI..... ~fIi\nlQendoandC'hlracta'.......lnallon" and the " campaign I blft eft'r bad tbtmbfortuDetowi~"



'foh'u no " .Ilb. tbeuniwndlylIl&llqftDenL"

Rooney dlimi that there is "reason tobdle1"t" that the uniwnity would blftuncIer1Uen ..-.tkm to the Thomson Iceotrt witbout the propllIIlto buy the

(Conlinued on paae II)

the muselast Wea.-ky ni&bt~. DDticeofmotionlO~tbecwiginal,witb.

CIIInlpf'OIIIiIllIDeDdment. The amendment~U.lfor.slocknltollitOllthe

Smale be would have to "be beyond theflrstyur .... be. full timesludent.t tbelII'Iiftnli.ty."

Hismotion1ri1lbeconsidend.ttbeFebruary 11th. &Ilm -unc.

..lfetl.l1 .... anacadmliclDlltleranclnottbeCOllC'mloltbeBoud of Rqe1ts,"aid Butt, wtIo felt the barrirlc of studentsfrom ~ Smale ..ts was l1li­deftlocnije, "siDce _come up1l'ber'e.lICUdml bi iJiOl"lDld ... tbeR matten andhappenslobeiPtberll"ltyear."H~,tbea.innanoilbeBoardof

Regents, G. A. Wintft", felt that the motion..... COllIUtuUonllone,'II'hlclllsc:ovfttldby the Board'. mandate.

"Wewenun1Jnpreaedwithtbe Sellllltadv1oce," offered Winter who suggestedthatJ*ldblytheBoanlwouldhan.e­cept.ed or 'rubber stamped' the senate'.decisiOll Iftbereblld been. full atteDd.ance.ttheNamnberSenate rnetUnc and If thevote had IIOtbeeoIOCklle.Lonl"'ykJr.~speclfic'lliththe

reason why the Board turned dO'll'l\',motIon...ldtheBoanlfeltU\atflnt year ltudentl didn't know enough.bout university government to par­tldpaleIn the Senale

"MOll! don't know one governing bodyfrom another," he said.

says first years don't know enough

rd of Regents reverses Senate decision

'shop accuses Rooney ofcharacter assassination"

TodayLul'lCh.-hour c_ru surt up for the t8l'm It 1.00

tOday with, perlonn8llC41 by ttle New Upsilon Singen inttl, Lim. ThMtn. Admission is fTM: Md yer allowed tobring y. lunch.

TIM firn MUNAC n1l1y of 1971 will .Irt at the PhyLEd. parkinlllot, Westllt'l.nd Roid II 10.00 a.m. The rallyw~1 be 97 miles lono, cOI'IIining of 11% Phed roMl.nd29% gnwet R.llyim .. advised to bring I lunch, nightequipm8ftt.nd 'I'\lter,.nd to be prepared for the WOrltin _ttl.... TIM rally will .nd It I rntaunlnt.

Monday, Jan. 18

EASY RIDER will be shown for the final two timnThe.... will bI. full practic:. of th. GIll C1ub.t 11.00 1On9lt.t 6.30 and 9.00 in the LittI40"II.

'.m. in E.12. N_ memben ..... weleom.. Am.lsdon Is $1.

WOfried.boutpoilution? Well. htt,.'s your dlance. Thlfirstmll'!lllllStudentWorkinll Group will blIheldat8.001lliflllthe Social Room. 2nd floor of 1111 TSC.~wtleomt.

VVednesday, Jan. 20

Th. University .nd the cec will .n ..lOI191t1O preaent. CSC Celebrity RlCitlllil".and Cultu.... Centr•. TIM reeit". VItIidl is to CSC Radio for broedealtat."... _.nnion.1 nuwork. futur.. Maurin IIIbaa-baritOIMl••nd John Newark, pilnill IlfGII..-cIuatt ofthtfaeultyofmulie.UnivtnityofT-.and the Royal ConIl.....tOry 01*"' $dloal. III

::::~~nJ.::n;.;~:;:~~k::'::andp&ayeclwittlth.D....~.nPhilhannonieltllll~and the Dmd.n Philharmonic: Ordlelt1l brhIflllll1OCanad.lnllMO.

Thttl"II is no mmiaion dI...,. at 1111 flCiailllllnUb at 8.30. TiekatllTlllY blI obtained m."and Cultu.... BoK Office. the Informetion e-.TSC. or the cec or MUN switdlbollrdl.

Tuesday, Jan. 19

W.nna bun your pelvic: bo....?lflOtllllnl·s. perfec:topportunity this afternoon .t the Trades Coil. wh....the Sc:itnce Soeitty IpOl\IOl"I • tobopnninll .-rty. ItstIorti at 2.00 p.m.

Sunday, Jan. 17TIM Memorilll junior y.rsity bask,tball team will play

the FotIil'1I17.15tonightinth'llI'm. At 8.45 th..... willbe.n.Khibitionpm.betwe.... thtMniorFeikliln••ndthe Winter G.mts ttlm. It C:OS1l nutlin' to lilt in.

Saturday, Jan. 16

at ~~:::.:.:;::~:il~:'-J=~:~~t::''7::;=': ~r:l~:~~;~~~-:i:.Il~~y~:e:::=welcome. Sl:ience W.....nd.

Old faithful IOC~OPI will mrt up .-in tonight.Tonight's edition will be held in .,. Thomson C8ltrt Th, Mia Science Dance will be hekl at 9.00 in thewith T.I'I supplying the music. Th, ~ce will get HoIidlly 1m btllroom. Music is by the DuCllts and ticketsunderway lJuwo-dlyllt 9.00.nd it'lI_t 75 cents. 10 .... $3.00 double.

i, required. At 9.00 in ttl. Coral Room, Belli Vistll, the NewmlIn

The Mi. Coughl.n 0""" will be held It 9.00 ton~t Club .w~l be sponlOring • Win~r D~. Music: w~1 beat the legiOf'l Club. Pl_nt¥ill•• Dr.. is tetn;.fonn.l IUppiied by the Montereys 8Rd tlCub - $2.00 doubt..

;:y':U·.:":m:::S:::·~:::I..MidSOUnds will ~ L~:~~tt6;~S,:'R91.~.~~~~y::W~e~ the

TIM ...1Ird.winninll film EASY RIDER will ~ shownin the Littl. Th.t.... toll9lt.t 6.3O.nd 9.00.1pOll101"lIdby th. Sc:ieneeSoeitty. Admilsion is$l.


The following fligh« are available to London and if you are interested, please fill out the application form and forward it to CampaTravel, Thomson Centre:-

THREE MONTH FLIGHT:Departure - May 31st, 1971 - Return - August 25th, 1971

THREE WEEK fliGHT:a) Departure - May 26th. 1971 - Return -June 17th, 1971b) Departure- Au~st 11th, 1971- Return - September 1st. 1971.

If you have already completed an application form you will be contacted directly by mail wnh detail•.



Please indicate whether you are:

Student.FacultyStaff .

Number of persons traveling ... Adults ....


laminterestedin:-1. May 31st Departure (3 months)2. May 26th Departure (3 weeks)3. Aug. 11th Departure (3 weeks)

O'Flaherty criticizes course evaluation

have had access to the names. "In anysludyofthis_tureitillnotethicaltogiveout names of people. We don't do IlEwrythinc ill reduced to nwnben andbecomes statistical data, What 1 c:an'tundentand ill that the penllII wbn toot thequestionnairefrorn thepriDc:i~',amceatMacPhenon was not charged of ID7unetbk:alcondud.. ..

He does: not_that the quatkioDaire"'lIIi1rnskJoofanyooe'I~,'''Ibequestions had no ~ informatloll.Am-t an the tacbtn and priDdpU:~aboutthestlldents'~"

He pointed oat tblit in OUZ' orpnIzed-=ietJ', the deriDitioa of privacy I:udwJced. "Fer eumpIe,lf a~tensa_totakeoftbKdotbea,tbItatesolfbKc:Iothes..Itlsa~.....

''Similarly educsitors are pellpIe ~wkredinthe~tionaI~and

ha"" an etbM:aI respmsibil:ity to thatvntession. It I:s the duty of theprofessionalsto_thatthe.c:hoolsfune..tioaltthegreatestleftlofefficieDey,thatthe cIIUdrefl acl:tieft, that then: are fewer<k'opou.ts, that they are not two yearsbehu.I inl"elldin(cornprebenskJn. etc.

'''I1lisillaoodf.. NewfoundIandtJee.UIINewfOW'lC1laDd needs more people who areweD qualified, who adlieft at I blgherJeveI. who contribute to the econc:my andoolitical institution of Newfoundland.SociIUy, it ill good for individullsand theirfamiliea.

IYlethod was I fall' ooe" O'Fla.bnty laYS that themethods or the evaluation will probably not hea'"Pted by the f3cuity :u fail".

There orill probably be a second nalWlUon Ibiswmatel,~ 10 Corbett, to d~ Wilh theeoUrteS that 1Io'ere not offned .$1 yeal. 11l:a1evalulbOll 1Io'dl probably be Iwnpeml by au, IS athe cunenl Otlll <IO-9S'" or the 33.000questIOtU\III'e ClO'fIt!rlnI 2pproXimatdy 600 c:oann,Iuw Item Rnuned and aR I'\O'W bel;qprocased.

If.ltC'OI'ldeftioatiOtl orlhe samt t}-pe isliftllin,the mter ~I', II. wiD probably cost aboutSSOOO. IS did the I:ut 0IIt'. Dlinw the COlI of theCQfIlputer p«lIJam,1Io'hd caa be uaed apin. Whet!the relllits or the prn.:rit'MluItioo Me publisbecl,their size Wlil oeee.:l2Ie dw they be blOOD down illlOme form bef()fe they ue presentee! to i1udenu.. Formsunce, the ewalUlltion rnulu of the ,,1Iiow facuJtiesJnl&ht be nailable instead or Ollie .rae bookletcootaUuaa aD the information. Corbett said if has ootbeen wided whether the intormatioo 110'111 be ofTerNlO~udenIiCrttOl'lI.anol!lInalprice..

I..oI'd Taylor lUde (be deeisio.. todestroy the q.-tiollllai:l'ea at lUI ad hoc_ctin& .Ilic:b iIl1'Otftd Si..llP, Dr. BillGusbue, P,ohnor PanolU, DeIUIHictm.m . IItd Brvc:e Wooen,1Id of lheWIiTeniIy public R"lioIu depan_lll."II happened in I &RII bllJ'l')' ud ill I"eryIIbortpel'iodof lime,".idSiQP..Heaid lhal oul of I SOO quesl:iolllWl'U thathe recei'red, flO IJIOI'e IIwI Hfly parenuobjected to it.

"Therefore, parents, teacherl,clergymen, councillors, school ad·ministnltors,PTA,aehoolboards,andthelIIlivenity have town together for one'i:oal-betterment ofNewfoondland and Itsoeople. It ill my earnest hope that therewill emerae some kind of structure orInanlement which will facilitate ameaningful dialogue among people In­Y(llved which will lead to a raUonaldeebion.maklng proc:ess."

Another crlllcism of the quesUonnalre FlnaDy,Singh pointed out Ulal It wu not

:~e:~s~me:.~:'c..~~ obligatory for the pupils to fill out thebecause it wu tobealonglludinalkindof :~~~~:~~en~;::e~~study. "If I knew It would have bothered obligltory,butltwUlIOtoblIgatoryinthe

~l~,~~~vee~~~~~ sense of coercion or punishment. In a

1I'OI'k," he 1I1d. :~~,::~ofl::a~a':He pointed oul that IMl one elle would soctetyasa.bolehavebecomedJlfused."

One of the main objectlonl I"'e¥<lhedItlIWldtheqeofthepupllLltwasaidb)'open llnecanen that I sr.se1eVfll'l dIiIdIXlUIdnotannrerltt'lU'atelyqDeltionsabout the parents' income. SInib repliea,"If I wanted to tno. sucb infonnalioollCC\ItIIte!y,lwoukI notaakleVfll'ltbcrw;Iets." He pointed 0111 that what IsImpartant ill sud! a study ill w"t thestudent percelvelare the answen to sucb-ItwualsoobjectedUlattbedllldrenareminonand sbould not be IUb)ected to suchquesUons,"SUchacriUcisnt'-notvalld",IIIdSInih. "If you lIy that, you undtr·estimate the potential of the seventhender." He saki Ulaireae.rdlllhc:nrs thata child. bet1retne1eYen Ind fifteen yeanhas I weU developed self-conoept and illreaponsive.Hecandlscriminatelndmakeludgementa. Singh did pre-teatinll beforeactuaUydilltrlblltlnithe quesUonnalte andhe said that the result.! ahow that thecltildren were awart of what wu beingasked,

The quntionnaJrt; bad been dnf&ntd, aocort:bna; 10Corbell, 10 &iVt' an al-found IppraiA! of the cou"'"rlther than I limrted perfocmana=-apprmaJ of theproC_. But seroniinI to O'Fbherty, the facuhy'snabll ..'\Ore nt,inged upon Ul ileveral '"Y'- He reellthat faculty members dlould DIll be obli&ed 01'~

strorctY urJed to we up cu ume fol' an evaluatiOn,eJPeCiaIIy al sudt mart oooce and to near the end orterm. He recommended .1Iem~e procedul'es.. IUCh uthose used by the Uniftnity of MUlllobl, wltkhkeep' I ipe'CraJ room in wI»cb S1ucJeob can fiD OUIt!'nluatioo foons I( !be. OWD COlJ'rCIUIence. Abo,lina:!be resuluoftbecvahtationwefelObetzaedbythe adrnsrtisuatinn in makiIl(.tenwe mil ~l'tlI1\OtJoa

dec~ Caculty mnnben were imhpant II Jtm:nc005IY ill !be matter

The Idmtnistntioo II aware ot this ~hon. MO'Fbherty quoted from • Iettel' .... riHeo IQ him onDecanbtl' 16, by VEe-Pre3ldenl M.O. Morpa, "Nocoone evaau.tion coodue:ud III thiI JtJIMtr could beuted io Iny deeiAorHnakina aITectma the facully,urue. the faculty themseha eooadered thai lbe

vur, hewupursuadedtodohis study inNtwfaundland,~therel'lO'We:d!tlIlMl

Information of the type that such I studywoWdyldd.

He planned tostudythegr'U lIeftIl

ltIIdtnta,about1,5Oll1nall,oftweflty-lb:.IChooblntheSlJohll'sarea,tbougbonlyone .. I1KI ICbooIs 1rOUId haft beennecuaaryifhebadbeen Intertstedonly Inhis doctoral. theIis. He would abo haftbe!DcoUectint:dataf.. theI:lepartmmtofSodal FOUIIdations, and the f'eSll1t of his~ ... tobepubllsbed.

I)v,rinllast semu1er, Sinlh welltUltougbaIltheproperdlaDDebtoaDowhim to distl'ibute his quesUonaiI'e. J, A.~ of the Deputmmt of Educ:atkmFOWIdatil;q lntrocmeed him to the twotuperiDtem*ltl of educaotkm. wbn aveedIotbapro~Sin&bftntoutand"e~to..mpriDd.pa1inTo1ftd.

'-n.y nre aD eoopentive and apo~tiftofthekindofstudy"saicl.S1ngb.

1bIl trouble started 011 0kmIbe!" 11th,the day after SirlP hid dlstrimted the~tomoltoftheldlooll.A

BY BERNADETTE KENNEDYDr Q)IIIW eQ1uloons completed by nudenlllWt

wi! be ready tor them al replrloon in. OmCorbeu, manacel'oflheCSU.. uys

1M ronDl are still bema proceased.lnd allhwthtoIlIdbedatribuledlate,Um Itnn. they WOI.tld.IObeantlotl thexmester's wOI'k

the ~hon is nOl yet complete. il bas~allISlt!mallOaIl'DOIlI the fKUlIy members. Dr

O'flaberty. pmtdenl of the M U.N. FacuitytioJI,.)"I that the orpniZahOll .Il.ifl fOOllinl

pGkylllRprcltofotuReftluauom..HoweYer.he..-J compl:ianu lboul the pre.nt one; he

that It was "chaDUClIiy done,w t~t the'lftRl oRen ~1Wft1y 01' uu.ppropnately

led," and mG$I oraD thai the faculty wunOl011 the malUl'

110 SrpInDbn, O'Fbheny bad .......ed 10 theU that any toture eoune evahu.l"* dlw1d be

Wlththeco-ope:l'3tionoftheracully.Thi5lion was nol touIht• .Ithouch Dr Graham

or the Psycholo&Y Dept. was asked 10 acMte• sdec;:hon IDd improvemenl of questions.

,..V.JANUARY 15, 1971 PAGE 3

most as fast as you can say "Arctic Wildfowl"

1500 research questionnaires destroyed


Cancellation of questionnaires is inexcusable

Thouah aresea....:h commilleeprnently eutl under theE4ucation faculty council, we

feel its eerms of reference lhouldbe expanded 10 in",ludeaU of theabove functioJll. Thec:ommillee

should be composed of penonsknowledllble in edu<.:*tionalresearchand.oouldcallupon.experls in fields relevant to theparticullr propolil beinlconsidered.

commillee would be: <a) to In rerocn.itlon of paMreview proposals for eduo;ations.1 "'oncern over ed~clriMll

reaearch.nd upon determinationof Iheir vatidily provide theofficill approval of theunivenily. (b) 10 provide fundswhen fellible. (c) to promotelrid encoulile research oneducation in this province.

CIu,lltln_ ..l:RoblnMortln,AI.. Horrio.E.."K.,.!lhIlf'Inil Jew..I.J." .... GIJ .. s.r.dott.D....'.NMolonoy, Brion s..., Don uno. 0_ Shon. CnrIMcAIN_. Lloyd Jo-. MIty Owl Clrll C-,..,.Wlntwt, Modo""" BooiIIy, Joh" 0 110, o.IIItMoy.DMroMulroonoy;G<iF,iOliltl_,BobJoy.

~muse =:.."':.:.~~=~ c.nod~u........r;'"

MUSE is pulll;_ w_ly ..... tho c"",n<~ CIt !flo _..-_

.ndis ...tho<l_ .. _ondd_ ...oiI .. 'hI_ofI.... St.-'-"\SUbocriphO.. '.t.isfo.... do..... ".' ......m.n....._ .. _of thl ......... _ttaff _ "'" _._~v .howof IhIcstJ.

Tho MUSE It p.riMld ..... Robo_...Block""". _ .. "'"Publi.,i,. Ltd.. St. John'I,Nowfoundl_.

=~I::~~o;::" ::.::::::::::~~=_Editor Shon>nG..,.c t.t edito PI<Ili Hutctll O_MtCwIr

~~~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::'R;::To rectify Ihis serioussieuation we recommend theellabtishment of a resear",hcommittee and the initiation of• prOgnlm 10 educlte plrenlslbouleducation.lresearch,it.funClionlndit.importlnce.TheeernlS of reference of this

letters r ',' ' ,

Sir'We wish 10 exp"", our

concern over Ihe re",entcontrovelly rellroina Jellelrchqueslionnlire.circulltedinlocal..choob by Mr. A. SiJlI,h,Edu",ation profcllor atMemorial

In lhat Mr. Singh'. teselr<:hdealt with.elf-conceploflbilityand theeffectaof this on KhoolIchievement, we feel it couldhave made I valulble"'ontribution to eduCilionalprogress in Newfoundland. AIyel. we don't have all theformuil. for In ideal educationaylCem! And 10 dismiss validresearch will only serve 10further retard needed ",hanle.

The forced <,:ancellation of thequeseionnlire by universilyaulhorilies is utterlyinexcusab1l:;it isanoeherprinaeumple of Iheir lolaldisreprdfor the aeadem;'; freedom Indintegrity of a flcully member.Ind for thc resear",h functionwhich is fundamental 10 Iheconcept of .11. IcademicilUtitulion.Suchbehaviorbytheauthorities could quirecom::eivlblyacluldetelTenttofulure educltional researchperlinene to Newfoundland.

Amid the controversy of press conferences,innuendoes, charges and counter<:harges over thevalidity of using the money in the Student UnionBuilding fund to purchase the Thomson Student Centre,we feel there is one major point that is being ignored. .

That point is the value of the Thomson Centre. It isour opinion that the building was not carefully plannedand was consequently poorly built. Granted. half amillion dollars worth of renovations can't hurt, but itdoesn't seem to be the answer to our union buildingproblems to take a shack like the Thomson Centre andtry to patch it up into an adequate union building.

Students who were here when the centre first openedwill probably recall the cracks in the wall that appearedafter the place had been open only a few weeks. That isan indication of the weakness of the build~ng's

structure. As far as we are concerned, the building is tooflimsy to be worth spending as much money on as hasbeen proposed.

Since the students already have full use of the centrenow even though it is owned and operated by theadministration. there are only two things to be gainedby buying it.

One of these is the po$ibility of getting a rink oncampus. The administration has agreed that the$413,000 S.U.B. fund that will be turned over to theuniversity if the referendum passes will be used only forthe purpose of building a rink, The problem here is that$413.000 is not enough money to build a rink; therewill have to be more money coming from somewhere.and right now there is no indication of where thatmoney might come from. or of when we might get it.Another problem is that of where to put the rink if wedo get it. The most oft,mentioned possible site for therink is the corner of Elizabeth Avenue and WesterlandRoad. As far as we are concerned. this location isdllfinitely not satisfactory. The temporary buildingshave completely spoiled the look of the campus fromthe vantage point of the parkway. and a rink in front ofthe gym would destroy whatever beauty there might bein the campus from the Elizabeth Avenue vantage point.Also. every rink has the problem of expelling steam, andthis just wouldn't do on Elizabeth Avenue. What thismeans. then. is that a rink is just not practical untilconstruction of the mythical "north campus" begins.and if that's the case, we might as well hold on to ourmoney and put a new union building over there.

The other advantage to buying the Thomson Centreat this point in time is that we will get renovations madeon the building. This we undoubtedly could use. but wedon't feel that these renovations are worth the price.Even with the renovations. what we'd have is anill.planned building patched up slightly to more closelyapproximate what we want and need in a unionbuilding.

The argument in favor of buying the building appearsto be "Well, it isn't the greatest, but it's better thannothing." We feel that until we get a chance to buildthe Union building that most of the students who havebeen paying their fees all along had in mind, we shouldobey the decision of last year's referendum anddiscontinue the collection of the S.U.B. fees.

We would like to point out here that while we areopposed to the idea of buying the Thomson Centre. weare not in favor of the tactics used by Dave Rooney andhis "Save the SUB fund" committee. They could easilyhave indicated their opposition to the idea of buying theThomson Cenlre without resorting to innuendoes andcheap shots at the people who drew up the agreementthat appears on page six of this MUSE. What they didwas switch a great deal of the debate from the issue tothe personalities involved. which is typical of the wayour provincial politicians go about their business. Thischildish approach. whether it's for political reasons ormerely for lack of a better approach. has just cloudedthe issue. not to mention leaving a bad taste in themouths of a lot of lookers-on.

,rpatched-up buildingis not what we want

fU)AY,JAHUARY 15, 1971PAGE 5

_a__th_e_fi_·:ft_h_c_o-:-lu~m--:-n~_• by Randy Joyce

I Ihlnltthe second way II more practlcal In theNewfoundland Iltlialion, E:ltra.polltlcal activit)' ildJeaper than poUtiai activity. I'm not dbcounUna Ihe

~~~~to~~u:~~_yizwthatpolitiallaclion must beuslsled bynuo.oolitic:alM:tion to defeat tbeexistinlorder.

Either nY,the fiitUre'-Newtoundland II admiuedlydixoungirw. U_lneYltahIe that Newfoundland wiIJ11'0 bankrupt by 1m, 'lbelOftl'DllllmthasdebtL It hasIlornnrredto~yofttbeIll'incil*lDll_debcs.ThatlallOtthe'll'Or'SIO(llltbuborrowedto~ythelntereltDIIotherdebts,Andtromany~standpoinl

Newfoundland will be bankrupt wben the aOYernlnentfIlldljlleH\1lIIIbletoborro'll'enoughto~YlUChlntert:lll.

What lhen? Newfoundland coukl be placed Inreceivership, W, COIl1d be placed WIder a Canadiancommission or glM!rnment. We could be forced to lIl!lILabrador to Quebec,if they hlIven't taken /I ovu by then.

And in W. regard I hope aome of you will giY1! ReneLeVUQI,Il! a very hard time when he ClXIlII do...n.o~r hilltatemmt a few years 110 that Quebec IhouJd /l'lOV'I IntoLabrador..:'ocropylt, take It ovw".

That's II for 1lO'II'. Let all tou.alHninded Newf(lUll.~ unite qalnst 1yraMy. Next week, a aUrica1

calcified from lad of oppoeillon, will crumble underconcerted blOW's from 'lrilhln.

PeoplehaY1!a!ked why I don't Just 110 on baek to theunlvenitylncubator.Thlllltheeasywayout,butadlJaatlsfylng one. Whal'.llolngon In the c1a.w'OOma ofMemorial right llO'II' beal'l' about u muc!l relation toeducation u linda Goodman'. Sun SIgns do to the Apollo...".,..

Memorial'. main fImctlon Is keeping Ihe labour martetfrombelncll'll'elledfn:mthelnfllu:of~tbouIand........

Somethlnt hu to be lb:lt aboul NewfOUDdlandewe.tion and Newfouodland ewemment but one.-­ean'ldoillf~b)eandcorlC'el'lledpeopiewereto~t

Ibrif buda together and 'II'lri: In 0CIIlCeI't rather thanldationagealdealcouklbalb:lt.

Then!aretwo'll'lYltoel'fedma.s.ivep;lUtic:alcbarlcts~.OnebtoflJmlannpolitic:alparty(there'laconstitution I ooce dmrup for theNLP- Newfoundlandand LaIndorParty_tIangins around theCSU roe.tomeWbere, I( the pln/leadII havea't thmm it out thewindO'll',that'1 free for the takintl lfanyone wants to dotomelhlng with It!. To iet support for a party, 0( COUJ"M,vouhave toorIl8rlW!andadverllle_and that taltes bread,Iotsot' It. That'ltheopen way to do It,

TheotherwayilthelIeCl'flway, All people lntert:lltedInmaking Newfoundland a better place to live 1fOUIdoraanlle leereUy (Ihadel of the SubterraneanMovement) and go aboul their jobs witbin the I)'Item,'In:rtin&lheirwayintodedlkwwnalr:lncpolitioos. Whenenough positions are 0C'aIpied, the poowers.that.«,

1l11~thlngtobeaNewfOUlld1anderlneWe.UpltrtlrunlntopeoplewllO'vemoved here from other....... but they're not Brltlah Colwnblans In eWe or

lnulIeorwhathaY1! you, It'. aU Canada, you..."~\a;differenlAll\leNewt'ound1ander


,NewfoundIandhuuft1idadaimto.6MQuebee. Don't Inferfnm Ihia; that• tIle..--.WecauJdn'tmalr:eltDllaurO'll'll

.1lIl~1l'Uatime.•.~1"1'I' We1l.lf you'd been tl'JiIlI for si:J:llIp1ajobtbalwouklenableroatollayinJllUr

J'a'd IlItimately _ tile necessity to

canadianuniversities'arts festivalTORONTOFEB 5-14


~s:~t~;';";:.:::;~1 Art F..,i ..I,

TotOll•• lI1, On,..i•.

F.lli ..... 1......1 ...,.,;".. ho"" "ili,.d ,_ CO.""I C_".I, of Ai' c._d..'.'


Fill out an application form available Irom your

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. It Is a national ~tudent art f,sliva' designed to

This Is you':,~~~~~rt-:~~tr~~t~~~~~~~~~~':"~~I~r~~~~~I~I~~~"I Entrieswill be judged by Pfolenionals and written critiques mailed to flfltrants.


Important informationRegarding the Referendum

Below are the agreementsPertaining to the Thomson Centre

The covering letterThis letter is to record that, on the signing of the

Igreement del!Iling with the management and operationof the TholT'aon Student Centre by the Board ofRegents and the Council of the Students' Union, theBoard and the Council ag,.. to the following proposals.

That the funds held in trust for the provision of •Student Union Building at AUi'.IIt 31, 1970, in the sumof $413.000 be trwtd....... to th, University.

That the Stud.-.u' Union wit! eppIy for end theUniYersity will grant a kMln of up to $413,000 to ....blethe Students' Union to carry out reconstructionimprO\'ef'Mnts within tha Thomson Student Centre. TheUniversity will advance the loan to the Students' Unionas required lit an interest rate of 3% per annum,principal repayable together with interest oller 5 yean.

That the Students' Union will IftYV • fee of not leuttl.. $15.00 pw student per y.r for sum time. willbe wffic'-nt to prewide the funds Nquifed to re.-V the

to.n principal together with interest. These tIM willcontinue to be collected by the University as henttofore.

As the loan and interest.e repaid to the Univenitv,the money will be used towards the construction of anice rink, IS quickly IS this Cln be undertaken.

That on the total repayment of the )oan and interestthe Students" Union may wish to vary the fee to eMb..• ClPital sum to accumulate in trust for the pu~ofbuilding I $1udentJ" Unton premises on the NorthCom.....

That if the BolIrd exercises its right to terminate the...ment with the Students' Union, the Board willdeposit into e trust fund for the purpose of building IStudents' Union premises on the North Campus the sumof $413,000 together with an agreed amount whichshall represent the depreciated cost of reconstructionimprovements Clnied out Ind paid for by the Students'Union within the Thomas Student Centre.

The AgreementTHIS AGREEMENT made It St, John', in Ihe ProYince This dill" presently relates to the Mlnller,S«:reIIfY01 NewfollDdllnd, C......da. 1M dlY of , and POIl.l Ckrk of tbe UJlIOO, bllt Olhnl m.y be addedAD,. Olle tho\lSllDd Dine bvndred md ..-enty from lime 10 tIlDe by mlltual apeement beew«n tbe

Ilof,rd.odthe UnioD.S. To keep the buiW~ au mecllanX:al1lld dedric:al

BETWEEN' tefYic:t:s and acuIIOries In &nod repair proYlded.THE BOARD Of REGENTS, Men:lOriai Uni¥enlty of however. lblt dlmqa 10 the buildi". or its servicesNewfoWldland, herelDlftn referral 10 •• "The Board" haft nOl been aluled by the neJIcence or .~tions of Ibe

Union. ill membe~or qeota.TbeUnionAl!"eel'

AND I. To operate 100 m'nI,e the Centre in.n orderly IndTHE COUNCI1. OF THE STUDENTS' UNION of COI1"ect mlOner.tolemorial UDI\Ier$ity of Newfoundland, hereinlfterR'ferred loll ""The Union" 2. To IUbmn InnWlUy to the BQI;rdlO operallll& bOOSe!

for the Centre It lea. elJbl mOlltbs prior 10 tbeRelalel 10 the opention and II\Il\I&Il..ellt of the oommena:ment of lbe year for wblc.b the bud,et 11M"nom_ Stlldcat Centre kK:lIted 011 tbe campus of been PR'pII"ed, The bud,et for the flnt IWO yaTllhallWelDOnal UlIl"enlty of NewfoulldlaDd alld he_fin be baaed on lhe prosected atatement of IDOOme aDdreferredlo .. ··tbeCeotrc..·· Expenditure altlebed heretolDddated IllbSeptember";

1910In ooDlideration of tlu$ AJreement and Ibe fulfillmenl 3. To permIt tile Uni~en;ily 10 use the Centre withoutof the condition. llel out in the anached leHer. the ch.a'1e for reailtralion. elliminationa. oonvo«hom .ndBoard hereby .,reea olher normal lcademk functiona of Ihe Univerlity 115I. To transfer the relpOllIiblbty for the operation.nd may be Iequued from time to lime, but wlIh due reprdII\Inllement of the Centre 10 Ibe Unioo for I period of to lbe need. of Ihe yean from the effective dale of this 4 To opente and IIlIlII&e the food $IImoe flClhtlea of,,",ement. tbe oentre alll! wba'e..-er pl*ibk .nd feuibk 10 eoter2, To ILlbAdiU the fmano;:ial QpC:nIhon of tbe entre in mto I Conlract wab the _me caterer _ • IIIedeadI and eftfY yeu to the eatent that mlY be decided eltewben tbroupout the tbe Board from hme to tUlle The subsidy to be pIid S, To keep tbe interior Ind the doon, wlDdow••nd allin the fnt year IhII.l be $103,600.00 IDd IIItheteoond furturu in JIOO(l repair and to repall" any 1I\I.fri1l&.year SI09,400,00, Future IOnual subsidlea IlbaU be defacin&. ICrata.q or olber damaae cauted to tbedetermined at Ihree yur intervala Iud will be oo1Uislent demised premuu by the Union, iu memben or qentl.willi Ihe principleaapplyilll to tlleorWnallUbaidy. 6. To indemnify the Board a,pinst .11 d.mIJU_IO the3, To provide Spice on Ihe Norlh Campua for the buildilll or to the flxlllIt'S therein ~IUIed by the Union,ooMtruction of a aecond Student Union Buildlna.nd 10 its qent., memben or leIYInU.

:u~:..tbe IUM of n50,OOOOO towarcb tbe 00Sl of the :heT~e:=re~POMiblefor .U dwJes for tbe operal1on of

~:::~r::~~~f~:~u:~:~.:~eeaex':t= I. To permit the Board and au aaenll or emp60yeeswilbarrarwanenu for .tary payment pelllMln and other or without woriunen or Olben It all rcuorable tUllel toemployee bencf.a applicable to ••r Uniw'nrtyaaff. mter upon the prem.. to do af\lctural or ntemal.


be Jiven to the Union and tbeoo_lIIdobtained9 To penna the BOlIn1 ill employell 01 ..wltllout workmen or ClImen 10 enter apoa_all reuooable tun. to __ the collltilioeupon DOhce pvell by the BOIIId to repu.10, To keep the fUmlhlR' and aU ~lIaltdlii

II. Not to make Iny mljor .1tentlOJIJ 10witholll C(lnllent in writilli from lheluthori1ed qen(J or employees.12. To retlin and oontlnue 10 IIJe tbe Ill.StudentCenlre" in relahon to lbe build..theShlodent UDIOIIBuildifl&.13. To pemul per&OlIIenppd 1lI ...,lIIlhe Centre 10 enter It all reuoaable_14 To keep the nxtlUft. fiUlilPlDClcOcrfhebuikl~ldeqUltelyinsured...-_'"

orlny cauae and 10 carry ,deqUlte poMrinsunnce II ntly be reCQmmended b7 Iil1lUranceunderwriter.IS.Tokeepall ..rbqelndrefuaelnlc~plutic CQl't'red JlIhqe OOllllll'll:lI IIIIlradilynlliiableforooUectiOIlNot wlthllanlhlllthelboofc.tmeBoardto te:rlJllMlethuapeemmlupoatA.t7.wnhllilto Ibe Unioll IboWd any of tile ~


.ll\llUARY 15, 1971

The Students' Union


wst Analysisevenues from huilding+University subsidy=Operating expenses



V.r Endedlive Months Ended V.rEnd«t VurEnded31st March 1971

31st August 1971 31st August 1972 3ht August 1973

22,500 9,375 36,000 36,000

7.... 2.... 15,000 16,000

4,750 '.... 17.... 17....1,000 4,000 6,000

35,750 13,375 71.... 75.sao

- DiNCt.,000 21,000 21,750

15,700 2,500 14,000 15,000

10,000 400 3,600 3,8001,000 50 500 6QO

100 500 1,500 1,750

1,200 400 1,000 1,200

1,000 850 3,000 3,300

2,DOll 100 2,500 3,0002,000 17,500 17,500

5,000 20,000 21,00041,000 42,50022.... 25,000

36,000 15,800 148,000 156,400

250 2,425 76,600 80,900

- Indirect - Pfenning and Works

",000 20,00038,000 15,000 8,000 8....15,000 12,00016,000 6.500 19,000 20,00022,000

138,000 53,500 27,000 28....

138.250 ",925 103,600 109,400

Notes:1. Rlplin and maintenance for the years ended 31st AullUst 1972 and 1973 will be edministerld by the Thomson Student Centre. As theIfIPIWs and maintenance will be performed by Memorill Unjya'lity's Planning and Works O8pllrtment actual cash advances to the StudentClnne will not be ""''Y.

2. The projected statefMnts do not include building .ckIitions estimated ~ $80,000 for the v.r..-.dld 31st March 1971 end $500,000 for... fln months erdtd 31st Jenuery 1971.

llntM'elt expense and principal repayments for the kMlns for the addition to the Thomson Student Centre have been excluded from these


See attached repon dated 11th September 1970


&.dJm«ta.Ilhina;doesone thIn& and theaame:DuJs out tblt beinc iIldoln eaeb one dftlll;$ehft--.(loeIltaelf; m)'ldf It speaks and IIpt1Is,0')'iac~1."_:"'1em-.

Queen: But.!ook, wber'e Mdly the poor 1rrttdl- .......Pl:IkJnius;A_1,ldoheleedlyou.botba_1:I'll boud him praenUy.

So begins one of the f!nelItspeeches InShakespellTe'l Hamlet, Polonlus attempt.todl5cover the ca". of the PrInce's 'madne:ss'and Hamlet uses the old man'l illusiOns to ex·OOlIItthe~tionandeorruptionwhieh1UITOUndIhim. The scent ilIall\lSterpieee of1roNc1rit,~latmslfledbythedispltand

...,Psb fnIm wbic:b Hamlet b 1llffer!DC and


myyeanuanEnctisbstudeot,lbIldydIIcus:sioaoltllillC'eDetN.tlnmemberb_1nwbIdI • cluI arped kIr two boun aboutwbetherHamietbad_thlKIncand~

talking with Poloniusand therefore ..... er ....notputlln(l on an act tOlpUe them. Allremember It, debate hinged on whether or notthe Queen eoukI _ Hamlet coming without

bei,.-_byhlm. 'Ibat 111111 remembef of the~ For l1'IIlly yurs now, I have beentryUw to forpt It.


dn::les.loanlnraee:d.iscussklnoftlalDkt,lQ',tIlefoUowin&quatioos1ri.l1he raised: didGertrudealeepwithClaudluabeforetbeyklUedHamlet's father? does Hamlet kIlow tbltPoloniua ill hiding behind the Irrasdurlnll theimpassioned _ with OpheUa? did HamletIovtOpbelil1wasOpbelias1eepln(l:wltb thek.lnc?'II"U Hamlet mad! a coward! lU.fferiDg from anOedipus complex! TbIs wiD he lugmented bydIJc:ussioaI 011 1anpace, 1mac«1. wit, theoriginIoftlle'p1lywithinl play'andpmalysisof the major IOlUoquies. AUoftl.-wiD poIitdyskirt, but never confront the funcllmenllloroblem of human indedldOl1ll which is thedominant theme of the play_nd none wiD It.­tempttorelltelhlltproblemtotheeIptrierw:e...hlch we all share.Vladimir: We have to come t.eIt tomorrow.Estrqon.: What for!V1..t: To wall forGodot£It: Ab! (silence) He didn't t'llIJ:Ie!VIad:No.Est:ADd_lt'.toolate.V1Id: Yts,llO'II"lt'snigbt.£It:Andifftdroppedhlm.(PJluse)Uftdropped him!Vlad: He'd punish us.

For one reviewer Godot, the mysteriOWl~n ...howillnevereomeforVladlmlrlndEstra(lon, represented "the outsIde." Thereviewer a prisoner al SIn Quentin, wheretile play had been shown-the fU'Sl live en­terlI1nment In Oftr1O years. WIttiq" .... c.ewcreated CGnltemlUon. and raee: amonc ....1ItIleetuIb; the pri300en at San q.mIrresponded lmmediltel,. M_ 01 them bid nt'I'ft"

heardtheterm'1beltreoitbeAhlurd'and1l'er'tfortunatelylgnc:nntoftbetire:lomedebltesIWTOIlIldinI the ptrue. Yet btel.use of them,8edtett'spllySllCl:etdtdlnperfOl'1l'lin8themc:wtlmportant function of Uterature. It confrontedthem ...ith their humanity, with their eIptrierw:eofothef'sand oftbe world around them and theyrespooded to tblt confrontation from theeentreof their o...n lives. The plly for them aoowerfuI~oItbeir0lt1l1onellnelland


words and IIlOVemtIlts b«:ame a living whole.WhIt took pllee It SIn Quentin Cl:mtnsll

dIar]Jly wltb whit uW!y hIppeDs in dasIroomsand WIIftf"Ji:tieI or wtltftover students meet toctiIcllIIllter1Iture.Toooftenfttaketbtootmtiatlifeoiapoem,aoovel,orapilyandkiDIt. We diIIect. livtne orpnisn; ft experience Into 'lrIgk model' or 'comicmodes' er 'lyrics' or 'epics' or 'an~ls'.Wemake of hwnan experience an object to hecluslfied, analysed, and put Islde. What weread comes to have no relation to what ...e knowand f~ lbout OIntlva becallJe It Is nevereonfnlnted in terms of OUT own s1tuaUon. Tbtlludyofllter1lture,tben,c:euestobeanex­okntion 01 OUT humanity; it becomes Inste.dtile objecti6c:ation 01 human exptrience ibt1f.

TblsisflOltoMytN.tllttraryanal>'*bflOlabDplrtaDt and worthwbBe fDoction. For oneIhInc ft are flOIlII Utenry aenlllltS to un­derstand tile wortInp of somethilll wbIdI ftcould never crute. Tbt (lI'OlBI is IOIIlt"II"batsimllIr perhaps todllmlntllng I fine machineand Its ptII'])09flls not to cluslfy the seperate0IJ1J, hut to urQerstInd more fully ho'II' the'II"ho1ew«b.11IbIltvenmore lrutofUtenturewhtI:eftllTe~wlthburnlDexpre:s!IIonandallanalyslsllJ,lUbedirer:\edtow..-dtlfullerundentaDdinlofwhltlst:lJlr--.:i.Tbt~oIthen:tf'CiIl!isDOtto'oto:l'apoemorl

.y,oraDO'Y't1,huttopinanlnal&bl intodleexperience it IrtieulItes and to rellte It morefully to OW-OWD.

Tbt study of literature 1lO'II". boftvtr,doeI notaccomplish this tnd, hut rather results In asituation ...hich Is diametricilly opposed. asituation wh1dl has dangerous and far-reachingbnp1IcaUons. For at present the study; It hu Its bierar·ehitsanditsmy~ritulls;"understancliniltterature" hu become ID exclusift, com­Dbelted art which only few can master. TodiscuSJa poem or a DOvel,one mustkno.. the'proper'tenns,thtrtqubl.teapproaebes;1II)'deviation from the rules set down is reprded u'unscholarly'. The rtsult is tblt not only themtthod of studylnll It, hut also Uterlture itself illregarded as mysterious and compleJ:. Anystudent who naively heUeves IhlIt there Is somecommon element In all tnLman expression wW100II dIIcova",lf'ttr a few yeara, tbathesbart:snotbinc It aD with U-ltfDi.divine beiDp whowrite Uterature. ''Tbe poet", W'I"OIe Emtnon."telll us how it ..... wlth bini". but ft, it~Ren, requireeomplu stills or It belt a~man in the penon of I eritk:, to tunprtbendwbat he 'II"U teuu.: us.

Gradually wbat .... anct the poueaion of Iwhole people, the expression of their sharedexperience, becomes the eseluslve domain of thefew. The rough hwnan comedy of an earlymlraelepllyexilqonly as I dusty manUlCript inthe scholar's library; the heroM and t'VtIltswhiehpverisetothestrettt.I1IdI<.'eISttohive any meaninI and the~ thmlIemslITe otten reprded as quaint uampIes of'popuIareulture'.SbIltesptartllllllflW;oItho8e wbocan afford to (10 to stratford and most01 us forset thIIt ..htn the pl.tys were flfSt ptr­formed the Ictors pllyed to the pit where theIudlence participated in the comedy ICenes Indvol~theiroplnlonsot"themaJorcharacters.

And what is lnIe of the literature of the put Isequally lnIe of the Pf't:'tIIt,flW writers like8edtett Ind Albee wbo try to articIIlate theexperieneeolmodeml1Wlareaeotrl1lYreprded as too CllI:I'IJlIo and ac;-~Ied forDlIIIpeopk!to'llrldtntaDd.

The tffecq of this attitude lITe estrtmel~danc:erouIforbotblJludeoqand~

8ecII1lJe tile study 01 Uterature ill removed fromany~talcmten,the student p.m. theiJ:r:JpressioIl thai an literature b writlell Ia avacuum. 10 my ma.lI)' yean 01 Jt:ady, IrtmmIber only two pr"o/.-. who JincereIrtriedtonplaintbepoliticaland.xialt.ckg:round oI ...hat we were readiDg. 'I'boeewhotake thisa~ch are known among academk:su"lilistoryofldeasmen"andareregardedualesser breed by many. I pertlcularly rememberone professor, who, durini a discussion of thi.Iawro-ch Iftpt its mer!q aside 1ritb tbe angrycomment, "Alter a1l, ft lITe Ieacbi.oI Uteratureand DOl 1Ot'ioioIY". 10 lib mind then .... adefiDite aparation bttwem tbe two and theresult of.uchan atUtude It thalthe.wdy oftilenltw'e af'IeD Ia<b an)' hwnaD penpedift.......boever. THe for egmple S1rift'. esIlI)' AMMest~11Ibp6ectill"udedbJcritk:lu a muterplece of ..tlre, a perf«t aample ofSwift's cruellrooy, his douhlwdged wit, hishorrw of excesaeson anyalde. Taken without thesoc:ia.l cmtext, the piece can he pleasantlyanalyzed .. an~eniouIbiteUectualexerdle,..hereu Itl.ln fact the oulra(led prolesl of Iman who .... u.t the 1IJIPl!rclaal!s trNled tbe1ri5bpeasa.lllltiltecatUeandwboa~to

ooiot up tile barrars of tht situation bJ~thatlthecarriedtoitsklp::alnm­

duRonlOthatthenobiHtywouklac:tuallydineonthe carcuaes of the cbIldren whose pat'!l1q tbeyexploited. The piece ill I muterplece of lltirf,bul It is first of all an allf\llshed hwnan protest;wltJiout the lIOCial context, the work IoIes Itsoo..erlnd the very llfe of ita expression.

BecaIlJe literature Is reprded u =Unc In Ivacuum. ltudents pin the Impression thatthtycan~itbyMloplincthtiarlOllIlld

ribJall of the cultists who Initiate them IDto Itsmy$erie:s.11Jeyceue to repnI. ....... t tbeyr-s_ hlvinI any relation to their own liws; .."studenq who respond suhitctlvely to I poem era novel in In esuyarepnerally maned down.GraduallY,enthu.sia9n and intensity Ire stifledtoherepll~hy.drylntellectualobJectlvity

hetter suited to the rational discourse andoedanticlnalyslswhichlcbolarslovtlOmueh..AnystudentwhorefuseltobeJtifJedeither1olelInterest In literature allo&ether or adapts IODUDterructioDwbIdIlseQ\llllydaJlCtrous;aDhis~ beeome IU.bjtctive; 11'01'\ IIcategoric:aU1bM1ifhecklelflOlHteorOoeilIlOlundtntand it and (lfaduaU)' anytbinc INmrd Inthe~ is reprded pe:joratiYd)' as"culture", unit fer common hwnan CC&

sumption.It is this m1Iu8e of the word "culture"whIdl

best polnll up the effeet'"thIt'thl!·lcademlelt.­t1tude to Uterlture has on the notHtudent, 01' themajorityofthepopu1aUon. The people 00 not_their own hopes and fears, klves and"~beca".theltudyofliterature is lIOlreprdedasanaplonUollolhumlllproblem$~baic

end Is I (If'Nter uodentandingoiOllf'-.l-.lnsteadtbeatudyofliteraturelslootedlpOllulIteriIe art~ by 'ea:.-ads' ldy; t!Ieexpn:ss;Ionofhwnanexperimcoeha.sbecomtlJlIb)ed of ICholIrly inwstiption rathel" than thesubject of tnLman understanding. Uteraturespeakl of the human condition, but removedfrom the human context Ind lIe1tln8 any II.unanreJPlI"'l!, whatever It M)'I Is meaninlless. And(lW IIlO8t people litenture b ~;ShakespeareandSwift,AlheeandBectdtareoftea.-redat,lIOlbecauatbeirwortii~butbeeawlethe~tolt"


removed the vital human Ink.. The people blvebetndeprind 01 thtrlghl oIae1nI and un­~ tbe rtlIMl beautiful hwnan q.......oItbdrown~andbel::au.oIU.taDoIWlare~btiDI deprindolaperieDoeibeif.

INTO A CORNER andkMdhlmht"..writincshlt and couldn't get......y ....lthitNO'\1I',ltlanlght.ndtimefor_p.Ever'}'Olltla

"'"from prblge-lluttlnlliftqtbeirSQOUu......­........lo_tbdrgut.­11IUl'turgetbepoW

""""'.., ......IoJtuftuptheir mind's ass

~polI"'"nlered down 10 II_to~tbebluebloodl.-­

Boo! 10lI wtiWed bularda!KmnetbPaIcb!o

Our uperience Ia being exploited and eroded.nd lht mostobviou. .....y in which thIa lsblp­oenlng ls through wblt ill commonly caUed'mua culture'. Beeaua I am.speatlng .boutIiter.ture.Ione,IUlethttenn'InUlIculture'.Beeaua lam speakinc .bout Iitenture .Ione, I_lhtterm 'lDQlculture' torefertotbesbortstories 1rbidl .ppear in widely rNd mapzinesfparticu.larlylll'Oll'*l'a~)totbe-*

lDIlII1ridelyJlQl'dluedlnbook.tons(bolipitalnmu, COlbic romanoes, Jamea Bond. etc..)and perhapl moat Important to popular fUrnsI'hich, for most, blve taken the p"'ce 01 tbe:heatre.Muchofthilla, quitebllnUy, truh; itla.nsipld .nd lRIperficlal, but these peJoraUveJtscrlpUons do not uplaln why It II tMust upoa.lS,or,mol"eirnportant,whatltdoell to our un­intI.odinc 01 ourwtva. Perhapl • few!UIDPka-with eomparbons-will htlp to sbowdIIll~

Tbe film II' 100d pl.ce to dart and ODe~tbatsprinpreadil)'tomindIlTiltU.


~tatlon,iDla'filhtlvin«coIor,oIthtlives1Il Henry the second, hIa wife Eleanor 01Acqultalne.ndtheitllOlllRichanl, Jeffrey andJohn.Thtplotrevolveslroundthes~for

the ttO'\1I'n .mong the three sons, with eachoarentbfoclting. f.vorite and Jeffrey going itonlUown.Rk:hanlis.homases:ual .....-mDrICet,Jolin " • $Iovm1y ball-wit, and Jeffrey • ~~1Cbemer. Darillttbe mmbupW~ttnx:ltandbroktn,nluablewomenarepuadfromone_toanotberandtht~llItuno

• tbe.strugll!forpow8'~rtvtaled.

yet the flhn Ia btUe better than a ailllationcomedy, perhapl beat qemplified by Eleanor'aown c:onunent; after I'ItI' hwJband hN left thtroom In. rage upon diIcovertng among otherthInp that she stept with his father, EleanorealrnIy review.!! the IDISI of Intrtgue andOCIn1IptIonaroundbtrandmnarb''Oft wtlI,rvtr}' family has Ita upa and dowN."

WbatllparticularlYdallctfOU.!labouttbilfilmis tbat it b praented II a pat cultural

achl.evernent,thebtatourSOCitlycanproduce.Totaktthlaand~itwltb,..y,Shakespeare'aKincLearwhkbllaJaoalCudyoltbI!*"&IIeforpowerlltornulbowlbalJowthis film rel.1Iy II. 1bt ligbIofLear wanderinIbaIf-madonthe.!ltormy_II.mol"e~


tritecomp1alnta, becauaShak~attempesto elucidate tbI! human uperience, to atudy thteffects of Intrigue on the human penonallty. Hetalks of the l'tlIpClIl.!IlbWIy of power and reveabtheeffeeuofthemiluseofthalruponslblllty.Tbe Uoa IB Wiater treatlpowerua game ..hereoeop1tareahifted.boutllli:ePllwns. EYelIafter400 yean, we IeI'Ve Lear with PDt freIb

Intooww1vel and ourtodtty; W't _" TiltU. .. Wla1tratterha'rinlbeendabiGuaty_tertainedfor.r-boanwithtbefedUlcht_1biAtvtQ'1mpartant .... btt:nmoc:kedandtbat we have beendupd. One piece b,D es­oIoratlon 01 the human eonditlon, tbI! othtr bantlICIpt from ht cmdIUon and a blatant refusalto understand it.

Elcapismisperhapatbelr.ty ..ordlnllll.!llculture. In women'sll'llg&tlnea for uample, ..earetre.tedto~oImarriaga: ..lwelhturobltmaare too euil)'IOlYed and the ba1:IDcebthrtoen bu*nd and wife happilyrtltored.UttitcowttelllDC'tbct'ftlltolhtreal~

oIwomenlDaodtlyorlnpenonairelalioaltlipa.Intbislype0l6ctionwomenaccepttbdrrolewith good ~:~ II an urbmmword; uplottaUon II pleasantly db(uiM1 andthese cherubic creaturn seem bllufullyunaware 0I1ht ttllllions.lId '1IJ[letles whichdrive re.lwomen to read these little storl~lUI escape. Meanwhile, the noveb 0( the~te'a,GeorgtEllot,SimonedeBeauvotrandOOria1..esaillI-..omen who write bonestly aboul their~onthe.tvaoluntvenily

1ibnries, and AIbee'a portrayab of lhtdesperate realities 01 marriqt are praMlted to1UdienceI00baredintdiectl:lais.

Menc.nfindtbtsarneaortofe.!!ClptlntbtcounUesa IlOftlsof tht JIlMI Bond type wbert.totally unbelievable htro performa .c.oIutelyinl:nld.lbJe feats. The life atyles of men lIli:e Bondare totally alien to the people who read thesenovel.!land yelby 1dentlfylnc thernsetveawiththt htromen, thty can forpt for. few houra thereal word of seemingly Inaotul»e probiema,whidI IUd! ~I.!I lpn. n- pMaa 08«neither an bpIonUon nor. eacape frun lbtmandthtltappealb~teatforU-.feel


In IbI! me.ntime. Diclt_ wtae noveb firstappearedlndaily~rtmllna'lIIIIlefor univenlty.tudents only, and yet, for.lltheirfaults, his were novell whkh .Itempted tooortr.y hoM!J:tIy the .ctualsttuations In whichthe ITI.iJority of men lived and ..orked.

llean be.rgued 01 COU/'IIe thilt grut ..orb 01liw-.ture .re rudily .v.llable in _ form oranoIbertortllMlpeoplt.1bIs1llrueboweveronlylnaverylllfTOW-.Tbertareet-,oaperbaclt ediU- 01 molt literary master.oieoeI and TV and the nJm occ:uiOlll1l)' praenta Shak~rean drama or. modern play, butthe best 01 live theatr1l-ay.t StnlUon;t......q atiIIorohibitivtly upensive for most, II areuro:iuctions .t the O'Keefe Centre in Toronto orthe ne.. NaUonal Art Centre In OttaWI. 'Ibe!argellt,$tiI.IlTI.igadnea, TV Ind American film and thtitfare.!ltldomri.!les.~thelevtlolbanal

~-Tbequeationolcostl,bowt'ter,is.minor_.1 tbiI point aoeptllit"-. II a aymptom 01

thewlderprobli!m. Andthewiderproblem--UltorobItmolCll1lllre-buitsrootslnour«:oDOlDicaystemandlntbedaal\ltllnoiourlOCiely.InNorth A.rntric:8, ''JnasI culture" II an indullywtae main object!" iI the prodactir:m 01_IIDn« &oocb (In tbia e.t fIID-., DIWtb, TVItlows, de.) for prmllt II tberefcre concernedonly witb producInc a saleable oxnmodIly; Itaconcern is with the increueofretunlon In­WlItment, not with an increase of human un­derstanding or!II. Thtrefore, our u·oerience Is merclJessly eaplolted for " ....bjed1JIIt1tr"andreturntdtouslnaformlOdi.!ltortedand 10 superfJdaI that it islJmoilt in:Jp:JsaIbIe to~lnlttheprob~andquestioos,lbI!

~tl_ and rictor'iN tbat mae lIS bmnan.But by dlstortirlI our experitnee the mua

cuJlUn! indlIItly carrita out a IllC'Ond mortImportantfunctkln:tbalol~tim:l.Like

1/1)' other, tbIa inckIStry iI doIeb' related to.DOftl'strudw'ewbicbhuavtlledinteratlntbe ...y ..ethlnll:.nd.ct.A.longaswomenconllnuetoldentlty ..itbtheimlgeoftbemJelveswhich ls prfttnted In fIIIpztne fiction, forexample, they will continue to wanl the C'OD­aumergoodawhtcb.eemtobr'tnc them~ tothekleal.Capltalilmdepeo;bonwomentoba,.~peroemolaD_looda,~

fnm~ prodacta to boueboId wares.. AndaDoIU-inltWItrieIdoepeadfortbdrllln'tftlontbeD!ledO'tlltedln1rOlllelltitbe!'byo:tinct~orbythemortlUbtlt~tkJn

orocess whIc:b the mua culture induatrl'1lf'I,,~lOadepUy.

Andtheconcembnot.lwayadirectlyrelated..ith getllng us to buy. Malll culture.!lh.apes our.ttitudes to ~ry moral and political questionconfnmtlnc us. A br'ieflllllysb of the few fUmIoroWetd In the last few yean rnub thefollowing 'meaDge'; Gatu WIle'. e:-mc U"TER+RACIAL MARRIAGE IS OK.IN CERTAIN srnJA110NS WHERE THEBLACK MAN HAS MADE lTlN WHITE TERMSATWlUCH POINT HE WOULD NOT WANr TOMARRY A BLACK WOMAN ANYWAY. "lid fat!It Streeta: 'tHE WPPY+DRUG+YOlTl'HREVOLT SCENE PRESENTS NOSIGNIFICANT DISTlNCTlONS; ALL THESETYPES ARE IN THE'SAME BAG, THEIRPRlMARYCONCERN BEING A DISTRUST OFPEOPLE OVER30!: THE DISCON'lENT ISPRIMARILY A RESULT OF THEGENERATION GAP AND HAS NO'POUTICALOR WORALMO'nVATlQN; THE V1t'roRY 01'THESE TYPES WOULD CAUSE MASS CHAOSAND DESTRucnON. De F'IJItt; neD InCUriIt Russia, justice mN; the man withIntegrllywilleventuallywinhlsCQl!andtheorlvatevictoryolonelndlvlduallsproofthatthings were not--lls bad u they~.nd therefore lUIY Il:ind of broadly buedIOCtf,lrtvolutkJnll~.U... lnllOmtcues, student l't\'OItl.!l justifiable; but It beumtilDyanardlisUcanditafIIIlnproponentaareconcemed onlyWith tbdrownprlvalt bfotlle;thty'-lIOD!ledloCl'Vtrlbrowtheentil't-"Cloll~andlndeedlhtnllnoll8C'fSlilyfor

theirdoinllO.lbaeeumplea have been~.t I'IfIlku1.

I1Iert are tbouands mol"e and udl medium­flhn, TV, novel, maga~lemenb andeompounds the message of the othera.

Ihad.!lllldearlltrlhal.neaent1llelementofmassculture la..pIsm and It 111mportant tbatlift llDderstand how subtly thls process worb.Mudlofmuacultun iacwertly-=apial In the

(Coat;llMd_Plae IO)


The exploitationof experience

=e..~..:::. ant,la ....ptureol~;III Ihtdesertl 01 the btartLet the belling fOUlltaln start,latheprbonofhlldl,­Tucbthefreellll.Obowtopr'lilt.


(Continued from pate 9)cnstIltalicn 01 1IIVU.I people and illcrtdibIeuperienca, wtIidl dtf1ec:tI our .ttention fromthe world of common dIJ ill wblch we tift. Butotherpil!<lell,liII:etlloeeoutlined.bove--arImore tenuous. In tbem we IM:In to lee lOme

vque outJiDe 01 our own ttptrieoee, but hereour ldentifbtkm witb the benl cbs DOt lead uto eqtkn thlt uperieQce men deeply. Rltberwe accept .ariwsIy tbt raolu.tion tblt boraented; we do not work through It 0lIrIt1vell.The bel'1)" vletory mPei u feel thli ourIilLlation it QOtu opprtsI!.ft u itMmll; hitdefeaIC'llOTiocesUllthltwelfft'emistlltea.boulthe ..tureoltbtprobiem..Beat_lbisn_oeritnt:eit~llldlrnmedlate.lIprooride1

nooppor1Unity'IWthetypeol~wbidlbneceulryflWa deeptr undentandiJlg, IMll'daait encourIie action or resolution.. It merdyc:almtouranldetyandretnfllr"eelourotmeenM

~-­AllofthillmllJaeDfarr.-edfromtbe.ttitWes Iowanb lit.erlture ID tbe uninnily;but In actual tact the one perpe:tulta the other.MUI cuiturt II deceptive In tblt It Rems tord1edouraperlencewbeoltbactua1lJcIistortInI it and prneatillc our 'lIlllIentandInIlYet the ".t lI.tenry~ tt.ewbidloifertblm.fc.btand~oI"'Uvemindlrmll.illlDtbebancbolmmwbo

objecliwlyexperiencf: and up It of itl vItalily,removlni It from tbt humin eontat. TheOOSlIlbWty 01 • popular understanding 01Iiterlture it prevented by t!liI objectlfk:ltion andbytbl....-kmetbodoloc1wbid1lUn'OWldsltislult1.SCboIani.vemldetbe~oItheexperiencf:oIaUpeopIetbenclusivedomailloitbefew. Thulthetenncuiturtl!liftllnmtlIling;itnolongerdelcrlbettheen~JifNtyJeof.

oeople and the IIlIllf formI and mediumIUnugb wbic:b they aprtsI tbeir commonnJIlditioll, bllrefen to ... av.-aand_tiaI are. 01 aperience opm 0IIlJ' to !beIeisurecl,!be wealthy.1Id the InIeIlJienl In.c1a5llorientedsocitty,cuIturebecornet.1)'IIlboJof,tatusand II It therefore no ICCIdenItblitherKlUveluricbehlvelhrl)'lbeeautirtudflW.tlemptinctoacquirlQl1turebJ nlIIectizlIoaiIltiap,.~thetbNtreandrNdiJ:ll'~' -m. CUlture It reprded as •lhing,.nob}ecltobe.cquiredllecaQlltlttheattribute of. particulllr ciull. The "'.y In whichliten.ture it I1udied pupetulta tbiI .Wtude.onee litenture it I"tmOftd from the humaneontut,itbel:cilnel!be~oI.priYiJeged

dasa. Tbe p«ipIe are dtprind 01 any q]id n­weuIonoithtlrttptrieoee and uo.1tempt itIJlIdetoprnentthedlllortlon andaploitatloncarried on by the I1\UII cuilUn Industry.

TbebestremllaaJJlpMIllIvebidoithee1itbt.ttitudeolmany 1CbDWw .... eommentmade to me by. caIIeIpe oImiD11! wbo objectedtotheMertW~oIa-... .hdfftbeca_it ''poplIariza Sblkapeare." Now thefUm hid ffilny f.ults, but popuIarhincShlketpearewunotoneoithem.ShlkespearebteleDliIlly"popuIar"lnthe_lDwbidIthli w«d~ 'of the people.' I bdIeve htand 1thilIIt thlt the 1ftIlqers1 kDow wbo wenl tolee the fiIm.-.«Imedme 3 or. times-btlieve Ittoo.Fortheflnt~hoursof.tiflinI

c1.nfoom .1I.lysls-,sh.kespelre suddenlybecame for tbem • living penon speaking tothem and .bout them. The fn&Ue vitality of1doIe$c:eDe, the trIpdJ 01 crowblc lip, wbkb itthetberJ:lr,oItbep.y,1Udden!y becamerWI andtoUd.1Id the people whole ttptrieoee the Payuprases, raponded. For. _bile the wort 01.(enius.., retunled to the COfi\IJl(Wl humandornI.ln _bert It belonp.

SOME CONa.lISiONS AND DIRECT!ONSFollow poet, foDow rlcht.To the bottom oIlhenight,With your unconstrllning vokeSUil pel'SUIde Is to reJoice;With the fannintI oI.vene

on Saturday, January 23,

from' a.m. to 5 p.m.



make your appointment through the manpoweroffice now....~ THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES

want to make achange for the betterl

There's a plan that can solve your moneyworries at university. And some other worriestoo.

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Give some thought to ROTP. Contact your mili­tary career counsellor on campus.


PI.a•• note: Parking lot No.3,



will". clo••d to all v.hlcl••

n.. Ed. Soc- willbt~. StrMt; HocbyTou...."..""onl*itirtl Jot No. 3.•11'" on Slturd..,............, 23.lMeinnintn9I.m. All MUN lItuOenb III welcom. to Plrtleiplt•. TIImS willCOMiIt of Iix pIIY'1fS, Anyone InIllrlShld in .,.,i... IMmmould ..bmitClptlirl·._to Ed.Soc..._n ..~.

ThI tOUrnlflMM .ill bI • "round robinH __ with 1hIc:hImpiontflip tHIn rec:ei¥irll. c.- of"~H (24 bot1ln).



rink, and are unI.ll:ely to not use II

and if found Ntbblctory wiU be uhibited.U J*libl.e tile owner wiU • brought toToronlO, mainly COW"teIy 01 tile feltivalwil!ll tc*enOlrltributlon by tbeCSU.

Bishop accuses Rooney ofUCharacter assassination"

'~~~~i~~'d' by Toronto students

enaissance '71 to be display of student artquantity 01 creltlft trOr'It being done wouldbenoraltroublewithlateentr!es.acroa Canada. As -n. the artis1I ~ The csu ••entry forms and they sugatvoIftd1fllUldbaveaccesltoalafle thatentritsbe.cltoftlmmedilltely..uditDte~wtJIdI student artisl:I rartiy ifeverremve.Abotheartistwillreceifta RenaIssance'71qstricUyantthibitiontudicioIa".~tionolhiswortby_ol in all but one category: films; beclUM!oI At the f:D1ibltion, worbhop. andthe many r"tIpected Canadian artisb and the grut COIl iImlIved in makinc films teminan art planned with nperClln eKIlaitiallnvitedfromaUthefidr:bolar\an ther'ewillbelcashawanl.fortbtbef;t fieId.1beClrpD.i%enbopeU.tthefestfn.lahibit. fl1m. will be bUd yearly and in differentcen~

Tbe exhibit ..... <:OnCeived entirely and Any material Joent in will be.-creened eacb time.

t:=~~:m~by.tudents.tther-....:..-------------------,The lItudents behind Renabsance '71

sent out representatives to aU the In­stituUONIO'OUc.nadlI. MUN was visitedin mid-December by Dave Richardson. Hespent a day and. hillf ben! vislUng withdiffCn!ntart groupl Ind with people in­Ierested !nul. Unfortunately be came Inthemirtdleolulma.ndwullamperedbyth15factor,

This ......boutthe time 01 one of the big

~~~~I~~~:.~:: (Conilnued from page I)

~~ten~~~~an ::::=t~d~~~:ma:::b,~ ~~.=:t;::o:;~~~~~~=:::u:: :,:"~thef~tr;~~ =ci.~~:~::

leuni:es. cafeleriu, and music fad1itiea. meaN that the loin to rtrJO'qte the

ke goodBishop dIKounted Rooney's arpmeat by 'l"bomaorl Centn: will be paid off morerna ~':,.u~~·:m.~~: =.~~~~be=.i==::t~~=.~~'= ~..

break.~ Calvert III the Quun, the IIr"O'tllldaJ 100000000l Under the~ qreemenl, the

~-:-~t~~~r: ROODe)'._claimlthattbt~riDk :::,~.:u.~.::=:::o~elected presidmt, Ed Reed from the might be built by the uni~ty 1ritbout to wikl • IeCOQd union bu1IcIq: when the~toban.ttheUnl.Y'ft'IityoiManitobl the ~I beinc pu:ted. Under the nortJIcaqlUSisdeveioped.wasdectedbureauc:bief,~Abbott qroeemenl,therooneytraJ:Jsferftdtothe Theuniversity.lsoagretlltoprov\dllanfromtheSlMary'IJoumaIinHalifn .... unJ.ven.lty to purcbue the ThomIoo aMUallUbDdyolO'l'«lll1O,OllOloensurevotedlnusyJtemlmanllgerandRoo Centnlm.astbeu.edtowanbthecon. that the CSU Ilreab even on theKolplts. • former University of Tonlnto ltnictIOIl of an Ice rink "u quickly .. uu. <Jperlltional COlII4 of runnin& the ThomsonstudentilthenewnationalfieldleCfetary. can be undertatea". (wben .dd!t10ll111 Centre.RegIonal neld IeO'etaries elected at the funds become.v.ilable). BbhopaaYJ thIItconference, aIldt from Crotker, were it is unlikely thai the university wW build If .tudents vole against the propc:ul toGary Robins from the University of tberinkonltlown,llneesuchafadlitylsa Qurdwe the TC') in the referendum, theWaterloo Chevron for the Ontarion region, low priority. 115 SUB fee coI.J.ected this year wlU beand Alme Boody from the University of Rooney Ill)'ll he "suspects" that the rink refunded, and the $413,000 SUB fund wlllToronto V,rslty fOf' the Westem Region. wiD still be I "phantom" In~ or four ltay In tru.!t for • futUR .tudent union

The newly-eJec:ted offl~rs of the veara, but Bishop NYS that the university bulkltnc on the north campus when tn.t

organizaUon Llkeoffk:e in August of this .'::w1II="::""=_="",~="'",_=Y","","'=d",'=-_=='","",.':-;":;;'====~t semester ;~sults leave t----------lr 90% eligible to return' THE STUDENT'S UNION '

IIliftnity~, 'I'be eommItteea ... miN tbcJee wbo , ,ItNlltloftheflntRmtilter neitberpa.-doY'e!'balftheirCOlnl!S,nar

-_,". attained a 45 per cent aYerqe. Thew' ,1t_lYIIemwas~ studl'nts,too,canbere.admittedOllthe.. diI rear, Renoaf Slid, bQb of tIU' put reconiI. Applications .., invited for tN position of CotJne Evaluation

be nlid1y compared witt! Tbe total numbe' 01 students J'&., CcH)rdinator for the Student'. Union. ,yeara. HO'III'eWlr. there admitted by thae committea bas not yet Deedline for application. _ Wednesday, January 20

witb~~:':: :=r~~~.-eases are still Address all applicatiom toalle:u.rr..and~90' ,eIicibIe to relw'n. Only 140 Approximately tOOO regular and partial

IludentI did not meet the studentswrotetbe flrstsemest.ereurnsat

-""Y"'''''~'''ly, M~M"',Of""'''Ud''''~~'''''' THE MANAGER ,of pustng more than half cent havt relllstered for the

"'IJeut4~percent.' ,

':'J~~'~~~.E::~ We blew it, Cluett , THE STUDENT'S UNION ,ecmmltteeonunde:rp-adullte In tbelutilllleoftlle MUSE last term,

.... lIP .-.b-commltteea to we lully bkw d. We nn .... artide bY, ,

.. - .,.:'"",=-~~..::: ~o;:.:";'::;,:"':~P,';."~:.::.:: THOMSOII STUDENT CENTREfIrIt review the put Centre by the Student.' UnioD ahd ., ,

_whoeltheratlainedthe45 counter-artide by CounciDor Davo:«..-:1- half their ROODey 0PP<*III tbe prop08L Where we

.ttaiDIDc!blt DeC'eSSIlI'}' 45 IOOfed w.. m rwdchi.D& the by.JiDa on ,• 11lt or:mmil:teel .ve tbe the two articles ~ t~t Rooney'. DIme'

ItI'Nlbtl oert.ID lltUdents _attacbedtoBiUlop'.article,andril;:e.... dlall"ftClOtberebaDoe. ~Sonylboutthlt. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ...

Moat 01 the IOl\iIwhicb they performed In the CCIlnItaintdon their.IbumCIIIltd "Full HOUle". TheIlUld."is almtwt euctly the same ... it was in concert,itw.. muchkludtf'live. The fintlOlllln the ........while.._1l.mplt -.. witb. slmpIt mdody aad ••hatmonlcs. Thrirhannoniclareusually in ...._wouJdJinlharmonksin.It·salmoatulflllt-'.Iibbed,althougbtheraultiscemplttdy...... 1bef\dlDe ..1ISIlI1,btbe<kJmiDaDt-.olDOttisaainstrumental1bemo.c.fucilIItiICtbis ..... istbatt\"tl')"instnJmentisplaJinlIWl...,.~tedmelody ilium-.~ the t..••• ~C'OIlIidtrin&theverytastpK!toldlt ...kept from becGminI monotonous by Xftral...."SIotb"b.lJptoiantl.- althouCblt~'1iI

bead and teJ] you that II. bed tbinc- Ifenrlbauntirll.themekldyol ..Slotb....BJlbisI_dlIl.yourbtad,eYeIlafter_IbttnIn&.1be1nltnlmelltllvery tffective--llow and dreamy lite tilt rest " lilt IIItIltinte:nlltyandemotionbtfOl't~turnin&lotbt...main put. "S(rPatricltSpense:"b.traclitlonal bIDtdthe ... II II • Itralght-l'orward IOIlg with ...common to many bll1adlI and folksonp. 'Ibe I"Mt " "tquallyenjoyabltandtJ:ctlltnt,COnIb1n!nclooct'"terntlnc.ndlmaj:inatlve lnstrun'ltntallnter\udet.iJIW1!ll bllanoed.lbum.


h~ I)'·rd. Pt·11

Another Interat\ni and long.waittdalbumiltbe"Gel youry.YI'1 out".1'hII.1bum wu rt!IC\ll:'Oed ...Amtrican tour and IhowI that the Stones art IIllnmonpowerfuiliftthantheyartOllthtir..-u..o.IttIIIttheraw-mgutay\magttbeymustdilpllJ.the .anp were taken frGm the "Lei II BIeel!" .....UM!InVaIn.....HonkrTonkWomen·'and"u..nabodo.coupIe:oIrod;.ronlOllglfnxDtbelr ....."UUleQueerde"and''ObCarol,"mowiIII..we''andthllttbeJeanpblJrod;6:roll.bttIer"tIlIlIuoafftct.edand not just nosta1Pcbecal* _I.....tftrslltbulbowninlDOltolthe5tonts·.... IO..

11ltrt is. of ptrfOl"ll'lml. however. whoilt'lexcellent.nd who perfonn only for their own tilenjoymentol othen. They are juJt simply Rood to.,!dItotitheronl'tCCrilorUV't.NoOlltcancriticiulbem.t11".vant.-pf'dt"-mfor nolCliteringto populartalleI"Fairport Convention.. In this CllteB«Y. "FaIrpol1haV'tgeaUycontributtdtotbt~inttrt:rtlnold

ttartlnc to be recognized sUebtly in NOI1b America. I.._tbIImperform.t.conc:ertinLondOllIast...-.IncredibIIII!StrlJ'cl-nd".

"Fairport ConV'tntion.., OIl the other hand '""rnusiCIIlly pro6dtnl on their rupective instrumIntI,'-llO IJltIItai effort or inttl'Jntatl.Oll from the.udlmct.A1i111thtrew~fivtlnthell'oup.comprisincelectrie_acoustic pital'l. fiddle. mandolin and drunu. EYer1fIl'drummer doubled on another tnstrumtnt, maklnc It 1Iri'OOlnt exactly who played what. The fiddle player ••mandolin " ... however. the most impressive. He ...loy to watch while pl.ylng and could put.ny Amel'teInolayer under the table.

IttiltiDmybelldtbltthereareldJalwldfalfi~todaywboirlfluenclttrmdsinmusk:-mwlxld.-tol..~effect... tbtmusictoCOflle.AD.CICIIen~tnthmown_J.buttbdr1fOr'lldoeiIlOtCltT)'thewor\:ofotbt!"performen-mbdptoregener&lelt.n._tbltE1Yis,titbougbbebMIworkhridebmtalldwtW style of musk .-.dically. did not t.ft lbtklniIUtillC effect .. did sud! people .. Budd1 KtI.f ..Dic:ketl, Carl PeRinI-m Uttlt Richard, DoDIddifJ· T\If'kunP on EIflI' bandwq... muslca.1ly .Itbou&h bf\urnptd0ll tbtIrsslightly. Indeed itb. known facllbltllr.t R.C.A. recordI sent Elvis out to ttudy Do DiddIer'.td.....poU011'leatre In New York. Where is.U this ~ID,,.ask. It b simply an.tttmpt tosbowtblt the not.lw.y. obvious and succasful. WIIItft"­of u succasful.nd Wluentlal In music today will prolitIIlIand btcomt obIcUl'e.

KONICA AUTOREFLEX T 35mm lingle "". reflex ClImeB;filA 51 mm standard lensindud";intl~~1emes

with comptettl ..,.tern of,.; eutomlltic expotUl'Icontrol; through the lens ~lIht

meter; In excellent condition;price, n_. $300.00.AAGFAMATIC 35rnrnr..,e-fjnd. ClIm..; in excellentcondition: prag new. S12O.OO.Pl_ oontec1 CAMERAMUN,Room 204. Thornton c.ntrl. orphoN 51f.5234.

Watching television?Studying?Having a party?Going home from a

movie?TherI drop in at your

nean!$t Barney's ChickenBar. You can get KenlLlckyFried Chicken for any sizegroup. Buy the Family~uc:ket or Party Barrel. theThrift Box, the Dinner forone....or the Snack Box.




For UnMnity Students

POSTERS - CREATIVE PRINTMAKING. FABRIC PRINTING__ Construction of screen - muttiple colour. stencil techniques.- No previous invotvement in printing necessary.- Basic Matertah supplied

SUrting Thur-.lay. January 21/2.00-4.00 p.m.l10 sessionsl$5.oo/E415

REGISTRATION - Room A14, Arts and Administnnion Building Monday throulllFriday between the houn of 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.• and 2.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m.

For further infonnation please call Extension 2205.

Take Home StoresComer Elizabeth'Avenue& TorbayRoad 72lHi818 or 72lHi819

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Topsail Road 368-5005ISrop.ShOf)~

Kt~;bjpied &Iti~~S. ' • .d" So w'" ,

'iii lInjer Iitkj(JQ(/:Barney's


friendl)' reliltio. with tbote'ecVo)'Ul&·IIIIUU",ofcoDtrolOYU tbe &tudent bodyColltequently, _IIY lIludeatleaden, elected 011 pliltforma of1u&b pnncipk and reform ha....IUccumbed;leftwallowinl;intbeflY'OroflheAdminiltrstivedite.

The respolllibllily forQrllnisinl .nd IIlmuliltinlcollect.i""lctioniaperbapsthearea III whicb our presentcoulldl bll hired mOilnotx:eab1)'. We b.n yet tOileoDllenenlmeeti.. olllude"tIcaDed by lheCSU tllia year andWIth I ..rielY of ql>lStiD.anlinaoulofleftnlpetitionaand otber oontr'01'eraial mailers,it etn blrdl)' be for IiIck ofilsuea.

Our lIudenl unioll,lojustify• yelrl)' re,enue ofIpproximllely SISO,OOO m\lltbecome In effective 'dude of1ClJOD. rdonn and protectionfDlumemben.

For Itt_ ruto... I Ippeal totho_ who feel they CI.Iladd'blUe bfe to me Unioll'l f~ble

frame 10 tt'll tbe ehoiceoftlulyears KINGMAKERS .nd helpIIftenle Ihe human initiatifl:required to proteet studenllfrom ineffect.incouneil..ndtopul .n eftd 10 tbe __muter

reliltioDJhip we studenll DOWh.rtewltbibeldlllu.tra.oon..


on honorvy dqrees; 3) studentpmsion for lerm brea.t; - 1 ukyou. to up1l.Ulibe IIlIlld 0lIf

prneDI look on QdI. ofIhoIe~"WhalltaDdr

you say. Thal'l riahc - "WhatII.Dd'" In each cue theywabed their h.tnda on .ny~Ipoolibilily.

Sinee I!udent eouncilelectiolll will lOOn be roll".lrou.od ODeC more, wc abollldmake it our rapollIibihly thatlIudenl leaden be required 10sbaw co*enbly mo~ .,.or,cOllaciclltioulnell Inddetermlnalion if • rtl*11)'dillDteenl1DllludenlullioaltlojulilifyitlbeiJl&.

The .ttulide of the preteOIcouncil loward. IIOcietiea huserved to IInllale man)' of IhemOUI of exisCence. The dormantillite of lbole !bal remainmdicales lhal IDIn)' IIlI()R: b..,e'Dbul~nuptbellruAielo....,.

The lrichtaolllll. Ied!mqut'l 01Ifudentreprllenlllionba.fl:belfloUlmoded unlll the YeryIlructu~ of our Union basbec(lme.lma.t oblOlete.ltiiooIonget funelionlnl all. Union.Ill-equipped 10 meet thech.lle~a of Pr'OII"c:II ', it baa t"IOlnd into.f~rated MlVlICe orpD.iolatioll.

It 11 impot1l11l 10 tbeIdminiltrataon to hue n:ry

Sir:A Dumber of studeflll wllo

like theraC of III luft IpUI tile1ul week .anDt from oneline-uptotheneJlt,fromollitday 10 the nnt IRvoic:inIoomplloinll be<:aute lerm Iflerlenn the)' an: IrQled in thisinhumln w.)': ha'fil\& 10 lIt.ndfor hOUR in tedioul lino-ups..A1lboqb beire'IOiced illlt'JIUIWtlllc:)'.reneYlrhQrd;m.)'beit'lbeea.utetile oomplliDta an:n't ol'p.Mecl;1"- plaDCilrt sbou.ld fo..... 11\orl.niulioD -- IIoioni«-,,,,-

Sick isn't 11 -- lhal we Ire

aetua1lyuniolUZOd.nd)'ethaft:nolt'enalh!WhaIQchoneof ....buloreabeillh.twean:plrtof. union.ndtltu we do Ii.VIs1rellllh to la;omplilh our needaonly if weplllh for melD - bywhltewt'r mQna neeaaary. We1110 ba.... 10 reunttlltweDeedaden: willi lUll. It'lone ItwiIlolll.nd in front of 1M 1Il1ldeotslI)undq like OaJe Ca~..,.lrnIl eftrytluJ\I IOUnd DlICe• dIOlY-II'I.nolberIOlUftdup 10 the dnunlllralJ.on.ftdSI)' "You've been Iuovilllll )'ourWI)' 101\& enOUlh, now we'l doitourw.y."

Now if I could brillllO mindthree indepeftdent t'Venll wblehlook pbceduriDI thepalll)'ear.l) Co_ by C.._ protat .1the I.II"port; 1) MUSE editonal.

os 0 static on Thomson Centre questionWarns against stunts :~~~i~~~:o.;:h~~~ldr:.~e b::': ~: ~m~~l~nih~~:~n~~; ~a:~ ~I ~ ~~e~~e:

Memorial, or is it • new bllfden more IMn we hlIV1' now. into .-0111\1 (Of tbe porl;hue. belie¥e. Therefore tbey mUll \lie

to be plloo:ed llpon the .boWden -Repayment ~r the I Idrile the students of thil Rdl trids 10 Influencc .. toof OW" Itvdent body, at 100 loan I? the IlIIIqrlllty whidl • 10 llDiftt'lit)' IlIOl: 10 be taten ill. by IbQr .ay of lhiJlkiIlI..

tre~'":=:-= IOo;::~... ~iIl~~~ '':, ~I~:r..:: ::'blC-=~~:==~~ JOM RC~~~~open 10 "" in lhiI proposalw, coUected O'UrtJut; period. There

:ellltra:~~:~~e:::eio:~ :~:~:n~:o~oS~~ Sir: Rooney's fears allayedTho; S413,OOO wbiell we will the COIl: of Ihe nnont;(IIU Recent IctioD,J by Councillor Centre. No ODe f;lIn deny !hlltIl,U"n on. 10 the univenity which will be needed 10 make liP Onid Rooney have ",hle',ntl, the Centre ill inadequate 10 meetIdmlniltr.tion may tum like. the COlt of Ihe rellOVllliollll of made me feel that it was Illiden! Olledl at pretenl Ind the

Ihe cenlrebul undoubtedly tllil necessary 10 tend yOU tltil letter. I.reement pro,ldea the

1ou've set will ha.... lobe borrowed on the HeblucrooalybeendenouDCin& neceuuy hcllltl... Thepub~ markel. The bQucy of propGMd qrfl:mellia between StudenU' Union will Ihen takeIblIlituatioo illhat the Iattn Cbe 80ud of R'It'oll: and tile oyer completely tbe

t h louI CI.Il DOl: be paid bad: until ShKleott' U.n for lhe reDtaI, ~bil.ily for openltion anda oug Ifter tbe wtigemy lou ill rellO'rltio. -.1 opentionl of ........mlDl of the Ceatre..

::-~ :~~~:-ilm:e..::: : ~:~Mes:n~~:l f~a::; ::~~~~~'=io~

h d I yearslilter. c:ertain c:ounc:iUon an: -llinc tbcCenlreforlheuni....nitywiUIe e ue Ih:Ita~;;:t::n~he~~ea1;: ~he~~:::r~~:::~~t~ ioyn:=et::e~n::I~~~:'J:~

for yourself. ~;~~~I~~et~°t;~~:; ~~den~ein.dOil\& their feUow ~~ b:;k t~e ::r:y (~103':~: ::t ~~er;;'so~~rl~ fN~w~t~":::~ ~=a"el{: ::rat~I~) jt: ~w~

Poet. :rs~::Ulor';';~~I~: =~ ::,~rs=;~ilr:: :eot::::=.t': ;~:~w~~~ee:.liI:~= ~b~':='w~~~.~ ~~~tkD illbat ~

Sch I dol1arL, IIlIMi..ttllbeart. UDIOIl Wi! OW" I S2 IIlillioD.

O ar. II ill my OPUUOD lhat we elll AI praent the S.U.8. fund iI blilldina Iftd a new rtlllt wi! be• netlber afford lbe deal, nor beinabeldintrwr.bYlheBoard proylded 00 campu•. In

would we r~i .... value f~r our of Reacnll .nd will continue 10 addition, the Union will hue. I

Athl t money.At.lhelllestmeelml~f lit, unuJed, for m'II)', m.n)' IWlrsntee of aplee 10 builde e. Ihe council of Ihe Student I )'Qrsulllilbuildin&ontheNorth .nother S.U.B. on Ihe NonhUnion.. m.OIioll wu p~ C.mpus beooma fetaible, lUlI_ eampua Ind !he, Board ofaeaplinl tbia IIJIImenl wllb it ill put 10 work for tbe lIludenl.l Rqentl will lIill am' anolher

Pole.t·.c·.an. ....'.;.I",,'~' ,..,i" ~'. Tho .~" in 'bo SUB q~" .. or ...... ,,",1 obJectio.. by .....ra! flllId will be IlKd to leatIc l~ towlrd the coat of cocutl'\lCtinicouJlCillors. The rlllal YOit' wu 7 T .s.C. for 99 yean for IDe U I it.10 2 a~ it ill importlDt 10 note Stlldenl UDioa BIilldma.. The I bope thit letter will dispell

E lhal lhil da. not repraml • loud bu tben fulfilled III t~ "lny doubta lhat anyone has: as toase Up m';oriIy of the mmlbers of lhe .ftd an t\lrtl tbe money OYU 10 lbe aouftdoeaof tbe prilocipleof~u,eil II is my ~inion thai lhe C.S.U. f()f badly needed tbe propoeed .rpmenl.

e h Ibis ,ole .... dflllllled ... renoYaliona IIld extensionl of Yoursain<:e:rely,

w.t a '""ci"W'h·;tb~;·;~ed' is'st~d~nTieaders withA~~~~ood

Black HorseBeer.

The Film Soa~ly hal lined up.coodaetoflerm (tony, acmaul). It starttd IISl fli&b.1 ,,"Bac:lr.:, hnncbaku's pelt film aboot Dylan II 1'J6Sorrenllt:lllUllefromtbeonpnal. Dnc:u"toll.bout H~U's A.b IDd bika (if tlalt'sln,.findudtd, wluc:h In c:ompal1lOD wil:b Wood:IIcd:.aomdb.ill& lbout ...btre the Amnic:am I~ .,\tlll­Fleldl mone, limes CaaMy dOIfll c:otIledy • 0..Ride Ihe HlIb COUlltry, tome undcrpOUDd ~forellDc'-aa:AUthilplu!l"ftOlr.lyqriloodesofr.­The Cltch • you hive to buy nelSoD'stidd fcd•..ltblDOVlepric:eswballhcyare,lbal'l.barpIl.Y.fncDd frcc to four sbo..... Sec Miall'llyiliiIWllcbbolrd in ttlt Arts 4 Admin. Buikhlf&.

N""'IOrr~fUlI.ttbeA"'lonMallisfi'I'CF •• 11 the bell penpk re<,:()mmmd.

"01 count I'm o...enimplifym" blIt 10, I'm rtOl makin, I NIrUI.1I~mCllI: I'm Il>IkiDt, I bope, I poellC..t~menl. IDd th~rdon I eDI be IIiftlpltM lit..NidIo",directorofCllch22.

If N,ke NichOls tbmU simphaly iI tiltovenlmplalil:lhon, we hue 10 be careful .bout wUthom hiI: ,11m of Catdl 22. J05qlb Hellet'l IIQIItl •complex, but It has tbebclutifullimp1ic:ityoflQl'dI22ibdf(e.... flit:r ..hO·sClUyClDbepouDdedillitIDyoDe ..1Io wanu to ICI OUI of combit duty al'tbe

NlCboIIbadlocomplUltbill4()( probably an Unpoaible tilt. Some twe.,..ere d1minatt4; othen., lilr.e Nunc DNCkctl, ­tbcylta:m UlClDRIIfIqutDtiaL WbaI·sJdtiJtbe*ell:ouf.ltNc:I"re boldiRa ICC~thu Dobted izIc:idcnb 11'<* tIlrw.

Rea4ui&tbellOYelyouDD&httlunlr.i1w..wkoomprt:a mto • rtlm bec:I~ to lIl.uch III ftpctlbOll_paoltems. After acana the moN you bqia to~.... ralUy .1IY __ lItl1llf11teria! mtheboolr...lI.OQI1IUIlIt repil.tlOll is tbe lDtlbod of debDUtlIiItbcmcL Wblle'ft:f the _0, tbe -med""*1't __

llrenctband forccfw-oftbcDOftI;Cftr)'tIwlI.but btlk ildeordopcd.

"I bacllormd ._y\<!:....uh wOllJd penni"Ill.... thlt would IuIppeD lala- 10n.tunly, You had to rmd. WI' fotpeoplf.bdI...~- ocIduil_iPl_m 1010 ...... ­Iblt ..ClaJd mike il po_k IIIU rotto bomb biI 0_ blac. 01 Iblt ...auId. ..u tpoaIiWt for tomco........1lCIm, riabl1IC;lI10 a.DIDKU 10 .y, 'Doc: D.nKb ia Ip';I pllne, 100:, .. The style 'nI""lI...d to rmd .Dd mainwlI. If peopk dIIt1tiIn.tunly, suddeDly you bcpn 10C'1'eT)'lhizl,; if Ibey rlnttd,il ... jIUlNlow.1I...... liabtrope:·MiIleNic:hob.

NIchols." the need to devclop.sptcialslyltf.but it'l que:sIlOnoible whether be sucx:«dedc:one:tnlntedtoohelVllyonthedilquelndlettlle,..very connnlionil coune. The mm llIiaht hln "lrlIflpiritoflhenovclhldbeentrlllSformtdiDtOSftr)'where the pic:turc:s would be more like poetic imIpIHollywood Ilorytellilll- BUI lhal would u..experimenlilll,lnd youCin'trtallyexpectthltinldolllIrproduction-Cinyou1

So once spin the old HoUywood show lbt 1< Ind the Clmerl doesn'l do mucb more than f.round, There au. few piec:esofstunninlpholCllrlPItJIllu.dront.kiniorobuttheyonlysctoffllltviluallhertst

OneofthetrutsllhinpNicholshllSlidlboutCatdl"there are really only s few funny sc:cnes inlhepid'"Ihe billel! diAppomlmenl for someone wlto flVOytll atHeller's novel ~ brut.lly cyniClI.nd III thll, but ~.-rAt limes the lIUJhler chokes in your throlt _bel.slrikes you, but Heller keeps you Iaualnn&. TbeIppareotly on PurpoR. Too bad.

Some pcQple m.y lert Catch 22 wbothered to spend .11 lhat money on Ihe mOVle __lIid il all beller .nyw.y. Then m.y be In UoaJCc:ommenl from Nic:hols

"When yOIl Cl)llle riSht down 10 it.y_it reaUy nclm;ift!y aboul apilliilll._DOlb;", bUI Clpililism. ThaI is lOllY, ilU_uDda-Cipiialismthedtcisiolll,eapecilRJ"naoni deciliolU bqin to be nude by -,.not tll~ people ...Iao han lilt ftIOMY, kt ..IIIOn~y iUdl". ADd Ib.t's wlult IlIppN1 ill"pic:lu~, R ...... like C'ld, 22 I~ 1ftIl"I""lhe moral;ty of mODe)'••Dd C'1'n)'IIli.. _Ih.I."

IlImi"i.. l l.DD

,11,iol II Ih



SUIIn, JUUln 241:31'....












Bella VistaCountry Club

Torbay RoadPhone 722-2870

forBookings andReservations

When was the last lime your radio spoke to you? I mean,really saId anythmg Important. It's nOlaJuke box, youknow, and Its capable of much more than news, weatherand sports

Reat radio lives in Canada at CBC stations from coasttocoasl. And it'll talk With you about things you reallycare about, like pollution, pollllCS and protest.Shakespeare or Norman Mailer, hockey or the drugscene, Beethoven or the Beal1es

Radio is alive and welland living in Canada on CBC.











Umew.. cutto.a;:omodateotl'lertean.. Naw the Prince of WalelArena ilJODt,lOtlmtwiII bl! cut

""""'."Beauchamp .bo uld that

cerlllin playert for otheruninnities receive athletic\eadersbip granta wbicb uid. that many members ofthe Btolhuka do I"IOt have theexperience of some of the olherolayers in the lugue. "A Ioodex.ampll! of this is RkbIe Ba,.who played with Cauda'.National Hockey tum. Tber-e~also lOme pllyetl atte.tldinlMUN wbocould~ tbeteam butwho ~ UDlbie to play for om~oranotbtr."

"lfwehad.rinll:onCllmpUllftwould have adequate pnctketlme.IfeelthatlttendatlC1!.tcarnes bekl In thII hypothetic.1rinII; would bl! very Iood. Thebuildinccouldallobl!IIIIfdforconcertIlinoe It would a_ting~tyolfourorftve-"nu ntltend the Beothubolay two sarna apinst visitingSt. Franc::l. Xa"ler X-men.TonIght" game .tartI .t 1:30P,M. while Saturday'. contelt 11alated for 1:30 P.M. Both gameswiD be played .t MemorialStadium.

9.30, t-.n- m_'s II1.30.AclmiIIioniiSOetntl.

The junior "anity b.*~11


1. SWcly Skills.2. O"'tIIo9mtntalrNding.3. SpMd reeding.4.lntatwltand.ptituctat8ll:ing.5. PrHnaritaIcounlllling.6.R.uutiontnin.,..

Coming E,ents

The counselling centre Is

offering the

following courses starting

the week of January 25th.

For further Information and

registration. please contact

Rose Patten. Counselling

Centre. T-6 Room 10

Memorial Beothub <1ropPedtwo Atlantic: Intercollegl.tecarnes!Ntntlttnd toSl Mary' Halifu. 10-1 and 1......

Ed Httbtrt Jed the HIlIkieISllturd1ywitbtm'eep1l.wbiIeCarol8olwil:kbad two, withsingles-going to RJeIue Bayes,Dale 'I'urntr, Jim Dickey, TimRipley, and Bob Maxwell SandyGibbons and John MacCallumscored ((II' the Btothukl.

Beothub1td3-1.tthe tndofthefintptriodinSunday'lpme,t.JttheHustiescamt'1on&intbe!Nt two periods of the pmt,-..oatowiDl$-4,DtnIliIMUflIh1, ROIl HlDOII ItId EdHerbert bad. t.t.tric:ke.dJ tolead tbe way while GerryCameron, Ken Martin, JimDidley,Dil1e'I'urntr,TimRip!eyand Bob Muw",n collected11ngltJ. SIIndy GIbbon! acc:ndtwice for the BeothuU, with GaryDean .nd John MacCallum ad­dine"'lea. The Hustiel outabotthe BeoIhub "'11.

InaniDtenltwwitbtIRMUSEthis week, I..arrl 8NlIdlamP,8e<JCbWtcoacb,said.''OneoftbereuonI for tbe team'l poorsbowingilthelacltofpncUcemn... The other teaJnl In theleagu", lIet.n bour and a baHminimum per day, five day. aw,.",Ie.. We h.d orilinallytehedu1ed 11,1, per week but.the

The M.moriaI ftf1oiI:y hoc:ll:eyt-.n tMM on Sl:. F,.nc:iI Xaw'"X"",en in AIAA action tonight

.nd tomo"ow afternoon. Th.pmIC \¥We originally ac:heduled local lInior ac:tion tonight It

for tM PrirQ of W.1es A,.,., , ~~~t ~ ::T:~ ~~=:but ttt. lui __ '1 fir_ It the Can.,... tM IWM:-p" .....At-., they _ mawd to the &to pity F~AI.7.16.___Ift,.T(HI...t'I~... _1t ntobottl...-ilfrtt.

Beothuks meet"X-men tonight





The Sports Shop





intheluttm'eemlnutestowln wer-e1-l,andGuardlwer-e1-1coinI __y. The 8eothub ." 3141 at half

Nmac:tiolliDtbuefliof~ time and led$UOwltbonly 11atllnlgbtwbtaMemoria1JuniOn teQIlDCts N!ft.. HOft'ftf, a treetake on FOIIilI at 1:U in the ttr. by Cec Pitnoa made theMemorial gym. On Monday nigbt IC'Ol"e 5MI, and lhen Hurley.t tbe Torba,. Recreatioul Itole the ball, ICOnd and sankCentre,theaenionplayFeiklianl another frft tIrow to give HolyIt 1:1$. Crou the victory.

Me.nwhlle,1n the flnaillame of Brian Maloney led thetbe IUllue'. PGlt.chrlstm.. Cruladen with 15 point!, Hurleyin"llIItlonal tournament lilt added 11 and Plenon had I.Frldaynlibt.ttbelYffl,HoIy TooyReardonwutbttopo--ro.nd t.ct from a 1000000t 8eOtIIIk IC'Cftf wltb II potnta;firli.bll!fderlcitand_over OIveBmltorlICO(ed.ItldRoa"emorlaallthelastmDte,~ Rattray, Joe Waddm, Georgetotalc.etbecbamp6onlblp. Wetul.andMllc.eCampbtDbadi

fi:ete~d::bl~:':I':t:: ~-:;;~~~"",,,,,_,ltournament. Holy 0-- finishedwitba 3.oreccrd, Memorial were3-2, Nov. SeoUl TechniCal

ColIep and Winter Games eadI ~======;'I

Tower of Pizza

AM~_,.l1""'_ ,.y~, 10."11 0'" fO' de., hf~ ., 011'" of """""1Or an<lIt~~1I trwl to_lh' kL TM It",ion ....11 til", ..ww. t*YN '-'t NolIdq 1I11111'. B2-tU to 1ObtJifJ' tilt,hot 11It Mit' ..mer wiD k t*YN to""II,., 7.lJ .. IItll tilt NUN lMlllOn ""Y

...., tilt lit_I IY.... uod MOII_Y /IiZII' .t 7.-lJ ...IItll tilt NUN ""1IJI)n "YriI.u.t tlu! T",bcy Rtcrn"o_1 Ctlltrt.

tit Wl MeDllII'W with anrn'II fllf " potnt&. The_Itilc:.ha~.u

""h/lKinnagbJedthe.-enlorsII,-s. 8uTy Koerpel hlidIIIbtlnr~l~andRoo....

$UlDen IDd Toftywn\lllplf..-tbejanion

11 ....~It-.e-t:ro8edtbefint

".W41..1I.tbal(time........ eameOllJtrmcifttbe_lIlIIIlIJWrOWthe dlf·_1lI1'pointabut tbe_lClndaflwTyofpOOlta

IUN seniors lead league



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I'"ot'try by Martin Harllck

Photo by Craig McAllister

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