Page 1: The most adventurous jobs

The Most Adventurous Jobs

The majority of the Government jobs on the market these days are the dependable, yet monotonous day in and day out desk jobs. However, for those audacious and venturesome types, there are careers out there that are everything except monotonous, but still just as dependable as well as lucrative. Examples of these intriguing and adventurous professions include military work, Alaskan fishing, guiding hunters, as well as a career as an Arborist.

A military career is not only exciting and constantly varied work; it is also an exceptionally rewarding career with countless benefits for those in service as well as their families. From the land-based Army, to the sea-based Navy and air-based Air Force, a career in the military is sure to offer one exhilarating experiences day in and day out as they are required to be clued in, alert, and always ready to think on their toes. - Government jobs

The Indian Army and the Army Reserve are the foundation of the Indian military land operations, however, a more technically minded individual would presumably be more attracted to a career in the Indian Navy or the Indian Air Force, both notorious for their forward thinking technological equipment and machinery.

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